Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 17

You Have Enough Faith to Overcome the World! On this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt actually teaches you to walk in strong faith. You don't want to miss this episode of Fight To Win.

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09 Jul 2024
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- Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Today on Fight to Win, I'm gonna prove to you that you have enough faith to overcome the world. Plus, I'm gonna teach you how to operate in strong faith. And on tactical tips, I'm gonna teach you how to throw an effective headbutt. You're not gonna wanna miss it. - To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. - You know, we've been talking about elbows for the last couple of days, and they are close in techniques, right? And again, distance is extremely important in fighting, and you should use the right technique for the right distance. Honestly, a lot of times in fighting, the reason people get messed up is they're using the wrong technique for the distance they're doing. So, I've been talking about how to throw an elbow, which is very enclosed, but what happens if you're really close? What happens if they have my arms? I can headbutt 'em. Now, it is not, I'm gonna take my glasses off. In order to do this wrong, if you notice when I did it right, I didn't have to take my glasses off, right? If you do it wrong, you do. Because what people try to do when they do it wrong is they're trying to hit with a flap of their head like that, okay? And you can even mess up your nose, okay? If you do it right, if you do it right, you're hitting with this, the crown up here at the top. So that I'm hitting there, it doesn't even come close to me. And this is an extremely effective technique. I normally try to hit the bridge of the nose because if I can break the nose, then a lot of times it begins to reduce their ability to breathe, their nose begins to bleed, the eyes begins to water, and it helps me to win the fight. But that's your headbutt. (upbeat music) Hello, I'm Kurto, and welcome back to Fight to Win. Today we're gonna talk about something that's extremely important. For the last three weeks, we've been talking about how to walk by faith. But today we're gonna talk about how to have strong faith. And this is gonna be a lot different than what you think, because most people think that strong faith is just something somebody has or they don't have. They don't really, well, I don't have faith like you, brother. That's not true. Look at, first, let's look at settle that issue. Go to it with me to first Corinthians chapter 12 and verse three. You know what? I might have the wrong verse. Let me check my phone just a second. And it's Romans 12.3. Go with me to Romans 12.3. People say you don't know where the scripture is? Well, when I became a preacher, they didn't give me a matrix download into my brain. I'm still learning things just like you, right? All right. And it says this in verse three, it says, "For I say through the grace of God given to me "to everyone who is among you, "not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, "but think soberly as God has dealt to each one "a measure of faith." Now, a lot of times people use this verse as an excuse not to walk in strong faith, because what they say is, well, God didn't give me the same measure that he gave you. He, you know, were shooting television. So Jeff is here. God dealt to Jeff a big measure and he dealt to Kurt a small measure. 'Cause see, it's a measure of faith. Other translations though, say the measure of faith. But let's settle the issue. How much faith do you have, okay? Go with me to first John chapter five. And this is what it says. Verse four, "For whatever is born of God "overcomes the world, and this is the victory "that has overcome the world our faith." So listen, whatever, and you got this faith by becoming a child of God. And I'm gonna give you an opportunity to become a child of God at the end of the broadcast. But here's the thing, it doesn't matter what your measure is. If you wanna argue, well, Jeff got a different measure than Kurt got. Okay, but whatever measure you got, it was enough to overcome the world. Look at this verse, "For whatever is born of God "overcomes the world. "I'm born of God, so I can overcome the world." Okay, so Jeff got a bigger measure. Jeff is born of God, he can overcome the world. But we can both overcome the world simply by being a child of God. And evidently, when we became a child of God, we received enough faith to overcome the world. Now people say, yeah, but you don't understand, I don't walk in that kind of faith. I struggle, that's what today's broadcast is all about. I'm gonna talk to you about how you can begin to have strong faith. Because see, it's not that you don't have faith, it's probably that you don't know how to use it. And see, a lot of times people look at faith like this, it would be like if Jeff and I went to the gun range, right? And I believe I'm a better shot than Jeff is, okay? And so Jeff and I could take the exact same pistol, and I'm gonna be able to do things more with my pistol than he'll be able to do with his pistol. They can be the exact same pistol, they can be the exact same caliber, and yet on Jeff's there might be holes all over the target, whereas all mine are gonna be in the head, okay? When we were shooting, well not always all in the head, I miss, I'm not saying I don't miss. But I remember when we were shooting the open one time, there was a scene, in fact I wish Jeff would give me the video of this, 'cause I'd like to see it. Yes, at the end, he said that he wanted to punch some holes in the target, and I said, well, the head's clean, 'cause he hadn't been shooting at the head during the day, and I said you only just don't, I was running a Glock, I think, 15 rounds, 17 rounds, and I said, you only just