AFL Enjoyers

AFL Enjoyers - Round 19 Reaction and Review

1h 10m
Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Pineapple does pop up. They pop it in the other little bit of that. - When you put in a little bit of, I didn't even put a teaspoon, I just put like a little bit. - Yeah, just the pineapple on pizza tick. Pineapple in tea, tick. - Pineapple on pizza, tick? - Yeah, bro. - I don't know about that man, to be honest with you. - You're chicken and barbecue pizza with the pineapple. - Delicious, man. Look. - I don't mind, you know, if you guys wanna, you know, have pineapples on your pizzas, that's okay, I'm not gonna judge you guys, you know. I'm supportive of you guys to do so. However for me, it's just not my cup of tea personally. - Can I be honest? - Yeah. - I'll be complete. I feel like I have a fair view on pineapple on pizza. - Okay. - The fair view is this, right? I totally get it if you prefer five, six other flavors and you never order it, but if it's there and you had to eat it, I think if you don't like it, you have an unsophisticated palate. That's my opinion. - Unophisticated. - I think if you appreciate the blending of sweet and salty, that for me tells you you've got a pretty good palate. - What? - I get if you would never order it, I get that. - I feel like just that someone's just kick me in the, - Yeah. - In the dick there. - Bookman, not if everyone can have a sophisticated palate. - Ah, if it's not like a bad thing, it's just, hey, fair enough. - He's got a grease and have the most sophisticated palate while we actually-- - It's not written now, I'm just gonna give us with like every day with, you know, (speaking in foreign language) - He's still winning though, he's still winning. - Yeah, true. Anyway, look, welcome back to the pod. Apologies for an episode from last week. Yeah, we've turned into a non footy podcast talking about food and pizza and stuff and like like normal podcasts, I guess. You guys see Trump get shot. (laughing) All right, now let's stop it there. - To be fair with us non-potting last week, North got whacked, Carlton lost Twitter. We were never gonna do that part anyway. - Yeah, it's true, but now look, what's it called? So I was a bit under the weather, I didn't want to infect the boys, you know what I mean? That's not how we do things, but now it is nice, it is nice to be back onto getting into the swing of things. We're testing some new equipment. So apologies if there's any issues with the audio and the camera quality, but yeah, we've got a little stop gap for when I leave 'cause we record on my phone usually. - We just watched North and Carlton, so-- - Tada, tada, tada, I won't be doing any of that for you. - If I, George is a gentleman as always. If I'm a bit extra emotional, that's why. But I think I've been bad yourself. - I'd be angry at the new guys. - I think I behaved myself, didn't I? - Yeah. - It was pretty good. - Yeah, nah, you were pretty calm. - Got a bit angry at the umpires. - Yeah, nah, look, the umpires, standard Carlton North game to be on. - Yeah, exactly, right, exactly. But look, I think we'll go back to the start of the round and the start of the round was exciting and enjoyable because a team that we've so famously have, you know, shit on. (laughing) - You're trying to say it politely, shit on. - Yeah, nah, nah, nah, look, I'm taking shots on my way out, you know what I mean? I'm gonna enjoy myself. So look, shout out to, shout out to Adelaide, man. So, that's Adelaide, you know, for, you know, making our view of Essendon being frauds and pretenders, you know, somewhat valid, you know what I mean? So that was pretty sweet. - Very enjoyable game to watch, to be honest with you. - Yeah. - Super high scoring, some crazy transition between these teams. I think Adelaide kicked the goal from defensive half in like three kicks with Darcy Fogarty. And I'll tell you what, Darcy Fogarty is the top player that has kind of been pigeonholed in the past as being really accurate, but a bit of a plotter. That guy's got some serious burst and power. And Ben Keys, mate, he plays two good games a year. One of them is his Carlton. He dominates Carlton, but when he plays a good game, he plays an incredible game. Five goals, one, 22 disposals. He was in everything. Every time he was around the ball, he won it. He's incredible. And I think it was basically those two players that took on the whole of Essendon. It's crazy. - All right, so here's the thing here. We've doubted, not just us, right? Everyone has doubted Essendon this year because there's never really been a game where you like, "Yep, that's Essendon proving themselves against a really good team." And then they kind of did. They beat Geelong. Everyone was like, "Okay." Oh, no, sorry, they lost the Geelong. They beat Collingwood. But now everyone's looking at Collingwood like, they're not all that. When they beat the Giants earlier in the year, then later, they went on a losing streak. They weren't all that. So they really haven't really beaten any good team in their prime in a big game. So, okay, the doubt was there, but the results were also there. So you couldn't really shouldn't have done too much because they were there. But now, they've fallen to eighth and they got the worst percentage of any team up until leaving Collingwood in 13th. And all the talk, I flagged this a few weeks ago. I said, "Bomas play as Bomas coach." They're talking a lot about learning from last year. They're talking heaps about it. What is this? No techs, no ranking. Two Adelaide defenders down during the game. So they're short on the bench. And you can't run that out. You let them score how many goals in that second quarter within like 10 minutes. And then you come back and then you don't finish the job at home? - Yeah. - What is that? - The accident plate, like Merritt Caldwell got injured. Nick Mardin, they started playing state. They didn't touch the bone in the last quarter, man. It was all Adelaide. - Nice, sure. - There's big problems there. And the funniest thing. And I really sincerely hope Brad Scott stays with his job. This guy actually said it's a press conference. - Nothing to worry about. - It's not a structural issue. It was an execution issue. When you're not the subtext of that is, it's not me, it's the players. And that's the typical Brad Scott bullshit. - You're right. You're right. - That's facts, man. Politician. - If you can see, if you can see 115 points to Adelaide away with all those outs, you mean to tell me there's nothing wrong with the structure? It's all execution. You're sheeting on your plays that much, bro. - That's pretty harsh. - I'm telling a man, 'ecident, look, their fans are kind of feel sorry for it. Not really, but kind of. Because they always go on these rollercoats that you're in the year. - I feel sorry for them, man. - They go on these rollercoats the right, but at the end of the day, your coach will not deliver when it matters. Even if you did make the finals. I'm not gonna say they're not gonna make it, they might. But you're not gonna deliver. I'm sorry, it's just not gonna happen. - That's fair, that's fair. I think, look, you know what, it's nice. It's a really, it's justified. It's really justified the view throughout the season, man. I'll tell you that much. I cannot believe they're sitting in Las State game though. - I know. - And you know, I just looked at the previous week. We didn't get a chance to shoot on them last week when, you know, we didn't do the pod. They lost to Melbourne, who just got smacked by 50 against Freya. You know what I mean? - A depleted Melbourne. - A depleted Melbourne. - You're playing teams with all their best players out. - Yeah. - And you are letting them beat you. - We're talking about the, like, for Melbourne, it's their best player. - Correct. - Correct score. - And Tracker. - And Tracker. - How relates to most influential players forward to the ball, Tex and Rankin out? Fuel Thorpe's just getting back into the game. You're letting him kill you. - True. - Fogarty killing you. He's killing you. Like, what is going on? - Yeah, you can't let keys kill you, man. - Nah, fair enough. - But they came, and here's the thing, they came back. I was thinking like, this is hilarious, they're losing. And then they came back and like, okay, fair enough. Good on them. - And when they came back, you're like, my essence is going to wrestle control this game. - And then they were up by three goals. It's like how long to go, not long. I'm sorry, man. It's disgusting. I would be embarrassed to be an SNF fan. - On the other hand, if you're an Adelaide fan, like-- - Well done. - But this is the other thing, just enjoy it. Soak it up, man. We'll soak it up. - This is the thing about Adelaide. Like, they've demonstrated they can play good football. And they've won a couple of big games at Marvel away this year. Where is this performance throughout the whole year? Like, to me, they've just been up on a pretty, like in, well, we don't know what we really think of SNF, but say a decent mid-tier team, they've beat 'em away. If they had played a consistent level throughout the year, they would be in the contention for top eight as well. So it's a good win from Adelaide, but if I was a supporter, I'd be thinking, man, where has this been all year? - Correct. It is one of those. - To me, it highlights Adelaide's potential. And they're not executing it consistently. - That's fair, man. - They were in a bit of a weird spot, I think. They tried to sort of rush their rebuild and convince themselves they were more ready than they were. There's nothing wrong with this half step back, 'cause they do have really good young players. In fact, one of them I wanted to bring up, and I had a note during the game, like, what's happened to Rachelli? Ironically, he's the one that wins the game. - Yeah. - But during the game, I'll be honest in the order of my notes. I actually had written down, like, what's wrong with this guy? 