Rev Dare Oluwaniyi Ministries


Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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But in response to the meeting we had two Sundays ago, for now we have electronic calendar at the back. So there's an electronic calendar display on the computer at the back. Hallelujah, we're taking, we can make it a big screen, we'll make it a big screen, so that you can see the event for one week. But the paper copy for the old year will be displayed by the next one or two weeks. I'm waiting for my PA to join me. They've given me a PA, my PA was, I went to war. So we will put it together and display it there. Hallelujah, your testimony is next. Your testimony is next. This week is, I pray I'm fasting. I know some of you are still fasting. And in fasting too, we bring to fast after some days. But to the glory of God. This team of the, where we began our scripture from, is look 1838. Look 1838. But then one major prayer that comes to my spirit as we're talking today. And that's where you went to used to pray. In Christ saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy upon me. So this week, the old week, we have been crying about message. We have been talking about message. We answered you in the name of Jesus. I'm going to lead us to pray for two, three minutes. Time is gone, really. Hopefully we can finish just shortly after one. Hallelujah. I want you to pray Lord. Let the message be the right judgment. Do you understand what it means? We are the law is against you. That is judgment. We are what the duty of Father's house will stop you. That is judgment. Lord, let the message prevail over judgment. You know, our media manager, he said it was out of debt. Which is a big testimony. If you see the teenager, not teenagers, the 20 to 30. If you are not ready to drive it, God don't try. It's not that he used to buy car. It is packing your faces, go through that war crossing. Something that's supposed to be too fast, 57. That would turn up to 600, 800 pounds, when you don't deal with it. You don't need to list it. Every one of us, let's take it as it, as a lifetime. When let our country else open it. Many of us love to throw the letter. I would eat it letter. Let that letter, you would know the letter. They will give you the first letter. Pay 60 pounds, if you don't pay 60 pounds, become YAT. By the time it comes, YAT, before you know it, it isn't called before you know it. That's CCG on your name. I mean, without buying anything, without being business. And you just call your own 5, 6000 pounds. And I'm telling you, it is common to young people that drive in UK, almost 80% of young men that drive. Why the FCCG is that? And so me responsible, young adult, I call it responsible. We have people who are married, who will not care about the light of the day. The money, they will not pay. Instead, they will set the cap, set the cap, they will still pursue you. It's not the card that committed the offense, it is you. So it's a wonderful for us, every one of us. When you get your letter, don't throw it open it. If you don't understand, go and start somebody who have no leg. What does this letter mean? Hallelujah, it is cantico, it's cantico, it's nothing. By the time they did it, hey, people with their friends would tell you, by the time they month up, they not judge us, they don't tell you they cut feet. It's also a month, they pilot up, and they will tag in the tray. Before you know it, they hand you over to what they're close to come to us. They leave, they leave, when they come, they realize everybody, everybody in the community we know, it's like you're a criminal. Hallelujah. So we tung off for your life, son. By the time you decide to buy car, make sure you don't fall into the same offense. I think it has led to this lesson. And I'm warning everyone, boy, girl, any of you that will drive, take note. When they, if you make mistakes, they charge you 60 pounds. Go and pay the 60 pounds. If you want to do what they're calling it, hey? They want to dispute it, dispute it immediately, and look out for the other spots. So when you dispute it, make it the register later. Keep it coping, all those things. I think when I'm talking to the young adults, I will talk more to the young adults about that. They'll always bless us here. Let's try some of it up for this prayer. Lord, let me simply be the right judgment. Every judgment I'm having, every judgment that is in my bloodline, every sentence that they are calling in my father's house, let your messy prevail today. I want you to put your matter, don't spray for yourself. Just spray for yourself, let your messy prevail. Let your messy prevail over judgment. Every judgment in my life, let your messy prevail. Pray for yourself, I want you to pray for yourself. Let messy prevail over judgment, over judgment. They cause that wrong in my father's house. Let your messy prevail. They cause that wrong in my mother's house. Let your messy prevail, pray for yourself. Let messy prevail over judgment. Let your messy prevail, let your messy prevail over my children. Let your messy prevail, let your messy prevail. Pray for yourself over principality. Let your prayer messy, let it prevail. Let your messy prevail, pray for yourself. Let the processes in the name of Jesus, messy prevail, messy from above, prevail, pray. Amen. Always know that any time spent with God, it's always a way, time spent. So when we are before God, we must not be at least. Because we are before our Creator. Am I right? Do we spend this time, do we spend it well? Rejoicing, pressing, honoring God? The way we are here at 6 o'clock, pressing God. I think God is more than that. So please, when you are before God, you are rush. You get to be there. Even when you are doing your fire time at the morning, do all of us. When you are praying, do all of us. Because God may want to speak to you too. But when you are not