The Dan Scott Show Podcast

Dan Scott Show, Radio Episode 77 - Dan's Testimony (6-23-24)

On June 10, 2012, Dan quit running from the Lord and gave his life to Jesus. So every year around that time, we share his testimony. From a life of alcohol, porn, infidelity and so much more, to a new life in Christ! Think you don't need Jesus? Think again. Think you're too bad to be saved? Think again!

Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
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On June 10, 2012, Dan quit running from the Lord and gave his life to Jesus. So every year around that time, we share his testimony. From a life of alcohol, porn, infidelity and so much more, to a new life in Christ! Think you don't need Jesus? Think again. Think you're too bad to be saved? Think again!

The following program is a presentation of Grand Slam Ministries Hi again everybody and welcome to this week's edition of the Dan Scott show Episode 77. I am Dan. It's good to have you with us As always we are presented by our non-profit organization Grand Slam Ministries Hope that you have had a great week. It has obviously been a very trying week for my family if you listen to last week's show you know that we lost my dad and We're still in the process of trying to process everything. So just continue to pray for us My mom especially but but for all of us, but again, we celebrate the fact that he is with Jesus If you were listening last week, you know that I recorded that show on the fly just hours after we learned that he had passed And let you hear a message that he had preached since or back in 2015 called five minutes after I die What I was originally going to do last week is What you're going to hear this week and I try to do this or will try to do this every year at this time because on June 10th the day before my dad passed I Celebrated my 12th spiritual birthday was June 10th of 2012 That I quit running and I gave my life to Christ and what I want to do today for those of you who Have not heard it and we've added a number of affiliates and listenerships since the last time I did this is I want to share my testimony and I'm going to do it with a talk that I gave at a church Last year, so we need to take a quick break and we'll come back and we'll get into this week's show right after this Here at Grand Slam Ministries our goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ through multiple platforms while at the same time Executing our core missions of mentorship and helping children in need the primary way We can effectively do all of those things is through the Dan Scott show our weekly Christian radio show that airs in multiple Markets around the nation and the world we are asking you to partner with us to not only sustain what we are currently doing But to grow both our on air online presence and our ability to fund those core missions Can you spare as little as $25 per month? How about $10 per month if we can get 200 partners to join us at each of those small Sustainable levels we can begin to accomplish everything. We believe God has called us to do So can you help us today with a donation of either $25 or $10 per month? Please go to www.grand slam for your donation to get more information Or to ask questions, that's grand slam and thank you for supporting the Dan Scott show and Grand Slam Ministries Follow us on social media search Grand Slam Ministries on Facebook and Grand Slam for God on Twitter and don't forget Dan's personal and public figure sites on Facebook Twitter and Instagram You're listening to the Dan Scott show presented by Grand Slam Ministries Welcome back to episode 77 of this week's show. I'm Dan Scott As always you want to find out about us if you want to listen to past shows Find out about Grand Slam Ministries and how you can support us. Dan Scott is the website the affiliates and archives page has Everything that we do There for you including some bonus sound cloud Information and I would highly suggest if you did not hear last week's show In which I shared my dad preaching a message from 2015 called five minutes after I die I Would encourage you to go back and and listen to that one and continue to pray for our family Is we're still in the very early stages of working through his loss as mentioned originally last week my intention was to do what I'm doing now and June 10th of 2012 is when I gave my life to Christ so last week we passed the 12th anniversary of that and What I want to do around this time every year is share my testimony as a reminder to myself What Christ has done in my life and to share with you and and if If you are listening to this and a you've never given any thought to Your need for a relationship with Jesus or more importantly You think that maybe you've been too bad And you've got to get yourself cleaned up That's one of the lies that Satan likes to tell people who think about things like that. I hope that This version of my testimony will speak to you a little bit. This is from May of 2023 may have last year Speaking at Hopewell Baptist Church in Seneca, South Carolina It's a privilege to be here tonight I had the privilege of speaking at Davidson Street Baptist Church down in Clinton earlier this morning and We're