Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 19

Are You Wavering at the Promise of God? In this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt shows us how we can stop wavering at the promises of God. Don't miss it!

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11 Jul 2024
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- Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Today I'm gonna teach you how to quit wavering at the promise of God, plus in our tactical tip, I'm gonna talk to you about a strike zone a lot of people don't think about in a self-defense situation. - To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit soul and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. - You know, a lot of times people ask me if I were gonna only gonna carry one tool, what tool would I carry for self-defense and a lot of things. I'm honest, the one tool I would carry would be a knife, okay? It doesn't matter whether it's, I'm a female, well, I'm not a female and I don't identify as a female leader, no, I'm a male. And, but whether you're a female or a male, a knife is an excellent thing to always have. Now, though I do carry karambits and I am trained with karambits, I do encourage you to get a straight blade because it just has more uses. It can cut normal things, but then it can also cut your steak. I've tried to cut a steak before with a karambit while I was on my plate. It didn't work very well. - Now, normally I actually carry two different knives. This one would be more as self-defense. James Olson from the Olson Combat System gave this to me. It is a Spyderco Delica. It's very light knife, but it's got an aftermarket ring that I really kind of like. It actually, it hooks on my pocket. It's not an automatic knife, but I can utilize it that it'll actually deploy the minute I draw it from out of my pocket. But another knife that I carry, this is a Boker Automatt collision of cough. I use this to cut tape and stuff like that. I never use this knife to cut tape. This is only for self-defense. And so this knife is my kind of knock around knife. The reason I pick knives for every day is because it has self-defense uses and everyday practical uses. (upbeat music) - Hello, I'm Kurto. And welcome back to Fight to Win. These are, this is the first of the last two broadcasts that I'm gonna have on teaching how to walk buffet. And so I've got a lot to say. Normally I would go through this review. And what I would actually review a lot of the stuff that I've taught because this is my fourth week. So it's a pretty long review by this point. Here's the thing. I've got so much to cover in these last couple verses, I'm not really gonna be able to review everything today. So some of you are like, thank God. So you don't have to hear the same thing again. I get it, but gotta remember some people, I think in some places in the nation, this only airs once a week or something like that. So I always wanna make sure that there's a little bit of something for everyone, right? And but since the point of my partners and I put in this broadcast on television is to disciple people, you need that constant, remember, here in a little bit different way, it can strike you. I've said some of the exact same things over and over again. And like the fourth or fifth time, I finally get what you're saying. I mean, it was so monotonous. I was tired of hearing you say it, but finally I get it. You know, you're saying people have said that to you, Kurt? Yes, yes, they have. But they got it and that's the key. So we've been talking about, just to catch everybody up loosely, we've been talking about how to walk by faith. And I've been explaining it step by step. I'm gonna say it that way, but it's really, we've been teaching it more as a recipe rather than a step, okay? And so you gotta make sure all the components are in there and working. So what we've been doing is Hebrews 6, 12 says to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. And so find some, basically it says, find somebody who received from God and then do what they did. So we did. We found the father of our faith, Abraham, and in Romans chapter four, starting in verse 17, he explains how what he did and he walked by faith, okay? Now this is gonna be a really short review. I do like verse 16 'cause it reminds us that God loves us and that he wants us to receive from him. But the first thing he did, and if there's any step, this is one, you've got to get the word of God on it. You are not believing God if you don't know what the word says. You're just not. Well, you are not going to be able to remain strong in faith if you don't know what the word says because you need, and I covered this in another broadcast, but you need something to anchor your soul. You need something that tells you at two o'clock in the morning that it belongs to you. We've talked about believing God for a pair of socks. When we use one of those verses, right? Whatsoever things I desire when I pray, I believe that I receive them and I shall have them. I ask the Lord for a pair of socks. That's what I desire. I believe that I receive it