Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 20

Faith - Step by Step. Today on Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt shows you practically how to walk by faith, step by step. Don't miss this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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12 Jul 2024
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Today on Fight to Win, I am finishing up on practically step-by-step how to walk by faith. You're not going to want to miss this powerful things. Not only that, I want to talk to you about a self-defense tool and a practical tool that every person should carry. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. You know, a lot of times people ask me if I were going to only going to carry one tool, what tool would I carry for self-defense and a lot of things. To be honest, the one tool I would carry would be a knife. It doesn't matter whether it's, I'm a female, well, I'm not a female, and I don't identify as a female leader. No, I'm a male. But whether you're a female or a male, a knife is an excellent thing to always have. Now, though I do carry karambits and I am trained with karambits, I do encourage you to get a straight blade because it just has more uses. It can cut normal things, but then it can also cut your steak. I've tried to cut a steak before with a karambit while I was on my plate. It didn't work very well. Now, normally I actually carry two different knives. This one would be more as self-defense. James Olson from the Olson Combat System gave this to me. It is a Spyderco Delica. It's very light knife, but it's got an aftermarket ring that I really kind of like. It actually, it hooks on my pocket. It's not an automatic knife, but I can utilize it that it'll actually deploy the minute I draw it from out of my pocket. But another knife that I carry, this is a Boker Automatt Collisionacoff. I use this to cut tape and stuff like that. I never use this knife to cut tape. This is only for self-defense. And so this knife is my kind of knock-around knife. The reason I pick knives for every day is because it has self-defense uses and everyday practical uses. Hello, I'm Kurt O. And welcome back to Fight to Win. We are finally at the last day of how to walk by faith. And I have a lot to say. This is my fourth week teaching on the subject, much to my producers chagrin. And so, you know, I think I told you they only wanted me to go like 10 at a time. And, you know, it just, you can't do that when you're talking about faith. There's just, and quite frankly, I've covered, there's so much more I haven't covered. That's the reason that this series is 19 hours. And that's the reason my partners and I want to get this to you absolutely free. You go to and you can request it right there. We'll be glad to give it to you or call the number at the bottom of your screen. Now, kind of like I said yesterday, I have so much to say today, I'm not going to be able to really truly review. So, let me just kind of catch you up. Okay? For the last three weeks and four days, right? We've been talking about how to walk by faith. And what we've done is, is through Hebrews chapter 6, verse 12, where it says, "imitate those who through faith in patience inherit the promises." What we've done is we found out our father of our faith, what he did to walk by faith. And now, we're going to imitate him and we're going to receive the same way he received. Okay? That's what we're going for. And today, I've got something that is extremely important because there's going to be a point at which you start believing God and there's going to be a period of time he laughs and you are going to have a tendency to want to back off or become weak in faith. And how do you handle that? What do you do while you're waiting for what you believed you received to show up in the here and now? What do you do? I'm going to answer that today. Now, again, let me show this to you right quick just for the sake of time. Go with me to, where did we end up in yesterday? Genesis chapter 15. And I just want to go through this because I was kind of buzzing through it. Basically, God and Abraham have a conversation or Abraham have a conversation in the first part of the chapter. And God tells him, "Do not be afraid. I'm your shield. You're exceedingly great reward." Literally meaning rapidly increasing financial supply. And Abraham says, "That's great Lord, but what I really want is a kid." That's verse two. "Then he takes him outside, and this is important that you actually see it." Verse five, "Then he brought him outside, look now towards heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them. He said to them, 'So shall your descendants be.'" And he believed the Lord, and it was accounted to him for righteousness, right? And he says, "I'm the Lord who brought you out of early Chaldis to give you this land to inherit it." Now, in response, Abraham, because he really doesn't, I mean, they're just, they're really just developing their relationship. He says to the Lord, "How shall I know that I will inherit it?" So he said to him, "Bring me a three-year-old heffert, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtle dove, a young pigeon. Then he brought these, all of these to him, and he cut them into down the middle, and placed each piece opposite the other, but he did not cut the birds into. And when the vultures came down