Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Be Free: Episode 5

The Blessing of God. Have you ever wondered how to get the blessing of God to show up in your life? On today's episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt will show you how. Don't miss it!

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19 Jul 2024
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Have you ever wondered how to get the blessing of God to show up in your everyday life today? I'm going to teach you how to do that. I'm Kurt Owen. This is fight to win and on tactical tips I'm going to teach you the balance between spiritual and physical defense To succeed in life. We have to fight. That's why winners train spirit soul and body We have to be ready Not your typical minister Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago his simple practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win Now get ready for a tactical tip from pastor Kurt Hello, I'm Kurt on on today's tactical tip. I want to talk to you about balancing the natural and the spiritual in Our self-defense many of you get upset Because we talk about defending yourself or we show firearms or we show knife defense and things because you're you are saying You should just trust God and then we have the other people up there It's like I really really really like when you teach how to do this and you teach how to do that The Bible team is all right But I really like when you teach that see the Bible tells us that we have to put those two things together This is what it says Proverbs 21 31 the horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is of the Lord Notice there that we are not just to say deliverance is of the Lord So why bother prepare the horse for the day of battle on the other side We don't spend all of our time preparing the horse for the day of battle because ultimately you could run into something You're not prepared for and thank God that your deliverance is not based on your preparation It's based on the Lord and see these things have to walk together So it's time that we balance the spiritual with the natural. Let's train for self-defense Let's train to prepare the horse for the day of battle But let's also train spiritually and always remember that deliverance is ultimately of the Lord and he in him alone is what guarantees our victory not our bullets and not our Hello, I'm Kirto and welcome back to fight to win This is going to be my last day teaching on how to be free or how to walk in discipleship now really to be honest I This has been more of like The need you need to be why you need to become a disciple, right? It's not really teaching you as much as how to be a disciple. That's one of the reasons that we're giving away This is your last day to receive this It's called how to be free Now there's at least 20 hours of teaching in here. I'm thinking right go to Kirto and calm And we will give you this absolutely free the partners and I want to put this into your hands By the way if you are not a partner or if you've been receiving a lot from these broadcasts I'm going to give you the opportunity to give today because I would like all of you to become a partner and give We give away thousands upon thousands of these and a lot of times many people Don't give us anything and so it would really help us a lot plus in the days to come It would help you financially if you began to support this ministry and we'll talk about that at the end now Let's go back to What we're talking about here in being a disciple and again I think I've said some pretty I don't know startling things because most of us like to believe and we like to think in terms of being a believer and We need to quit thinking in terms of being a believer and instead start by getting in thinking in terms of being a disciple We also need to think in terms of discipleship You know one of the things that we say at our churches is will you give us one year of your life? Give us one year of your life and at the end of the year if your life is not a Lot better than you are today Then you're welcome to go find another church, but give us one year show up Hear everything that we're teaching Get it in as many services as possible hear everything. We're teaching do what we teach you And if you'll do that at the end of the year if your life isn't better Doesn't mean you're not gonna still have problem, but if your life isn't better then feel free to find another church and I I still I Believe that I believe that because I believe in the integrity of God's word I believe that being of the disciples where it's at and as I've told you before I spent years in industry not being a disciple I Would argue with him over just about anything anything. I didn't want to do. I Wanted to give him my opinion of Right. I wanted to argue with him. There were things. He said were a certain way and I didn't want to see it that way I wasn't a disciple. I was a believer I mean I was even reading my Bible, but I wasn't actually abiding in it and we're gonna talk a little bit about that today Look at what it says here in John 8 again Jesus has just said some great things about who he is about why he's here and then in verse 31 He says then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him again. He's now talking to believers, right? He says if you abide in me and my word abides in you Excuse me if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed And why would he want you to do that and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free? That's his whole point of You becoming a disciple is so that you can walk in the freedom that he purchased for you And there's plenty of Christians right now that have had freedom purchased It is sitting there available by the grace of God, but what grace has freely purchased for them They're not walking in because they won't become a disciple They just won't You know it's going back I gave you an illustration in the day about how you've just put a million dollars in the bank if I truly believe that I mean I'm gonna go get it, right? I'm gonna go find out how to withdraw it from the bank But there's plenty of people that have heard they've got a million dollars in the bank and they're