Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 11

What Is the Most Frustrating Thing in Your Walk with God? Pastor Kurt deals with this question and will help you overcome the most frustrating thing in your walk with God on today's episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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01 Jul 2024
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>>> Hello, I'm Curt Owen, today on Fight to Win I'm going to help you with one of the most frustrating things that you can deal with in your walk with God and in our tactical tips we're going to begin to talk about environmental weapons. >>> To succeed in life we have to fight, that's why winners train spirit soul and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Curt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. >>> Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Curt. >>> Hello, I'm Curt Owen. On today's tactical tip I want to talk to you about what we call environmental weapons. Because today they're called improvised weapons but when I grew up I'm pretty sure we used to call them environmental nowadays, honestly people have changed terms so much, it's hard to keep up. But it's anything in your environment that you can pick up and you can utilize to protect yourself. One weapon that we all should have is a phone. Now I have to be honest, I'm kind of reluctant to utilize my phone as a weapon. The reason is it has so many functions, it has a flashlight, it's my ability to call for help if I need it, it's a locator device in case my team needs to come to me or my spouse needs to come to me. But if I needed to, I could. I can utilize this to hammer strike, attach my phone over the top, utilize it, now normally I'm going to hit with the edge or I'm going to take this blunt edge and come into the side of the neck. I can shoot it into the abdomen where I can try to collapse your little bread box here, the diaphragm, I can use it to strike joints, I can use it to strike hands. It's actually a very, very useful tool. The downside is if I hit them hard enough or if I hit them wrong, like I can hit you upside the head but if I were to hit you more on the top I could potentially even break my device and that means I'm not going to be able to use it for those other functions. And so I would encourage you to use something else but if you have to, you've got your phone. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Thank you so much for tuning back in to fight to win. I'm beginning my third week on teaching you practically how to walk by faith. Because a lot of times people are saying, "Well, I know the Bible says to walk by faith but I don't know how." Well, that's what these are for is to teach you practically how you can do it. In fact, where we hope that at the end of the broadcast you'll actually have something you can implement in your life today. That's kind of our goal and things. So now I've been covering this for three weeks so there's a lot that I've covered and I would encourage you to go to YouTube to the Kurt Owen Ministries YouTube channel and go back and listen to this. It'll be just called how to walk by faith and listen to the last two weeks because I've said a lot of things that will really help you and strengthen you that you're going to need to hear. Even if you've already heard it, I need you to go back and listen to them over and over again. We need to renew our minds. That's one of the reasons, by the way, we're giving away this free product. This is 19 hours of teaching and even in this I didn't teach everything that I had on my heart and so I would encourage you to go to Kurt and get this free teaching. It's 19 hours of teaching that the partners of Kurt Owen Ministries and I just want to give you absolutely free. So we've been talking about that and so this is the way we've been going at it. First part I taught about why it's important to walk by faith and why you should. And here as we got into how are we actually going to walk by faith, I want you to look at it here in Hebrews chapter 6 verse 11 it says, "And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and consistency or patience inherit the promises." In other words, that's a wordy way of saying find somebody that received from God and then do what they did, okay? And so that we've done exactly that in fact verse 13 it points to a man that received from God Abraham. And so what we've done is we found over here in Romans chapter 4 exactly where it says and explains to us what Abraham did to receive from God. And so what we're doing is we're looking at what he did and then once we understand everything that he did then we're going to go do that, okay? And then we're going to receive just like he received, okay? Now again, I am not doing any of this to get God to help me. I'm not doing any of this to get God to bless me, to love me, God already has blessed me, God has already in love with me, God has already helped me, he has provided everything that I have need of through the Lord Jesus Christ. But in order to access everything that grace has provided I have to walk by faith because faith accesses the grace, okay? So what we want to do here is we're going to start in verse 16. And again, I've said it before, 16 is not something that Abraham did, but it is something that we should renew our minds to, that therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all. Now with that you need to get, you need to understand the heart of God. God wants you to receive from him more than you want to receive from him, therefore he set up this means of receiving from him in such a way that everyone can do it. Therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, okay? Now so that's just a principle we need to stir ourselves upon. Now again, and again I want to go at this because normally I would say and in days past I probably would have said these are the steps to walk by faith. And now I don't know that I would say that. I now