Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 8

Be Empowered in Your Walk of Faith! God's Word tells us to imitate those who through faith and patience inherited His promises. Abraham inherited what God promised him. Discover this and more on today's episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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26 Jun 2024
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- Hello, I'm Kirto, and today on "Fight to Win," we're gonna talk about something extremely important to empower you and your walk of faith to continue on with God. Also, in our tactical tip, we're gonna talk about what baselines are and how you should be establishing them every day. - To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. - Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. I wanna talk to you in today's tactical tip about establishing baselines wherever you go. And this is really in your everyday life. And again, I'm not saying being paranoid. I'm saying paying attention to what's going on around you. A baseline is what does this place normally look like? What does it normally sound like? What kind of people are normally here? How are people are normally dressed here? What is the baseline for where I'm at? To give you an example, I know a lot of you like to go to coffee shops. Starbucks being extremely popular coffee shop. And I'm not endorsing them. It's just so you can understand what I'm talking about. If you walk into a Starbucks coffee shop in the middle of the day and there's nobody in there, there's a pretty good chance it's being robbed or it hasn't opened yet, right? And I'm not by open yet. I meant like it's weeks away from opening because most Starbucks, especially if they've got cars in the parking lot, there's people in there. And so if I'm used to the hustle and bustle of a Starbucks and then all of a sudden there is no hustle and bustle, it has violated the baseline. Let me say it another way in dealing with the Virginia Tech active shooter. If I walk by a door every day and there's never been a chain lock on the exit door and today there's a chain around the exit door locking it close, it's violated the baseline and I need to tell somebody about it. Know your baseline. (upbeat music) - Hello, I'm Kurdo and welcome back to Fight to Win. We've been talking about how to walk by faith and now we're getting into the nuts and bolts of actually how to do it. Now, what we're doing is we're looking at Abraham's life and what we're doing is we're basing this on a couple of different scriptures, right? If you go with me over to Hebrews and chapter six where it says that verse 11 it says we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end that you do not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises and then immediately it begins to mention Abraham. So Abraham did by faith and patience inherit the promises and so over in Romans chapter four where we've been, Romans chapter four is actually lays out exactly what Abraham did. Now, I've said a lot of good things so if you missed any part of this at all, I want to make sure that you go back and you get this how to walk by faith. It is absolutely free. The partners and I want to make sure that you have this. Now, there's 19 hours of teaching and even if I did 19 broadcasts which I'm not gonna do hopefully, even if I were to do 19 broadcasts that's only 19 half an hours and there's other stuff that we have in the show. This is 19 full hours of this teaching scriptures that I only teach for a moment or two or for like 10 minutes, there's an entire hour on and this will really help disciple you and that's our goal is to disciple you and help these truths become real to you so that you know how to do it. So I strongly encourage you to do this. Not only that, I spent about over nearly two years really writing newsletters specifically on how to walk by faith and if you contact us at, you can get either this, the product or you can get those the nearly two years worth of letters where I actually wrote things out. Sometimes it's a bit easier to see things. You understand what I'm saying? Not only that, I don't know if you know about this with our newsletters. Let me bring this up while we're talking about it. In fact, I might do a spot specifically just on this. With our newsletters now, I don't know about you but sometimes I don't have time to sit down and read. So our newsletter's a little bit different. When you receive your newsletter, there'll be a QR code at the top and I actually will read the newsletter to you. Now with every newsletter, well nearly every newsletter, I do a supplemental teaching. Usually it's five minutes or so. That's something that I didn't have time to write down but with our newsletter, you can actually listen to whole things. So you can get these truths into you even if all you have to do is listen to it or watch it however you want to do it. But so with all that being said, you can also go to YouTube and watch the other broadcast. This is my seventh, eighth episode teaching on this. So you need to get these down on the inside of you because this is a how-to teaching. The goal of this is that when we're done, you will be able to look, sit down and say, okay, I'm going to walk by faith, okay? And hopefully, maybe even by the time of this, we can do like a test case and we can work on it like that, okay? Now, so here we're looking in Romans chapter four and this is where we've been teaching out of and we've started at verse 16 and I am gonna review a couple things. Therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all. Again, even though this isn't necessarily something that Abraham did, I think it is important for you to remember that God is not a hard sell, that God set up the system specifically so that you could receive from him. He wants you to receive. When you go before him with the word of God, he wants you to have that promise more than you want to have that promise. And that's