dump this magazine in the head, he says, do you think you could? I said, I think I can manage it, and then I think it was like a second half or two seconds, I burned 15 rounds into the head, okay? And it punched all these little pretty holes. Now, Jeff has the capacity to do that. He has the same body type, he has the same pistol, but he doesn't know how to use his, or is his not his practice at using his, as I'm at practice at using mine. You know, but Jeff would have other skills, there was other things that he would have that I wouldn't have the skills. And so, it's not that you don't, it kind of goes back to the pistol, it's not that you don't have the right pistol, it's that you may not be able to utilize the right pistol. And so, maybe somebody, it's not that Jeff has more faith, maybe Jeff has, just has greater, he knows how to use his faith better than I do. Does that make sense, okay? And so, you have world overcoming faith. If you are born of God, and if you're not, I'm gonna give you the opportunity to receive Jesus at the end of the broadcast. Now, but once you've been born of God, that is your qualification. Once you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord in favor, that is your Lord and savior, that is your qualification for you to overcome the world, and the means by which you overcome the world, anything the world would throw at you is faith, okay? Now, again, there's a lot I'd have to say about this, and I can't go into this, but I believe, I'm pretty sure it's in this, and this is absolutely free. The partners and I want to give this to you. This is 19 hours of teaching how to walk by faith. Go to and we'll give it to you absolutely free. But now that we've settled the issue, that whatever and how measure you want to argue you have, you've got enough to overcome the world. But how do we put it in the operation and actually operate in strong faith? How do I go from having holes all over the paper to write there in the index card that I want to hit? How do I do that? It's by learning how to use it, and I'm going to teach you biblically how that works in your life. I'm operating, we're reading Hebrews 6, chapter verse 12, and it says this, imitate those who through faith and patience and here at the promises, right? So what we're going to do is we're going to look at somebody that received from God and then do what they did for us over the last several weeks. It has been Abraham. Sorry, I started rushing because I've got a lot more to say and I only have three more days to say it, okay? Here in Romans chapter four, we see what Abraham did and so that's what we're going to do. Now I've said a lot of great things. I'm not going to spend as much time reviewing today as I normally do, but we started in verse 16, even though it's not necessarily part of the recipe of faith, it is important that you realize your father wants you to receive from him and verse 16 covers that. Then it begins, I will mention this again because this is so important and people neglect it, you need to get the word of God on it, okay? You need to get God's word on whatever your problem is and remember, identify your three problems in your life and get three scriptures for each problem. So, and then it says, so this is what he did. He got in verse 17, he got God's word. As it is written, I've made you the father of many nations. In the presence of him, he got to know the God that promised, of him who believed, he made a decision to believe God, that God would do what he said, and he says God, you need to realize he really is Almighty God and bigger than anything you're facing. That he gives life to the dead, so even if it's impossible, even if your situation looks dead, God can still fix it. And by the way, I've covered all of this stuff in previous broadcast, I'm kind of buzzing through it. Please go to and watch all those services. He says, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Really, I can't encourage you enough to do that, start speaking in line with what God has said. Who contrary to hope and hope believe. In other words, Abram was looking at a hopeless situation, but once God's word came, he began to have hope. He began to expect, even though, remember, we talked about that hope is positive expectation, that even though he had no reason to hope, he began to hope anyway, okay? And that hope, that expectation was based on what did God say, okay? The promise from God. And then this is where we got to and this is where we're gonna spend the rest of this broadcast. He says, and not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body already dead since he was about 100 years old and the deadness of Sarah's womb, okay? So weak faith, according to this verse, has to do with what you consider. People who walk in strong faith refuse to consider or factor in anything above the word of God, okay? And again, if you look at different translations, it almost seems as though they're contradicting each other, but I really don't think they are. If I'm gonna walk in strong faith, I'm gonna do what this is and I'm not gonna consider anything else other than the promise of God. Now other translations say that he did not weaken in faith when he considered and I think they're both right. I think that if I look at a cancer diagnosis, right? 