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New Tarot Card System Uncovered

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21 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) See if I network see if our news, good day and good night. All welcome back. Got the sibling with me. All the way across the pond. You know what I do. It's all noon. Welcome back to the broadcast sign, what do you do? - Oh man, true peace, civil and true peace. Man, I'm glad to be back in the building again. Like, you have to be the best interviewer that I've ever came across, man. And I love it. And every time we come together, it's a beautiful thing. Been busy. - Yep. - Been busy. We about to go in about the, the noonable terror deck. So I can't wait to see what kind of questions that you have, man. So. - Indeed. Well, let's, let's, before we get into the, the detail, you know, unpack that, unpack what the works you've been doing to produce this, this, you know, let's just put it out. It is this masterpiece, man. This works very good. Man, I've only seen the eyes and the color versions yet, but yeah, my. - Um, well, the journey for that started in late 2021. August, sometime, I went through a spiritual awaken, you know, had a couple of things that was going on personally. But, you know, when I look back, that's what I realized that it was. 'Cause most of my spiritual wakens was just going from one religion to this and then, - Yes. - You know, running into York and all this other stuff like that. Those were spiritual awakenings too. But this was more, more personal, more emotional. And from that point, it just, I just ended up looking into, like some stuff from the Nature book started coming forward that I never really paid attention to. And a lot of it was talking about brain nukes and magic particles and magic matter. And so certain things was going on. I'm like, let me seek a little deeper. And that's what I just want to, to YouTube and just started looking up terrible readers as far as certain things I was looking for. And a lot of them was early ones, just like dealing with magic at first, like different types of magic. I already knew black magic and white magic were different. And then, so I wasn't looking for that. I was looking for more side of the herbal part of it. And that's when I started reading a lot because the new pool, when they're ruling in the top half wheel of a diagram from the book, that the energies that use when new pool is involved is plants. And then the bottom of the SMASH Circle, all the way up the six ether and lower dogs use animals for the most part when they're doing using magic and humans and sacrifice. So I knew that automatically. So I just started looking into herbal magic because that's part of white magic. I mean, black magic used to, but white magic is more so where they'll take herbs and you can burn white candles. You can set your intentions with herbs. You can drink them, you know, positive stuff. And I got video in my YouTube that go back by the year ago and it's called a Wyshit Nooniboos use positive candle magic. And so when you look into it, it just, I just showed them how the work, the candles, herbs and mix it into how the nature books support all that type of stuff. So that was the beginning as far as herbal magic type of stuff. - And when you say, when you say, when you say herbal magic and the herbal side of it, would that include like white sage in your room at the corner? - Yeah, sage is a different little herb stuff that you can actually ingest too. It's all types of little herbs. Like you said, sage is this dragon type of sage. I didn't know it was that many types because I would only send the green birds. - Yes. - Then it was a red version of dragon blood when it started. - Dragon blood. - Right. So I started wanting to that. That's what started bringing out other different herbs. And it was healing herbs, herbs for the brain money, herbs to protect your house, you know, taking salt and putting salt outside. - Yes. - And the other videos will come in when you start researching that type of stuff. So then I had my household was investigating as well. And so it came into that and then eventually I started, the terrible stuff started coming up. I think the first ones I started watching was they used to have a person have a deck. They have a pile of cards spread, maybe four, five cards. And they used to have crystals on each deck and they have, you know, they'll say, okay, they have it time stamp. So they do a whole reading and split up in time spat and tell you to pick. So if you pick the third deck, you go into the bottom of the video and then you take the third deck. And then that's how I started seeing that if this was true or not, I will pick this one. They'll be like, whatever problem you may be going through, pick one of these decks. And I used to do that. And it was always very, very accurate because it was just guessing. - Yes. - But then I started revolving it to my sign, which is capital on. And it was different ones. You had a terrible core readings for love, karma, just general readings and stuff like that. So I used to watch a lot of them just so I can gleam enough from it. 'Cause if you like, watch two or three, some of them will be, because it's a general reading, it's not a personal reading. You're not gonna be able to put some accuracy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I started doing that 'cause I'm like, I'm not ready to spend no money on this for a personal reading. But I was mostly testing the things by watching a lot of them. And then I would watch some of the sounds of other people because again, I was beginning to get more and more, I was acclimated with it. So from 2021 to June, to July of 2023 was me doing a lot of research. And then I started releasing videos and I got videos, new signs in astrology, a new sign in astro theology and new signs in the NATO chart. 