Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 18

How to Start Believing God for Something. When you first begin exercising your faith, you don't want to start with something life-threatening. Discover how you want to begin exercising your faith on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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10 Jul 2024
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Today I'm going to coach you on how to start believing God for something and give you some step-by-step things you can do. Also, in the tactical tips, I'm going to teach you one way you can throw a really good knee. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Alright, so we've been talking about close-in strikes. We covered elbows, we covered hudbutts, right? Now, I want to talk to you about a knee. This is kind of like what everybody thinks is the one-shot stop, right? I'm going to knee some guy in the groin. A lot of people don't realize it's just as effective, if not more effective, to knee a girl in the groin. That they actually have more nerve endings in their pubic area than we do, and so it'll actually hurt them as well. But a lot of times when people throw a knee, they just kind of lift it up like this, okay? Like they're trying to come up under here, which, I mean, I guess you kind of could, right? But you're much better to throw a penetrating knee. By the way, if I'm actually standing here and this is the guy's groin and I throw a knee and I just throw up straight, I actually miss. If I will actually pivot on one of my feet, it puts me right in the middle. But even better, if I bend this back as far as I can like this and try to hit with that, where I can't with a penetrating knee, where I actually, instead of coming up, I'm more coming out, where I'm actually driving in. Man, that is far more effective. Not only that, that knee doesn't just work on the groin, it works on the side of the leg. It has a lot of uses, that penetrating knee. And I still turn my foot so I get in. Nice and deep, the penetrating knee. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Welcome back to Fight to Win. It's the middle of the week and I hope we're going to tank you up so you'll be ready for the rest of it. Amen? That's one of the benefits of you being able to watch every day, so every day you can get a little shot in the arm and build yourself up. That's the reason that we have these broadcasts to be a blessing to you. We've been talking about how to walk by faith and yesterday, now I've been, this is my fourth week and final week. By the way, since it is the final week, this is your last opportunity to get this, not the very last opportunity, but this week is the last opportunity to get how to walk by faith. This is 19 hours of teaching. It's absolutely free, right? Go to Kurt and we'll give that to you. Because there's a lot more I could say. But yesterday, we started to get into some things about how to have strong faith. Now, this is part of the faith recipe. It is something that you are going to have to do. And I want you also to notice, in a lot of these things that we've talked about, these are things that you will have to make the choice to do. These are not things that God would do for you, right? Because a lot of times people say, "Well, God has done it all. God has done everything." Yes, He has, and now we must respond to the fact that He's done everything by doing these things, by walking by faith, faith accesses the grace, everything that grace has provided, okay? Now, again, I'm going to do a brief review, but remember, you can go to Kurt and watch all these broadcasts again, and you need to, okay? But what ultimately we're doing is we're fulfilling Hebrew 6, verse 12, that imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. And the person that we're going to imitate, at least in this series, is Abraham, the father of our faith. Because Romans chapter 4 tells us what Abraham did, and so that's what we've been studying, that's what we've been doing, okay? By the way, I know with your homework, I've given you homework specifically for three problems in your life, three scriptures for each of those problems. And again, if you don't know any scriptures, contact the ministry, either by email, at connect@kurt, or give us a call at the number at the bottom of your screen. And we will be glad to help you find some scriptures. But also, I want you to think about some scriptures for something simple that is not life-threatening, that, you know, I talked about believing gone for a pair of socks, okay? Why not start off there? Now, if you're a person who doesn't wear socks, that's probably not the best place for you to get started, okay? But I would look at some things about the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, and now you want a pair of socks, and so your shepherd will provide you socks so that you won't be and want, right? I would look at John 16, 23, whatsoever I ask the Father in Jesus' name, he'll give me, right? Assuredly, I say to you whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. So if you ask the Father for socks, he will give it to you, right? And I'd have to think of another one. