Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 16

How You Can Have Strong Faith. If you ever thought you were weak in your faith, you can come out of that. Discover all about this and much more on today's episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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08 Jul 2024
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- Hello, I'm Kirto, and today on Fight to Win, I'm gonna talk to you about how you can have strong faith, and if you've thought you had weak faith, you can come out of that, and on tactical tips, we're gonna talk about how to throw a rear elbow. You're not gonna wanna miss it. - To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. - Hi, I'm Kurt Owen. On today's tactical tip, we're gonna talk about a rear elbow. The last couple days, we've been talking about elbows. We did the forward elbow. We did the side elbow, but now we're gonna do the rear elbow. It actually will look something like this, okay? Now, the way this works, now, technically, there's also a rear elbow like this, but this is the one we're doing so that I'm coming back this way. This is, if somebody tried to grab me from behind, now notice my feet are still moving. Remember how we talked about feet the other day? There's a pivot. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pivot on the opposite foot and I'm going to hit the bag. Now, again, it's not gonna work if I'm out here and I throw it, I'm gonna miss. If that happened, I'd actually open it up and do a hammer strike to the rear. Distance is really big and fighting. But the goal is, is if you grabbed me around my waist and you didn't lock my arms, then I might throw multiple of these. I might throw as many as I need to to shake up your melon and make you let go. This is a very, very good and useful tool. You'll use it a lot in self-defense. You'll use it a lot in fighting multiple opponents, but it's, this rear elbow can really do a lot. Not only that, by the way, for firearms people, if anybody ever tries to reach around you and grab your gun, that'll help you. (upbeat music) - Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. This week on Fight to Win, we're gonna finish talking about, at least I hope we are, about how to walk by faith. But we still got a lot to cover. And if you've missed any part about, this is actually my fourth week teaching on this. So please go to Kurt and catch up with us, right? Watch the first three weeks. And even if you did see 'em, go back and listen to 'em again, because I said a lot of important things. Now, we've been talking about how to walk by faith. I'm trying to make this as practical as I can. And so, as what we've been doing is, we've been looking from, we were told over in Hebrews, that find somebody that walked by faith and received from God, and then do what they did. And so, what we've been doing, is looking at the father of our faith, Abraham, at what he did, and where the plan is, you and I are gonna do what he did, okay? And so, it explains how he did what he did in Romans chapter four. Now, even though this is the last week for this, and even though I've taught on four weeks, I haven't taught everything that I could say. And so, I do encourage you to go to Kurt, get this, it's absolutely free. The partners and I want to bless you with this. And so, this will help you. This is 19 hours of teaching. We'll give it to you absolutely for you. Go to Kurt Now, here in Romans chapter four, it starts, the how to's are in verse 17. 16 tells us, again, it reminds us that God actually wants us to receive from him. And if that's a new concept to you, you need to spend a lot of time just thinking about that. God designed faith, let's just read the verse. Therefore, it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure or steadfast to all the seed, right? He wants you, he wants you to receive from him. He, you know, another way of saying that is certain. He wants it to be certain to all the seed. Are you certain? If you're not certain, I'd like you to spend a day or two just thinking about this, that it is by faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be certain to me, might be sure to me. In other words, God wants to certainly fulfill his promise to you. He wants you to be certain that he wants to help you. He wants you to be sure that he wants to help you, okay? And really, that's something we need to, and again, I'm teaching this in kind of in an order, right? I'm going in the order of the scripture, really. But understand, at some point during your walk of faith, you'll do all this, right? Again, I'm calling it like the faith recipe because Greg, or not Greg, Jeff and I were talking about something the other day, making egg bites, right? And so, he's been experimenting with him, trying to make the perfect egg bite, right? And unfortunately, he did not bring any samples. So, I can't really say whether he's got there or not, but he's working on it. Now, there was a method that he was using, but at some point, you do end up just dumping all the contents in there, right? And then just put it in the pan and cook it or however he does it, okay? He does some weird thing where he runs it through a water tube or runs water around it and things, and I don't understand. He made me a steak that he made in water one time. It was a good steak, but it is a little weird watching somebody pull your steak out of a pan of water. It's like eating a boiled steak. In a sense, it's just weird, but it wasn't like a boiled steak. It was good, it was good, but I digress. I'm getting a little hungry, it's, we're approaching. I haven't had, well, I did kinda, I had some egg bites from Jeff, but he bought them from someplace else. And so, I thought it was gonna be a sample, but it wasn't, it was a store bought. So, and I was grateful for it. I don't want you to get me wrong. So, I've digressed a lot here, okay? So, let's go back to the recipe of faith. At some point in the recipe, Jeff dumps all the ingredients together. There's a couple steps, but really, at some point, he just blends it all together and puts it together. So, understand in this recipe of faith, at some point, there's not necessarily a step in progression. At some point, you're gonna have to do all of this, okay? And maybe I can explain that a