Spirit Talk with Szil & Jay

Past lives and other topics.

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to Scared Talk. - So in Jay. - Good afternoon, I'm Jay. - I'm Sil. - And today we're gonna talk about past lives and-- - Other stuff. - Yeah. - It's gonna have freelance, you know. - So welcome back. - All right, so we're gonna start out with introducing our two kittens, because we just got two kittens. So Stella and Pepper. - That's what took our last week up, 'cause we were too preoccupied and they needed our attention. - Yup, and we had way too much fun. But they're sleeping right now, so if you hear any noise, that means they're up. (laughs) - Now bundle of joy right here for entertainment at your first hand. - They really are, they really are. They're starting to really, you know, come to us and love us, and I'll be afraid of us anymore, so. - All right, so past lives, I wanna start us off? - Sure. So, for me anyways, past lives, I didn't really understand it fully until later on in life, and I always felt like I was an old soul, and always wondered why, you know, random people or animals would just come up to me for no reason in either telling me their life story or want their, want compassion from me in some way. And for me also, you know, like past lives, I've been told throughout my childhood, as well as adulthood, that you're a very wise, you know, man for your young age, and I never really understood that until later on too. - Yeah, well, we've both had some readings, and they've talked about our past lives together, which are very interesting, and some of the ones are, what was it, you were a samurai? - It's just a different kind of connection. When you meet somebody, for me, I particularly pay attention to my intuition and my senses, and I can, a lot of times, feel an instant connection or something that I wanna stay away from, or veer. So, I, with Sill, I felt an instant connection. I've nooner previously, and I couldn't explain how, and it wasn't until we went to a colleague of ours that gave us a reading, and let us know, and confirmed that we did live a past life together. Actually, there's been several. - Yes, several. - And the connection that we have. - And it's amazing that sometimes there are things that you feel drawn to, like a culture, for instance. You know, specific countries, whether it's Chinese or Mexican cultures and stuff like that. And you don't really realize why you just, you're drawn to it, and hence, why is your past lives? - Exactly. - Like you've been there. - Like, I grew up, at 11 years old, I was in an undertow, in an ocean, and it scared me, and I've always had a fear of big bodies of water, but never understood why. And I remember doing an exercise in class, and we were paired up, and we were doing past lives, and we were talking about how I was a crew member on a Titanic when it had gone down. So, for me, being out in large bodies of water is kind of a big fear for me, because it's bigger than us, and it has control, and power, and everything behind it. So, I was always fearful of that kind of thing. Like Phil was talking about, you're just automatically drawn to things. Even certain styles of writing, or singing, or voices. - Music. - All sorts of things. - Yeah, like for me, pyramids, and stuff like that, and sure enough, I have been in that situation in that past life. You don't know all the details, of course you don't, but sometimes when you get a reading, and they kind of confirm, they see you as this, or that, doing this, or that. So, that was one of the things that, it was like an aha moment where like, wow, that's why I'm so intrigued of this. - Yeah, so it wasn't only just exercises and classes, it was also, you know, I really highly suggest that people were really interested in getting past life and regretions done. The more information you find out about yourself, the more you understand why you do certain things, or talk, or say things. So, this is, to me, it's all a learning thing, and I feel like this life for me is about learning lessons, and we all make mistakes, we all have made mistakes, you know, and that's one of the things I want to talk about too, a little bit too, is that we shouldn't be, I guess, beaten down all the time consistently, first off from mistakes that you have made in the past, that were allowed to change and grow, and learn from, and I feel like that's one of the biggest lessons in life today, is learning lessons. I remember, it was either a past life regression that I went to, or like a reading, that I always felt like some kind of counselor, and I've always been conflicted inside my own body, like, why I feel like a coward a lot of times, but why I also feel like a warrior and a leader. And so, someone like my past lives was confirmed, like I was a bartender, which kind of explains why, you know, possibly this past life, or this life that I'm in now, that I've had an issue with alcohol, you know, but they saw me as a bartender, helping everybody else out with their own problems, and I remember being in school, and a lot of, you know, kids my age would come to me about their relationship problems. So I feel like relationships for me is a strong point, when it comes to readings and like reading people, and things of that nature, and paying attention to science, and really learning them. 