'Cause I'm watching the first half, and I must say, he looks huge. Like, he's put on a lot of size, but he looks a bit too big. Like, he's lost all his agility. He looks slow. I'm like, this guy's like the world's shortest power for whatever. Like, that's how the body he's going for at the moment. - Yeah. - When you think back to, like, two years ago, he was, like, slight and nippy. - Nippy, yeah. And he just didn't look good, and then obviously he comes out, he kicks three, he kicks the winner. So, like, maybe he's just in a weird sort of phase of physical development. I still think he's a really good player, but, you know, I feel Thorpe's looking huge. I don't know what they're eating over there. - Yeah, Thorpe. - I reckon that might get done for a bit of a saga, to be honest with you. Like, what's going on here? - Maybe, maybe, 'cause, you know, like, how old is Thorpe to have that good beard? - 22, probably two. - Yeah, 'cause that makes a bit of sense, 'cause, like, you know, when you're on the roids, you know, the beard starts going to be thicker. And that's not what I've done, 'cause clearly I'm not that big, right? But that's a thing. That's the thing, the beard goes stronger. So, you know, I don't know, Manasada. - He's done a voyage in return, Thorpe. He's gone on a journey, he's come back, a man. - He's a Viking. - Yeah, he's a Viking now. He's got the big, the scary beard. It's, honestly, he might be one of my favorite players on the back of two weeks, bro. Honestly, he's so good to watch, man. - He's the new Charlie Dixon. He's the Charlie Dixon. - Exactly. Did I mention that on the, in the group chart? - I don't know. - 'Cause I wanted to mention it on the part, and you just did it for me. - Oh, sorry, bro. - Nah, it's all good, man. It's a good call. It's a great call, 'cause big boy can play a bit in the rock, but you don't really want him to play in the rock, 'cause you want him in the forward line, make an impact. You know, so, can provide structure to your team, just, you know, based off one guy. - Yeah, he is. There's a quote that you used for Dixon, if you used the other one. - Did I? - Yes, and I remember that. We go with the callbacks today. - I know, I know, I made a weird callback earlier before the pod. Don't worry about it. (laughing) You know, it gets a bit political. But, yeah, now look, man, it's good way to start the round, man. - Can I just say as well, how good was the Rachelli hugging the fan moment? - I liked it. - Does it James heard to the bombers? - Yeah. - I don't know if that was a conscious thing, but I'm gonna do a James heard if I get the winner. It can't be. - But did he know that fan? - No way. It didn't look like it. I don't think so. What a moment though. Like, bombers fans watching that must think like, "Geez, we used to be so good. We used to have heard and Lloyd and Fletcher." - And now we've got Draper doing. - Now we've got a real dive ski. - Worst tournament in the league, Draper. - Yeah, I'm not a fan of Draper at all. You know, apparently they, like, Nick's mentioned it to the players. They brought up the Draper dive thing, you know, to say, "Hey, if this doesn't roll you up, I don't know what wheel, man." So, you know, it was good. They got their revenge. They did, they did that. That was their revenge game. - Well done, coz, bombers. Sorry, this was always gonna happen. So don't act too surprised. - It'd be interesting now, if they don't make the finals this year, does Scott keep his job? - Hope so. - I think he will. - Yeah. - Because what's the point of changing it? - Fair enough. But I actually, if you wanna look at the, maybe we'll look at the latter at the end, but the dogs. - We should be reflecting on the latter throughout the business. - The dogs are ninth, right? - Crazy. - And playing really good football. And I wouldn't be surprised if the final latter is Sydney Carlton Giants Jelong, Port Brisbane free mental dogs. - Yeah, fair enough. - That's Essendon dropping, Melbourne dropping, Hawthorne not making it. - That's fair. - And Pye's not making it. - Yep. - I agree. - And Hawks are probably capable of making it, but. - Well look, all I'll say is, every single one of those teams you mentioned has had a big win and proven themselves and they've got better percentage. So, you know, I mean, Essendon's percentage is like St. Kilders. They're 2% apart, man. I'm sorry, like. - That's crazy, man. - I don't wanna overly hate here, but. - And it's still better than Collinwoods. - I want the best teams in the finals. - Yeah, exactly right. There you go. - All right, so the next game, I honestly didn't watch it and I don't even wanna really talk about it with any of my opinion, because Gold Coast lost the way again. They were disappointing away again. I don't wanna talk about these muppets anymore to be honest with you. I think these guys are a complete joke. Yeah, well, they are. I think they actually had a lot more inside pieces than the Giants. So that was interesting, but. - Six goals for him. That'll do it to him. - Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. Well, the only thing I really wanna, something I did notice in the game was Toby Green. He didn't have a huge game, but the two goals that he did score. - Yeah. - The over the head kick. - Over the head kick was good. - Oh, I saw that. - And the dancing, the dancing weaving between the defenders. That was pretty sweet as well. So those were the kind of the highlights of the game. I think what's good for them, right, is all of a sudden Darcy Jones is back into the side and he's been, you know, hasn't had huge numbers, but he's been effective as a young player, as a small forward out there. Brent Daniels in his milestone game gets a couple goals as well. They've still got, they've got Bedford playing in the midfield now, tagging. They get so much value out of their small forwards, probably more than any other club just about. They're dangerous and they're so quick. - I know, I know exactly. And then they've got the other guy you mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Faunty, who's quick as well. Whitfield has that pace. But yeah, that'll just smashing him. That'll just smashing him like, the typical like GWS way off the half-back, you know what I mean, just, just crushing him. - Gocos couldn't stop that transition run from them, which is what GWS has gotten back over the last couple of weeks. So this time they get a lot more damaging again. I mean, Whitfield 40 possessions. Philand is 43. So two very high scores. - That's crazy man, that's crazy. I'll say it, Tom Green coming back into form a little bit as well. He's getting his touches, getting in and under a bit more. Also another good game, another good game. He was the other guy, had a good game. That was gonna mention. Actually, not so much a good game, but he's back into form now. He's Kieran Briggs. I think he's playing a lot better than he has than he started the season. But he had a couple of dominant performances prior to this week. And I think this week was okay as well. You know, not the best, but you know. - Well, it had to be this week. I mean, he's playing a good young Rachman in Ed Moyle, but if that's not the match up where you can give your midfielders first use, I don't know what is. 'Cause the rest of the Rachman in the league are more experienced than Moyle than probably better than him. - Yeah, but he's saying that. - He's good though. - We've said we've said it before. Moyle's actually, he's an AFL Rachman man. He's not a AFL boy anymore, he deserves to be, yeah, first Rachman in a team. Who knows if it's gonna be for Gold Coast? Like, does this give them an opportunity to move on from Wids? You know what I mean? Save Jelon came calling who need a Rachman, right? Jelon come calling, let's say, first round of four Wids, you know what I mean? And then we just go, "I will run with Moyle." And it's not the hugest, he's their captain though, right? And they're true, true. You can't really trade your captain, can you? - Well, you can. It's been done before. - Yeah, true. - Remember what? - Yeah, you convinced me pretty quickly. - Ryan Griffin, he got traded. - Yeah. - I don't know what type of team they were at the time, they're the dogs, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, and I guess he was offered big money as well. - Yeah. - Yeah, look, I don't know, just food for thought, because I think when you look at how to fix teams, you know, it's trying to maximize value out of your, you know, players in different positions. If you've got this huge value of Moyle, you know, in the reserves because you got to play Wids, it's kind of a shame, you know? - The thing is that the problem that a lot of teams have, but it's probably a good problem is you kind of need two good Rachman, because if one Rachman goes down and they've gone for six weeks and just exposed in the middle, you can't have that. - That's true, that's true. - Every team needs a VFL Rachman sitting there waiting and able to come in and play a good role. That's actually just needed for-- - And Wids himself isn't the most durable player, so-- - No, he's not. - It's not the worst person to understudy for. - That's fair, that's fair, I guess. - You know, they're probably gonna try to get that timing just right, like how North did with Sherry and Goldstein, you know what I mean? In saying that Wids is a lot younger than Goldstein, I'm assuming, like, actually he would be, he'd be several years younger than Goldstein, so, you know, it's probably not the right time yet, but, you know. Yeah, I don't know man, how patient can Moyle be? - Could just be if he's just better than Wids eventually, then Wids goes to the VFL. - Yeah, true. - He just becomes better than him. Doesn't need to be a handover and then Wids is done or leaves, he's not good anymore. - Yeah, that's fair, that's fair. That's a lot of talk about-- - A lot of talk about, that goes to the whole question. - Well look, we should just say-- - You won't find that anywhere else, exactly. - We should just-- - We are rejoices of AFL, after all, so, yeah. - That doesn't prove it, I don't know what that is. - Exactly right, exactly right. - I will say, giants a few weeks ago, we were sort of saying, oh, these guys, what's happened to 'em, I did say it would not surprise me if they were back up a few weeks. Now they're fifth, so there you go. - There it is man, there it is. - And they're not even, like, informed properly though. - Not properly. I mean, they, when they came up against Carlton, that was kind of their turnaround, and they were really, really strong. I don't think they looked as good yesterday, but when players like Jesse Hogan are kind of firing, he's kind of like, do we say barometer, like when he's conking those Contessa marks, they just look like a completely different team. And if there's one guy that's gonna challenge Colonel for the Coleman this year, it's this guy, it's a two-person race, I think. - That's fair. - That's fair. - Next