patient, and you get me now, you will not hear anything from God. So let's see them, let's see them. Please, our Lord. I think I've done this correction here once, and I want to read again. After those at any point in time, when we want to have a testimony. Most especially for some of the bb testimony I had this money. You are supposed to make sure that you are bringing something with your testimony. Very, very important. Trinity is very, very important. I think I read to you to us yesterday or Friday. Very, very important in the Church. Not the word of God alone. Testimony is very, very important in the Church. Because testimony is one of the things that says that that church is still alive. If there's no testimony, it means that church is no more alive. And you get what I'm saying. Second thing that is very, very important in the Church is what I call places, worship, tense giving. When you are thinking God, when you are pressing God, we press God because of whom God is. And we thank God because of what God has done for us. When we are worshiping God, it's even more than that. When you are worshiping God. Because that is the only assignment of all the angels in heaven. Somebody said that we need to learn from the angel. He said, "Yeah, learn with His silence only interlocked by praise." Anytime they open their mouth, what are they going to be doing? They will be pressing God. When we, when we get, when all of us, we are going to make heaven. I know that when we get to heaven, there'll be nothing like prayer again. What we remain in heaven is just to be worshiping God, pressing God, thanking God. And by the grace of God, you are going to be there in the emergency name of Jesus. What I receive when I came, the day this program was, the day we started this program on Monday, and we are lying down, we were just came to me and told me, that we came to me and said, "This all God is going to restore this church from this all." And you get me now, every profession will always go through process. Unficient will go through process. There'll be time that the official will die because of you, because of the problem. I think some of us, we have so many things we have in mind, when we are coming from Nigeria or wherever we came from. We have a lot of things we believe that within two years, three years, one year, I'm going to be this, I'm going to, am I talking? But what can you say about those visions today? There's always a time you are going to have a fission. Remember Joseph, his own fission. What he saw? The dream, remember, you remember that the dream? When he faces his own problem, what happened to the dream? The dream died. Joseph never knew that that dream would come to pass again. Is that, is that what, is that what true? Not even die alone. Your fission will be buried. And there will be nothing like up again. When Joseph was increasing, I know his fission has been buried. Am I talking to somebody among us? Do you listen to me? The vision has been buried. Remember that what Joseph said to the king, it is not called beer. What he said to him is that, please, remember me. He never thought that it's going to become anything again. He only want to come out from the prison. Are you getting me now? And there will be time your fission will resonate. So, the fission of this church is resulting from this place. I want you to say a very big amen to that. Are you getting what I'm trying to say now? So, every fission will pass through process. So, this church has passed through process. I said to them, when we came to this morning, I said, "When I came, when I knew you first, that hold is behind this place." "Go to our order, please." Then we came back. So, when we are leaving this place, we are going to our permanent place. So, take your stand, be faithful, be committed. I want to tell you this, if you are concerned about what concerns God, God will be concerned about what concerns you. Do you get the point I'm making? If you are concerned about what concerns God. How many of you know that God is living for us? God is living for you. And God wants you also to live for him. Look at Psalm 121. That Psalms so practically that God is living for us. Let's see from verse 2, because of that, yes, and hey from verse 2. Uh-huh, yes, and hey, we know that so bad the food to be moved. Think of that. If somebody is not long back, we see living for. If somebody is not long back, God is just like a watchman. I'm not talking, it's like a security man watching the value. So, God is living for you. It's concerned about you. I'm not talking to somebody. I believe this, that every kind of God is precious and priceless before God. And you get what I'm losing now. So, you yourself, what God is expecting for you, from you, is for you to live your life for him. As God is living his life for you, live on to your life for him. Are you getting me now? That's the day I was in need in the home over 20 years ago. I was in the middle of the home and it started your scheme with an envelope, it gave me the envelope. He has that envelope, the money inside, he has a lot of money to me because I was in need. A voice came to me straight, drop your expectation and see your responsibility. Drop your word, expectation and see your responsibility. Expectation is what you are potentially expecting from God. Responsibility is what God is expecting from you. What affects Christianity most today is because of our expectation. We are less concerned about what concerns God, we are only concerned about what concerns us. We always expect more. We don't think that we are irresponsibly to our Creator. God never creates you for yourself, he creates you for himself. Am I talking to somebody? God created your world for us, but he created us for himself. Anything you see in the world today was created because of man. Are you getting me now? So, but God created man because of himself. That is the way when God cares, he