and I'll have it. Well, then at two o'clock in the morning, when the devil's saying, you ain't going to get a pair of socks, you can answer that and say, I know, I know, I'm getting a pair of socks because I believe that I received it. And Jesus said that if I believe that I received it, I'd have it. Let's see what I'm saying. It anchors your soul. It gives you an answer. So, and we'll cover a little bit about that. So the first thing that Abe did was he got the word of God. He did, he got to know the God that gave him the word, right? That's important, he made a choice to believe God. He began to realize he really was God that he can do this, right? That even if it looks dead, even if it looks impossible because that was a situation he was in, that he can still receive from God, right? That God can still do it because God gives life to the dead. The other thing is, is he began to realize how God does things. That he calls those things which do not exist as though they did. And so, that he's going to give you his word. God is going to give you his word. A lot of times he's going to talk to you as though it's already done. And you're just going to have to accept that rather than being frustrated by it and learn to cooperate with it and say what he said, okay? Because if God says something about you, that is the truth, no matter how you feel, no matter how you see. If he says you're healed and your body looks like it's not, God is true, your body is a liar. And your body's going to eventually, if you will demand out of it, that he'll do it, is going to line up with what Jesus said about it because he's true. All right, so, who contrary to hope, you're going to be in a hopeless situation and you're going to have to make a choice to hope anyway, but your hope has to be based on, excuse me, just saying, your hope has to be based on the word of God. That's where your hope has to be. When it says who contrary to hope and hope believe, so that he became the father of many nations according to what was spoken, he's believing and expecting for what he was told to come to pass. Now, and I've covered all that. Then we got down here and it says being not weak in faith, he did not consider his own body already dead since he was about, since he was about 100 years old and the deadness of Sarah's loom. Now again, I taught at length on this two or three broadcasts and that was powerful. You need to go back and get that because I gave an example from the Bible of when a man didn't do it right when Peter, he didn't do it right and it cost him, okay? Now, when you start talking about what you're not gonna consider, another way I like to say it is is what you're not gonna factor in because sometimes we're looking at it on a day-to-day basis. So, in one sense, we're considering it because we can see it's there, but then we're also saying it is not the final authority. That this is not, I'm not really considering it because I don't think it's the final authority, that it is not the be-all and the end-all, okay? So, there's two things, and people say, "Well, if I don't consider that, what should I consider?" I mean, 'cause again, talking about Abraham having a child says he considered not his own body and neither the deadness of Sarah's womb, how many of you can witness to me that if you're gonna have a kid, if you're gonna consider anything, you need to consider the two bodies that are gonna come together, right? So, if he wasn't gonna consider those two things, then what else was there for him to consider? Now, again, I want you to think about this, there's two things you're not gonna consider. What you think, the way you feel, the way your personal experience, or you're not gonna consider what anybody else feels when anybody else thinks, or what else do you consider? See, there's two different things he didn't consider. He didn't consider himself, and then he didn't consider somebody else. And you're gonna have to make up your mind to do that. You know, sometimes we can do pretty good with not considering ourselves. Doesn't matter what I think, God's word is true. Doesn't matter how I feel, God's word is true. And then somebody you know, love, and respect, show up and say, "Yeah, but I know somebody that was believed that way," and they died. And then all of a sudden, that starts to hang in your memory. All of a sudden somebody says, "Well, you're stupid. God, why would God do that for you? Why would God give you a pair of socks?" And then we can begin to consider that. We begin to factor that in. That is considering the deadness of Sarah's womb. That's considering the fact that Sarah didn't think it was gonna happen. Honestly, I firmly believe that Sarah thought this was just a large part in Abraham's fault. That's why she gave him Hagar is, listen, this old man keeps coming in here night after night, and I'm getting tired. And he thinks, we're not able to have this child. You know what? I'm gonna prove to this old boy that we're not having a child. Hey, you see my young mate over there? Won't you go into her? And see if you can have a child by her. And then finally, when he realizes that this