game, Saints did the biz against West Coast. West Coast is just a sorry side at the moment, once again. - Yeah, it's, when you're making Saint Kilda, look really, really, really good. And what did they score? They scored a big, what did they score? - Huge score, 113. Memory, 23 Disposals, 10 marks and five goals. - That's crazy man, that's just crazy. Look, I guess would that happen with McGovern playing? Maybe not, like that 10 marks from memory? Come on, that couldn't happen. But look, yeah, it's, I think Saint Kilda, at least they showed, hey, you know, we can, you know, put teams to the sword, because they win, when did they win? - They won last week. - Oh, no, they lost that. - Last week was bad. - But the previous week, you know, they beat the swans. So it shows at least that, you know, they're not, the wheels haven't completely fallen off for them. You know, that's really all you can say for this game, to be honest with you, because like, it's the end of the season, and I think the Eagles just wanna get to the finish line, and they're crawling, they're crawling there. - And you know what, Saints have had a tough year, filed their expectation, it would be fun for their fans, to just enjoy winning, you know. - That's it, that's it. - Get the job done, and just hopefully some of it sticks for next year, but. - You know, sort of similar way to Adelaide, you know, the season's over, but look, here's a little bit of enjoyment, you know, to finish off your season, you know, smack up a team. Well, you could say the same about Collinwood. - Well, let's go there. - Let's go there. - Your season's done too, baby. So just enjoy the next couple of weeks, if you can. - Oh, man. Hey, man, little, some little photos from Gini. - Yeah, and then again. - Gini was taken the absolute piss, mate. - Actually, the whole team was taken the piss, they slaughtered them, they really did, man. - How are you, and this isn't against Gini, man, at all, 'cause I think he's a decent player. How do you let this guy get 30 disposals in the wet? That's crazy. - I know, man. - The whole net score, 133 points in the wet. - Correct. And the start of the game, something I did notice. You know how, like, Collinwood's got this big thing about, and obviously, big thing, it's obviously worked because they've won a premiership, but the camaraderie, they never give up attitude, all this stuff. I noticed a lot of like, there was a tackle, like five guys go around the guy and congratulate him. You know, a good spoil for a behind. Darcy Moore does a spoil, everyone's getting around him. And then just as the game went on, it stopped. And that just tells me that like, they were rived up to, you know, be there for each other and, you know, team win, let's do this. And then the Hawks were just like, yeah, that's not gonna be enough today. - Not happening, man. - High fives and how exonk gonna be enough to beat us today. - Something's changed with the pies. And over the last couple of weeks, when they've gone into three quarter time with behind, they just haven't even remotely looked like coming back like they have. And I feel like a couple of weeks ago, I remember who, I think it was Cats. Was that last week, the Cats? Or a couple of weeks ago, when, probably one of the best the Cats. The Cats just played keepings off the last quarter. They just played keepings off the last 10 minutes. They didn't let Colin touch the ball. And I just feel like, potentially teams have finally worked out how to play this team. I don't know, maybe there's something structurally that's affecting the way Colin was playing, but that way that they were doing last year, attacking in waves, coming back, playing fast football, being there for the hand pass from receiver, it's just not connecting. And it just looks like it's kind of day cost, kind of trying to do his thing, not being as effective because people are hanging off him, and suddenly nothing works anymore. Darcy Moore looks like he's exposed. Not just nothing's working for him. - Here's the one thing I wanted to mention. I'm glad you brought that up. So I don't know exactly what's going on with him. Obviously there's some injuries, you can't ignore that. But something's wrong defensively. And I'm sick and tired of hearing the word Nathan Murphy. Stop blaming this guy. - Yeah. - Yes, you got concussion, he had to retire. You can't tell me that this one guy takes Collingwood from this super organized defensive team, Darcy Moore's the best, to what's going on now. 'Cause he's playing bad all year. He's allowed to have a down year, but one 33 points to Hawthorne in the wet, to any team in the wet, is a disgrace. - Bro, it touched the ground in Hawthorne's 4.50 goal. - Stoppage goal, now bringing up the stats consistently, stoppage scores from Hawthorne inside their 50. So inside 50 stoppages was through the roof. I can't remember the number. But how are you letting in the wet clean clearance in your 50? And scores. There's no explanation for that. That just tells me Hawthorne is just like next level mentality compared to them right now. - 100% man, 100%. And now all of a sudden you look at that team as well, man. It's just like, so obviously they're losing their stoppages. Does that mean their midfield shit? I think it kind of does right now. - George said the other week. What does it tell you when Pendlebury inside what I'm a still their best midfielders? Aside from Dave, yes. - Yeah, so it's to go, he's injured, right? - He's in, but he's forward, he's not as explosive. - He was playing, he was playing. - So Tom Mitchell is their clearance player that hasn't played. Who else is missing from their midfield? - I'm trying to think. So the guys who run in there, so Dave's-- - Crisp. - Crisp. - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't know. Who else is there? - I don't think there's anyone else. - Why do I feel like there's one other player that's-- - Or Lipinski, what do you think? - No, he was there. - Yeah, no, look, what I'm getting at is, I just think for the future, I don't think Daikos has a proper running mate, apart from maybe the goy bit. Do you shoot with the goy, he's not like a proper two-way running player, you know what I mean? I don't think he's, I think he's, he's almost like a stringer almost in the middle, you know what I mean? He chucks string ring, he's a big body, he wins the clearance and he bangs it forward, you know? I don't know if the goy has that, you know, that tank on him. - Isn't it interesting that when things start to fall apart, you look at this side that won the flag last year, and suddenly there's holes in all their team. - Yeah, 100% yeah. - And suddenly, Bo McQuiry is not the player that he was last year. - Yeah, he was, he was one that they were saying, possibly going in the midfield, you know? And this doesn't happen, you know? You just look at these different spots and you go away, is he actually that good? A really good system makes individual players look good, when that's not working, the defensive isn't right. It all look, it all falls apart. - We talk Quayana was like, wow, look at this guy, all Australian small four-type vibe. And all of a sudden, it's just like, Brianne doing much to help out that defense. - Correct, and the thing is, like I mentioned before, Collingwood sort of won the premiership last year, based on skill, but also just incredible heart, and never give up attitude and whatnot. Teams have just figured out now, like, if you want to beat this team, you have to want it, not just a bit more than them, you need to want it way more than them. And Hawthorne has just had that attitude every week, let alone, they'll play in Collingwood. And Collingwood's lost that over the Tiger, so to speak, to throw in a rocky reference. Like they just don't have that killer edge anymore. - And Hawthorne does, like Hawthorne's the opposite end of the spectrum, trying to prove themselves, and you saw it, it was kind of like little brother, just beat up big brother. - Yeah, one more thing to say about Collingwood. So we've said, yeah, midfield, defense, right? So key defenders, not much there, really. Let's be fair, and even Darcy Moore himself, right? Apart from being good at speeches, man, he can't win a one-on-one, you know what I mean? Like, he doesn't do too much, man, like he's more than the interceptor type guy. And then you look at the forward line, that's my check, and... - It's meant to be McStae, he's only come back now, it's meant to be Kruger, he's out again. - Yeah, exactly, it's just, it's not promising, man. You know, on both ends of the ground and in the middle, so personnel-wise, that is. But then, yeah, I don't know, look. - Did you, to be a bit more, like, I think they're cooks, to be honest, I think the injuries and their mentality is just not there anymore. Other teams will want it more simply. How good, we mentioned Ginaven, did you guys see when he was just giving it to the Collingwood she has got? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was great. - That was great. - Anyone that says, unless you're a Collingwood fan piece of stuff at him, I get it. Anyone else, if you don't like that, you don't like entertainment. - No, that's it. - I wish every team had players like that. - Yeah, and there's just so much, just some vibe around the Hawks right now, and they're, I've said it before, they're social media is unbelievable, you know what I mean? They're just enjoying them, they're footy, enjoying each other, and it's just great to say, man. - I agree with that, but I think the Collingwood fans should be shouting at their coach in their list management for ditching Ginevin for no reason and getting lucky shoots. - Yeah, look, you say no reason, but I think mixed day might have something to say about, you know, about that one. You got, have I told you about the mixed day stuff? - No, tell us the room. - What's your mate's friend's cousin said now? - No, no, I'm not saying it on the pod. I'm not saying it on the pod, but, shout out to mixed day, you know, is a good dude, man. Look, I'll explain. - Oh, is this in the off season? - We're talking about a video. - Yeah. - Yeah, no video. - We'll talk about it, but anyway. - Look, there's a few things I want to tell you guys before I leave about, you know, stuff that my mate's told me. - It's a matter of tells all with four of those degrees. - Yeah, and 100% look, there's some interesting. - I'm looking forward to that. - Yeah, nah, so yeah. - We'll get back to mixed day and get it, and there's a reason why Ginevin is the winner of photos. - All right, all right, all right. - Well, to talk about-- - Ooh, Illuminati, bro. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. - Just to talk about shorts for a moment though, right? So Collingwood, everyone's like, oh, look at Collingwood. They just see the player they want. They just get him. They give away their first round pick. How good's this? - They've messed up their list perfectly. This pick now is currently pick, what would it be, seven or eight, if they're 13th? So, no, fifth or sixth, whatever it is, anyway. And this is a draft where there's lots of good, even midfielders. - Yeah, no, no. - What do we just say they need? - A midfielder. - A running mate for niktakers. - So they're gonna have to mortgage probably a future first round pick to get back into this first round and hope that they pick the right guy. - They're in trouble. - That is bad. - And you know what? If they do rebuild again for a few years, at least they want a premiership. So no one can take that away. - I can't take, they won the fight. - They want a piece that they want it. - I'm just a piece that they want it. 'Cause imagine they got so close they failed and then they fall off again. - Can I say before we're going heavy on them? One thing I will say, they're falling off this year, but I don't know if I think just yet that it's completely over for this team. - No. - Because it's looking bad right now. Next year they could go in with the same team and have completely different results. - That's true. - He's the way I say it. But the thing is, it just looks less likely. - They're gonna have to recruit, well, not just draft, but free agents. Because if Pendlebury and Side Bottom hang it up in the next two years, guys like Finn McCray and that, I don't know if they're the guys. - Nah, nah, I think so. - Who is it, exactly? We're trying to get names. Mitchell's cooked as well, apparently. - Belly Smith, baby. - That's one, maybe, maybe. So we'll see. Yeah, I agree. I don't think they're gonna bottom out by any means, but you don't need to be too bad to be 13th, as you can see. They're still a decent side, but they're 13th now. - Well, the other thing we're probably not mentioning is the audience, if they don't know, that Colin's got a very tough run. - Yes. - Coming up. They're versing, they got Brisbane, they got Sydney, they got Melbourne, they got another good team in there as well. So they got Carlton, which they'll probably still win the bust. But anyway, like it's a tough run, and there's a lot of competition for sports. So it does look a strong possibility, Esther and Colin would don't make the finals this year. - Yeah, interesting. Just to quickly finish it off, I think we should just talk about Hawthorne just a little bit more. - No, we have to talk about Hawthorne. - And quite a little bit. - Watching them play, I haven't seen too much of this win streak. I've seen bits and pieces, but this game I actually watched most of. Something about it, and obviously, I don't understand the nuance and the structure and things, but it always just seems like they're ready for the overlap. Like someone marks it, there's like three of them in a handball chain on the wing. They just, they seem pretty clever at strategically outnumbering the opposition at the right time, in the right moment. And then all of a sudden, there's just running. So many of their goals, even in the wet, were transition. And to move the ball that quickly, but not just like a hurry kick in the wet, it was really impressive. - Yeah, well, that's the game style, and that's what Sam Mitchell was kind of recruited for. So they're gonna continue to play that way for years to come. And that's kind of what Sam Mitchell, he talked about a year ago saying that he wants to set up a team for this type of game style. So it does look like they're understanding that. It allows them to play fast, allows them to score quickly. But I just, I feel like a couple of the players that are unheralded, like even Dan Browser, they picked up, has had a great impact of the half back or the wing. I feel like Josh Weddle was a really good player as well. - Great player. - Like Joel as a pick up, you know, was really good on the weekend. - Yeah, my boy. - Matt's boy, Joel. - All of these players you mentioned have pace, and they've got a bit of flair to them. - Yeah, yeah. - So like, you know, the thing is with them, right? I don't think, so Weddle might have been an end to first round type guy. - Late first, yeah. - They paid, yeah, late first, so they paid. You could say at the time, it felt like a lot for him, right? - But an end to first isn't a huge, huge, you know, you know, investment into some, all right? But say for Dan Browser and for Joel, I think Joel was a borderline like salary dump, you know what I mean? He might have been a third round pick or something. And Dan Browser, not much more, maybe even less, you know what I mean? They've got guys like, very little investment in them, like what's it called, asset-wise. And they've just, they've just paid them back, you know, what about Lloyd Meek? - Lloyd Meek as well, yeah, exactly. The year before that, they've found their ruckman, you know? He's just fine as a ruckman. - Well, what it is, I think, and a team I'll criticise, 'cause I believe they don't do this, is Port Adelaide, right? I said this before, I'll say it. I think they recruit simply like, oh, we need defensive reinforcements. Who's willing to come to us? - Yeah. - Radigalia worked out, Zerkzacha, meh. You didn't need to get him. I think Hawthorn, on the other hand, are strategic in the way, like, lately, getting a guy like Joel. Why does it work out? 'Cause they play this fast, flare-style football, and you bring in Marby or Joel. Of course, that's gonna work out. You're gonna get the best out of him. Why not? Ginneven, you know? So I think there's a way to recruit. I think Hawthorn's doing it well. You don't need to get the big fish through all the money at them, just to say that you got them, like some other teams do. - That's fair, that's fair. And I think with Joel, like, I think every, like, criticism that he had in regards to being lazy and not putting, you know, the effort in, it's kind of just gone away, man, because I don't know if it's because he's in a better team environment, but he doesn't look like, even though he's body language appears, you know, relaxed and like, he's just, lacks a day as cool as they say. The effort's there. You can see it, you know what I mean? Look, the hard running's there. It's the-- - If you provide enough in your other skills, you can't be perfect at everything. That's my opinion. - Yeah, yeah. But I don't even think there's an issue with his effort at all. I think his effort's just fine. He just looks relaxed while he's doing it, you know what I mean? He just looks, it appears-- Yeah, I don't know, it's the body language, but that's fine. You know, it's just, yeah. - But, um, so, look, well done to the Hawks. I like seeing them do well. It gives me hope that North Three built can turn around faster. Yeah. I think they're a shout for the eighth spot. I know the dogs are probably the favourites for it. - But let's go. - Why not? We're rooting for the, we're rooting for the Hawks. Let's be clear. - They've been the informed team in the second half of the year now that Sydney's lost a few games. So, they lost the first five games, man. And everyone was panicking. And then Sir William Day comes into the team and he just, he changes every single day. Oh, I had to, I had to. Man, you had another great game. Look about Sicily. Sicily's, look, every player, every player that I love, and I've made it clear that I love, Joel Day and Sicily, the broadcast were frothing out there, they loved them. And I just like-- Sicily only has one shoulder and he's still performing. Yeah, look, I don't know how true that is, but if true, it's incredible, man. Yeah, he just, he always knows where to be, man. He's the, I think, where's the argument now? Is he, is Tom Stewart still better than him? Do you guys still consider-- - Not as that hard-- - Not as that hard. - It's a midfielder now. - I know, not as that he's accepting half back 'cause Chris Scott's playing your own ball. - Yeah, true, true. - 'Cause I'm ready to go. So, Sicily's that guy now. - Well, that's a transition now to the Geelong game. - So, they've-- - I didn't even mean that. - Lost again at home. That's a couple times this year, isn't it? - Yeah, yeah. - Fortress no more. - No, it's not a fortress. It's kind of like the lion's not having a fortress of the Gaba. It's the death of the fortresses this year. - True, well, look, I did watch the end of this game to catch the bit where the dogs just put the foot down and killed the game off. But we know the dogs are up and down, right? Geelong, on the other hand, they have been erratic this year, but something about them in these moments where they just look helpless, it doesn't look right. Like, usually Geelong's like a really strong foundation team. They're hard to beat. When they're just getting pummeled on the eye, it's just a bit jarring. - Yeah. - I think it's weird. They just don't know how to get their mix right. Because some players are coming in, they're getting, like, they're dropped, they're in, like, say, Bose. He's played every position just about this year. - He was on the gears world record, I think, this guy. - Yeah, but I don't know. For the most amount of positions played, you know, him, like, say, Gyclark comes out, never goes in, you know, Tanner Bruin got like 35 disposals in the VFL. I'm like, why isn't he in it? You know what I mean? It's just, I don't know. - Complaining about this for a long time with Chris Scott, man. His midfields is not settled. And often you'll look at it, you're like, why is there Tom Stewart, Blitz Arbs and Atkins on bull right now? - And in this game, why would that work? - Yeah. - And in this game, they were rotating homes and Stewart in there. I'm like, just rotate one of them in there and have the other one play half back. Because Mitch Duncan, like, he's okay, but it's like, you don't want it to be just him, you know, distributing the bull. I want Stewart on the bull on that part of the ground. I want home is there. - Correct. And you've recruited Bose, like you said, which to this day will claim was because they like Jack Bose, when really we all know they