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask the Father what you will and it will be done for you, John 15, right? They're in John 15. Take those three scriptures, and there might be some other scriptures, I don't know if any scriptures specifically says socks, but what about the fact that it says that God has given you all things that pertain to life and godliness? One of the things my life pertains to is socks, I need to wear socks, and I most of the time like wearing socks. So, but what people say, why are you talking about this? It's real simple, start practicing walking my faith in something that is not life threatening. Take your three problems and get your three scriptures, do that absolutely, but then also take the scriptures that I just mentioned, go before the Lord and ask him for a pair of socks, and then take the recipe that we've been discussing and that we'll finish on Friday, take the recipe and believe God for that pair of socks, okay? And then once you receive that pair of socks, okay, then you move on to something bigger, but practice on something that's not going to put you under pressure, okay? But you're going to have to be diligent and consistent about it. God is the rewarder of those that diligently seek him, right? That's one of the things we're supposed to believe about him. But be diligent and consistent, truly practice walking my faith, truly practice laying hold of those socks. And again, it doesn't have to be socks, but I don't want it to be like your mortgage because we'll get there and you need to start believing God for your mortgage right now or believing God to be out of debt completely. But start on something simple that if you don't get it tomorrow, it's not going to upset your apple cart. You understand what I mean? So anyway, let's get into this. Now this is what Abraham did. Again, verse 16 is not what Abraham did, but it is important to remember that God wants you to receive from him. That's what verse 16 covers. 17 starts with a promise of God. That's the reason that I just didn't say, believe God for a pair of socks. I gave you some scriptures that you could utilize to believe for a pair of socks. Don't just go before the Lord and say, "Lord, man, I have a pair of socks." Go before the Lord and settle in your mind. What's whoever I ask the Father in Jesus' name, he will give me. Okay, so I'm going to ask him for a pair of socks in Jesus' name, and he'll give me a pair of socks in Jesus' name. His word abides in me, and I abide in him, and his word abides in me. I can ask whatever I will. I'm asking for a pair of socks, and I will have it. Oh, here's a great one. I should have thought about this one sooner. Mark 11, 23. What's every ask when you pray? Believe that you receive it, and you will have it. Believe that you receive a pair of socks. And I don't remember the third scripture I gave you, the other one I gave you. But anyway, take those two scriptures. Set your face, face, and faith on the Word of God, on those three things that promise if you ask your Father, he will give you a pair of socks. Okay, and then put all of these things into practice, because that's where faith starts is where the promise from God. I have a promise from God that whatsoever things I desire when I pray believe that I receive them, and I will have them. Okay, then that's what I'm going to do. I have a promise from God if I abide in him and his word abides in me. I ask what I will, and it'll be done for me. By this, I am his disciple and I bear much fruit, right? John 15. Okay, that includes a pair of socks. I know from John 16, if I ask the Father for a pair of socks in Jesus' name, he'll give it to me. Assuredly, I say unto you whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. That's what Jesus said. That includes a pair of socks. So, how do I know now that I'm going to receive a pair of socks? Because his word promises it. Okay, so that was the first thing that Abraham started off with, with the word. And then it says in the presence of him, okay, spend time with God until you become at peace with the fact that God is fine with giving you a pair of socks. And that he will be faithful and just to keep his word to you, even over a pair of socks. Okay, because there's some people out there that think God doesn't care about a pair of socks. And I don't know what's the matter with you, because God is concerned about anything that concerns us. Anything that pertains to life and godliness, what, 2 Peter chapter 1 says? Anything that pertains to everything that pertains to life and godliness, he is already freely provided in our Lord Jesus Christ. Do socks pertain to life? Yes, yes they do. Okay, and so what you need to do is you need to get to know him until you realize that God does not just take care of cancer, he takes care of headaches. Because there are people that are like, well I would go before the god if I got cancer, but this is just a cold. It's all from the devil, none of it is the will of God. There was not even a sniffle before Adam blew everything and sold us all out. There was nothing. Do you understand what I mean? And so get to know