two for two both services people came to the altar to pray It's something we don't do a lot in our churches anymore And I think maybe it's something we're missing if I can editorialize just a little bit It is great to be here tonight. I appreciate the opportunity although I'm not sure that Jeff's confident to me is going to work out well for you because He's turning the pulpit over to somebody who's accustomed to talking three hours at a time So I hope you're not planning on going anywhere anytime soon It reminds me of a story that Billy Graham used to tell quite often about a guy who was asked to speak at a conference And he was told he'd have 20 minutes so Conference came he starts speaking 20 minutes comes and goes 30 minutes comes and goes 45 minutes comes and goes an hour People starting to get agitated because they are other speakers Guess to an hour and a half and he's showing no signs of slowing down and finally the moderator can't take it anymore He's sitting back behind him and he grabbed the gavel and he fired it at the back of the guy's head as hard as it could But he missed and he hit a lady sitting in the front row You can tell it was a Baptist Church because somebody was sitting in the front row There wasn't a Baptist Church. Excuse me because somebody was sitting in the front row right between the eyes Later out. She's laying in the floor bleeding flat on her back staring at the ceiling. They rushed to her Cradle her head sister are you okay? The first words out of her mouth where I can still hear him hit me again So hopefully nobody's hitting anybody here tonight Pastor Jeff pretty much told you who I am what I've been doing what I was doing. I will say this a Week go tonight. I was blessed to be part of a crusade that took place in Liberty for four nights and The results of the go-tell America crusade with Rick Gage were just amazing He spoke on the first and last night and had two other preachers speaking on the middle nights 294 decisions of which 112 were salvations first-time decisions for Christ and Then come to find out that one of the churches that was involved in it reported two more salvations today So there was a host of rededications 112 first-time decisions for Christ God was moving. I'm just gonna be perfectly honest with you at one point I found myself lying face down on the football field just crying out to God and We just believe that this is the beginning of a fire that's being lit here in the upstate so continue to pray for the churches that were involved for the crusade team and Especially for those who have made a first-time decision for Christ because many of them Almost half of them came on the final night of the crusade which was dedicated to young people Most of those were June or were middle school and high schoolers So we know the challenge they've got ahead of them. So be in prayer for them. I Am Excited and humbled to have the opportunity to speak to you here this evening and my prayer simply is that as I share what God's put on my heart over these next few minutes that the Holy Spirit will move and You'll hear the still small voice of Jesus and that he will be glorified I do want to say before I forget The men's choir Outstanding ladies you have no idea how difficult that is for some men to get up here and sing like that You should be applauding right now by the way ladies And then Jeff I couldn't help but notice when we sang the first song and he said women only sing they showed off Saying and harmony and everything they had to put us to shame But we enjoyed it. It was fantastic And as a guy who has an affinity for big band and swing music to see somebody playing the stand-up bass and he's a young guy Phenomenal my intention Earlier this week was to do the same version of my testimony that I gave down in Clinton this morning which also includes a bit about grand slam ministries the the 501c non-profit that God has led me into which is where the radio show comes from But Tuesday night I spoke at a celebrate recovery meeting at Trinity Wesleyan in central And as I walked out of the building that night God just I couldn't escape The feeling that I got that he said you're going to give that same message at Hopewell on Sunday night So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to be obedient. I I'll answer any questions about grand slam ministries and how you can support us after The service is over and I hope you'll ask because we need your support But somebody in this crowd here tonight needs to hear what I'm going to say And I don't know if it's for you personally or for a friend or a family member I don't know if it's Someone who's unsaved and is going through a struggle right now Or if it's someone who is saved and is going through a struggle right now But God knows So I'm going to share what he has laid on my heart the one thing I'm not going to do if you are struggling with something tonight is patronize you Whoever you are By standing up here and trying to convince you that that I know What you're going through what those struggles are I don't and I would never ever insult anybody By trying to pretend that I do What I am going to do for the next little bit is share my testimony Share how God took me from a broken shell