cares for man, when God loves, he loves man. When God has concerned, he has concerned for man. When God keeps, he keeps man. Am I talking to you now? So, we are the object of God's love. Say, for God so loved the world, the world is talking about humankind and it gives you so little because in the sun. Can you remember that? So, I want us to see practically that you must be so concerned about what concerns God. Forget about this problem. I have that problem. Now, say, let it have left our church from years back because of marriage. He left the church. After up to two or three years, the mother came back crying because of the condition of that lady and I said to the woman and said, "Let us come back to the church." The lady now came back to the church. When she came back to the church, I said to her, I said, "Forget about marriage you, join workforce, commit yourself to something in the church, and be faithful to it. Your husband will come and meet you here." Your husband will come and meet her there. "Don't talk about it. Hey, hey, hey, I'm 30 something. I'm 40 something. Don't talk about that. Think of what you can do for the kingdom." I mean, you know that we have some Christians before us who refuse to marry just because they want to stop God. Do we have them? I said, "Do we have those Christians?" We have them before now. Some people have leaped up for the kingdom to the point that you think they are poor, but they choose to be poor, just because they want the kingdom of God to expand in their hands. Am I talking to somebody? But now, some of us, hey, I don't have a job. I don't have a first man. I don't have this. I don't have that. It's now sending us away from the Lord. And I tell people, I told them always, "If and if your problem sends you away from God, your perspective will never keep you with God." If you don't stop God because you cannot stop God in prosperity, because prophecy has to do with convenience, comfort. Am I talking? But when you are facing the language of life and you run away from God, we tell you that when everything is okay, you will remember it's God. Are you given? I'm not going to say no. So I think I saw God leads to over there. The man has become a little big now. In order to reason why I love the brother, he has remained in this church. It's the time of noon. And it's still there, up to today. And can you just go and notice down, the Lord is going to visit you. And anything that has to do with you will be restored. The Lord is going to suppress you in this place. He is going to make you as one of them who will be responsible in this ministry. I want you to say a big amen to that too. But are you paid tight? Are you fit to your tight team? Nobody talked to me about that. I'm just in my own room. Because I know God is going to bless you, but stop by paying your tight. And you get me now, tight must be the beginning of giving, must not be the beginning, must not be everything, just the beginning of giving. Let's put on together what is also. So don't be concerned again about what you are going to get, but be concerned about what you are going to give. Don't be concerned again about how people are going to bless you, but because I am going to be blessed into people. Are you going to understand now? You are in church now. Don't be concerned about you want people to serve you ready to support us. Don't be in church and you are spending 10 years there and you don't do anything in that church. We can't understand are you. What is your responsibility? Only expectation. Expectation cost people to be moving from one church to the other and they will never be responsible. They will be moving from one church to the other. They will never get involved in anything. They only want to listen to their words, to their problem. And what are they going to do? They are going to live because they saw the church as no spiritual. And when you saw the church as no spiritual, when your sickness is ill, what are you going to do? You will live. If your sickness is being dead, what are you going to do? You are going to live as no spiritual. You can live there permanently. Are you going to understand now? Don't sit just like that. You don't come here because you have problems. You come here because you want to serve God. Are you going to have time to say now? So you come because you love God. I want to serve God. I want to please God with my life. If you have that kind of spirit, the blessing of God is coming to your way. How many of you believe that? Let me just talk about three things. How much more than it's for you? I talk about three because of our time. So when I'm talking about expectation, develop yourself one by one for a Christian. He said, seek for the skin number of God. That is our responsibility. All things will be added to you. That is what that is your expectation. When you seek the kingdom of God first, all the other things that you need will be added to you. Is that one true? We are not going to read it, but it's in Matthew C's territory. Another thing is this. If I would say give or you are handy top and it's for me. What is our responsibility? What is our expectation? Is I be giving on to you? And I want to tell you that in giving, the Bible says, if you sow spannily, you are going to reap spannily. If you sow bountifully, you are going to reap bountifully. Am I talking to somebody? I say, church, please, I say, praying for God's blessing, blessing, blessing, you must take giving seriously. Sometimes, because we don't have people to run away from the church, pastor, we don't like to talk about giving. Because we think of people who talk about giving, people will run away from the church. That's a little church we have now in the town in Nigeria. They call that blessing, the pastor will put, I put, I said, you just started, it's not yet up to six months, papa, now I'm right. No, it's December. We planted it in December. And I