Spirit Talk with Szil & Jay

How to make your dream life reality. Manifesting. The Law of Attraction

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to Spirit Talk. - It's so in Jay. - Welcome to Spirit Talk. - I'm Jay. - I'm still. - And welcome back. - All right, so today we're gonna talk about how to make your dreams a reality manifesting. - Manifesting, I wanna start though too before we start manifesting, Bahayad had just had a conversation with your mom. And your mom speaks full Hungarian. And I felt your father come through. And I haven't had these like push by spirit kind of things and quite some time, so it felt actually good. So your dad was all energetic and I saw him how he was before he passed. And he was telling me, you know, the story or describing this other guy that he was with and as well as trying to come up with something that only like your mom would know or something like that. And that's what I try to do when I get readings is something that they would know. And I got this word, I kept getting this word in your language. And do you wanna tell me? - Yeah, and you were saying it's a K and this and that. And you were writing things down. And then when I looked at it, I'm like, it's Kocha. It's Duck, but that's like a endearment name to somebody that was, you know, a good friend. Basically somebody, you know, that I've actually, you know, known, he passed away a long time ago when he was younger. But we, he wasn't too old, but he was, he came with us to outings, you know, like for instance, it was up to the mountains and stuff like that. So I do have some silent films from back in the day and I do remember those. So when I read that and that's what came to me too. - Yeah, 'cause I thought, I found out very fascinating how they were trying to show me how to write it. And how to pronounce it. And it brought me back to the story of when I did for that Chinese woman and her mom came through and the word that I was getting for her. So I'm like, wow. And I felt really shut down for quite some time and haven't been doing readings because I've been a lot of stuff going on. And so I'm starting to feel like I'm coming out of my shell and getting back into it. And I thought that was fascinating. - Oh, absolutely. I think these kitties also are just kind of bringing us, you know, in a better mood. - Yeah, and out of her, like, funk her, you know. - Yeah, definitely. - We all go through it. And when I, when I'm like this guy's, I don't give readings and stuff because I need to heal myself first before I'm able to take care of and help others. So that's key. So back to manifesting. How do you want to start off with that? - Well, here's the thing. I know that it's not like we are pros at this. You know, we have had many indications of doing the same thing. And we have gone through a lot of manifesting of our own. We have dream boards, vision boards. And that's important to have. And I think when you're focused on something, things will happen. Actually, your mind will make it happen. As long as you're focused on it and you are determined, it's important to do that. You never give up. And you got to step out of that box. - You know, some of the good things that I remember from my biological father was being brought up with him saying things like, you know, your mind is a very powerful thing. What you put your mind to will come about, you know, and it didn't really sink in with me when I was younger until I was older. And a lot of it is positive thinking and the way you think. And it helps things to manifest. And being specific, what you truly want and desire is key too. I also learned too that it's speaking with God to universe and divine parent, which however you want to call your higher power, is all about asking. The keyword is ask. And yeah, everybody wants to be a multimillionaire. And they say, well, how come you can't get the numbers and get the lottery? You know, it's just, it goes back to things like, you know, I can be 97% accurate on a reading to me, it's 100% because of where I'm going with this, is the client will come back and say, well, oh, how come you couldn't see this person pass or when they were going to pass? Because if I did, then somebody would stop them in their tracks and that's, you know, part of their fate or their purpose. You know, that's what's supposed to take place. Unfortunately, it happened. That you get what you get, which you are given. You're not given that answer. There's a reason for that. And I have a very big mouth. And if, like I tell a spirit, if you don't want me to share or see something, don't show me or say it 'cause I'll say it and I give what I get. And a lot of times, you know, like we were taught in school too, not to do doom and gloom. So I take a, what I consider doom and gloom and make it into a positive, you know, and prepare somebody, you know, kind of like a warning, but not doom or gloom way. And so back to manifesting, like we each manifested each other. We got tired of the people we were dating. We were starting to see our patterns and our cycles and we wanted to break that and we wanted something different. And I was specific on what I was asking my higher power, what I was looking for in somebody and you were as well. And we came together and- - Well, here's