Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Be Free: Episode 2

The Purpose of Discipleship. The purpose of discipleship is so that the love of God can manifest freedom in your life. Learn more on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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16 Jul 2024
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Today on Fight to Win we're going to talk about the purpose of discipleship which is the love of God Manifesting freedom in your life. That's what it's really all about and on tactical tips We're going to talk about how to do a palm strike and why? To succeed in life. We have to fight. That's why winners train spirit soul and body We have to be ready Not your typical Minister Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago His simple practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win Now get ready for a tactical tip from pastor Kurt I want to talk to you about palm strikes on today's tactical tip Now because I normally carry a firearm I really try not to punch people if I get into an altercation because if it starts if it goes from non-lethal to lethal If I punch you and break my hand, there's a high probability I'm not going to be able to grab another tool even grab a phone or door handle to be able to get away So I would encourage you to learn how to use palm strikes now There's a lot of different ways to throw them But ultimately what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to hit across the palm of my hand right here Okay, and what I want to do is I want to take that very hard surface and drive it into their body now My fingers I try to keep my fingers together to give me some rigidity and my thumb and sign If I don't you can do this, but I've seen people kind of break their fingers that way But with a palm strike I can do pretty a lot of what punches can do. I can use hooks I can do upper cuts and things like that But this way I can hit you hard and I don't have to worry about breaking my hand People don't realize a lot of times when you punch the only safe place to punch is below the eyebrows and in front of the ears But what happens if they do something wrong? I broke my hand one time because punching a guy that just got out of prison because he went to sleep on the first shot In my second shot broke my hand. I wish I'd have done palm strikes That's why I encourage you learn how to do palm strikes Hello, I'm Kurto and welcome back to fight to win We've been talking about how to be free some of these things are going to surprise you and again like I said yesterday Part of what I'm going to say you're going to have a love-hate relationship with okay And we're talking it because the only way to actually walk in freedom is to become a disciple You and in yesterday probably said some pretty startling things that a believer is not a disciple because I've had people say I'm a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I'm looking at their life I'm looking at how they conduct themselves and the answer is no you ain't And and I'm not picking on them because I've been that guy Thinking I was a disciple, but yet I was just a believer and we pointed out yesterday now Let me let me just say this I probably should have covered this yesterday But I want to And I well I should have hammered it home here in John 8 and verse 31 and Then it says then he said to those Jews who believed in him now notice as he's talking to believers right that believed in him If you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Notice why it is that Jesus wants you to become a disciple What is his point? What is his goal? What is it he's seeking to achieve in your life? Well, he's in love with you, and he wants you free I think one of the biggest challenges that I kind of talked about some of my challenges in getting saved yesterday I Think some of my other challenges that I had was Stuff like the Ten Commandments, right? I Looked at God as a bunch of don'ts not a bunch of do's I And then you know you get into legalism and then it's like I've got to do this. I got to do that. I got to do this. I got to do that right and in the truth of the matter is is disciples will do There's no such thing of as as a disciple who isn't doing Okay, because your disciples ship Compels you to do not out of religious obligation not to earn anything from God but because You Because God wants this is what God wants, and then ultimately his purpose is he wants you to be free and this is kind of a I don't know Since grace started being taught to the magnitude that it has and I agree with grace teaching The people that actually understand grace people who don't understand grace. I don't agree with them But among among people who think they understand grace, but don't Think that works is is doing anything like anything Praying is a work and I and I agree you can turn anything into a work really But they get over into I'm not gonna do anything because that's just works. No works according to the scripture works versus grace the works that are versus grace or against grace or Legalism is when you are doing something to get gone to love you Doing something to get God to bless you doing something to get God to accept you if that if anything you're doing is on that it is the works that is contrary to grace and unfortunately grace and works don't mix on the other side of it if I pray because it I need to I Pray because it is right for a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ to pray Not to get him to love me not to get him to accept me not to get him to bless me But because I'm a disciple in the disciples