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Don Charles - Dubois vs Joshua Fight Talk - Part 2

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13 Jul 2024
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all right I got one for you done something that's worrying me with this fight the right hand not even the right hand I don't I don't know if it's two I don't know if they're putting him into early after the hug of each fight I don't know the time frame the time frame I don't know if this shouldn't have been like more like a December have you heard something called momentum yes yes right so momentum is a great thing and I truly believe it's the perfect time momentum based on momentum based based on the landscape of the headwear division and like I said based on and based on how it's been written this is God's work you know most definitely most definitely I just so Daniel definitely seems to be coming into his own but as a trainer done how are you dealing with pops in the corner he's that in the corner I embrace that I embrace that it doesn't irritate you when the going gets tough not at all I embrace it's an addition so that his father being there it's a it's a plus rather than a minus for a lot of reasons I'm not going to go into details I embrace that whereas the other coaches didn't embrace that I'm the smart one who recognizes that the inclusion of the father it's a plus I will leave it at that okay so noble my co-host that we bought you in a different way so he you can't hear him but nobody's asking with the Saudi money involved is it better for the fighters careers in the long run well it's a no brainer the answer is capital Y capital E capital yes I'm not hypocrite because not because of I'm involved in the capacity that I am there's only one way to look at it it's a positive way what my concern is generally is that the Super League or this real thing that that's happening is gonna create a big void within the industry that your small hole shows we need to look at I've done a couple of interviews recently and I again pointed out I'm really feel strongly that we have to if there's only so much money that's floating around some of it should trickle down to support promoters the small hole shows where these these fighters get basic wage before they step in the ring then they're obviously the ticket sale will be on top to increase their money so like I said happiness is not complete until it's shared we're very happy at the top of what would be paid granted but that happiness would be nice when other people who like I said were building their careers in the small hole shows are able to get part of this money so that everybody's happy together but that's really what God willing it's all you know in every walk of life all but based on succeeding when you're a winner people listen to you when you lose you smell they don't listen to you right so God willing aids us to be successful I want to strongly engineer for this thing to I'm serious about it where small hole shows which is the birth of boxing a lot of people don't qualify to go through Olympics or to the games come almost so they don't get recognized and it's hard to get a promotional contract from a promoter a major promoter if you don't come with a medal or some thing amateur achievement so you find yourself fighting in small hole shows many enter very few get through the prime example the people who have succeeded from small hole shows Anthony yard comes to mind Craig Richard Craig which is fire that comes to mind there's a number of fighters that come through that way but you have to be extraordinary to swim out that pool of small holes show you have to be extraordinary which is what the plan to me are they were extraordinary they didn't go to the Olympics that didn't go to any of these major games and they've managed to work their way to where the president they are to make a good living from boxing but majority high percentage don't make it through but whereas if it's funded then it will help those who are like I said the thing doesn't mean they're not talented it's just that they haven't had the opportunity to be promoted properly you know so there's a high percentage of people who retire from boxing because they're not they can't make a living out of it they've got full-time jobs although they call themselves professional boxes they're not because they've got full-time jobs not boxing related so they're really part-time boxes but yet again they're going in a ring and fighting you understand where I'm coming from yeah definitely definitely building a Saudi not building some sort of infrastructure done from grassroots level obviously I'm just telling you from my observation it that it might be in their plans but as we speak no as we speak in this country anywhere no in their country I know they've got an academy that they're developing in Riyadh from the grassroots I'm talking about the UK that this Riyadh season's the consistent of many UK based fighters so I'm talking just for the UK it would be nice for some of this Riyadh money to trickle down to the small hall show to support the promoters who have to sometimes it's a business a lot of the shows you see like your your calls and various venues around the country they've actually independent promotes actually lose money or they're break even yeah it's a business so it's some of this funding it's almost like lottery funding that's the sort of thing where some of this money that's floating around should trickle down to support the small hall show to keep boxing the booming the way it is at the moment exactly because although you see what's going on in Saudi it does kind of like you said leave a void here because what's going to create massive void that if we're not careful it's all very well people getting paid millions millions most at the top and what about like I said the or the back the the grassroots of boxing we mustn't neglect that you know and then I hope God knows how long this thing this reality isn't going to last nothing that's my thing done that's my thing because I'm saying what if what if those guys gonna last I mean I hope it continues but God knows how long it's gonna last then what we're gonna do if he if if perk allow shake gets fed up one day done and says you know what I'm fed up a wasting money on boxing that will be a difficult thing for boxing to come back from absolutely absolutely so we need to we need to was a provision is better than Q as they say in life it's good to prevent to see recognize what we're talking about here and do something I will actively actively obviously I'm gonna be very busy preparing Daniel for the fight this is after the fire I will I will hopefully get an appointment with his excellence and I'm proposed it's only to put a proposal is there is a boxing plan demand loves boxing yeah first and foremost is a boxing plan and he actually knows the understands boxing so it's not so it's not just some guy who's got access to money that's you know he actually loves and he can break down boxing to he's so