'Cause I remember growing up before I even took classes thinking that I was crazy, for feeling the things that I did, and then come to find out, you know, you're feeling these things for a reason. So I've really learned to pay attention to that, and I can also, you know, it's like the more things you've been through, the more you can pick up the experiences sooner, the science sooner. And that's what I feel like it's all about. And so now I know like when energy is dropping, 'cause everything's about energy, I feel like when energy is dropping between two people, there's usually a reason for that. And I remember having a lot of people come to me for readings about relationships, and what's going on with the relationships. And a lot of times it's all about communication, and the lack of it, and the unresolved issues that's recurring that people sit on. - Yeah, that's crucial, definitely crucial in a relationship. You gotta talk about everything. If you're not able to talk about everything, then the problems are just gonna be there. And they're never gonna go away. - You know, and that brings up a good point too, is when people come for a reading, and I'm trying to give them impressions, and they wanna keep talking, it's because they've been shut down, and nobody listens to them. So I've learned to understand that too, is that when people come to you for a reading, they need somebody to vent, or just somebody to listen to them, somebody to hear them. So it's not always about talking, it's about listening too. And I found too that when people talk, the more they talk, the more impressions come to me, and the easier it is for me to be able to give them their reading, or what I'm picking up on. - Absolutely. So as far as past lives go, what are the different past lives that you've had? - So I've always thought, ever since I can remember, that I never felt like I belonged here. I always felt that I was from somewhere else, and I was different from most people. And I remember going and having a Reiki session done with my teacher. And at the end, she said to me all the impressions that she had received and gotten that, she goes, normally I don't get this, but she goes, you're from the planet Polaris. And it kind of made sense, because a lot of other colleagues, and people that I've talked to about this, they used to tell me all the time that you're from Orion, and that didn't make sense to me. It didn't click with me. When I read about Polaris, it makes 100% like who I am. So that's what I mean about researching and finding out things, and being open-minded about things, and not shutting things down, because the more you learn about this kind of stuff, the more it kind of opens up your horizon. - Yeah, curiosity, there's a reason that's there. And whenever you're not sure about something, you're curious about something, definitely look it up. - And I'm very skeptical. I'm very skeptical, and I'm always questioning, and it was taught to me in class, too, that skepticism is very healthy. So question everything. And that's the same thing when I'm working with Spirit, and I'm getting messages from them. A lot of times, they crowd me, because everybody wants to come through, and I've been kind of known from other people that have gone to several other different mediums. They come to me, and they get a message from somebody that I'm getting. And they're like, nobody has ever been able to pick up on that one. So I give what I get, and that's what we were taught. And I play the question, okay, like, who, what, where, how, when, you know, all kinds of questions. And I just sit in kind of a silence, and even though that silence seems like it's taking minutes on end, it's a split second. And you're receiving all this information, and as you're talking, and you're getting the confirmation from the sitter, we call him the sitter, the more that that kind of opens up more impressions, and the story kind of flows sooner. If you get somebody that sits there and stone walls you, you know, and just with a straight face, I call them, I don't know, the restless, I don't know, bitch face, you know, they, and they don't have any kind of emotions whatsoever, it's very hard to read for those people. And it's like pulling teeth. So when we, when I'm in that frame of mind, not only do I meditate before I do a reading, I make sure that I'm in my, like, right brain, 'cause that's your intuition, and it's like a fine-tuned radio in the olden days. You have to meet their level if you want to go there, you know, somewhere lower than others, or somewhere higher than others, and you kind of, you have to play the, like, adjustment game and really pay attention. So being a medium is very draining, or energy, and it takes a toll on you. I've been known to, when giving readings, that I tend to take on the other person's personalities, as well as I've been told that my face transfigures, I guess, are transforms into the person that I'm talking about. And then recently I have gone into transits, and that's something that I've been really asking for, because it is really energy draining, and they know more than we do up in the spirit world, so I rely on them to give me the information that I need to be able to pass along. And... - Yeah, definitely. One thing that I wanted to bring up is the way that you meditate beforehand, and you actually, the vibrations have to be, you know, higher, so before you do anything, you have to meditate, you have to meet their vibrations. - When I know that I'm reading for a specific person, I will do a specific meditation for that person and ask for their guides and their loved ones and their hires to come forward, to be able to give me accurate messages to be able to pass along to the other person. And I try to really work onto what spirit is giving me a piece of information that only they would know. So whether it be, and I've done this to reading for other people in front of like a group, I've had to actually go up to somebody quietly and whisper in their ears what other people are saying, 'cause it's kind of either funny or inappropriate, and it's not meant for everybody. So, but it's their way of letting us, or them know that they're here, they're around us. And that's basically what I do is I give what I get. The one thing that we were trained not to do was do doom and gloom. So for an example, that is, if I see somebody say getting hit by a car, and I describe this person to a T and this whole situation, what I would say to that