The Mutual Audio Network

Comedy 4 Cast: Batter Days, Chapter 28(120624)

The KRAWLR bump Cindy and Detective Haartte find themselves in last place in the race to find the Waffle Batter sphere. They now need to push Princess to the limit. But the road into Chasm Valley was not designed for buses traveling at high speeds. It is a series of hairpin turns leading from the rim to the valley floor. And rumblings coming from the converted 1967 Tiara Megacoach tri-axle school bus could mean trouble. Meanwhile, Kipper and Mulligan make their move to pass the KRAWLR. They want to be first in the pursuit of Higgins and Bad Note Billy. Is Captain Broughha going to let that happen? What do you think?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Broadcast on:
06 Dec 2024

The KRAWLR bump Cindy and Detective Haartte find themselves in last place in the race to find the Waffle Batter sphere. They now need to push Princess to the limit. But the road into Chasm Valley was not designed for buses traveling at high speeds. It is a series of hairpin turns leading from the rim to the valley floor. And rumblings coming from the converted 1967 Tiara Megacoach tri-axle school bus could mean trouble. Meanwhile, Kipper and Mulligan make their move to pass the KRAWLR. They want to be first in the pursuit of Higgins and Bad Note Billy. Is Captain Broughha going to let that happen? What do you think? 

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The KRAWLR bump Cindy and Detective Haartte find themselves in last place in the race to find the Waffle Batter sphere. They now need to push Princess to the limit. But the road into Chasm Valley was not designed for buses traveling at high speeds. It is a series of hairpin turns leading from the rim to the valley floor. And rumblings coming from the converted 1967 Tiara Megacoach tri-axle school bus could mean trouble. Meanwhile, Kipper and Mulligan make their move to pass the KRAWLR. They want to be first in the pursuit of Higgins and Bad Note Billy. Is Captain Broughha going to let that happen? What do you think?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit