Reservoir Presbyterian Sermons

The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

Sermon from Travis Maroney on June 30, 2024

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
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we have two bubble reads today. First we will read John chapter 10 verses 1 to 21, which is found on page 1527. The second reading will be Psalm 23, which is found on page 787. Let us read John chapter 10 verse 1 to 21. Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate but climbs in by some other way is a thief on the robber. The one who enters the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own shape by name and leads them out. When he has brought them brought all his own out, he goes on ahead of them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice but they will never follow a stranger. In fact they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice. Jesus used this figure of speech but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling. Therefore Jesus said again, "Very truly I tell you I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate who ever entered through me will be saved. They will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming he abetits the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. Just as the father knows me and I know the father and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pet. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my father loves me is that I lay down my life not only to take it up again. No one takes it from me but I lay down of my own account. I have authority to lay down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my father. The Jews who heard these were again divided. Many of them said he is demon possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him? But others said these are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of a blind? Shall we all join in release Psalm 23? The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right path for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil. For you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Good morning, everyone. I'll take two. Good morning. We're awake. That's good. Great. I'm glad to be with you this morning. Lovely. I haven't met you before. My name is Travis. I attend Bandura, Presbyterian Church with my wife and family. I'll be with you for the next four weeks. Just to explain, we're doing four Ps in the Bible. Assam, a proverb, and let me think of the other ones. Assam, a proverb, a parable. I'm saying Philemon, so I'm sneaking in there with the P, but an epistle. So we'll be doing four different Ps and today we'll be doing Psalm 23. So that's great. It was good to read it together as well, a little bit like perhaps the kid's memory verse. It's one of those Psalms that you do want to say to yourself and let it sink into your soul. That might be something that will be beneficial at certain points in your life. Well, oh, there we go. There we go. The Lord is my shepherd. Who takes care of you? Who do you follow? Who or what do you fall back on when in trouble? Who or what is your shepherd? Is it family or a friend, a husband or wife, sport, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google Maps, perhaps when you're lost, YouTube or Spotify, money, work, or a superfund even. Perhaps it's the stock market, your sense of control or independence, travel, food, or exercise. There we go. The options are endless. Church girl or not, like me, you probably have many shepherds, many objects that you rely on to tend your soul. When it all boils down, each sheep really is the shepherd of their own soul. Against such a backdrop, we read the words of a man who tended sheep a shepherd, the words in fact of the shepherd of Israel, King David. The Lord is my shepherd. Sorry, it doesn't seem to be working. There we go. The Lord is my shepherd, he says. That's a personal claim and affirmation of trust. God's personal name in fact for family, capital L O R D. David claims is my shepherd. Perhaps the Lord has placed this arm here before you today so that you might reassess who or what is shepherding you. Perhaps David's claim for the first time or once again might become yours. Can you share in his opening words as I'm challenged to? The Lord is my shepherd. Let's pray before we come to God's word. Gracious God and Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for your word. We thank you that you speak to us over lots of different times in lots of different places and in lots of different ways. Thank you for this beautiful poem which is by far the most famous of the Hebrew song book in the Bible the Psalms. I pray today that you would give us is to hear your word, especially with a passage that's so familiar. Please we pray that you would help us perhaps to rediscover some things we've forgotten or haven't noticed before. Please Lord help me to speak your word clearly and truthfully and with great conviction. Amen. Well I was born and bred in Greensboro. As a borough boy my knowledge of shepherds is completely zero. If you ask me about the nature of sheep I'd use words like delicious tender and best serve with gravy and three veggies. That's how I grew up. So in light of my ignorance and possibly yours as well let's discover together a fresh what the good great and chief shepherd does and how we his sheep ought to respond. Three points and I'll pray at the end of each of those points. Number one the good shepherd provides. The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul. The good shepherd the Lord says David provides. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that sheep need grass and water but take note that the Lord provides green healthy pastures for the sheep to feed from and quiet waters. The only waters where he knows the sheep will be able to have a good drink. Sheep don't know what's good for them and can't get what's best for them. That's why he makes them lie down and leads them. Perhaps a good way to sum up what the good shepherd is up to can be found in verse three. He restores my soul. If you can say like David the Lord is my shepherd then expected be rejuvenated revived and restored back to what you should be as he provides for your needs. Then you can say along with David along with the rest of his sheep I shall not be in want. When the Lord is your shepherd you'll have everything you need. You may not have everything you want but you will have everything you need. That means if you don't have something you want the good shepherd has decided you don't need it. And it also means on the flip side that if you do have something that you don't want the good shepherd has decided that you need that too. Either way be assured that if you are a sheep in the good shepherd's flock he knows how best to provide for your needs. And so you can trust him by being content with your circumstances no matter what. Sheep don't provide for themselves the shepherd provides for each one of them. What does it mean to be a sheep? Well it's to trust the shepherd who provides for your every need. How does the good shepherd provide for you today? Well you tell me what restores your soul? Perhaps it's his word. In Psalm 19 verse 7 we read that the law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul. Reading, hearing, studying, meditating, singing and praying the Bible each and every day revives this sheep. What about you? Is your life, your goals, your character, your emotions, your thoughts being renovated by God's word? God provides his word and thankfully elder shepherds to feed us with it. Perhaps it's his world. Again in Psalm 19 David exploded with praise to God for the world he made and enjoyed. God provides moments doesn't he in nature to revive us and reinvigorate our soul? Perhaps it's people, friends, family, a spouse. Psalm 88 reminds us of how important close relationships are. Without them the psalmist was in the darkest of places all alone. Relationships are God's provision and restore the soul, a fact that is all too familiar after many lockdowns. Why not sit down this afternoon by yourself as a family and list out with thankfulness all the ways your good shepherd has provided for your good? Why not list out with contentment all the ways your good shepherd has withheld certain gifts from you for your good? He knows what's best. Let us not forget best of all that the Lord has provided his good shepherd the Lord Jesus. I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, the Lord promised. He did not spare his own son but gave him up for us. Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. The good shepherd laid down his life for the sheep and took it up again, we read. The barrier which separated us from God's sin and its consequences, God's anger removed. Our relationship with God restored. It's because the Lord provided the good shepherd that you and I and David can say the Lord is my shepherd. This arm stands as an invitation to own David's words as your own if you haven't yet. Enter into his fold by trusting the good shepherd who provided himself as a sacrifice to restore you back to God. Meet Susan. She's a hard-working single mum with one daughter, complex family history for which she carries her own scars. She's just started a new job and is paddling hard to stay above water and send her daughter to a private school. Let's say she's just own David's words as her own. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not be in want. What will change in her life I ask? Well I'd hope she'd keep going to work but now with the knowledge that the Lord has provided that job. Perhaps now she'll stop and give thanks to God for all of what she has. Her job, her child, her health, her energy, her skills, her home, past and present provisions. Not as the fruit of her own labour but as gifts from God. And not only the small gifts but the big ones too like the gift of Jesus. I'd like to think Susan might put aside time on Sunday to meet with other Christians and give thanks together for Jesus. Maybe also her worries might reduce as she casts her cares on him trusting that he cares for her. Susan knows that if he didn't even spare his own son then of course he will give her everything and anything she needs. I wonder also if she might look back on her past and with a tear in her eye remember the many good things the shepherd has withheld from her for her good to bring her to himself and now to deepen her trust in him. That's Susan's story but what about you? Is your life marked by thankfulness to your shepherd? Do you trust in the shepherd's wisdom to give and withhold? Let's pray the first point. Gracious Lord you are our good shepherd. We shall not be in want. You provide for every need big and small. You especially take care of our greatest ones like our need for forgiveness like our need for you. Thank you for sending the good shepherd to lay down his life so that our relationship with you might be restored so that we might be forgiven. We your sheep turn away from providing from our own needs without reference to you and trust you entirely to provide for us today. Amen. Point two the great shepherd guides. Verse three and four he guides me in paths of righteousness for his namesake even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. Sheep intuitively wander and go astray don't they? Some more than others they have a little sense of direction and they just don't care and become separated from the flock and isolated. Without a shepherd sheep get lost. It's up to the Lord as the great shepherd says David to guide me. That means if the Lord is your shepherd you're a follower. He guides you follow along what direction does he guide us in paths of righteousness. That means the track we're following him on is the right path. It involves living in a way that aligns ourselves to doing what is right as revealed in his word. A sheep in the Lord's flock as he follows the shepherd will become more righteous just like the shepherd. As Psalm 25 says show me