Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 9

Need Encouragement? On today's episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt says some things that will stir you up in your walk of faith and encourage you to continue on in faith. You don't want to miss this episode!

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27 Jun 2024
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If you've been having some challenges today, I'm going to say some things that will stir you up in your walk of faith and if you need encouragement, you need to listen. And on today's tactical tip, we're going to talk about something to watch out for when you check into a hotel. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen, and on today's tactical tip, I want to talk to you once again about talking about hotels. And I know we've already talked about which room to pick if you missed that one, go back and see it. To give you a hint, it's between three and five. But one of the things that happens a lot when you check into hotels, and ladies in particular, I want you to be aware of this, but also men because there's been a lot of men being attacked at hotels as well. When you're given the keys to your room, make sure they don't call out your number. Like they say, "Hello, Mr. Owen, that's going to be room 328." If that ever happens, request a different room. What you say to them is, unfortunately, and I think in some states, it's actually the law that they're required to give you a different room. And so what you do is you just slide it back across and say, "Unfortunately, when you called out my name, my number, there's people around, and I would prefer to receive a different room." If you don't mind, just for security purposes, people say, "Well, won't that aggravate them? I don't care whether it aggravates them. They made the mistake." This is, by the reason, this is the reason they normally slide the key over to you, and the number is written on there. But I've seen in a lot of very high-end places, they call out your room number. The last thing you want is somebody in the middle of the night knowing what you look like and knowing where you're staying. So if they call out your room number... Hello I'm Crito, and welcome back to Fight to Win. I've been teaching now for nearly two weeks on how to walk by faith, and we've been getting into some nuts and bolts of it. You know, one of the things here at KOM, Crito and Ministries, that we want to do for you is not just preach at you, but really talk to you and try to help you actually walk this out in your everyday life. And so I'm going to ask you, as you watch these broadcasts, I want you to be thinking about how can I put this into operation when the broadcast is over. I'm also going to ask you to do this. I'm going to ask you to share these broadcasts, either on YouTube or Facebook or something like that, because we're trying to reach as many people as we can. There are so many people out there right now that don't actually know how to put the word of God into practice in their everyday life, and that's what it was meant for. And the partners and I, and I want to thank all of our partners once again today for making this possible. Without you, we would not be able to do this. And Friday is offering day on the broadcast, so tomorrow I'll give you a chance to become a partner. But if you didn't want to wait, and you don't have to, you can go to, and you can be a part of all the people that we're reaching. And first and foremost, reaching you. But all these things that I've been talking about, remember, as I get into these things, there's a lot I'm not going to be able to go back and cover. So you can go to, and, oh, excuse me, you can go to obviously, but you can go to YouTube, and you can re-watch all of these things. But I think we actually have them on our KOM page as well, and we want you to have that. Not only that, we have some reading materials and things, if you're a person that likes to read as well, we've got those for you. Now, we've been talking about how to walk by faith, and the Scripture tells us over here, if you go over to Hebrews and verse chapter 6, this tells us to do something. It says, "We desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises." Again, what this is saying is, find somebody that received, and then do what they did. I think today, there's too many people trying to reinvent the wheel. I'm going to find something new. Honestly, I think this is the reason that preachers are getting into deception today, because they're trying to come up with something new. Sometimes they're trying to come up with something that'll make them money, but they're trying to come up with something new, and quite frankly, I'm not trying to come up with something new. I'm not trying to come up with a bunch of new stuff. What I'm trying to do is get you established on the truth. I think that the Scripture is clear. By the way, part of the reason that preachers do this is honestly because you help that problem, because you're like, "I've heard this, I've heard this, I've heard this." And you need to not have that attitude towards anything that is in the Word of God. Because Paul said this, he said, "For me to say these same things to you," literally meaning the exact same things, "is not tedious, but for you it is safety." Peter said, "While I am in this body, I will not neglect to tell you these things over and over and to remind you of these things." And today in today's society, we have this thing of that, "Well, I've heard that so I know it." No, you might have heard it, but you don't know it. And this is what, and in the things of God, this is so important because it's not hearing it once. And I'm going to illustrate it with a tactical way, okay? When I teach somebody tactics, when I teach somebody to shoot, when I teach somebody how to use a knife, when I teach somebody to protect people, there's a method we go at it, right? First, we show them, we show it to them, "I