just wanted the pick attached to him. - Yeah, which ended up being Jack Clark. - Jack Clark, yeah. - I know they're trying to make finals, but you've got to have a settled midfield to make finals. It's pretty simple. Like, every other team above them, you know who they're top three or four are. Geelongs, flip a coin each week. Is it perfect, it's going to be called up and just get 20% of bouncer sentences? Or is it going to be dropped for three weeks? Is it going to be Bose? Is it going to be, yeah, Stewart is going to be blitzed up? Like, you just don't know who's in there. - Yeah, Atkins Clark. - And then you come up against the dogs. Is it a surprise that they get pummeled? The dogs, even more than them, even though Bevo likes to throw things around, we know it's been Richard's trilor, liver, bon, you know what I mean? - Yeah. Well, I feel like the dogs are a lot more settled now. Like, it's not a season Bevo has been criticized for that stuff, rightly so, but I feel like they're more settled now. And they've hit a little patch of form and they look pretty damaging. It's crazy what a couple of months does, two, three months does to, you know, a coach's rep, you know what I mean? Like, all of a sudden, it's like, okay, Bevo, I'll see you. - Yeah, he hasn't been too bad. - Yeah. - Well, you know what? - He's behaved himself. - Yeah, first Bevo. - You know what? Flowers for Bevo. Rory Lobb in defense. - Yeah, well, that's right. It worked. - For once, he's thrown around Lobb and he stuck him in the right spot. - That's it. - He was awesome. He was really good. - He's been good. - Yeah, and I saw it, you know, I don't know which game I was watching. It might've been, I don't know if it was the first time he tried it, it was against us, I feel like. - Oh, is that the game? - Yeah, and you could see it. It's just like, man, this guy, he, you know, he knows when to rise up and take the mark, you know, in the defense, you know, he knows when to spoil. It's just like, you know, it makes sense. It makes sense, man. Like for, actually, maybe it doesn't, it actually kind of doesn't make sense. Like, a lot of being in defense. - It doesn't make sense at all, but it works. - Exactly. - Well, he's got a good contested mark around the ground. It doesn't matter where he plays, he's always been good at it. So if the ball's coming in, and it's not to the advantage of the forward, why wouldn't he be really good at marking it? - Yeah, true, because he's a big boy, man. So he's going to at least get a fist on it. But yeah, no, the other position change that has been there for a little while, he's had Richards. But I feel like he's been a revelation this year. - He's been great. - The damage that this guy does in the midfield just adds such an extra layer. - He's way more powerful than fast than I thought he was. - Yeah, he's brutal, man. He had like nine clearances, kicks, goals, he's fast. He's a really good player, I love him. - I like him, yeah. He's one of, he's famously one of Georgia's players, mate. - You know, it's one other player I want to shout out. And every time I seem to watch him, I think to myself, why does he play more of the NFL than AFL? It's Caleb Poulter. 'Cause they're a weird guy to shout out and say, you know what, I don't mind this guy on the wing. - I just don't like his hair. - He's hair's stupid, but he's always available. Like, he runs hard up and down the wing the whole game. And he's not bad with a disposal. - Fair enough. - I don't know if that's controversial. - Look, don't tell him a little of those random guys. - I think he should stay there. - Scott. - He's better than Oscar Baker. - Oscar Baker. - Yeah, probably, probably. I was gonna say like, that's another one that calling would let go. Ginovan Poulter, you know what I mean? - I don't think they're having sleep this night's over Poulter. - Yeah, probably not, probably not. But no, I'll shout out to him anyway. - Yeah, no. - Cool, all right, next game. What did the bees against Richmond? Wasn't easy though. - No. - They made to work. - Richmond, Richmond, the best wooden spoon team we've seen. - I think so. - Yeah, well, you know the, they've got a lot of decent players. They've obviously had their injuries. And yeah, I think they've had an unlucky run at it. Very honestly like, yeah. I think they would have been one of those middle pack teams. Which makes sense, 'cause it's a new coach, you know, trying to get, you know, his game plan, you know. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Established with the team. It's just here, it's that horror run. - Yeah, I would agree. I think the funny thing about this game that I was reading was, and I saw the video, Ken Hinckley gave his mid field a spray at half time. You could see the camera in the change rooms. And apparently he gave a bit of a spray to Charlie Dixon. And like, fair enough, 'cause it worked. But all I need to say is like, why is that even necessary? You're Rosie, you're Horn Francis, you're Butters, you're Charlie Dixon, you're playing Richmond, you're at home. - Yeah, true. - Why do you need a spray at half time? - Yeah, I don't get it. Well, look, Butters didn't run in the first three quarters. No, he didn't, honestly, like, he didn't do those gut busting runs. Like, I'm like, I'm watching this game. Like, Travis Boke is running better than you. And that dude is like 43. So like, you don't know what these players are carrying. And like, I don't want to make excuses for the guy, but like-- - I think you're right. You are right. - It must just be that. And they're just trying to get away with being the better team and their teammates will carry them over. But it's a really even competition. You know, like Carlton today as well, like, there wasn't much in the end. Like, you know who the better team is, but it doesn't mean you're entitled to him. - No, of course not. - That's facts, man. - So Richman is like, good on him. I think it's a good call to say. - It's the same story for the Tigers. They're like, they're in it 'cause they work hard, and then after half time, they just get blown away. And that's just the story of the game. - Yep. - That's fair, man. That's fair. Like, I think one player to shout out is Logan Evans had a very solid game, man. He didn't talk about just a solid player. - No, no, hurt him. - Logan, they picked him up as a, I'm pretty sure he was mid-season draft pick for this year. So he looked like, you know, just a fine piece, young kid, was daring with his ball use as well, like he gave it a go, you know? So I thought he had a really solid game. I was in, like, he kept popping up 'cause I was watching the game 'cause I kept them butters. And that really disappointed me. But like, I'm watching, I'm like, oh, this Evans kid's actually, you know, a solid little piece there. And Houston's kicking was just, he just, he's a beautiful kickman. Oh, laser, man, laser. It's just a shame with him that he's not physically, like, quick or imposing. Like he's, he's maybe a little bit imposing. Like he's a big boy, but he's just not like, you know, apart from the kicking, I don't think there's a hell of a lot to his game, but if it's just that kicking, you know, it's-- - Yeah, yeah. - He reminds me a bit of what Doctory used to be years ago, when he used to get like 30 kicks at like 98%. He's basically a midfielder that just plays off the back line, takes the kickings, gets some of those kind of handle receives and delivers it. - Yeah, yeah. - Very, very similar players, just different ages. But yeah, I'm a big, I'm a big Houston rocket fan. - Houston rocket, there you go, mate. - Little basketball reference from Georgie. - That's it, mate. - That's crazy. That is crazy. - The other one is Daniel Rioli. Kind of a forgotten man, but he's still a pretty good player. - Yeah. - Two goals. - Yeah, I feel like he's moved around the ground a little bit as well. Like, you know, getting a bit more into the midfield, which makes sense, like if you're gonna, you know, you've got your talented players, you know, see what you got in them in different positions at this stage of the season where, you know, it's kind of over. But yeah, look, I think with them with, you know, Richmond getting a one, top one or two pick, 'cause I don't think it's gonna be between them and West Coast, right? I think you add a young midfielder with a bit of exuberance and a bit of, you know, yeah, just a bit of exciting excitement there. You know, I think it could really help them next year because it means you got a midfield of Toronto, you know, Prestia, you know, the three games a year that Prestia plays. You have the young midfielder, whoever that might be. - Probably the young boy who's playing in their VFL right now. - Jagger Smith. - Jagger Smith, maybe. You know, that type of player, you know, maybe Rioli runs into the midfield a little bit. Hopper, it's kind of exciting, you know what I mean? - They just need Lynch back. - Yeah. - Lynch is a huge out. You can't understand that. He's one of the best forwards in the league. - He doesn't look like Toronto was playing this game either. - Yeah, you know, he was out, he was out. An interesting one as well. - He was good injured as well. - Yeah, oh, that's why he went out. I was gonna say, 'cause he got subbed. So it was, yeah, it was an injury in the end. Yeah, anyway, I guess probably enough talking about a Richmond game. That's it, to be honest. - Move on to Brisbane. - Yes, yes, ah, that was an exciting finish to the game. Yeah, you know, hard for wind, man. Hard for wind, maybe be fortunate with Sydney, you know, everyone getting injured, basically, for them. But, you know, look. - Into victory. - For Brizzy. - Just the arm rest of the whole game. It's one of those ones where, like, it was under pressure for the whole four quarters, and it just, so much pressure. Like, Aaron Hamble's everywhere. Clean pickups, non-clean pickups. It felt like every possession that each team had was critical for the end result, and it was like that for four quarters. But that's what you get from two kind of top four teams. It looked like it was like a final, but kind of, you're right, Sydney's had many injuries, and they nearly won it, which shows how good they are. And Brisbane winning it, shows how good they are as well to beat Sydney. So, well, now they're third. After all that, look, they're still a threatening team. And the thing that Brisbane won that, with Neil having probably his worst game he's had in years, being tagged out of it, and dunkly not touching it either. So, it was the other people around them that managed to get them the win. The college being the main one. And once again, Sydney's just started poorly. And this is an issue I have, like, when it comes to finals, I don't know if it will continue, but when you set yourself like three or four goal, the behind, or you give the other team a head start, when you play a really good team away from home, that's a recipe for a loss, in my opinion. And in saying that they've only lost a few games by a couple points each time, so they're hard to beat. Very hard. But imagine they just didn't allow that to get out of hand in the first quarter. Like, instead of five goals to one, it's three. You know, that's all the difference right there. - For them, right. What I think is critical is to see what the papplies are long-term injury, or what these knocks on Nicholas ends up doing. 