told the pastor, continue teaching them how to give up. When I send somebody, get to go and spend one month, every weekend, I told them, when that person wants to live that church, you must give him something. Teach your people to do that. They ask, you give, give, give, give, give. You love to give his head. No body will ever see, God bless you to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you. It is only to give up that they are going to see, God will bless you. It is only giving the source that you have overcome, safety'sness. You get the point. It is only when you are able to share what you have with others, that so practically you have overcome, safety'sness. There is a, you know, in Kenya, they have a, you cannot put your items on many kyas and they always use the, what are you calling it, the cover of python, you know, it's money, it's a big money, okay? The skin, thank you, money, it's a big money. And these two people that are really animals, they went to the farm and they always, they do kill python and it's money today. And one among them, when you saw the python, you don't want the second person to know, so that when you kill the python, it won't share, it won't share out of the money. And he followed the python on the python and tied to a hole. When he had tied to a hole, he had put his leg, he put his hand there. He never knew that the python was going to change his head after he had the hole. He wanted to be drawing the python little, little by little and it will be caught in it. But he never knew. When that python saw his hand, he grabbed the hand and he couldn't draw one another. He can, he cannot enter into the hole, the python also cannot come out. And he couldn't do something. The second person, he has gone far, but what, what, it just, we had to say, we are the second person, we are, we are the same. In the very far place, in our own back to him, is the one who's saving from that python. Because, but because of selfishness, a lot of things you are going to waste them because you are selfish. A lot of food you are going to go and drop them out. You are going to go and drop them in, what are you, in a waste because you are selfish. A lot of clothes you are not going to use it. People are going to use it around you and not going to give them because you are selfish. So the only thing that shows that a man has overcome selfishness is what he is giving. And we don't give to God because God is in love. We give to God because we love God. For God so loves the word and he gives. And if a Christian loves God, what are you going to see? He will be giving. And somebody said, it is possible for you to give without loving. But you cannot love without giving. A man who is looking for a woman will be giving to that woman. Because you are looking for, we are looking for her. You are looking for her. Some woman will know only one. Is that the one true? Yeah, take take only. You are looking for something. As you guys may know, you can use gift to catch a person. You can love people through gift team. Is that one true? Eh? But it is not possible for somebody to say, I love you. And that's nothing to so for each. If the Bible says, God so loves the word, at the hand it is there. Where is love? But the word love has reflected already. Is that one true? The word love has reflected there. But how do we know the love of God is give? So love is giving and giving is love. It's better to talk much about love than talking much about giving. I might talk to somebody among us. As a church, would desire God bless him. You must learn to share, to give him. Are you given up? Are you given up time to say no? Anything that you know that because sometimes God will provide for me God, let me hand it up like this because of my time. Anytime I'm praying to God, you know what I always pray? I don't always pray for small things. I don't know why. And I'm asking myself, maybe that isn't what most of the prayer you have, not yet answered. Because if I ask the pastor, please cannot get 50 pounds from your hand. He can quickly give me 50 pounds. I'm not talking. Can I get 20 pounds from your hands? Because it easily gives me 20 pounds. Whatever I ask you that cannot get 500 pounds from your hand. You say, maybe at the end of the month. Are we talking now? So sometimes the kind of prayer you are praying to God, the timey, the timey, the hour long, you answer how it comes. They are so rich in the Bible. Let's read this person. I'll use it to pray. Let's read Luke 1, 57. If I get it right. Luke 1, 57. Okay, let's read together. Now Elisabeth, full-time king, that is who we deliver. And she brought forth a son, 58 years. I never have constant heart out of the Lord. I'm so great, messy. Anytime, but in prayer, I always say to God to pray, messy, he said, messy is 45, so this place cost me to understand that that's a small messy. Maybe that is what you need. I don't know. That's always a small messy. That's a great messy. And you get me now. So, and I say to God, me you, I don't need you. If I'm not going to give me any, if you don't want to have messy or me, take it away, but if you are going to have messy, I need great messy. I need something I can share with all of us. If you don't get what I was eating, I need someone I can do what I can share with all of us. Because if you say God will raise you up, the second question has come to you is that if God has raised you up, tell me the people or the person God has also used you to resolve. Because God says to Abraham, I'm going to bless you and make you a blessing. So if God has blessed you, then God must make you also a blessing. But if you have the food that you can only eat alone, there's no way you are going to share with others now. Is that one true? But I want to share with others. People will all remember you for what you speak. What they will remember you for what you do. You may forget my message today, but you