Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 6

Make Your Faith Walk Successful: On this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt will show you how to make your Christian walk of faith more successful than it has ever been. You don't want to miss this!

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24 Jun 2024
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Today on Fight To Win, I'm going to show you how to make your faith walk far more successful than it's ever been before. Plus, in tactical tips, I'm going to talk to you about why you need to actually train to call 911. You're not going to want to miss it. Stay tuned. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. I want to talk to you a little bit about the phone call to 911 in today's tactical tip. Years ago, we could count on our brothers and sisters that if they saw us being harmed for then to call 911, you can't count on that anymore today. In fact, I've seen a lot of church security teams that actually do not have it as part of their protocols to designate someone to call 911. You need to do that. You need to designate and train your children and train your family that if they see something, call 911. There was a study out a few years ago that somebody was telling me about that today, if somebody sees an incident, there's like a three minute longer time now between when the incident started and when somebody actually called 911. Do you know why that is? It's because today, everybody's on their cell phone trying to videotape. Rather than calling for help, they're wanting to get it on TikTok, get it on social media. And so instead of trying to bring the good guys there, they're just wanting to film it. That means that we now have to consciously make a decision and make it part of our protocols. Call 911 if you see something going on. The minute you see something, get help on the way. We cannot rely on the goodness of strangers anymore, unfortunately. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Welcome back to Fight to Win. We've been talking last week about the subject of how to walk by faith. And starting this week, we're going to get into the nuts and bolts of actually how to do it. Now, last week I did cover some really important stuff. So if I was you, I would go to YouTube to our Fight to Win channel or to Kurt Owen Ministries. We're going to be combining those two. But you need to go back and catch up and listen to all this, especially last Friday. Now, we talked about why we should walk by faith. We talked about why it is that just because Jesus died for all mankind, why are not all men going to be saved? Because faith only accesses what grace is provided, right? But then we talked about some things that we're going to, we'll get into a little bit of it today. But I wanted to kind of explain what we're doing. Here in Hebrews chapter six, it says this in verse 11, it says, "And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." And then immediately in the next page, it goes into Abraham. But when God made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no one higher swore by himself. Okay, so that's talking about the fact that find somebody who inherited the promises and then do what they did. And then it gives Abraham as an example. And then we started in Romans chapter four last week, explaining that or looking at the fact that how did Abraham walk by faith? Now, again, I've already taught five broadcasts on this. I don't know how much longer. I know I'll probably finish out the week on this. I don't know if we'll go into another week. But this is the reason we have this free product of how to walk by faith. If you go to connect, excuse me, send an email to or just go to and get our free offer. The partners of Curtowin Ministries and I would like to give this to you absolutely free, because this is 19 hours of teaching, stuff that I spend just two minutes on here. I'll spend an hour on here. And you need to get this down on the inside of you so that you can freely receive everything that Jesus has given you. And my partners have made it possible for us to give you this free. I would take advantage of that if I was you. Now, here in Romans chapter four, this begins to explain how Abraham walked by faith. Now, part of this isn't exactly how he walked by faith, but it's something to remember. And this is what's last Friday. I'm just going to touch on it now, but you need to go back to last Friday and listen. It says, "Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all." In other words, God wants you to receive from him more than you want to receive from him. God has paid a price for you to receive from him. And so you're not trying to talk God into anything and you're not going to God and you're not operating in faith to get God to do anything. God has already done and accomplished in the Lord Jesus Christ and through his grace everything that you ever have or ever would need. It really is important when you go and you're praying to look at it as though I'm talking to somebody who wants to help me, not as to somebody that I have to convince to help me. You understand what I mean by that? That you're not in an adversarial relationship. That I want something that God doesn't want to give me, especially, I mean, I've done this, I've lifted up promises of God and I'm lifting them up to God. Like, you need to do this for me, I need you to do this. Like, I'm having to convince him, the one who already gave me his word. You know, you only have that promise because that's he's the one that gave it, right? If I said, hey, come on, let's go to dinner. What is one thing you can establish about my will that I want to go to dinner with you, right? Because I'm the one that asked it, I'm the one that promised it. You should realize that about God. Now, then this gets into how did Abraham walk by faith? As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed, God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things that do not exist as though they did. Abraham's faith walk started with a promise. It didn't start off with him just