'Cause the last thing you want is to be up the whole season, and then come the final start, and some of your best players are out injured. That would be the end. And papply, they need that guy. He's very, very good. - Oh, he's a barometer. - Yeah, 100%. Also notice that he and he's kind of, I just feel like now that he can't win the Brown though, I don't think he's gonna poll. I don't think he'll win the coach's votes. - He's just gonna fall. - I think he'll fall a little bit away. Maybe the motivation, maybe he starts playing a little bit more team, not that he wasn't playing team, but I just think, now that the Brown though is out of his mind, I think that he was on his mind. Because remember how we got banded into that speech? - Yeah. - And the Giants made fun of it? It was a weird speech to do. Like, you know, thanks for the support of it. Because he's basically saying, thank you for supporting me, not winning the Brown though. - That's what that was. - Yeah. - I think he's better off. - And it's around like 15 or something and he's saying that. Like it was weird. It was weird. And look, shout out to GWS. - That means it's on his mind. - Yeah. - And shout out to GWS for doing that. But the thing is, you say it's on his mind, but do you think maybe the swans PR team or whatever it is? You know, it's like, hey, he wants you to mention something. - Oh my God. - Because everyone's really upset. Basically we want our fans to calm down. You know, we want them to calm their themselves. - Yeah, probably. - No way a foul player would volunteer to say. - No, he's not. - Yeah. - No way. But look, I think it's in his best interest, not that he will actively try not to play well, but play a bit more team, like you said, just so that you'd rather just not win it clear than win it and get it robbed from you. - See, for me, I'd rather win it and have it robbed and have it have that X across that other person's browner. Like, no one actually thinks Trent Kochen won a Brown though. Sam Mitchell won a Brown though. - Yeah, true, you completely forget. Look, Sam Mitchell, like, I see him as a, like, potential Brownlow type guy. I didn't really ever see Kochen as that guy. Maybe it's because I just never appreciated it. - Yeah, but they want it because Joe Watson got it stripped away, right? - Of course. - But the thing is you see Sam Mitchell as a Brownlow quality player. - Yeah. - You remember him back in the day, he was a freak man. - Yeah, but he's a gun. - No, he's a Brownlow medalist now, technically. - Yeah. - But it's still a bit weird, he's a bit weird. - So who won it when Corey McCurnan didn't get it? - I can't remember. - Yeah, I don't know, see, I don't really remember either. My dad, he mentioned it quite often, you know? You know McCurnan won one, you know? So, you know, whoever that guy is, you see, we don't even remember him, you know? Wasn't even alive when it happened, but still. But yeah, look, that finish to the game was so entertaining, like, you know, there was a couple of clutch moments as well from both teams, like, they reckon that, oh, Chad Warner, you know, he stuffed up the kick there, you know, for the goal for Haywood's goal. But he meant that. He managed to get enough power on it to get it to his brother, and then, you know, Haywood clutch finish, you know, on the little snap there. And then our chevra, our chev, the unlikely hero, you know, he pops up and, you know, he keeps our goal, then he's running into goal, and he could've run the whole way and he doesn't, and he misses. Yeah, Hado went crazy on that, but Hado was just like, he missed, he got the hard one, and he's missed the easy one. His commentary was excellent for that. - His Hado the goat, currently. - For me, Hado is the guy. For me, Hado is the guy. I like, he's my favorite commentator. - I think he is. - Well, he's not the goat. - Right, current goat, or the current goat, yeah. When it comes to, like, you know, he's the Lionel Messi, you know what I mean, or the Ronaldo, because, yeah, oh, but no, that's probably too high. No, that's too strong. That's too strong. - Well, who else is there? - The official, there's B-T. - It's like them. - Dwayne Russell? - Dwayne Russell, right? - Dwayne's all right. - I don't mind Dwayne. - Yeah, Dwayne's all right. - I think Hado's STO right now. - Yeah, 100%. Like, he's there, you know, purely 'cause he's got the voice, he's got the, the intonations right there, you know what I mean? Like, wow. - Well, he gives a, like, genuine excitement. - Yeah. - Even when the game isn't, like, top four teams, he'll make it sound like a huge vibe. - 100%. - 100%. - I appreciate it. I appreciate it as a North fan because there's moments where he's been really jing up North when he doesn't have to, and he does it. So, yeah. - Like, he'll be like, "Brit equal, what a mark!" No one's ever saying that. - Nah. Even the North fans are like, "Oh, geez, not this guy." Lucky with the marky, you know? Just certain things that he says, you know, like, you know, there was another one where, you know, "I'm cutting to kick the goal to put us ahead." And he goes, "Otherwise, both are in front." - Yeah, it's just, it's, it's goal. To me, I love, I love it. Anyway, I digress. - How do I go? - Next game, Freo, just pantsing Melbourne for the second time this year. - Their bunnies, mate, they're absolutely bunnies. - Who would have thought Freo is that scene that just puts 116 points past you, destroys you at home again? Like, what's going on here? - Yeah, weird, weird, but look, shout out to 'em, man, shout out to 'em. I think they just have, in this type of game, it's not much to analyze because it's like, they just got sorted from the start. - Yeah, and it's petty versus Darcy and Jackson. What do you think's gonna happen? And it's a depleted midfield. All of us still fat, apparently. - They just, how funny is it speaking of the Rockman situation? How funny is it how they go like, we're gonna get the best number two Rockman of all time to like, we don't need any number two Rockman. Like, how do you go from like one end to the other? Just get it someone that's big to play Rock, please. Like, what's going on here? - I don't know how they failed that hard. - You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Like, even, even we, we went and got take 'em in the mid-season draft. Why do they pick him up before the start of this season? - I don't know. - You know what I mean? Just someone, you know? - I don't get, I don't get haircut so bad like that. - I think they know this season's over, man. No one, surely. - Oh yeah, no. - Oh yeah, technically not. Like, they're right amongst, they're just like everyone else. - No, no, but they just don't have it. They don't have the firepower anymore. - I agree. - They don't have the star power. - No, sure. - I think now it's the chance for someone like, pick it to get a bit of midfield time. What's his name? Windsor, just get those young guys a bit of reps and you know, an opportunity to show what they have and experiment with them a little bit. 'Cause it's just, yeah. I think, let's be fair, it was as soon as track went down. That was it. Gorn's gonna try, he's very hardest, right? He's the last part of the season. He's gonna have some herculean games trying to get them wins, but, you know? How much does he really expect as well? You know what I mean? - True. - Walters kicked four, a bit of a throwy. - Yes, I think it was either sub again. - No. - No, it was an arc. - No, no. - He's been the sub quite a few times. - Yeah, so three goals for Tracy. Four for Walters. And you've got four for Amos as well, hitting a bit of form, maybe. - Yeah, James, really, everyone in three is starting to play good. And one thing I'm most, Luke Ryan's possessions have gone down significantly. - Which is probably just an indicator that it's just not going back that much. - Yeah, they're just pushing forward. I think it's a key sign that they're just not, they're moving forward, they're playing more attacking footy, they're putting on bigger scores. I feel like there's a direct correlation between that and them scoring better. And three mentors in the top four. And they could stay there. - Yeah, why not? - Why not? That's Sidney Carlton Brisbane for here. - Whoa. - Man, I just realized sorry to harp on about this rock thing. I just realized it was 47 Hittouts for three and nine to Melbourne. Nine. - I wonder what that lost. - Yeah. - You wonder why Bryce was getting 41, I suppose it was the wrong 36. They're getting it on a platter. - And still couldn't, didn't allow five to do anything. - Yeah. - No, he's washed up. - He's washed up. - Yeah. - Do you guys know just the random tangent, all the teams on the ladder are lowercase, but the GWS giants is all in capital. - Yeah, you know what it is because big letters giants. - Is that on purpose? - It wouldn't surprise me. - That's a good core, it must be on purpose. - Why is giants the only word that's all capital? - Yeah, I don't know. - GWS giants. - Well, sons is all capital as well. Yeah, that is weird. - That's so weird. - Yeah. - The Tasi team is going to be all capital. - Yeah. - You heard it here first. - Yeah, there's a little conspiracy here. There we go, man. - Expansion clubs with the capital. - Yeah, that's, that is odd. - Good mate. That's, that's an investigative, investigative skills there. - There's something that matters not wrong and no one will probably take any not wrong. - There's something in that, George. - There is something in that. - Bye, great. - I don't know what that something