the thing. It's not that you get tired of the person that you're with. It's because they're not meant for you. So there's something that you're holding onto that you should not be. And you have to let that person go sometimes because they have someone that may need to be with and they can't be with that person that they're meant to be with because, you know, you are with that other person. - Right, what I meant by that was going back was not as a bad thing, but you get tired of the same patterns and you start like getting to a point in your life like, okay, something's not right here or there's a lesson that I'm missing here and that I needed to learn and I'm going to keep getting and receiving that lesson until I learn it. So that kind of goes back with karma, like karma is not meant to be a punishment, but meant to teach and show a lesson, you know. So going back to manifestation is also, like so said, just earlier, you keep thinking about something just like me. I wanted this particular car and I kept thinking about this car and then all of a sudden I kept seeing it and then I felt compelled to go to the dealership and sit in that car and just feel like what it would feel like to be behind it and driving it and the smell of it and everything. More detail you put into something, the more you're like telling your higher power, this is what I want, you know. And the more detailed and the more energy you put into it, the sooner things happen. - And it's important that you don't tell everybody about that. This is between you and you. - Exactly. - This is your dream and if you just tell people what you're doing, a lot of times they're going to be very negative towards you or they'll be like, oh, that's a bunch of, you know, whatever. Well, you're allowing their influence to influence your desires and your dreams. - Yeah, it's like, oh, maybe it's not positive. Maybe it's, you know, maybe it's not going to happen. No, you don't need that influence. And also what you give, what you put out, the energy that you put out into something you're going to get back. So any positive energy you put out, you know, by thinking about it and doing, oh, how can I make that happen? Those are all positive things instead of saying, oh, I don't think it's ever going to happen for me and this and that, then it's never going to happen. So you should never be negative about your dreams. - It also goes back to it's not only what you wish for, it's what you ask for. And like you said, you know, what you give out is you're going to get back. So it goes hand in hand with law of attraction and like attracts like. - Yep. Being confident, feel more confident of who you are. This is another thing is you have to take some time and sit with your thoughts, drop down some ideas, words, numbers, whatever comes to you. You know, maybe you want a house, you want to draw it out. You know what, I would love to have this and I would love this with it or this color or any detail you put into it. Like, wow, this is my dream, this is what I want. - Yeah, there's so many different ways of manifesting your dreams. A lot of people, they write stuff down. They do gratitude journals, they do, excuse me, they do like vision boards and dream boards that they call them. And that's, for me, that's how I work is I'm a visual. So I need to see things and helps to keep in memory. That's what I want, that's, you know. - Also, being positive of your surroundings, as far as you might be living in apartment, you don't have a house. But you know what, be grateful for it. You have a place to stay, you have a job. You might not love your job, but guess what? Write down some jobs that you would love to have, but you can't write down the reasons. How do I overcome that? What do I need to do to get that? Now you're making your mind think that way and you're gonna actually make it happen. 'Cause you're constantly gonna be thinking about it. There could be an incident where you're gonna come across somebody or something that's gonna make it happen for you. - Yeah, everything is tied down to energy. Like what you're attracted to, attract, attracts, attract. You know, so going back to the car thing, not only did I keep seeing it, I kept visualizing it. I went to the dealership, I sat in it. All of a sudden I'm driving by a car dealership one day in this car that I wanted was right out in front. And I remember this is after my mom had passed away, while my mom was here, she said, tell me things all the time, like, you know, J, if you really wanna go for it. You know, and I went and got my car. And so that's kind of part of manifesting. - And you know, you gotta be brave. You gotta be brave. You have to just go for it. If your finances don't allow that at the time, then make it happen, you know? Get your details in order. The things that you need to do. - Your ducks in a row, as we put it. - Absolutely. Be brave. - But you do have to take action. You can't just sit there and ask for something and just sit back and wait for it to happen. You actually need to take steps to make that happen. - Yeah, you're not gonna be like, oh, I prayed for this and all my life and blah, blah, blah. God's not given this to me and I'm not worthy, blah, blah, blah. Well, don't look at it that way. There's a reason for