do it and you see it." Now, unfortunately, there's a lot of people that don't realize that just because they've been shown it does not mean they actually know how to do it, okay? Then so I show it to you. Now, there's a lot of people, this is the reason YouTube's so popular, "Well, I know how to do that. I saw it on YouTube." No, you don't know how to do it. You saw somebody do it. Somebody showed you how to do it. You have to go through it yourself to actually know how to do it. But then after I show you something, then I'm going to teach you how to do what I just showed you. But the funny thing is, you still really don't know how to do it. You know the components of it sometimes, but I get people all the time that say, and I say, "Okay, you need to make, I'm doing that." No, you're not doing that. It really happens in shooting. That's one of the reasons I really thank God for phones on cameras, is because when people are shooting, it's like, "I'm doing that. I'm not slapping my trigger. I've got my thumbs forward." You know, and they're like, "I'm doing it." And then I show them a video, "No, you think you're doing it. You saw me do it. I taught you how to do it. Now in your head, you're doing it, but you're actually not physically carrying it out." And then we go from, we've gone from shown to teach to train. One means that you are actually not only able to do it, but able to do it under stress. This is the way you need to approach the Word of God. Is when you hear me teach it, even if on the broadcast, listen, you might have listened very intently to this broadcast, and you still didn't get everything I said. I know that because I've gone back and listened to my own broadcast and I thought, "Wow, that's really good." And I didn't get everything I said, and I'm the one that said it. You need to listen to something, you know, science tells us we need to listen to something a minimum of seven times to really get it down on the inside of ourselves. And when you start talking about walking by faith, you know, faith is a shield. The Word of God is a sword. Those are a defensive and an offensive weapon, which means they need to be trained with. And so you need to understand that though I'm showing you these truths and teaching you these truths, I need you to train with these truths. I hope that makes sense to you. So again, remember, I told you yesterday, "Well, we'll get there in just a second." So what we're doing is it told us to find somebody who got it right, find somebody who made it work, and then do what they did. So we found somebody, in fact, right after that it mentions Abraham, and then in Romans chapter 4, it tells us what Abraham did. So what we're doing is we're going through what Abraham did so we can do what Abraham did. We are going to imitate him through who through faith and patience inherited the promises. Now, again, I know there's people out there saying, "I'm not, you're talking about works. You're trying to get me to do something, do, do, do. That's just works." No, it isn't. It is operating in the principles of the kingdom of God. It is operating in the laws of God. It's not trying to get God to move, it's not trying to get God to love you, it's not trying to get God to help you. He is already in line with those things, but now you have to cooperate with those things if you believe he did it, right? And so, here in Romans chapter 4, he goes through, we're going to start in verse 16 again, even though once again it's not necessarily something he did, it's important to remember, therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. God wanted a system that would be sure so that all of us could receive from him. That is so important because we've got too many yo-yo's out there saying, "Well, if it be thy will," and I was up praying all night, "I've got to tell God about my problem. I've got to impress God about how desperate I'm in the situation I am." No, you don't. Jesus is the one that when you walk up and say, "I need help," he says, "I'll help." That's who he is. And one of the reasons people are not receiving more from God is they see him a different way. They see him as, "I've got to be up all night balling and squalling. I've got to give. I've got to do all this stuff to get him to hear me." That's not true. You don't have to convince God to move. He's already convinced. So go ahead. Let's move on. I spend a lot of time on that. If you did not hear that, you need to go back and listen to the broadcast. As it is written, now this is where it starts talking about him walking my faith. As it is written, I have made you the Father of many nations. So this walk of faith for Abraham starts off with a promise. How are you doing with your homework? I think it was yesterday on the broadcast we talked about that you, what are the problems that are going on in your life? What are the challenges? Now I want you to get, sit down and find three scriptures, three promises from God that cover your problem. And when I, when you do, I want you to begin to read those promises. Now there's certain, some of you out there, because in partners, this is why I'm so grateful for you supporting us, because we have a lot of people watch our show that have never been to church. They are, they are people out there that we're just, this show is just so different. They're watching and we thank God you're watching, but partners, you're making it possible. And so I understand there's people out there right now, you don't know your Bible. That's okay. When I got started, I didn't know my Bible either. And so I, you need some help. And so you can contact us at or you can call the ministry and we'll be glad to start discipling you and helping you with some of those things, okay? But your walk of faith starts with the promise of God. And for all of you Christians that have been saved for years and you're telling me that, well, I just believe he will and you can't give me a scripture, the devil is going to beat you at the game of life. You can't, you don't know that. Yeah, I do, because I know at two o'clock in the morning, eventually he'll somehow convince you that maybe this wasn't God, maybe God doesn't want you to have it. And he can't convince you of that if you have a promise from him that says that, okay? But he goes on here and he says this, he said, in the present, as it is written, I've made you the father of many nations, in the presence of him whom he believed, two different things here, you're going to have to have a personal relationship with the Lord. It is not enough to have his word. You need to get to know the God who gave you that word. You need to spend time with him. You need to fellowship with him. You need to get to know him intimately. And I gave you some clues on some other broadcasts of how to do that. Spend time with God. And folks, I'll just tell you, for years I taught some of these same things I'm teaching you and I skipped over that verse as though it was unimportant. In the presence of him whom he believed, I centered up on that belief part. But I skipped over the whole in the presence of him and yet I'm firmly convinced more than ever before that it is your intimacy and personal relationship with God that empowers you more than ever to hold on to the Word when it seems when all hope is lost, okay? In the presence of him whom he believed God, whom he believed God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Again, believing is a choice. It really is. Choose to believe. But then yesterday we started talking about this and I just blew past believe. But I think I spent almost a day and a half or two days on the broadcast teaching on that. You need to realize it really is a choice. And then yesterday we started to get into this, that he is God. And this honestly is so simplistic people are going to miss it. Because people don't really sit around thinking about him actually being God or God Almighty. They really don't because this is the reason that when they pray they're like I'm still crying, I'm still upset because you just don't understand, you just don't understand. This is cancer. You just don't understand that I'm in a hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt. You just don't understand. My boss hates me. You just don't understand the economy that I have, the country I'm living in. You just don't understand what you're saying is, is that you think your problem. Now, I'm sure most of you would not say my problem is bigger than God. Most of you wouldn't say that, right? Because oh, heaven forbid I say something like that, no. But you would think it and you would act like it, okay? And listen, this takes, this is a renewal of the mind process. This is the reason that we have this product that we want to give you absolutely free that this product will give it to you, contact us at or go to and fill out the form there and we'll send this to you absolutely free or call the number at the bottom of your screen because you're going to need to renew your mind, especially to this about him being gone. Because how many times does the scripture say, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together, magnify the Lord. Do you know what magnify means? It means to make bigger and people say, well, you can't make God bigger. Well, here's the thing about a magnifying glass. If I'm sitting there looking at the, let's say a quarter, okay, and I've got a magnifying glass, right? And I'm looking at the magnifying glass. The magnifying glass does not make, does not change the size of the quarter, but it does make the quarter bigger to me. And see, that's what a lot of people need to do is you need to make God bigger to you. This is the reason in the scripture we're encouraged to do this because many of us magnify the problem. We magnify the devil. You know, I'm, I'm really leery of all these people who want to sit around and talk about the devil day in and day out night and day, magnify the Lord, magnify, make him bigger to you, make him bigger than your problem. You say, I can't make God, but sure you can. You can sit there and look at, if they've told you you have cancer, you can look at it and say, you know what? He has got almighty. He spoke the worlds into existence that even if he had to re-create every cell in my body, if he had to eliminate every cancer cell in my body and give me brand new cells one-for-one, he could do it. He's got almighty and it wouldn't even dim the lights of heaven when he did it. That's why the Lord, you need to, in the presence of him whom he believed God. When Abraham first met God, he didn't understand that he wasn't a God, he was the God, that he was God almighty. And this is something we do not spend enough time doing. Let me just kind of give you a couple ways that we don't do this, and I'm going to use some pop culture and some other stuff, right? How many of you have seen the book, The Ten Commandments, or for more or later version, The Prince of Egypt? I can't remember, there was one with Christian Bale, gods, and I don't remember, it was about where he played, Christian Bale played Moses, okay? Most people, I mean, let's take the Ten Commandments, right, with Charlton Heston. I know it's an old movie, or The Prince of Egypt, when the sea splits, right, there's this music, and it is this, everybody's like, look at this, this is huge, this is big, look, at the power, look at this being displayed here, and yet the scripture says that he did that with the wind from his nostrils, that literally he went, and the sea split, and they walked on dry ground, that he went, and the sea splits, and there's dry ground, you think that was a big deal, and that was just a snort to God, that's all it was, why? Because he really is God. This was one of the things, you know, I've been re-read by Bible every year, and this is one of the things that impressed upon me this year as I was going through the Old Testament is he, and this phrase kept coming up on the inside of me, he is the God that does, see, there was a lot of