so important today. In a world where we have people begging and balling and squalling and yelling and screaming to know that the person that we're talking to when we're praying actually wants to help us is a completely different way of thinking for most people. Now it goes on here and now this is where he actually gets into how he walked by faith. As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed, God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Notice there that Abraham's walk of faith started with a promise, okay? He actually had to get God's word on it in order for true faith to be in operation. Now I spend a lot of time talking about that. I actually I spend a lot of time talking about why we should walk by faith. Listen, here's the thing. You right now where you sit might be fairly self-sufficient in a lot of different areas of your life, right? There might be some things right now in your mind you're thinking, yeah, but I don't need God. I've got a good job. I'm healthy. I've got a good family. I don't need God. But here's the thing. People every day encounter situations bigger than themselves. And if you are practised at trusting yourself, if you're practised at trusting your mind, trusting your money, trusting that everything going well, what happens on the day, it doesn't. What happens when you encounter something that you are not self-sufficient in? What happens on that day? Well, then I'll turn to God, yeah, but here's a problem when that happens. Unless if you are trying to trust in a God, you are just getting to know more than likely, you're going to see failure in the situation. Not because God withholds from you, but because you will have trouble receiving from Him. And so you need to make a decision today that even if right now you think you can handle life, you need to make a decision right now that I'm going to shift from self-reliance to Jesus' reliance rather than walking by my own wisdom to walking by faith and trusting God. And here's the thing, no matter what you're doing, even if you're at the top of your field, God knows better about your, more about your field than you do. And when you step over into trusting God, you step over into limitlessness. You step over into no matter what problem shows up, spirit, soul, body, financial, or socially, if you are practiced at walking by faith, you have been practicing the very tools you'll need to walk through that thing. But if you have practiced self-reliance for years and now encounter a problem that only God can solve, cancer, you lost all your cryptocurrency, whatever those things, whatever it might happen to be, you'll run into a situation that you can't solve. Now the person that is practiced at walking with God, that's not an issue, because instead of, what am I going to do now? What am I going to do now? We can answer that, what am I going to do now? I'm going to do what I did yesterday. I'm going to walk with God. I'm going to trust God. I'm going to do what I did yesterday. I'm going to trust God. I'm going to do what I did yesterday. I saw God deliver me. You know, this is in essence what David was saying when he talked to Saul. I faced the lion, I faced the bear, and now I'll face Goliath. When I was walking this out and learning to trust God when nobody was looking, I was walking, learning to trust God when nobody cared. You know, I don't know if you think about this, and I don't know if I've taught this on the broadcast, but when David makes a statement about how he faced the lion and he faced the bear, do you realize in a lot of ways he didn't have to do that? He was watching his dad's sheep. Do you really think that if he to come in the house and said, "Daddy, we lost some sheep today 'cause a lion came up because a bear came up?" Do you really think the daddy would have said, "Well, you should have fought that thing and killed it." Or do you think the daddy would have said, "Son, you're more important to me than those sheep. "Just let those sheep go." But see, David, when he was out there, when everybody would have understood if he didn't fight, he said, "You know what? "I'm gonna trust the God that I'm in covenant with. "I'm gonna trust," he was practicing his faith when no one was looking. That's what we have to do. And this, honestly, this is the reason people experience faith failures because they go from self-reliant. They go from, "I'm trusting myself. "I'm trusting myself. "Oh, goodness, I gotta trust God." And they're not practiced at it. It's like this, it would be like, I liken to people that train in self-defense, right? We're our shows called Fight to Win. And so, do you know how many people want to learn self-defense after they've had a problem? I got attacked, I wanna learn self-defense. Newsflash, why don't you learn it before you have the problem? Because you're not all of a sudden gonna rise to the occasion in that moment. You need to train in our spiritual life. You know, I think it's still on the open, 'cause I know we've changed the open, but we talk about that you must train spirit, soul and body. See, this is part of that. Part of faith is training to trust God. That's why we talked about the other day that you learn to believe God for a pair of socks. You start with something small and you train so that when the big things show up, you're ready, okay? So anyway, so going back to this, he started with the word of God, folks. Well, this is what I want you to do, a little bit of homework. We'll get to this when we get to a, when we do like a kind of a test case. But this is what I want you to do. I want you to think about your three biggest problems that you have in your life, right now, okay? Might be a financial problem, could be a physical problem, could be a family problem. I don't know what your problem is, right? Could be a sleeping problem, I don't know. And now what I want you to do is I want you to get your Bible out and I want you to find two or three promises of God that cover that problem. That's where