of a man Under verge of losing everything and everyone that he loved and brought me to a new life in Jesus Christ And I pray that in doing that Bearing my soul here in front of all of you this evening that God will use that to speak to somebody here tonight And what I want to talk to you about is dealing with the past When it comes to our past we have two choices We can let our past define us and not just bring us down pastor Jeff the keep us down or We can give that past to Jesus and turn our lives over to him and watch him work man Watch him turn that mess into a message and those trials into our testimony And if anybody knew about past sins being forgiven, it was David His greatest failure as most of you know, I'm sure was lusting after Bathsheba another man's wife But it also stands as one of the greatest examples of God's forgiveness Not only did David have an illicit affair with Bathsheba But ultimately that sand led to a child being born out of wedlock and eventually the murder of Bathsheba's husband And if you know the story David Kept all of this tried to cover it up and and fuck and tried to fight through it himself for about a year and Was miserable because he was out of fellowship with God But then God sent the prophet Nathan to confront David about his sin and if you know the story Nathan told David a story about a man who had Everything that he wanted and about another man who had virtually nothing And the man who had everything took the only thing that really mattered to that poor man and David was enraged and Said whoever that man is needs to be punished And I'm this is just my imagination now Nathan points a crooked finger in his face And he said you are the man which by the way could have gotten Nathan killed, but he was on a mission from God David finally confessed his sins God forgave him and the relationship of course Was maybe not quite the same and David's family would be in conflict for pretty much the rest of his life But his sins were forgiven and in the 103rd Psalm David praised the God of heaven for that forgiveness Verse 2 he said blessed the Lord oh my soul Somebody should write a song using that as a lyric shouldn't they? Bless the Lord all my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity Who heals all your diseases? And then in verses 11 and 12 he said for as high as the heavens are above the earth So great as his steadfast love toward those who fear him as far as the east is from the west So far does he remove our transgressions from us Men and women I'm here to tell you tonight that one of Satan's favorite tricks Is to bring up the guilt of the past Though the Bible tells us that God can't remember our sins He has the ability to forget the devil constantly reminds us of our failures and It's a strategy that took me a long time to realize I Grew up in a Christian home. My dad has been pastoring and preaching for over 50 years 75 years old and he's still going In fact, I always use the old preacher son joke I had a drug problem growing up Jeff every time the doors were open and of the church. I was drug inside Hey, you believe it there's some people who've never heard that before I Had the proper upbringing I knew right from wrong saw firsthand what a Christian marriage was supposed to be and yet Men and women in my own marriage as a husband and father. I was a failure over and over and over again sin ruled and It almost ruined my life There were circumstances that happened when I was young that Festering in me and affected me in ways that I never really imagined and never dealt with until adulthood But I was sexually abused by a group of older boys when I was around seven or eight years old They lived in the coal camp area where my grandmother lived and it happened over an extended period of time Until one man found out about it and spoke up and put an end to it And I didn't realize that then as I said it had a lot of effects I mean one was it worked my view of sex, but the other one that I dealt with all through school was massive insecurity all through middle school all through high school and into my early adulthood and even today it surprises people because of my job and doing things like this it still Crips up from time to time and I think it's I don't think I know it's one of Satan's tricks But thankfully we have a God who is the strength that we don't have can I get a witness? For much of the first 22 years of my marriage I was living a double life I had developed dual personalities My favorite television show growing up was mash any mash fans in the house I Became like Hawkeye Pierce Wise cracking practical joking Keeping the public persona out here So nobody could see what was going on in here out here was Dan Scott and as long as people saw him nobody saw Daniel and Jeff talked about being on the air at the Clemson station. I did a daily talk show there for 11 years three hours a day and We did a lot of great work during that time a lot of fundraising we impacted the community in so many ways literally raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charities and families and Christmas projects and your sister-in-law was a big part of that Karen Trammell was Kind of my go-to person when it came to a finding families