is not me, it's him that he can't have a child either, then he'll just get off my back. And then the next thing you know, she's pregnant and having a kid. And Sarah is not like, "Glory, be to God." It's like, get that woman out of here. Get that woman out of here. Well, 'cause I firmly believe Sarah didn't think anything was gonna happen. But the power of God was already working in Abraham's body. So even when God himself said, you're gonna have a kid she laughed at it. Like, you're all right. And then denied to God that she laughed. Well, I didn't laugh. Oh yeah, you did. Because there are people in our lives. Sometimes we can renew our minds and we can get to the place where we're, like I used the illustration yesterday, not staring at the storm, but then people walk up to us and say, "Look, look at the storm. "Look, look at the storm. "Look at the winds. "Look at the sea. "Whoo, those things are killers." And that can divert our focus. I personally am shocked at how many people are willing to listen to idiots, okay? And people just complete knuckleheads and yet they'll listen to them, okay? Okay, let me give you an illustration of something that actually happened, okay? This story was told to me. There was a guy who was an insurance salesman, okay? And he actually became a millionaire insurance salesman. He was one of the most successful people ever in the history of the company. And so what he did, he's getting older and he decides that he has been very blessed and so he wants to invest in the next generation. And so this millionaire insurance salesman decides that he's going to pick, I think it was like three or five guys and teach them how to sell insurance the way he sells insurance or has sold insurance. So he interviews a bunch of people and he gets his three to five guys, okay? Now I think for some reason I'm thinking it was three but I could be wrong but somebody told me this story. So what happens is he interviews everybody, finally he brings in, I'm pretty sure it was three, he brings in the three guys and this is what he tells him. He goes, boys, I've made millions of dollars selling insurance. God has blessed me and been good to me. And so I don't want my knowledge to die with me. So what I'd like to do is I want to teach you everything that I know and then I'm going to ask you that after you reach a certain point, would you be willing to invest in the next generation, okay? And so these three guys, initially all three of them are like, yeah, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it. So that night, one of the guys goes to a bar and he's sitting there and he's talking to the bartender evidently he knew him and he's telling the bartender that he's so excited, he's got this tremendous opportunity this guy is going to teach him how to sell insurance. And he's going, he's going to be going through this program and there's a guy sitting with him at the bar. And he says, you know, I tried my handed insurance one time and I nearly lost everything I had. He said, yeah, you only get paid if people buy policies. I mean, I just couldn't, I never could get it to work and I nearly lost everything. And that guy sitting on that bar stool made a decision not to go back. And I'm trying to remember how the guy, the guy that it was the older man, he found out that, I think maybe the guy called him that he was at a bar last night and the guy told him that he tried to sell insurance and nearly lost everything he had. And the guy says, I just can't risk it and I thank you for the opportunity to be know. Okay, I want you to look at this. You've got one knucklehead sitting on a bar stool and he's just told you, I don't know how to do this. Where it comes in selling insurance, I don't got a clue. I tried it and I completely failed. Then you have another man that's sitting there telling you, I am a millionaire doing this. I have built one of the most successful businesses ever in our part, in our region. And this knucklehead, this idiot sitting on a bar stool, and yes, if you did this, if this is you, you're an idiot because this is idiotic. Took the word of the guy who admitted, I have no idea how to do this. I got no clue. I'm a complete failure where this is concerned. And you decide to take the word of the failure and follow the failure rather than follow the one that's literally sitting there telling you he's going to tutor you in how to do it, to be a successful and demonstrate it, it's a success. Why do we do this? Why do we listen to the guy, this is what I know so-and-so, he believed God and that person died. Well, then I'm not going to do what he did. I'm not going to go to that guy, I'm not going to spend time around that guy. I'm not going to follow what he did. But if I can sit here and look at Abraham, or more contemporary, you know, more in this time, if I can get around Jeff and people like that, that are believing God, that this is the reason that the importance of the local church, get around people that they are believing God, that it is working for. And then do what they're doing. But if you can't find anybody else, you've got Abraham right here. And