Sunday and Vargas are off to Hamburg as they track down Ivan the Terrible's missing Golden Library.
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Tretchley, backstabbing, murder. Emmy winning the Tretters is back for an all-new season. Here we go again. Join me for the ultimate game of survival. We're making it to the end. There's a matter of life and death. This game is torch on us. I can feel my blood pressure rise. If you carry on with that cocky attitude, you might get yourself in trouble. Oh, I've missed this. The Tretters, steaming January the 9th, only on Peacock. It's time for Thriller Thursdays, here on the Mutual Audio Network. The following audio drama is rated PG for Parental Guidance recommended. Let's go to the arsenal and get some firepower. You say the sweetest things. And we need to get your pal Vargas. I'll have a pistol or two. I'll take a couple of these. I'll contact the local authorities. We play nice here with the police. Well, shucky darn partner. You're cute. You know that. Watch it. I needed some target practice. What's that? Down! You're listening to Sunday Novak in the Golden Library, part two, The Nail in the Coffee. Anyone get the number on that rocket launcher? These guys aren't playing around, we have more than a perimeter breach. You don't say. Get your buddy Vargas. Got him, hiya. What are you two trying to do? I was sleeping. Your thugs tracked us down. My thugs? They're good. I can see them fanning out below. We need to get to the roof. What for? I want a good firefight. Quit the heroics. We need to get out of here and think this thing through. Yuck. What's the problem now? That means Paris. What's wrong with Paris? The Templars have their main headquarters there. Like I said, yuck. I like Paris. Let's go. Hey! Sunday, quit messing around. Right, find the roof, lead the way. I feel like we should be traveling to Russia. And go where? The Kremlin? Not likely. True enough. And what do you expect to find here? Some kind of answer. I'm not sure what at this point. What about an archivist? I have some training. Some. What is it with you Fiona? You're on the cusp of possibly discovering one of the most sought out treasures of the world. I'm paid to be cautious. And a negative Nancy? Just earning my keep. A little more positivity would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep it in mind. Good news? Just great. What? Your mercs decided to go in with a rocket launcher. They blew a hole in the side of the Templar compound. So much better. What happened to a low profile? What do I care? I care. Don't overestimate your place in all of this Fiona. I am a professional. I don't go waving around a stick when I can use a laser. I appreciate the analogy. I want the Templars knowing they can't flex on this one and have people go running. They've had to have gotten out of there. No time to check the facility? No. Remember the big hole in their stronghold? You worry too much. I know. I know. You're paid to do that. Do you want their manuscript or not? Eventually, if our folks had to high-tail it out of there, I'm assuming Sunday did as well. They're not a hundred percent, but they report a chopper leaving near the castle. She's on the move. That's good for us. She doesn't have a chance to catch her breath. Exactly. It's through here, I think. Let me get the door. Thank you Fiona. Did you get us clearance to enter the country? I did. But the French aren't big fans. Do they know about the Templars? She has a history lesson. Isaac isn't the popular guy in France. Let me guess. You probably shouldn't. Come on. No. She's right. You probably shouldn't. What's the plan Sunday? They're not going to let me take the manuscript with me, are they? Not likely. What are you wanting to accomplish? Find the guys that tried to get us. Find the Golden Library? Yes. Finding the library means a trip to Russia. I'm not a fan of that plan. Just for the record. Weenie. Yep. I have a suggestion. Shoot, sweetie. Find where the manuscript came from. The assumption would be that- There are others from the famous library Socked away there. You took the words right out of my mouth. And it's such a pretty mouth too. Uh, what? Nothing. Never mind. Well, you examined the manuscript, Isaac. What do you think? I would need to look at it again. Let me take the controls and you can do just that. Sunday, I need to have the proper tools to- Use your eyes to- You