of Jesus pray Then that is not a work You know here if you look at this if you abide in my word You are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Understand involved in this is effort It takes effort to abide in the word of God It takes effort to spend enough time in the word till you actually know the truth Not memorized scripture, but actually know the truth from the word of God Do not kid yourself. It's going to take effort it is Now is that a work that is contrary to grace? How can it be? Because the one who's telling us to do it is the one that brought grace and truth Are you with me? And so there's there's a group of people out there that are so self-deceived that they will not do anything and My whole thing is is when you don't do anything you don't believe anything because believing creates works It does If just said today that he Deposited a million dollars in my bank account then I'm going to the bank I'm going to the bank today. I'm gonna get some checks, and I'm gonna pay some bills Okay, I believed him and then works came out of it If I believe that God hears me when I pray I'll pray if I believe that the word of God is the answer to every problem I have Shh if I truly believe that wouldn't I be in it? If I believe Jesus here Where he says if I will abide in the Word then I will become a disciple Once I become a disciple. I'll know the truth and then once I know the truth. I'll be made free and freedom is the actual goal Why wouldn't I abide in the Word? Now there are plenty of people who call themselves and and they are I'm sure that they are believers on the Lord Jesus Christ You're just not disciples And you're not gonna walk in freedom And again, I want you to see the heart of Jesus. He's not doing asking you to abide in his word and do what he says Because he just wants to control you Ultimately He just wants you to be free He wants you free believers are not free look around at our churches There are plenty of people in our churches that are not free Now You know there's and Honestly among grace people I've seen more people in bondage to grace in some in some ways Because they're trying to do things to prove themselves free You know I one night I went out with a guy he had he'd grown up in some Denominational background and he'd gotten ahold of grace. He was a preacher and He says one night we're out to dinner and he thinks he's gotten ahold of grace and He orders a glass of wine for his dinner and now here's the thing I don't judge people that drink, but I don't drink I the scripture says wine is a mocker and strong drink is a brawler Why would I engage with something that would mock me? Why would I engage in something that would brawl with me? What why would I do that? Not only that as a leader in the body of Christ Even if I could handle alcohol and I don't I don't think I could but even if I could What if Jeff is sitting what if alcohol doesn't bother me at all? But Jeff Jeff family has a history of alcoholism or you don't know this about that and then all of a sudden because of my freedom He sees me trach a drink. He says well if Kurt's okay for Kurt to take a drink Then I can take a drink and then all of a sudden his life gets messed up He loses everything because Basically because I drink because of my quote unquote freedom and then it destroyed my brother. I Just don't believe in that not only that scripturally And I know people say well there's nothing in there about drinking actually if you go back to I think it's either Titus or Timothy It says of dinkens. They can't be given to much wine and it says of the overseers which I am I can't be given to wine period there is a distinction now again I don't judge people. Okay. I'm not I'm not the judge. I'm just telling you a month for me among our ministers We don't drink. Okay, if you order a glass of wine at dinner. I'm not gonna freak out on you and all this other stuff That's between you and Jesus ultimately. Okay now if you start getting drunk now That's between you and me because I'm not gonna let you get behind a car and kill somebody. Okay But we're out to dinner. Remember where we're at. I'm out to dinner with this guy. He thinks he's got a hold of grace and He it just for he drinks the glass of wine and he goes aren't you glad we're free as Though he's doing this to prove that he's free and I looked at him and said brother If you have to do something to prove you're free you're not And there's plenty of people that are in bondage because they're trying to prove they're free They're trying to prove they're not religious. They're trying to prove all this other stuff That's bondage still you're still in bondage But then they they cry about works And I'm gonna show you some things from scripture about how this is wrong But I I want to lay a foundation as we go forward Okay, and I want you to think about this I'm gonna give you a concept and then I'm gonna prove it to you through several different scriptures But I want you to think I'm gonna tell you a parable. How's that? All right One day the Lord says to you I want you to start going to the gym Okay, I want you to start working out And you play with it you go to the gym Sometimes at first you kind of hot after it maybe three times a week, but then you get busy and now it's You're you're going once once a week then it's once a month and then you forgot to go But the Lord was dealing you with you about getting into the gym You know one of the things just so you know one of the things about our product we consider this like a gym This is you working out spiritually Feeding on these things you can use these for Bible studies this new