Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Walk by Faith: Episode 5

The "Nuts and Bolts" of Walking by Faith: Today on Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen, Pastor Kurt gets into the nuts and bolts and practically explains how you can walk and live by faith. Don't miss it!

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21 Jun 2024
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Hello I'm Kurt Owen. Today on Fight to Win we're going to get into the nuts and bolts of how to walk by face so that you can know and understand it and put it into place in your life. We're also got a tactical tip on how you can defeat an active shooter. To succeed in life we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello I'm Kurt Owen. You know I have never been a big believer in pepper spray. Quite frankly because when I train police officers they're constantly telling me that they get sprayed more than the bad guys do. And my thing is if I'm going to have to put hands on you anyway then let's just go ahead and put hands on them. But I have a friend of mine named Carl Chin he's the president of the FBSN full disclosure. I'm actually on the board of directors of the FBSN, the faith based security network. And we try to help educate and strengthen church security teams around the world. And he actually came to me and offered this to me. He said what if you have a person or have a position that is constantly changing like a church receptionist. And there's somebody sitting there you know different people greeting people that come through the door. You don't you're not going to train them the way you would somebody else but you could give them a can of pepper spray. And no matter who it was all you have to do very very simple take this can of pepper spray. If they come in with a gun drawn they don't have a badge spray them down and hose them down with the spray. Technically with pepper spray it's it should be a light spray light spray light spray but I digress. But that pepper spray is something good that you can give to untrained people especially in a position that rotates a lot. So I am reconsidering my position on pepper spray. Hello I'm Kurt O and welcome back to fight to win. Today we're going to get into the nuts and bolts of how to walk by faith. Now we're not going to get by any means go all the way through. So that's why I'm asking you to contact the ministry and get this product how to walk by faith. It is absolutely free. The partners of the ministry and I want to bless you with this. Speaking of partnership at the end of this broadcast I'm going to give you an opportunity to become a partner. Because if you are receiving from this scripturally you need to communicate. And honestly the only way I'm going to be able to continue to teach you these things is as if we come together in partnership. But until that time the partners the people that are currently partners would like to make sure that you have all the tools necessary so that you can be everything that God called you to be. And so part of that is how to walk by faith. I'm going to probably teach it most. Another five today will be the six. I'll probably teach six more total episodes on this subject. At least that's the plan. But this is 19 hours of teaching. That'll bring 10 episodes of how to walk by faith. That's 10 episodes is three hours? Two and a half hours. This is 19 hours. There's a lot more I have to say and want to help disciple you in this. So would you please go to and request this free product today. We'll talk more about that later. Now for the most part of the week we've been talking about why you should walk by faith. What is the reason that you should walk by faith because God told you to. You should walk by faith to please God. You should walk by faith because anything that is not a faith is sin. You should walk by faith so that you are not engaging in pride in stopping the grace of God in your life. Then we looked at the fact that we're going to utilize and walk by faith to access what grace is freely provided. That faith in and of itself we didn't really cover this but you can get this out of Romans chapter 4. Faith isn't a work. I've had people say this before and they think they're preaching grace and they're not. They're saying well yeah but if you're asking me to do anything that's works. And I guess we should cover that now before we get into this. The only thing you can classify as works is anything you do to get God to love you. Anything you do to get God to accept you. Anything you do to make yourself righteous. Anything you do to make yourself acceptable to God or to get God to give to you. That's what works are. But you know today if I walk out here and because I love God and because I see it in the Word and I give to a person that is poor and I do it I don't feel like it. I don't necessarily want to do it as far as I mean I wasn't walking out of here today thinking I'm just going to go find somebody to give to. But I see somebody and I give to them because the Word says to. Did you realize that that is not a work. That is not works. Well okay let me back up. It is a work but it is not works. And that's what a lot of people they've messed up. It's like they've gotten a hold of the grace of God or excuse me. They think they've gotten a hold of the grace of God and it's like I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to do anything at all. Yeah if you're not doing anything you have no faith in anything because faith actually produces works. If you believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven that there's only one name under heaven whereby men can be saved then you would tell people about Jesus. If you believe that God has blessed you you would tithe. If you believe that God has healed you then you would act on it. And James is very clear about that and maybe if we have time we'll get into some of that. But when I start talking about walking by faith and