to help and then she was right there in the trenches with us every year man But while all of that was going on hosting the show doing Clemson baseball and Letting my ego run away with me there. It's funny when people start telling you you're good at something It doesn't take you too long to start to start thinking hey, they're right While all of that was going on publicly behind the scenes Daniel Was chasing money Money was a god I Made it the best For five years close to $90,000 a year and most months we couldn't make the house payment Because I was wasting it looking for something to fill that emptiness inside here. I Was drinking way too much. It's not a joking matter But I used to joke that I got to the point that I was failing drink with a you instead of an eye I Was falling deeper and deeper into a pornography addiction which is my biggest struggle then and It's one of those things that once you get going there's no going back it gets worse and worse and worse and worse Sad to say but it's part of my story. I was cheating on my wife Angela physically and emotionally I Had small town celebrity status because of the radio show in the Clemson baseball and Believe me when I tell you that I used it to my advantage Every chance I got Back in late November I was preparing to speak at Another church and my Bible reading that morning had me in the book of Jude Now I'm not going to test you and ask you how many chapters in the book of Jude But that morning I came across Jude 1 16 And for somebody who has made his living with words his entire adult life Radio and for 11 years. I was a sports editor and sports writer three of those years were right here in Seneca The Bible had the best description of the person I was in Jude 1 16. This is from the new King James version. It says these are grumblers complainers Walking according to their own lusts and they mouth great swelling words Flattering people to gain advantage That was me To the outside world I was a great husband and father Upstanding member of the community, but see they couldn't see what was going on in here They couldn't see that Angela and I were not communicating They couldn't see that I wasn't modeling what a Christian father looked like to my two daughters because I couldn't and They couldn't see the nights that I just lay in bed crying Trying to find a way out of the mess that I had made of my life But you know what's interesting men and women The Bible is always right, isn't it? Proverbs 22 6 says train up a child and the way he should go and when he gets older he will not depart from it all of that time day after day Week after week month after month year after year. I knew I was wrong. I Knew I needed Christ in my life And I knew I needed to change But see we have a formidable foe in Satan and this ain't his first rodeo And I've never been privileged to hear pastor Jeff speak So I don't know how it is in this church, but I know in a lot of churches. We don't even say Satan's name anymore But he's real He's powerful and he wants to take everybody he can to hell with him because that's where he knows his future is And the illustration I like to use is that he'll keep giving your rope because the Bible says there's pleasure and sin for a Season And he'll keep giving your rope. Hey Dan. You want to go drink? Here's some rope. Go ahead You want to look at something on the computer? You shouldn't be looking at? Go right ahead. You want to mess with another man's wife? By all means But see what happens? Before you know it he's taking that rope And he's got your bound hand and foot and there's nothing in your Human strength you can do to break loose of those bonds, and I know I tried Lord, I tried I Would say that's it. I'm not drinking anymore, and I would have The small season of success and then he would gank that rope and I was right back at it Or I'm not gonna look at something on the computer or I'm not gonna cheat on my wife I'm not gonna mess with another man's wife. He'd yank on that rope and I was right back at it And I used to have these imaginary conversations With Satan and he would say you know what? You're right. You do need to give your life to Christ Make no mistake men and women the devil knows who Jesus is And he also knows the Bible because when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness He knew enough about scripture pastor Jeff to just twist it a little bit didn't he? That's what he does to us but He would say you do need to give your life to Christ, but to do that you're gonna have to tell Your wife what you've been doing. You're gonna have to tell your children what you've been doing. You're gonna have to tell your church I was going to church You're gonna have to tell your parents your radio audience Everybody's gonna know what a fraud you've been And are you ready for that to happen? And sadly for a long time the answer was no But But aren't you glad that we have a God who pursues us And when I say pursue folks He pulled the rug out from under me He knew that I was not going to Tell everybody what I had been doing So he did it for me and when he yanked that rug I went flipping head over hills cartoon style in rapid succession I lost Everything that was a roadblock to my salvation. I