'Cause that's one of the biggest things people deal with. They have a cancer diagnosis. I have to understand that the deciding factor on whether I live or die is not the diagnosis. What I have to factor in, what I must consider is the promise of God and the power of God and his willingness to help me. If I could begin to factor in the diagnosis, if I begin to consider the diagnosis above the promise of God, I'm going to operate in weak faith. But let me kind of give you a biblical illustration. This is where I talked about yesterday that we didn't have time to get into. Now even today, we're gonna be going to Matthew 14. Even today, I'm not gonna be able to teach it as completely as I would like to. So let me once again remind you, go to and get this absolutely free, 19 hours of teaching. And there's potentially, I know at least taught an hour on this, maybe two hours on this. This is where in verse 22, we're gonna start reading. It said immediately Jesus made his disciples get out of the boat and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away. And when he sent the multitudes away, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. Now when even he had come, he was alone there. But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with the waves and the wind was contrary. So the boys got in the boat, they were headed out the way Jesus told them to go. And now it ain't working. The winds and the seas are rough and they're not able to go forward. Now in verse 25, now in the fourth watch of the night, that's literally the darkest hour, the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went to them walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear. Now, as we go along, I need to point a couple of things out so that this is working. So they're on the sea and it's storming, okay? They're not making any headway in their journey and the waves are beating against the ship. The winds are blowing and they think they're going to die. Now in the midst of this storm, they look out and they see someone coming to them on the sea. Now I'm not altogether sure that they knew it was Jesus because why would they think Jesus was a ghost? If they could see him clear enough to know who he was, why would they think he was a ghost, okay? Because last time they saw him, he was alive, right? So why are they thinking this? But, so he's not close to the ship, he's a ways away. And he says, "But immediately, Jesus spoke to them saying, 'Be of good cheer, it is I, literally I am, do not be afraid.'" Now notice here, there's plenty of reasons to fear without the ghost, right? This ship is messed up, they're not able to go anywhere. It looks like they're about to die, storms brewing. But notice here how God will immediately answer you when fear tries to strike to you. It will immediately seek to reassure you. Are you allowing him to do that? So he says, "Be of good cheer, I am," is though, not just, "It is I, I am." Man, that should empower you. What are you afraid of? God is looking at you right now in your situation, going, "I am, be of good cheer, I am." What do you mean, I am? He is everything you need him to be. Be of good cheer, he is. And because he is, he's going to help you. Do not, do not be afraid. Now notice what happens next. Peter answered him and said, "Lord, if it is you, "command me to come to you on the water." Now, Jesus is a long way off. They can't see him real clear. They're thinking as it goes. So Pete comes up with this deal. And now I had somebody criticize me because I call these people Pete. I call them Abe. They're saying you're being disrespectful to these people. That's because, in my opinion, and you'll forgive me 'cause I love you, that's because in your opinion, these are like Bible characters that are above reproach. Whereas I have spent so much time meditating in the word, I see these people as people that I'm going to be talking to when I get to heaven hanging out with, having, you know, having a stake with and sitting around talking about things. And so I don't view them as these holy people unapproachable. Though I reverence and honor them for what they accomplish for God. These are like my friends. Now, do I talk to them? No, I don't talk to them. They're in heaven and I'm not. It is not right to try to talk to dead people, right? But when I arrive in heaven, I am going to go buy a mistake if we have to pay for stuff, which I don't think we do, but I'm going to go get a mistake and sit down and in jaw with them, right? And so I'm not being disrespectful. I honor these people, but I see them as close to me. Okay, so here's Peter or Pete. And he says, Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. So now Peter, there is. Now, notice the storm is still raging, right? The storm, nothing has changed with the storm. The storm is still going on. The storm that was stopping them, the storm that was affecting them, still going on. The wind still blowing, the seas are still rolling. But yet Peter at this moment believes that if I can get one word from Jesus, if Jesus will command me that whatever Jesus tells me to do, if he will say it to me, it will give me the power to do whatever he says. That's what he wants. Just give me your word, Lord, and that word will give me the power to break the law of gravity, to bend the laws of physics or break the laws of physics. One word from you, God, well, actually, now this isn't a moment talking about our walk of faith, right? This is a moment at which he's realizing one word from him. It doesn't matter what anything else is going on. That will have the power to change my life. And so Jesus says to him, one word, come. And on the basis of one word, and it's not even a big word, on the basis of one word, Peter steps out of a boat in the midst of a storm and walks on water. The one word from God, this one word come was enough to break the laws of physics, to break the law of gravity and empower a man to walk on water. Now, it's important to realize this, that while this is going on, Peter is only considering Jesus and his word. He is not considering the storm blowing around him, even though it still is. He is not considering the waves. He is not considering the wind in the sea. He's only considering what Jesus, and is only considering what Jesus has said. That's all he's locked into. That's all he's thinking about. That's all he's focusing on. And while he is focused on Jesus, he is able to do everything that Jesus told him to do. While he is focused on Jesus, he can be exactly where Jesus is. Now, I remember when I was going up, I used to listen to some Hank Williams