sitting around one day saying, you know what, I kind of like to have a kid. Yeah, that's what I want to do. I'm going to start trusting a kid. Because see, without a promise at two o'clock in the morning, you're going to have doubts. And so in order to alleviate doubt, God gives you his word and that's where you're supposed to start your walk of faith. You should start with a promise from God. Now, honestly, there's a reason that a lot of people don't receive from God is because they will not start their walk of faith with that. I remember years ago, and I was on a visitation team from my local church, right? And so we went out and we were visiting somebody. And this man said, this man's sitting there and he's been having a rough time. And he said, he wanted, he was praying for something. I'm trying to remember what it was. But he was praying for something. And so we asked him, or I asked him, what promises are you standing on for that? Because again, faith begins with a promise. Faith also ends at the question mark. The minute you have a question, you cannot be in faith. This is the reason that if it be thy will prayers, really don't have a whole lot of faith in them. Because it'd be like if I said to Jeff, Jeff, we're going out to dinner tonight. And I said, Lord, I said, Jeff, we will go to a stake place if it be thy will. Well, I still don't-- I haven't settled anything because I don't know what his will is. I have to first settle that. Once I take away the question mark, then I can have faith for it. Well, anyway, this guy is sitting there and he goes, I don't have any problem. I just believe God would want me to do it. And I said, yeah, but how at 2 o'clock in the morning when the doubts come when you're afraid and you're not sure, how are you going to answer those doubts without a promise? How are you going to get to the place that you know that you know that you know? So me, and then it was the associate pastor of the church we were attending, I was like an usher and I was on the visitation committee actually. So the associate pastor and I, we start looking up promises. And this guy's just sitting here staring at us, not doing anything. And then finally, he doesn't get out his Bible or anything. He's not even reading the promises we're coming up with. And then eventually, he gets up and he leaves the room and he goes and he comes back and I'm thinking he's going to get his Bible, he's wised up now, he's going to go get the word, he's going to go look at the word for himself. And no, he goes in and gets one of these promises Bible and he hands it to me and say here, maybe this will help you find these promises. And I told this so special, he's not going to receive anything because eventually the devil's going to be able to talk him out of it because he doesn't know that he knows that he knows that it belongs to him because he doesn't have the promise. Abraham's faith started with a promise. It started with what God told him and eventually what was written. Now that's the, that's one of the reasons for the word and it's also one of the reasons that people do not receive from him very much. Let me, let me see if I can do this real quick. In John 15 and it says this, let me see if I can find it. Verse four, verse seven. "If you abide in me in my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. By this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit so you will be my disciple." Okay, now, just from that verse, can you tell why a lot of times, let's just leave other people out of it. Can you tell why you haven't received sometimes? If you abide in me in my words abide in you. Now that does not just mean I'm saved and I've read the Bible. It means that these words live there, that they speak to me, that they encourage me, that this is the way I make decisions. I see things in light of this word. Now this word, it actually empowers you to believe. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Well, what word are you hearing? By the way, this is a good reason you should speak the word to yourself because you're hearing you tell you the word of God. But okay, here's one of the things that happens with people is today I preach a message and you get fired up. I've teach you the word of God. I give you the word of God. And because you've heard the word, you get excited about it, right? Hopefully. And then at two o'clock in the morning, it's like, yeah, but I don't know that that's gonna come back. How do I know that's gonna happen? I mean, how do I know God is gonna do this? How do you answer that? You answer it with the promise that you started your walk of faith with. That's what you do. Okay? Here, let me explain this to you. Go with me to, let's go back to Hebrew six, okay? In Hebrew six, and it starts talking about this and it says in verse 13, it says, for when God made a promise to Abraham because he could swear by no one greater he swore by himself saying, surely I will bless you. I'm multiplying, I will multiply you. And so we have, and so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. Now, so what did he do through faith and patience inherited the promises. And so that's the reason we're learning what Abraham did. So we can do what he did, but this is what it says. So after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise for men indeed swear by the greater. And an oath for confirmation is for them and in the bald dispute. In other words, among men, if you want to settle an issue, you swear, you swear an oath. And then it says in verse 17, thus God determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise, that's you and I, the immutability of his counsel. In other words, that immutability, that means unchangeableness. Thus, in order to show the unchangeableness of his counsel, he confirmed it by an oath, so he swore. And then it says by, and that by two immutable things, two other unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, that we have strong consolation. In other words, we have strong encouragement. We have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope that is set before us. What