AFL Enjoyers

AFL Enjoyers - Round 17 Reaction and Review

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) So you know when you just walk on a main street or on people sitting at the front of a cafe having a coffee and you just overhear like 10 seconds of the conversation max. That's probably generous. Maybe you overhear like five or so seconds, right? - Yeah. - So I'm walking and there's these two middle age guys talking having a conversation over a coffee. One of them slightly overweight bloke. The other one just a normal looking guy. Anyway, the overweight guy, this is all I overhear him saying, right? He goes, "Yeah, back when I was a junior, "I was a little kid, they used to put me in the rock "just 'cause I was bigger than the others, you know? "But I reckon if they put me off half back, "where somewhere I could see the game, "I would have been a lot better." (laughing) - So bro's blaming his coaches. - He could have been something. - I was the big kid, but if I actually put me where I had my skill, I had vision, I could read the game, it would have been so much better. - That's every guy talking about their football career. If I hadn't broken my thumb on the toes, bro, and I got that hand pass, maybe it could have changed for me to change. - I didn't have social anxiety about it. - If I wasn't absolutely shit at the game, I'd be really good. - And if I was tall and athletic, natural gifts and natural gifts and practice every day. - If I did all that, if I had all that, you know? - Fucking pig goes in off one step from 50. I forget about it. - It's age. There's only one man apparently in the world who can do that, according to this guy. That's Charlie Kurno, but that was back in the day. Like that was just, that was a requirement to be a full forward. If you can't off one step, kick a goal from a 55-60. Like get out of here. - Just a time. Men were made differently back then, man. - True. - They had their veggies back in the day. They didn't have information in the knees. - That's fair. You know, nowadays they're just having like, you know, little chicken tenders, dabbing in, dabbing their dinosaur nuggets. - That's all they're eating these days, kids. You know what I mean? - All the aisles are chocolate. - Yeah. - No, no, no, no. I'm not having broccoli anymore. - It's out of fashion. - Yeah, where's broccoli going on? - I don't know, bro. I don't know. We gotta bring broccoli back. - They made broccoli white, it's even worse. - Oh, bro. - Anyway, man, that was interesting on dinner. - But let's be fair, that's all of us. - Oh, yeah. - It's like in the Premier League joke, you know, I had trials at West Ham. You know what I mean? That's the, you know, I had trials with Man United. I was a West Ham youth player. - And it cracked me up. I was actually laughing out loud when I knew they couldn't see my face. I just felt like, man, this is the funniest thing. I wish I could just walk back. Pretend I forgot something and just listen again. - Yeah, bring the equipment down and let them record the conversation. - Oh, yeah. There we go. Hey, this week was a good week of foodie, man. - For some, not others. - For some, you know, no, it was great week for everyone. - There was a lot of, a lot of kind of underdog stories this week, wasn't it? - The other underdog story. - Some, you would say, underdog, some logical tip, but anyway. - Yeah, 100%. But you know who were underdogs, mate? I fell in joys around the dogs. We got the 200 subscribers, you know. That's it, well done. Well done. Look, if I remember, I'll put the crowd noise there. - Probably won't though. But yeah, no, shout out to the dudes who subscribed. There was this guys that I met at a box. But you know, regardless of that, you know. - Respect those guys. - It's much appreciated. - Thank you everyone for coming along on the journey with us. - Yeah, that's it, that's it. We were trying to plan to do something for the 200 subscribers special. We haven't come up with anything. So I don't know, maybe next week, we'll try some. - Maybe next week, or maybe just shoot for a thousand. - Shoot for a thousand? You know what? - We'll do something actually big for that. - Yeah, look, 100, maybe 500. - 500 that middle part. - Look, there's a bit to go between 200 and a thousand. - Actually, you know what? We were saying a live commentary of a game. If you would want to watch that, let us know. - Yes. - Well, Continental is coming up. It's a good opportunity. - I want to go. - Are you in Memphis? - I may be. - Oh. - Yeah, I think I am. - Oh, we've got to go to that. - Going past it. - Yeah, true. So maybe that might be it. That might be the go. You know, we'll keep you guys posted. But yeah. Thank you very much for helping us get to 200, man. It feels good. - Yeah, definitely. - Yeah. I think we'll jump into the first game, American. - Yeah, we're trying to delay it a little bit, but yeah, sure, okay. - Yeah. - Gotta give some flowers. - We gotta give some flowers. - Oh, we do too. - Yeah, you're right. - The first game is. - Yeah, right. - Yes. - Yeah, yes. - That's just wanting to skip it entirely. - Yeah, you know. So North versus Galco, it's, yeah. Ah, look, we, here's the thing right. So they first, they come up against Collingwood. They just lost the Galco. You know what I mean? So it's like. - No credit. - Yeah, so are we really, you know, are we really gonna, you know, - No, on behalf of us. - Collingwood's not even in the eight, bro. - On behalf of our good friend and loyal listeners over here. - Yeah. - I'm just gonna slap you right now and just say, nah, it's on. Flowers time, come on. - Nah, flowers time. We gotta do it. Look, the first person I'm gonna give flowers to is a dude who, I'm not sure if it was his best game, but whenever I do see this dude out there, I'm like, this is one of the highest IQ players in the game. That's Langford, man. That's one of, that's one of them. - That's a lot of the medium forward, eh? - Apparently. - So Georgie in the chat, he's like to me, "Hey, Matt, you love a medium forward." And I'm thinking to myself, who, who, who, which medium forward have I said, you know, like the third tall. Which third tall have I been like, "Oh, I love that guy." - You know what I've noticed about like, sometimes James, you can't notice this about yourself, right? - Yeah, of course. - You need your friends to notice things about you, right? - Is this an intervention? Like, bro, you can like Langford if you like her. It's fine, you know? You don't have to like day course and creeps, you can like Langford, it's fine. - What I'm saying is, Matt's, typically in my opinion, you typically like the more stockier, like tall type players when you, when you stockier tall guys. Look, when I think of players I like, it's always midfielders, right? - Okay. - I don't give the flowers to the Langford's, you know what I mean? You like the Shannon Hearn types, you know what I mean? - He's not a third taller, but he's a bald head defender, you know, no, he's not sexy, you know what I mean? He's not sexy. You're creating sexiness for players that need to be created sexiness. That's, and that's why we're given flowers. We're giving flowers to people who deserve their flowers that don't get talked about a lot. - It's fucking hard. - Like the whole day, every week, he's getting his flowers, but we'll be as sexy though, that's the problem. And that's true, that is true. He doesn't need the flowers. - It's funny 'cause he's came up with us with Matt's, the whole like, it kind of, just saying like, why did George say that he froths medium forwards? And I was generally trying to think of any other medium forward that he's like, he's like, you know what I'm thinking? - He's like, you know what I'm thinking. - And he's never credited anyone. - Nah, is it watermelon? - He's a snake, but the thing is, he's as much of a third tall as Charlie Colonel, he's, just 'cause they're shorter. - No, Charlie Colonel's not a third tall person. - No, but when I'm getting that, just 'cause he's shorter, that doesn't mean he's, you know, a third tall. - He's not, he's not a third tall man. - You just give me the idea. - Yeah, it's, I just gotta throw in more comments like that sporadically, just to make you go shoot. - What's going on there? - Yeah, no, look, the fact that that had you in the spin and you're thinking about it all week, makes me very happy. - Nah, look, it just, it occurred to me and I was in the car with my dad when he was driving, so I'm like, what's going on here, bro? And it was, it was Terry, like, confused as well. - Yeah, I asked him, I'm like, I just mentioned it, I was like, I think I was in the car with him, I knew I was in the car with him. - Yeah, we'll together. - Yeah, you're right, you're right, yeah, we're in the car. I'm the wetter of the game. But yeah, anyway, look, let's go, let's, let's, let's, let's go back to the allow is given. - Look, they beat Collinman, man, that's a good win. Big stakes game, Collin would start a crazy, crisp three goals with three kicks. They start strong and they just, I feel like from quarter to the end, Eson was a stronger team. - Especially at the end where you were waiting for Collinman to have their rush. - Yeah, they did. - They sort of, I just bullied him and didn't let them even get the ball, but they were prepared behind the ball as well and really playing aggressive defense. - Yeah. - And then just got to the point where they were just streaming 40 numbers because they just counted like beautifully. So, credit to the bombers. - Yeah. - Solidifying that top four spot, which is huge. Collin would outside the eight, which is even bigger. - Yeah, that is bigger. - So just a really all around tough game. And then midfield is like, you were praising the other way, Caldwell. We've praised all year, what's his name? The other, Durham. - Yeah. - So guys like set a field parachute, think, oh yeah. You know, fully feared bomber scene, these are the guys. They're not getting in the team right now. - And she said that 'cause Dylan's short, actually came back in that a really big game. - What was interesting, he had more of a like, run withdrawal, am I imagining that? I feel like he was sort of a bit more defense first. - Well, I think he topped them for tackles. - Yeah. - I'm not mistaken. - Yeah, I would say he plays more of a defensive role with Colin Merritt kind of being part more of their attacking chain. - In saying that though, Zach Merritt does not slouch when it comes to defensive duties. No, he doesn't. - No, no, he has, he had 10 contested disposals like him, right? - But honestly, it felt like he did so much more on the inside than what that gives him credit for man. - Yeah, seriously. That dude is heart and soul type player, undersized. You know, they say pound for pounds, one of the greatest footballers. Arguably, he's there, man, because he's a smaller guy, but he goes in hard and he uses it so well going forward. It's, he's inspiring. He might be the most inspiring captain, you know, out there at the moment. Look, he, that last quarter, he was massive. And that kind of, there was this time where he chased and then tackled and chased again. And the camera just panned to his face. And he's just panting on the ground. And you just like, man, this guy is giving everything for this win. And, you know, they got the result. - That's it. - One of the boys that Dana mentioned, and I wanna just quickly say, Caldwell, you traded him in the Supercoach, but I've all right, he is such a gun, man. Like he's tackling machine, just aggressive tackle. And he's agile. He's not just this slow inside type guy. He's very dynamic. So there's another one of the GWS, you know, midfielders that gets like going, he's a gun. - It took a bit of time as well. Like I feel like last year he was like a non-factor Caldwell. - Yeah, no, he was, well, look, he never really was given the role to be a mid and extended mid-time. Like he's probably always been the, you know, plays a bit half-word and then maybe gets like 20 or 30% you know, middle time. Whereas recently it's gone upwards to like 80%, you know, send abouts, attendances. And he deserves it, man. Like he should be the number one CBA's go. Like more than parish, more than, you know, whoever else, you know what I mean? Set a field, you know? They should be finding roles around him the way it's going right now. - Yeah, 100%. - Nat Cady was good. - Yeah, he was. - It's probably his breakout game. - Bruh. - The Richer. - Oh, he was right. - He could not shut up about Cady, man. Like, I reckon it happened about three, four, maybe even five times where he's like, "Oh, look, I know I'm talking them up a lot, but he's just so good. He's just, I really like what I see from him. It's like, probably get it. - He plays the role of like, I love encouraging young forwards. It just froths over him all the game. - Yeah, it's fair. That's fair. He'll do it, he'll do it about Cadman. He'll do it about, you know, probably Gresevsky as well. - Gresevsky? - Yeah, no, that's fair, but look, he does deserve the plot, it's man-like. - He looked kind of like a young Jack Reward out there. If I don't tell you so myself. - Yeah, I've heard that somewhere before. I don't know if you've said that in a TikTok, maybe. - Was it me? - Yeah, he did. (laughing) - Oh shit, it was me. - He did, he didn't even remember. You don't remember from week to week. - But he actually looked at it. I fell up, I guess. I kind of remember my attacks. There you go. - Matt said he's in the cyclopedia in that TikTok. He knows everything. Look, when you're sitting there for four or five hours, editing it and you listen to it like, I reckon I listened to it about 20 times as I'm doing it right. You get to know, you get to know what gets said in saying that like, you know, the last one we just did less than 1,000 views on peace, bro, on TikTok. Usually less than 1,000 on TikTok is a dead TikTok. So be shadowed about that. But look, the Carlton one, shout out to the Carlton guys, man. You know, you guys killed it on that one for the support. Anyway, I digress. Collingwood flowers. Hoskin Elliot. - Oh. - Do you want to know why? - Yeah. He's the only player I've seen in a long time. Take the kickings and not play on. (laughing) - That is, this guy is not getting a snap for his kickings. He's the only person. I saw him do it like three or four times in that game. He took the kickings and he kicked it from the square. - He's not stuck chasing him. - No, no. Look, I'm-- - He loves the medium forward, this guy is fed up, right? (laughing) - Look, I'm searching this up because I need a, I need to get the stats for this one. You guys keep talking. And one thing I found interesting about Collingwood, who were the two highest ranking players for Collingwood in that match? - Bex? - No. - Oh. - I'm making a point here, if they give you clues. - Oh, I know it's Pendles and Poseidon. - That's right. - They're two oldest ancient players with the highest rate. - That's Warringbo. - That is, that is. They were drafted when I was in primary school. - Yeah. - They were talking, this is a year's. - I'm pretty sure. - Maybe when Dino was in kindergarten. I think your mother had coffee with them. - What year were they drafted? - I don't remember, but it was like 2006, 2008. - I was in primary school. - Yeah, so you know what I mean? - Oh, maybe like primary, yeah. - I was in primary school. - Oh, six, I was in year six. - Okay, that's cool, yeah. - Yeah, I just followed everyone. - Yeah, I didn't get that, I didn't get it that easy, you know what I mean? - You gotta do some math. - I do have to do some math, like the start in 2003. You know, it's a bit tough. - That is a crazy long time. - Yeah. - But yeah, they've been around long ass time, man. - Well, look, there's still, you could say, in their window, right? So it makes sense that their experienced players are contributing, but when they go, obviously they've got take-offs. The go was, the go was still be around. They're gonna need to beef up a little bit more. They'll probably just recruit like a Bailey Smith and just, you know, top up, at least. I don't think they're gonna have to go to the draft anytime soon, but very interesting point though, especially so I bought him. Like every time you think he's cooked, he just comes back. - Yeah, he does have kind of ebbs and flows. He only played on twice out of the six kick-ins. - See? That is a, that is a cute observation. - Thank you very much. - If you wonder whether we watch the games, thank you very much at this go over here, man. - I was around the eight though. And on top of them, so equal points, giants. - This is there for sale, man. - And that they can break down. - Look how good this is, bro. - How do you know that they only played on twice? - Six, two. - See that? - 'Cause it's client's kick-in and then play on. - Oh, bro, I do my research. That's why I'm good at super coach, bro. To an extent, good. - I think I'm beating you this year. - Hey, I will, you killed it. - Two fives, crazy, bro, but I bought mine. - With a bond captain as well. Flowers, bro, flowers. But look. - Oh yeah, calling with outside the eight, equal points with giants in eighth, two points behind Brisbane, and then there's Port, Geelong, Acedon, and so on. - I think SM win this game. I think they'll finish. Will they finish top four? - They're all right. - Bro is ready to say it. But then he's like, "Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait." - Everything's so close. But honestly, that's a big win, man. That's a really big win. That's the first kind of big sculpt I think they've taken really since GWS, right? And if they can win games like that, there's no reason they can't win a lot of those other games. They've got points on the board. They could actually finish top fours. - Yeah, I don't think it's crazy to say anymore. Now, I actually have belief that this SNN team can win on their day. You know what I mean? It's not just like, are they beating up on the board? On the bad teams, you know, they've had a good run. They're capable of beating any side on... I'm gonna say, you know, I'm gonna say it, any side. Because even like the top top sides are looking to be shaky at the moment. So I mean, look, yes, that we're waiting for them to take that sculpt when they've finally done it. They did get smashed by Geelong last week. So I'm not going too crazy, but there is still, there's some respect there now. - Yeah. - Well, look, next week it gets interesting because then they have Melbourne. They have Adelaide after that. They have the Saints. They have the Dockers. They have the Suns. They have Sydney and then Brisbane. It's not the hardest draw, but if you win about four or five of those, man, and I think they can. - Yeah, I think they can. - That's off their top four. That's good on them, man. Good on them. And look, I think you can see it in the way that they play, that they started chipping it around a little bit more down the back, which usually we don't like. That's very freer-like. But they have the options to do that. They have the right place to have that type of game style where they can just possess the ball. And that's what they did. They just possessed the ball, and then they were able to push it forward and catch Collingwood off guard. When you've got Ridley, when you've got Redmond, when you have, let's say the guy Magra, all excellent kicks, right? Nick Martin as well, who floats back there a lot. You know, they can play that game style, and when they need to play a bit faster, they probably can as well, because they've got a really agile midfield. So the interesting thing to note about the A7 players, they've all in their interviews spoken about how they ended last year, and how they've learned and they talk about it and they're going to fix it. I think you can tell that they really care. I think you can, no, they care for sure, but the results are what matters now. From here to the end of the season, if they're serious about winning a final, they need to enter the finals, kind of like how Carlton did, maybe not quite with so much momentum, but in good form, in good health, because if they drop off and sort of have a bit of an indifferent last six or seven rounds, then they're going into the finals, even with the fourth spot against Sydney, you'll probably lose, and then you're hanging on a thread. Like, I actually am curious to see how well they can finish the season, like excellent jobs to get to this point now, but last year was a bad end to the season. They got embarrassed by the Giants, embarrassed in a couple other games, like, can't happen again. - It was bad, man. It was bad. - Let's see how they go. - No, look, yeah. That's true, look, if they do end the season badly, we saw what happened with Melbourne and with Port last year, especially Port. They ended the season poorly, and they just went out and straight sets. In saying that, I don't think, if Eson didn't do make the top four, they won't have a bad end to the season. They need to win games. - Correct. - So, I don't think that probably won't happen if they make the top four, but still, yeah. Anyway. - Is that enough about Eson? - Yeah, that is. That took a lot out of us, actually. That was really- - I'm exhausted, bro. - Yeah, no. - Let's just call it. - We're going to have to call it now. Thanks for listening. - Why the music, man? - If I didn't, I'm not doing that bit two weeks at the right. That was pretty funny. - It was funny. - I enjoyed that. - No, let's talk Northmatter. - Yeah, let's talk, man. - So, we put out there, just for a moment, me and Matt are at the game with Matt's dad, my father-in-law. That was our first time win since round one last year. - Wow. - Right, Eagles, which was a close game. And then if you remember last year, we beat freer the next week, and then we didn't win until the end of the season, literally. So, we haven't been at Marvel to watch a win since then, over a year ago, right? So, the emotion- - That was crazy. - For only 17,000-something people in that stadium, I couldn't hear the siren, and I couldn't hear it on the replay on the TV. That's how loud it was. - Yeah. - It was basically a grand final atmosphere with 17,000 people. - Yeah, it's gonna say, 17,000 people, and it was pumping. - Yeah. - This place was pumping. - It was insane. But I want again, go ahead. What were your thoughts and emotions about that? - Thoughts and emotions. Look, I think, yeah, emotions are the right word. Like, my old man nearly fainted. He liked legit, like he actually legit, when the final siren went and he screamed, he had to go sit down. He legit, like they know I was standing around jumping and hugging, my dad was sitting down. I'm like, is that right? You know, but nah, so that was pretty cool. Nice moment to share together. But yeah, I think you can't help but feel positive and, you know, encouraged by this team. And especially 'cause of the fact that a lot of the performances are coming from the young dudes, right? And, you know, a few weeks ago, we're like, oh, the young dudes are going well and the old guys can't, you know, hold up there into the bargain. But yeah, the old guys are holding up there into the bargain. All of a sudden, Luke McDonald, he hadn't, didn't have his best game, but like, that was a good McDonald game. - But in the moments where there was like a border win, he was taking bodies. - Exactly. - Same as eight and four. Like body on the line stuff, which... - Darcy Tucker, as well. - Tucker, yeah. - He was good. - And we know that these guys probably aren't in our next pre-emission team, 'cause they're just getting on in age. But the example they're finally setting is really good to see. I've got a few stats for you guys here, right? So since round, since the buy, basically, Tuckles, North is first in the comp, all right? Contested possessions were second in the comp. Our points four has gone up from 65 to 81, and our points against has gone down from 118 to 82. So we've decreased our points against by 34 points per game, all right? Which is basically saying our points four and against is 81 and 82, were basically in every game on average, which we have been. Which is just awesome to see. Like, now, last week I wasn't expecting to beat the dogs, but we were gutted, and we lost by 17 points. You know, the weeks before that, we lost by under a goal. We've only lost by a combined 20 points in three games or whatever it is. So we're competing, it's exciting. There were so many moments in that game, like the North fans were genuinely standing over ationing, like Colby's run down the wing. Like, we love Harley Reid, right? There's more than one pick in the draft, and we got the second miss player, right? And he'll have a great career. We can already see it. LDU's run at the end. Man, I need to explain to you, George, right? So before we started recording, I said to George, have you seen the run? 'Cause there's something I want to explain, and it makes more sense if you've seen it, right? So where we were sitting on that wing was right behind LDU. So we could just see this as close as probably you can get. And he breaks the tackle, he breaks the tackle, and then he sprints in, you're doing like Chris Judd just like taking guys on. And he kicks it, and we can see it line up, and it just freezes left, right? And me and Matsu were literally like hugging, like looking. (laughing) - Like some slow motion movie. - Like slow motion, then when you missed it, we're just like, oh. - Yeah. (laughing) - You know the yum, what's it called? - The meme. - Damn. - That was literally us, right? That was us. Ice cube in Christaka, it was a Christaka on it. - Yeah, but how exciting, man. Like, even at the end there, she's all intercepts that hand pass. We should have scored from it. Like, there was so many opportunities to kill the game off, which is the only disappointing thing. Like, we shouldn't have even been in that nail biting ending. But, defense held up, midfield was tough when it needed to be. The attack looked functional enough to keep committing score, like. - And the other cool thing is, we have drama in this team. And in the best possible way, like the Colby four bounce run, the Torp from Powell. - Oh, Tom Powell. - How did he think to do that, bro? That was-- - Another standing ovation moment. Like, my God. - Oh, yeah, like, you know, he went and, I'm trying to think, that looked like 65, 70, at least. - That was a huge kick. - It was ridiculous, man. - Huge. - That was ridiculous. And I swear for a moment, it looked like Liam Schiels, like, bottled the kick. - He almost did. - 'Cause it didn't come off the boot well. But, man, the relief from that went through after that. - I was already jumping before he kicked it. So, if you miss, I will look like a massive idiot. - Oh, bro, we needed, we needed you to kick that shield. - But there was even the Schisel moment again on our wing. He just gets the ball with a split second. And that's it, he's got the fastest hands in the car. He did a backwards handle, no look. Like, the guy is just so skillful, man. - I think he's backing me up, basically. Because he's, like, faster than butters, faster than while she ever goes. - He has a Mr. Setshot all year. Kicks a Spanx one in from 50 meters when we needed it, in that last quarter. - Oh, gorgeous. - My goodness, man, I'm like, yeah. Just making sure I don't forget anything based on what I wrote. But, one thing, after the game, you know how they interview a player, but it's not the Fox footy interview. They're interviewing Jai Simkin, right? And you can hear it over the speakers. And he literally says, I thought young Jackson Archer was fucking amazing. (laughing) - Bro, he dropped the two or three F-Bobs, right? - You need to just keep kicking stuff. - When he's not on Fox footy, he just lets him go. - Oh, yeah, I love it, I love it, yeah. - But I love it in the room, though, right? So, George, he knows what's coming, right? I sent George a little voice member after the game. I just told him there's a bit more to come. I'm like, I'm gonna keep it tasteful. But I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna keep it tasteful. - I'm gonna keep it tasteful. - I'm gonna keep it tasteful. Man's won one game since last year. - No, no, no, no. - Did you say round one last year? - No, no, you don't get to do this, right? I read out those stats. We're a decent team now, right? - Oh my gosh. - I'm gonna keep this tasteful. But, I'm not gonna lie, I was irrationally annoyed that you just swiped off North as not even a chance against Gold Coast. When these guys haven't won in a way game, all year. - Well, I'm not sure I said not a chance. - You said surely, surely, I'm tipping Gold Coast. - Surely. - Well, so pure, like, if you're at the Blackjack table, right? And then you're going, oh, it's been Black 10 times. That doesn't mean the next game is red. It just means it's 50/50 again, man. - I don't think it's fair. - That's not how statistics works. - That's not how statistics works, man. - No, I don't think that's-- - You don't want to know if you know the logic. - Yeah, no, I'll get what you're saying. - Especially when red is Gold Coast. - Let me rebut this, right? All right, here we go. First of all, I'm happy you guys won. - Thank you, thank you. - But, put it this way. Who had more to lose? - Gold Coast. - Oh, yeah, you would say, yeah, that's fair. - Gold Coast. - Did you not think that, first of all, who was the favorite? It was Gold Coast. So, Gold Coast has most of those. They're the favorite. They come into a team that they should win, right? They're fighting for finals. - Based on what, though, is what? That's my-- - Based on expectations. - But the expectation of what, the last five years, or the last five rounds? 'Cause the last five rounds have been very good. - That's the thing. - Well, but didn't Gold Coast just be conned with? - In Gold Coast. They can't play away, though, bro. - I know they can't. - They can't play away. - I know they can't, but let's not pretend like you got to smash them. I mean, at the end of the day-- - We should have, though. - We should have. - Took Milligod injured, Sam Davis injured, Ainsworth had a shot in the last minute to win it. - It's not a crazy victory. - No, look, I'm not saying that, but all I wanted, and what I demand moving forward, is a consideration that North can win games, 'cause we can win games, huh? And not to just say, oh, surely that team needs a win, they're playing North, they're gonna win. - That's fair. - They don't care if they needed a win. They can't win away from home, bro. They can't. - Well, they can't, they gotta grow the F up. - They can't win. They've proven they can't. - That's it. - So moving forward, unless we're playing like a top 14, a top 18, games on. - Look, who never said games on? I'm not allowed to tip Gold Coast. - No, you're allowed to tip them, but just say, oh, North's in good form, Gold Coast could have been a fight. - You can easily-- - Man's days are a bottle. - You can't just be like, North is North, Gold Coast needs a win, sure. - Ah, that's not good enough, mate. - That's definitely good enough. - That's what we do at every other team. - But it's not my North, boys. - This isn't your two North supporters here, man. - Boys, this all happens when you're flanked by North, man. This all happens when you're flanked by North. That's true. - You are, man. - Look, I can't wait for us. I can't wait until when we win a premiership before you guys, man. - Oh, man. - What I don't get, what I don't get by YouTube, right? Is I am the most considerate company supporter in Victoria. - You hate, you can't hate North, though. - No, I don't. - Okay, okay. You try to bury us whenever you can, man. - I never do that. I never do that. - Absolutely. - You guys haven't won a game since last year. - Home game, bro. - Home game, home game. - And I have never, even when we went to a game, I didn't say shit when I beat you. And now you guys on the pod are trying to bury me. How dare you? - No, you're respectful, but you're tipping habits need to change. That's all I'm saying. - They do not need to change. The tipping habits, they've been in the middle. Next thing you're gonna say is when Carlton versus North in the couple of weeks, you expect me to tip North or something like that. - I'm just expecting you to say, you know what? North's shown something. We've got to be careful. 'Cause if we don't bring it, we might get calling wood. - This is what I'll say. Carlton, I expect nothing but results from you guys. So no matter what the decision is, North or not, you should spank them. That's what I want. That's what I'll say. - That's fair. - That's fair, man. - All right. - That's all I asked for. I was saying, I'm gonna keep it tasteful. There was nothing personal in there. - This is the most ridiculous thing. This is the most ridiculous segment of this pod I've ever heard in my life. Dino's rocket is back, man. - Just test me next time. - This is the way I say it. This is the way I'll bring a full circle. You guys have been bad for so long that you deserve to be a bit chirpy after victory. - Yes. Absolutely, absolutely. - We'll remain chirpy as well, man. - Yeah. - We'll remain chirpy. - I've already said, when we get proper good, no one's gonna wanna talk North with me. - No, no, no. - This pod will probably be a disciple. - Dean is a very good, honest man. But when it comes to North, he brings out this crazy side, too. - Like a lot of people. - I'm a nutcase at the game. I've realised, you know when you're like, there's always that one guy in the bay. Like I'm that guy these days. - Yeah, that's both of us. I think we're both of us together. It's actually, look, but at least we're kind of funny while we do it at least. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Crack jokes and stuff. - Look, I can't think too hard. - I keep it tasteful. - Yeah, no, we don't like abused players. We don't, you know. Nothing that'll get us suspended from games. You know what I mean? - Well, you don't want that. - Five weeks suspension. - No, it's just been a mile past half a bit of gold curse. - Gold curse, look, let's just talk about them for five seconds. They didn't play badly. We were just better. But there is something in the fact that can't be away from him. I don't know what it is. But that game was there. If they played it their best, obviously, they would have given us a better game. The score line flooded them a bit. I think we were the better team. - Yeah. - They capitalised on their momentum for most of the game. Every time I got it, they'd kick a few in a row. Whereas we were just a better team. - One little dude we got to give some flowers to, is Ned Moyle, who's actually a proper Rockman now. He's a proper Rockman. I don't think there's, you know, our Moyles in now. He's our opportunity to dominate the Rock. That's not the case, man. He's taking marks around the ground. He's more, way more physically imposing than I thought he was. Like you see him in real life coming up against Cherry. And all of a sudden, it's like, okay, Cherry actually has a bit of a battle here, which he won. But yeah, now Moyle actually sold a player. Interesting to see how that, you know, where that leaves him going forward. Like they drafted Ethan Reed as well, another Rockman. How long does Witz have to go? - And Mack Andrew was good too. - Yes. - Yeah, he was really good. - I swung him forward as well. He's a handful. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, man. - That's it, fun. - I've done fun times for North Man, honestly. Like, just, and Warlord comes back next week. He and he might be out. - Peripherable, he might be back. - Peripherable, he might be back. - He might be back, Zaki Fisher, you know what I mean? Zaki Fisher even get back into the side. You know what I mean? Like, how does his work? We've got a glut of options all of a sudden. So yeah, it's gonna be a very interesting selection table. I wouldn't bring him in, man. - With McCurcher. - McCurcher, much prefer playing McCurcher in that role. - It's interesting. - Yeah. - Look, I think both are good at the role, but McCurcher, because he's quicker and can just break through lines. And he's daring as well. Like he made two awful mistakes in the first quarter. That didn't stop him at all for the rest of the game. You know, a quarter later, he's running down the wing and doing four bounces. Not many players have the, just the, not a good amount of arrogance is what I'll say it is. Like, it's confidence, it's a bit of arrogance to just go and do what you know you can do. He does it as a virtue player. - Cannon should play together. Just one of them needs to be on the next line so that when he kicks it to the other, the other one's running off. - Yeah. - 'Cause it took Colby, like kick, run by, get the handball received, but if he's marking the ball himself, he can just go. It saves a bit of time, I think. - So anyway, we'll see. - Yeah, it's going to be very interesting. - While this game was happening, there was a very boring other game happening. - Yeah, and George might have to tell us a bit about this one. - Yeah, a bit of a spanking. - Which one was it? - Four dogs. - Oh, yeah, what's, why is it every time you expect something from the dogs that fail you? And why is it every time, every time Port fails you a little bit, they come out and respond. These guys are actually the same team. Port and the dogs are the same team, but separate weeks. - That's a fair call. - That is, and the other thing is we, there's a lot of similarities. It's like awesome midfields for both teams. The four line, actually, the four line, I don't mind it so much for Western Bulldogs, but you know, Port is shit. - Port is shit. - I'm trying to think, they're coaches. They're coaches, we both dislike them. We dislike their coaches. I'm trying to think, what are the similarities these guys have? - I just, they're up and down form. - They've got blue in their jerseys. You know what I'm saying, it's stretchy a bit there. But look, the butters and Rosie's first quarter, I want to quote you. You said last week that they have three beautiful midfields. - They did, they're beautiful. - You said the words beautiful, and I was very, I'm taken aback by calling them beautiful. - They are beautiful. - But they were, they were beautiful. - They are beautiful. - They were especially Rosie and butters, man. - They didn't even let us have a full game of butters beauty. - Bro, you know what I mean? - Man, they got sold off in 160 supercoach to three quarter time, bro. - It's ridiculous, bro. - They deprived us of a 200 supercoach game. The boss said, "I didn't even think of that." - I didn't even, yeah, I did not think of that. That was, that was gonna be butters moment. - Yeah, those two just absolutely tear them up. Yeah, I don't know. It's hard to read into this game or exactly what went wrong, but. - Well, I think that went wrong. They just lost the midfield battle. - What I will say is, Northern got injured, right? And Bond played pretty much the whole game up forward. And any time they kicked at the bond, he marked it. But it's like the game's in the balance and you're losing. Shuffle some feathers and Bond in the midfield. I hate how he rests, he just puts him forward. - If Bond in the midfield, he wins the clearance. That's just like one plus one equals two. - But, yeah, I agree with you. And especially when Port started, like we said, Ross and Butters, like how many touches did they have at quarter time, over 15 minutes? - Crazy, it's crazy. - So you're thinking- - Get the man on in the gut to control the game. - That's crazy, I agree with him. - And he probably says, "I'm like, no, no, we can't just rely on Bond." We get the other team, it's the team game. Shut up, shut up. Put your captain where he belongs. And wrestle control the game. - Well, the thing is as well, like part of me says, okay, Bevo, he actually, yes, he moves plays around, but is it all in the name of building a versatile team? You could argue that, right? But you're building up a midfield, say, of younger players for what, when Bond's finished, and then your window's done? - Well, there wasn't younger players. It was the Trilor, Liba- - Richard's, who's young, but- - Richard's and one other midfielder. - Well, regardless, like, yeah, so what's the point of not playing your best midfield when maybe by the time Richard's, maybe he can take another couple steps up and then he's prime, but then Bond's not prime anymore. So I think you just got to capitalize on what you've got in front