we start getting into this how to today. None of this is to get God to love you, to help you, to move God to provide for you. It's already provided and because we believe that we are going to walk by faith. Will there be actions involved? Yes. But are those works as the Bible defines them? No. Works as the Bible defines them is any time you are trying to earn anything from God. And again we're not doing this to earn anything from God. We're not doing this because we firmly believe God has already done it. So that I've said a lot in that. Faith is accessing what grace is provided. If grace is not provided it you shouldn't utilize faith to access it. Now so I want to go over what are the basis of what we're doing. So here in Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12, let's look at verse in 12. We desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end. Verse 12. That you do not become sluggish or lazy but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Again you're not just going to operate by faith for five minutes. You're going to have to be consistent faith and patience. Notice here that there's also going to be some action involved. How do we know that? Because it tells you not to become sluggish or lazy. If you were going to do nothing it's pretty hard to become sluggish in doing nothing if you're not supposed to do anything at all. Okay. But ultimately what this is saying is this. Find somebody who received from God by faith and then do what they did. Ultimately that's what this is getting down to. Okay. Now then immediately in verse 13 it says for when God made promise to Abraham because he could swear enough by no one greater he swore by himself. Okay now again so it tells us find somebody imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. And then immediately begins to mention Abraham because Abraham was somebody that through faith and patience inherited the promises. Okay. So what we're going to do and begin to study today when we get into the how to of how to walk by faith what we're going to do is going to act on this verse. We're going to find someone Abraham and then imitate Abraham who through faith and patience inherited the promises. That's what we're planning on doing. Do you follow me? That's what we're going to do. Now here in Romans chapter 4 it tells us what Abraham did to walk by faith. Okay. So we're going to look at these and this is going to take us a little bit. And again I don't know if I mentioned it in this broadcast. I don't think I have. I actually taught on this for more than 18 months in our newsletter. If you're not getting our monthly newsletter, yes I would like you to give if you receive it, yes I would. But even if you don't it's a teaching letter. It's not just to write you and say hey give me money. It's actually to say it's actually usually it's about five pages and I mean it's easy to read pages too. But of those five pages at least probably normally four, four and a half is actually just teaching. And I taught on this for more than 18 months. Okay. So I'm not going to be able to cover everything in the broadcast but there's a lot we can get into with this. But let's go here and we're going to, well let's start in verse 13. For the promise that we're in Romans 4 and 13. For the promise that he would be heir of the world was not to Abraham unto his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith. For this is those who are, excuse me, for if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void in the promise of no effect because the law brings about wrath and for where there is no law there is no transgression. Now notice this verse 16. Therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are the law but to those who are the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all. Now again, I want to, before we get any further in here, this lays out a principle that we need to look at. It is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed. Now I want you to think about what that's saying. That it is of trust that it might be a free gift therefore it is a faith that it might be according to grace. So this is about trusting God. This is about trusting in the gift that he has given you. But here's something else that's extremely important in your walk of faith. Now this is not something, I wouldn't necessarily call this a step, no necessarily, but it is something you need to get a hold of. It is a faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed. I want you to notice the love of God in this. God was looking for a way that everyone could receive from him. You need to go into your walk of faith as I am not trying to convince God to help me. He is already convinced that he wants to help me more than I want to be helped. That he is more on my side than I am on my side. It is a faith that it might be according to grace. In other words, it was a faith so that it could be a trust that it might be a free gift. Because listen, if he comes up and says therefore it is of planting a flag on the top of Mount Everest, that it might be according to works. In other words, you had to earn it, you had to do something to earn it. Whatever it is that you're going to have to do, there are going to be people that can't do it. Like if today, God said, if you want to be saved, you're going to have to plant a flag on the top of Mount Everest. I'm not doing that today. I won't be saved today. I probably won't get saved in the next year. Because right now I'm not conditioned to make a climb to the top of Everest. Now would I like to do that sometime? Yeah, I probably will. Maybe mid millennium, I'll come down and walk around on Everest. But in the meantime, if you come up with any sort of thing that somebody must do, there's going to be somebody that can't do it. Even if it was as simple as therefore it is of walking across the street. What happens with the people who have no legs? What happens with the people who have no feet? Okay? But when you start talking about trust, when you start talking about having confidence in faith in what grace is provided, right? Anyone can do that. You can be laying in a bed and not able to speak, and you can do that. So if you're laying in bed right now, and you're in a hospital room, and you can't talk, but you're cognizant, you can still even now begin to release trust in what grace is provided right now. And that's important. That's extremely important. God wanted it so that everyone could receive from him. Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure, steadfast, secure for all the seed. Not only to those who are the law, but to those who are the faith of Abraham, who is the father of a soul. In other words, if you are mine, the Lord is saying, I want you to be able to receive from me. Is that your attitude towards the Lord? Listen, this is not most people's attitude towards the Lord. That's honestly the reason I want you to go to and receive these 19 hours of free teaching, because you need to spend a lot of time soaking your brain in the fact that God wants to help you. And that when you're walking by faith, you are not convincing God to help, but you are convincing yourself to receive His help. Because He is the one that set up this system that the promise would be sure to all the seed. You know, this is the argument that I have with people when they start talking about how I'm narrow-minded about salvation. Well, when you say that Jesus is the only way, what about this and what about that? Listen, you're talking about a God who has done everything He can do to make it easy for everybody to receive. He didn't say that in order to be saved, everybody must go to Jerusalem and lay their hands on the whole of the cross or whatever. He made it simple, "Will you trust Me? Will you put your trust in Me?" That is not a narrow-minded way of living. That is an easy way of living. But notice here again, as we get into the Word and as we begin to seek to trust God, understand He is not a hard sell. He has set it up. One of the reasons that He wants you to walk by faith is because if you will walk by faith, nobody can stop you from receiving. Therefore, it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed. He wants the promise secure instead fast to you. He wants you to know that it belongs to you. He wants you to know He wants to do for you. He wants you to know that He's in love with you. And these promises are there for you and for your benefit. God wants you to receive from Him. How do you see Him? How do you see Him? Do you see Him that way? Do you see Him wanting to do good for you? Do you see Him wanting to love you and wanting to help you? When you begin to lay hold of, I don't know, a new job, when you begin to lay hold of freedom from sickness and disease, when you begin to lay hold of freedom for death, do you see Him as wanting you to give that to you, wanting you to have that, wanting to give that to you? Do you see it that way? Or do you see as your walk of faith is, I'm now going to have to convince Him to help me, and that I'm walking by faith to get Him to do. I'm walking by faith to get Him to move. If you are, you're going at it wrong. He is the one that wanted to make sure you could receive from Him. He is not withholding from you. He is not trying to keep from you. Honestly, the way some people present the Lord, it's like He's got this checklist and He's walking around going, "Yeah, yeah, I'm watching you. 'Cause I'm looking to see if you make a mistake, so I don't have to help you." Yeah, I was looking. I was looking for a way to disqualify you. I was looking for a way to keep my, from having to keep my word for you. I was looking for a way to jam you up and to not have to expend my power and my goodness on your behalf. I was looking for a way, and there you just did it. You look cross-eyed at the woman in the, in the Walmart. I saw that. I saw that. 'Cause of that, you're not getting your healing. 'Cause of that, you're not being, I'm not blessing you. I'm not doing it. Is that who you see God is? Because that's not who He says He is. He says that He is the God that set up the system so that He wanted the promise to be sure to all the seeds. Sure steadfast so that you could know. That's who He is. You've got to begin to see Him that way. Now again, this is not necessarily how Abraham walked by faith, but it is a part of it. It is explaining who God is. And so when you begin to lift your voice and to pray and ask the Lord for something, when you begin to lift the Word up and lay hold of understand, you are not having to convince Him to do. He is already convinced to do. That's why you have the promise. That's the thing that I just don't understand with people. Well, I do understand it because I was there because of my own condemnation. I would begin to quote the Word to God, to convince God to help me. Until finally the Lord got over to me and said, why do you think you have that Word you're quoting? Why do you think you have that promise? Why do you think you have something to say back? I wanted you to have that. That's why I made the promise. You know, it's like, you know, Jeff's here. If Jeff all of a sudden said, hey, I want to give you a thousand dollars, right? And then I was like, I started, Jeff, I need a thousand dollars. I need a thousand dollars. I hope you want to give me a thousand dollars. You promised you would give me a thousand dollars. Isn't the very nature or the fact he promised and he said he wanted to do it? Shouldn't that empower me to trust that he wants me to have it? It wasn't like I showed up at his house and begged him for the money. Do you understand what I'm saying? Why are these promises in the book? Because God wants you to have this. He set up the system so that the promise might be sure to all the seed. God wants you to receive. In order to receive what he has freely given, you need to operate in faith. It's just the way it works. But