just sitting at home and saying I just believe I believe I have it I believe it's gonna come to me. No, if you believe you have it begin to respond to the one that gave it to you Okay, anyway You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free then we looked at an interesting story from Luke chapter 6 and This again. I think I strongly believe goes into what it means to be a disciple And this is in Luke's port at 646 and he says why do you call me Lord Lord by the way This is one of those passages that if things are not working in my life I go back to this passage to evaluate. What's what I'm doing? Okay, because God is not withholding me. That's one of the things you got to understand about that's really the best way to apply the grace message, right? is I Never go into it with the thought that God is withholding. I never go into it with the thought that God is against me. I go into it with the thought. He has already purchased this for me and I am learning how to access it That's how I have to go at it. So he He goes on and he says why do you call me Lord Lord and not do the things which I say That's an interesting thing because we get we've got plenty of people calling him Lord Lord not doing what he says Let's endeavor for you and I not to be one of them anymore okay now Why and not do the things which I say so now he's saying and or I want you to not just call me Lord. I Want you to do what I say? I Want you to do what I teach you? In other words this whole thing is we got to do nothing To and his lordship will show up in our lives is not true If you want Jesus is lordship to show up in your life If you want the protection well, okay, let me get through the story and I'll ask you a question In verse 47 he says whoever comes to me and here's my sayings and does them I will show you to whom he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundations on the wrong and When the flood arose the street the stream beat vehemently against that house and could not shake it for it Was founded on the rock, but he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation And the stream beat vehemently against it and immediately it fell in the ruin of the house was great I think it's also interesting. It says they came to him and heard his sayings I'm amazed at how many people come and ask me for advice And then I give them what I believe the Word of God on it and then they don't do it Then why did you come? Why did you come? When you came to Jesus and you made him Lord, why did you come? Isn't there acknowledgment that he knows how to live life better than you do? He knows more about life than you have so shouldn't we come to him and hear his sayings and then go do them Right, there's a reason we came to him so he I think it's also interesting here with this which of the two men Had Jesus his lordship show up in their life Which of the two men was a demonstrated reality Of what it means to walk with Jesus Was it guy one who heard and did or was it guy two who heard and did not Which of the two did we see the results intended by the Lord Which of the two Actually walked in the lordship of Jesus It was the one who did what he said By the way again, this goes back to the heart of God. Why does God want you to do what he's telling you to do? So that you can live in a house that cannot be shaken Again, I want to be clear Jesus because there's plenty of people blaming God for their houses falling down and it's not God knocks in houses down and ultimately though the storm was the catalyst Though the storm was the instrument Ultimately would cause the the house to fall down was the man not listening to Jesus That's ultimately what caused it Okay, and so You need to quit blaming God when the house comes down You need to realize he is for you. That's the whole reason he wants you to become a disciple That's the whole reason he wants you to become free and listen I know this can be hard to accept because it took me literally decades to accept That God wanted better for me than I wanted for myself that the reason he wanted to be lord was to protect me Okay, but that's exactly his intent by the way again what which which of the two people Exerted more effort in building the house Which of them took more action Which of them labored more abundantly Which of the two The one who did what Jesus said now, so was it legalism? Did it bring bondage? Which of them actually so the first guy could or the second guy who didn't do what Jesus said He could just be walking around free. I believe in Jesus. I listened to what he says, but I'm free. I don't have to do all that And he thinks he's in freedom, but he's actually in bondage He would argue that he was free, but he's bound And the bondage is about to show up painfully in his life So again, remember what Jesus said in john chapter Um in john chapter eight If you about these this he said to those who believed on him If you abide in my word You will be my disciples indeed here. He says why do you call me lord lord and not do what I say A disciple is going to have intimate relations with jesus and his teaching He's going to have intimate relationship with the word of god Okay So If you want to just lay your bible down You you just might as well admit i'm not a disciple In fact, this is the reason honestly That if you need this is our last day to offer it again Go to and let us send you this Absolutely free the partners and I want you to have this resource to help you And if you'd like to help change lives all over the world just like partners are doing today Then you i'm going to give you an opportunity to become a partner and to increase your own personal income So this You you can go to And you can receive this this is hours upon hours of teaching. This is my last time I've only this this week i've only taught you two and a half hours on this subject And this has hours upon hours of teaching there's so much in here you need to help you abide in the word To help you hear what jesus taught us about discipleship and then walk in it Now I want to I want to go a little bit further with this. What does it mean to abide in the word? Well one we can see here from luke chapter six means that you hear the sayings and you do