Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 13

What Are You Expecting? In our walk of faith, we need to take note of what we are expecting, and, if it is anything other than God's Word, we need to change it. Discover more on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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03 Jul 2024
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Today on Fight to Win, I'm going to talk to you about what are you expecting and then talk to you about how you can change that to begin to expect the Word of God. And on our tactical tips, I'm going to continue talking about environmental weapons. You're not going to want to miss it. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Your typical minister, Kurt Owen, left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. We've been talking about environmental weapons or improvised weapons. We talked a little bit about a phone, a little bit about a key. Today, I want to talk to you about a water bottle. Most people today carry around water bottles. If you've got one of those heavy aluminum ones, all the better, I do like the ones with the necks a little bit. But if I take a water bottle, now in plastic, it's better that it's full. It still works kind of, but I might switch to something else like my belt or something, but I'm not going to teach you about a belt. If I got a water bottle, I can actually hit something really, really hard. That's more of a hammer strike here, but I can actually take it and hit with it. I can actually do some damage with it. Now, again, you've got to be watchful because if it's not full, it could collapse on you. Then if it breaks, you can start raking across here, something to start to mess with them. I'd actually hit them with like in the nose or something like that. The point of these environmental weapons ultimately is look around in your environment. If you're at a restaurant and you are, let me stop that for just a second. If you're at a restaurant and you can hit it pretty hard though, can't you? Somebody's coming in. You can take a salt shaker, open it up in your hand, better even a pepper shaker and throw it in their eyes if they're in there to rob people. There's all sorts of things you can pick up to defend yourself. Hello I'm Curt Owen. Welcome back to Fight to Win. I hope your week is going well this week and on this Wednesday. Know that somebody loves you and somebody believes in you and that's me and the family of Curt Owen Ministries. Now, we've been talking for, this is our third week, talking about how to walk my faith. And I've been teaching you this just as practically as I know how. Now, again, I've taught a lot of things and so if you've missed anything or even if you haven't, honestly, you need to hear these things over and over again. I've said some startling things, some encouraging things, some corrective things and you need to hear them again. So please go to Curt and re-watch this series and get it down on the inside of you. For the just and we are to live by faith, this is something that is so important to us in our walk. Not only that, that's the reason that again, we're giving this to you absolutely free. Go to Curt This is 19 hours of teaching. Even though this looks like I might go into four weeks teaching on this and I hope Autumn's not upset with me, this is 19 hours of consolidated teaching and you should get ahold of it. All right? Now, what we've been doing is since we need to know how to do it, right? Not just have faith, brother. I got so tired of that when I was growing up. Have faith, brother. Just have faith. Have faith. Have faith. How? How? Just walk my faith, brother. Just walk my faith. What does that mean? What am I supposed to do? How do I do that? And so that's what I'm trying, I want to eliminate all that out of your life and I'm trying to say, this is how you do it? This is what you do, right? Now, the reason we're doing it this way again is because of over here in Hebrews chapter six and I know you could probably quote it by now. But just so that we're all on the same page, it says that do not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Imitate those who have already inherited. Find somebody that's inherited and then do what they did. Then immediately it mentions Abraham in verse 13. So we've been looking at Romans chapter four that explains how that takes place. How did Abraham walk by faith? What did he do? And then once we find out what Abraham did, we're going to do that. Okay. Now, by the way, at the end of this, I'm going to encourage you again to get into a local church. But one of the reasons it's important that you are finding the truths of the Word of God, or a church that's teaching you the truths of the Word of God, just like I'm teaching you right now, is it's important that you're hearing this. It's important, honestly, if you go to church and they have a midweek service and they teach these truths, you need to be there. Because I know that at our churches, the reason we have a midweek service is because you've just spent three days out in the world and the world has not been trying to help you. It's been trying to pull you down and disrupt your walk with God. And so in the middle of the week, we have a service to tank you back up so that you can get out there and that you don't end up in these hills and vap these all the time. Okay. And so I'm encouraging you tonight, if you go to church, if you have a church, you need to go to church. You need to be listening to your pastor more than you're listening to me. Because your pastor has a specific grace and anointing on their life to keep you stable and you need to avail yourself of that. But we'll talk more about that later. But these things are so important in that we need to be encouraged in these things. We need somebody to remind us in these things. Okay. Honestly, I'm dealing with too many people that say, "Well, I'm