Abraham said, he made a decision, I'm not considering me, and I'm not considering what anybody else says if it's contrary to what God has told me. I'm not considering what anybody else's opinion if it's contrary to the word of God. I'm not considering it, or to the promise of God. I'm not considering anybody else's thought process contrary to the promise of God. I'm not considering their experience contrary to the promise of God. So there's two things you've got to make a choice not to consider other than the word of God. Anything you think, feel, and have ever said your life experience, or anybody else's. Those two things, you don't pay attention to those. Who do you pay attention to? Jesus, the one who has proven leadership, who's shown that it works. You pay attention to Abraham who got it right. That's where your focus is. And listen, this is going to come up. We're talking about believing God for a pair of socks. Invariably, you're going to run across somebody and say, oh, that's just, I don't know. What do they call it? Word of faith, name it, claim it, whatever. God doesn't care about socks. Well, then I'm not listening to you. I tried to believe God for a pair of socks, and it didn't work. Okay. Then I'm not going to do what you did. I'm going to do what this guy did that he received. It doesn't say imitate those who through doubt, and unbelief didn't receive anything. It says imitate those who do faith in patience inherited the promises. You can do this. You can do this. By the way, just as inside note here, Abraham did this as an unborn again man without the spirit of God on the inside of him to tutor him in these things. You can have that. Now, okay, so we've got a major on what we're not considering. Now, let's look at this next verse. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief. All right, now, there's a lot of different types of unbelief in the Bible. This one in particular, if you look it up, it basically, if you get down to it and you read all the commentary and stuff, it basically means this. It means to choose not to believe. That you make a decision that you're not going to believe. This type of unbelief. He did not waver, listen, he had the promise of God and he didn't go up and down because every time he had a choice not to believe, he said, "I will believe." This kind of goes back to what we said about in the presence of him whom he believed, but this is really driving it home. You are going to have opportunities to waver. You are. You're going to have an opportunity to question the word of God. You're going to have an opportunity to question whether or not God is going to do this and you're going to have to, in that moment, answer that unbelief and say, "No, I refuse to waver. I believe God. I believe that scripture that says whatsoever I ask the Father in Jesus' name, he'll give them it to me. I believe that whatsoever things I desire when I pray believe that I receive them and I'll have it. I believe that. That's what I believe. I do not believe these lying voices that try to tell me my father doesn't care enough about me to give me a pair of socks. I choose to believe God." Now again, he didn't waver at the promise of God by choosing not to believe. Ultimately, when you start to waver, it's because part of you is trying to decide whether you're going to continue on and believe or whether you're going to give up. And you have to make the decision, "I ain't given up. I'm fighting on. I am continuing on. I choose to believe God." I refuse wavering is not doubts coming to your head. This morning I woke up and I thought, "I'm not going to get these socks. I'm not going to get these socks." That's all right. Did you answer it? Did you answer it? When you had the thought, you're not going to get the socks. Did you answer it? Listen, this can be a lot to take in. That's the reason that my partners and I want to give you this 19 hours of teaching. So you can take it in over and over and encourage yourself and build yourself up because maybe you've been hanging out around with these idiots saying it won't work and that the word is not true. Here's the cure for that. I love those idiots because I'm sure at some point or another, well, I know for a fact I've been an idiot in some things. But I'm telling you, let's quit listening to them and start listening to Jesus. Or start listening to me, somebody who's been healed, been delivered, been set free. Does that mean I don't have challenges? Yes, I've got challenges. And I still to this day have to make a choice not to waver. The way that I begin to waver is if I begin to really start pondering the failure of the promise of God. And the only way to fix that is what? Choose to believe. No, I believe God. I just don't feel like it though. There's many a day. I didn't feel like it. There's been many a day. I didn't feel healed. You know, I think I told you about a week ago. I ripped my bicep. I couldn't go from whenever you'll see this or whenever I'm shooting. It's not whenever you'll see it. I'd tell you, for a good 24 to 36 hours, I didn't feel healed. But it didn't change, but it's a funny thing. I