them You hear the sayings and you do them It is not about the fact of you're in your bible every day. I know plenty of people who are in their bible every day But they don't do anything of what they're reading They don't change the way they think to line up with what they're reading They don't change their actions to line up with what they're reading And so they're not really abiding in that You need to abide in the word, but let me let's look at this from a different angle go with me to james And we're going to see some interesting things here and This is in verse 21 It says therefore Lay aside all filthiness and overflow of weakness And receive with meekness the implanted word we're in james 121 and receive with meekness The implanted word which is able to save your souls Okay, notice here you're going to have to take action You are going to have to make a decision to lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness Now ultimately you cannot do this on your own You've got to learn how to walk with Jesus to be free of that What's the best way to become free of that become a disciple now notice what it says receive with meekness Meekness are you arguing with God about what he said? Are you wanting to come up with something else? You know, I I've seen people that uh, that on youtube and stuff. It's like, yeah, I don't I don't really believe God said that I don't really believe that they're not receiving it with meekness Listen, you got to get back down to the place if if this is what the Bible says and that's what it says That is what it says And you need to be humble enough to say it is not the way I think it's not the way I've been taught It's not the way I've been trained. It's not even the way I want it to be It is what it is And me being meek I'm going to submit myself to that word. I'm going to receive now notice here It's not just received with meekness the word you allow that word to become implanted in you It becomes a part of you It is given the opportunity to be water and grown on the inside of you It means that you work walk in more word. You know more word You think in line with more word you walk further on in more word Tomorrow than you are today because once it's implanted it should grow Now notice this this is able to save your souls. Now. He's talking to Christians here Okay, so this is not talking about salvation. This is talking about the renewing of your mind That you begin to renew your mind and to learn as a disciple How you should think and the way you should think this is also how you become mentally stable This is also how you leave worry fretting and anxiety Because this word when it's implanted when you will receive it with meekness Will actually deliver your soul from those things And then he goes on here and he says this He says but be doers of the word and not here's only deceiving yourselves Okay I've had to I have to be honest There's been plenty of time that I heard the word and I didn't do it and I went before the lord to say to him lord There's a strong possibility that I'm self-deceived. I ask you to reveal to me where I'm self-deceived So that I can see it because self-deception is the worst kind of deception Because if right now, um, I told you that the sky is green Jeff is here with me. Obviously we're shooting television. Jeff's here. So jeff could say no It isn't green. It's blue come outside. I'll show you And I'm not taught I don't want to get into all the defragmenting and all this other stuff I'm talking about green or blue. Okay, let's just keep it simple So jeff comes out and he points up at the sky and because I'm the one that deceived them Jeff is able to correct it by just showing them true But when you become convinced that the sky is green and you convince yourself that the sky is green You're going to have to humble yourself and realize that you can be deceived to come out of it It's going to take a move of the spirit of god to get you because now you have deceived yourself And that's dangerous Listen, I tell this people all the time you lie to me all you want to just don't ever lie to yourself Always be true always be genuine to yourself. No, I I'd rather you tell me. I know that's what the word says and i'm not going to do it Then I would you say oh, yeah, that's the word. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes, and I believe that I believe that I believe that Yeah, yeah And then you act like you're going to do it and try don't do that don't do that or try to justify Well, I know the word says that but that's not what it meant and you know That's what it meant, but you're saying that to go ahead and justify your sin stop that just say I want to send Just say it just say I want to send yeah I want to I want to go out sleep with everything that moves and and when it said adultery It didn't say it didn't say much about fornication Adultery is bad fornication is not that bad Now come on man. Come on stop stop Just be honest Don't deceive yourself But you also have to understand if That they're a way To become a disciple in the word of god and to abide in the word of god is actually to do the word of god And it avoids self-deception Now it goes on this, but the doers of the word not here is only deceiving yourself For if anyone is a here of the word and not a doer He is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror For he observes himself and and goes away and immediately forget what kind of man he was Honestly, I could spend an entire week teaching on that verse But ultimately, let me just cut it down to this when you look into the word you actually see who you really are It is the same way that most people have mirrors to decide to find out what their hair looks like Because you don't know what it looks like without an instrument to help you The same thing is true of you spiritually That you need to look into the mirror of the word of god and that'll tell you what you're truly like Regardless of whether you feel like your hair is in place or not one look in the mirror. It tells you it ain't in place right One look in the mirror will tell you who you really are And you don't know if you for if you walk away and act differently You've forgotten who you really were and