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Tragedy Trauma The Crossbow Murderer

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Broadcast on:
20 Jul 2024
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Let's get into this thing today, man. So as I said previously, I hate to be right about this as well. We were going to be covering a lot more of these kind of stories and why did I say that? Because those are the times we lived in. So the last one that we covered of a heinous act like this was a guy, an immigrant as well, who just attacked the public with a sword, I believe it was at that time. Am I correct? Yes, it did. With a samurai sword just started attacking members of the public. Now, I'm going to just give a quick story before we get into this. So the other day, I was recording, actually, I'm recording my phone rings, there's my misses, so I pick it up. What's going on, everything good. Ah, there's a guy on the side of the road. Yeah, everything's blessed. There's a guy on the side of the road, an old man, and like he's struggling or whatever. You see what I mean? I don't know what to do. I said, yo, you got to leave him there. You can't bring him. You can't help him still. What do you mean? What do you mean? I said, you can't help him because I can't trust. I don't know that person. I can't trust that it's not a madman who jumps in the car and then attacks you like you're trying to help him or something and it attacks you or something. That's the stage. Yeah, you're good, you're good. Let me just add into this. There is a movie. I can't remember what the movie is called, but there's a guy, a sinister man in a car parking lot, car park, right, using American term age, and he's struggling with a broken arm trying to put something in the back of a van and a woman walking past saying, oh, do you need some help? And he's like, yeah, yeah, if you wouldn't mind, if you could help me, ma'am, that would be great. So she starts trying to help him. Soon as she's got her back turned to him, he rases her in the back of the head, knocks her out, puts her in a van and kidnaps her class. See you later. Please continue. Exactly. So I was like, yo, you can't help him. That's it. In an ideal world, you could, but in this world, we don't know what these people are on. Let's keep it real. We just don't know. There's so much mad people out there. So let's go straight to the mainstream media. Let's go. Shame stream. Just before 7 p.m. last night. Officers attended alongside colleagues from the East of England Ambulance Service and on arrival found three women with serious injuries. Sadly, despite their best efforts, the women who are believed to be related died a short time later at the scene. The victim is at age 25, 28 and 61. Our overarching objective today is to protect public safety and to locate Kyle Clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. We have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in North London and also the bushy area of Hertfordshire. The manhunt also involves armed police officers and specialist search teams responding at pace in the wake of what has been an horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow, but other weapons may also have been used. If members of the public see Kyle Clifford, they urge not to approach him at any point and to dial 999 immediately. Kyle, if you're seeing or hearing this, please make contact with the police by 999. We don't even need to go. They've got in mouth still so that's an old video here. They have got this individual now. So why are we going to discuss this today? Because we're just dealing with the way the mindset is right now in Britain and I can't stress enough to everyone out there that the choices you make now at this current time in Britain, you've got to be very careful about the choices you make. That's with the people that you're lying yourself with. That's with the people that you're romantically involved with. You have to kind of, you've got to almost be damn near perfect in the steps that you take with folks because you see that Kyle guy, yeah? My man killed is not only his girl, but his girl's sister and his girl's mother. Now people are crashing out right now, Noble. If you notice, we're hearing a lot of these kind of mad crimes that are taking place. The reason for that is because people are crashing out. So many people are on this, yo, live shit anyway. So if something don't go that way, they're doing like extreme things. I'm seeing it on a local level, but not madness where a man's just killing a man. But people are crashing out, Noble. It's the pressure, pressure, man. Pressure from all sides, all sides financially, and we don't even need to go to the microcosms of financial woes and stresses, but then socially, your workplace, you get home, your situation. If you're with someone, may not be where it's supposed to be because you ain't done the damn work, both of you ain't done the damn work. So you're not, listen, there's a lot of people that are just existing, literally, literally just existing. They're not happy. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. And they don't know what to do, Barry Mark. Like, like, they don't know literally, they don't know what to do. A guy I know, yeah. Um, big man still, he's about, damn, let me get his age right. He's got to be about 53, 54. True story. He said to me, I to this guy, well, I used to see this guy like every other day in passing, okay? Very cheerful guy, big, massive Aston Villa fan, like huge Aston Villa fan. Spent every penny it's got unfollowing them. And anyway, I got talking to him on a personal level, yeah. And my mom was telling me no more. He was saying, yo, this time last year, he said that he had a night where he was in his garage. And he said, he took a bottle of brown liquor to the head. And he said, he was going to kill him. So he said, he said, he said, this is true story. He says, yo, he took the bucket of liquor and he said he was sitting there and he was going to do it. Like that was his last night. He said, this was his last night. Anyway, he says that he couldn't like get the courage to do it. And like he kept like pacing the the garage, he was pacing his garage, pacing it. And then he said, he said a picture of his two kids, children in their school uniform. Yeah. And that stopped him from doing it. Now, I was used to see this guy back then as well, you know. And I'm like, for real, that's what that's what you was going through. And he's like, yeah, I almost ended it all kind of thing is opening out to me. And then he's telling me how from then till now, things have been able to things have been fixed between then and now, like he's been able to level himself out, get over the depression that he had. And the reason why I'm saying all of that is because I'm saying, imagine that he wasn't somebody who was able to get over that and knew that, yo, he was going to end it. The wrong person upset him or the wrong person do something that can take you with them. They can take you with them. So this is what I'm saying, that domestic violence, abuse, rape, sexual harassment, all them things are not nothing to be played with. Not at all. Because that is a real case. And D you're right. She wasn't his girl anymore. But you see, when you with people like that, there is no leave in him. You know them kind of people. If I can't have you, nobody will. There's a lot of those folks about right now, which is totally insane mentality and even verbiage to even otter. If I can't have you, then not, no, there's folks like that about this folks like that about this is what I say. The choices that a man makes now and a woman will be the most important choices that you will make because that person can literally be the end of you. You see what I'm saying? If you find the right, but that's why if you're, if you're, if your path don't align with mine, meaning if you're not a man, you ain't got something to lose. We ain't really got nothing to really conversate about, you know, you see what I mean? Because these kind of cases are more and more and more and more, you know, like in the public where like there's just people attacking members of the public, all kind of things like you said on Twitter. We talking about it last week. There's some crazy videos on Twitter. It's in a video on a lady was feeding her child at a restaurant. A man just walked past and boxed the child. Just bought this literally to stroke. Just just boxed the child as he was walking past. Yes. And I'm like, damn, these are the kind of things that's going on now because there's mad people out there. You see what I mean? Who are just, you have just given up and I just waiting for that moment to crash out. 100% Hey, there's a quotes when you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain. That's exactly what they're doing. Said, run that back one more time. When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain. That's true. That's true. And D 42 says, the thing with abusers is they hide their true colors sometimes for years. First of all, they come like Mr. or Mrs. Perfect. That's facts, but it'll be very hard to hide who you are from other people. So maybe you can hide it romantically in the relationship, but look at how people react to other situations. You see what I'm saying? If someone's just on zero to 100, like something happens and someone's just ready to crash out, they will eventually get to that day when they do that. If someone's got like attachment issues, this is what I'm saying when it comes to even relationships, attachment issues, you know, there's a lot of people who have got childhood, childhood trauma and things like that. So there's a lot of men that are looking for a mother in a woman. And there's a lot of women that are looking for a FATHER!