'Cause I started studying the NATO chart too. And that's when I started getting more personal, but I like to study things to understand because I didn't know Tarot was based on the zodiac astrology and astronomy as well. - Yes. - That Tarot was a part of all of that. And people who don't know that don't understand that, then I started running into certain Tarot readers that do more than just read the cards. They could tell you about the NATO chart. They could tell you about what's going on in the sky at the time, transits and what's that? Rachel Grades and all, I mean, that's a lot. But for them, they was able to keep all that in their head. And then they offered different services. And then I seen people making comments about certain things and it was just a lot of them that the terrible world is just not the terrible world. It's actually an extension of a whole science. When I started researching in ancient times, they used to say, today they try to say astrology is pseudo. But when you go back far enough, astrology and astronomy were together. See, astrology, see, astronomy, they say, it talks about how stars in the orbs work, right? On a scientific level, but astrology talks about their behaviors. - The relationship, the relationship outside of the movements of those celestial bodies, yeah. - And so the Caucasian and mankind started, mostly the Caucasian, he separated all this stuff and compartmentalized it, but in ancient times, you couldn't separate math over here and then put history over here and excavation over here. All of that stuff was taught together. But the Caucasian separated it so they can make money and also keep it separate. And then they can do what they want to do with it and then stretch it out, just like school and all of the stuff, you go to school. You can see everything you need to know between. Well, years of going to school, something is wrong there. And then you got to go four years of high school. No, now that's high school that you go, there are other couple years of universities and all this extra stuff. All that stuff was separated so they can drag out all the people that make us and be able to come in and out and just the dumbness that come with that. But I got videos that dealt with that and I connected it with the help of the sound right region. So that was my journey. And as again, as I look back on it at a certain point, I started realizing that 'cause the terror was, say that, you know, eventually I got a few readings done here and there, but mostly I was studying and how to add on to the actual terror thing itself. So I did a few just the tests. I had a few black terror readers. I think a few Caucasian terror readers and maybe a non-caucasian. But it was just, it was I think under 10 though, because I was so used to listening to it so much. A lot of the things they were saying I had already heard and knew, but certain things that I wasn't sure that they touched on, I was able to put that in that. So if I was to put that on a scale of one to 10, I would say seven of the stuff me listening to people without paying was already understood. And I got that extra three from things 'cause personal is what it means. And when they do the readings, the cards will focus on whatever that you want, the person to ask. That was the first part. But then I started running upon readers who was making their own. They had blank decks and they were right on them themselves. And then they would utilize them within a regular terror deck. Some people just had their own. And I was like, that was when it amazed me. I'm like, okay, so I don't have to be stuck within the ones that people been using for decades. People was innovating their own. I said, oh, snap. And that's when I said, I'm going to do my own after that. I was going to add on to what was there. But then I'm like, when I start seeing that and testing it myself, I'm like, yo, I can do this. And that's when that's when solid reason was like, yeah, use it and base it on new. And I've seen Christians is one that I follow now, certain Christians that I ever seen Muslims. But the Christian ones, they would take their own courts and they would have stuff like David and Goliath. You know what I'm saying? I mean, it was dope how they was utilizing the stories in the Bible. And it was still working. But because I had knowledge of that stuff, when they was doing whatever topic, it was, I'm telling you that terror world is a monster when it comes to you've been able to figure out your problems and help you with the divination between making decisions. Should you do this? Should you take this job? Should you move out of time? Should you go on vacation? Should you go on the work today? Should I go with all of that stuff? Is how strong and proficient you want to be? And that's the thing I liked about it 'cause you don't have to sit here and go day for day wondering or guessing from your own self because of the spiritual negativity that we have on us, terror and other divination and why these things were created in the bottom half of 'cause spirit beings can control and make us experience and see things that are not there and just give us all type of wrong information. So I already knew that through noon and watching what happened in the world. So when I got to that, I'm like, yeah, I need to do my own. (crickets chirping) So there's a major difference between, well, you know, before you even go there. Explain to me, sibling. How does it work? I mean, you gave a brief explanation. So they've got blank cards and then they will write symbols or words or something and then you utilize that in the form of a reading but then correlate that to this extended tarot deck. Right, 'cause you can use either one to confirm the other one. So like, let's say you got, and they made different ones. Now, some people, I'm gonna give you the simplified version. Let's say you wanna make you a deck. Say you got 78 cards, blank cards. And you want this to be a relationship deck. So everything you were right will be in a relationship in those cards. So you put marriage, cheating, boyfriend or girlfriend, dating, it depends on the person. So some people are used to standard language. Some people put boo thing, side chick, you know, and they will mix it up. And so doing the regular cards, right, a general reading. So