Rev Dare Oluwaniyi Ministries


Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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I see upon us, I have messy upon us. I pray I'm fasting is on TES, messy upon us. And in verse 3, it says, verse 3, I have messy upon me, O Lord, I have messy upon us, for we are exceedingly fit with content. If you have a different fashion, put it out. I want us to look at the verse 3 before we pray, amen. OK, this version says, OK, the version is the language which my mother used to speak. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Please, I'm messy Lord. We are being sorted more than we can stand. We are being sorted more than we can stand. Another one says, show us favor, Lord. Show us favor, for we have had more than enough content. Hallelujah. And we find, first of all, say, be gracious to us, O Lord. Be gracious and favorable to unto us, for we are greatly fit with content. Content means insult. People that have looked down on us. People that have concluded you cannot amount to anything. People that have said the road is close for you. I want us to rise on your feet and cry to God, Lord. Show me messy. Show me messy, Lord. Do not let people-- people conclusion about me. Do not let it come to pass. What do people concluded? Our father said, I can go. The level that said I will ever be, Lord, my father. Help me, O God. Show me, mercy, O God. I am exceeding left field with content. Ad your mercy. I need your mercy. We are exceeding left field with content, O God. We are exceeding left field with content, Lord. Show us, mercy. We are exceeding left field with great insults. And it's your total insult to O Lord. Lord, show us your mercy. Baba, show us your mercy. Baba, show us your mercy. Baba, show us your mercy. Lord, we need your mercy tonight. Baba, we need your mercy tonight. Pray for you to go. Lord, we need your mercy. We need your mercy. We need your mercy. In Jesus' name, we pray. O somebody, I have five minutes to do this prayer. I have five minutes, all somebody you can pray. Make sure you're holding somebody. Let's say, if you're somebody, if it doesn't pray, you continue to pray. Your prayer will come back to you. You are going to pray. Lord, this person am holy. By your mercy. Taminet, insult in his life. Every insult in the life of this person, Lord, taminet, that insult tonight. By your mercy, taminet, insult. Do something that we hand. Every insult, every content, and the life of this person am holy. Oh, God, one alone. Let's identify Neolua. Ephada, Padio, Elua. Ephia, Neolua, Elua. Every insult. Every content. Every insult. My leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg. He pray the coach, leg, leg, leg, leg. He blood that coach, leg, leg, leg, leg. He pray the leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg. He pray the go, go, go, go. He pray the leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg, leg. In Jesus' my destiny, we pray. Stay prayer for the same person you are going to pray. Lord, the power that says, ah, she will true finish the fasting. And go back. We know that is how she fast. We know she does it every year. Oh, God, disappoint them this year. Let me have results from this very emphasis. Open your mouth, pray for the person. Lord, this woman, this man, must have results from this very emphasis. By your message, I must be a result. By your message, I must be a result. By your message, Lord, by your message, Lord, every result. Everyone say, oh, that's how they fast. That's how they pray. Let the appear differently. So this year, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] In Jesus' my destiny, we pray. I'm looking at time. I see a four-minute change to somebody else. You are going to pray. Change to somebody else. Who is sitting on what this person is looking for? In Genesis 31, 33, the Bible said, 11, from Lord Joseph and his family for seven days. When he caught up with them, it was checking what he was looking from room to room. But the person who's totally sat there. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] The Bible forgot me yesterday. He tried the best data, sat on it. He said, I never went from 10 to 10. But find them now. Give me best 34. And if best 34, he says, who is there? And Rachel, I'll take you the image and put them in the comment for the job and sat upon it and let them and saw the table for no longer. You are going to pray. Who is sitting? Can I tell you what he used to protect it? He used blood to protect it. He said, I am after the manna of woman. At the manna of woman, I'm having my basis. Blood is flowing. So it's not I used to protect what it's looking for. You are going to pray. What is confident what this person is holding? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] What is the power? What does something what he's looking for? Oh, God, use the message to uncid them all. Let your message uncid them all. Let your message uncid them all. Let your message uncid them all. Whoever that is sitting, whoever that is sitting, or what this woman is looking for. All the while, at the car, it'll be at the 90 day. Let your message uncid them all. Let your message uncid them all. Let your message uncid them all. Let your message uncid them all. What's it's looking for? We find it. What this man is looking for? This he I we find it. This he I we find it. This he I we find it. This he I we find it. This he I will. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] In Jesus' majestic name we pray. There's a last way I pray. Give me Joshua 725. Joshua 725, what we do pray? Who is causing the problem for my family? Who has touched something in my father's house that that body is struggling? The Bible said Joshua said, why has that trouble lost? Why has that power trouble been? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] You are going to cry to God. They lost your trouble this day. That power and your father's out they lower trouble them today. And the Bible said, and all is stressed on in wisdom. And they bond there with fire after they are stunned. And we said, listen to me. Only I can touch. His wife did not take anything. His children did not take anything. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] They stunned the whole family. Listen to me if you don't pray for this man to die. This power to die, we will continue to crumble under the influence of somebody enjoying it. Are you learning what I'm saying? We are going to try to go. Who has touched something that is making everyone in my father's house struggle? Oh God, I'm in it their life today. Whoever opened your mouth pray for that person, who has taught something and they lie in the family of this man [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Ah, who calls this issue? Who is behind this struggle? Oh God, I'm in it their life. Who is behind this issue? Oh God, I'm in it their life. Who is behind this? Oh, solid. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Oh God, I'm in it. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Who is behind this struggle in my father's house? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Oh God, I'm in it their life. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Whoever is behind this struggle, whoever is behind this struggle, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] I want you to pray. In the culture we had grew up, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] You know what they-- you do understand it. You know, some of you have never seen it before, but we saw it. It's only one meet that will be available for your family. And the mother or the father, we used it to shite. So the people when I say it is only God. Oh, George, the person that did it. But what I'm saying is this, that I've been people. Can I tell you, some of you did not seen at all. 90% of what we are struggling with were not involved. But somebody was involved. You can hear the testimony of our special father. When the dad went to where Maddy, somebody, everybody, beg, don't Maddy, it's almost Maddy, where is the woman now? And there are three grandchildren who is somebody if somebody did not stand in the gap. The Bible said it goes for four generations. And that four generations is if somebody prayed. If nobody prayed, can continue. My wife used to say something. She said, you know what I mean? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Is that three generations cannot be four. 20 generations have been four. If somebody break the struggle of poverty, you are going to pray this way. Who is that person that introduced a problem to our family? Oh, God, my father, deal with that person. I've messier me and my children, up with your mother, pray for yourself. Deal with that person. And I've messier me and my children, up messier me and my children, up messier me and my children, up messier me and my children, up messier me and my children, that's right that we'll go up, that's right that we'll go up, that's right that we'll go up. Jesus name we pray. Amen. It's going to be so in our life in Jesus name. So let's sit down for a little time. We go back to Genesis, what? 32, 10, OK. Let's go back to Genesis, 32, 10. I think we are trying to study the life of Jacob. So I'm not worthy of the list of all messes. Yesterday I said that statement give glory to God. The glory of that blessing. The glory of all God has done for to say, for to say God. He gave the glory to God by saying, I'm not worthy. Do you all believe that? And I said it reflects what I call humility. Humility, it reflects humility that is soid that it's not by his own making. It is God. Sometimes instead of also to give the honor and the precious of God, when God honors with something, we try to give it to ourselves. We don't see that God is the love of every good things. Instead of also to humble ourselves. And the more I do say to people that you need to be very careful because if God is something for you today and God will see what I call pride, I will see you. That is where I got to get to stop. The other thing is it might have in mind for you. And instead of you to be now coming up, you will not be sitting up to be coming down. And you get me now. So Jacob in this place realizes that what has happened to him is not his own making. Because he has tried to do it in his own way and it's not working. And you get it's not so it's not work. So but it's see the way God really help him out. See him true. And I pray for everybody. The love is surely see us true. It's got the love is always see us true. So let's look at the story of a man in the Bible before we pray Jesus in Luke in Luke chapter 18, we saw two men that came to the temple to come and pray. And we are going to see one of them who said I'm nobody. And we are going to see the arrogance of the second one. And that is Luke chapter 18, first 10. Let's give us nine and 10. Let's be nine and 10. And expect this parable to sat in with trust in themselves. When the Bible say you trusted in yourself, that is talking about pride. Is that one true? You say you trust in yourself. That is talking about pride. You can do it yourself. You don't need God. That is what we call pride. And you know what is going on in the world today. People believe that even while you pray, they are just wasting your time. You can do it yourself. But for we that we are Christian, we must understand, that's not to be kind of cheaper apart from God. Are you getting understand now? Jesus said, when they come to John DeVamtees and they told him about what is going on about the Jesus ministry, he said to them no man can receive anything unless he's giving from him from above. Are you getting understand now? So that's not it that can come to your life, that can come to your way if God is not approved then, or approve it. Everything you are looking for, if you are a Christian, it will come from God alone. It is only God that is going to touch the act of men on your behalf. That is the reason why the place we read is on 123. We talk about looking to God, not looking to men. But God is still going to use a man for you, or God is going to use men for you, but it is God himself as God, he will go and touch their heart on your behalf, and we have mercy on you. So this man should tell himself that they were what? They were righteous. And despite what, or thus, we can see the attitude of arrogant person, or somebody that is proud. Number one, he trusted in himself. Number two, he's looking at other person that is better than you. Some people will be looking at someone like, say, maybe, because you are still praying, and God never has had your prayer, they will be looking at you that they are better than you. And you get me now, and they will be laughing at you because of the situation you find yourself, or because of your condition. So the same thing applies here. We must be very careful in trying to despise or die because of their condition. Instead of to be despised or dance, try to pray for them. And even if we have any assistance you can do for them, it's better for you to do that than be talking heal of them. And you got some time to say no. So number two, he says, despise or dance. Question, what's happened if I stand? Two men went up into the temple to pray. And one is the Pharisees. We all know what we are talking about, Pharisees. They are the people that carry upon their head the love of Moses. We are not going to find anything for the Pharisees in the Old Testament because it's not part of Old Testament. But between Malachi and Machu, we have 400 years. And for that 400, yes, that's no single property in Israel. So between that period, Pharisees, Sadducee, scribe their eyes in Israel. And the one that carry upon themselves, the love of Moses. And they always prove to people that they are righteous. They always put to people that they are better. They always put to people that they are only one that is in the way. Try to despise or die. That is the Pharisees. And we have them also in the religion today. We have them even in Christianity today. People will be trying to be proven to you that they are better than you. Maybe because of their success. The language they are using in Nigeria today, they are using, they are very common in Nigeria. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] I cannot work with you again. We cannot be friendly again. Or partition. Then what happened? Fast 11, yes, eh-huh? The Pharisees stood and prayed, draws with himself. God, I thank He, is He tongue guru. That I am not an other man, ah. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] I'm not like what? Other men. Looking at Himself that is better than other men. I'm not like other men, that is pride. That is pride. Everybody here, we are all unique. There are some things you are going to find in my life and it's not in your life. There will be area in your life that you are better than me. And there will be area in my life that I'm better than you. There are things you can do that I cannot do. That's what I want to. And the idea I can do that you cannot do. The grace is different. So no one is better than one another. You only have your own role to play. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] How you guys understand now? I mean, if you know that, God is not looking for the best. I mean, if you know that God is not looking for the best. God is not looking for the best, but God wants you to do your best. God wants you to do your best. He wants you to do it, your best. By doing your best, you can become the best. By doing your best, you can become the best. But God is not looking for the best. So what happened? Let's read on where we are now. He's talking about the other. No, no, no, no, no. I think it gave them those people some names. What is number one name? He gave them. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Or even as this public can. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] In our point of demand, say, like this one, like this-- I'm talking-- so it means all things that that man is trying to see is directly is talking to this man. And that is pride in him. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Are you going to talk to us now? Be very, very careful, because if you are proud, you are going to miss the best for your life. If a lady is proud, you may miss the best of spend. Are you going to enjoy this? Because of pride, you are going to miss the best. And anybody here that is praying that you won't go to blessing, you won't go to make him something. One of the qualifications is going to date in your life is what I call humility. And you get to be know, that is one of the qualifications below date in your life. If you are not humble, God can always show up. Because if you are proud, and God is sure of what you think is going to happen, then you are pride with double. Is that one true? And by that, you can't even destroy yourself, because you are proud. And a proud man, nobody can talk to him. He believes he has the best idea. And you got to understand now. He believes that energy is the right thing. A proud person will only want you to follow him. Whether he says something that's right or wrong, just follow me. You cannot cancel him. You cannot educate him. You cannot tell him that what you are doing is wrong, because of pride. Let's look at proof of 18, 12, or proof of 15, 33. Which one do you see there? Proof of 15, 