person would be like, please be extra careful around vehicles or cars or streets. - Crossing or whatever the case may be. - Either this day or for the next couple of days, or somebody slipping and falling and getting hurt down a stairs or something. I would say please be extremely cautious and care more careful the next couple of days. And I leave that with you with love and light. So it's always given back to them positively. And peacefully and encouraging and uplifting. - Oh yeah, it's not supposed to be doom and gloom. It's, they didn't come here like, hey, when am I gonna die? When am I gonna, what's gonna happen? - Right. - Am I gonna, it's not all about that. You know, I mean, if there's something that you need to be careful of, then there you go. - So past lives is pretty cool. Especially if you can able to go under a trans, and I thought I was one of those that weren't able to go under, but I can. And the messages behind it and just visualizing what it was like when you were that other person. And I, listen guys, I was an alien. I was a woman behind, you know, in the past lives. I was so many things. And I've been told too, that I wasn't here for hundreds or thousands of years, that I've been here for millennials. So I've been here several, several different times, different lives, learning different things. And I keep coming back because I wanna learn something new. This lifetime for me, personally, I feel like it's all about being the patterned, cursed cycle breaker. And that's what I talked a little bit about in my book that I wrote. But I feel like that's your main purpose. And just because you were treated or raised or saw us witness things when you were younger, and that's not how you should be. Because to me, for me, I had to really distinguish, 'cause I was a very angry person, is that God is love. Like, God is not destruction. God doesn't want destruction violence, that kind of thing. And I've also noticed too, with this, now that the Trump shooting happened, I believe yesterday, and just the violence. And I'm seeing patterns. I'm seeing patterns. And it doesn't take, and listen, folks, I don't watch TV, I don't listen to news. The only thing that I know is what I see comes through my news feed or what I hear, or what I see personally. But other than that, I don't know what's going on, and I don't pay attention. But what I have seen throughout history is all these greats, these Muhammad Ali's and Dami Lama, and Gandhi, Christ, all these kinds of people that all they wanted was love and no retaliation. And to give back and to heal and help, we're assassinated in one way or another. I don't understand that. - Yeah. Yeah, I don't like violence. Violence doesn't solve anything. - No, it makes things 10 times worse. It really does. - It's like building blocks. You add violence to something, and then more violence comes, and then next thing you know, everything is chaos. And hence, why the world is the way it is today sometimes. - That's the way I look at it anyway. - And it's extremely hard. For me, it's common sense for other people. They need to hear something more than one or something. And I'm one of those two. Well, for me, it's common sense when I step outside and I just witness how people react and how they behave. And it's just, it's sad. It's as simple as that. I mean, I could go into other words and how to describe it. But to me, it's just sad. And for me, I'm kind of, I take a little bits and pieces of people that have been out there and put themselves out there and things of that nature. And I look at them like George Carlin. I feel like I'm kind of like a modern day George Carlin. Like I can't tolerate bullshit, lies, ignorance, prejudice, judgmental, like the hateful things. Because I don't like absorbing, and I felt that energy, and I don't like that energy, and I don't want that around me. - Yeah, I definitely feel like us empaths. We do absorb a lot. And sometimes it could be great things, a lot of love and this and that. But if you're around people that are the opposite, it makes you very angry and sad. And it puts you down, it puts your life down. And you're not supposed to be there. You're supposed to have love for each other. - And I still-- - We're supposed to live. - And I still to this day, even though I've been doing this professionally for going on 10 years, I still am learning how to protect myself 'cause I feel like there's days where I can't put enough bracelets on or necklaces or stones and crystals in my pocket or burn incense. I cannot do enough. And it seems like sometimes when I'm around certain people, I absorb that energy. And it takes like a day or two to get rid of that energy. And it's just like, okay, where's this coming from? So I've also come to learn too that when I notice it and I recognize it, I'll say, you know, I ask for this behavior, this characteristic, to go back to the original owner with love and light, not sending it back to him like as a karma, as a punishment 'cause karma is not meant to be a punishment. It's meant to learn a lesson. And you're gonna keep getting those lessons until you learn it or keep being involved with people, places, things, whatever, until you learn your lessons. So-- - Absolutely. - And I just wanted to bring this up, attachments and how, when you got a reading not too long ago, you, they did say that you had a couple and they're just kind of in the corner and this and that. So just wanted to talk about that and the fact that when we got these kitties, it's almost like they're drawn to that corner. It's like they're protecting you. And not to mention that they are such bundles of love. All we've have been doing is literally watching them and interact with them and just laughing and it just, they lift us up. So I feel like they've kind of pushed those attachments away. - Yeah, and you brought up a good point the other day when I think it was the third day that