didn't feel healed, but you know what happened? If I opened up the first period of 24, you know, it still said I was healed. You know, it didn't say, well, not today. You're not healed. No, it still said the same thing. Bicep stripes, I was healed. Sure enough, they didn't change. God didn't change at all. And eventually, my bicep lined up to what Jesus said. Now, I could have accepted it. I could have said, well, maybe this promise doesn't cover biceps. Okay. Now, you're going to have to, you need to make the decision not to waver. And I love how it says, "At the promise of God." Not speculation. Again, does this not go back to the Word? It's double negative. This goes back to the Word, doesn't it? This goes back to where we started. Don't waver at what God told you. Don't waver at the promise of God. It is a promise from God. And all of the promises of God in the Lord Jesus are yes and amen. Remember when we read that? This is a promise. But again, you're going to waver if you don't have that promise. And then you don't choose to believe and accept that promise. Are you with me? Okay. Now, here's something that's extremely important. And I'm not going to be able to get into all of it today. But, let me just go back and say this about wavering. Wavering, everybody is going to be solicited to wavering, everyone. And you have to answer this solicitation and say, "I refuse to waver." God's promise is true. After all, it is a promise. It is a promise from someone who cannot lie. It is a promise who is sworn in oath that it will come to pass. Now, for all of us though, and we'll get into this more heavy tomorrow, for all of us, there's going to be a moment at which we believe God that we say amen and it doesn't show up right away. Let me see if I can real quick go with me to Genesis 15. And in Genesis 15, and I don't know how far I'm going to be able to get with this, but in Genesis 15 you see God in Abraham talking. And God tells him, "Do not be afraid," verse 1, "Do not be afraid, Abraham. I am your shield. You're exceedingly great reward." Literally there, you're rapidly increasing financial supply, right? And then he tells him all this stuff he's going to do. Well, he responds and says, "Lord, what are you going to give me seeing that I go childless in the air of my house as Eleazar of Damascus?" And then he takes him outside and he's in verse 5, then he brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven. Count the stars if you were able to number them." So what time of day is that? That's nighttime, right? And then it says, "If you're able to number them," and then it gets down to Abraham, he says, "Lord, God, how shall I know that this is going to happen? How do I know this is going to happen?" And so at this point, covenant is established with God and that he tells him to cut the animals into. But notice this, after he cuts the animals into, and I will get into this more tomorrow, in verse 11 it says, "When the carcasses came down on the carcasses, Abraham drove them away, and when the sun was going down." Okay, so now he was talking to him at night, and now there's been this entire day of driving the vultures off the carcasses, and now it's nighttime again, right? So guess what? Abraham was completely obedient and God didn't magically show up. It wasn't because we have this idea that I'm going to pray, and if it's true, then boof, everything will just be over instantaneously, and I'm great. And yet, he had to fight the vultures all day. So what do you do after you set amen if it doesn't show up right away? How do you remain strong in faith? Come back tomorrow, that's what I'm going to teach you. But come back right now, because I want to pray with you. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation, knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Kurt Owen. We're offering this series on USB as our free gift to you. Every month, I write a newsletter to help disciple you directly. I'd like you to take advantage of this. Please go to and subscribe for our newsletter. With every newsletter, not only do I write you, but then I also do like a five-minute teaching. And if you don't have, and it's a video, and if you don't have time to read it, guess what? There'll be a link in it or a QR code where you can scan it, and I'll actually read it to you so you can listen to it while you're driving. Remember, has subscribed to our newsletter today. Maybe as I've been talking today, you've been thinking about sometimes that you wavered and that you made a choice not to believe. Let that go and let Jesus be who he wants to be to you and love you. But make a decision today to consider only Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before you right now, and I thank you that my brothers and sisters right now, that condemnation is broken off of them in Jesus' name. But Lord, I also thank you that you will strengthen them, that they will stare fully at you and at nothing else, and not consider anybody else's word but yours. In Jesus' name, amen. I'm Kurtowin. This is fight to win. I'll see you tomorrow. Remember, Jesus' risen victory is assured. [BLANK_AUDIO]