you just go to a person on a YouTube and just type in general reading, tower reading, just say you just pick one. And say they're in the person, they be like, okay, we're gonna do a reading on relationships and they're using the regular cards. So they'll sit there and then they'll flip, flip and then sometimes they'll be able to hone in on one story that they're seeing that's consistently coming out in the cards. And then, okay, well, somebody who's out here who's listening, one of y'all or somebody all are going through a divorce scenario. And then they will go and pull out their relationship that shuffle it and then talk to come out confirming what she just said. And you can do that vice versa. And so when you write your personal debt, you can be more thorough in the topic 'cause the cards will say this. Say you may get a marriage card, but if they are in a tool to read or the person can get more information from just the card that came out that represent, let's say, divorce. So the spirit and their intuition is talking to them and telling them, yeah, this is somebody that's watching, it's going through a certain kind of relationship aspect, in this negative and then they will go to two other decks. And I watch people who have like a Dragon Goddess tarot, she's a Hindu reader and she's a daughter of a Brahma priest. She will grab four different decks at one time and just be going in and she predict assassinations, people don't got attempted murder. She's a people that was going to go to jail. The girl is no joke. My name's Dragon's Goddess tarot DDT for short. - Oh, okay. What kind of deck is she using? Is it the wave Smith? - She used a lot of them. She got a lot of them. She, some of those being there too. I mean, when you go to, I mean, I'm sorry, this DDT, God is Dragon tarot, I apologize. But when you go to these people's channels, they have a whole display. Some people have a wall behind them. - Oh, just tarot? - Tarot. And they, I'm telling you, I've seen so many ways that this thing goes. I'm like, man, this is, it's, it's definitely beautiful. But before, you know, when you go back in time, like in movies, the movies always made it look crazy because they mixed it up with the gypsy and you had that old white lady there with the crystal ball. - The crystal ball and the tarot. - And the tarot in my background look all spooky. So that throws you off. So that's my memory of tarot. But they didn't, they didn't put it like tarot. The tarot will be there or you see somebody go into some creepy circus and they'll put a coin in the machine and the guy look like he a magician. And he'll go and put a card in to come out and look at it. So they always try to make it look like a wave. And so when people start looking at it, our memory's from that. So a lot of people say, man, it's not true. It's a joke, it's, it's evil. No, you can make cards, evil tarot cards. I've seen those too. When I research, I look at the good and the bad, but the point was you can make your own, whether it's just regular blank card, people also want to design their own professionally. And I've seen other people that's negative create their own demonic tarot deck. So it depends on who made it and that's not true. You know what I'm saying? - So going, going into the, let me roll this, pardon yourself, we won't spend too much time on these elements of it, but the negative deck, what is that gonna do? - Well, the one guy that I put in a video, right? I think it's called why does, it's called all you a tarot reader, one and two. It's called one and two. And the guy was that I came across, he made tarot cards and assigned demonic energies and spear received card. And he put their name in it and there's a coke insignia that they use. And that's for people who wanna, who knows what they're dealing with. Like you can, and these demons come and do the same thing that the regular tarot will do because you're asking certain questions, but he'll put the insignia on there to protect you from it. But those you got people that like to play that type of way, but the ultimate thing is they're still gonna give you the answer to what you're looking for. Now, whether you can trust them or not, that's the best word you run into, that's the gray area. Me, I wouldn't use them because I understand, I don't have to go that route. You see what I'm saying? So, but that's the, but the person tells you what type of deck it is, it's in the instructions. You have to do your research in origins and the person that's creating it. You see what I'm saying? That's why my book is so thorough when you read it, the introduction and stuff like that. So, yeah, it's different ways. You can make your own right now and based off of you and your energy. - Yes. - You know, but also when you get the deck, I'm gonna let people know. When you buy a deck from somebody else, even us, when you get the deck, they tell you to cleanse it. So you can just burn sage around the deck, the outside box, open up the box and you know, rotate the cars around sage. Anything that got smoked and cleansed a deck. So you can just burn a piece of paper and place it over to the smoke coming off with a burning piece of paper. You can put it over some charcoal. When anything that has smoke on it will cleanse it. You see what I'm saying? Then you knock on it, the deck through, so I'm saying three times I put nine times 'cause nine is the average racist number. You knock on it nine times and you shuffle it, put your energy on it, and you make moves. Some people don't like to let you touch the deck 'cause the other person energy on it. But it doesn't, me, it doesn't matter 'cause when I was letting people see the deck, you know, again, you just re-clench it. If you have to let somebody see it and touch it, it's okay. After they get through with it, just burn some incense or sage or some smoke. - Yes. - It cleans it and you just put your knock on it again. And it's how you reset the deck. It's basically what I'm saying. Just like shuffling, you reset the deck so it don't put back the same thing that was on it 'cause all these people, when you're