set that hope, the promise. Now, okay, that's set a lot. So let me kind of break it down for you. This is what it's basically say. It says that God came to man, and for men to settle an issue, they swore an oath. Now, God had no reason to swear an oath, because God cannot lie. So he has no reason to swear an oath. He, in and of himself, has no reason to promise, because he cannot lie, okay? So if he said it, he's planning on doing it. Even if it has no promise, you know, if I said to Jeff, hey, are you coming over tonight? Yeah, do you promise? Right, do you promise? Will you swear an oath? I'm looking for that promise to settle within my own heart the fact that Jeff is telling the truth. Well, if God said I'm coming over tonight, there's no reason for him to promise, because he cannot lie. It is going to be exactly the way he said, all right? But that doesn't help me, because even though he can't lie, because I'm a man, I want somebody to swear to it, okay? And so God says, I have no reason to swear to it, because I cannot lie. But for you, an oath is the end of all dispute, therefore I want to show you that I am unchangeableness, am I unchangeableness in my counsel? Therefore, even though I have no reason to promise, I'm going to swear an oath to you and make promise, because you need it. I'm going to make these promises because you need it, not because I need it, but because you need it, to settle forever that to end all disputing in your heart and in your mind, I'm going to swear an oath to you. I have no reason to swear an oath, because I cannot lie, but I'm going to swear the oath anyway to help you. That's why he did it. That's why he gave us his promises. That's he gave us these promises to create hope, that we would now have something to expect, that we would now be able, we would know what belonged to us, and that we could expect that to come into our life. But notice something else he says here, after that, he says to lay hold of the hope that was set before us. Now, this hope, now the hope is created by the promise. You know what to expect if Jeff says, "I'm coming over tonight, "I swear I'm coming over tonight, "then I have a hope or an expectation "that Jeff is coming over tonight. "I'm going to be looking for him." Okay, and it says this. It says, "This hope we have as an anchor "for of the soul, both sure and steadfast, "in which enters the presence behind the veil." Now notice this, again, this is talking about that he gave you this word. He said it, then he swore it, even though he had no need to, to give you hope, and that this hope, this word that he gave you, that creates this expectancy, should anchor your soul. Many people give up in their walk of faith because they have no anchor for their soul. Now, if you haven't heard this teaching, I have a teaching called Spirit, Soul and Body. You can contact the minister and get it, but your soul is talking about your mind, your will and your emotions, predominantly, okay? And so, what happens when you start getting messed up and you start doubting? It's your soul, is God really going to do this? Are we sure he's going to do this? I hope he's going to do this. How do I know he's going to do this? It doesn't look like he's going to do this. Oh my goodness, look at the bank account, look at the doctor's report. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. So what do you need to do? You need to anchor your soul. But what are you anchoring it on? Well, I really hope he's going to heal me. I really hope he's going to deliver me. I really hope he's going to help me with my finances. What if there was actually a promise, a sworn oath that you could anchor your soul with and know exactly what God was going to do? This is the reason that 2 Corinthians says for all of the promises of God in him or yes and in him, amen to the glory of God through us, right? Through the Lord Jesus Christ. So here it is, all of the promises in the Lord Jesus are yes and amen. Remember what he said, this is the new covenant. These are these promises in my blood. The swearing of the oath, the promises with the oath. This is supposed to anchor your soul. So you cannot start your walk of faith. Go back over here to Romans 4. You cannot start your walk of faith without having a promise or at least not quickly thereafter. I mean, there's times I've said after knowing God now for a while, I know he loves me. I know he wants to help me and because he loves me and because I know he wants to help me, I know that somewhere in the word is a promise to cover exactly what I need and exactly what I'm dealing with. Now I can start off with my confidence in his love but ultimately even then his love to have ultimate confidence in his love, I'm gonna have to look in the book and find out what his word says about him loving me. Listen, I know that God loves me more than he hates my sin because of what the word says. I know that God will help me even when I've been an idiot because of what his word says, fools because of their transgressions and because of their iniquities were afflicted. Their soul, a poor, all men are of food. They drew nearer to the gates of death. They caused their problem. I have been that fool. I caused my own problem but I called out and it says but they cried out to the Lord in their distresses and he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their distresses. This is Psalm 107, right? How do I know that God will help me even when I've been a fool because his word says he will? It anchors my soul. I have something to combat. How do I know that there's coming a day? I won't have this sickness and disease anymore because his word, he promised in his word. How do I know that I'm gonna be able to pay my bills? 