everything, including time. You could not have had, you could not have been in the right timeframe, the right mind, whatever the case may be, maybe not the right situation. So when you get to that right time, and when you're ready, it will happen. - You know, it goes back to, again, like what you attract, right? How you put yourself out there, how you present yourself, who you hang out with, places you go, listen, or music you listen to, all these kinds of things influence. So if you wanna be wealthy, hang out with wealthy people, or hang around wealthy areas or stuff like this. If you wanna live, I guess, backside, or like backcountry roads, stuff like this, then hang out with those kind of people. It's what you want to create as your own, I guess, space in your reality. - Another thing that I remember you posted something about, hang out with the people that are smarter than you. Not in that way, like they're smarter, they're good, they're good people, they're smart, they have things that they have done that you look up to. - Things of that nature. Basically, you wanna give out what you wanna get back. So help everybody as much as you can. Stuff like that. Be a good person, basically. - Right, it goes along with what makes a good boss. Somebody who's actually done the job themselves. You can't go into an industry like I used to be in 25 years of truck driving, and you work for a company where nobody's actually driving a truck and don't know what it's like. They sip behind a computer screen and they tell you how it is. - That's not how it is 'cause you're not out there. It takes a lot of communication. So if you're going back to, I always try to find talent in other people that I lack in. And I always wanna find somebody who's smarter than I am so I can learn from them. So if I'm lacking in an area, I wanna find somebody that knows that area very well or whatever, so I can kinda learn from too. - And we're all learning from each other. - Constantly learning, you're always learning. - Absolutely, you know. If you need advice, don't ask from the people that are in a bad shape and not in the same frame of mind or not in a position that you want to be in. They're not gonna have the answer for you 'cause they would already be there, right? - And it depends on what kind of attention you're putting out there, what kind of attention you're going to attract. Same thing with manifesting. What you truly want and you know and you desire and you write down, you dream about, you think about it, you put it on a vision board, you pray about it, you do meditations on it. There's so many different ways of going about doing your own manifestations just because somebody wrote a book about it doesn't mean that's the right way for you. Everybody I feel manifests in their own way and what they feel is right. And a lot of it is positive thinking in the way you think about things. - Exactly. I think there's not one way to manifest, I think there's just, everybody's so unique and so different, you have your own journey. As long as you're positive and you give out the positive vibes, you're gonna get back. - Why believe you should go through life questioning? Question everything, be skeptical. - Absolutely. - Yeah, skepticism is actually good because you're getting rid of what's not meant for you, what's not good for you. - And you're seeking your truth. You're not reading about it, you're learning about it on your own through your own life on life's terms. - And you know what, it's not gonna be easy either. You're gonna be, oh my gosh, what did I get myself into? I don't know if I could do this. You know, and instead of saying that, you know, meditate on it, make sure you're in a place that is safe, that you feel safe. And that's important because you wanna be able to sit and actually feel very comfortable and relaxed. If you are not, then you need to find a place that you can be. - Peace and quiet is essential. Listening to your thoughts and knowing who you are and really dig deep of who you really are and what your life, what you want your life to be like. - Besides which I have been told is very, I guess, intelligently thinking or whatever. I was grown up and brought up where mom didn't talk about three different subjects and I was abortions, politics and religions. And those were all personal beliefs and things. So I've always found and I've always questioned everything. And I kind of, for myself, always kind of like played the detective of who, where, when, how. And if I don't know an answer, I'm going to seek it. There's sometimes where I've gotten myself in trouble because there was nobody that really asked or was trustworthy to, and I went ahead and did something and that's where I had gotten into trouble. So, but always pay attention to how your body's reacting and feeling and it goes back to. - And never push somebody to think your way. We're unique in our own way. We think how we think. - And I don't watch much TV. This is why I don't watch the news 'cause I don't like the influences, the celebrities, all this blah, blah, blah, blah. I'd rather be behind the scenes in a voice than my face catching attention. And that's not what I want to be about. I don't like attention. And I want to be the type of person that is able to help others, encourage