33, yes? The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom. And before what? Oh, no. It's what? Humility. Look at that. What is going to lead you to honor? What is going to lead me to honor? Humility. Before or no? Humility. So if you are not humble, you may not be humble, you may not be. God, we know how to do it. Have you got all people that don't honor in the Bible? I told you three days ago, when God promises, he says, I cannot go. What are you calling it? Continuation, they are new for me. Gideon, you know that he rejected the code. He says, my family is the least in Manasi. I beg her, when God speaks to another person, can you remember? All of them, do you say, ah? Even when, what are you calling it? Solomon becomes king. When God asks him to come and ask for what he desire, what he want in his government. Remember what Solomon said? He calls God to understand I'm young. And this nation is large. This people are many. Am I going to rule them? And that is humility. Am I going to rule them? If I will be able to rule them, I need your wisdom. I need your knowledge or understanding to be able to rule them. And God was greatly happy just because of what Solomon desired. So before honor, note that if you want to honor in life, note that statement. Let's prove up 18, 12. What happened? What, what, how can we see the A? Probability, yes? Probability, 12, eh? Yeah? [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] You can remember all most people that are going to join the Bible, [INAUDIBLE] What happened to him? [INAUDIBLE] What happened to him? [INAUDIBLE] You remember [INAUDIBLE] What happened to all of them? They are so arrogant, proud, or tense. And what happened to them? They are destroyed. But the Bible said before, they can't honor you. They must see what we call humility. The last one we are going to read. Pro 5, 22, 4. Yeah? [INAUDIBLE] But what was important to you for? Yes, eh-huh? By humility and the fear of the Lord and riches, honor, and life. Do you see that one? By humility and the fear of the Lord. Anywhere you see anything, the right about fear is to be concerned that wherever you may be, if anybody is not here, God is here, that is fear of the Lord. So when we are talking about fear, we are talking about a person that knows that if anybody is not seeing me, eh-huh, God sees me. And anything God sees that I'm doing, darkness, God is going to bring it to light one day. That's one-- do you all believe that? And he said, fear of the Lord and riches and honor. So what of the things we saw in the life of Jacob is because we saw what I call humility when he say, I'm not worthy. And you get me now. Do the-- some of us are God, as he plays already, that's supposed to be sinned to God when you are thanking God, when you are praying Lord. I'm not worthy of what you have done for me. I'm not worthy of this house, of this-- of this husband, of this wife, of this-- where you? When God sees all those things, God will be blessing you the more. But when I do-- I don't can see any time, nobody will be able to speak to you again. So if you really desire to be blessed because I want to be blessed more, I know I'm blessed already. I also-- some of us, we are blessed already. But we are still praying that God should bless us the more. And the more we want God to bless us, the more we will be coming down. Even people are trying to do this to you, trying to be said, be coming down. Don't allow people to lift you beyond what you have. Don't contribute to exert you and push you the position of God. That we end up in destruction. I saw-- I'm sorry, I'm seeing it every day in the internet. When I saw a man of God who is coming, and they are going to carry him to the pulpit, I saw the one who is going to lift his feet like this upon people. Some of them, I saw them, when people were talking to them, they must be on their knees. Some of them, they put their image in the church. They have special image. What are they become? How people are following them? They are calling them to God. Some of them, when they die, they will see go to their background to be going to be praying. And we have them around today. And do you see that those people, they have so many members that people who are humble? Because it will be taking another ice to discover a humble man. What a humble man is? What do I say? Because when these are scared to the-- what are you calling it? To the word? That would make us not discover him. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And that's not discover him. But what is all said, if you know the gift of God, and the amount I said to you, give me water, that change the woman to look at him. Who are you then? You just say, OK, go and call your husband for me. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] The first man is your husband. All of that money, you have-- you have money. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] They are only anyone. They are not your husband. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Do you mind not discover that the kind of person is? The reason why the Pharisees of his own day to get at him is because they were the way he lived his life. So simple life. Are you going to have those enough? They saw him in the midst of his people. I think there is-- I have many [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] some people, L.A., my ministry, 85, I started my ministry, 83, 84, 85, 86. And I saw some of my-- some people, I decided who they have become-- I have become bishop. They are both beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] I saw some of them. I wonder if they came to my-- to [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And he called me and said, ah, hey, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] 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