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The Power Of Technology In Your Pocket

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03 Jul 2024
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There is no more, now that phones are like the number one thing. A phone is everything inside. Communication device is an email, it's photos, it's a recording device, it's everything, it's everything. But Mark, what do people primarily use their phone for? To send messages to talk, kind, and to go on your social media. Exactly. Do not use it for the other computing capabilities it has. I mean, here's an example, here's an example. Completely simple. Someone said to me, and I will not name the person to protect the quote unquote innocence. But they said to me, "Yo, how do you do this?" I'm like, "You've been serious?" Because, yeah? I said, "If you have not thought about just opening your phone up, and either going into Google, and typing in, how do you do, and then filling the blanks, or alternatively, you go onto the old boob tube and say, "How do I install this software on my phone? How do I fix a puncture? How do I fix a leaking tab? How do I fly a plane? How do I build a spaceship? How do I run a marathon?" Like, we are in the most advanced stage of humanity. In humanity is 12,000 years, allegedly, if you believe that or not, but in humanity is 12,000 years, you are in, meaning you, everyone listening to this, now or a hundred years in the future, well, if you're a hundred years in the future, you're in a different place. Right, this is a canal, we're in the most advanced age of humanity, meaning that I can get up from this computer right now and run into a problem, and then go onto Google and ask how to fix that problem, and I'm going to find out how to do it, and even if you're someone who don't learn that well from actually looking at bullet points, you can damn near put a video on your TV that shows you step one through to step 10 of how to fix any problem - Noble, I've been right in this house, I should have told you when you was here that too long ago, you know, you know my wifi, I've got a special wifi box, so I don't use, you know, like if you go to like BT, BT will give you a box, yeah, I got exactly, I got my own box, now this box up to 50 meters, I can be in the back of the garden or right in the front of the house, or in the back of the toilet, out the back or anywhere in the yard, it picks up beautifully, but the reason why I'm using that as an example is because I installed that myself, me, installed that, and you know how I did that, YouTube, literally the boys on YouTube, yeah, with the computer screen talking through how to do it, it took me, I was up from like say midnight to like 3am doing this, because in this house that's the only time things get done, because in the day, you could probably hear right now, you hear that, be a noise anyway, but yeah, that's the only time, now what I'm trying to say is, what I'm trying to say is, if I learn how to do that, to the point where other people would say, yo, you fit in that, can you fit mine, I'm like yo, if I fit that, it's gonna catch you 50 feet, I'm gonna have to charge you 50 pounds for my time, because I don't my parents want to earn you a charge, but I don't my parents want, and then I don't want a community center as well, yeah, Mark, what are you identifying outside of the obvious, now you're going into something totally different, not totally different, but very related, ending and developing in a skill, which you can then parlay via crayons, exactly, I've just showed you that I've learned a skill, well I haven't learned a skill, but I've found that, I figured out a way how to do something, as a skill, Mark, as a skill, and so exactly, so, if you could learn how to do that, what else can you learn, that can be beneficial, it's just about starting on that journey, but it's about encouraging people to start on that journey, but if you rewind the clock 30 years, a man could get up in the morning and say, "I am broke, I've not unguarantined." He had to go outside physically and figure it out, a man can get up in 2024 and say, "Not unguarantined, I'm broke," if you use this device, the way are it supposed to be used, you'll make money, 100%, 100%, it doesn't, and I'm not saying you have to be an influencer or no rubbish like that, matter of fact I shouldn't say rubbish, but you don't have to do none of that. Well no, Mark, no, no, I get what you're saying, but it is, let's peel the layers back, an influencer is doing what? No, but no, but you know why I don't want to say it's rubbish, because we're talking about like your front street influencer, but you've got some influencer out there, like there's this woman who, all she doesn't show out the best way to organize your house, so the best way to use minimalistic space, it's for store, now that is somebody who I believe is doing great work. Would you class them as an influencer? I guess this is like a modern, like it is clearly a modern term, but I wouldn't class that person as an influencer, that's someone who is showing, you know, tangible things, ways to create space in small spaces, create art, whatever, that's not infinite, that's not infinite. No, but that is just one of the things that the lady does, so for conversation sake, I'll give you an example, so I'm into vacuums I am, yeah, it's certain that I've inherited, so my dad, I've said it on stream before, my dad had a Kirby, you know about them Kirby isn't it? You talk back in them days, you know the bread that them things class. Now I just remember the prank, how my mom was like, he bought the Kirby from a salesman who come to the yard, so when I remember saying yo, how come my pockets isn't into this vacuum so much, but we've still got it, that Kirby is in the office now, still got it, so what I'm trying to say is I inherited that knack for like vacuums and so right now, even right now I've got, there's about four vacuums in there now, yeah, four vacuums now, when I'm buying a vacuum now, I've researched it normal, like I watch all the videos, videos, I watch, over customers that have brought it, and what I'm saying is this woman now, you can watch it, and if she's saying that vacuum's good, it's good, it's a fish, yeah, it's a fish, that type of influencer, so it's not, someone can't just come to her and say, I got some cash, can you promote this, no, no, she has to know it's a good product, she has to use it for, or she won't, she won't review it, you know them ones, she ain't reviewing it then, if she don't use it, if she's not, and she won't review it, she's not that kind of person, yeah, integrity, I still, in me personally, I don't class, I wouldn't class that person as an influencer, I don't know what I would class them as, but I wouldn't class them as an influencer, to me an influencer is what you're saying, like, give me the dough and I'll do whatever, I'm known for my beauty, I'm known for whatever, and yeah, based upon that I'm going to parlay money and use my influence to sell the product, but isn't that person influencing you to purchase that product, because remember, if I'm, you gotta think, if I'm Dyson, yeah, these companies, Dyson, Henry, Shark, all these companies now, they have had to realize that, yo, before we could have a product and we could just put a marketing budget behind the TV, now we can't do that, now we've literally gotta give it to someone to review it, so you gotta think that if Dyson go to her and say yo, we're gonna give you the latest Dyson for free, a person without integrity is gonna turn around and say, I've got that for free, this is the best thing, a person with integrity is gonna look and say, hey, give me that, I'll take the Dyson, but here, well, I ain't reviewing it unless you pay me, you see what I'm saying, you gotta pay me, and when I review it, it's gonna be a honest review, I'm not gonna review it just to sell the product to build up a relationship, and that is few and far between, so if you're a person like that, you will get a lot of business on the internet, if you're a person like that where someone trusts you, like Matt from Carlisle, you see Matt from Carlisle, people trust that, listen, me, myself, if my man was to say, yo, this car is whack, don't buy it, I ain't buying it nooboo.