Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 7

Be Strengthened in Your Faith Walk: Do you want to be stronger in your walk of faith and be empowered to walk stronger than you ever have before? If your answer is "yes," then tune in to this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen and learn how to strengthen your faith.

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25 Jun 2024
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Today on Fight to Win, I want to talk to you about something that will strengthen you in your walk of faith and empower you to walk stronger than you ever had before. And on our tactical tip, we're going to discuss low-tech assaults and how you can deal with them in your life. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Several years ago, a phenomenon started, and I want to talk about it today in today's tactical tip, where people would just run over people with vehicles. That whether it's a crowd, whether it's a small group of individuals, you would be walking along, minding your own business, enjoying the day, and then all of a sudden you would hear an engine rev, and then a car comes hurtling towards you or from behind you. The technical term for this, at least I think it still is, is low-tech assault. The technical term for somebody trying to run you over with a car. Have you thought about this as you're walking around? Have you thought about this as you go to festivals? I'm not saying avoid festivals. I'm not saying avoid crowds, though I sometimes do. I'm saying do you have a plan that if you're walking down the street and all of a sudden you get [grunting] What are you going to do? What building? Are you prepared to run into a building? Are you prepared to get behind a heavy barricade that could potentially stop or glance a vehicle off? Unfortunately, in today's day and age, we have a lot of evil people doing a lot of evil things. By the way, are you listening for a change in the atmosphere? Are you paying attention? So if all of a sudden you hear an engine going faster than what it normally does, and then where are you going? I recommend running into a building. I recommend running far into the building, not just inside the door, because cars can come through doors. Hello, I'm Kurt Oen. Welcome back to Fight to Win. We're getting into the nuts and bolts of how to walk by faith. And we're going to go through down through this specifically. And what we're doing is we're acting on here in Hebrews 11, excuse me, Hebrew 6, where it says this. It says that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. In other words, find somebody that received from God and then do what they did. And so that's what we're doing. The person that we're looking at is Abraham, exactly, actually he's in the very next verse 13. But we've gone back to Romans chapter 4 that explains to us what Abraham did in order to walk by faith. Now if you've missed any part of these, please go to YouTube and while you're there, subscribe. And you can catch up, actually I've been teaching on this for, this is my seventh day teaching on this. So I've said a lot that I'm not going to be able to cover. Not only that, speaking of that, but this how to walk by faith, this product, we're giving away absolutely free. The partners and I want to get this into your hands. There's 19 hours of teaching on this. So please contact the ministry so that we can make sure that we get this to you. And I know I was just realizing I've forgotten to mention it on the other broadcast is often, but we really do want you to get it, okay? So we've covered a lot, but now what we want to do is we want to find out what Abraham did. In order to receive from God. And here in Romans, in chapter 4, we started in verse 16. Now again, verse 16 isn't necessarily something he did, but it is something we need to renew our minds to, or a way that we need to be thinking. Therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. Now the whole point of that verse is to let you know that God wants to help you. That God wants you to receive from him. That's his will for you. So he is not a hard sell. This is his desire to bless you and to do good to you, okay? Now this starts into what Abraham did to walk by faith. As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. Now again, faith begins where the will of God is known, and we know the will of God through the promises, okay? And so Abraham started his walk of faith with a promise, okay? So you're going to have to. That's just the way that it is. If you're endeavoring to believe and trust God, and I explained why you needed that yesterday, right? Or actually probably the last, yeah, yesterday. You're going to have to start with the Word of God. If you're trying to do this some other way on the basis of your need, well I'm trusting God because I need. You're going to have a very, very difficult time. But if you're trusting God because of what he said, like we said yesterday, that promise will actually anchor your soul. It'll anchor your mind, your will and your emotions because you can believe it because he said it, okay? Now, then we started to get into this at the end of the broadcast yesterday. But there is a problem because you can have a promise. But that doesn't mean that it's anchoring your soul if you don't know the one that promised it. And again, this has nothing to do with God himself, this has to do with you and your relationship with God. I'm going to illustrate it this way. Jeff's obviously here, we're shooting television, Jeff's here. And so let's say that Jeff, Jeff and I have known each other for a while now, but let's say we haven't. I mean Jeff and Autumn and the kids, they're like family to us, right? We would do anything for them. But the thing of it is is that if Jeff, when we first met years ago and Jeff said, "Hey Kurt, I want to buy you a new gun." Like right now, I'd really like to have a really high grade precision rifle, right? What I mean is a rifle that I could hit and take shots of a thousand yards, okay? That's one of the things I believe in God for right now is because I'd like to do that. If Jeff right now were to say, "Hey Kurt, I want to buy you a precision rifle." And I have never looked at a precision rifle, right? Because right now I have an idea of the one I want. But let's say I never have. If Jeff walks up to me and says, "Kurt, very first day, very first day we meet." And he says, "Kurt, I want to buy you a precision rifle." Okay? Well, I will thank him. I'm not going to be rude. I'm going to say, "Thank you so much, sir." I probably wouldn't even call him Jeff, you know, because I don't really know him. Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate that. Thank you. Now Jeff is a man of honor. He's a man of integrity. From the first day we meet, until now, that's who he is. But the first day we meet, I don't know that about him. Okay? And honestly, if everybody did what they said they were going to do for us, honestly, I'd probably never have to receive another offering. Right now, we're still in the middle of our next level campaign. I'd probably wouldn't even have to have a next level campaign because I've had so many people promise things, but they've never delivered. They've never done what they said they would do. I don't think they lied. I think they wanted to do it. But for whatever reason, they just didn't follow through. So when somebody I don't know, like Jeff the first day we met, walks up and says, "I want to buy this for you." I'm going to nod and I'm going to be smiled because I don't want to be a horse's rear end. But on the other side of it, I'm not going shopping. Honestly, I would probably even forget to tell my wife about it. Okay? I'd probably get home. I wouldn't even mention it because some guy I know told me today he was going to buy me a precision rifle. I've had so many people that promised me things. I probably wouldn't even store it in my memory bags, honestly. And people say, "Well, that's kind of jaded." Yeah, it is a bit. It is a bit. But you have to have lived my life, right? Now, so when I get done here taping, I would not go on any websites looking at a rifle. I wouldn't call any friends asking what they recommended. I wouldn't. Nothing about my life would change. Even though a man of honor and a man of integrity just walked up to me and promised to buy me a precision rifle, nothing would have changed because I don't know Jeff and he's probably just like all the other people that have promised me things. So why would my life change just because this guy walked up and made a promise? Okay? Now, lo these many years later that I've known Jeff, right, if Jeff said, "Hey, I want to buy you a precision rifle," then as soon as this broadcast is over, I'm going to text my wife and say, "Hey, baby, guess what? Jeff's going to get me a precision rifle." And then on my ride home, because I'm riding with Jeff, as we're talking, I would be looking at rifle companies, right, precision rifle companies. I would be texting friends that were snipers asking, "Hey, man, what do you recommend? What caliber do you recommend?" Because by tomorrow morning, I'm going to tell Jeff what rifle he's getting made. Okay? And honestly, I don't know that I would sleep tonight. We're excitement. And I mean, I'd be compiling all this information. My life, my plan for my evening would completely change based upon what he promised. Now, here's what, and so your thing is, is, well, what changed? Why would, on the first day you met him, if you promised, that nothing changed. Now, all these years later, now if he promised it, something would change. Very simple. He didn't change. He is the same man of integrity and honor that he was the first day we met. What changed was my knowledge of the one that promised, my knowledge of him. And based upon my knowledge of him and his promise, it is going to change the way I will live the rest of my day. Okay? So, it is important that we get God's Word, but you then need to spend time with the God that gave you the Word. This is the reason that it says, and as it is written, "I have made you the Father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed." He got into the presence of God, and spent time with him, and got to know him. Now, this also is kind of a side journey here, but this is actually the entire point of salvation. Salvation was not to keep you from going to hell. That was a byproduct. Eternal life, that is not what eternal life is all about. Eternal life is defined by the Lord Jesus himself, the one that purchased our eternal life as this. And this is eternal life, that they might know you, the one true God, in Jesus Christ, whom he has sinned. Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship, and it is all about a relationship. And so when Abraham received this promise, he worked on the relationship. He got to know the one that promised, he spent time with him. He fellowshiped with him. And so now, the same way that that promise from Jeff would change my actions today, spending time with God, when you see it in the Word, it will change how your, it will stop your worry. This is one of the reasons people pray, and then they're worrying right after they pray. Oh, Father, I just ask you to help me in this thing. You know what my boss is threatening, and you know it's unjust, Lord, and I ask you to help me. In Jesus' name, amen. And then you get done with the amen, which literally means so be it. In other words, I've asked you, and now so be it has been said, therefore so be it. I've received the help that I asked for, and yet, what do you do? I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I'm going to do. My boss fires me. I don't know what it is. There was no so be it. There was no trust. There was no release of faith. Even if you use the Word and you said, Father, I thank you that I have favor with God and man, even according to your word, Lord, that you give me favor with my boss. And then you get off the phone and then you call somebody else. It's like, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know if I'm going to need another job. I don't know. You quoted the promise. You