on the carcasses, Abraham drove them away. Now, when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abraham, and behold, horror and great darkness also fell upon him. Now, I need to, I want you to see a timeline, and I want you to see something here, okay? God's talking to him in its nighttime, right? And he tells him what to do. He tells him to cut these animals into. So really what he's doing is he's making a blood covenant with him. So what he's going to do is he's going to cut the animal, maybe someday I'll teach on blood covenant, but he's going to cut the animals down the middle, okay? And there's going to be this pool, this trail of blood in between the two. Now, in a normal blood covenant ceremony, the two covenant partners would actually walk in that blood. They would feel it on their feet, and then they would make their promises, and they would make circles in that blood talking to each other, and they would pronounce the blessings and the curses of the covenant, okay? It's what would happen. And when somebody cut that covenant, you knew that they will not break this covenant, okay? It is a blood covenant. But I want you to see something here. It's nighttime God gives him in some instruction. He shows him a picture, and then gives him some instruction. Now, Abraham was known to get up early and do things. He was, he would do that, because remember what happened when he was told to sacrifice Isaac, right? It says that he got up early in the morning to head out. So, and that was to sacrifice his son, much less these animals. So, let's say that he got up first thing in the morning and cut these animals in two. Now, God has told him, this is what I want you to do. I want you to cut all these animals in two. Well, Abraham does it. Abraham does it. Excuse me. His name hadn't been changed yet. And guess what? Nothing happens. He cuts these animals in two. He has just spent money, because that's money laying there, because he sells livestock. He's, he, he's just spent money, and he's been completely obedient. And now the money's been spent. He's gone to all this trouble, all this energy to do this, and guess what? Nothing happens. Not a thing. Not, not any music from heaven, nothing. This is, we're going to have days like this in our walk of faith, where we're going to do absolutely everything God told us to do, and it's going to look like nothing's happening. Let me hold your place there, but I want you to see this over in Ephesians. I really kind of wish I had another week. Ephesians, this says this, it says, let's see, did not whistle, therefore take it. This verse 13, it says, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand, having done all, to stand." What does that mean? It means you just did everything you knew to do, and it doesn't look like anything's changed, and you're going to have to stand. There are going to be days like this, and to put it in relation to Genesis 15, there are going to be days. You're going to do everything you've known to do. You've been perfectly obedient, and it looks like nothing is happening, and you know what you're going to have to do? You're going to have to fight the buzzards off of your obedience, is what you're going to have to do. Because there's going to be plenty of opportunity during that day to say, listen, I can't believe I spent all this money. I must have missed God. It must not have been God, and I'm just quitting. This is what I'm not doing this. I thought it was God, evidently it wasn't. If it was God, He would have shown up by now. You ever had that thought? If it was God, He would have shown up by now. You've got to fight the buzzards off your obedience. It would have been easier for Him just to say, you know what? I've been out here nearly all day. I'm going to get me a glass of lemonade and just sit down. Let the buzzards have those things, because after all, after all, if it was God, wouldn't something have happened by now? I thought I did everything He told me to do. See, guys, it is not like watching a Hallmark movie where you do everything right and then, wam, there it is. Everything works out. Sometimes you're going to have done all, and then you're going to have to stand. You're going to have to fight the buzzards off of your obedience. You're going to have to make up your mind that I don't care how long it takes. I'm going to remain in obedience to God. I refuse to allow the buzzards. I'm not departing. I'm going to remain consistent. Remember where it says over there in Hebrew 6, 12, where it says that through faith and patience, patience to be consistently constant? You're going to have to do that. You're going to have to be completely obedient to God, and then there's going to be a period of time sometimes where you're going to have to, you've done everything you know to do. You don't know anything else that you're supposed to do, and you're going to have to stand. And it's time to quit being a crybaby and suck it up butter cup and stand. Start fighting the buzzards. That's what you need to do. It's not going to act. It's not a presto magic button with God. There's going to be times you're going to have to stand. Well, why is that? I have no idea. I would like for him to show up the minute I cut the animals in half. I'd love for that to happen, but it doesn't always work that way. But God is, he's going to do what he said he would going to do. He's going to do it because he