believing God." Well, you don't sound like you're believing God. You sound like you're believing the devil, but you're trying to be spiritual about it. You're sounding like you're believing the lies and the destruction. That's what you sound like. And you need to encourage yourself in one of the ways we do that is by having a body of believers that we belong to. Now, this here in Romans chapter 4 where it begins to explain where Abraham walked by faith. It says, and again, this is not something he did, but it is something we need to remind ourselves of. Therefore, it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed. Notice the heart and the intent of the Lord is that everybody received from him. Do you see him that way? Because if you don't, you need to spend some time until you do. Okay. Then you go, and again, well, I'll get into it in a minute. And then he says, not only to those who are of the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. Now, I made this statement, and I guess I'm calling it the recipe of faith, because sometimes when we say steps, people get too rigid about it, right? But really, this is a recipe, but this first step is important, and it is the first step. There's no sense trying to do the rest of it without doing this. Find out what God said about your problem. Remember your homework, right? I told you to identify your three problems that you have, and then find three scriptures that handle those three problems. Okay? And again, because we have a lot of people that watch our broadcast that have never been to church before, you can contact the ministry and will help disciple you in these things. The purpose of these broadcasts is to disciple you in the Word of God, so we want to help you with it. Okay? But first, you're going to find out what God said about your problem, then in the presence of Him whom He believed, you've got to get to know the God that promised, and then you're going to have to make this decision to believe this, you've got to believe Him, right? And that's a decision. That is not a feeling, it is not an inward conviction, it is a choice. I can believe anything I want to believe, I choose to believe this. In the presence of Him whom He believed, God, now we talked about this, about that He really is God, that He is bigger than your problem, that He has the resources, the capability to fix it. The second part is liking under this where it says that He gives life to the dead. You're going to have to realize that, that no matter how bad it looks, He is well able to protect and deliver you because He's God. And even though it's dead, He's just getting started. Then we spent several broadcasts talking about this next part that, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Now listen, if you miss that, you need that because you need to understand how God is going to do things and how God is going to deal with you, and quite frankly, how I'm going to deal with you, that when you have a problem, I'm going to give you God's Word. I'm going to talk to you about the fact that Jesus has already purchased your redemption from whatever problem you have, that you have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing and heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that you have already been given everything that pertains to life and godliness. And that's going to be frustrating if you don't understand how God does things because you're going to be sitting there saying, "But I don't have it. I'm not that way. This isn't mine. You're going to get frustrated and you got to take a step back and humble yourself and say, "If this is the way God handles things, this is the way I'm going to handle things." Now, let's get into this next part, and this is going to be a big one. Honestly, everything I've said is a big one, but this is a big one too. To contrary to hope in hope believed so that he became the father of many nations, again, going back to the promise, "According to what was spoken, so shall your descendants be." Okay, now there is so much in this. Now hope, let's remember Bible hope means to positively expect. It is not wishing. Like if I said, if somebody said, "Do you got a precision rifle yet?" "Oh, not yet, but I'm hoping someday." A lot of times when people say stuff like that, they're being, "I wish one day I would have it." That's not Bible hope. Let me kind of explain Bible hope this way. All right, if I was going to come visit you, more than likely I'm going to have to fly, right? And so I say to you, I'm landing on American Airlines Flight 206 at 1138 tomorrow night. Okay? Now, if you hoped for me to show up, you would be at the airport at 1130, since I'm coming at 1136, you would be, you would be at the airport because you expected me to be there. You are not sitting at your house waiting and now I land and get off the plane and I call and I say, "Hey, I'm here at the airport. Oh, are you here? Okay, I just wanted to be sure before I drove over to the airport." No, the truth is you didn't truly expect me. And this is where a lot of people get messed up is they're not truly expecting. Now let me, I need to kind of explain this part, Abraham is nearly 90 years old when he has a child, okay? And he had lived his entire life. When God first begins to meet Abraham, I think he was in his 60s, okay? So he begins, he meets Abraham, well, he has long since the time of childbearing. He and Sarah Bowe, they've never been able to have children. Now they had tried. We know that because when God does speak to Abraham or when Abraham speaks to God, he says, "What are you going to give me seeing that I go childless and that my, my air is L.E.A.'s are of Damascus." So we know in Abraham's mind they've been trying to have children, seeing that I go childless, right? He'd been trying to have a child and couldn't, he knows he doesn't believe he's going to have a child. And so now he's already picked somebody to be his heir, right? Because he is not expecting to have a child, he is expecting to die without a child, okay? So he's picked somebody to be his heir. But here's the thing, something changed when he was 60 years old. For 60 something years, 60, 65 years, he was unable to have children. And because he was unable to have children and they had tried and failed and tried and failed and tried and failed and tried and failed, right? And he was unable to have it then because he no longer expected to have a child, he came up with a plan. L.E.A.'s are of Damascus is going to be my heir. But then something changed that changed everything. And that was the day that God showed up and gave him promise. That was to date now to put it according to this, who contrary to hope and hope believe, let's say it like this, who contrary to hope, there was no reason to hope. All hope was gone. It was hopeless, 60 something years have passed and I have never been able to have a child. You know, this is the reason that I want you to get this product absolutely free. Go to and allow the partners of mine to give you this into your hands. Because you've probably got a lot of water under the bridge that's speaking to you and trying to tell you it's never happened for me and it's never going to happen for me. And you need to renew your mind to the Word of God and that's why we're going to give you this, the partners and I, this 19 hours of teaching, partners again, thank you that I don't have to sell this to them, that we can give this to them and see their life changed. Thank you for doing that. But to see your life changed, you've got to contact us so we can give it to you absolutely free. It's not even shipping. Absolutely free. Now it's probably going to be a digital download but if you needed some other way we'll try to help you with that. So for 60 something years he has had no reason to hope. All hope is gone. And so because that hope is gone, he's got a plan, LEA's are. And so who contrary to hope, in hope, believe, now wait a minute, that sounds like a contradiction. No it isn't. That's explaining what happened. The man got to the place, he had no hope. But then something changed. Gone shows up and promises to give him a child. Promises not only to give him one child, but that he will have more children than there is sand in the sea, more stars in the sky. And out of him the Lord Jesus will come and every family on the earth will be blessed. So there became a point in the middle of hopelessness God speaks. And then who contrary to hope, in hope began to believe, but what was he believing? What he was promised. Look at him again, right? Who contrary to hope, in hope, believed, so that he became exactly what God said he was, according to what was spoken. This goes back to the Word of God. What does the Word say? So listen, I don't care how long you've been having this problem. I don't care how long you've had the situation. You now have the Word of God on it, but now you're going to have to make a decision who even though there is no reason to hope that there's no evidence that anything has changed, now that you have the promise from God, now you are going to expect or hope anyway. I've never been able to have kids. I have no reason to expect to ever have kids, but now I've met this God who says that I will be the Father of many nations, and so shall my descendants be. That's what he said. So now, even though I had no right to expect or no reason to expect yesterday, and I didn't expect so much so that I've already had to come up with a plan to deal with it, now there's a new plan because I've met someone who gave me his Word who I believe is going to do what he said. Can you do this in your walk of faith? Can you contrary to hope, in hope, in expectation? Let me say it like that. Contrary to any reason to expect, you now will begin to expect anyway because now you have the Word of God. Now there's plenty of people this does not work for. There's plenty of people who read the Word of God that is not producing anything, and one of the main reasons why is that they have no expectation. They don't see it that way. Okay, I'm going to help you a little bit with this. Remember, Hebrews 11-1, let's turn there just so that we have it. Hebrews 11-1, faith is, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith gives substance to things expected. What happens if there's no expectation? What does faith get to work on? And see, this is what happens with people. They pray. And let's say they're praying over a loved one. And now I could tell you praying for healing is not exactly the right thing to do. You should be exercising authority over healing because healing is a done deal. Like I'm not, usually if I pray for you, I'm not going to essay Father in the name of Jesus. I ask you to heal my brother or my sister. I'm not going to do that because God has already settled his will, and I don't have to talk to him about it. Peeling has already been purchased by the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? But let's say you were doing that because that's the way most people pray, okay? Father in the name of Jesus, and then if that's where you are and God has merciful, right? It's not the best practice though. So you do that. And somebody says, "Well, I'm praying for so-and-so," but the doctor says he's not going to make it. And really, you've just prayed, but then you have no expectation that what you prayed was going to happen. Why? That's the reason you're still troubled. That's the reason you're still upset. Let me back up like this. Let's say that it's, I don't have the money to pay my mortgage, right? We're shooting television. If I'm shooting television, I'll be able to teach Jeff as well. So, I don't have the money to pay my mortgage. So right now, I'm sweating it because I don't have the money to pay my mortgage. And Jeff walks in and says, "Kurt, I'm going to give you the money to pay your mortgage. When's