of you. - You got to. - And yes, develop your team, but yeah, if the game's in the balance and you've got brown, low, worthy, midfielder on your hands, like put him in the guardsman. - I thought it was a massive waste, man. - Yeah, that's fair. - George Yard is five goals. Horn of Francis three. - Yeah. - He's really hit in the scoreboard. - Yeah, he is. I think George Yard is his their most damaging forward. They've got a couple of options, like top martial, the Dixon's kind of out of form. There's one other guy that escapes my mind, but I think George Yard is the one for me. - They had actually Lord and Finn Lace and Plaid. - Lord, Lord, George Yard is more likely in my opinion. Finn Lacing is talented, but. - You'll finish up in the next year or two? - Yeah, I'd say. - Yeah, probably. Look, I think Ollie Lord, if he can get his form back, you know, and him and George Yard are so, you know, looking good, that'd be very promising because Ollie Lord, I don't know if you guys remember last season, the way he ended the season. He was excellent now. So yeah, look, a couple of promising keys. They need those guys to come along. They really need that because otherwise it's like, yeah, you got retirement age type dudes. What I like about George Yard is that I feel like he's a pretty accurate set shot. - Yeah, he's decent. Even Marshall, George Yard, like both of them are decent set shot. - Well, Marshall historically has been, but this year he's been woeful. He's really out of form. - Yeah, that's weird, isn't it? I still think of him as a good set shot. I think he'll break out of it. I don't know what it is though. - He's so sorry. - A martial type, I don't know. - Yeah, that is a weird one because he's, I feel like he's the sort of dude who needs to be a good set shot because otherwise he's not the most physically imposing dude. If you're gonna have him out there, it's not the crash packs. You need him to make the most of his opportunities. So look, yeah, he probably just met a lot of the two at all. (laughing) That's why I love George Yard is my home. Maybe that's why I like Ollie Lorde, man. I'm a big Ollie Lorde guy, man. - You love the promising forward. That's not, you don't like giving praise to like Charlie Kern or what much does he do like him? - That's what I'm saying, but there is something to this. There is something to this. - He likes, no, he's an observant guy. He wants to call it before he becomes the Charlie Kern. - You're probably right. No, look, there are, so the guy's who I do like, I'm trying to make, maybe a troll. That one, I don't really expect that much of him. I just like his vibe, right? He's got mad vibes as a player. Langford, maybe people don't recognize it, but he's elite, you know what I mean? He's an elite, just about an elite football, all right? Will Day, I probably got onto him a little bit earlier than most, right? Sicily, not really. I'm trying to think, who, who? Who am I dude? - See, none of these guys are real, like Will Day is in midfielder, but none of these guys are kind of mids. - Are they underdogs? Like what are we thinking? - Even Will Day, you can argue he's a medium defender. - That's the thing, see, that's the thing that I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think, like, he was he, 'cause he wasn't expected to be this good. You know what I mean? - He was a high draft pig, man. I think he was pick 11 or 12 or so. - But he was drafted as a half back, man. He was never meant to be in midfielder, and then he, they put him in there, and I'm watching this, and I'm like, look at this guy, man. - Half back in midfield, the same thing, man. Yeah, I'm trying to think. - Watch it, we're talking real day now, so might as well talk about the Hawks game. - Yeah, look, that, I was listening to on the radio, 'cause I was driving down to Georgie's way, Whittlesy. And... (laughing) - Nah, look, yes, I don't have too much. - Where is Whittlesy, man? - Bro, look, I was just driving in the fog. Like, we're talking outside of like, Bronze Week is my way about it. - So, look, it was a friend of the pod, Chris's bucks. And, you know, Chris being the, you know, the St. Kilda supporter, who, you know, was treated lovely this week. But yeah, anyway, so I'm driving there, and we're talking like, the fog is that intense. If a car is like 30 meters away, you can only just see the lights like there, those little LED lights that, you know, are on walls, you know what I mean? I could only just see them. And here's the thing, because you can't really see properly, I can't tell, I'm like, is this guy on the same? Is he on his lane, or is he on my lane? So, I'm just driving in my lane, hoping that he's not a, he's not a Vlaka, and he's, you know, he's come the other side. I was scared, bro. I was scared. So, that's a low of the footy. That's why I can see better. - Yeah, and that's why I don't have good insight. But, look, yeah, that was a very interesting drive. - Look, that sounds terrible, Matt. I'm sorry I had to go through with that. - So, I'm really, I'm reliving this moment, you know, talking about your long walk. - Look at us shaking, you guys can't tell, but he's shaking me. They're shaking me. They catch his nuke. I, I'm not surprised by this result, because the hawks have been really good, but they've come up against a really mature body side, and I just felt like it was waiting to happen, something like that. Something like just getting exposed a little bit by just the team, that's just a lot more tough and experienced. And I think that's what Sam Mitchell ended up saying in his press conference, like, you know, there's still a bit of a gap between them and the best side. So, the hawth one run has been pretty special, but up against some of the top echelon teams, I think they get exposed a little bit, and I think this is just an example of that, which is not a negative on them, it's just kind of where they're at a bit. - I was half expecting them to have just that one quarter where they, 'cause even last year, if you recall, they'd lose a lot of games, obviously, to the good teams, and there was still sort of that one quarter, at least where they'd maybe kick things. - Even a half, sometimes. - Even a half, sometimes. I still sort of thought as the game went on, like maybe they'll just do something, but yeah, never really came. I guess, Geelong, look, Hawken's is out, but the forward line has been killing it the last four weeks. - It's funny, 'cause they're such a, like, we think, Geelong has such a good start to the season, but they've kind of been up and down, they lost some bad games, they're probably like fourth or fifth on the line, where are they? - I think they are, they are fifth, only half a game at the other four. Still very much up there. I don't know, I just kind of don't respect him that much. I just, but they're there. - You know, you're not a bread close, man? - No, I'm not. I like the long sleeves, but that's about it. - No, fair enough. - A bit of Matthew Lappin' to him. - Yeah. - Some would say. - Skinny Lappin'? - Skinny Lappin'? - I would definitely be a long sleeve footy player. - Yeah, that's your vibe I reckon. - Yeah, sure. - Yeah, sure. - It's because he skips arm day at the gym, so yes, that, you know, I'm perpetually cold. - I think I'd go for, like, the Horde Francis long socks or something, I don't know. - No, you can't be a long sock. Black boots, long socks, black boots. - Small fashion football? - Yeah, a Georgie Wardlach, otherwise, you know what I mean? I like that. I'm not a fan of the long socks. I'm at the danger field with these socks up to his knees. If he wasn't such a damn good player. - Well, he's the thing, right? Why are the socks so long if it's socially unacceptable to pull them up? Why not just make them short? Why don't they need to be long socks for? You don't wear shin guards like in soccer? - All right, this is traditional. - I'm calling for AFL next year. Just stop playing with us. Just give us short socks, and that's it. - Look, I want a bit more like basketball vibes where players have, like, the shooting sleeve randomly. You know what I mean? - Kicking the knee brace, maybe. - Yeah, yeah, maybe, like, that's cool. - The headband, you know what I mean? Like, you know, wristbands? Something, there's not much vibe. Like, Jayden Hunt tried to wear that disgusting, like, headband. - You know that headband that I mean, Josh Hunt liked to wear? It looked like-- - I don't know, it was a little bit like bikey vibes, you know what I mean? That's probably why they said look, bro, like, you know, you blutter a creep, you know, but blue and red, you're both. - Wouldn't it be weird? - So it was a bit weird. - Next year, right? So, Nick Larky lines off a goal. Instead of doing, like, the Matthew Lloyd grass, you know, wind check. He just comes in, he pulls out like a knee sleeve. And that's like, he's routine. He just gets out of his pocket, knee sleeve on, kicks straight every time. - And then takes it off for the next play. - Yeah, just takes it off. - Yeah, that's fair. - Hey, that's hard. - Add it to your 30 seconds, you know. - You don't rock people's elbow, get the elbow pad off. One of those ones. - I'm just talking about his routine. Do you see plays take out their mouth guard these days? Yeah, when they line up for goal? - Yeah. - Not as much as I remember seeing when I was younger. - Wouldn't they put it in the sock? - Sock or the, sometimes the shorts? - Yeah. - I feel like that. - Well, I don't think I've seen that in years. Maybe I'll pay attention. - Does any player do the Steph Curry just bite the mouth guard at the free throw line? - That's something I was just thinking of actually. - Someone do that? That'd be bossy they did. - Yeah, looks, you're not a big boss woman, but Steph Curry for some reason, just choose it around. And like sort of sticks out. - Oh. - It's weird. I don't know why it does that. It's really odd. Look, I'm sure someone will eventually. Like one of those, one of these plays like-- - One of these millennials. - Yeah, one of these millennials, you know, Nick Watson will probably do it. You know what I mean? - He'll make it disappear. - Yeah. - That's it, that's it. Look, this week wasn't his best game, but we almost got to say the previous week he was good. He kind of got back to like, you know, half, you know, was it half blood? - Mud blood. - Mud blood? - You know, he was a bit half blood or whatever it's called, you know what I mean? - Half blood printer. - Yeah, this week back to, you know, regular muggle, but like, you know, he's getting there. - This guy's having an identity crisis big time. - And big time. - Well, look, on the whole team's bad, I don't expect the wizard to be the one shining. - Let's be honest. - That's fair, that's fair. - But now, credit to the cats. They had a, Stuart finally had a controlling game. He hadn't felt like he hasn't had one of these games in weeks. - Yeah, like he's been a bit understated. Like, you know, I've sort of had a look at some of his performances, I'm just like, you know. - Chris got this thing, sorry to interrupt you. He did a thing last week where he had Stuart on ball. It just does my head in, man. Like, I know that the mid field's a bit lightish, but you've got this all time, half back. One of the best plays in your club's history off half back. - No, I think you're trying to avoid the tag. - Just get over it. - Come on, did you get tagged in the middle? - I don't know. - No, I don't. - I don't think it's, I don't think it's the avoiding ones. I don't think it's avoiding the tag. I think it's just, he has an abundance of half backs. Like, and you got Mitch Duncan. You have, what's his name? What's his name? The new kid now, Lawson Humphrey. You know what I mean? Humphreys? Who's the other one? He's not really the one I'm thinking of. There's more than homes. - Homes, yeah. - But homes have been more mid field, hasn't he? - Yeah, but he rotates between the two spots. Yeah, I think that's probably what he's thinking. Like, I need to try to move people around and see what I've got. - Has anyone seen you do it? - When should a player's on board? Has anyone seen him get a clearance or do anything? - He has, I've seen a clearance. - I haven't, I don't know. I'm angry at it. - Has probably been at least one clearance since he's been in the mid field. - No, I want facts. I don't want, he's definitely gotten a clearance man. I think I checked it, I think he got three clearances last week. - No, not bad, not bad three. So he's, he's a bad mid field man. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So he's basically like a Tom Sparrow level mid fielder. - Yeah. - Right, that's, that's handy, you know. But yeah, we have much more to talk about this game. - No, let's move on man. - Yes, wait, that, we drag that a bit. I didn't enjoy talking about that game, no, no. - George was just wanting to, to lay the inevitable. - I'm an expert. - You're an expert. - No, it's all yours, but interesting one man, interesting. Look, it was a bit of a frustrating watch to be honest because we started the first quarter with the bang and we were 39 points up, I think in the first quarter. No, 39 points in and I keep the goals. It was something like 30, low 30s. It was a margin of quarter time. And I'm thinking, man, look at this team, we're invincible, we're doing it again, but in the first quarter instead of the third or the fourth. And then second quarter, the Giants just absolutely tout us up. Absolutely tout us up. So the, the, our first quarter was their second quarter. And then it's even a half time, third quarter come in, Giants just keep rolling. And this is where what Carlton's been good at is it's half time, reset a half time, come out with the bang and, and set this record. I was just going to say, where was that? It was down, it just never came. Well, it didn't, it didn't have, it didn't happen. And we did not touch the ball for two quarters men. It was actually remarkable. We fumbled the ball and handballed to the opposition for two quarters straight under immense pressure. Like Carlton's a skillful team. And you, I have to say it was more about the Giants just being absolutely relentless. And I saw some stats that showed that they had over like nearly 50 more sprint attempts. Or no, not attempts, sprint, what's it called? Effits, sprint efforts that us. So they worked harder than us. They worked their little arses off. And I think it was something along the lines of, you know, we started the first quarter with the bang. And then they're like, my ass isn't on the line. Get your shit to get the boys. And they came out and just played like the permission favourites they were the start of the year. Let's not forget that after round three round four we're thinking these Giants are the best. I did say last week, it wouldn't surprise me if they turned around and went on a win streak. Yeah. And I was like, oh, it would actually surprise me. I didn't say I was, I'd say that. One of you said, one of you can't have done it. Definitely George is like, oh, it would surprise me. No, but look, you know the thing is don't put one on one. He said, no, no, no, no, you did say that. But look, I get it, I put the clip. No, I will. Now look, I get it though. Because like when you've been that bad, because they have been that bad, it is crazy to just turn it around. But the thing is, this is a team, this is a team that's capable of it. You know, we all know that. Look, before the game I was thinking, look, I expect us to win this. But going up to the Giants Stadium, like it's not the easiest thing to do and win, right? It's such a shit stadium as well. It's always depressing. There's no crowd. There's no crowd. So whatever the case is, they put some seriously good football and their speed was we could do nothing with their speed. Like even some of these younger players, Matt has talked about like Darcy Jones. They had a first gamer who I forgot the name of. This guy has speed to burn. Joe Fonti, yeah Fonti, and remember they did this without Callie and without Taylor. Two, the most important players or top three, most important players. So it was a really impressive performance. Man, that was tough. - Callum Warhol and 30 Disposals, two goals. - Ward, great game, Hogan, great game. The only thing I would say more on the Carlton side was, I was happy that we didn't like lay down and die. Because it was one of those games, you could kind of see the writing on the wall in the second quarter. Weidering had a quark. He was out for most of the quarter. That scored like eight goals in a row. Any time we're doing leaves the field, we're just like this guy. If there's any illusions of who's the most important player in Carlton, it's him, right? McGovern, Niggle, Tom DeConnie, Niggle. You could just see he was getting a bit tough. They had the momentum, home game. You just could see like, "Ah, shit, we ain't gonna win this," right? And I'm happy that they managed to fight it out. And it was one of those games where we almost stole it. And that is a hallmark of a good team that we didn't steal it, but we got pretty close. Like it was within 12 points. And there was an entrance out of 50 where we should have keep the goal, man. We just should have keep the goal. It was like three on one or something. We didn't make anything from it. So we got pretty close, even the day spanked us for two and a half quarters. So I liked the fact that they didn't die because that's not what you want from a professional team. I just think they outworked us. And I think it's, I felt a little bit better once Sydney lost, which we'll talk about soon. But it's more along the lines of like, Carlton's won five games in a row, really strong performances. And now they've lost one to a pretty good team that if they play like that, a very good team, it's not the worst thing in the world to lose a team like that, to kind of reset your expectations a bit. I think it's healthy. If Carlton loses next week, it won't be healthy. But this loss in isolation is not the end of the world for Carlton. I actually think it's potentially a good team 'cause the Giants and Sydney and Kong would are those type of teams that when they play like that are really damaging and threaten Carlton's kind of contested tough game style. So I like being exposed by those teams because it gives us a look at, oh, we've just been exposed reset. When we got exposed by Sydney, it started early on the year, that was a really big thing for us. And I felt like we started to play out better football after that. And I expect this is kind of the next transition of, we just got exposed again. Boys, get your shit together, reset, go again. So, on isolation for the context of our season, I don't think it's that bad to lose this game. The last thing I'll say is Cripps is playing out of his mind. And even though we lost, I still think he was the best on-- - He was probably in the brown way. - He was insane. - Yeah. - Probably right. - Insane, insane. So, it kind of reminded me of the old times where he was the only one turning up. He was actually, he was really special. - Nostalgia. - Nostalgia. - Nostalgia. - A good all day. - And losing as well. (laughing) - That's what I say. - It's not like, look, some interesting little stats I've just sort of looked at, right? So, I think a hallmark of your midfield actually being really, really good, right, is the fact that Briggs doubled the Conning sitouts. And you guys still came up equal on the clearances. Actually, you guys been about three. That is crazy to me. But I think, yeah, where the game, obviously, was lost in this case was, you guys lost the uncontested possessions by 80. So, they just, they possessed the ball. It's interesting, there's a couple of times where like teams have done that this week, you know, and beat really good teams. Essent then did it against Collingwood and now JWS against you guys. - The only thing that's missing from that is, I think they kick something like 70 points from stoppages. So, their clearances were a lot more damaging than us. - Yes, you know, you're right. I did say that as well. - That's crazy. - Yeah, Tom, they've only had a good starter again, running around Briggs, but Briggs found a way to stop him. And they, like, we had no answer in the midfields. - Yeah, Peter not fit, just not sure I'm chosen at the moment. - Yeah, so he's fit and he was stopped there for the conning. The conning is an amazing form. The other one that got dropped was Hewitt for cultural. I'll tell you what, man, Hewitt would have been needed in a game like that, man. Just some strong, an extra strong body, just to arrest the momentum a bit. Interesting. That is a game where we could have used a pit in it to just to hold Briggs right back. - I think you've also had his time again. - Yeah, 100%. - It's interesting, but you wouldn't have thought Briggs would have been a, that big a threat to this point, because I've had him in my Superco Strath, and I know he's been bad, right? He hasn't been close to you, but he's a tough opponent. And when they did well last year, like when they had really good form last year, he was one of their better players. This game, they win a game against Carlton, and he was probably the best guy out there. Apart from maybe Jesse Hogan, who, shout out to him, six contested marks, that's insane and five goals. - That's the Jesse Hogan that we saw in the first three to four rounds at the start of the season, when we were really talking up GWS. Now he has that big game, now all of a sudden GWS look a bit more like a threat again. So yeah, I guess they're pretty reliant on their big guys, which is, I guess it's most teams, I guess. I think their pressure is what set him apart that game. So, and their speed. Man, they have some incredibly fast plays. Even Bedford, they didn't talk about Bedford. Bedford really, like he went to Walsh and Walsh had no answers. The other thing is Charlie Curno, I was saying before the pod, got destroyed by Buckley. I destroyed. - I think they were, - I think they were second best. - Second best defense. - But yeah, they were saying some rumor that Curno hurt his ankle in the warm up. He wasn't chasing at all. Like he looked so out of it, Curno. I was like, "Curno, do something." To the point where I was like, "Bro, this guy has to be injured." Like, or like someone's bullying him or something like this. I couldn't believe it. - Yeah. - That sometimes plays trap play through things. For me, if you're not at your best, as good as you are. Like, just make way. - He's had a very average season, Curno, and he's still in the Coleman. He just sounds like... - He just gets management. - Yeah, he does, man. - He does. - Next game, we won't drag it on too much, but Freeo belted Richmond, which I don't think anyone's surprised by, but what he's surprising is Freeo is now third. And with a healthy enough percentage to justify their spot, that's not just fixture friendliness or anything like that. - Well, look, they've shown that they can beat teams when they need to beat them. They beat Sydney last week. You know, they're a shout this year, man. They're a shout. Like, I feel like throughout the ground, they've got options, you know, and strong options, you know. They symbol users. We made luck in the TikTok that did very poorly. - We noticed that Bray Shaw, he's top 10 in scoring involved, you know. We don't really see him as that huge, damaging guy, but, you know, all of a sudden, it's him, Sarong, Hayden Young's left foot, you know, not even the rest of Hayden Young's body, just his left foot, you know, it's just, you know. - The interesting thing with Freeo is we've always said they need a key forward, right? And then they draft dry Amherst, and we're all thinking, yeah, wait till this guy develops, but they just add a nowhere. Josh Treece just comes along. - Yeah, he's the guy. - He's up there in the Coleman count. He's not gonna win it, but he's one of the best forwards in the league by goals. And I think his accuracy I was reading was leading the league, like similar to how Larky's was last year. I think he's going at like 73%. - Oh wow, 35 goals. - Only 11 away from Kurna. - There you go. So the fact that he's come on now and he's been consistent all year, and then you've got Amos there as the second and so on, makes them rule dangerous, which they weren't in the past. And they can capitalize on that mutual dominance. And quite frankly, they're half back bounce and dominance as well, it's a big part of the game. - Yeah, yeah. - Treece was a rookie. - When? - So it was a rookie elevation in 2020. - Oh, sorry, yeah. - So he was a rookie. - Yeah, yeah. - So that's, I mean, to get a key forward off your rookie list is crazy, man. That's some great recruiting right there. And probably, you know, it's probably a lot got to do with him more than them. 'Cause they brought him in as like a rock type guy. You know what I mean? He was feeling as a rock sometimes as a forward, but you know, he's obviously worked on his game and worked on his body and made himself, you know, able to compete, you know? So yeah, it's a huge credit to him. - Yeah. - But otherwise, look, Richmond, they're sort of bottom of the ladder now. So are we, are we going to predict they're going to be bottom? They're going to finish up the bottom. - Yeah, I think it'll be Richmond, the Eagles north at this rate. We're only one win behind the Eagles. And I think we'll touch them up in when we play them. - It's crazy 'cause like for a worse, like Richmond being the one on the ladder, they're not, they're not a warden spoon type team. - Look, you wouldn't have thought so at the start of the year. And even now, like you look at the injury list and that's your answer, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's crazy. Like you'd still go into a game against Richmond at the MCG and still have to play pretty hard to beat them. - Yeah. - And then the lowest team in the comp, it's crazy. Such an even competition, man. - Nah, it is, man. It is like it's, man. - You compare it to last year with West Coast losing by 100 points every week and that will last. - Yeah, and then us as well. - It's all of a sudden, yeah. Most of the teams have something to look forward to. I do think West Coast have reverted to being bad, to be honest with you. - Yeah, I think, yeah. - Like the way, it's almost like with us, 'cause we had a good finish to the season, then we ended up, you know, starting this season so poorly. I think they're in that phase almost, you know, where they had a nice little competitive period back to, you know, reality. And hopefully for them, they can get back into a competitive footy sooner than later. - Well, let's talk about that real quick, 'cause they're the next game. I don't have much else to say about freer. - Yeah, no, move on. Did you guys see that tech scandal that the Eagles, one of the Eagles' players or a group of players were texting apparently unnamed about how they want Simpson gone, basically. And Simpson had to answer some questions about it. He basically