Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Why Your Words Matter | JUNE 2024 Teaching Letter Reading with Pastor Kurt Owen

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22 Jun 2024
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Hello. I'm Kurt Owen. Thank you so much for tuning in to this month's newsletter. I trust you'll get something out of it. I also want to personally invite you to June 27th, 2024, at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I'm going to be doing a Thursday Night Live teaching on the same subject, me and my big mouth. I'll be teaching on it. I'll be taking your questions about it, plus that'll be opportunity for me to pray over your prayer requests as well. So hopefully you can join me again June 27th, 2024, at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Facebook and YouTube. I believe you'll get a lot out of it. Now let's get into the newsletter. You saved my life, she said. I smiled, not knowing what to say. No, seriously, she continued. Watching the Fight to End TV program greatly impacted her, and as she repeated, it changed her life. She had gotten saved, just been baptized, and attending a meeting I recently taught to have me pray for her. Thank you, partners, for making this woman's testimony possible through your monthly giving. I am extremely grateful to the Lord for how He is using us, together, to change people's lives all over the world. Now let's get into the Word. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 1821, New King James Version. I often hear people minimize or completely blow off the power of words, calling it merely a name and claim and exercise. Or they say it doesn't really matter that much and isn't really that important. But I ask you, how can that possibly be true? God says that your tongue has the power that can directly affect life and death in your life. Life and death. It doesn't say life and death are in the power of cancer or sickness, the government, your boss, or anything else you care to name. It is your tongue, your words that have the power to directly affect life and death operating in your life. How can we afford to neglect or ignore anything that has this much power? Furthermore, this is not an isolated scripture. In the supplemental teaching video, we will explore verse by verse how this power works. I will also teach you how to love it so that you can eat it and enjoy the benefits and the fruit of it. You can also click on this link and for you guys that are watching this, you can actually right after this will be the supplemental teaching. We love you and we're praying for you. If you have not yet become a monthly partner, please consider becoming one today. If we can minister to you in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out. Please call, write, or email today. Jesus has risen, victory is assured, Kurt Owen and the family of Kurt Owen Ministries. This is so important. I want you to listen to the supplemental teaching and then join me June 27th at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Facebook and YouTube where we can interact together plus I can take your prayer requests and teach you more about the subject. Now let's get into the supplemental teaching. Hello everyone. I'm Kurt Owen. Thank you so much for tuning into this month's newsletter supplemental teaching. I want to begin where we left off in the newsletter that Proverbs 1821, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit." Now, I don't know of anything. If you were to explain to me that I have access to an instrument, a weapon that literally has the power of life and death, I should treat it with respect and then learn how to use it. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. This is wisdom explaining that death and life are in the power of the tongue and we need to heed this that literally the where our life goes or the way how much death operates in our life is in direct relation to what happens with our tongue. You try to blow this off if you want to but this is an extremely powerful statement. Now I want to show you something else that says about the tongue. This is in James chapter three. I'm going to move the camera a little bit here so that I can read this a little bit easier. Says, "My brethren let not many of you become teachers knowing that you shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things if anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man able also to bridle the whole body. Indeed, we put bits and horses mouths that they may obey us and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so, the tongue is a little member in both great things. See how great a little forest fire, a little fire kindles. Now I know that goes on here and it says you can't tame the tongue. That is absolutely true and on June 27, 2024, I'm going to talk about that. I'm going to talk about how that works and though you can't tame it, you can change what your tongue is hooked to. What it means by taming is you're not going to be able to sit here and say I'm never saying this again because if you try to say that, I'll just be honest with you, it's not going to work because eventually out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What I want you to get out of this and we'll talk more about that on June 27. What I want you to get out of this is I want you to know this what the tongue is capable of and what it's compared to. The tongue is compared to a bridle by which you can control a horse and the tongue is compared to a rudder by which you can steer a ship. Now think about this with your body and if you watch the television broadcast about me and my big mouth, you know I talked about how you use your tongue as a bridle to pull your flesh into line and I think that's extremely important and I think there are some applications to death in life but I definitely think there's death in life or in the power of the tongue you can see in which your tongue is the rudder for your life. And notice here what it says that although they are so large, the ship is so large they are driven by fierce winds. Now I think we agree but that our lives are very large and it appears as though our lives are driven by fierce winds that we do not control and yet the scripture says that our tongue can act as a rudder even against these fierce winds and it's the way that we can measure our life. Again this is pointing to the fact that death in life or in the power of the tongue and it all depends on how you point your life with the rudder of your mouth. Now you can be sitting there arguing and saying I don't believe that. What don't you believe? It says your tongue is like the rudder. It says it goes wherever the pilot desires. Well I've never said this. I've looked around at my life and I've never spoken anything like this. Well I want you to think about this. What happens if you just take your hand off the rudder of a ship then you just get blown by the winds and then you end up places you don't want to be and so wherever you're at today you are there because with your tongue you ruddered there or by the fact that you didn't do anything with your tongue your rudder and so life just blew you wherever it would in the devil blew you wherever you would because again death and life is in the power of the tongue. That means it must be utilized. It must be put to work. You have to do something with it. It is not enough to say I'm not going to say