product is brand-new actually I don't know how many sessions are in it called how to be free is absolutely free the partners and I'll give it to you and But it's your way of working out spiritually in the gym You can go to and get this product absolutely free. It will help you Now so you you don't go to the gym. So one day you're walking down the road and A limb breaks off and falls on you a heavy limb and You're grab the limb to get it off But you are not strong enough to get the limb off Because you have not been in the gym And then all of a sudden it occurs to you why it was that a year ago God told you to get into the gym because he knew this day was coming and He wanted you to have the physical strength necessary to lift this branch off of you But you didn't do it and now you're pinned underneath this tree So let me ask you a question Let me let me put it a different way, but then there's another guy say say the first guy's me I do I play with it. I get trapped under the tree. Okay, but then there's Jeff God says the same thing to Jeff because obviously we're shooting television Jeff is here and so So God says the same thing to Jeff now Jeff is far more diligent than I am and So he goes to the gym Every single day. He works out. He's completely obedient to the Lord He's walking down the road one day and a limb drops on him And the limb all of a sudden what would have been a struggle in the past or potentially kept him bound the same way I'm across town and I'm trapped under the limb. He's not trapped at all. He grabs a limb He throws it off of him and gets on and walks on his way Let me ask you this. Was it me or Jeff that walked in freedom? Was it me or Jeff that walked free? I'm bound. I'm still stuck under the tree Jeff is among his merry way, but do you know how often People would have said to Jeff and his Christian walk Jeff. It doesn't take all of that You don't need to spend that time with the Lord. You don't need to be exercising in the spiritual gym You don't need to do that. We're under grace now brother. We're under grace And yet they're the very ones that get trapped under the trees God, God is preparing you. Listen, God does not want you trapped under the tree. Now see what Jeff did was He labored entered in and to rest When challenges came he was ready to meet the challenges That came from his discipleship. He followed what God told him and freedom was the result Now i'm going to give you a couple biblical examples of that later on But this is what i'm trying to get over to you Is being a disciplined life does not take away from your life It enhances your life and prepares your life Jeff was prepared for life. I wasn't My lack of discipleship caused me Not to walk in freedom. His discipleship caused him to walk in freedom And that is the intent of the Lord Jesus Christ That's his love for you Is that you be free that when limbs fall on you in life That they do not keep you pinned there forever That you have and this is the reason that Jesus is saying here in in john 8 31 If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free You will be able to lift off every tree limb But will it take effort? Yes You're going to have to get into the spiritual gym You're going to have to get to where you abide in his word and live there and live the word and Then that that you will become his disciple now it is true Disciple literally means disciplined one discipline in in the discipline that the teacher is teaching or the master is teaching Now these guys are not disciples these guys are believers And so they want to argue and this is kind of where we ended up yesterday and I want to pick up here Um now again these let's go back and so that we get this in context Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him so they are believers Right they believe if you go back in context they believe that he is He is not from this world. They believe that he is from above They believe that he and the father that the father sent him the father is the one empowering that he they believe all of that right And then it says If you and then Jesus says to these people who believe If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed indicating Right now your believers you are not disciples, but you could be and if you want to be a disciple This is how you do it And if you will become a disciple, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Again his end goal is your freedom now immediately These believers begin to argue with him And they say They say then they answered and said we are Abraham's descendants. We have never been in bondage to anyone How can you say you will be made free? They're saying to this to a man that they believe is from above that they believe is from god that they believe in him And now they're arguing with him. This is not a disciple They're sitting there saying listen I'm not we are we are not in bondage and we have never been in bondage to anybody Now I didn't I got cut short yesterday, but I want you to think about this yesterday We covered that well when you go to semagogue and they open the book The guy who gave you the first five books of the bible's name was Moses He's a hero of your faith in what is Moses known for Leading the children of Israel out of what? bondage slavery Okay, but then you go from there. You go to Joshua Shortly thereafter you're going to end up in judges Right what happened in judges? They they obey gone obey god everything be great disobey god now they're in bondage to somebody disobey god disobey god Or obey god come out of bondage disobey god disobey god bondage Obey god come out of it disobey god bondage They