the reason it works in that way is evidently this is the way to make sure you receive. If you will operate by faith. Now he goes on here and he says this and I'm not going to be able to get into this today. I'm going to receive an offering down the broadcast. But he goes on and immediately he says, it starts in verse 17 and it says, "As it is written, I have made you the Father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed." Now this starts to get into what we're supposed to imitate. And I'm just going to give you a teaser here. Your walk of faith starts with the Word of God. It starts with what did God tell you? There are a lot of people saying right now, I'm just trusting God. I'm just walking my faith and yet they have no relationship with God's Word at all. They have nothing they're trusting in. Going back to the thousand dollar thing. If Jeff said, I want to give you a thousand dollars and then I show up and I'm laying hold of the thousand dollars, I'm doing that on the basis of what he said. And that's how I can have confidence that I can have it. And see there's a lot of people that this is not, that's not working for them. But I'm going to have to get into that on Monday, but that's where we're going to get started on Monday. Today I'd like to talk to you about becoming a partner with the ministry. Listen, if you want to know what happens to your money, let me tell you, it happens to the fact that we're on your television today to teach you. That today, this literally costs thousands of dollars just to be with you today. You are making it possible not only for me to disciple you and to help you, but the multitudes around the world. You are making it possible if you have contacted this ministry by now, you should have received a free gift. You should have received a call from the ministry. You make those things possible that there is somebody there to pray with you. Somebody, and when they talk to you and I hear you about your prayer requests, those come back to me so that I can pray with you. When you become a partner with this ministry, you empower us to bring these teachings to you and to people all over the world. You empower us to disciple you. You empower us to be able to call and pray with you in multitudes of people like you. Listen, today, would you become a partner with this ministry? Now I want to share with you something here that I think is important because there's a lot of times people, you actually have to, I don't know, be motivated to give. I don't want to tell you sob stories. Do I need your money? Yes, I need you to become a partner today because at some point, I'm going to need to pay a TV bill. At some point, I'm going to need to pay employees that call and pray for you. At some point, there are going to be bills to pay as we travel around the world and change lives. And I don't want that fruit to just be for me. But notice here in Galatians, and I don't really have time to teach this teaches, but in verse 6 it says, "Let him that has taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches." I'm asking you to obey the Word. If I am teaching you the Word of God, would you share in all good things with me who teaches you? Would you be willing to do that? Today, would you go to and become a partner? Or would you text the number, I've got the thing, the number at the bottom of your screen? And we will make sure that we receive that. But I'd like you to become a partner today. Not only do you receive a free gift, you receive, actually you receive a lot of free gifts by becoming a partner. You also receive your monthly teaching letter, you receive a book, hopefully signed by me. I say, hopefully, because I'm about 50 books behind. But you become a part of our prayer life, where I'm involved in your life and you're involved in my life. You're involved in all the food of this ministry, and I'm involved in what's going on in your life. That we are in this together. And by the way, I do not just need you to send the money. I need you to be praying for me. I need you, as you respond to me that is teaching you the Word, I need you to be praying for me. There's a lot of things that God have us to do. But I'm asking you to right now, today, so that you don't forget, so that your benefits can begin immediately. I'm asking you to go to and become a partner today. I'll be right back to pray with you as our partner. If you've been blessed by this program, we invite you to donate and partner with Kurtowin Ministries. Visit our website,, and become a partner today. Thank you for seeing the value of this ministry and becoming a partner. And thank you for obeying the Word, that we that teach you the Word, that you're going to share in all the things that does to teach. And know that every single life changed is someone that will greet you in heaven thanking you for the money that you're going to give. Thank you for doing that. Not only that, check your mailbox, we're going to be sending you some things, but I want to pray with you. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for those that are becoming partners today. Lord, even as I pray for them every day, both in English and in other tongues, as I lift up your Word to you. Lord, I thank you that whatever their need is, I thank you that you'll bring that up into my heart, that I can specifically address that, both in English and in other tongues. I thank you that as our prayer ministers call them, or as they call in and talk to our prayer ministers, Lord, they will have the right word in due season. And Lord, I thank you every time they listen to the broadcast, they get more and more out of it, because Lord, now, we are partners in the kingdom to take this Word all over the world. And thank you. In Jesus' name, amen. Thank you for becoming a partner. Know that multitudes will greet you in heaven. I'm Curdo, and I'll see you next Monday as we continue in How to Walk Left Faith. Remember, Jesus' risen victory is assured.