others, inspire others and not be. - Yeah, not seeking attention. - Ego, the ego. - The ego. - Ego is not good at all. The forms of manipulation comes out of that. - Hence why we're doing this for free 'cause we want to help people. - Exactly. - And we're human beings and we're quote unquote. - Yeah. - Well, not to mention that let people be who they are, don't be negative on social media. Let them think the way they think. It's okay, it's not gonna change you. Don't air out your dirty laundry. - Especially on social media. - Especially, yeah. Have a select few people and it's okay to have just a select few, whether it's one or two that you talk to. - And have somebody that you close to. - Right, and ones that actually encourage you and on condition we love that are not in competition or two that want to see you grow, thrive. Those are the kinds of people you want to surround yourself with, not these Debbie Downers that hold you back to drain your energy and stuff like this and to think negative about you and to have intentional jealousy or deliberate motives or genders behind it. You want to find good uplifting people who encourage you, who hear and see you. And I stress that out a lot, especially on my page too as well. I particularly don't like social media. If I didn't have this page, I wouldn't be on it, but I do feel like it actually gives me something to look forward to, especially after my daughter had passed away, it gives me something to look forward to and the messages that I receive back and the confirmation that I'm actually helping somebody. That's what I like, and the actual people look forward to these posts that come out and once in a while when I say something. But it surrounds yourself and I grew up with, my mom used to tell me all the time, you'll be lucky if you have at least five friends in your whole life on your hand. And she is so right because there's only three, four people in my life that I can fully trust and who I can completely feel like my guard and my shield is down and be myself. - And it's so important to be yourself. If you're not yourself and you're gonna start wanting to be yourself and that means not hurting people and not doing things that hurt people, just be yourself in who you want to be, who is natural coming through. And the ones that don't like it, they don't belong in your life. - Like I found it amazing that I typically have very much trust issues with people in general, but particularly men because of what I've been through and stuff like this. So when I seeked out, I should say, when I I guess was compelled or attracted to my best, my male best friend, that is, it was a kind of chemistry that I can't explain that it was an instant brother-like feeling. And it's funny 'cause it turns out that he's the same age as my older brother. He looks just almost identical to him except for different in the face a little bit. But everything else is pretty much what I was always looking for in an older brother. And now I have one and I couldn't be more grateful. So I'm very selective as to who I share information with and this goes back to manifesting too, like telling people your dreams and your desires and stuff. Some things are better kept to yourself than expressing them. And until something happens permanently is when the best time to celebrate the occasion. But until then, keep it under wraps until it happens because all of a sudden you'll get all the negative influences and energies that interfere with your manifesting. - Yeah, focus on your own life, focus on your own needs and wants. - And question things and ask. - Yes, definitely. You definitely wanna write down lists of things whether it's money or whether it's a house, whether it's a job. You wanna be detailed, write things down. How do you wanna feel if it's a house? What's the most important things about it? Not just one, but the most important things that you want it to be and how it's going to feel when you step foot into that house. It all for me, it's definitely the outdoors. I want a nice yard. I want the things that I want and I'm gonna write those things down and you're gonna make it happen. That's what it is. - Yeah, so basically you're an artist and you like to draw and all sorts of things play into manifesting and the more detail you put into something that better the outcome. - You gotta visualize it, absolutely. - The faster something comes. - Now that doesn't mean it's gonna come a month from now. It could be years, but it doesn't matter. You're focusing on it and it's gonna happen. There could be many things on your list and one thing will happen soon enough and then next thing you know another one, next thing you know, there is another. Now sometimes you universe your God or however you wanna put your power power, they test you, it's like a test. To see what you're willing to let go of and to be able to move forward because there's sometimes when we're trying to manifest our own reality or our dreams or desires, there's obstacles in a way and we can't always see them until like repeated things keep happening and signs you need to pay attention to and things of that nature until you start like learning that things are learning how to let go of or things that are holding you back until you're able to do that, then