cannot lie. Now, but here's the problem. How do you remain strong enough to no matter how tired you are, you keep smacking buzzards? How can you, once you've done all, how can I continue to stand? Well, let's look at what Romans chapter 8 says. And again, I said a lot about walking with God and a lot of other, the other parts of it. I can't cover it right now. Please go to and listen to the other services. But I want to get down to this part, okay? And normally I'd review the whole thing, but I don't, I really, truly don't have time. He says, "It's not being weak." Excuse me. Verse 20, "He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief." We covered that yesterday. You're going to have to make a choice to believe. "But was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God." The way you remain strong in faith and empower you to keep fighting the buzzards, and in the New Testament, the way to keep fighting the buzzards off of your obedience is by, by thanksgiving and worship and giving glory to God in line with the promise. You need to begin instead of saying, "We've been talking about believing God for a pair of socks." When the thought comes, listen, you're not getting your pair of socks. You might as well just give up on this, maybe, maybe next time. The devil's really big on maybe next time. Just go ahead and quit this time, maybe next time. You'll get them next time. No, I'm going to get them right now. I'm going to win right now. I'm not giving up. I'm going to win right now. Devil, you've got to quit. I don't have to quit. I don't have to quit. You're eventually have to give in to me. I never have to give in to you. My backing is bigger than your backing. You got no backing, and I've got the God of all creation on my side. But what do you do? Begin to give glory to God. You're not going to get your socks. Lord, I just want to thank you. I just want to praise you and honor you, Lord, that your word is true. Lord, I thank you that whatsoever I ask you, Father, in Jesus' name, you give me. I asked you in the name of Jesus for a pair of socks. Lord, therefore you've given me a pair of socks. Lord, you said in your word that whatsoever I ask you, Father, or you said that whatsoever things I desire, when I pray, I believe that I receive them and I'll have them. Lord, I desire to pair of socks. I ask you for a pair of socks, and Lord, therefore, I must have received a pair of socks, and so they're coming to my way right now. Lord, I thank you that I abide in you, and you abide in me. I can ask you whatever I desire, and it'll be done for me, and by this you will be glorified because I'm going to bear much prayer fruit, and Lord, I just thank you that I've got my socks. Lord, I thank you that you love me far more than a pair of socks. Lord, you would never withhold socks from me. Lord, you have given me all things that pertain to life and godliness, and that includes a pair of socks. Lord, I remember when I didn't even have, I didn't have a single pair of socks, and I've got plenty of pair of socks, and now I've got a new pair of socks coming on the way. Lord, I remember when I was hopeless and helpless. Lord, I remember when I was sick and dying. Lord, I honor you. I remember what you've done in my life. Lord, I thank you how you preserved me and protected me. Lord, I thank you for being the god of my salvation. I thank you, Lord, that when I was not looking for you, you came looking for me. That you wanted me, and you loved me. That you were for me. Lord, I thank you that you have called me your own. I thank you that you have called yourself my shepherd, and Lord, you are a good shepherd. That means you're going to make sure that I'm taken care of. You've called yourself my father and me being your child. You will preserve and protect me. Lord, I just thank you. I thank you, Father. I honor you that you are so much bigger than a pair of socks. Lord, that giving me a pair of socks is nothing to you. Obviously, Lord the sock. Lord, I just get quiet and I see myself putting these new pair of socks on my feet because Lord, your word is true. Lord, you are faithful and you are true. And notice how strong you can get doing that. Now, there is another way. I don't have time to get it. I mentioned this in a newsletter. Remember, I wrote nearly 20 months of newsletters on how to walk by faith. You can get those by contacting the ministry. Go to or shoot us an email, connect at Just put in the subject line, faith letters, and we'll send them to you. Absolutely free. And there's a lot of material in there, but you need to stir yourself up in this with Thanksgiving. Oh, excuse me. I apologize. Yeah, the Lord just reminded me. I told you that there was another way. There is another way to stir yourself up on faith. And that is by praying in the Spirit. That the Bible says in you that that you build yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Okay. If you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and you speak with other tongues or pray with other tongues, speaking in tongues and praying with your tongues, are actually two different operations. Okay. That's the reason some people get bent out of shape when I pray in the Spirit and they say, "Well, you can give an interpretation." That's because I wasn't speaking in tongues. I was praying in tongues. And when I pray in tongues, I'm speaking not under men, but under God. I'm talking to my