'Cause he promised in his word. How do I know that I can have peace because he promised in his word? And that anchors my soul. That gives me something to anchor my soul too. So at two o'clock in the morning when my bills are talking to me, right? And their bills are saying, you're not paying me. You're gonna go bankrupt. You've got this. You can answer it and say no. My God shall supply all of my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. No, I have not gone to war at my own expense. What am I doing? I'm anchoring my soul with the promise. But unfortunately, most people don't start their walk of faith that way. You know what they start their walk of faith with? Their need. Not what he said, but their need. Lord, I need this. I need you to do this. How do you know he will? Well, I don't know he will. If he will, maybe he will, maybe he won't. That's not faith. There's a question mark there. So how do you end that? The word. You get in the word and the word tells you what he'll do. He tells you exactly who he is. He tells you exactly what he'll do. All this hogwash and stupidity of you never know what God's gonna do is not scriptural. You always know what God's gonna do. He says it in his word. He watches over his word to reform it. You know exactly what he's gonna do. People I can't figure out. God, I know. God, I know what he's going to do. He's going to do exactly what he said he would do. And so in order to start your walk of faith, get in the word and start there. Now, that is not enough. A lot of people, that's all they try to do. I'm just gonna get in the word. I'm just gonna spend time in the word. That's a great place to start. But notice what happens next. It says, "As it is written, starting with the promise, I have made you the father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed." Now, I have to be honest. For years, I completely blew past this part of what it said. I started with the word and then I got to believe. He took the promise and he believed it. But there's something in the midst of this that is life-changing that you need to hear in the presence of him. He spent time with God getting to know God. See, there is a promise from God's word. There is a problem with the promises from God's word. There is a real problem. And the problem is this, if you don't trust the one that promised them, you're still not in faith even though you have the promise. Have you ever met somebody that they could promise you all day long and you knew? It doesn't matter how many times they promise. It doesn't matter how many times they're swear. We still have no idea whether they're actually gonna do it or not. Have you ever met those people? I have. Now, one of the reasons that people's walk of faith fail is because they try to make the word of God just a formula. Now, there are formulas in the word of God. There's a lot of people that we don't want to make it a formula. We don't want to make it a formula. Well, yeah, but there are formulas in the word of God. There just are. If you believe in your heart, the Lord Jesus can confess with your mouth that that's not be saved. You shall be saved. A plus B equals C, that's a formula. Right, I mean, it's, I'm sorry, it is. The problem is, is people began to have confidence in the formulas and not in the one that gave them the formula. I mean, and that's a problem. Because now we have people, multitudes of people trying to have faith in the God they don't know because though they've gotten the word of God, they haven't gotten the presence of Him. They haven't gotten to know Him. And that's not actually, and that's not actually God's fault. That's on us. We need to spend time with Him. We need to do things with Him. We need to get to know Him both through His word and through spending time with Him. Because it doesn't matter if you have a promise, if you don't trust the one that gave the promise. We're going to have to pick up here tomorrow, but hopefully you might have seen some things of why things didn't work out in the past. And listen, I'll just be honest, I don't know everything. I'm going to teach you what I know, but I can't tell you that I know everything. I can't tell you that I've got it all figured out, but I am going to share with you what I do know. I do know that in order to walk by faith, I have to settle the fact that I'm not having that I'm not having to convince God to help me. He wants to help me. I'm having to settle the fact that I must get into the word and see what He said and find the promise that covers my need. But then after that, I need, and I'm going to use that to anchor my soul, but the only way it truly anchors it is by me spending time in his presence and spending time with him, getting to know him, getting to know the one that promised. Now, I might have up into your apple cart, and maybe I've poked you a little bit, and I want to pray with you so that you and I both get on the same page as we move forward, not to just follow the formula, but to get to know the God that gave us the formula. Come right back, I want to pray with you. Put your faith into action and recognize God's power in your life. Learn to trust God in every situation, knowing He will guide you into His will and purpose for your life in this powerful teaching series from Pastor Curt Owen. We're offering this series on USB as our free gift to you. Order yours today on our website, or by calling 1-800-215-0428. - Hello, have you joined our next level campaign yet? I'm asking you to do that. Right now, we're believing gone for $250,000, so that we can continue to expand our television outreach, plus continue to all of our missions trips all over the world, and in addition, put buildings on the property so that we can better take care of you with a call center to minister to you and your needs. So please go to Curt and become a next level partner today. - If you've been blessed by this program, we invite you to donate and partner with Curt Owen Ministries. Visit our website, Curt, and become a partner today. - Lord, right now, any time we've ever doubted your willingness to help us, we repent, 'cause Lord, you wanna help us more than we want to be helped. And Father, I thank you that right here in right now, you will reveal your word to us, that you will make your promises real to us, and Lord, then teach us to, how to get to know you, that we can have confidence in word and your word because we know you in Jesus' name, amen. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)