could drive a wooden man crazy. Amen, brother. Okay. No teaming up. Take a look for little me, won't you, Prince of my heart? Sunday. All right. Take over and follow the flight plan. Do not deviate. The last thing I want to do right now is take a chewing from a rabid Frenchman. Vargas, hand him the case with the manuscript. Got it. I'm not promising anything. You never have. Much to my chagrin. Do I need to parachute out of here and give you two a little privacy? No. Sunday, behave. And watch where you're flying. On it. Let me see this manuscript again. What do we have here? It looks like an inventory of some kind. It's an old-fashioned bibliography, I think, or to be more precise, a codecs. The pages are made from what? Vellum? Very good. I think so. Yes. Well, this is going to take some time, Fiona. Go grab a coffee and if you don't mind, grab me one with plenty of cream and sugar. Sure. And see if you can get a line on Sunday, Novak. Already working on it? Good. Cream and sugar, was it? Yes, please. Mmm, my Latin is a little rusty. Let me see now. You're sure about taking a train. We can get there overnight and not attract any attention. Plus, there aren't any flights this late. And Isaac is sure it's Hamburg where we need to go to. There was a watermark on the last page. Modern. Did he say? Within the past ten years. Meaning. Someone has laid a trail to Hamburg. Sunday. Yeah, I saw him. One of the thugs from the fortress in Spain? Possibly. I would say someone knows it was me and has agents on the lookout. Why not me? You're much better at being low-profile, sweets. Good answer. Want me to say hello? Let's wait. I'm hungry. We'll see how anxious he gets. He just got on three cars back. Good. How about a steak? The Templars are paying. Now you're speaking my language. And then we can make sure your wounds haven't opened back up. Ah, come on, Sunday. Big, baby. Fine. You have the ugliest pouty face, just so you know. I don't like you right now. Life's tough and so am I. Yeah, yeah. Steak. I like my medium. You would. They're about to shut down the library. They'll leave it open for us. They seemed antsy, us being here. I just made a sizable donation to their private collections. All libraries love money. Smart. I thought so. You do it on my coffee break? You can talk. And it does it very quickly. Anything? I can back-trace the manuscript prior to Hamburg to Krakow. Poland. Interesting. By the way, the manuscript was stolen by a thief and used by an African wannabe warlord as dowry to marry the chief and stutter. Ah, so there's a connection. Did they report it? To the artifact unit of Interpol. There's such a thing. There is. They're very active. No doubt. Question, though. I'm ahead of you. How did the thief even know about it? Exactly. Where's the thief? Rotting. Six feet under. Too bad. It would be great to know who we should be talking to here in Hamburg. We can narrow that down, I would think. You work on that. I'm working on a list. A list of what? Books. We're going to need to get ready to camp out here for the night. You think they have some of them in their private collection? We're about to find out. I'll search their employee records for the collections. Good plan. It gives us the person who got this ball rolling. I'm banking on it. What's the word? Not sure if I should take them out yet or not. You're getting nice in your old age. The younger Sunday would go back there and rip out. Okay, okay. I'm not put out to pass through just yet. I say gut him and be done with it. We need information. Ah, good call. I know. Your humility is overwhelming. Isn't it though? You want me to see if I can get close enough to clone his phone? You don't want me to rough him up and beat it out of him? How about we try some finesse? There's no pleasing you. You know that? My mother tells me that all the time. She's right. Let me get my phone. Are you sure you can with your- I'm fine. You don't look fine. I got this. How long until we get to Hamburg? It's a nine hour trip. We'll get there about Don then. What are you thinking? I want to get the jump on whoever is behind this. That means hitting the archive in Hamburg and then wherever else after that. Consider me in stealth mode. Our man has eyes on Sunday, who has a man with her. The man from the hospital? Probably. You wanted to create a little havoc? You know this Novak. How good is she? She's a Templar Knight. They