did. But did you have any confidence in the one that gave it? Because if you got confidence in the one that gave it, do you really not know what you're going to do? Why are you still crying? I understand. Maybe it's emotional. I get it. I trust, but right now I'm a little emotional. I get it. I get it. But if you're crying because you're afraid, let me ask you this. How well do you know him and how well are you, how much are you trusting him? How much faith are you releasing in him? Now, the cure for that is to spend time. Lay hold of eternal life. Lay hold of the relationship. Get to know the one that promised. So you start with a prompt. Now, you've got to start there, right? Because you've got to know what belongs to you, right? You have to spend time meditating on that, getting it down on the inside of you. We'll talk a little bit about that as we go along. But you're going to have to get it down on the inside of you. But you're going to have to spend time with God so that your trust in him increases. You're trusting his word increases. And then at some point, and this goes, and again, I can't emphasize this enough, there's too many people right now trying to have faith in the God they don't even know. They have no relationship with them. And folks, that's tough. That's really tough. Especially at two o'clock in the morning when the doctor's words are ringing in your ears. And two o'clock in the morning when the bills are crying out to you. That's tough. That's tough. But the cure is relationship. Spend time with him. Now, how do I do that? Okay. I don't have time to teach on this part. I would get the series on hearing from Jesus accurately. That'd be a good place to start. But one of the things you're going to need to do is you're going to have to get in the word. And then let the word tell you who he is. Don't let religion tell you who he is. Don't let religion tell you about that you're going to have to be up all night, balling and squalling in an all night prayer meeting to convince God to help you. Don't let that happen. You need to see him as Jesus was. My servant is home lying at the sick of the palsy. I will come and heal him. Okay. I'm going to stand here and scream and shout and beg and ball and squall until you do something. I'm going to fast. I believe in fasting, but I don't fast to move God. I fast to move me. But you need to see God as he is. You need to spend time in the word. And when you see him doing something like coming immediately saying, "I will come and heal him." You need to look at him and see him doing that to you. Get it. See him for as he is. Now, after that, after you see him demonstrating himself in his word, talk to him. Spend time with him. Do some fasting. And instead of eating, fellowship with him. Then do any good to miss meals and let yet the rest of your life doesn't change. Plenty of people, they're just not eating. They're not fasting. Because fasting involves during the time that you would be eating, that you're spending time with God. You're doing something. You're settling yourself. I don't have time to get into that. So in the presence of him, whom he believed, okay, you're going to have to also make the choice to believe. And this is something that I don't think people really get a grasp on. Because I think there's this weird belief that people that walk in strong faith, I think they think that there's just something special about him where you couldn't even doubt if he wanted to. I wish that was true. You just believe God. I wish I could just believe God like that. You can. You have to make the choice to. Ultimately trusting and believing someone goes comes down to a choice. You either, you make the choice to believe, right? That's it. You have to choose to believe. You can choose to believe or you can choose not to believe. And really at any point this can happen. Okay, I liken it like this and this comes kind of from my background but let's say we're getting ready to go through a door in a tactical setup, right? And there's a guy behind me. And I could know him or he could be some guy that just walked in, you know, another operative that just came in, right? And I know he's skilled. I know he's a good guy but I've never worked with him before. And we're about to breach this door, right? And I'm not really a breacher. It's not my expertise but I mean I've done it in training. I don't, anyway. So at some point you're sitting there and you're back to go through this door and you're looking at this guy, known or unknown, and at some point you're going to have to make a decision. I believe they're going to protect me or I don't believe they're going to protect me. Now he could be a buddy that you've known for years and you have every reason to trust him but for some reason you don't and you have to make the choice to believe. Or he could be a guy you've never met but he wears the same uniform you wear, he wears the same equipment you wear, he's had the same training you have. And though you've never met and this is, you don't even know his name but you're about to go through this door and you're making a decision, this guy will pull his weight. You made a decision to believe. At the end of the day when something goes wrong, ultimately walking by faith is simply this. I choose to believe God. I choose to obey him. I choose to listen to him, I choose to follow him, I choose to believe he will do what he said he would do. It's not a feeling. It's not even necessarily quote unquote an inward conviction like the reason I bring that up is people say you just have this conviction. If I have a conviction I came by it by spending time with him and choosing to believe him. You know at two o'clock in the morning and your body's hurting and yet the word says you're healed, you're going to have to make a choice as to who's lying and who's not. Your body or Jesus, you will have to choose whom you believe. And when your bank account says one thing but the word says another at some point you're going to have to make a choice as to who or what you believe. What will you believe? You can believe