this. That's just like saying you know what I'm not going to touch the rudder and grab it and push it towards the rocks. Yeah but you do have to touch the rudder and turn it towards your dock or the open sea or your destination because if not eventually enough when you're going to get blown up against something you don't want to experience. Now again I know people don't like this because there is a personal accountability and yet this is exactly what the word says. It says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. It says your tongue can bridle your body. It says that your tongue acts as a rudder for your life and even though it's a little member it boasts great things. You need to grab a hold of this. Now there's a couple reasons why this doesn't work for people on the positive level. It works really good for people on the negative level. You hear people that are always cursing themselves they live a cursed life. They just do. It seems like problems just attract and come to them. But I want you to see what Jesus said. And I'm going to have to adjust the camera again. It says this. It says this is now again kind of a back story here. There was a fig tree. Jesus walked up to the fig tree and the fig tree didn't do what Jesus wanted to do. He didn't have the figs that he wanted and he says no many fruit of you again forever. Now this was a real tree. This is not an allegory. This is a real story. Jesus spoke to a real tree. So if you think that your words only affect spiritual things you're wrong because these words change this fig tree and killed it. By the way I don't know why you'd believe that because words from the very beginning from the day God said light be light was have been affecting natural material things. That's the way matter is governed is by words. That's the way he controlled the birds. It's the way he controlled the land. And so this is why he points to this. Jesus here in 1122 it says so Jesus answered and said have faith in God. Literally or have the faith of God. For surely I say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done. He will have whatever he says. Not only that notice how your words affect your prayer life. Therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them. A lot of times unfortunately and this I'm not going to get into this right now but unfortunately people pray one thing and then when prayer is over they say completely contrary to what they prayed for. They believe they believe for healing and it's like well I hope they get healed. I don't think so. It looks bad. Looks like they're going to die. And your words are going against what you actually prayed and you're going to have what you say. Now there is there is something here that's important. Remember death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. You have to begin to love the power that is in your tongue. And when you say I don't believe this I'm getting written. I don't agree with that. I mean even though the scripture is extremely plain you're saying I don't love it. Okay that's fine. You'll never eat the fruit of it. It's never going to work for you. Okay. Now there's something else here that this is important and I don't think we spend enough time working on this and this is something honestly even to this day I work on in my own life. It says this if you do not doubt in your heart but believe those things you say will be done then you have whatever you say. Now I personally believe this is when you start to use your words on purpose. I think this is when you start to love it is when this becomes into play because negative words we believe negative things and listen I don't like negative and positive. I like godly and ungodly. You're either speaking in line with God's word concerning you or you're speaking in line with what the devil or the world says about you. Okay it's not positive and negative it's godly and ungodly. It lines up with God or it lines up with the devil or just this cursed world. You need to spend time thinking about the fact that I do not doubt in my heart but I believe that what I say will be done. I believe that what I say will be done. I believe that. I believe that what I say will be done. How often do you think about that? How often do you think about that before you speak? If God Jesus was standing right in front of you and said everything that comes out of your mouth will come to pass from this point forward. Would you be quieter? Would you be more watchful over what you say? Then why don't we begin and a lot of times what happens is as people they don't meditate on this part of it. Honestly they don't meditate on the scriptures they say oh I can have whatever I say so I'm just going to say say say say say and then they just start saying but yet they have not developed their heart conviction that death and life are actually in the power of my tongue. They have not developed the heart conviction that I will that whatever I say will be done and I do not doubt this in my heart. To be honest most people that hear this they just try it and then when they say it say it say it and then nothing happens well I didn't really think it was going to work anyway. And yet even science tells us there's a lot of science that words affect molecules of everything. They've done tests about you have trees that you bless or plants you bless and you have plants that you curse the cursed plants. The only thing that's different is the word spoken over them and the cursed plants die. They say that the molecules and cells your body the more that you speak and this this is not Nuevo new age science. This is literal science that they've studied at MIT that somehow and I don't remember all of it but when you speak and you speak negative things it actually puts these spikes on molecules and different things that prevent them from healing it actually begins their degradation process. Why? Why would that be true? Well because death and life are in the power of the tongue and because this entire creation was created by words. Now we're not going to get into it now. I'll talk more about it on June 27th when we talk about this but in Genesis in 27 we see where Isaac by the words he spoke over his child changed the course of his life's existence. We also see where two brothers were able to we're willing to fight each other to see each other just to have words spoken over them. Why? Because they believe that death and life were in the power of their daddy's tongue. Now I hope you got something out of this. What I'd like for you to do in order for this to work for you I'd like you to start thinking about several times a day that I do not doubt in my heart but I believe that what I say will be done. What I say I believe in my heart I believe that what I say will be done. Cultivate that belief on the inside of you. Also cultivate that belief that death and life are in the power of my tongue that with my tongue I can govern my body. With my tongue I can set the course of my life. I will grab a hold of the rudder my tongue and begin to it's not enough to just know you have a rudder take the rudder and put it to work. I hope you got something out of this. Thank you so much for taking the time. Remember join me June 27th at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Also please consider becoming a partner with Turtle and Ministries today. We need your help. I love you all. Remember Jesus' risen victory is assured. Thank you. . [BLANK_AUDIO]