Justice Radio

Episode 101 - Colby Justice Think Tank Scholars

Hosts: Ana Noriega and Nazli Konya of Colby College

Guests: Victoria Scott and Lalee Awad, MS

Topic: Join guest hosts Ana Noriega and Nazli Konya, as they talk with Victoria Scott and Lalee about their work in the Colby College Justice Think Tank. A collaborative initiative comprised of 12 incarcerated and formerly incarcerated scholars across Maine who are actively researching and advocating for transformative alternatives to the current criminal legal system.
Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024

Hosts: Ana Noriega and Nazli Konya of Colby College

Guests: Victoria Scott and Lalee Awad, MS

Topic: Join guest hosts Ana Noriega and Nazli Konya, as they talk with Victoria Scott and Lalee about their work in the Colby College Justice Think Tank. A collaborative initiative comprised of 12 incarcerated and formerly incarcerated scholars across Maine who are actively researching and advocating for transformative alternatives to the current criminal legal system.