probably would say this is the recipe of how to walk by faith. You know Jeff and I were talking earlier this morning about how, about a recipe that he has and that he's been working on. And the truth of the matter is that those are all components of it. And sometimes it matters what steps you do in a minute and sometimes it doesn't. You just throw everything in a bowl, right? But you need to make sure everything's in the bowl. And so though I think there's a couple things in here that are, that I think the first step is an actual step. Like I said last week. The rest, you just need to make sure that they're in the bowl, okay? And so it goes on here and it says this, it says, "As it is written, I have made you the Father of many nations. Abraham's walk of faith started with a promise, yours will too. If you tell me you're believing God and you have no promise, I don't agree with you. That is not Bible faith. That might be your religion, but it is not Bible faith. Bible faith starts with knowing what the Word of God says and laying hold of that, okay? Now once you've done that, it says, "In the presence of him whom he believed," now again, you're only going to believe the Word of someone to the degree that you know them. And so you're going to have to spend time with God. Get your Bible out, and again, remember this is your homework, right? Your homework was, identify three problems in your life, then get in your Bible and find three promises that cover each problem. And again, since I know there's a lot of people who do not go to church and you've never been to church and you just, you know, for whatever reason, like the way I teach or something like that, that you're not really familiar with the Bible and this, you watching this broadcast is how you're learning the Bible, that's awesome. And with this particular homework, what I need you to do is I want you to contact the ministry and we will help you find scriptures for those three problems, okay? Now, so you start with what the Word of God says, and that is a step. That is, that's where you start, okay? But then after that, you get to know God, you get to spend time with God and get to know the God that gave you the promise. And if you go back and listen to some of the other broadcasts, I've done exactly that. Then it says this, in the presence of Him, excuse me, whom He believed God, now, excuse me, I'm kind of rushing here, let me go back, in the presence of Him, we've already covered that. He believed, now remember, believing ultimately comes down to a choice, either going to believe Him or not. There's plenty of things that, there's plenty of time that people see facts and they're looking at the facts and they're going, I don't believe that. We can show them video, we can show them where, we can even have a person admitting they did it and still that, I don't believe that, don't believe that, because believing ultimately comes down to a choice and what you're going to have to do is make a choice that you are going to believe God. In the presence of Him whom He believed God, we spend a lot of time on that, that you've got to spend time magnifying God, realizing that God really is God, that whatever you're dealing with, He's bigger than it. And I don't mean just intellectually, I mean that you truly see everything else as small in comparison to Him, okay, and that can take some time. And sometimes you can have established that like five weeks ago, but today you run into a problem and the problem, you're looking at the problem and it looks huge and you're having to re-establish that, that He's God, at least I do, okay, God who gives life to the dead. Now this is where we kind of finished up last Friday, that He gives life to the dead, that a lot of people convince themselves that God can do nothing in the situation because the situation is dead. It's gone on too long, there's too much water under the bridge, I'm too old, it doesn't matter what it is, right? And you need to understand when something's dead, God is just getting started. When something is dead, God is just getting ramped up and ready to go. And you need to quit talking yourself out of laying hold of God's help, just because your situation looks dead, okay? You need to stop that, you need to start realizing that no matter how bad this is, no matter how much time is passed, no matter how long this has gone on, God is able to bring life to the dead and you need to lay hold of that in your life. And listen, I can't do that for you, you're going to have to make a decision and renew your mind to it. I don't care how bad it looks, I don't care if they're about to throw me into a burning fiery furnace, I don't care if I'm standing at the Red Sea with the most powerful army at my back and it looks like I have nowhere to retreat, I'm not done yet. It doesn't matter whether I'm marching around a city that has an impenetrable wall, I'm not done yet. It doesn't matter whether you're about to throw me in a fiery furnace, seven times hotter and that I thought God would have shown up by now, but it doesn't seem like it has and you're throwing me in the furnace, I'm not done yet, God gives life to the dead. It doesn't matter if I'm in a boat rowing out here and it looks like I'm sinking, that here comes Jesus because I'm not done yet, right? He gives life to the dead. Now, now we're going to get into something that unless you get a clue about this, you're going to be frustrated. In fact, this potentially for many people is one of the most frustrating things in the walk of faith, one of the most frustrating things in their walk with God and you need to come to grips with it, okay, and it's this, God calls those things which do not exist as though they did and just not understanding that will cause you intense aggravation because you will go before the Lord and you'll talk about a problem and then he'll quote a scripture to you and he will talk to you as though it is already done and like, you know, the scripture says by his stripes