lost the job at the Clemson radio station I lost the baseball gig. I lost my status in the community. I lost my plans to leave my wife I was living in a hotel at one point It blew up a couple of times first time I was sorry I got caught And I told my wife I said the only way I'll go to counseling and this is a God thing Jeff The only way I'll go to counseling is if we can find a Christian counselor Because I don't know I just thought maybe we wouldn't find one but that gun that you know we did Kim McManus what a wonderful lady, and she played such a role in God's plan for our marriage That was December the 11th of 2011 It blew up again on June 9th of 2012 and that's when I knew That I was about to lose it all my children were disgusted with me They left the house my wife Angela had gone as far as she could go there was a Line drawn in the sand And there are these indelible moments that she'll never forget my oldest daughter Samantha was getting married in six weeks and She's just beside herself with anger. She's hurt. I mean I have I've crushed these people That I love because of my behavior She tears out of the house jumps in her car our driveway slopes down to the road. She got down to the bottom of the driveway She slammed on her brakes Flung the door open marks herself back up the driveway and she pointed a finger in my face She said you can forget about walking me down the aisle Now I have to circle back here Because I tell that story and sometimes I forget and I forgot this morning in Clinton That by God's grace. I did get to walk her down the aisle six weeks later, but I'm getting ahead of myself Men and women I had hit bottoms I Had gotten as low as I could go So low that the only place that I could look was up But you see sometimes that's what it takes Sometimes it takes having Everything stripped away from you For you to realize the condition that you're in And I remember looking up on June 10th of 2012 and there was Jesus With his arms wide open he was saying son come home come home And in my parents living room in West Virginia that morning. I did I gave my life to Christ and it's the best decision That I've ever made He forgave me He changed me you hear what I'm saying He forgave me and nothing Satan says or does can change that no matter the guilt of the past all those things He tries to bring up He can't do anything about it Because if God says we're forgiven We're forgiven And I hear people say all the time well, you know, I know God's forgiven me, but I Just can't forgive myself poor pitiful me I want to grab him and shape him. So you're telling me that your standards are higher than God's Come on if God's forgiven your folks, you're forgiven And just the thought If you ever think that you're too far gone to be safe Saved That your sins or your lifestyle has been so bad that God will not accept you Then read the story of King Manasseh sometime Second Kings 21 second Chronicles 32 and 33 I'll kind of summarize it for you. Manasseh was the son of King Hezekiah and Hezekiah in the southern kingdom of Judah had done remarkable work in turning the nation of Israel back to God But when Manasseh became King, he made it his mission to undo everything that his dad had done And he led Israel into blatant willful disobedience Billy Graham said that in his opinion, Manasseh was the most evil man who ever lived and Billy Graham Came into adulthood at the time when there was a guy named Hitler in Germany Manasseh erected altars to Baal and Asherah. He built altars to other gods in the temple of the Lord He sacrificed his own son by burning him on one of those altars when the Bible says he passed him through the fire He sacrificed his own son He practiced witchcraft. He saw it omens. He consulted mediums He killed so many innocent people that the Bible says that blood Ran from one end of Jerusalem to another and I believe it said it was as high as a horse's leg And while this isn't in the Bible Jewish tradition says that Manasseh was the one who had to prophet Isaiah tied between two trees and sawed him in half So as you know the history of the Israelites obedience warning judgment Repentance wash rinse repeat, right? God finally had enough and he sent the Assyrians to conquer Judah and They took Manasseh away again. I believe the Bible says they put a ring in his nose Tashed a chain to it and they marched him 1500 miles away to Babylon and they threw him in a dungeon And while he was in that dungeon, do you know that Manasseh had the gall? To start to be sorry for what he had done and repent of his sins He had the unmitigated gall to ask God to forgive him If you were God, what would you do? Thankfully nobody in here's God What would you have done though to this man who had done so much evil killed so many people? Maybe one of your family members Maybe one of your children and it caused the nation to be conquered You know what God did? God heard his prayer and he forgave him And not only did he forgive him But he put him back on the throne in Judah and Manasseh then began to get rid of the pagan gods he'd established and he led the nation back to worship of the one true God So if God will do that for Manasseh He'll do that for you whoever you are in here today Now one