him, spend time in his presence in the presence of God in whom he believed. You're going to have to make the choice to believe that God is going to do what he said and that he will give you a pair of socks. And the presence of him whom he believed, God, is God able to give you a pair of socks. Now here's the thing, I don't want you going on Facebook saying, hey everybody I just want you to know I'm believing God for a pair of socks. Don't do that because when somebody gives you a pair of socks then what you're going to think is, you know what? The only reason I got a pair of socks is because I put it on Facebook. I don't want you to tell a soul that you're believing God for a pair of socks. That way when somebody walks up to you and gives you a pair of socks or somehow socks come into your hands, you will know that your father loves you so much he helps you even in the little things. Now if he's going to give you a pair of socks, of course he's taking care of cancer, of course. Healing's a little bit different because healing's actually a done deal. It's already been accomplished but maybe I can get into that later. So in the presence of him, in the presence of him whom he believed, God, God is big enough to give you a pair of socks, right? God who gives life to the dead, and I know what you're sitting there thinking, if I don't tell anybody that I believe in pair of socks then who's going to give me this pair of socks? I have no idea. God has a lot of contacts in his cell phone. He doesn't need me to find a contact in his cell phone for him to contact to give me socks. God can pull up his own contacts, find somebody, speak to them, and have them somehow facilitate me getting socks. That's not my job. So no matter how important, no matter how dead this looks, that there's no way anybody's ever going to give you a pair of socks, God can do this because he's God. Now, who calls those things which do not exist as though they did? This is when you begin to say, I asked the father for socks in Jesus' name, and he gave them to me. I believe that I received a pair of socks from the Lord, therefore I have them. Lord, I thank you, I have my pair of socks. Well, I'm going to cover part of that a little bit later on, but that's part of what we're talking about. Now, who contrary to hope, in hope believe? Maybe nobody's ever given you a pair of socks. Maybe in the history of your life, you can't remember somebody since you were a little kid that anybody's ever given you a pair of socks, but now from this moment forward, you're going to expect socks to show up in your life, where you have no reason since you have come of age, nobody has given you a pair of socks, but now that you've gone before the Lord with his word and received a pair of socks, you believe that you received a pair of socks, then you now need to expect every day. This is probably the day that I'm going to get my socks. There are socks in my future, somehow or another socks are going to come into my hands. Okay? All right, so what I'm doing is I'm putting everything into contact. Now, we got down to, by the way, who contrary to hope and hope believed, right? When you get to that place and you're, you know, you think, well, I don't know why I should expect a pair of socks, but I don't tell anybody about my socks. Who's going to give me a pair of socks? That's not your problem. God's going to combine on us. You're not going to read in the newspaper that God knocked over a Macy's and stole socks out of there to bring you a pair of socks. He'll combine on us. Okay? He's not going to go roll somebody in the parking lot to get you a pair of socks. Your part is not figuring out how God's going to do it. Your part is just receiving that he will do it. And this is one of the problems that people get messed up in is they're trying to figure out why I don't know how God would do that. Well, let me, let me just explain something to you. If I went to, if, if Jeff walks up to me and he says, "Hey, I want to give you a suit." Okay? And my response to Jeff is, "Well, where are you going to get it?" Jeff has every right to look at me and say, "You good for nothing. How dare you? Forget it. I'm not giving you a, I'm not giving you a suit." Or if I said to Jeff, if Jeff says, "I'm going to give you a suit." And I said, "Well, you're not going to steal it, are you? Where are you going to get it?" I'm not sure you have the money to buy me a suit, Jeff. I'm not sure about that. You don't do that to each other. Why would you do that to God? Let him be responsible for being God and you leave it alone. Okay? So you don't mess yourself up. Then it goes on here and it says, "And not being weak in faith, He considered not His own body already dead and neither the deadness of Sarah's womb." Now, at this point, you need to quit considering the fact that nobody's going to give you a pair of socks or that nobody's ever given you a pair of socks. You need to only consider what does the Scripture say? The Scripture says whatsoever. I ask the Father in Jesus' name, "He'll give me." The Scripture says that whatsoever things I ask desire went up or I believe that I receive them and I'll have them. The Scripture says, "If I abide in Him in His word abides in me, then I'll ask what I will and it'll be done for me." By this, my Father is glorified that I bear much fruit. And all of those mean that I'm getting a pair of socks. And your thought of coming might know where he's going to give you a pair of socks. Nobody's ever given you a pair of socks. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because it's not like it was yesterday. I now know from the Word of God that God will give me a pair of socks because it says at least three times in the Word of God, then I can have socks. Are you with me? Now, here's something in this. Now, we spent, if you missed yesterday's broadcast, you need to listen and watch that one, okay? Because I shared, I actually explained how this word from Peter walking on the water. That Peter gets out of the boat on the word "come." And so there's a wind in the sea. It's stormy weather. And Jesus gives him one word. And when Jesus gives him his word, it literally empowers Peter to defy the laws of physics, defy the laws of gravity, steps out of a boat in the middle of a storm. And he is actually able to walk on the sea. And as long as he kept his focus on Jesus and his word, he could walk on water. But the minute he began to look at the storm, the minute he began to look at the storm, he begins to sink. See, the problem was not the problem. The problem was what he was considering. The problem was what he was looking at. Let's real quick, let's go there. That's in Matthew 14. And because there's something else I wanted to kind of make sure you see. 14, it starts in verse 22. He starts walking on the water in 29. So he said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. Now notice verse 30, "But when he saw the wind and boisterous, he was afraid, in beginning to sink cried out the Lord, save me." See, now here's the thing. He actually saw the wind in the sea before Jesus showed up, right? Because that's why they're in trouble. He actually saw the wind in the sea when he got out of the boat. Now I want you to think about that for a second. Did Peter see the wind in the sea? Did Peter see the wind boisterous when he got out of the boat? Yes, he just wasn't considering it. When he got out of the boat, it wasn't like it was glass smooth. It wasn't like the wind had just stopped. No, he just wasn't looking at it. He wasn't focusing on it. See, the problem was not the storm. The problem was is that Peter began to focus on the storm. When he was focused on Jesus in his word, he walks on water. He focuses on the storm he sinks. This is exactly going to be exactly true in your life. Now, here's another way to say this from Mark chapter 4. What happened was is that the word was sewn into Peter. And if you haven't heard me, I don't know remember what we called that series, but how to change your life forever maybe. But the word was sewn into Peter come, and the word began to bear fruit. But then the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things, entering in and choked the word, and that word that Jesus sewed into Peter became unfruitful. Now, of those three things mentioned there, the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things, the one that got him was the cares of this world. So the word is producing fruit. He's walking on water. In fact, he walked on water so much so that he was close enough to reach out, and remember Jesus starts with Jesus a long way off, that he walks far enough that when Jesus, when he says, "Lord, save me," Jesus is able to immediately touch him, so they were within arm's length. He'd walked quite a ways. But what happened, the cares of this world entered in and choked the word? It choked the word come. It was working, but he began to worry. He began to fear. He got his eyes off of Jesus and off of what he said and got his eyes on his problem. Listen, you're going to have to get ahold of this because in your walk of faith, your problem is going to cry out and seek to get your attention. Now, always remember you had the problem to start with when you already got out of the boat. When you prayed and asked God to help you and said, "Amen, you have the problem then," that's why you were asking for help. So nothing has changed, right? Well, yeah, but it's gotten worse. So what? It's the same problem. Quit focusing on the problem. Everybody wants to talk about epidemics and pandemics. Do you know what we have a pandemic of, especially in the body of Christ, is wanting to talk about the problem. We want to major on the problem. Let me tell you what I'm going through. Let me tell you what I'm dealing with. And we'll spend an hour glorifying the problem in two minutes, but Jesus will help me. You go through the problem. No, we need to quit focusing on the problem. Quit focusing on the storm and stare at Jesus. Okay? Now, here's the other interesting thing. He is now paying attention to something that has nothing to do with anything. Here's a question for you. What does the wind in the sea boisterous? What does a storm have to do with walking on water? Seriously. What difference does it make? Are you telling me that if I take you down to the Red Sea