little bit today. Now, this first part actually is a step. It is the main ingredient. If you are looking at a can of faith, this would be the first predominant ingredient in there. It is the most that is in the can, and that is a promise from God, verse 17. As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. Now, hopefully by now, you've been doing your homework and you've gotten your, you've identified your three problems and you've gotten three scriptures per problem and you've begun to read those every day, okay? Now, so you start with the word of God. Then, in the presence of him whom he believed, you get to know God so that you begin to trust the one that gave you the promise, and then you make a choice to believe God. Now, let's just talk about that in this recipe context. Well, you know what, let's get as far as we've gotten and then we'll go back to the recipe. He says this, "In the presence of him whom he believed, God who gives life to the dead, so he is almighty God. You've got to spend time meditating on the fact that he's God and that he's bigger than your problem, not just intellectually, but you actually are in your heart. That's the way you see it. God is bigger than cancer. God is bigger than this debt. God is bigger than whatever it is, okay? In the presence of him whom he believed, God who gives life to the dead, so even if it looks dead, you're okay. God specializes in, he's just getting started when something's dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. That God, when you have a problem, God's going to give you his word, even and he's going to talk like it's already done, and then he expects you to do the same. Again, using Abraham as our example, he called him Abraham the father of many nations, and so Abraham was now supposed to call himself the father of many nations, even though there was no evidence that he was the father of many nations, okay? In the presence of him whom he believed, God who calls those things which do not, who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did, and who contrary to hope and hope believe, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, so shall your descendants be. Okay, so that kind of catches us up. You're going to have to understand that it's going to look hopeless, but you're going to hope anyway. Today, I intend to release miracle working power into your life, okay? And I'll talk to you a little bit about it in just a second, but because several years ago, a little while ago, the Lord told me that I had an anointing to do miracles. Now, I'm still figuring out how it operates, just to be honest, but, and I, quite frankly, I'm believing that it's going to work through a television screen or through a podcast or something like that, because really with God, God's where you are, God's where I am, and so I'm believing that miracles are going to take place, but one of the reasons people become limited in the limit, they limit the miracle working power of God is because of their history, right? I've been dealing with this for years, and so now, why should I expect that this is going to be different? Well, because we have God's word, and I'm going to pray for you, and on the basis of that prayer, and the miracle working power that God said he gave me, that something's going to be different in your life today, and you have to expect that, that after I pray, that miracle working power is going to be made manifest in your life, and whatever it is in the area that you need a miracle for, that you're going to go ahead and receive that miracle, okay? Even though you have no reason, you know, you've been dealing with it for years, you have no reason to expect anything different, but now there's a promise from God, and now there's a person who loves you, me, who wants to pray for you and release what God has given him access to, this miracle working power, and so now, you're going to expect, you're going to hope against hope, you're going to hope, contrary to who hope, okay? That even though you have no reason to hope in the natural, you are no longer just dealing with the natural, you have access to the supernatural in the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? And I've just said a lot, so you need to probably go back and listen to that again. Maybe I've had a little bit too much coffee for this broadcast, but let's go back to what I was talking about, the recipe of faith. You do start off with a promise from God. You do, okay? You have to, and you have to maintain, you have to continue to feed on that promise throughout the process until you have what you've been believing for. You have to continue with that word. We're going to finish that, we'll kind of finish up there before the end of the week, but I'm just telling you in advance. Now, at some point, there's going to be a timeframe by which you're going to begin to release faith, and for most of us, there's going to be a period of time before it actually shows up, okay? This is interesting about the scripture where it says that I as a believer can lay hands on someone and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they shall recover it, right? They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Well, recovery is actually a process, but most people don't want a process, they want an instant fix. And so, let's say, like right now, you're believing for a better job, and so you're going to release your faith for a better job that God, you have favor with God and man. There might be a little bit of time before you get that job, and so while in that time, you might need to remind yourself, or excuse me, you will need to remind yourself of the word of God. And again, according to the recipe, you will need to remind yourself that even though it's been a while, and you've been believing for a job for a little while, and nothing seems to have changed, you're going to have to story yourself, and it looks like there's no way you're getting a new job, you're going to have to remind yourself that God gives life to the dead. You're going to have to remind yourself that he's God, that he is bigger than the board of directors of your company, that you're going to have to remind yourself to speak in line with what God has said about you. Thank you, Lord, for my new job. I'll cover that later on, but call those things