is a big fan of boxing so it's only a question of putting their proposal back and said look you he's excellent said this is what our concern we appreciate what you're doing to make all these fights that wouldn't material all the fights that's happening in the last 18 to 24 months they wouldn't happen this fight take five ten years to meet it sometimes they don't materialize but they're happening like one after the other we're well I mean look at wild diverse AJ exactly I mean I'd be honest with that's what they were planning to happen but we we we get we get crash the party we they were they're doing one down on the wall to be fighting AJ that wasn't the plan it was fury wilder or hug a bitch and three of them felt miserably to come through yeah but that's what what done as you know this is what happens when you sit on fights for that long that wilder AJ that's about five years too late exactly but had his excellency been involved back then that fight would have happened ages ago so it just shows you what the man has done in the short period that he's been the rear season literally injected some some speed acting like a catalyst to to the boxing industry to accelerate the where things are done and how is it how is it out in Saudi done explain that to the um to the or how is it out there in Saudi for as far as the boxing landscape like because you hear talk sport and then they used to complain a lot about the noise and stuff does that type of other you what type of noise you know that how the English men shout like football fans and stuff at the boxing fight okay right the atmosphere it's one of the atmosphere during contest it's not there's two remember this is all new to them even the football that that have got people that run out their name are playing in their league it's a different type of audience that the culture is different they're very respectful yeah so they're still getting used to the way that supports is very very different to the way we support over here right okay so it's very tribal here isn't it's like tribal we got fans opposition fans and shouting at each other in some case some degree the fight one another there's a fight going on in the ring and there's a fight fight breaking out in pockets of but it's not like absolutely not everyone is very highly respected of the what's going on in the ring like I said and it's very strict over there but like I said they're getting used to it they're getting used to to these type of events whether it's football and in our cases boxing they're getting used to it's just a new thing that that that's happening in their country very regular remember this is a new thing and it's happening very regular so they're getting used to the way the way things are done and what I believe going forward what I know that's happening the Saudis are building an infrastructure where they want to make Korea become a main player one of the main players in the world I'm staging sports in general boxing they I believe in the next in the next three to five years based on the infrastructure that witness they're doing over there they want to license an area of let's say 10 kilometers radius area to be able to gambling they're gonna bring gambling and introduce alcohol they're bringing them things in done they're going yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know what to think about that done well well well like I said that if you go there you could see that what they're doing the building infrastructure they're quite aggressive in their approach yeah in terms of the development of all the buildings and all things they're trying to introduce and up and it's it's real it's not secret they're trying they're going to bring in alcohol coming alcohol as you know it's a Muslim country it's a Muslim state they're going to introduce alcohol and gambling once they do that then that's going to attract a lot of the Western world yeah individuals who would then travel there to be like Las Vegas type of place so that I believe that's for their long-term plan is to is to that that's only where this thing will survive and have longevity because it goes hand in hand not that I promote gambling I don't gamble not that I promote alcohol this and I don't drink but I understand on the business side of it is that watching those two elements then it will only encourage people who wouldn't otherwise travel there they then will then travel there to to be able to gamble to be able to drink but that yeah like you said that's gonna bring more people because as we know there's more than British people love booze so if you want to attract that audience hence why they're doing it yeah and because you won't get the they're very religious over there so you're not gonna get the actual citizens of Riyadh or Saudi Arabia so suddenly that drinking and gambling that's not gonna happen you're gonna have to import import your audience and they will do that by interested they will encourage that should I say by introducing such things so done was you was you in the room when um when AJ and and the boy stood up no no no no that's that's one thing that I like what I'm seeing about Daniels now speaking up you have you have to excuse the banging in the background basically there's tools and work came and in my gym upstairs so there's a lot of banging in the background so do excuse that no problem don't know problem man we happy to have you what they had done we have to have you on here so um yeah like I said I'm glad Daniel is coming out of his shell now and called maturity is for maturity and and there's another saying in life you are the company you keep right so there's a lot of people around Daniel at the moment remember he's growing up he's growing day by day is a 26 year old young man right like I said I won't expand on that you are the company you become and you are the company you keep period I won't elaborate anymore on that I mean we can all see the change we can see the change done we can see it and like I said he's done phenomenal job phenomenal job and he made me laugh as well man is that was making me laugh in that interview because they're from they're from Grenada I believe correct correct they're from Grenada so it's good it's good to see anyway it's good to see you at this I know you've always been at the highest level which is horror and things like that but to see you in this corner I'm very very happy done very very happy I can't change it bro guys got got got him powered the father and directed him to bring his son to me and I told him that I said I'm too blessed yeah that you brought your son to me and I'll do anything humanly possible to aid him from my knowledge yeah the kids talented there like I said we're we're operating at 35/40% capacity of this capability in my opinion yeah he's the first ready-made fighter at a very high level that inherited of gotten the opportunity to work with them and I'm relishing the opportunity to to turn this kid into what he he will what he will be I'm excited about it because the kids got so much so much and yeah I'm