don't take just anyone. She's a killer then. That's an understatement. Any backup available? On a fast moving train? Four. Here. Hamburg. She's good. And quick. The train gets here at Daybreak. Have them just keep eyes on them then. Got it. And if you don't mind, I'm going to need some more coffee. This all-nighter is killing me. Done. Are you still conscious? You're slacking, Vargas. Don't worry. I got this. Oh! No fair. Didn't you see me talking to my- Okay. Yeah. That is it. I'm hungry. You want a sandwich? I'm a little busy now. Ow! Hey! I have stitches there. I'm thinking about a hot ham and cheese. That sound good to you? Sunday. Oh fine, but it's cheating. Finally. Thank you. Maybe we should check you into a hotel in Hamburg and you can sit the rest of this one out. Ham and cheese? Yes. Tempur, temper. Ooh. Wait. His cellphone. And it's already coated in. They must have been on it when you found him lurking in the hallway. He was. Anything juicy? Some foul pics of- Let me see. Down, boy. Huh. What? A series of texts from someone going by the handle of dark siren. Dark siren. No way. Let me see. Vyoning a bell? Yeah. A big one. It could be someone just being cute with their names so they aren't identified. But in the world of covert activity and mercenary contracts? An American. If this is the same dark siren. A name? Fiona Marks. Oh wait. Was she involved in that bombing off the coast of Cre- a couple years back? That's the word in the underground. Yeah. Vicious. And gorgeous too. I can tell where your mind is. Anything good from the text exchange? Last message was ordering him to hold back and just observe. Oops. You feel like stirring things up? Sunday. What are you thinking about? I have Fiona. Sunday Novak here. I want to meet for a coffee, want to get hit repeatedly in the face, or how about some good old fashioned hand-to-hand combat? Sunday. You're nuts. Kiss Kiss Sunday Novak. Why would you do that? If dark siren is this Mark's gal, she's only hired muscle. I want whoever is behind this to start acting stupid. That could get someone killed. Ah, come on. Namely me. I'm thinking fries with my sandwich, you. You are one hot mess, lady. So no fries in. We need to go. What? I'm just now figuring this Kodak's out. Our man on the train is down. How do you? She sent me a text. How does she know it's you? I use the dark siren moniker. Why would she? She's trying to see if we flinch or not. Do you think we should? I think if you want to track down this library or other manuscripts to a library or whatever you want to do. We should stay. I wouldn't recommend it. She'll come here, won't she? Without a doubt. Get my bodyguards up and awake. For what? A fight. Where? Right here. Let's see how bad she wants it. Thanks for the ride, sugar. Keep the change. Do you want the list of reasons as to ride us a bad plan? Sure. Okay. One. I was being sarcastic. Sunday. Let's skip this part and just go to Russia. Isaac says this library rate smack dab in the heart of Hamburg is the place to go first. What is it with you and this Isaac guy? I wish I knew Vargas, but I really do. Oh. It's like that. Is it? It's like that in a big way. Now is not the time for distractions. Away in. Okay. I still say that this- Don't finish that sentence, Toots. I like that window on the third floor. You void. Boy. I'm hurting here. Sit this one out then. Not likely. I'm not playing around. Neither am I. You told them we were coming. They've had time to split or call in reinforcements. We need to see who we're dealing with. Watch out. Let me shoot this grappling hook. Nice. Is this the one with the motor? Here. Take the rope. Ah! It is. Keep it down, will you? I love it. Here. Save me a spot up there. I like that little gadget. You should. It costs enough. Put it on my tab. I'm putting it on the templers tab. Sure. Yeah. Whatever. Fancy. Plasma torch. I don't like traditional glass cuddles. So primitive. Why does snob you're turning into? It's the company I keep. Offended. I hope so. Here. Hold this. Go away. Take it. You are high maintenance. You know that? And the window. I was mistaken. The third floor is actually the second. We're up above the stacks. Can you make it? I'll bite your tongue. Can I make it? See you down below. I sure hope I can make it. The archives are in the northwest corner. How do you want to play it? Hard and fast or sneaky? Sneaky. Let's see what they've got. I'll meet