quick note I Always feel duty bound to say this Later on when Israel was conquered again pretty much for good this time It was largely because of the sins of Manasseh that he led Israel in years later They came back to haunt Israel again in the way that I like to illustrate this is if dance God goes out and robs a bank and gets caught and gets sentenced to 25 years in prison and Two years into that 25-year sentence I find Jesus Repent of my sins ask him to come into my life as Savior. He does. I'm saved heavens books or white clean I'm going to heaven But I ain't getting out of jail There are still consequences for sin and I'm going to tell you men and women that my behavior led to some Consequences that I had to deal with long after I gave my life to Christ But the bottom line is I know where my future is And through the strength of Jesus I can deal with anything that comes along God's done a miracle of my life folks several of them in fact If I hadn't given my life to Jesus on June 10th of 2012 I know for a fact that Angela and I would be divorced and I would probably be dead My health and my behavior and everything was trending in that direction I Still struggled Don't ever ever let anybody tell you that living the Christian life is easy. I Still have to throw myself at the mercy of Jesus to carry me through things that I Don't have the strength to get through myself And some of you would no doubt I'm sure listen to dr. David Jeremiah Who's a wonderful preacher and teacher of God's word in a message some time ago? He said this quote The Christian life is not just about fellowship and forgiveness It's also about fighting the war The forgiveness of past sins has got to be followed by the deliverance from present sins If you're not at war he said now listen to this if you're not at war You might not even be a Christian. I don't think it's possible to be a believer and not be at war in your heart Even though I'm a Christian even though my life has been Dramatically and drastically changed I'm human and I still have that old sin nature And it'll be that way until I get to heaven in my glorified body in a place that's 100% free From sin and 100% ruled by the power glory and majesty of Jesus Christ But until then I have to be on guard every single day Show of hands. How many of you have heard somebody say God will never give you more than you can handle I won't ask you if you've said it yourself. What a crock That's nowhere in the Bible nowhere God will definitely allow things to happen Beyond your strength. You know why? Because if we could handle them everything ourselves, we wouldn't need God We wouldn't need a Savior But we can't and personally speaking. I need Him every day And I can only tell you my own experience when I got saved my desire for alcohol went away just like that and Only on a rare occasion will Satan tempt me in that area But in those other areas where I had the biggest struggle pornography sex women all of that stuff those urges That's a battle that I have to take to the foot of the cross every day and Sometimes multiple times a day because the devil knows my weakness He knows where to attack and I soon discovered that I couldn't withstand those attacks on my own But see I don't have to Because I've got Jesus and I've got the Holy Spirit Living in here. He's the strength. I don't have and he fights battles that I can't win and Now whenever Satan tempts me and let me tell you here young and old alike it happens every single day every single day sometimes multiple times a day I Pray for God to filter my thoughts to put blinders on my eyes and To help me remain faithful to the woman that I love and for almost 11 years since that June day in 2012 when I gave Christ my life He's been faithful to me and I've been faithful to her He won't always remove the source of temptation Or keep us from going through difficult times, but he is always Always faithful to provide a way out He'll walk with us through the difficult times and there are times that will carry us And we don't have to strength to walk in our own You know, I don't know the heart of everyone here tonight So what I want to leave with you in this next few minutes is this Jesus loves you He willingly came to earth in human form lived a sinless life died on the cross as a perfect sacrifice for your sins for my sins For the sins of the whole world. He rose on the third day victorious over sin and death and Right now he sits on the right hand of the Father in heaven Making intercession because he wants a relationship with you He's paved the way The gift is free and all you have to do is accept it And that can be difficult to grasp sometimes It's ironic that you had the men's choir here Jeff because as men especially Many of us anyway, we've been taught that we have to work for everything that we get and if it's broke, we have to fix it Well, my wife will tell you we had a ceiling fan that broke the other day and I tried to fix it It's more broke now than it was when I got started But when it comes to salvation, there's nothing that we can do no amount of work no good deeds, no charitable donations Nothing Jesus has already done it He's fulfilled the requirement and he's paid the penalty and All we have to do it