the point of discipleship is to get you to the place that you're walking in line with who you really are But then notice what it says here and again, I could literally teach for a week on that verse verse 25 But he who looks now notice this he who looks into the perfect law of liberty And continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer But a doer of the work This one will be blessed in what he does Now notice what it doesn't say It doesn't say this one will be blessed Do you know why it doesn't say that because it can't you want to know why Because you have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You're already blessed And you're thinking well if i'm if i'm blessed you're looking around here. It's a hard it'd be hard to prove I know I know because you're not blessed in what you do what the blessing of God is not showing up in your everyday life Well, why not Discipleship He who looks into the perfect law of liberty notice again the point of the word is what Liberty freedom That's the point. That's the point of it, right? um And continues in it notice you do not just look in the word You actually stay in it and feed on it Continuously and that's not all then you are not a forgetful here, but you do the word So there's and then when you do these things what happens freedom shows up you are blessed in what you do It shows up How did Jesus say it if you will abide in my word? You will be my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free You will walk in the freedom that i've already purchased This is discipleship The point of this is your freedom, but this is how you do it. So what do you do get into your word? Take these programs take what your pastor's teaching you you feed on it You continue in it and then when you see something in there you do it Every time you see something to take action on you do it And no more maybe next time you do it this time today if somebody cuts you off in traffic And you're going to instead of where normally you would curse those that cursed you You're going to bless those that curse you and you're about to lower it and you thought well Next time i'll get it right. No start today Don't be just a a don't do not be a forgetful here, but a doer of the word And see this is the reason i want you to become partners because this is what we try to do Practically every day on this broadcast is to teach people how to do the word But i and partners that's what you're doing You not only are you empowering me to teach you because this has a direct effect on your life But i'm also you're also responsible for all the other people that are taught how to do the word And then it's fruit that abounds to your account here again where let's go back to philippians It says where he says this he says not that i seek a gift in verse 4 17 Not that i seek a gift, but i seek the fruit that abounds to your account Now there's two different types of fruit going on here There is the fruit that you get credit for every person who learns how to do the word Every pastor that stays in ministry every pray and and god blesses you In response to it to that because he he loves you and and that's a seed that you've sewn in now There's a harvest now for that seed now that there is a harvest in the world to come But there's a harvest now that's the reason he goes on to verse 19 This verse in 19 does not apply to everyone it only applies to people who partners with ministries He says my god shall supply all of your need according to your as riches and glory by christ jesus How is he able to make that promise because they That they have fruit that abounds to their account And listen you can determine the harvest you get remember luke 638 i don't have time to turn there But it says give and it she'll be given unto you again Good measure press down shaking together running over shall men give unto your bosom Whether that measure you may it'll measure back to you that's another verse, but it's the same concept God is taking whatever you sow today and on that measure he's going to take it Press down shaking together running over he's going to give that back to you If you decide to give a teaspoon today That measure will be teaspoons, but if you decide to make it a dump truck today The measure will be dump trucks Now personally if you're going to shake down press together running over i'd rather give a gump dump truck Because i would rather have dump trucks full of provision not just a teaspoonful This is how you can increase your income When i ask you to become a partnership i'm asking you to become a partner for several reasons one I want you to have heavenly fruit in the world to come I also want you to not have to be dependent on the beggarly elements of this world and the economy of your nation to put you over I want you to begin to invest in heavens economy and one of the ways you do that is partnering with ministers ministries like ours And we truly are changing the world. Will you come right now and change the world with me? Would you do that? I believe you will let's pray father in the name of jesus. I thank you right here. I'm right now I thank you for the people that are already my partners and the people that are Becoming partners today and the people that are giving one-time gifts today or the people that are doing both by partnering and giving one-time gifts Father, I thank you in the name of jesus right now whatever measure they're using today You're going to give it back to them good measure press down shaking together running over It is going to flow into their bosom and thank you. I thank you that'll swallow up every need they have and lord I thank you that you will supply all their needs in jesus name amen Thank you so much. We're going to change the world together. I'm kurt oen This is fight to win remember jesus has risen victory is assured if you've been blessed by this program We invite you to donate and partner with kurt oen ministries Visit our website kurt and become a partner today One of the ways we disciple you is through our monthly newsletter have you subscribed yet go to kurt And I write it every month and if you can't read it will read it to you, but you need these truths go to kurt subscribe [BLANK_AUDIO]