is, but there's something in that. - 100%. - Oh, let's go to a... - Last game? - So, yeah. - Last game, oh yeah, we watched this together on this very couch. - Yeah. - It was a fun time. I guess, George, your team won. You can start us off. - Look, I wasn't very happy with the performance, to be honest with you. Look, I was impressed with North. I thought that played well. - Thank you. - I think the biggest takeaway for me was after half time, Carlton came out and had a really strong third quarter. We were behind by a couple of goals and we ended up a couple of goals ahead. And it's kind of like, it was so obvious that the pressure was so much stronger than that third quarter. Well, tackling, there was a couple of people tackling it. Like, it was just like a pack. - Yep. - Tom de Conning got moving. He was on and off the bench all game. There's a lot of plays that had some niggles. But that third quarter they put on and kind of got themselves to lead to eventually win the game, you'd say. Why did it take two half times? Probably a spray for them to come out and put on 250 pressure rating. - It's like I was saying before with Port. - Yeah. - Why did it take that? - What do you guys think this is, man? I just feel like Carlton get ahead of themselves, right? They play ridiculous football against like Richmond and then Katz and they're on a roll. They're stomping teams, they're stomping Port. And then they get exposed a bit. And then it takes them a couple of weeks to get their head out of the gutter again. And they haven't got it out of the gutter yet. Like, what do they think? They're just going to come in and roll North? No, that's not going to happen. - Yeah. And North posted by, aside from last week, which you're playing Sydney losing two on the trot with a long to play for and whatever. But other than that, post-buyer, we've been very competitive, we've been tougher on the ball, much more organised behind the ball. So, and you actually asked me before the game, what are you sort of expecting? And I pretty much said what happened, which was, I hope we can keep it close, but at some point you're going to kick a couple goals in a row. And that's exactly what happened in the third quarter. But I was pleased, like, if I can give my input for a moment, like, I think North have the bones for a really good team in the coming years. I don't think it's going to take as long as people think it would, like, everyone's saying, our clock has got a five-year deal, it's going to be at the end of that deal that they start getting good. - And then the new coach will be the guy? - Yeah, I disagree. I think next year pending whatever we can do in the off-season, I think we can be a mid-table team. And then after that, who knows? - Yeah, and I think something that might unlock us getting going quicker into this rebuild is the positional change of common goals. - That is very exciting, yeah. - That's probably the only major takeaway from this game is that Charlie Common might be our key forward that we thought he was all these years. - Yep. - He actually delivered with three goals and created contest all game. - I think they put him into the defense just so he can get a bit of continuity with his game, because he just kept getting injured as a forward. I don't know what it is. But I think it's just allowed him to see the game from a different perspective. And I think this week against the weakened Carlton defense, it was just the perfect opportunity. He was lining up on Cowen and Matt Kennedy and people like that. And he was able to just use his strength and we can see it, he's a big boy man, he's strong. - And something I noticed too, because he's there, did you notice like Larky is just running and jumping at the ball a lot more often? And that's not his game at all, but I think he's just having space to actually run to. - Yeah, well he had that one-on-one in the first minute or whatever it was, the quick start of the game where he threw, weirdering and then he tripped and missed the goal. But you know, look, it just shows that him in a one-on-one, it doesn't look as bad because he just, yeah, he has the space to use his forecraft. - Yeah. - And we, it's never think of like Shark Tal, he tripped underwater. (laughing) - What I will say as well is, you look at Carlton's Midfield, obviously, a lot of excellent names in there. The fact that Harry Schiezel can be the best Midfielder on the ground, which he was, he's crazy. These kids just, uber-talented. And look, I think we, we're in the game, we're only down a couple goals in the end and we gifted, I'm not even talking on pies, like, even though they were atrocious both ways, in more ways than one, but there was a couple just literal kicks directly to the opposition that we got punished for rightfully so. And that was really the game, so. - Pretty much, yeah. - I could live with that because it's guys like Archo, guys like Macaucho who have played barely any games between them. - Yeah, and then there was one from Loge, which kind of sucked. But then he's back now, which is great. - He's back and he, like, what was very heartening at the start of the game was when he was one-on-one with Charlie Kurno and he monstered him, to be honest with you. And it happened a few points in the game where, you know, he was able to out-strengthen and make a contest. The only time Kurno really got his goals is when, you know, he was able to just make a lead and you know, Loge couldn't catch him, but not many can. So, you know, yeah, he looked good, man. He looked good and ready to go. - It was pretty similar other than the fact that we don't have the class to kick too many goals to your game against the doggies last week, Oregon, where, like, the doggies had that power to kick on and score goals. We just did it. So I don't know, I think though, you shouldn't worry too much as a culture fan. I think your team is tough and creates a contest in every game. And, like, the fact that you can't kick away too often isn't as important to me as the fact that you are always in the game for the most part. That's more important. - Don't even win one game this year that we've been smashing that's against Sydney? - Yeah. - No, I don't think any game we've lost has been under 10 points, I think. - And I think that matters more than anything. So, you know, you'll be playing finals. - Yeah. - And I think you'll do pretty well. But, now a good game. As a Northman, if I see that to the end of the year and a few wins in there, happy days. We're showing a lot of promise, so. - Yeah, 100%. Like, that was a game where, like, I was pretty calm towards the end of it. Like, the only thing that really made me angry was the umpires, to be honest with you. Like, there was quite a lot of bad calls, like, and non-calls. Like, specifically, there was one where Colby McCurcher, right? So, this one should have been a free kick where Colby McCurcher put his arm on Motlop's shoulder and he, what's it called? - It's boiled. - And he spoiled, you know, could go either way, but I understand why you give that one. But then it goes the other way where Motlop is two hands on, I think it was Tucker's shoulders. - Yeah, yeah. - And no, and nowhere near the mark, and he was, you know, and it wasn't- - No one really sick attempt. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Exactly. So it's just like, it was just very inconsistent. Larky had one in the fort 50. - Two. - Yeah, yeah, two highs in the fort 50. That could have been given, whereas, you know, Carlton were given those freak, they'll given those free kicks, you know. - They were a three kicks though, yeah, most of them. - Yeah, but they'll given the free kicks leading to goals, which they just didn't want to give for us for whatever reason, which was frustrating. But Luke, yeah, it is what it is. That's, I think that's a part of the better team gets the better rub of the grain from the umpires, and I've always noticed that, to be honest with you, just it is what it is. - And the better players. - And the better players. And you know what, if you're right, that's what it is, we were saying about it earlier, there was one that should have been given to Carlton. - To Carlton, by Carmen, who was four? - A lot of being alleys or Holland's. - Holland's, Holland's. - There was a larger Holland's. The freaky should have been given to him. He was getting held by Cor, but because his name wasn't Charlie Colonel or Ben MacKay, or Harry MacKay, they just didn't give it. So, yeah, anyway, I have a little theory, and I've mentioned to these, I mentioned it to you guys during the game, I think the issue with umpires is the fact that you got a bunch of 40-year-old dudes who have full-time jobs who have all this other stuff going on in their lives. They're not guys who can sit there and focus and grasp concepts, and have the reaction times as someone like Harry Shiesel, right? Shiesel focused on becoming an umpire. He'd be the greatest of all time, 'cause he's quick, smart, he's in reactions, quickest hands in the game. You reckon he wouldn't have the quickest mind as well? - He would, yeah. - You know, just the ability to pick stuff up. - Manually to pick stuff up. - And while he's at it, I reckon. - Right, he'll do it all, man. - Quick as well. - Well, this is why the high performers and the high earners are the players, and not the umpires. - Exactly right. - That's fast. - It makes sense. But like, I think it just shows you need young people. - You know what it is as well? - All these oldies, you know what I mean? The people who end up being umpires, they're all past, they're all in their 30s, surely in their 40s. They're, you know, I don't know, it's like they give the good job to the old guy who's, you know, he's been there. It should be someone who's, you know, a bit more, you know? Quicker, you know? - And the problem is as well, like, we always, and we just did complain about the inconsistencies. Like, why wasn't that a freak in the North 50 and it wasn't cartons? - Yeah. - The fact is two different umpires. - Yeah, true, true. - It's not like it's one guy making both calls, right? - Yeah. - So my problem is like, why is there not more, maybe like like minded umpires, if you're gonna say that, or why isn't there a more like minded umpires? - Well, I'm sure they've got similar personalities or different personalities, like matching up a bit better. - Oh, maybe that's it, yeah. - Just maybe make the rule a bit more black and white, or call