ye were healed. Well, I don't know about you, but there's times that I've checked my body and it didn't look like that and it looks as though what you're saying God doesn't actually exist. Let's see, today is, when I'm shooting this today is Saturday, I think it was like last Saturday, I tore my bicep. What had been happening? I've been doing these chin-up exercises, I was doing chin-ups, push-ups like deep push-ups and stuff and then dips and I've been doing them in the Lord. Now, I want to be clear, I was in complete and absolute disobedience. He told me I needed to start stretching and I wasn't. And then one of our neighbors got their John Deere zero-turn lawn mower stuck in a ditch and so I saw her out there, so I walked out to try to help her and the things started to shift and I start lifting the, I start picking the mower up to move it and when I do something, I mean it pop in my arm and oh my goodness, it hurt. I mean it hurt bad, okay? So, I'm sitting there and if you were to ask me, does my healing exist, I would have said no. I said no, it does not exist, I'm in a tremendous amount of pain, this is, it's horrible. And I had to, I had to realize and I had to begin to speak to my muscle and I needed to lay hold of the fact, see just because my muscle says healing doesn't exist, doesn't change the fact that God said by His stripes I was healed. And see, that's extremely, extremely frustrating when you are trying to believe God and God is acting like, oh it's done and you're like, no it ain't, no it isn't, no I still have these bills, no I still have these pain, no and then it even gets more frustrating when I tell you what He said and you're getting mad at me, it's like no I'm not, I'm not that. This is the reason honestly you need to get this teaching, go to connect, go to and get this free teaching because I think I might talk like an hour or two just on this very subject and I'm telling you, if you don't get a hold of this, faith is going to be difficult because you're going to stay frustrated. This is the thing that religious people don't understand. When I give them the word of God they're like, but it's not that way, it's not that way. I understand what you're saying, you're saying it doesn't exist. But God's method of operation is, is that He calls things which do not exist as though they did. Now technically, so again you need this go to and get this, it's absolutely free. The partners of curtowin ministries and I want to give you this life changing tool. If I knew who you were, I'd send it to you already but I can't, you need to contact us because you need it. But here I am, my bicep is, I mean, I can't, I was having, I couldn't lift my arm, right? And at first and then initially I was able to start moving it again. Healing was already working but if you were to ask me, my healing doesn't exist. Now technically, I do want to say this, technically your healing does exist. It has already been purchased. This is the reason that Hebrew says, faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Right now I don't see my, well now I do, but that day I didn't see my bicep as healed because I can't move my arm real well and I'm in intense, immense pain. I can't see it but faith, what I'm teaching you to do right now is the substance of the thing I'm expecting the thing hoped for. It is the evident of what I, evidence of what I can't see. I have evidence that I'm healed by the Word of God and my faith is giving substance to that. Now maybe that's hard for you to understand after all these years. I think sometimes we as preachers, we talk above folks' heads because we're ministering from where we're at rather than where people are at but I'm trying my best to minister from where you are. See faith based on the Word of God is actually utilizing the building blocks of the universe and let me help, maybe this will help you. Everything that was made was made by the Word of God, everything. Go with me to John chapter one right quick. And so in John chapter one, it says this, in verse one, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God." All things, excuse me, he was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, through him the Word, Jesus. And without him, nothing was made that was made. Nothing. Okay, so here's the thing. My bicep ultimately tracks back to a day in the garden when God created man and breathed to him in the blessed of life and he did it by words. My bicep, by the way, anything you have need of can track its back, if you were believing God for a desk, the wood of that desk tracks itself back to one day in the garden where God said, "Let these trees appear." Back to his Word, everything was made by the Word. Well, if that's true, if the Word made everything, can't the Word fix everything? And so when God is giving you his Word and he's calling those things which do not exist as though they did, he's literally giving you the building blocks of the universe to repair, fix, or create whatever it is that you need. The same way of, okay, this is made out of paper. This is my Bible. This is a paper Bible and so it doesn't feel like real leather, like, no, it says genuine leather. I find that hard to believe, but maybe I just had to take care of it like shit. But anyway, this is actually one of my original Bibles actually, and let's say I dropped this Bible, let's say I went like crazy and dropped it in a shredder, okay? So it comes in just pieces, right? But yet I'm standing here with the man that made the Bible and he still has all the wisdom and all the technology he used to make the Bible, plus he still has all the paper and all the leather. Do you know that as long as I know the man that created the Bible and as long as he still has the building, the components that actually created the Bible, do you know that he can either repair the Bible or he can make me, he can fill in anything that's missing or repair or completely replace it, right? Do you feel me? It's the exact same thing when God begins to