Jr., right? And one of the songs, I can't remember, leave this country boy alone, old country boy. And one of the lines in the song was, ♪ Jesus walked on the water ♪ ♪ And I know that it's true ♪ ♪ But sometimes I think the preacher man ♪ ♪ wants to do a little walk into ♪ ♪ I ain't asking nobody for nothing ♪ Now you know why I preach and not sing, because I'm not good at it. But in that verse, Hank Williams Jr. is talking like it's only Jesus that can walk on water, but that's not true. Peter is able to walk on water when he has God's word for it. That he is able to do whatever God tells him to do. He is able to do what Jesus himself is doing once he has his word. But it's more than that. It's in that moment that Peter is only factoring in Jesus. He is only factoring in the word of God. He is not, he's sitting there saying, this word, this wind does not determine whether I walk on water. This water in this sea does not determine whether I walk on water. Jesus and his word determines whether I walk on water. That's the only thing that determines what happens next. Not the wind, not the sea, not the smoke, not the laws of physics. The only thing that determines my future from this moment forward is that man right there, the Lord Jesus Christ and his word. That's the only thing that determines my future, that and that alone. And while he does that, and what does he do? He gets out of the boat. But it says this, and when he had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. While he's focused on God and his word, while he's focused in only factoring in Jesus and his word, going back to this what it says in Romans, while he is considering only Jesus and his word. He is able to walk on water. But something changes while he's out there. He says this, but when he saw the wind and it was boisterous, he was afraid. But guess what? The wind didn't all of a sudden become boisterous. It didn't all of a sudden come up. Do you remember why Jesus is walking on the water? Because there was a storm brewing, right? And it was keeping them from going forward. See, here's the thing. Peter's walking on the water, and now all of a sudden he sees the wind. But it was the same storm that was brewing when he got out of the boat. It was the exact same storm. Okay, I'm gonna be extremely brutal with you. Nothing changed at all. Jesus didn't change, the waves didn't change, the wind didn't change. The only thing that changed was what Peter considered. The only thing that changed was what Peter stared at. That's the only thing that changed. And when he changed, when he began to consider, now if it was Abraham, when he began to consider instead of the promise of God, if he'd begun to consider his own body and the deadness of Sarah's womb, it wouldn't have worked. But here's a man right here with Jesus standing right there in front of him, that he took his eyes off Jesus in his word and he's beginning to sink. It's the exact same thing that'll happen in your life. If you want to have strong faith, quit looking at the wind and the sea and look at Jesus and his word. That's where strong faith comes from. That's how you walk in strong faith. Now again, in order to walk in this faith, you must first have faith and you don't get that from yourself. That is a gift from the Lord Jesus Christ. God has given each man the measure of faith. Jesus, and it says that we are born again, today we are saved by grace through faith and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God. Right now, Jesus wants you to have faith but the only way to do it is for you to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Are you ready to do that today? If Jesus were to appear today, do you know that you would go to be with him? You can though, and you can have this faith that overrides natural law. You can have this over this faith that subdues kingdoms and stops the mouths of life. You can have this. It's not something you do, it's someone you receive. Would you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior today? If you would, I'd like you to pray with you right now. Now again, I'm not asking you to join a church though, you should, I'm asking you to accept Jesus. Give your life to him. Will you pray with this with me today? Father, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray after me, okay? Father, in the name of Jesus. Today, I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Today, I acknowledge that I have need of a Savior, and so I receive Jesus as Lord in my life today. And Lord, from this day forward, I will look at my life and my circumstances in light of the Lord Jesus and no longer in the beggarly elements of this world. And I receive Jesus today as my Savior. Jesus, you are my Lord, and from this point forward, I can walk in strong faith because of Jesus. In Jesus' name, amen. If you prayed that prayer, please contact the ministry at We have lots of free gifts to give you. Partners, everybody that just got saved, you made that possible, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow, I'm kurtowin reminding you that Jesus' risen victory is assured. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation, knowing He will guide you into His will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Kurtowin. We're offering this series on USB as our free gift to you. - Hello, I'm Kurtowin. If you have just accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you miss the prayer and you'd like to just contact us, call us, we'll be glad to pray with you. But in addition to that, we want to begin to immediately disciple you. And so we want to send you some things. The partners of Kurtowin ministry and I value you and your spiritual growth. So please go to or call the number at the bottom of your screen. Send us an email that says I'm saved, and we'll send you these absolutely free. - Special thanks go to the Port St. Lucie Police Athletic League for the use of their facility. [BLANK_AUDIO]