you'll be able to move forward but you gotta be able to let go of some things sometimes too. - I gotta kind of a visual effect for people if they wanna kind of visualize let's say a bag of marbles and you close the bag and it's full. Now this is your life, represents your life. Now you want this and that in your life. How are you gonna put that in there? You have to remove something in order to put something else in it. So what are you willing to let go? Because it's an exchange. You're exchanging energy. This energy is no longer serving me. You have to let go and you bring in that other energy that is going to be making things happen. - And that's one of the prayers that I often use is what I ask that whatever is no longer serving may be removed and whatever does serve my higher good I ask that it be nourished. So. - You know, there's another one actually. When I wanted my own salon and I kept looking and looking for places and places and nothing was right and I kept praying that, you know, why can't I find the right place? And then I turned around and I said, okay God, why don't you close the door if it's not meant to be and open the doors that are meant to be? And I kept saying this with every place that I looked at. And guess what? I found the perfect place. And now looking back, I saw all the bad that could have happened and that would not have been a good space for me. - Or a fit. - Absolutely. It could be people, it could be places, things, all kinds of things, but you know what? We don't know everything, God knows all. He knows what's meant for us and what's going to create good energy and what's not. - And I learned this a long time ago when I was in rehab at the age of 16. I was in there for six and a half months. I was in with all a bunch of different characters and different people. And I've come to learn that if sometimes if you're uncomfortable or intimidated or whatever by speaking to a higher power, it's okay to call upon your loved ones, your spirit guides, your archangels, whoever you feel comfortable with or safe with. And I remember even in rehab, they were telling us, even if you don't have a higher power, something is, try to think of something higher than you. You know, whether it be, and they were just giving examples, not a lot of people agree with it, but I don't judge. And that's their choice. They started off with a rock or a boulder or something and work your way up as something higher than yourself. That's where they were going with it. Some kind of higher being than yourself or higher thing that you feel comfortable talking with. - You could talk to your loved ones that have passed. You can ask for their help. They're all around us. And you ask and you shall receive. Now, sometimes it's not the right things that you think is going to help or the timeframe. It might not be at the moment, but it will come. Absolutely. - So I feel like the key with today is just to surround yourself with like-minded, loving, encouraging, kind of people that you want to surround yourself with that bring you joy and peace and happiness, not drama, chaos and problems. - And if you're in a not so good workplace, let's say, you know what, just do your best and work towards where you want to go, you know? - At least keep going. Keep thriving because it's a step in the right direction. Even though it seems like it's not going anywhere, it's eventually going somewhere. Something will eventually open up. The key is to have a positive mind about a mind frame and keep feeling and thinking that something is going to be or come better to happen or take place. - It's all in time. It's going to happen. You used to know when, but as long as your mind is focused and it's positive and you don't put people down, you help people, you're giving out positive energy, you're going to get positive energy back. If you believe in bad karma and oh, I wish this person blah, blah, blah, that's not good. That's going to come back to you. You still want to wish them well because that's their life. That's not your life, you know? And the good things will come back to you. And you're going to be attracting those types of people. So if you're going to be positive, you're going to attract positive people. And that's what you want. - So. - I think that concludes our lesson. - Segment for today. - Yeah, like I said, we're not perfect in everything. We don't know everything, but these are the things that has helped us and the things that we've learned. - We're humans, we make mistakes. - And we like to share it with you and help you guys. - Can't see you in our own backyards. But we're here to help and like again, I keep saying this so often that I hope that we get to the point where we're able to bring on guests and see where this thing goes, you know? But I'm hoping, you know, if you guys are listening, thank you very much. And I asked, if you could, to please share and get us out there, you know, a little bit more. So I appreciate you all that have been with us and continue. Thank you. And I hope you have a very blessed week to come. - We wish you well and have a great weekend, guys. - Until next time. - All right, bye-bye. - Take it easy. (upbeat music) - And that concludes today's segment on "Spirit Talk." I'm Jay. - And I'm Seth. (upbeat music)