said, look, I'm not gonna be searching phones to find out who said it, but it's not ideal, da-da-da. For me though, that's pretty crazy. It's one thing, if it turns out, it's like a guy that's not getting a game and he's just like, you know, I'm deserving a chance, da-da-da. Different if it's like-- - Harley Reid. - Dare I say Harley Reid? Dare I say some other young players who are the foundation of the club, like a Waterman or-- - Did they say young players were involved in the tech thing? - Don't think so. - Or was it older dudes? - Don't think it was anything-- - So nothing's suspicious. - I think people don't know who it is. It's not like they're hiding out. I think there's just a screenshot and blurred out, but it's proven to be true about it. - One of those ones, like, don't tell anyone that I essentially-- - It's one of those ones that you get from that guy at work, 'cause I go on mates, cousins, brothers. - My mates, yeah, so my mates involved with the club, and don't tell anyone I said this, but apparently, that shit's so good, man, I love those. - I don't know, that's interesting to me, because they had a mini resurgence start of the year, and you're thinking, okay, they're back-ish, you know, as a developing team. - Yeah, actually, I did have one that I can tell you guys later, but yeah, just remind me, remind me, but off it, off it. - But yeah, now they're sort of down in the dumps again. - I think it's one of those ones where, you know, there's a difference between the team at the start of the season and the end of the season, and they're just being beat up, and I think all of them momentum and their young players, they're tired, they're all the players that have been really, really strong this year, probably a little bit battered up, and they just can't back it up anymore. And I think, how many rounds left, eight rounds, or something like that, I think they're gonna be pretty bad first of the year, personally, and so my govern was a broker of rib, so they'll probably be really tenty. - Sorry. - Another player out of my team. - Sorry, I've got Mila, Gorn, and my govern in my draft team, this is crap. - That is pretty bad, but yeah, no, so I don't know, they'll probably be tentative on getting him back into the side. Must be fair. Apparently, they left him in Melbourne an extra day or two, just so he can recover, you know. So yeah, so it's not looking good there. Yeah, I think you're right, bruised, battered, you know, ran out of legs, and it makes sense, because it's like you've got like 30 plus-year-olds, and then you've got a bunch of 21-year-olds, you know? So, and Reed hasn't had a Reed game in a while to kind of inspire them. Yeah, he's been solid, like, he's doing his thing, but it's not like, you know, he's not having Colby McCurch's type of games. - True, true, true. - Hey, Foxman. - Yeah, that's it. Someone had to say it, man, someone had to say it. But look, interesting for Melbourne, so that we can't really take too much out of the victory forum, but there's still equal points with JW S08. So, you know, they're gonna be in and around the area, they lose Gorn, so I don't know how they're gonna replace him for two to three weeks. - Well, who's the back-up rock these days? - Exactly. - Is it Bruce? - Bruce? - No, no, no, he was a JW, no, no, he was a JW. - No, he was one. - Nah, brother, that was the dumb one. - Wasn't it someone from Brisbane that they recruited? - Yeah, they did. - A lot of the younger tools? - I can't remember his name, but it was like a forward slash rock. - Slash rock. - And he's probably gonna have to be here. - Do that, or are they gonna do like a Tom McDonald? - Maybe. - Yeah, well, McDonald's been good down back. - Yeah, he's got to keep him down there. Or wherever he goes, Tom McDonald, whether he goes forward or back, he's actually a very solid player. - He's a good swimmin'. - Yeah, look, they're playing very in there a little bit, but he should be forward, because as he showed in this game, he can get a bag when he's on. - He's a great young player. - And you know what, the thing about him, he was drafted late-ish, like I think 20-something, 30-something. And he only took him one season in the VFL to become this player. - That's true. - And he looks the part, and he plays the part, which is crazy. - Yeah, that's interesting, 'cause the whole, the old, what's the word, knowledge, or whatever it's gonna say, is that big players, keep position players, take a while to the game. - Take Walker, yeah. - But him, just straight into it, you know? - It's crazy. - Yeah, so good on him, man. Maybe they've got to test him, see what's going on, you know? Has he gotten his body so ready? Or maybe, you know what, in saying that, these days, I think kids younger are getting into bodybuilding and gymming and stuff like that. So you would think, maybe he's a young kid who put his time in when he was 16 and 17. - Must be. - 18. And he already had, you know, the professionalism must be, must be there, you know? - A fair player though, yeah. - Wanna give some flowers out, Trent Rivers, all right? This guy here, he's doing an Ed Richards, just decided he's a midfielder now. Dude had 29 touches, and I swear he's last month of footy since Patrak has been down, has just been crazy in the midfield. Oh, look, modestly good. - There was one game where he dropped off, but the rest have been really good. - Yeah, but he's getting over 24 is disposal's most game. But-- - Someone at the step up. - Crucially on ball rather than he's half act. So the disposal's maybe similar, but he looks, he's got some dash to him as well, like he can break away from a pack. - He's pretty good, you know, he's not. - Who's that? - Oh, my boy. - One of my boys. - Two to four, Rivers is a better midfielder than Oliver right now. - Dude, Oliver is a terrible midfielder. How many possessions did he get, bro? Like, career low? - I think he's as well about it, right? Like, his off-season was shambolic, right? - So 14 disposals, three tackles. - 47%, 57% disposal efficiency. That's like one quarter for him last year. - Yeah, and the thing is that there sort of concerns me. He's like, his off-season was horrible and don't know the details of exactly what he's going through, right? But clearly he's not the same player physically and he's not the same player maybe mentally as well. But I don't know why they're persisting with putting him in, like playing, like he's clearly not conditioned enough. He can't, he could run all day in his career, right? - And that's his thing. - That was the thing that was impressive because at one stage he was just inside sort of, you know, dogging it on the inside. But then eventually he got to the point where it's just like, this is the dude who's, you know, making leads to get the ball out of the defense. And that's what made him so damaged. - Correct. And his disposal's never been his thing of like, this guy has a clean kick at whatever. So he can't get away with it, like an older, slower veteran. - Yeah, like a Patrakko get him away. - Pedal Brie or Patrakko, any of these guys, 'cause you know that the skill never leaves. That's never been his thing. His thing is all engine and grunt and all that. And he just hasn't had it all year. And you just wonder like what actually happened and be like, should they just give him a break? I don't know, maybe just another week off, not like a month or something, just give him another week or two. - They will know what is wrong with him and they'll be able to make some judgment. But us, we have no insight. - Surely the GPS, like they track the GPS, like even just watching the game, there's no way this guy's number. Like if you look at his career, it surely be like a leader leader lead. And then this year, something's not right. - Yeah. - And they can see that surely. - Interesting, like I think back to maybe year or two ago, there was a quote, there's a quote from you, right? And this is a good quote, right? You called him, he's the perfect midfielder. I remember you saying that specifically, because that stood out to me because I respect your opinion. And I think it's a fair opinion because at that time, Oliver was the man. - Yeah. - So look here, weird, this fall from Grayson, you know? - Yeah. Look, hopefully, look, hopefully this, I hope he gets back to his guys. - I think you will. - I hope so too. - Yeah, he will. - But long enough in the season's gone, like. - Yeah, 'cause you would have thought that by now the engine will be back. - Correct. - Because you're getting the best type of practice. That's match practice, match fitness. - Exactly right. - You know? It's odd, it's odd, but look here. They get a win and they get another injury to a K player. Like, it's like, yeah, it's not great. It's not great. - Just a quick side on it. Did you hit up a truck? You know, had to have another surgery for a penicidus. Which is a, I haven't had it, but it's painful. - Yeah, bro, this, you know, maybe you just thought, you know, I've been through all this pain. Let's just continue it all now. And then I don't have to worry about it for a while. - I figured everything. - Yeah. - It's not again. Did that list put him under this time or? - No idea. - You'd think so. - I don't know. - But then they could have said some, oh, because you've just been freshly vaccinated again for all these random stuff. We have to do this. Like, them, you don't know. - Yeah, it's harsh. - You don't know, man. But yeah, yeah, shout out to him. Get well soon, bro. - He's had a hard run, man. He had this interview in Foxwood. I think Neil was in it. And they just, so you know, and they have like the two players from different teams. And all they did was ask for trucker questions and just Neil was just standing there the whole time. But like, they were showing like footage of, he was talking about his experience and I was showing footage of him and how he landed. And he's just like, like his whole body, but it was horrific. 'Cause I didn't watch that game. I didn't watch that game live. So I didn't really process what was happening. Geez, man. That's a crazy shit. - Okay, well, soon, then. The next game, so you mentioned Chris before, you would have been a happy champion this weekend. - Yeah, he was. He had his box. - He had his box, he had his wing. - That, yeah. And look, man, shout out to him, man. They deserved, you know, through the pain that he's had this year. 'Cause it's been a painful year. Like, I don't know if any fans have copped at worse than Saints fans considering the expectations to where they are right now. - That's like the worst performing team. - I agree, I agree. But this week, you know, and it's interesting timing as well because not only was it his box and whatever, but last week, we put him on blast. Like, I don't know why, but the something was in me, I had to go in, mate. I had to go in and we all just, you know, we fell off that. - It's the enjoyers, it's the enjoyers. - When the enjoyers become haters, mate. - Shit on your team. - Shit on your team, well, they become good. And it happened, it happened, man. Like, all of a sudden, one of the dudes specifically that we, you know, that we gave shit about, 10 coaches votes. - Yeah. - 10 coaches, Phillip, who, mate? 10 coaches votes. - He had a big game for the pool. - Yeah, what the, like, what? And you know what, look, I had a little look at his VFLs that, so I guess, and it does make sense because he had 20 disposals plus in the last month of VFL football, and there was plenty of tackles involved in that as well. So obviously, he was in form. So, mate, there we go. Could that be the dude who can hold it off, hold on for the rest of the season, and be a good midfielder, you know, to support the struggling Jack Steele? - Like, look, he's the second year football, I think it's time to rely on him. But he was pretty tough. He still had some moments in the last quarter, he'd like to have back again. But he was definitely added a grunt that they didn't have. My question to the Saints fans, and the Saints team is, where was that all year, bro? - You just beat Sydney. - Bad. - You just beat Sydney, right? - They're not, and Sydney's two losses in a row, by the way. But this was a game where they started strong, then Sydney had their run, and I watched a lot of this game, but there was moments where I thought Sydney was gonna take a run, and I kind of took a step back, and just kept an eye on the score. And the score just never really went crazy. And then in the last quarter, you see the Saints coming back, and I kind of switched back on, and it was the most intense last 10 minutes of frantic St. Kudo pressure. I haven't seen them play like that for such a long time, and so many players stood up. Like Wilkie was massive, but they just hunted, and hunted, and hunted, and didn't give Sydney a chance. And then you see the last moment, Logan McDonald? - I know. - Another one. Learn from your mistakes, big fella. - The funny thing about that, right? He marks it 45 out, directly in front, and I loved his body language after it, 'cause he just grabbed it, tucked it under the arm, pointed at the goals, said I'm redeeming myself. And I thought he was gonna kick it. It was half decent kick, but man, bad week to be Logan McDonald, good week to be Wil Phillips, pick three. - That is true, that is very true. Do you see the role of Marshall kind of was gonna keep that goal, and it kind of bounced out to the shore? - Oh, bro, I was filthy. - Yeah, that's one of the most unlikely things. - That's like, remember Robbie Gray for port, when he, was it Robbie Gray? - That sounds about right. - He kicked it, it was like center of the behind posts, and then it bounced out of the way. - It bounced back the other way, yeah, yeah. I remember that. - Oh, it's Carlton, Robbie Gray always destroyed us. I wouldn't, I wouldn't, he was surprised. He was so good, man. Thank you for bringing my mouth. - I forgot about Robbie Gray. - Yeah, Robbie Gray. - He's, he's a third tall, I love him, man. Robbie Gray actually, he sacrificed, he's a bit like Toby Green, to be honest. He kind of sacrificed his mid-field career to be a Ford, and gun. - I was gonna say, so last week, when we did go in it, thank you at all. Remember when I was saying, what's happened to their forward line, like everyone's cheating on it, and for good reason, but where, like Higgins, we said, was doing well this year, but where's everyone else? You know, where was Dan Butler? Where's memory, where's Philippu, like Owens? Like these guys all last year were great with their pressure, and really like speedy getting out the backing. Like I remember last year, they were just getting goals in the goal square. Like Dan Butler just leaving, kicking half his goal from right in front, right? 