your ways oh Lord teach me your paths guide me in your truth and teach me and Psalm 119 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Why does he guide in that direction it says for his name's sake. The Lord the Lord's flock bear his name and advertise his reputation all too often the paths of righteousness take us into and through the deepest darkest valley but remember sheep the shepherd even there goes ahead and guides sheep aren't sent through the valley with best wishes no when the Lord is your shepherd he goes first and here of all places deep in the valley clothed in darkness David switches from talking about the Lord he he he to talking to the Lord you you you are with me it's in the valley where this sheep draws closer and comes to appreciate all the more the shepherd's intimate presence which has no doubt been there all along. Psalm 88 gives you a taste of just how dark the valley gets remember Job's experiences or the Exodus generation it's no wonder this Psalm is a favorite for those at death's door so if the Lord is your shepherd and guides you how ought you respond I will fear no evil says David the valley is a scary place for a sheep sheep are so easily frightened and startled but in the valley understandably so there are real dangers like predators but we're still in the shadows your imagination can run wild can't it perceived threats can give rise to an overwhelming anxiety rooted in fear a second time David speaks to himself about what he will not do I will not fear evil anytime real or perceived this shepherd has decided not to be ruled by a sense of fear in death's shadow it's the shepherd's presence and particularly the comfort he receives from his rod or staff that puts his heart at ease shepherds carrying a big stick with them called a crook with a hook in the end it had many uses with a crook he could fight off predators like David did with a crook he could rescue a sheep's sheep that was stuck with the crook he could correct a sheep back into line the crook to a sheep was a symbol of the shepherd's presence and authority authority exercised for the care of the sheep sometimes tough sometimes tender but to this sheep David as he heard the crook tap the rock in the darkness of the valley it bought comfort and a reminder that he was not alone perhaps you have traveled through a valley or two perhaps you're there now or perhaps you're just heading out the other side wherever you are know this the great shepherd the lord himself jesus having walked perfectly the path of righteousness not only entered the valley of the shadow of death but walked into death itself he didn't experience the comfort of the lord's presence for at the end he was forsaken stricken and smitten afflicted pierced and crushed scorned rejected and despised he laid down his life and came out the other side why you ask for his name's sake we all like sheep had gone astray each of us had turned his own way he searched out the lost sheep of israel and bought back the strais just like he said he went after the one lost sheep like sakias and left the 99 and not only israel but he bought into his flock other sheep not of that pen like you and i too called by name listening to his voice following him life to the full one flock under one shepherd for his name sake the shepherd who guides you today through the valley has traveled a much darker path no matter how dark things look he is by his spirit and through his word now right there upfront guiding away having walked in your shoes as a sheep he's able to sympathize with your every fear and having already traveled through to the other side provides assurance to lead you through this arm stands as an invitation to own david's words as your own if you haven't yet enter into his fold by trusting the great shepherd to guide you through life death and to life to the full meet jim gyms live life to the full since this life is all there is gyms made the most of it wife kids korea travel gyms done well for himself until recently he's just being diagnosed with a rare aggressive terminal cancer the type of everyone dreads or perhaps it's early onset dementia where you just gradually fade away from the inside his nightmares it's true have become a reality all he's lived for has turned to ash but through the visits of a hospital chaplain gyms just come to own david's words as his own the lord is my shepherd i will fear no evil previously he was stricken with depression over the demise of all that he holds dear he was anxious for the future and uncertain about death itself now realizing that the great shepherd has traveled this way before and leads him on he feels a growing sense of assurance that all will be okay he's not alone any step of the way every fear has been conquered jim recalls romans eight often i'm convinced that neither death nor life angels nor demons neither the present or future or any powers neither height or depth or anything else in all creation will be able to separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus our lord this sheep jim in the valley is under the watchful guidance of the shepherd he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out to green pastures that's jim's story but what about you who sets the direction for your life is your life marked by assurance in the shepherd's guidance are you convinced that you are inseparable from your good shepherd let me pray for our second point gracious lord you are our great shepherd we will fear no evil you guide us in paths of righteousness for your namesake even the valleys we thank you that jesus went before us into death itself and out the other side we turn away from guiding ourselves and admit we are lost and need your help to put us on the right path back to you amen the third point the chief shepherd protects sheep are helpless a combination of little acceleration and poor speed coupled with a short stamina mean running is futile there's no camouflage no poison or sharp teeth they can't fight back there's no frightening sound to scare away