will never forget what I do for you. If I've assisted you, if I've been with you, if I've supported you, am I talking to somebody, you will remember me that if not this man, if not this woman, if not this family, and that is one of the qualities I saw in your mother, in the Lord's ear. You know he's supported people. He's supported people. If anybody, if anybody, if anything about me, I know it's going to work. If we buy food, am I talking, cook food, am I speaking? You are living withness of that. So people, if they don't remember what he has been, what he has said before, what he has said before, they will always remember what he's always do or what he has done for somebody. And that is Christianity. We are called to be a blessing. When we say God blessing, how can I also be a blessing to others? Look at the efficiency of this church now is to raise people up, is to change life. Am I talking to somebody? It's what the people that enter this place after two or three years to say, "Ah, I thank God, I enter into that church." Because when I get to that church, my life changed, my life transformed, they supported me, they are which me, my problem. I'm talking to somebody and that is what I want my life to look like. So what are we asking for? Great message. What are we asking for? For this church in London, what are we asking for? Great message. We want great message this morning. Let's stand up, it is afternoon, let's stand up. We want, let's come out. So come, sorry, happy, okay, super solution. Mommy, you can sit down, don't worry, sit down, sit down, don't worry. So this is your band, Abi. Yours band, ah, hey Abi Onda, we are yours band. Come now, let me see you now. I think I need him for the first time. Abi, maybe you have the next one we are going to do. Abi, you don't, you don't want that. What are we asking for? Great message. We need great message. All of us are, we need great message. Let's try to God. Lord, we are committing a fountain. Come on, let's turn to your mighty hands today. Lord, show us a great message. We need great message. Amen. In this church, in this assembly. Let Abi be a great message today. Amen. These two great messages are for us. Let's pray Jesus' name. What are we praying for great message over this church? This is up to you. Over your servants, over the wife, over the children, over the minister in the church, over the choirs, over our men, over every brother, every sister, over our children in this place. Let there be a great message to the upon us in the mighty name of Jesus. In the sake of our heart. Name we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command great black message upon you, upon your home, upon your household, when you go out, when you come in, there will be a good message for you. In the mighty name of Jesus, I use the name of Jesus and I set the door of message before you, all the day of your life, all the day of your children's life. Every member of this church, right from today, the door of blessing is open before you. When you lock any door right from today, that door will be open for you. Any way you are looking for something, you are trusting God for something, you are going to receive message there. In the mighty name of Jesus, message will be upon our children and it will be great message because the son of Elizabeth is a special son. Jesus call him that all men that have been born in the world. No one is up to don't baptize. That is what Jesus said about him and the testimony is true. And that is why he is a great message for that old woman, for that family. I pray God Almighty will reach your children off as a sign of message, as a sign of goodness. In the mighty name of Jesus, if there is any yoke in the love of anybody this afternoon that you are here together, that yoke is destroyed. Any foundational problem, any generational problem, generational issue, generation of causes today in your life is consumed. In your next generation is consumed. I pray that God will reach you off for because of this church because I know new thing will begin here. God will start with us newly. Since we change for us, if we change for us, in the mighty name of Jesus, as you are going today, before the end of this year, there is going to be a love of testimony in this church. Each family we have is one testimony in the mighty name of Jesus. The one that you are trusting for, you are trusting God for children, you are going to carry wounds before the end of this year. Your testimony begins today. You are trusting God for hours. God is going to buy house for you. You are trusting God for paper to state the country. God is going to give it to you. You are trusting God for Osman. God is going to give it to you. You are trusting God for wife. God is going to give it to you. No matter what you are trusting God for, when we are not enough this year, you are going to come and give testimony in the mighty name of Jesus. We pray for your seventh year and the wife. We pray that you are going to open the door before them in the ministry. You are going to bring faithful members to them in the mighty name of Jesus, faithful disciples to them in the mighty name of Jesus. You are going to raise your hands up in the mighty name of Jesus. Every force of darkness around these places, around this place, that the rest against this church, I pronounce because of you, an errand that you important. This church will walk over every impossibility. You will grow from this arm. You will multiply from this arm. You will be grateful from this arm in the mighty name of Jesus. Before this time of next year, God is going to provide a place for you. We will eat that. That is going to be your own place. Go and treat for you miraculously. May that be your person in Jesus name. Let's put hands together for Jesus. Our God is good and all the time. Let's appreciate our Father in the Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.