or the Sea of Galilee and it's glass smooth, that you're just going to go out for a stroll? That as long as it's not windy and as long as it's just flat like glass, then you can walk on it? If that's true, then you need to come on the broadcast and teach with me. No. He literally is cheated out of the word by something that has nothing to do with anything. What happened was, is that he lost hope based upon his natural, he lost expectancy based upon his natural experience as a fisherman. Because you want to know what? Wind in the sea have nothing to do with walking on water, but you know what they do have to do with fishing? That if you're out in a boat, I mean, look at this. They're in a boat and it is affecting this boat and they think they're all going to die. And he allowed his past experience to tell him that somehow or another, this wind in the sea could affect him and cause him to sink and it really couldn't. In this story, the wind in the sea didn't cause Peter to sink. His focus did. Now, and by the way, this is still true with you. And this is one of the challenges in the walk of faith that people don't understand is you're constantly going to have to pull your focus back. I refuse to look at the wind of the sea. I'm only looking at Jesus in his word. With the socks, yeah, but you don't have your socks today. Doesn't matter, they're coming. Jesus said whatsoever asked the Father in Jesus' name he'd give me. I asked him for socks he'll give him to. Jesus said whatsoever things I desire I want to pray. I believe that I receive when I'll have them. I asked for socks, I'll have them. He said if I buy it in him and his word abides in me, I can ask what I desire and I desire socks. I asked him, therefore I'll have it. If I buy this, my Father will bear much fruit. And that's what you have to stare at. Don't stare at the pain in your body. Don't sit there. Every time you go, oh, go ahead and lift up the Word of God again. Go ahead and live. See, here's where Peter made a mistake, a major mistake. It says beginning to sink. It doesn't say he sunk. Because the truth of the matter is all these pictures show him like Jesus is like fishing formed down in the water. That's not what happened. He began to sink. His foot instead of being on the wave is now going lower. And it scares him. And he cries out in fear. Do you know he could have just as easily said no. The Son of the Living God has bid me come on the water. I'm walking on this water. I can walk on this water because Jesus told me I could come and I'm coming. Did you know that? He could have done that. And then instead of beginning to sink, he'd have gone right back to where he was. He could have put in place his eyes right back on Jesus, right back on what he said. And listen, folks, I get it because there's been plenty of days. The storm has got my attention. And I began to look. But you know, you can pull your eyes right back to him. You can pull your eyes right back. You can do this. I know you can. If I can do it, anybody can do it. I'm not telling you there's not going to be storms. I'm not going to tell you that there's not going to be wind blowing and waves crashing. I'm telling you that if you will make up your mind that you will not take your eyes off Jesus, you can still walk on water. And any time you start to feel like you're again, and I'm going to deal with this a little bit later on, but you begin to sink, you need to come right back to where Jesus is. You need to start your focus on him. Listen, I want to pray with you. Come right back. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation, knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Curdo. And we're offering this series on USB as our free gift to you. There is no way I can tell you in these few seconds how important it is that you find a local church that teaches you the way that I'm teaching you. Listen, I thank God you watched the broadcast, but I want you to get into a place that can feed you on a regular basis and disciple you in these truths directly. So please, it's Wednesday. See if you can get into a good church tonight or if not by Sunday morning, but get into a local church and feed on the Word of God. You can walk out the Word of God in your life. You can do this. You can have strong faith if you will change what you're considering. And it is a choice you're going to have to make. Father, in the name of Jesus, I lift up my brothers and sisters right now and Lord for both of us. Lord, I ask you to reveal to us not just now, but every time we begin to consider something else other than you and your Word. And Lord, even as the winds blow, my brothers and sisters and I, we make a decision right now and we lay hold that you will strengthen us with might through your spirit and our man that we refuse to look anything else other than you and your Word. And Lord, anytime we feel like we're beginning to sink and we've taken our focus off you, we're going to whip it right back to you, Lord, because you are everything all in all. In Jesus' name, amen. I love you very, very much. Get into a good local church this Sunday. I'm Kurt on reminding you that Jesus' risen victory is assured.