so simple and I made this so hard for so long But lit literally all you have to do confess that you're a sinner in need of a Savior Recognize that Jesus is that Savior and ask him to forgive you of your sins and come and live in your heart And if you'll do that and not just say it but but really mean it Then you can experience what the Bible calls joy unspeakable and full of glorious It's a free gift, but it's a gift you have to ask for So I'm asking you if you're here tonight, and you don't know Christ as your Savior. Will you do that tonight? If you're not sure that if you died tonight that you would be with Jesus in heaven Will you make the most important decision? That you can ever make by accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior and you may have questions you may have Problems understanding it all intellectually I can promise you right now. You'll never understand it intellectually all of it Mention Dr. David Jeremiah mentioned my dad 50-plus years, and I'm sure pastor Jeff will tell you there are things in this book That he still doesn't completely understand, but we're not supposed to understand it off. We did we wouldn't have to have faith And Jesus talked about having the faith of a mustard seed you know a mustard seed is it's a seed that's so small that it's practically invisible to the human eye and Yet you plant that seed and what happens? it grows into this huge beautiful plant and Jesus said if you'll come to him with just that much faith Honestly seeking that relationship that he'll come into your life, and then you'll start to see that that small almost invisible faith start to grow and blossom And again, I don't know your hearts here tonight, but this is gonna be appropriate for some of you Everybody in this room tonight's gonna make a decision One way or the other you're gonna say yes You're gonna say no or you're gonna put off making the decision But just remember to not to decide is to decide not to There's no guarantee that any of us are gonna see tomorrow much less next week next month or next year That's why the Bible knows nothing about a later salvation the Bible says now is the accepted time today is a day of salvation and You may never have another chance quite like this who knows how the Holy Spirit's gonna move we don't know and If you're here tonight, and you don't know Christ you've got two voices speaking to you one of them is A devil telling you this guy's crazy You've got plenty of time or maybe he's telling you that you've been too bad and God can't forgive you the way you are you need to get yourself straightened out first But the other voice is Jesus and he's saying come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Turn your burdens over to Christ Give him your sins your struggles your anger your shame your inability to cope your inability to forgive Whatever it is saved or unsafe whatever is Eating you up inside right now Take it through the foot of the cross and lay it there Whatever it is Jesus is asking you to come to him today and Whatever the battle is moving forward. He'll be with you every step of the way Don't let your past Rob you of a future with Jesus Christ a future that guarantees you eternal life That can start right here right now tonight I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna turn it back over to pastor Jeff heavenly father. Thank you for the Opportunity to be gathered in your house here this evening. Thank you for each and every person and family who's represented here tonight. I Just pray God that something that was said tonight Resonates with somebody who needed to hear it I don't know who it is and I know they heard my voice Oddly, but I again pray it's that small still voice of Jesus that is knocking on their hearts door right now bless pastor Jeff bless this congregation and Everything we accomplish will give you the praise in Jesus name. I'm in And we'll be back for the final segment of this week's show in just a moment Here at Grand Slam Ministries our goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ through multiple platforms while at the same time executing our core missions of mentorship and helping children in need the primary way we can effectively do all of those things is Through the dance Scott show our weekly Christian radio show that airs in multiple markets around the nation and the world We are asking you to partner with us to not only sustain what we are currently doing But to grow both our on air and online presence and our ability to fund those core missions Can you spare as little as $25 per month? How about $10 if we can get 200 partners to join us at each of those small Sustainable levels we can begin to accomplish everything. We believe God has called us to do So can you help us today with a donation of either $25 or $10 per month go to www.grand slam to donate to get more information or to ask questions That's grand slam and thank you for supporting the dance Scott show and Grand Slam Ministries Want to see a listing of our affiliates check out videos or listen to past shows and explore our archives? It's all available at our website Dan Scott show org and now back to the show We are back for the final segment of this 77th edition of the show. I