I want you to start. Just get your Bible out and then while we're teaching, while I'm teaching you this, I want you to begin to pray and believe God according to those scriptures. I just want you to feed on them. I want you to read them several times a day and think about them, okay? Now, if you're sitting there saying, listen, I'm new to all this, I'm watching your show because it's really different. We get a lot of that. It just looks different. You teach different, you make things so practical, but I don't really know my Bible. Okay, well, what I want you to do is I want you to call the number at the bottom of your screen, call us. Now, right now, honestly, financially, we haven't been able to staff the phones 24 hours a day. So I know you don't like a recording. But with us, if you call, you will get a call back. But call us and then one of our prayer ministers will call you and start going through scriptures with you to help you cover your problem. This is part of us helping disciple you, okay? Not only that, the other thing that would help you is, and again, it's free. I'm not trying to sell you anything. The partners and I truly believe that this train will change your life forever. And partners, thank you for allowing us to do this. Thank you for helping us do this. But call and get this 19 hours of teaching or go to the website at and get this free offer. We will send it to you absolutely free, okay? Because we want to invest in you, but I want you to get, figure out what your biggest problems are, and I want you to get your Bible out, and I want you to feed on some scriptures specifically for that, okay? All right, and again, if you don't know any, contact the ministry and we'll help you. All right, and he goes on here and he says this, so he starts off with a promise, "Having I have made you the Father of many nations. In the presence of him whom he believed." Now, there's two different things here, and we've covered both of these things, and I want to go back over a little bit though, in the presence of him. Once you have God's word, now you need to get to know God so you can trust the word that he gave you. And the only way you're going to be able to trust his word is by getting to know him. And I gave you some tips the other day about how to spend time with God by getting into the word, taking some time to fellowship. And by the way, don't become one of these, I'm going to read eight chapters a day, people. If you haven't been reading your Bible, don't do the eight chapters a day thing, right? Right now, just get those scriptures out that cover your problem and start meditating on those. Start, and listen, don't say, I'm going to spend an hour in prayer, okay? Because most people are not used to praying for an hour, okay? So start with five minutes, right? Five minutes as I'm just going to fellowship with God. What do you mean by fellowship with God? Talk to him about anything. He knows everything about everything. So just talk to him about anything. Talk to him about your favorite football team. Talk to him about how to do your job. You know, this goes back to what I was saying earlier about that you will arrive just because you're good at something doesn't mean you can't be better and God can't make you better. I remember one of the stories that I teach when I talk about hearing from God, but I think this is so important. Is there was a guy that was a world-class surgeon, he was a spirit-filled brain, literal brain surgeon. And he was constantly like cutting tumors out of people's brains, right? And for him it was routine. He knew what he was going to do every time it started, the same thing over and over. So one day he's getting ready to make the incision into the brain, like he's getting ready to make it. And the Lord speaks up on the inside of him and says, don't make the cut you normally do. Whatever tests they'd run that they'd give them to show, that those are wrong. If you put that, instead of cutting it, just shave it. Shave it a little bit. Now here's a man who's a world-class surgeon that this is his routine. He knows how to do this. He has the knowledge, wisdom, skill, expertise to do it, that in some ways you could argue, now I personally believe you need God in everything because he's the one that gives you breath, but if you were to just say he could do it on his own. Okay, great. Let's say he could, okay, he could do it on his own. He's about to kill a person on the table if he hadn't listened to the Lord. And that's a phenomenon, to me that's always a phenomenal story for a couple reasons because it is rare that a Christian will continue to listen to God once they know how to do something. But he was still listening. And this is the reason we walk by faith, is that we, he made that surgeon better in that day. The surgeon had the skill, the knowledge and expertise to do the routine surgery, but he was about to make a major mistake and God prevented him from doing it. That's why we walk by faith because no matter how good we are to, now personally I don't believe you can be good with anything unless God were to give you the ability. I have a lot of wonderful abilities and I wouldn't have them unless they'd been given to me. Okay, and I freely acknowledge that. In and of myself, I could not be teaching this broadcast. In and of myself, I couldn't do half the things. I couldn't do any of the things that I'm able to do. The things that I excel at. You know, I think about this people because I have a remarkable memory. There's a very good at certain tactical things and stuff and people are like, wow, that's amazing. You're very gifted. Well, yeah, but I know who gave me the gift because I remember when I was sick and dying and those gifts, I couldn't access those things. I remember when I couldn't think. I remember those things. And so today I have to live by faith because I look back and I see that when he wasn't involved, how I was able to very quickly have all of those giftings will be removed in an