playing cards, it's the same thing. When you're playing blackjack, play one, it don't matter. When they grab the deck and you doing it like that, you're resetting the deck every time, you don't know that. - How did you think of it that way? How did you think of it that way at all? - Hey, mood lights. Can you cleanse it for a mood light as well? The decks, like-- - People got different ways. If you want to, you could put it in the moonlight, you could put it in the daylight, you could put a stone over it and the stone that whatever type of stone you like to use can charge the deck. It's multiple ways you can do it. You know, people blow on the deck, some people hold the deck, pray over the deck. It's so many ways that I've seen that it's no one wrong way to do it. That's the point. - Okay. All right. Lastly, breakdown, what's the difference with the major and the trump cards? I've never fully understood that, that major-- - As far as, as far as, was far as terribly have major arcana and minor arcana, right? The major arcana is cards that deals with big life decisions. So when you watch them and they say, oh, this is a major arcana card, like the food card. That's a major because the food deals with new beginnings and going into something, you know, blind. And that's why they had a food like about to step off the cliff because you about to do something big. Whether it's positive or negative, the card come up in the upright, it's positive of a beginning. If it's in the reverse, it can be negative in the sense that you're not really looking at the pitfalls. That's why it's a cliff there. So it can be a good stepping off into the unknown or it can be used stepping off until something dangerous. So the minor card, the major just are big, big life. It signals that something big is here. When they have smaller arcana, those will be smaller things that's going on in your world. That's why they have major and minor arcana. And then you have other cards in it that's breaking up into different settings dealing with, you know, age, money, business decisions. And what makes tarot so crazy because when you mix them together, it gives you a whole bigger story. So you may get one thing about the food may come out and I mean, there's a new beginning. It did another car may come out that deals with money. That means you about to have a new opportunity to make money. So you have to know how to read the cards together after you read them separate. You see what I'm saying? So it depends on the mentality of the person and how they able to interpret and weave it together. And this is why you have to practice this stuff every day. You see what I'm saying? So all of them tarot read on some of my teachers because I listen and I study the style. I study and I got tarot books that I wrote personally. I ain't even put out yet. I may put them out because these were all reflections of what I've learned in the time that I was studying them. I have a lot of tarot books that I was using to understand I was writing down my understanding. And so I may do that. I may, if the cards, you know, get around and people start purchasing and we start having conversations and maybe I get the visit of the people's channel. And I see that they may wanna look at how I bridged it. Those books I wrote personally will actually show you how I got to where I got without a deck. Perfect. Let's jump straight to the document itself on a book. This is something that comes along with the decks, yeah? Yeah. It's in the book. What you got is in the, that comes with each personal deck. Everybody has that in the, in the, the terrible deck when they get it. They are gonna get a major introduction and major explanation. It's stuff in there that's not on the cards. It's gonna blow them their mind away even more. And that's what I'm saying. It was because sound right reason and the oils was helping me with this stuff. It's a universal deck. It really is. It really covers everything. So, so just to confirm, I mean, do other decks have such in depth information? Oh, I mean... I'm not like this, not like this. Because a lot of them, because the way the tarot decks that they're following came from Europe and Italy, those people were, some of them were into a coke society. And so certain, and then it was using old forms, you know, words like pentacles. Pentacles is a old European word turned for money. People don't use that word now. And then when you look at this, the symbol on the pentacle is like a pentagram. You see what I'm saying? So the symbols go back to a certain type of understanding that they had. So a lot of the information was, was coded. And it kept them in a certain kind of box. But other people who started adding their own, eventually it was able to be expanded itself versus the tarot that we're using. Because that's the only difference. That's the only similarity our deck has with other deck is just the word tarot. As anything else is talking about, the cards don't necessarily reflect that. But the intuitive of the reader and their helpful spirit will say this is this or there'll be like older universes telling me that sort of the same powers that we're speaking of and showing at our cards, they can pick it up and they will use that. So they'll say the universe is saying this, we actually point now parts of the universe that is actually going to talking and what they represent, the energies that they have. And what does it mean when they card or cards pop up together? So the readers themselves are adding things in that the cards don't necessarily say unless the person who drew the cards put imagery in the cards and then they'll be like, see, look at the background. This has the, has a black hole right there. And they'll say, I'm getting from this, that somebody life is being sucked up into whatever, but that's how the reader does that. But most of their cards that out, especially the old school, they don't have universal drawings and stuff on there. You see what I'm saying? It just came with time. - This episode is sponsored by Supreme of the UK. Click the link in the description and support the broadcast.