which do not exist as though they did. Okay? And again, continue to expect that any day, the phone's going to ring, and I'm getting my new job. Any day, I'm, you know, God will direct my steps, and I'll end up with a new job. See, it's a recipe, right? Those aren't necessarily steps. The first step is the word of God, but throughout the process, you're going to have to stir up all these things, because there's mornings you're going to wake up and you're not going to feel like this is coming to pass in your life, and you're going to have to remind yourself, in that there's no way you could come to pass, that it's your company, they're laying people off, they're not giving people promotions, and you're going to have to remind yourself that he is God, he is almighty God, and God can do anything. God can even speak to your board of directors, he can speak to your boss, he is not limited. He could have another company that is better than the company you currently work for, seek you out, find you and hire you for that job, because you're, because he's God, right? See, again, it's not a recipe. I mean, excuse me, it's not just steps, it's a recipe. At some point, we've got to have all the ingredients working. At some point, you're going to wake up and your mind's going to tell you, I don't know why you thought you'd ever get a new job, nothing ever good happens to you, and you're going to, at that moment, you're going to have to apply the piece of the recipe that says, that who contrary to hope and hope believe, no, I expect anyway, because I've got a promise from God. I ask God for a new job, and God said whatsoever, I ask the Father in Jesus' name, he will give me to, and therefore I believe I have it. I have it. You see how these things are interacting now. You see how, and again, on the moments, you're going to have to say those things that be not, call those things which do not exist as though they did, and throughout the entire thing, you're going to have to spend time in the presence of him whom you're seeking to believe. There's going to be days you're going to walk up, and every feeling you have says that the word of God is not coming to pass, and God's not going to do what he said he's going to do, and you're going to have to stir yourself up and say, "No, I choose to believe God." I can believe anything, I can believe it's working, or I can believe it's not working, and I choose to believe it's working. Again, the recipe of faith, not steps, okay? Now, again, I'm covered a lot, and there's a whole lot more I could cover, so please go to and get this free teaching. It's 19 hours of teaching. We're going to give you absolutely free just by contacting this ministry. The partners and I think you're important and you're valuable, and we want you to get this, okay? Now, so we're talking about the recipe of faith. Now, let's move along, let's look at the next verse, okay, verse 19. "And not being weak in faith, "he did not consider his own body already dead "since he was about 100 years old "and the deadness of Sarah's womb." Okay, now, if you've ever wanted strong faith, the Bible is now telling you how to have it, because it's telling you that weak faith and strong faith is determined by what you consider, okay? If you want to have strong faith, you're going to have to consider one thing. If you're going to have weak faith, you're going to consider something else. Now, other translations, I'm reading the New King James Version predominantly, that's what I read, and other King versions almost sound like they're saying the opposite, and I'm going to use my phone for this if I could, and now this is, let me switch to, I'll use, I don't know, the English standard version. And it says this, "As it is written," no, that's right, wrong, "he did not weaken in faith "when he considered his own body, "which was as good as dead," since he was about 100 years old, "or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah's womb." Now, see, that sounds like they're contradicting each other, but honestly, I don't think they are. I've meditated on this a while. I used to say that in order to not be weak in faith, don't consider anything else other than the word of God. And you want to know what, I was right, but there's also something else. At some point, there's going to be things that force you to try to consider them, okay? I want you to think about this in relation to Abraham. If you want to have a child, what's the two things that are absolutely essential to having a child? My body and my wife's body. I mean, if we're going to consider anything, it's those two things, right? Because I'm not going to get into a biology lesson, but those two bodies must come together, right? Because there's not going to be another Christ child, right? These two bodies are going to have to come together. And so, and again, this goes back to people who try to tell me, "You've got to deal with reality. "I've got to deal with reality. "I'm not like you, preacher. "I've got to deal with reality." There is nothing more real than your body having to come together with your wife's body, and then they work in a baby pop out, okay? And yet, so what do you do in your sitting there and it's that he did not weaken in faith when he considered? In other words, he did not consider his bodies. When he looked at their bodies, he did not think that they could limit the power of God in his life. Just because my body is dead, just because her body is dead, it will not limit the power of God working in my life. And I'm not, even though this is in my face every single day, my body is not the deciding factor in whether this comes to pass in my life. Now, let me ask you a question. In what most people consider reality, is your body and her body the deciding factor in childbearing? Yes, right? Yes. It is the deciding factor. My body has to come together with her body. My body's got to work. Her body's got to work in order for this to work, right? It is the deciding factor, right? My seed has to enter her egg. It is the deciding factor. But yet, once you have the promise of God, and if my body doesn't work, then that's decided it's not working. If her body doesn't work, that's decided it's not working. Unless you have a promise from God that can fix whatever's wrong and make it come to pass. Now, you are