instant. This is why we walk by faith. So going back to this in the presence of him, spend time with God, whom he believed. Now we covered this at some point, really believing is making a choice. You can neither choose to believe or choose not to believe. And what you have to do from this moment forward is make the choice to believe. You need to make the choice that I am going to believe and I'm going to trust God, that when things are going contrary, I'm going to believe him. Will you make that choice? And I'm not talking about, well, I just don't feel, I feel, I just feel scared and I feel like I'm doubting. Okay, great. Can you choose to believe? I, there are so many times things have gone horribly wrong and I've got tears in my eyes and there is no reason to believe this thing is ever going to change. And I've had to sit there and say, I can believe anything I want to and I choose to believe God. I choose to trust God and then I come out of him. Believing is a choice. Ultimately, it does come down to that. Now, in the presence of God whom he believed God, this is where we're going to pick up today, even though I've covered a lot of great things. Man, honestly, if you listen to some of the things I've said today, it would really, really help you. In the presence whom he believed God, there's a big thing in, I'm going to say Christians because if you're an unbeliever, I mean, you're still trying to figure things out, right? But there's a lot of Christians that forget when they're going before the Lord, that he's God. And people say, no, no, no, no, no, I know he's God. No, you don't, you don't. Because you think your problem is big. You think it's huge. You know, this is one of the things that I thought, I watched the movie about the Scopes Monkey Trial, you know, where they first tried to introduce evolution. And so the attorney is talking to the preacher and he starts off with him and he says, science tells us that he reached from the book from Joshua and it talks about how when Joshua told the son of the earth to stand still, right? And they did. And the attorney says to the preacher, the science tells us that if you, the earth and the son of the son were to stand still, that the son would just fall, the earth would just fall into the sun. How did we miss that preacher? How did we miss that? And he starts laying out all these things and the preacher's like, (mumbles) And you know, every time I see that scene, I'm like, because he's God, you dimwit. He's God, he's God, he could take the earth and put it on his finger and spin it like a basketball. He's God. The reason the earth didn't go into the sun is 'cause he's God. The reason Jesus could walk on water is because he's God. The reason the axe heads float is because he's God. And people say, well, yeah, of course, of course. Yeah, but a lot of times people think these are stories and he is God almighty. Say, I know that. Do you, do you? I mean, seriously. Do you think your credit card bill is bigger than? I mean, you're pretty afraid of it as though God isn't bigger than that. That diagnosis you've got. You're acting like that's bigger than God. Are you with me? He is God. He is God almighty. This is the thing that I think is interesting in God dealing with Abraham, is when he walks up to him, there were a lot of gods, a lot of gods. When he walks up to Abraham, he doesn't just introduce himself as God. He says, I am God almighty. I am almighty God. In other words, you might have heard about other gods, but boy, you ain't never seen nothing like me. This is the reason that when he brought Moses out of, in the Israelites out of Egypt, that he judged their gods, all those plagues that they had were actually judgment on their false gods. They worship, you know, the frogs and all that other mess, the river and all that, because he's God. It wins the last time you sat down and thought about him being God. He is bigger than anything I can ever possibly conceive. He has more power than anything I will ever deal with. He is bigger than my bills. He's bigger than my doctors report. He's bigger than what my children are doing. He's bigger than what my boss is doing. He's God. Even if you've got cancer, he is able to recreate every cell in your body in an instant, because he's God. And when you're going to walk by faith, you're going to have to keep yourself in constant realization that he is God. Not a God, but God almighty. Now, when you come back, I want to pray with you for a revelation of the fact that God really is God. I'll see you right after this. - Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation, knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Kurt Owen. We're offering this series on USB is our free gift to you. Order yours today on our website, or by calling 1-800-215-0428. - Hello, it's Wednesday. So between now and Sunday, I'd like for you to find a local church in your area that teaches these truths. I want you to listen to everything that I say. I want you to read all of our materials, but more importantly, I'd like you to get into a local church where you can become a part of that body and find a pastor that can shepherd you. That is so important in your life. If we can help you, contact us in the ministry, but be in a local church this Sunday. You know, no matter how far you walk with God, God's still bigger than what you understand, right? He's still more in love with you than you understand. So this is the reason I pray for you every day because we're in this together. And I want the revelations that I have for you to have. I want what's going on in your life to be a part of ours and God connects us that way. Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before you right now. And Lord, we ask you to reveal yourself to us as Almighty God. Lord, that we would not allow our problems to glorify themselves beyond you and your love for us. And Lord, as you reveal yourself to us, we will walk in the light of your glory. In Jesus name, amen. [BLANK_AUDIO]