anything. Listen, there's been plenty of times with tears in my eyes, with everything seeming to have gone wrong. I've had to say I choose to believe. I can believe anything I want to believe and I choose to believe God. I can believe anything I want to and I choose to believe God in his word. That's what I choose. That's my choice. Now ultimately the people who get into doubt and unbelief, they choose not to believe him. They just, that's their choice. I see his word, I see who he is, I don't believe him. Okay, that came down to a choice. That's what you chose. I want you to think, we live in a crazy world today, don't we? Right? Now we've got AI, right, who they can make, they said that I think by next year AI is going to be able to create pictures and videos that you won't be able to tell whether they're real or not. So at some point you're just going to have to choose whether you believe it or not based upon the information that you have. We have crazy people in the world today believing all different sorts of things and they live in these echo chambers, right? Where they only listen to people that are like themselves. And so what happens is that they're like, "I believe this. I believe this about," you know, one of the things that right now, I don't know when you're listening to this, but right now Israel has gone to war with Hamas, right? The Hamas went over and killed over a thousand Israeli citizens and now the war is going on, right? There are people, now they took the Hamas, actually bait babies in the ovens. They beheaded people with hose and there are people that will not even listen to the evidence. They won't even look at the body cams that Hamas themselves were. They won't even look at the Hamas propaganda. They're like, "No, I don't believe that. That's all Israeli propaganda." Even though Hamas is the one putting it out, they're saying, "I don't believe that. I believe from the river to the sea for the Palestinians. I don't believe that all of that wickedness, I don't believe they did that." Every evidence says they did and they did. I want to be clear, they did, okay? And yet, people are going to be willfully ignorant. And why? How does that happen? How is it that somebody, because they're saying, "I choose to believe these terrorists rather than I choose to believe the Israelites." They say stuff like the Israelites are just interested in genocide, whereas the truth is is the Israelite, when they started off, the Palestinians were about a million, right? Now they're 10 million. If the Jews are after genocide, they're failing miserably. And truth to be told, if they're saying that Israelites just want Gaza, they just want genocide in Gaza, folks, if that was true, Israel could wipe them off the map in a day with their air support. Within a day, there would not be a single thing standing in Gaza, not a single person left alive. They would never have had to risk their own soldiers. They could have dropped bomb after bomb after bomb. They could have put j-dams and bunker busters and blown up those tunnels. They didn't, because the Israelites wanted to preserve life. But why do people still, it's genocide, it's genocide, because that's what they choose to believe. See, what I'm trying to say is that people can have all of the evidence in front of them and look at it and say, "I don't believe that. I don't believe that." How many parents have you watched in the court system, they'd be shown a video of their child committing an atrocity and they're like, "I don't believe that. I don't believe that." You're sitting there looking at an interview, this is before AI, you're sitting there looking at a video, "Dude, you need to believe it. You need to get the clue." It comes down to a choice, but here's the thing, right now where you are, you can make the right choice. You can say, "I'm looking at the evidence. I'm looking at his word and I choose to believe him." It's my choice. And then at two o'clock in the morning when it looks like everything, like the word isn't true, like God lied to you and that there's no way this is ever going to change because there will be moments like that. Ask Joseph. In that moment, you can look and say, "I choose to believe God. I choose to believe him. I choose to believe his word." And then I can tell you after 30 years of believing God and then you will see the salvation of the Lord, but you're going to have to make a choice to believe. You're going to have to make a choice that you will believe God, believe his word regardless of any other circumstances. This is so important. I want you to come back because I want to pray with you over this important thing. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation knowing he will guide you into his will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Kurt Owen. How to walk by faith is something you're going to be studying for the rest of your life. But I want to help you get a jump start. And even with these broadcasts, I'm not able to tell you everything that the Lord has shown me and revealed to me, but I want to. And even this doesn't cover that and this is 19 hours. The partners and I want to put this into your hands. So will you please go to Kurt or call the number at the bottom of your screen and let us give this to you absolutely free. The partners and I want to see your life change and this will do it. Contact us today. We're offering this series on USB is our free gift to you. Order yours today on our website or by calling 1-800-215-0428. Thank you so much for tuning in today. I want to pray with you, Father, in the name of Jesus right now, I'm asking you to help me and my brothers and sisters right now. Lord, when we are confronted with things contrary to your word, that you would strengthen us with might through your spirit and in our inner man and we would make the right choice to believe you. Lord, that you reveal yourself to us in Jesus' name, amen. I've got more to say tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. This is Kurt Owen reminding you that Jesus has risen and victory is assured. (upbeat music) You