your mortgage do?" Your mortgage is due on Friday. Okay. Well, today is Saturday when we're shooting this. And so, Jeff says, "The mortgage is due Friday fine. I'll give you the money by Friday to pay your mortgage." Now, if I actually believe Jeff, and I believe that he is a man of his word, that I understand he has the resources to do it, then my expectation should be that that's what's going to happen between now and Friday, Jeff's going to give me the money for my mortgage. Okay? Now, so, that being true, shouldn't that end all worrying? Today, again, is Saturday. If Sunday, if tomorrow I get up in the morning thinking, "What am I going to do about my mortgage?" Did I believe Jeff yesterday? Am I expecting Jeff to do what he said? Or the opposite of that is, Jeff tells me he's going to pay my mortgage each day, I'm expecting a phone call from Jeff or expecting him to stop by with the money or expecting PayPal or text to give or something that he's going to do it. And that's what I'm looking for. In fact, I'm not looking at paying this month's mortgage anymore, I'm looking at paying next month's mortgage because this month's mortgage is done. This month's mortgage is finished because Jeff is spoken and I believe what Jeff said. So, even though I had no hope of paying my mortgage, once Jeff is spoken, now I do have expectation and I expect my Friday to pay my mortgage. If you go back and you read the story of David and Goliath, right, there became a point at which there was a transition, so that when this thing first starts, David is going to go fight Goliath, that's what he's going to go do. And everything's majoring on facing Goliath. But at some point in his talking his faith in declaring what God is going to do, David begins to see Goliath as dead. And he begins to think about killing the entire army by his self because there's nobody else right now willing to fight. So David gets in his mind, first he's going to go fight Goliath and then he starts talking about, well, I'm not just going to kill you, I'm going to give the carcass of the host of the Philistines. Today, you're going to all die. And so in David's mind, the promises that he was standing on the defeat Goliath are a settled issue. And literally this is what it said in the scripture. It said he ran towards the army and met Goliath. In other words, in David's mind, he is already dead. It is already a finished and settled issue. I have no expectation in a few moments that this giant will still be standing. I am going to step over his cold dead body on the way up that hill. This is a settled issue. Goliath is already dead. He is a dead man walking and doesn't even know it because I've got to coven it with God. What happened? Who contrary to hope and hope believe there began this expectancy began to build in him? Listen, I know you've been through some stuff. I know you've been through some problems. I know you've been through some challenges. But it's time to get God's word and begin to, who contrary to expectation? Begin to expect anyway. Begin to expect to see the power and the promise of God come to pass in your life. Begin to step, to see Goliath is already dead and head out of this. If right now you're in a hospital bed, instead of seeing yourself in a hospital bed, see yourself out taking a walk. See yourself, if they've given you a death sentence and you're young and you just had a child, I got in my heart that there's somebody like that that's watching this, that you're sitting, you're in a hospital room. I don't know when you'll see this. I don't know how you'll see this. But if this is you, it's for you and you're young and you have young children and they've given you a death sentence and you've already begun to paint a picture in your mind, the expectation of your death and I'm not going to be at their weddings, I'm not going to be there for this, I'm not going to be further through that, I want you to change that. I want you to right now change that expectancy. I want you to coo contrary to hope in hope believe what God told you that you will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord. And I want you to see yourself dancing at your children's wedding. I want to see you sitting there watching them get married. I want you to see yourself sitting there and watching them graduate from both high school and college begin to hope anyway. Now when we come back, I want to pray with you. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation knowing He will guide you into His will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Kurt Owen. They're offering this series on USB as our free gift to you. Order yours today on our website or by calling 1-800-215-0428. Everything I've said today, you need a local church to reinforce this. You can't just watch it on TV. You need to be there where people to agree with you and remind you to remain encouraged. Today's Wednesday, either tonight or by Sunday, find a church that teaches the same truths I do and get in there and let them feed you and encourage you and find brothers and sisters you can stand with. God's will is the local church and you need a pastor. If we can help with that contact us, be in church this Sunday. I'm going to ask God to reveal to you and I both where we haven't truly been expecting His promise to come to pass. And then I'm going to ask the Lord on both of our Baha'b's that He restore that hope on the inside of us and that expectation. Father in the name of Jesus, we come before you today and we set ourselves in agreement that you will speak to each of us and show us where we have not been expecting your Word to come to pass. And Lord, we ask you right now by your Holy Spirit and through your Word to restore that hope as we make a choice now together to believe. And Lord, I thank you that we set ourselves in agreement that your Word will come to pass in our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen. [BLANK_AUDIO]