less stuff, you know? Whatever the solution-- - Man, they can't do that. What about the fast this week with the tackling? And we've-- - Let's not talk about it. - Charlie Cameron and these type of things. - Oh gosh. - It's been over done, but yeah. Anyway. - If they can't get that right, that's off the field. - True, true. - How can they get those put second ones right? - True, true, true, true. Anyway, interesting round, very interesting ladder, but let's get into the next week. Carlton, back to the Friday night slot, no more Sundays for you, George. - Quick turn around here. I think we'll beat Port, 'cause we have a good record against them, and at home, I'm pretty confident. - Why are you playing a marvel again though? What's going on here, three in a row? - Yeah, I don't know, I'd prefer to play the G, 'cause it means I can get a ticket. (laughing) Fair enough. - Look, I'm just, yeah, I'm hoping to continue to win. We talked about Freo and Brisbane being in the third and fourth. It's really important that Carlton keeps the second spot, because the last thing you want is to play to strip the third or fourth and have to verse Freo or Brisbane at home. That's a completely different proposition to versing Freo at the G. So it's really important they keep winning, man, they're just gonna keep doing. So I hope that they do that. - I'll tip you, I'll tip you. - Yeah, I'm happy, I'm happy. - I feel like we match up while against Port, we've got a good record against them. - It is an interesting game. - North verse, Geelong, at Blunt Cernorino in Hobart. Don't know when the last time Geelong's had to go down there. - Yeah, look, I'm tipping North, man. I think, look, this is, and I actually, I don't know, Geelong, you'd think would win, but in saying that, we're showing that we can bring it against good teams. Elmitt Field is way stronger than theirs, and Waymore has more continuity, as we were talking about. So, yeah, I'm going with North. Look, I'm gonna give you guys a North tip, just now you have more. - I didn't even need a saying to this, right? - Yeah, your tip doesn't even matter, Georgie. - I'm gonna go Geelong with this. (laughing) - He's gonna say, "I told you so when I win." - No, I'm not gonna be, yes, I don't care. - No, we're going, no. - I'm gonna tip without consequences here, man. - How good does it feel? - Yeah, what, to tip you around, saying? - Yeah, yeah, no, just a tip without consequence, man. - Yeah, that's it, look, and next week, what is it, I'm gonna tip, I'm going, I'm going to the kiss of death, man, what's it called? Have you guys seen that on the, on the day of the kiss of death? - It just goes all the other times. - Well, who's the underdog in this game, that's the undefeated at home sons? Or the top four lines? - I'm gonna go to the sons, man. There's no way we're going to sons, man. Rau can't even like get more than 10 positions these days. - Yeah, nah, fan out, we gotta get Brizzy. - Definitely Brizzy, and I think they're gonna whack them. - Yeah, they're gonna break the trend. - They're gonna break the sons any slim chance of them making finals? - Yeah, true, look, it's not that much of an away game, it's just an hour drive or something, right? - It's an, it's a trick, man. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah, soon, we're just gonna say, I hate playing at home. (laughing) So the next game, St. Kilda versus Essender. That's an interesting game, man. I'm gonna go with St. Kilda because I'd love the same win. - Yeah. - To purely cause of that. - I think, I think the Don's will win, but I'm gonna say it as well, man. - You know, one more funny. - To be consistent that I think they're gonna chuck the year out, St. - Oh, there we go, I love it. And then the next one, Melbourne versus JW's. Melbourne, they've got them as the favorites. - What? - It's like an OTJ. - They've got a respond, bro. - No, giants for me. That was one of the things we used to say on the pod every time. Oh, they've got a response, sir. - It's so easy to respond week after a bad performance, but yeah, I think giants are gonna win. - Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, man. - Docker's revenge on Eagles, surely. - Yeah, they're gonna need to talk to them. - No, no, no, no, no. - Captain's so wrong. - It's even better, true, true. - Colling with Richmond. - Richmond's been giving games to better teams than Colling with, yeah. - This is interesting. - I'm going to go with the prize, but they have. - This is the one they'll win, then it gets hard for them. - Yeah. - I'm gonna go with Richmond. (laughs) - That's wild. - Not that I want that 'cause I want North to not be like this, but. - Sydney Swans versus Western Bulldogs. We're gonna go with Swannies at the SCG. - Yeah. - You know what, the way they played against North, I can see why they love the SCG 'cause you just can't play corridor against them. You just, they just chop everything off. It's crazy. - Yep. - Anyway. - Gold ghost ones as well. - Yeah. And then Adelaide versus Hawthorne. That's a pretty solid game, Adelaide over. That's a hard one to tip. - That is a hard one to tip. - I'm gonna go Hawks. - I'm gonna go Adelaide. You know, and 'cause I'm tipping with that consequence and I am such a huge fan of the Hawks and my boys at the Hawks, we're gonna go with them. You know, shout out to Joel. They cease. - JL. - JL as well. We're gonna shout out JL as well. Those are my four Hawthorne boys that I wanna say do well. But yeah, that's the tips for the round. That was a bit wild. There's that little tipping segment there. We just, I was just wilding throughout that. I'm just saying, take everything we said just with the ground assault, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, nah. Isabella, don't use those tips on, I think, some of those would be wild. - Shout out to Isabella for, you know, listening to us for tips. - Which you shouldn't be doing. - But yeah. - Well, that's us off for a couple of weeks. - So how long are you away from us? - I'll be back in September. - So, you know, back for finals. - Back for finals, you know, this part of the year it's just gotten to be boring for me. So I'm gonna be going down to Europe. - Yeah. - Scared in some Greek talent. - Exactly right. - Exactly. - Exactly what I said. - Spanish talent. - Spanish talent. - Spanish talent. - He wants to find the next example. - That is Spanish talent and English talent as well. - For the show. - I don't really know, like has there been any like players? I think there was a player like Brad Moran. Do you remember that name, Dino, for North? - I'm pretty sure he was born in England. - Brad Moran. - Yeah, I'm very, very, when I was a kid I had ridiculous knowledge of football and of players, but I think I'm pretty sure he was born in England. - What about Robbie, find Robbie Williams and tell him that Carlton's making the final. - Yeah, and I'll tell him-- - He knows already. - I'll tell him, the Koenings don't really well, man. - The Koenings in the air. - He's in the air. - Yeah, Spanish players, I don't know. There's probably a few Spanish, a couple random Spanish. - Not too many. - You can find someone, let us know. - Bring a footy over, kick it around the beach. - That's it, man. Look, we can see what they do with the round pull. You know, and they just won the Euro. So, you know, I'll just look at this. It's a little bit differently shaped, you know. I reckon you guys could sort it out. I'll find LeMien Yamal of-- - That's just gonna bring us a category B rookie or two? - That's it. - That's it, man. That's it. Look, North, we don't really do the category Bs very well. So, you know, let's cheer it up a little bit, okay? - One on, man. - Get it done. - Back in his sense, Northern Emo, I found our new draft. - It's me. (laughing) - I just changed my name to Chamez. (speaking in foreign language) Let's just go Chamez Rodriguez, you know, like the Colombian guy. Chamez Rodriguez, in his, you know, I'll just have a little mustache or something and be like, "Yes, I mean--" - Well, while you're doing that, you're finding all the talent. You're going into skies. Me and George are gonna hold down. - Yep, yep. We've never done a pod, just me and you. - It's never, ever, I'll be being spent on it. - No, no sick days for Matt's, I mean, I'm like George yet, you know, actual work. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - But yeah, one of the things-- - It's hard to call the harder winters. I can't promise no sick days, but I'll try my best. - George is gonna go mad with my North Melbourne talk. - Oh, I'll just switch off, man. - You're gonna learn what it's like. - 'Cause I talk into a brick wall. - That's it, no, see, at least you admitted it. 'Cause that's what it's been like when we do the fuzz together. - That's not true, man. I'll let you say your piece. - Yeah. - Look, no, look, I get that. But I like discussion, you know what I mean? I'm a disgust kind of guy, you know? I like to-- - Remember that one where you, like, North had just got slaughtered and you just went on an absolute rampage? - Yeah. - Now, that one I needed, I needed, I needed the space. - Yeah, so I gave you your space. - Yeah. - I remember, like, talking shit about Tucker, you know, it's Fisher probably, you know. And now Tucker's all right. - Fisher isn't, though. - No, but Fisher is, yeah. You're gonna have to trade him in Supercoach, man. - You're gonna have to trade him back to Carlton, maybe. - Maybe. (laughing) I don't know, 'cause you guys don't have a left footed, you know, half-back apparently. - Jack Carroll put it right. - He did. - He did. - I use Zippy. - A little bit of a different mix. - Yeah. - Adro? - Zippy, like a Pendlebury. - Oh, okay. - He looks into there. - I was gonna say Coldwell or something. - Jeez, Jack Carroll, equal Scott Pendlebury. There you go. - There you go. - What better way to end things? - Yeah, anyway. Look, see you guys in September, you know? - All the best we ever heard. - When Matthew comes back, Carlton will be in the Grand Final. - Yeah. - And I'll be tanned, actually, you know. He'll be tanned. - And I'll be tanned, so everyone's-- - Everyone's gonna be happy. - He'll have brought over a great chick on Visa. - That's it. - That's it. - And she'll be sitting right here. - That's it. That's it. And then the show will get more clicks. - Yeah. - Anyway, thank you guys for listening. - See you guys soon. - Have a good one. - Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)