Father when I speak in tongues and I give an utterance in tongues, then it must be interpreted because now I'm talking to the men sitting around or you watching on television. There's two different operations there. Okay. But I'm talking about you praying in the Spirit that you build yourselves up on your most holy faith, that you're praying when you don't know how to pray for as you ought. Okay. So, and by the way, if you'd like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, I want you to call our number. It's kind of hard to do over email, but if you'll call our number or get in one of our meetings, we'll be glad to minister to you so that you can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Okay. Now, again, listen, I know some of you might be kind of surprised that I'm that I'm speaking tongues because I don't do a whole lot. I don't do a lot of it on the broadcast because I want you edified, right? And there's a lot that talks about like if you speak in the English, there's more notification. But I do. I pray in tongues a lot. And if that offends you, listen, I just want you to stop and I just want you to think about this. Have you received from the word that I've taught? And have I tried to push you into getting baptized in the Spirit? I have not. What I ask of people where it comes to the baptism of the Holy Ghost is this. If you don't want the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I'm not going to persecute and demand you have it. You don't have to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit to go to heaven on the other side of it. I don't expect you to persecute me because I believe in it. I'm never going to condemn you because you don't want to to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Why would you condemn me because I have it? Okay. And people say, well, I just believe it's of the devil. It's not. I know it because I know God and I know the Spirit that I pray in. But you can build yourself up. But one of the ways, if you don't want to do that, you can, by the way, it does say of praying in the Spirit that you give thanks well. That's part of the operation of praying in the Spirit. But we can do that in English, can't we? Lord, I thank you. Now, I'm going to illustrate healing, okay, because healing is a little bit different, okay? And I'll explain that why that is, because healing is actually an established fact. I don't have to ask God to heal me or you, because in the mind of God, it's already been established. It's actually unbelief for me to ask God to heal you, because to God, He has already healed you. He has paid the price for you to be healed, okay? So this is the way I handle healing, okay? We talked about believing for something like socks. What if it's a loved one? Before I get into the end, what if it's a loved one? Lord, I just thank you. I thank you, Lord, that Jeff is saved. I thank you, Lord, that somebody comes across Jeff's path or he receives from these broadcasts to the point he finally, finally, Lord commits his heart to the Lord. No, I'm just kidding. Jeff's born again. We pray, we spend time praying together and stuff. No, but if I was believing God for Jeff's salvation, after I prayed, I'd say, Lord, I just want to thank you that that labor is coming across Jeff's path that will speak the right words. Lord, I see Jeff saved. I see him worshiping God with me. Lord, I thank you. I say that Jeff is saved. And I thank you for doing that, Lord. And in the name of Jesus, I take authority to everything that was seeked to deceive Jeff and keep him from being saved, keep him from hearing the truth of the gospel. Now, I'll just add to that. Don't go around then and start complaining about him. That Jeff, he's, I mean, he's just so ungodly. He's just so ungodly. No, I'm going to, I'm going to, I believe that I received Jeff's salvation and I believe that God's going to do it. By the way, just because you're praying for Jeff doesn't put him in a hammerlock and make him get saved. Because this is what happens to people and this is one of the reasons they become offended that God, well, I prayed for Jeff and nothing happened. It could be healing. It can be anything. Anytime it involves somebody else, I prayed for healing for them and they died and they were my mama and I love them. Just so you know, if God doesn't make you get saved and doesn't make you get healed, just by you praying doesn't going to change God's character and make him make somebody else get saved or make somebody else get healed. What it does, when you pray for somebody else, it empowers God to continue to operate in and around them, to continue to seek to woo them. But God is not going to show up and make them receive healing or make them get saved just because you prayed. That's the reason the scripture says that when we pray, it makes tremendous power available to them, dynamic in its working. That's the amplified version of James 5, right? Where it says the righteous, the prayer of a righteous man, avail of month, that word there means makes tremendous power available. When we pray for others, it makes power available, but God's not going to make them receive. He didn't make you receive. But let's say it's for me. Lord, I just thank you. I thank you for... Let's do healing because I got to get to healing, right? This is what I would do. Father, I just want to thank you that your Word is true and that by the