they don't collaborate for a united defense they are soft fluffy and delicious sheep you might say are an easy meal a fast food snack that is without a shepherd to protect verse five and six you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you annoyed my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever here at the end of the some we find ourselves deep down in the valley with david determined to fear no evil speaking now directly to his shepherd who is there leading him through this sheep recounts with greater precision how the lord protects you prepare a table before me it's a present reality none a future hope or a distant memory the lord sets or spreads a table an animal skin on the ground filled with food the table is a picture of fellowship and leisure he is dining with the lord his host his friend it's a picture of provision he has food to eat by the shepherd's hand it's a picture of peace there is space to eat with the absence of fear but more so because it's set in the presence of his enemies it's a picture of the lord's protection when david was on the run he would just grab what he could even if it was just bread from the temple but more often than not he was dependent on the hospitality of others time and time again while on the run the lord protected david by giving him something to eat say for example when abigail nebaul's wife provided the banquet of food in first samuel 25 or when shobi and his friends supplied david with food when he was pursued by absolom in second samuel 17 such is the chief shepherd's protection of his sheep that he is able to spread a picnic rug in the valley and not just picnic but oil you anoint my head with oil how much my cup overflows oil was used for healing wounds and as a perfume but here signifies an individual that was set apart by god for blessing and prosperity how much blessing for this sheep under attack not sufficient by the abundance the lord's protection next culminates in a tremendous assurance surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life with the lord up front paving the way through the valley david pictures god's goodness like two sheep dogs chasing him behind all his days when the lord's your shepherd you can be certain that all things will work together for your good when the lord is your shepherd you can be certain that his unmerited kindness will continue to show themselves in your life you can trust the chief shepherd he has protected you from your enemies the shepherd laid down his life to protect you in fact from your greatest enemies satan sin and the grave none of which have control or a final say over your life anymore when the chief shepherd appears he will vanquish their reign for good and give you the crown of life he promised safe from thieves and robbers predators illness and disease safe from our own folly in light of his provision david shall not want in light of his guidance david will not fear and now in light of his protection david will dwell in the house of the lord forever it's a fact not a wish or a hope but a certainty the house of the lord used often to describe the temple is god's code for sorry is code for god's presence that's where he sheeps sheep want to be and will be with his shepherd forever not all the days of my life but forever this song begins and ends with the lord god's name that is after all who this sheep is chasing after and longs to be with what does it say again remember of the great multitude in heaven in revelation they are before the throne of god and serve him day and night in his temple and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them over them never again will they hunger never again will they thirst the sun will not be upon them nor any scorching heat for the lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd he will lead them to springs of living water and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes a shepherd at last with his sheep meet tash she's been a christian all her life she's finishing high school but life has been relentless pressures with friendships self-image employment education and not to mention home as well but pressures from the inside too anger impatience unkind words disappointment doubt and anxiety life at least at the moment is no season of refreshment and yet in the midst of these enemies some real some perceived tash is longing to be closer to her shepherd has deepened who are understanding of christ love has grown through her bible reading through her small group through her local pastors preaching through the kindness of others like her parents like a youth group or that other church family the lord has set a table before her as she looked back over the valleys tash can trace god's kindness chasing her along and keeping her on track things are still a mess but now more so than ever she can't wait to see god smiling face and feel his warm embrace the lord is her shepherd and she will dwell in the house of the lord forever that's tash's story but what about you is your life marked by a deepening longing to be closer to your shepherd can you trace god's kindness through the valleys are you looking forward to eternity with your shepherd this sheep the sheep of israel has been on a journey from pastures to the stream along the path through the valleys a stop before their enemies and now at last back home this psalm stands as an invitation to own david's words as your own if you haven't yet enter into his fold by trusting the good shepherd the great shepherd the chief shepherd to provide for you to guide and protect you and to bring you home safely let's pray one final time gracious lord you are our good great and chief shepherd we long to dwell in your presence forever safe and sound under your roof forgive us when we've tried to keep ourselves safe you have and are protecting us from our greatest enemies when you sent the lord jesus to die and rise again we thank you lord we turn away from trying to protect ourselves and admit without you we're defenseless amen wonderful