other gods going around, and everybody was claiming to be gods and worshiping these gods, but there was something different about our God. He was the God that did, he was the God that did what he said, he was the God that showed up, he was the God that demonstrated his love and power on behalf of his people, because he was not, he was the God that says, you do not make a carving of me, I am bigger than you can possibly conceive, and I don't need you to make me a carving. I don't need you to make something to represent me, because I am God all by myself. He is almighty God. Now I remember something that happened to me, and this is honestly, I'll give you an example where I failed to do this and where God had to correct me. I had been dealing with some problems and some issues, and I had been magnifying my problems more than I had been magnifying the Lord, and so one day, Terri wanted to go out with one of her best friends from, Terri's my wife, she wanted to go out with one of her best friends from college to dinner, we were in Jacksonville, okay, and I like good food, and so we wanted to go to, there was a French restaurant there that they wanted to try, and I was agreeable to it, or I might have picked the restaurant, I don't remember, and so we go to the restaurant, we have dinner, and at the end of the dinner, this guy, I'm going to buy the bill, I did pick the restaurant, I'm going to take care of it, and this guy gets like I raped, and he's like, "No, I'm paying for my food, I'm not doing it, I'm paying for my food, nobody pays for the food that goes in my mouth, I paid for that," and I'm like, "Dude, you can pay for my side of the bill, anybody can pay for the food that goes in my mouth, I don't care," I mean I just, you know, I'm not getting bent out of shape, but I mean it's getting ugly, and so the girl, Terry's friends like, "Yeah, this is a thing with him," and stuff, so fine, we split the bill, everything's great, on the way out, there's some Andy's mince there, and like five for a quarter, the guy's standing right there with me, I give the matrix the a quarter, I take the five mints, and I turn to this guy who has to pay for every bit of food that goes in his mouth, and I said, "Would you like one?" and he goes, "Oh yeah, he watched me pay for it, he takes it, opens it up, checks it in his mouth." Now on the inside of me, I am judging him, you bone head, I've got to pay for everything that comes in my mouth, it's not about what's going in your mouth, it's about the price, it's what it's really about, it's about the cost, and the Lord speaks up on the inside of me, and he says, "I wouldn't judge him too harshly, you do the exact same thing to me." These problems that you've been struggling over, you're acting about that there's this huge cost to them, and this big price, and you're choking on that price, and then the Lord said this, he said, "Son don't you know, it's all in these mints to me." See we're sitting there struggling, and he's almighty God. This is the reason here, let me show you this in the book of Acts. Go with me to, in the book of Acts we're going to be in, what am I doing, Acts chapter 4, and this is after they have been released, they've been persecuted, and now they've been released, and this is what they're praying, and it says this, verse 23, "And being let go they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders said to them, so when they had heard that they raised their voice to God with one accord and said," Now listen to what they say, "Lord you are God who made heaven in earth and the sea and all that is in them." How did they start off their prayer by reminding themself, "He is God almighty, you are God, you made the earth the sea and all that in them is." You did that Lord, that's how big you are. What we're about to pray about is nothing compared to you Lord, that what we're about to pray, pray for, even though this problem looks big, even those persecutions look huge, it is nothing compared to you, because you are almighty God, you are the God that blew your nostrils and split a sea, you are God, these men are not God, this cancer is not God, this bill is not God, you are God, you divided the seas whose raves roared and the Lord have hosted your name, you are almighty God, we need in our walk of faith to stir ourselves up, that he is the God that can make dry bones live, he is the God that can speak to bones and when those bones will come back, go from being just skeletons to full grown body, that's who he is and that's who he wants to be to you. Man, we need a revelation of this. Come back, I want to pray for us both to receive this revelation. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life, learn to trust God in every situation, knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Cardone, we're offering this series on USB is our free gift to you, order yours today on our website or by calling 1-800-215-0428. Have you heard about our newsletter? Every month I write a newsletter, we send it out both email and regular mail. Now our newsletter is a little bit different, not only do I write it myself, but then I also read it and so it's available as a podcast or there's a QR code in the one that we mail to you. You can take advantage of these materials where I get this into you and into your heart, please go to and subscribe to our newsletter today. One of the things you need to get out of today's broadcast is before you pray, exactly like they did in the book of Acts, remind yourself of who you're talking to. Father in the name of Jesus, help us to have a revelation of this. Lord, you truly are Almighty God, whatever we're facing today is nothing compared to you and to what you have done in our lives and what you can do. Lord, we yield to you and we refuse to magnify the problem above you and above your name. In Jesus' name, amen. I'm curtowin. This is fight2wend. See you tomorrow. I've got some great things for you tomorrow. Remember, Jesus' risen, victory is assured. [BLANK_AUDIO]