stripes of Jesus, Lord, you have healed me. Lord, I thank you that you yourself took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. And Lord, I am so grateful that you have done that. I am so grateful and I worship you, Lord. Lord, I thank you that the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death and whatever your sickness is, is under the law of sin and death. Therefore, I've been made free of that. Thank you, Lord. But then, now, I've exercised my thanksgiving, but next, where healing is concerned, you have to utilize authority. So, I've just done... Just say I've just did everything. I just think... Then I would say, "Body, you listen to me. I'm talking to you. Jesus paid a price for my healing. I demand right now you be free from cancer. I demand right now in the name of Jesus that you be free from pain and everything that causes it. Jesus Himself bore my sicknesses and carried my pains. I refuse to allow pain to continue in you. Pain, I command you to go now in Jesus' name because it's already done. It's an already settled fact. Now, utilize your authority through the name of Jesus. But every time you prayed for something and it doesn't look like it's going to happen, then you lift your voice and begin to give thanks. Real quick, let's look at this over here in Colossians 2, or excuse me, Colossians 4 and verse 2. It says, "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." See, that's what a lot of people miss in their prayer life, is they're not vigilant over what they've prayed with thanksgiving. Thanksgiving keeps the switch of faith turned on. It keeps that pressure being applied, not to God, but to the creation and to whatever forces are at operation. Continue in it with thanksgiving, and this will strengthen your faith. So every time you start to feel weak and doubt starts to come, begin to worship, praise, and give thanks. Now, there's one more part to this, and today is offering down the broadcast. So partners, I want you to see what we're doing together. Okay? And it's this last part where it says, "And being fully convinced that what he had promised he was able also to perform." You have to become fully convinced in the way to do that, is to spend much time in the Word of God. And by this broadcast, my partners and I, those that give into this ministry, we are working on a daily basis to convince you of the promises. Now, the way you do it in your own life is the way I've been asking you to do your homework, right? Look at those three scriptures, those nine scriptures, three biggest problems, three scriptures per problem. Keep feeding on those every day and thanking God that theirs are true. Till you become, wash your mind with the water of the Word. Now, partners, listen. And those of you who are not yet partners, I want to encourage you with something. Here in Philippians, I think I used this last week, but I want to go back at it again this week, this is what it says. It says, "Now you Philippians know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving, but you only. For even in Thessalonica, you sent aid once and again to my necessities, not that I seek a gift, but I seek fruit that abounds to your account." Now, I think it's important here in verse 16, even in Thessalonica, some people are only going to give on the basis of need. And when it says, even in Thessalonica, literally what it means is Paul was in the most prosperous city of the day. And so the Philippians could have had the thought, oh, we don't have to worry about Paul, his every need is supplied. And yet, even when they thought he probably doesn't have a need, they gave anyway because they appreciated his ministry. But something else happened. This verse 19, "And my God shall supply all of your need, according to his riches and glory, was not written to all of the churches." It was not written to everybody in the body of Christ. That is not a blanket promise that applies to every believer. It applies to believers that become partners with ministries. That's who it applies to because he didn't write this to everybody and he's explaining that. He says, "Now you Philippians know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only." Notice there, even churches become partners with ministries. We would welcome your church department with us. We believe in you. We want to partner with you. But if you would like to live a life where God supplies your every need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus, it requires you becoming a partner with a ministry. And I would like you to invite you to partner with this ministry. Let's change the world together so that you can have fruit now and when you get to heaven. Let me pray with you right now. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray over my partners, both those that have already been partners and those that are becoming partners today. Lord, as they have made the decision to partner with me today, I thank you Lord today that their every need is supplied right now according to Christ Jesus. In Jesus name, I command their needs to be supplied. Devil, you take your hands off their harvest and cause their finance. And Father, I thank you that you will cause their finances to come. Thank you for doing it. In Jesus name, amen. I'm Kirto and thanks for becoming a partner. See you next week. Remember Jesus' risen victory is assured. Catch Pastor Kurt next time on Fight to Win.