you there. And then breakfast. I'm starved. You're the worst. Yep. Hello. Well. They're in the building. You have everything set? I do. Good. What all do we need to take out of here? Just this volume. That's it. My dear. It's everything. Destination Russia? Surprisingly no, but we do need a plane. No train. Not to where we're going. I'll book a private plane as soon as I get back. From where? We'll see you this Sunday. No. We have enough hired muscle for that. You and I have places to go. But Keegan. No. We should go now before the fun starts. Okay, one, two, three, and four of you. Is that it? Come on, please. At least make it intriguing. I hope you're in place of August. I'm ready to rock and roll. Yeah. Let's cut and I Joe fellas. Woohoo. Yeah. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Sunday. Are you in there anywhere? Grab a couple of these long kids. Hey. No guns to a fistfight. Watch out with that thing. Down. What for? That. It didn't look good up there. She is a templar night after all. Just another dirty mercenary as far as I'm concerned. Isn't that what you are Fiona? It depends on how you look at it I suppose. Give it 20 seconds and then light this puppy up. We'll do. Ha. Ha. And that's four TKOs, boys and girls. How are you doing Vargas? One of them hit me on my stitches. Which one? The blonde one. Ha. There. Make you feel better. Thanks. There's nothing like kicking an unconscious thug when you're feeling blue. Uh. Is that your phone? Sunday. No way. Hit the deck. I can see the flames from here. I thought you loved books. I do. I also love my life a lot more. Any bets. Remind me of these templars? Some of the best in our line of work. Then I'm betting that we haven't seen the last of Sunday Novak. What's with the book? An inventory that was referenced in the Codex. Four more books. Manuscripts, scrolls, books, a whole cache of ancient knowledge and writings. Worth how much. Enough to make me legit. You want that, do you? More than anything. It's time for me to get out of this business. I've had my fill of crushing heads, assassinations, covert ops. My bread and butter. You can have it if we find a fraction of what's listed in this inventory. And I'll be more than legit. Question is, why was the collection of Virgil's poems stolen from the library and given to the chieftains man? We're beyond that now. Are we? All that matters are the books. You can prove they're from the Golden Library and will be heroes in all centers of culture. You will. I'm just a hired gun. How long before we get there? You'll be happy. We have to land in St. Petersburg and then take a train on the Merman Railway. So how long? Enough for you to sleep. Good. Wake me when we get to St. Petersburg. So much for that part of the library. Quick, we need to get out of here. I thought you wanted breakfast. Of course I do. First a taxi. And then I'll take you to a place that has the best pancakes you've ever had in your life. This whole thing seems like it was an exercise and a uselessness. That was a mouthful. We have no idea where we're going. We'll figure it out. Do you like syrup or fruit on your pancakes? Vote. Quit it. What? You're distracting me. There isn't anything we can do now. What about those four guys we put down in the library? Take a look around. No one's pulled them out or they came to and got out of there. You're so nonchalant about everything Sunday. What do you want me to do? Lose it? I'll leave that to you. Where are you going? To get some breakfast, I thought I had made that pretty plain. I'm thinking buckwheat pancakes, on a scale from 1 to 10, where do you put buckwheat? I don't know. About a six. Is that all? I'm thinking an eight, a solid eight. Why do I get into these things with you? You called me in on this one, honey. And don't honey me. Where is this place? I'm starved. Follow me. Or not. Sunday, watch it, gun! You've been listening to state-struck audio theaters production of Sunday Novak in the Golden Library, part two, The Nail in the Coffin. In the cast, as Sunday Novak, C. LaTucker, Vargas, Carson editor, Fiona, Ariana Webb, Tegan Nolan-Wittney, Isaac, Dalton DeVoe, script by Brett Jones, state-struck audio theater is a production of Wichita State University Theater Department. [MUSIC]
Sunday and Vargas are off to Hamburg as they track down Ivan the Terrible's missing Golden Library.
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