going to have to learn not to consider anything else, that even if you're looking at your own body, even if you're looking at the doctor's report, that is not the deciding factor on whether or not the word is going to come to pass in your life. Jesus is the only deciding factor. Now, let me give you a biblical illustration of this, can we? And I'm not sure I can do this. I've got about four minutes left, and I still got to talk to you about miracles. What do you think is the deciding factor in the word coming to pass in your life? What is it that you consider in addition to the promise of God? Well, my body, my boss might not want me to have a new job. You've got to realize we've got a bad economy. I might not be able to prosper. You've got to realize that this is incurable. Is that what you're going to consider? Is that what you're going to stare and focus at? Or are you going to stare and focus at the promise from God? Listen, as I said before, a short time ago, the Lord told me that he gave me, he says, "I'm giving you miracle working power." Now, honestly, for the first little while, it's been kind of hit or miss. Now, we've had a lot of major miracles, right? We had a woman healed of brain cancer. And when I first, when God first started dealing with me about these miracles, I thought it was just healing. But since then, we've seen all different sorts of stuff. One woman, her, what she was believing for, was their husband hadn't been to church in years. This just happened. And right after I prayed, her husband was back in church, I think the next week. One of the coolest ones this year that happened was there was a single mom, I was in Spain, and I was doing miracles. And I'm standing up there, and in that particular one, I was laying hands on people. I don't have to lay hands on people to do miracles. Some of the greatest miracles we've seen, like the woman that took cancer disappearing, people prospering, receiving buildings, I never laid hands on those people. God just did it, right? We had a woman in Turkey that had a tumors gross on her breasts, actually exterior from what I understood, it's kind of hard to understand 'cause it was Turkish. But that they just disappeared on her body. That was just this year, and I never laid hands on her, okay? Now, I don't think I laid hands on her. Anyway, let me tell you about this mom. I did lay hands on her. She, I was, there's about three, 400 people there, I think. Don't quote me on that 'cause I'm terrible with stuff like that. There could have been 20, but there was a lot of people with churches full, and so this woman comes up, she's a single mom, she's been divorced for about, I guess, a couple of years, and basically she has one or two kids, and the father basically just abandoned them. The court ordered that he pay them and give them money, and he just disappeared. She had not spoken to this guy in a year and a half, okay? So she was in like the first, she was in the first group of people that I ministered to. Now, so now I have to lay hands on all these people, and at the end of the thing, I'm standing there and the woman comes up, single mom, young girl, and she says, "Can I talk to you?" And I said, "Sure." She said, "I already have my miracle." I said, "Really?" And I'm thinking it's a hearing miracle. She said, "Yes," she said, and she starts explaining that we got divorced, and he basically abandoned us, and I haven't spoken to in a year and a half, and he hasn't given me any money at all, and we're desperate. And she said, "Today, not only did I give in the offering, "but when you said what about miracles, "my miracles have him support us." She said, "I go back to my seat, "and while I'm sitting there in my seat, "my phone buzzes, and it is a text from my ex-husband "that I haven't spoken to in a year and a half." And he said, "He was digitally and did, "digitally sent me money, more money than he'd ever "given me before." She said, "I received my miracle." In Jesus' amazing. Now, here's the thing. I'm gonna come back after the break, and I'm gonna pray with you for your miracle, but I want you right now to think about what miracle it is that you need. And I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to see you talking to Jesus, Jesus standing right there in front of you, and the Lord is saying, "What is it that I can do for you?" And I want you to tell him that miracle that you need. And then when I come back and I pray, and I release this miracle working power, I want you to see Jesus saying, "Of course, "of course I'll do that for you." And doing that for you and seeing that change. So come right back, right after this, I wanna pray with you for your miracle. - Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation, knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Cardone. We're offering this series on USB is our free gift to you. - Are you receiving our podcast? You know that right now you can go on whatever platform that you use and subscribe to our podcast. Somebody told me it was one of the top 10% in the nation. You should take advantage of this. Go and subscribe to our podcast and leave us a comment today. Have you set your heart and mind of what you're going to about to receive from the Lord Jesus? Listen, he's in love with you and he wants to help you. So I want you to just get quiet right where you are. Now, Father, in the name of Jesus, I've told them what you said to me. And Father, I thank you that right where they are, Lord, they've told you what it is that they need. Lord, you are the wonder worker. And right here and right now, I don't know what it's like where you're at, but I sense the power of God. And in the name of Jesus, I release this power of God, this miracle working power into your life to deliver you and to give you the miracle that you've just asked for. Receive your miracle now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In Jesus' name, you have your miracle. I love you, please contact us and let us know about your miracle so that we can share it with others. I love you guys, I'll see you tomorrow. This is Kurt Owen reminding you Jesus' risen. Victory is assured. Not your typical minister. Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's word will reveal how much God loves you and give you the ability to walk in victory with Jesus.