'Cause they were getting in behind. So interesting that King's out, and it gets to like this small ball sort of, you know, mosquito fleet, that's not saying pretty often. - Let's predict the Richmond type of novelty, you know, small forward line. - But no, I was sort of half watching this game, and there was that time in the third quarter where I've got in front of me right, so in six minutes, the Saints kicked four goals. 'Cause up until that point, they weren't really a threat to win the game. - No. - And then, so he then kicks two in a row, and you're like, all right, three goals, one's are up. And then, yeah, that last quarter was just insane. - Even happily missed out on the full, like, yeah. - That was, yeah, that was crazy, though. - Duke or Howard, like fell into the crowd. - Yeah. And it just looked like Steel Sydney was gonna win, which is why, like, Logan again, man, jeez. That's bad. - Yeah, well, I mentioned Duke or Howard, there was five seconds left, and Duke or Howard goes off with the bud role, and there's five seconds left, and they're trying to set up their thing, and it's a stoppage inside 50 for Sydney. Chaotic man, but yeah, good on the Saints. And Sydney, I wonder whether being on the top for so long, it makes you the hunted, and people study you, and maybe they peaked at the wrong time, I don't know. - I did raise this last week. I said, no, you said it. You were saying it's maybe the loss will do 'em good. - Yeah. - And you just sort of kind of said that for Carlton as well. - Yeah, that's what you're saying. - But now the loss, too. - That's what I'm saying. The second loss is the problem. Like, that's what I said. If Carlton loses the dog next week, he's out to go, shit. If Carlton smashes the dogs, you go, it was the loss that they needed. - What if they lose three in a row? Then the wheels are off. - Of against North? - I'd love that, man, I'd absolutely love it. - Would you though? - No, no, no. - Nah, bro, the pod will be insufferable. Again, come on, man. - Everyone wants Sydney to fail. - Flowers to the whole science, flowers to Chris Michaels. Yeah. - Better way to sum up that game? - Yeah, no, that's it. That's it. Look, I think, yeah, it was just a few role players, you know, or due to a bit more understated, like Sharman had a lot of crazy pressure racks and just the marking and just the willingness to fly and get his couple goals. Henry as well, had a huge game. He was very instrumental to their moving forward. - Yeah. - Look, we kind of forgot about him, to be honest with you, because he was a high-profile pick-up and everyone was, you know, we were excited for him. He had an injury at the start of the year and now he's sort of found his spot, you know, in amongst their ball movement. So that's pretty help. Handy. - That's what you kind of expected because they showed some signs of excitement last year and then they add Henry, like, oh yeah, that adds to what they're doing. And it just doesn't happen. So, look, if they in the year strong, I think their fans can at least say, look, maybe it was just tactic change up, didn't click, Kings out of form. And you can sort of look to next year with a bit of hope. - Yeah, yeah, true. Sinclair also missed a bit of time a bit earlier in the season. - Yeah. - He has found his feet properly. He's one of the most informed players in the comp as well. So, give him those flowers as well for Jackie Sinclair. Yeah. Look, I think it's one more game, last game. Another interesting game, an interesting game. - Right at the end there. - Yeah, it just wouldn't go away. - Yeah, they wouldn't. So, credit to them for hanging in there, but man, their season's cooked now, Rankin's out. - Yeah. - Another loss, at the end of the day, it still was a loss. Rankin's gone. - Yeah. - It was saying to most disappointing, but these guys can't be far away. - Actually, you're right, actually. That's fair. And let's be fair, the Rankin thing, it didn't look, when you look at it, it doesn't look that bad, it's just a bump, but like the fact that he can cast the dude, and you know, 'cause it was off the ball and it was, you know, it was a thug move. It was a thug move to be fair. - No reason for it. So, I guess that leans into the thugness of it. - But, yeah, the thuggery. - The thuggery? Yeah, now look, that's probably the one silver lining. See how good he's been. Everything else has been a bit of a disaster to be honest. - I'm not gonna add him to the thug list though, you know? 'Cause I think he's a great guy, he'll be fine. There was a thug list that I had of sports stars that I thought were thugs, you know? Not based on any off-field stuff, because I'm not that type of guy, I don't judge people's off-field stuff, but on-field, you know? I'm sure if I could probably find it on my phone. - You wanna? - The players that are added to the list, one second. Can I do it very quick? And I don't, I'm usually the last of us to do this, but a very quick super coach side story, just for a second answer. So, I'm playing a good friend of the pod, Nick Stewart, right? And he's in pole position in this game. I've got left Zorco and Wilmot, who weren't playing well, and I think I had one more guy. Anyway, a couple guys that just weren't doing well, and he had left Hinge, who was doing very well, and McLage, who was doing quite well as well. And he's in pole position, like there's pretty much no chance of me to win. Third, last quarter starts, Mitch Hinge, subbed off. I'm like, "Oh, okay." - Here we go, here we go. - But McLage was still doing too well. McLage goes forward, disappeared. I don't think he had a disposal in the last quarter. I win by two points. - That's crazy, mate, it's crazy. - RIP, Nick's was the season, it's probably done now. I'm sorry, man. I actually felt bad, I was happy. - He didn't ask for resurrection. - No, he did, and I just wanna say to him, if he's listening, I'm sure he will be. Like, I was happy in the moment, but then I was actually like depressed for the next hour, like I actually felt bad for you, bro. - Yeah, that was tough. That's from a heart, like honestly, yeah. - I felt bad. - Shout out to dudes. I found this list right. And honestly, this list is actually disgusting. It's crazy, so it was the date on this thing, right? 18th of August, 2019, right? So I'm gonna say a few dudes, right? So sport thugs, Kawhi Leonard, he's one of them. That makes sense, he left my favorite team, right? David Mundy, that's the scutt. - Who was the first one? - Look, I'm skipping the first person. - Oh, there's a first name on the list. The first name I said was Kawhi Leonard. He's a player for the San Antonio. He used to play for San Antonio. - Oh, I was thinking, who's this kid, right? - So anyway, yeah, he had that. - Why is David Mundy on his list? - Look, I don't know. But like all these dudes, I take it all back. It was probably all super coach related, right? So David Mundy, they're Angus Brature there, right? - That feels so wrong right now. Jack Crisp, I don't mind that one being there. I don't mind Jack Crisp being there. - I think he's one of the better cod on the plays. - Mate, I'll explain to you later. The Matt Crouch, and then in parentheses, it says provisional. - Provisional, fuck. - I don't know. I don't know what the go is with that. - This is definitely super coach bird list. - Yeah, 100%. - 100%. Because I'll tell you the other two names I didn't mention, right? One was Robbie Gray, who I love. - Just praise. - I love Robbie Gray. This is no, this is not a coincidence. This just came up, right? And then the name who's on top at the very least, I must have started this list because of him. Gary Abbott. (laughing) - Look, I'm not trusting any of my list anymore. - That is the worst list I've ever heard. - That's like, he's got a short string for you. He'll black list you if you-- - Ah, bro, Gary Abbott, mate. - For me. - Yeah, you upset me once. - I'm expecting like a braid of Maynard, like a, no, top of a vibe. - No, look, now that I think about it, Rankin fits on that list. They're all guns these guys. So, you know, he goes even more nicely. - Maybe that's your thing, just call guys thugs where they're just that good of balls, you know. - Yeah, you know what, man? You're going to be suspended in four weeks. You're in my super coach, thug list. - Sorry, I'm hitting you in there as well. - Sorry, I'm hitting you, yeah, exactly. Go on. - You just made the list. - Yeah, you just made the list. - All right. - Yeah, if anyway, we'll move on to the-- - Back to the game. - Oh, the game, I shit true, man. - Lockin' Neil, George was flagging a 200. You really wanted a 200 this week. You were-- - Well, I didn't get my butt as 200, so-- - More my rosy 200. Lockin' Neil was the last 200 player, wasn't he? - Or was it Hogan just missed? - I think Lockin' Neil was the last 200. I think he pulled the 200 against Collingwood, I remember that. - There's been a couple 180s this year, a gone from the conny and couple butt. - Yeah, it's hard to do. And champion data just don't give stats to players at the end of the game. Like I was watching Jordan Clark and Luke Ryan chip it to each other in the last quarter and hoping to get the 200 for Luke Ryan. - No, well, in this instance, they're miles off, but they just don't get any points. They're owed a mark and a kick, thank you, champion data. I thank you Hoini from SEM, where we gone. Give these guys his points, give them the points and stop telling us that random dudes are in there. - Yeah, they'll tell me Jake Mulction is like the best midfield in the conference on the other. - Petra Chelly is not the best small forward in the league. Like, settle down. - Um, Petra Chelly is just killing at the moment. Like, he's too disposable game was as impactful as the two disposal game I've ever seen. (laughing) - When they say Gary Rowan is like the best eight possession player in the game. - I remember they used to brush it. - Right, it was crazy. - It kind of used to be fair. - Yeah, I know fair. Look, if it's five goals, you know, and, you know, one of them is the goal winning goal. Goal winning goal. - Gary Rowan's the type of guy that like does nothing all season and then kicks two crucial goals from six possessions and like-- - In a prelim, you can't put it. - No, no, he's got the Jake Stringer. Oh, shit, my contract's expiring, let me kick it back. - True, true. - But no, well done, Brisbane. Adelaide, yeah, I don't know, nothing to say. - Whatever, like, skull. - Just got enough of you. - Yeah, go away now, just Dawson. - No ranking, no significance. - Yeah, you look, sorry, just one guy that's disappointing. And I hope he recovers 'cause he's an exciting player. Rochelle Lee. - Yeah. - What's he done this year? Him and Owens, like these kind of guys who are really exciting just flat this year. - Yeah, it's a 30 year blue, is it a 30 year? - Yeah. - Nah, that's fair, look, I guess you look better in a team when your team's playing well and then you kick those couple little goals and you do those little goal assists that help them win. And he's probably not really given that opportunity to do that and probably a bit of, you know, lack of confidence from a team being shit. So, yeah, look, I just want to say, Brisbane are seventh now. So back in the eight, you know. - Yeah, it's the first time they'd been in the eight all year. - Good question, that's possible. - Could probably, I can't really check, man, 'cause they started the years, like zero through, so I think it's the first time they've been in the eight. But yeah, I think they'll stay there. - No, fair enough. - That's fair, that's fair, they probably will. And now it's just a question, can they sneak into the top four for them? - Yeah, that's pretty cool. - I mean, saying that though, like they're not really putting away teams with that confidence that we'd expect, like the last couple of games for them, they've just, they've only just won, like against Melbourne and against Adelaide now. I don't know. So it's interesting to see how that goes. So next week, who do they have? They have, do you want to just do tips with them? - Yeah, we'll do the tips and we'll, they're gonna smash you, they're versing. But anyway, so we'll move on to the tips. And the first game is another Collingwood Friday in our game, against Jollong at the MCG. - Yeah, that's interesting, yeah. - Jollong, it listed as 173 favourites, Collingwood $2.11, which is fair considering ladder position. - And more responsibly. - Yeah, nah, I don't get it. (laughing) - I tried to be funny, I'm trying to be funny. - Can we talk just really quickly actually? Matta had a cheeky little fiver on multi at the North game. - Yeah, I did, I did. - The one thing we were waiting for, you want to tell everyone that's up? - Yeah, so it was something on the lines of like, North to win Colby 25 posies, which you smashed. Cherry 15 disposals, Nick Larky 2 goals. - Couple like that. - So all of them, all of them were good. There was one left, there's only a five legger, right? Four or five legger. Eighty-four to kick a goal, and he hit the post. - And then he was running into the open goal and decides to pass it off and do this. - Oh no, and then he was a bad kick too. So look, that didn't take anything away from the game. Like I don't do really care. It was literally, was sitting on the chair and on the banner it said, "What are you losing more?" So one of those buzzword type don't gamble things. And I'm like, "You know what, I'm going to put a bet on." So that doesn't work. I think it's reverse psychology advertising. So stop doing it. - What are you really losing? - What are you really losing? - Just five bucks. - Yeah, exactly. - Five bucks. - But yeah. - Back to the game, all right. - Colby would cook, oh, okay. - I'm going to go, I'm going to go Jelong. So it says, "Dana can make a decision." 