were constantly in bondage now, let's make it worse though. Let's make it let's like hammer this thing down What about Nebuchadnezzar? Right One of the other heroes of the Jewish faith Daniel Where did he come from? What about that? Shadrach Meshach and Abednego? What happened to them? We were Abraham's descendants. We've never been in bondage to anyone Believers can be completely blind But let me just explain how blind they are they're standing there And they're saying we're Abraham's descendant. We've never been in bondage to anyone About that time a soldier walks by and says step off the street that Roman soldier Because they're occupied By Rome who dictates what their actions Everywhere they look There is evidence of the Roman occupation But they're too blind to see it We're Abraham's descendant. We've never been in bondage to anyone. Excuse me centurion I'll get right out of your way. I apologize apologize, sir. Men no disrespect Got Roman banners hanging places. We're we're Abraham's descendants We've never been in bondage to anyone This is what people do today. They argue with God. They see something in the word of God that says this is the way it is Let's talk about genders, right? Well, there's multiple those genders in that God created them male May let's see. How does it say it? God created man Created he them male and female created he them Mm Jesus said that marriage was between a man and a woman If you're arguing with that you're a believer you're not a disciple If you are allowing your politics To blind you to truth You are not a believer. I mean you are not a disciple you're a believer A disciple literally will yield their thought process to their master And say lord If you were to ask me two minutes ago whether I was free I would have said emphatically yes that i've never been in bondage to anybody But lord by the very nature It's your saying that i'm not free Lord, there's something i'm missing that you're seeing and i'm not And lord though right now i want to argue with you You're the master And i'm not And lord I'm going to change the way that i'm thinking to line up with you because after all i am your disciple Now again let me Today i want to give you the opportunity to accept the lord jesus christ And maybe you've never thought about this before But the whole point of receiving jesus Is not to place you into bondage You know like i told you yesterday on the broadcast i was willing to give jesus my I didn't want to get saved because i didn't want to make him lord of my life Because i thought he was going to take away from me I thought he was going to take away my fun But the truth of the matter is is the purpose of salvation Is so that you can get to know god and he can teach you how to be free The purpose of the lord jesus christ is your freedom Now a lot of times we think just about heaven and hell And so let me let me illustrate this salvation is not about heaven and hell That is a byproduct salvation and eternal life ultimately is about your ability To have intimacy with god That he wants to fellowship with you and love you and if nobody's ever told you that That's the reason that he would like for you to receive salvation Because he wants to fellowship with you and do good to you the way he's always desired But if you're talking about heaven and hell let me ask you a question Which is the greater bondage heaven or hell? Which is the greater bondage in heaven? Well, I have to serve a king. Absolutely. I have to serve a king It beats burning For the rest of eternity gnashing my tea Sitting there thinking about all the times i'd wished i'd accepted jesus But ultimately and ultimately jesus doesn't want that for you But he wants far better for you than that he doesn't want this relationship to end when you to start when you die He wants to have it with you right now And you can know god right now you can experience the goodness of god right where you are You just need to accept the lord jesus christ And this is not complicated and so i'm going to ask you to pray this prayer with me will you I'm asking you to make this decision to have this freedom today Say this with me father in the name of jesus right now I accept the lord jesus christ lord, thank you for loving me and desiring that i be free Thank you lord and right now i I accept jesus as my lord and i declare jesus is lord of my life And that i will not longer serve the flesh But i will serve you Now i want to pray with one other group if you've been hearing these things and you're just a believer and haven't been a disciple. I want to pray with you Say this with me father I may have given you my sin years ago, but now i desire to give you my life For you to be my lord Receive me now in jesus name for both of you. I want to give you some free materials Go either call the number at the bottom of your screen or go to We want to bless you with some materials. I'm curdowing reminding you that jesus is risen and victory is assured Are you walking in true freedom learn to be a disciple of jesus christ and walk in freedom By knowing the truth that sets you free in this powerful teaching series from pastor curdowin We're offering this series on usb as our free gift to you or yours today on our website Thank you for accepting the lord jesus christ today, but i want to do something for you Not only do i want to have free materials for you, but i also want you to call our prayer ministers And you might have to leave a message, but we'll call you back because we want to pray with you personally You have just made the best decision you've ever made and we want to help you in this journey together [BLANK_AUDIO]