speak and give you His Word and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. He's literally giving you the very thing that created everything. You're talking to the one that through His wisdom created everything and is now giving you that building block, and so when I begin to speak the Word of God, which I did, I talked to my, I said, "By His muscle you listen to me, by His stripes I was healed, therefore you are restored in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I command you to be re-knit, right? Be together and behold, I'm not just the words that I'm using are literally the thing that created the bicep ultimately. I'm using the very building block of the universe to repair my bicep, okay? And I'm, all right since I'm not trying to get healing, since by His stripes I was healed I'm not trying to get healing, I'm demanding out of my bicep it line up with what God said. That, "Let God be true and let my muscle be a liar." Just because my muscle's saying, "I'm torn and Jesus is Sam, I'm healed, I'm not going to believe my muscle, I'm going to believe God." People say, "Yeah, but that's crazy, you're just a nine reality." No, I'm not. I am taking the highest reality of healing, the Word of God, the very building of blocks, and then demanding the temporary reality line up with the permanent reality. That's what I'm actually doing, I'm actually cooperating with this God who calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Now, again, I know how you think, because you probably think like I thought when I first started learning these things, that's crazy, that's nuts. I get it, it's frustrating, why? Because we don't think like He thinks, we don't do things like He does. And that's why you need to settle this in your walk of faith, this is the way He does it. He gives you His Word and He talks like it's done. Abraham, when God first met Abram, His name was Abram, or excuse me, let me say like this. The man we know is Abraham, when he first met him, His name was Abram. Now, he did have a kid, Ishmael, but that wasn't the right kid. God was looking for the child of promise that would come through Sarah. In fact, Ishmael messed things up for all of us, really. Now, so God, at some point, when God is wanting to fulfill His promise to Abram, he says to Abram, "Your name is now Abraham. For a father of many nations have I made you, not will make you, have made you." Do you know how many people would get frustrated at that and rebel against it and say, "No, that's not true, I am not the father of many nations, I only have one kid and you're not happy with him, no, you're wrong God, I am not the father of many nations, no, I'm not, I've got one kid, that's it, and again, you're telling me he's not the child of promise that I did all that wrong, that that was all a flesh decision, so Lord, you're wrong, I am not the father of many nations, or if you're really religious, you'll say, I'm not going, I'm not going to believe that I'm the father of many nations until I get least, get at least 10 kids, then maybe I'll believe in any of those 10 kids you'll actually like all 10, right, I'm not going to do that. See, when you sit there and say, God says by his stripes I was healed and you say, I am not, or when it says that Jesus bore your poverty, that you through his poverty might be made rich and you're saying, but I'm not, you're no different than Abram yelling at God telling Abraham, yeah, but I'm not the father of many nations, it's no different. And I know, and you're saying, yeah, but it's a lie, no, it's not a lie, it's based upon an internal truth, not a temporary truth, and this is the reason people get frustrated because they don't understand this. And what Abram had to do was not just accept that he was the father of many nations, he then had to go call himself, I am the father of many nations. He had to introduce himself, he had to accept that, he had to accept that. You have to accept it. You have to accept this is the way God does things, the same way Abraham did, he's calling me the father of many nations and I'm not, but if he says, I am, I must be, so I'm going to say what he said about me, I'm going to release faith or trust in what he's saying and doing, this is part of your walk of faith. One, you have to realize that if he says you have it, you have it, whether it looks like it exists or not, by the way, my bicep was tore what a week ago, right? I'm fine today, everything's good, I was almost falling asleep earlier when we were shooting, I got up, did 20 pushups to wake myself up because what God said about me was true. And I want to make some things reality in your life so I want you to come back and pray for your miracle. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Curt Owen. We're offering this series on USB as our free gift to you. Order yours today on our website, or by calling 1-800-215-0428. A short time ago, the Lord told me that I have a miracle working anointing. Now full disclosure, I don't quite understand how it works completely yet. I'm still learning how to do it. But He told me that I should pray for people and release miracle working power and expect miracles in their lives. And so from now on on Mondays, I'll be honest with you, I'm still practicing. But I do believe that power is available right now to give you whatever miracle you need, the same way God gave miracles to Abraham. So Father, in the name of Jesus, right now I release miracle working power into this person that is watching or listening to me. Lord, whatever miracle they have need of, right now I release your divine miracle working power to accomplish that miracle in their life right now. Now you set your heart, what is that miracle and whatever it is, say right now, say thank you Jesus, I have my miracle. We'll talk more about this later on and we're going to get back into walking by faith. I'll see you tomorrow. This is Curdo and this is fight to win and remember Jesus' risen victory is assured. [BLANK_AUDIO]