'Cause I'm too scared to make a decision on this one. - I think Colby would, I think it's too important of a game. They're out of the 80s, they lose this. Then they'll make potentially like a clear game out of containing for the eight. - Interesting. - I think they'll win. - I think they should win, but yeah, very even game. - Sure is, this next game not so even because North are going to smash Sydney, baby. - Well, we're playing about the SEG, right? George just said that second game you don't want to lose, which they did. So is it A, wheels are off or B, North's going to get hiding? Or C, competitive loss for North? - Or is there going to be some interchange shenanigans once again? - Oh God, let's not forget that, right? We had them cooked last year. We should have won that game. - Yeah. - But they're a better team this year. - Yeah, look, I'm going to be just, I'm happy to, you know, speak mature about this one. We'll just go Sydney and, you know. - To prove. - To take the central way. - To be consistent with my roast of George before, I'm going to go Swannies. Because I do believe they deserve the tip, they're the better team. - Yeah, yeah. But there was careful consideration. - But I would say, yes. But here's the opposite rebuttal. I would say North deserves some respect to say, this isn't going to be a 60-plus point hiding by just cause, North's are worse than. - That's fair. - So I was like competitive 30, 35 point loss. - All right, that's fair. All right, so UTAS, Hawthorne versus, oh, Frio, the UTAS. - Bit of a fortress. - Yeah, it is a bit of a fortress. Look, I'm not going against Frio, man. They're a good team, so. And I think, I'm surprised that the odds are that close together, to be honest with you. I think Frio should get it easily. But then, you know, I'm not good at tips. So I don't know. - I'll go for it. - Yeah, I'll just go Hawksathon. No, there we go. And the next week. - You told you they couldn't do that. - No, you're not that guy. You're not that guy, pal. Western Bulldogs versus Carlton now. I think our Marvel, I think we'll win this. - Yeah, no, I agree. I think we'll win this. I think you guys are the consistent, good side. Whereas Bulldogs, you know, they're on track for a second loss in a row. - If they play Bonn up forward or game, then we'll just have our way with them. - You'll be just fine. - Look, if you want to do a cave, I don't think this will be an easy game, by the way. But I expect us to win. And if they don't, I'll be extremely upset. Yeah, that's, there we go. Then we're going to get a raft. - And then your plane? - That's huge, your raft. - North, like half. - Yeah. - It could be wheels off of this one. - Yeah, that's the second week in a row that calls the North is missing an out-of-form team. - Easy picture, man. Easy picture. - Easy picture, that's it. - Yeah, finals from here from us. So next game, Adelaide versus Saint Kilda. - That is an interesting game. I guess, Saint Kilda coming off a very strong win, but it's in Adelaide overall. So I'm just going to go Adelaide 'cause Adelaide overall. - I'm going to go Saints because Rankin's out. And they suck with that. - No, that's a good one. I'm going Saints. - Yeah. - I guess I'm going to go Adelaide just so I can, you know, picking Santa Adelaide overall is the most ridiculous tip ever. But you're right about the Rankin. He's their guy. - He's the dude. - Yeah. - He was like, that's his tipping is just, how do I not look like an idiot compared to these two guys? - Yep, exactly. Look, I don't know. I find it hard to, I find tipping hard. - This is the next one. - I'm not a tipping guy. This is the next one. - Let's just go in first on this one. - Like yeah, like my, what's this Melbourne versus Essendon? - Yeah, this is the one. Essendon. - Yeah, I think Essendon. - Yeah, no, that's an easy one. Do I grab first again, the next one? - Yeah. - Gold Coast versus Port at people's first. - Gold Coast don't lose at home, man. - Yeah, they don't. - They don't. - They don't. - They don't. (laughing) - They're playing away. - I'm gonna look, but we're gonna consider the fact that Port are actually a very good size. - I would say though. - But I deserve some respect. - Yeah. - I'm gonna go Gold Coast. - You know, this is like an English teacher teaching you how to do a text response. And this is how you start the first sentence of your paragraph. What was the first sentence of your paragraph called? They have a name for it. - What did they teach you in English George? You got to throw in the rebuttal paragraph to understand, to show that you understand the subject. - That's the third. - Then you finish. - You finish. - That is the dipper. - You never gave us a rebuttal last week, bro. - Bro, bro, you tried to get Daniel there, but he rebuttal to your back. - I'm not responsible for doing a rebuttal every week, man. I do a rebuttal when I decide to. - Look, my rebuttal for Port. So I'm gonna go for Port, actually, to be honest with you. I think they're gonna start hitting their straps. To be honest with you, Rosie and Bartos are gonna smack up Gold Coast. 'Cause if anyone's gonna do well under the dewy conditions, it's those beautiful mid-fielders, baby. - So who do you guys get, Bretco? - All my sons. - Oh, there we go. All right. Richmond versus JWS. I'm gonna do the Giants. We're not gonna over here. No, go talk about that one that much more. And then West Coast versus Brisbane. Up this, we're going on Brizzy. That's it. That's it. That last day. You don't have to watch footy after four o'clock. After the Gold Coast Port game finishes, that's the end of your day. - We can start the podcast. I don't think you have to watch the podcast, yeah. - Family day, your friend's day on Sunday, 'cause you're not gonna be watching footy. - Yeah, exactly. - Just quickly, before we finish, I was gonna say this during the North bit. - Yes. - Poor ruse, right? I was gonna start the pod with this instead of my other story, but I thought I'm too much of it in a good mood to talk about poor ruse. But this dude here, right? We know his history with his swans. Excellent coach, premise you. Missed out on another flag. And really had like built that bloods culture that they lived to today. Great coach. We know what he did at Melbourne. You know, sort of went in when they were down in the dumps, established the structure. Well done. Does anyone know what he did at North over the last five years, right? - Take money. - Took money to consult us while living overseas, right? Never stepped foot in the coach's box to help out. Never was around, apparently. And was part of the team that hired David Noble and was quite influential in saying this guy who's never coached before in the AFL level is the guy to help North and stabilize, right? And you know what, at the time, we all sort of believe it, but obviously turned out horribly and set us back another couple of years. This guy, I don't know what his deal is this year. He's just like bitter for some reason against the club for maybe sacking him because he was stealing a paycheck. But he's done nothing but talk shit about us. And first off of the year, sure, everyone was kicking us well, we'll down, like whatever you take it. But now that we've shown good form, this guy is like calling in from Hawaii, like literally still not in the country, calling in, cheating on us in the form we're currently in showing some promise. - Yeah, it's a weird time to do it. - Weird time to do it. All I gotta say is like, don't ruin what people think about you. Like with McBoldhouse, started talking too much shit. No, everyone doesn't respect him for what he was. - Yeah, Lee Matthews, the same thing. - Lee Matthews, talking a bit too much shit. Everyone kind of forgets the glory you had. You'll be coming one of those guys. Just, if you got nothing positive to say about a good promising team, don't say it. If you shouldn't have them when they lose, go for it. But yeah, just get my team's name out of your mouth if you're gonna say that kind of shit. 'Cause it's ridiculous. - Yeah, put a sock in it, buddy. - Put a sock in it. You're in Hawaii, just relax. Why are you so upset? - Exactly, exactly right. See, that's the thing, we can't be happy. I think it's humans. I think if you're surrounded by paradise, you're still gonna be just like, - You know what, North's looking promising. I'm just gonna double down and say that Carlton's reserves in the '80s can beat us. What a stupid comment. - That is the, honestly, like North's current team would probably beat the '80s Carlton team. First team, like, you know what, I'm gonna do this rope. You know what this reminded me of? The poor roosting, you know Charles Oakley, who plays, who used to play for the New York Knicks, right? Yeah, so for people who don't know, Charles Oakley used to play for the New York Knicks in the '80s, a team that had Patrick Ewing. They're a decent team, right? - '80s and '90s. - '80s and '90s, all right. So, and he was the enforcer type guy, tough guy, but really not that good a basketballer. He just was the physical presence, big dude. He said that Yanis Adedokumbo, who's a freak, right? One of the best basketballers of all time, right? He reckons that he would cut, who'd be a six man back in the day? It's just the dumbest rhetoric. It's just like, look, the sport has come along so much more than what it was back in the day. The North players right now, that would run rings around those old farts who, you know, were working at Maccas on the weekend, or during the week, and then, you know, rockin' up for their paycheck at the footy. Let's just keep it, let's be fair. That's just what it is. - I agree with you, but we'll never know for sure. - Of course, of course. - It's like an idiotic thing to even think about. Like, who thinks about that? Let alone says it on the air, like. - Exactly, and Clarko said it well, 'cause he addressed the poor's comment and said, "Oh, I'd be stupid to, you know, "for us to even try, you know, "try to compare errors." Well said, man, well said. Yeah, look, I think, yeah, there's no way you can. Maybe he meant Colin's current second statement. You never know. Jackson Beanz, man. Jackson Beanz. He's that dude, man. He's that boy. But yeah, no, look. - Just dumb comment. - Didn't expect to have to bring up Charles Oakley in a footy podcast, but there we go. - There you go. - Yeah, shout out to Charles Oakley. - Stupid. Like if you want to, I have no problem just quickly comparing the premiership teams of back then. Would that team's error a bit? Like it's a fun conversation. - Yeah. - But just idiotic to bring up North against Carlton's reserves. Like, why don't you say like North's team back then versus North's current team? Even then, it's a stupid comment. Just idiot, anyway. - Anyway. - I'm happy we won after all that to just shut him up. And everyone's sort of looking at him, even non-North fans like you kind of- - Watch that one, brother. - Yeah. Maybe a Jono came up to him as like, "Look, it's been a while since I've ridden one of those ruse says stuff about ruse." You know what I mean? He just wanted another pun, you know, at the start of the, you know, the article. So I like, bro, say something bad about Kangas, you know? Maybe it was one of those things, you know what I mean? - He's definitely bitter. That's for some reason. - Yeah. - I don't know. - Yeah, probably. - Anyway. - Just wanted to get that off my chest. - No, I like it. I like it. But yeah. Big vibes. Big vibes. Otherwise one. For North Melbourne. 40. All right. But enjoy it. - Yeah, I think we probably end it off there. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. - Okay. - Thank you guys for watching. - Bye-bye. - Surging forward the swans through Isaac Heaney. He puts a kick into the 50 and finds Logan McDonald. Shades of last week here. We had a shot up to the siren against Freeo. He's gonna line up. And he's shanked it again. He's bottled it again. What's going on, Logan? That's why Wilf Phillips is taking the end of you. Well, wait!