am Dan Scott Thank you for joining us For a good number of you you have heard my testimony before but we have added some new affiliates since the last time that I Shared it and hopefully we're adding listeners maybe who haven't heard it before So every year around the time of My spiritual birthday June the 10th my plan Lord willing is to Share the testimony in one form or another and again, this is coming at a very difficult time for not just me but my entire family with my dad's passing last week and it just continues to drive home the point as I said in That talk at Hopewell Baptist The Bible doesn't say anything about a tomorrow Salvation or Getting right next week next month or next year or waiting until you're old and Doing it. We never know when that day is going to come. That's why the Bible says now is the accepted time today is the day of salvation and You know, it's interesting when you get into God's Word There there's something For just about every situation Sometimes it's not specific. It's more of a general principle, but oftentimes as you know it's a very specific application and as We're doing this final segment. I couldn't help but think about the story of the thief on the cross And if you're familiar with that story, you know when Jesus was crucified he was hung between two thieves and at one point They were both mocking him But then something happened to one of them and he began to see his sin for what it was and he realized who this man on the middle cross was and He made a very simple request He said remember me when you come into your kingdom And of course Jesus response was this day you'll be with me in paradise So in the age of grace that was ushered in The first person to enter into paradise with Jesus wasn't one of the prophets it wasn't King David an evangelist it wasn't it was a thief on the cross And and I tell you that to tell you this that's the only story of a deathbed conversion in the Bible Which means yes, it is possible To give your life to Christ before you die Maybe at that last moment if the Holy Spirit is still Bidding you to come and the Bible put that in there Or God put it in the Bible. I believe as an example is that it's It's never too late as long as you're alive but it's the only deathbed conversion in the Bible and So that tells me that it's not the recommended route It's not the path to Christ to everlasting life that you should plan on taking Because you never know when the end is going to come for you your world could end before this radio show is over so I hope you'll think about that. I hope that something that was said here today will cause you to think about your eternal destiny and I would love to talk with you if you have any questions about anything I would love to hear from you Dan at Dan Scott Drop me an email man. We'll pray for you. I'll talk to you on the phone if you need to do that But I hope and pray that And in hearing this today that it will at least cause you to start to think about Where you're going to spend eternity You know what happens if I die today That's a question that ultimately we all have to ask 12 years ago it dawned on me finally With everything that I was doing in my life that if I died that day without Christ I'd go to hell But now in Christ I Know That whenever my time comes I'm going to be with Jesus I'm going to see my dad again. I'm going to see my grandparents. I'm going to see my grandson I'm going to see All of those who have put their faith in Christ who have gone on before me. I will see them again someday And I hope that you can say the same thing Yeah, and you know, I'm not trying to beat you over the head with it I'm genuinely concerned and I just pray That it's something that you'll start to Think about If you haven't The other thing that I want to mention before we Get out of here today is just ask for you to pray for me those of you who are Christians When I was with my dad in the hospital last week I Was looking at him laying there in the bed and the thought just came to me Lord if you decide to take him The impact that he has made on the kingdom for you Is almost immeasurable the lives that he has touched the people he's led to Christ the the Servant leadership the people he's ministered to it in over 50 years of pastoring and preaching There's a tangible Example tangible examples of lives that he has touched And The Holy Spirit just seemed to impress upon me the question What is your life done to impact the kingdom? So that's something that I'm grappling with right now I Don't know the impact that this radio show is having we're still relatively new But beyond the radio show what else am I supposed to be doing to impact God's kingdom? So join me in praying about that would you and I think it's something we all need to pray about We'll be back again next week Thank you for tuning in Until then I'm Dan Scott. God bless you so long everybody Thank you for listening to this week's Dan Scott show to hear it again Catch up on past shows or find out more about grand slam ministries Please visit our website Dan Scott show And while they're Perfectly consider making a gift to help us in our mission to share the love of Jesus Christ That's the Dan Scott show Dot org a a a [BLANK_AUDIO]