we had them, third or fourth, they started really warming up and coming out and our black kitten Stella, she came right up to me, she's adorable and was licking my bottom lip and then wanted me to pat her and love her. And then our other one, Pepper, he came up as well and started wanting me to love him too and so made the comment of, I believe, they recognize that your attachments aren't with you anymore or something like that, so. - Yeah, I feel like they were skittish at first 'cause it's a new environment but they kept going in that corner and then they're just like, and they still do here and there but it's more so for sleeping. But I do believe that there is more love and then happiness now and I feel like the attachments are no longer causing havoc. - Yeah. - Just the way you feel. I can actually sense that. - And it's one of those things where normally I investigate where those attachments came from but this is the feeling where I just feel like I just need to let 'em go and just let 'em be and not worry about it that they're taken care of 'cause I know that I'm protected by angels and loved ones and spirit guides and I know that there's one particular one that's inside me that I inherited at some point when I was young and I like to call it my peek-a-boo attachment. It comes out when it feels like it and stuff like this and it's not always a good thing and I don't like it and I notice like my change of my character, my behaviors and things of this nature 'cause a lot of times folks that have been to traumas and things of that nature they pick up these attachments and these attachments are there at the time to be able to protect you but as you get older you don't need them anymore and they need to know that they're you're okay and they're no longer needed and they can go back to wherever they came from. - But I do believe sometimes there are attachments that you pick up because they're bad attachments from somebody that was. - Yes and empath and inhaler are natural like magnets and I've noticed a lot of that too. And so that's why I'm particularly leery of sometimes going into big places and galleries and things of that nature. Even doing simple one-on-one readings and stuff. I always make sure we were taught in class it's not protect your ass, it's protect your aura because you need to protect your aura and for me one especially in this industry that I do there's not many straight male psychic mediums that do this and I'm not putting anyone else down but I feel the natural 'cause what I'm going with this is I get 95% women that come to me for readings. So I protect myself by placing myself in places where there's cameras, where there's people, where it's public or where there's gonna be many people like I've done house readings and stuff and I always say the minimum is like seven, six and then including the host. So I always do minimum and very energy draining to begin with. So I like to keep, I like to know that I'm protected and that nobody's gonna pull or try to pull the wall over my head or get away with something and I wanna make sure that I have witnesses. And it's unfortunate that the way the world is today. Absolutely, everybody's so happy and just all kinds of chaos, you know. - That's another subject for another time. - Yeah. (laughs) - Now we see the world today. - Oh yeah. - So I wanna be the encourager. I wanna bring the other leaders out and I've always found too with myself that is I'm able to help people out with their talents and kind of guide them in their purpose. And that's what I'd rather, 'cause where I lack, I wanna find somebody who's good at so I can learn from them. And I feel like that would be a good boss too is somebody that's not the most intelligent or whatever, but finds people more intelligent than they are so they can learn from them. And it's all about working together. - I'm a salon owner and I don't know everything. There's always more to learn. Nobody knows everything. You know, we learn from each other as co-workers. I don't consider myself the top, you know. I think everybody's learning from everybody around them. That's the way it should be. We learn and we should teach. If there's something that person needs, then help them out. - Absolutely. And one thing, you know, as psychics and everybody is a psychic, here's the things with psychics. Can't always see in our own backyard. And if we knew everything, we would be considered God. We don't. So it's one of those things where you know how to shut it off and wanna turn it on. And I don't know everything. And we can't always see in our own backyards or who we get involved with because it's a honeymoon stage, everything's great at the beginning, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you can't read and see everything. That's why it's always good to have like your tribe or your support network or however you call it. - Absolutely. And just because you have tons of followers or tons of people that you might consider friends doesn't mean they're true friends. - Or they, you're successful. You know, people worship, you know, celebrities more than they support, you know, local businesses and stuff like that, you know? And it's just. - Absolutely. Yeah. Okay, so is there anything you wanna bring up about past lives? - Yeah, I had this one past life regression done by this woman named Kelly. And it was a phenomenal one where I was a woman and I was in a rocking chair and I remember a chandelier and it had all those like crystals hanging from it. And I remember at the end of the recession, she goes, is there anything, is there a message, you know, with this? And I said, yes, that each crystal represented like a memory that needed to be forgiven or forgave or something to be able to move forward or something like that. It was a phenomenal one. I wish I do have it somewhere that buried. I gotta pull it out somewhere. But it was a, I thought it was a wonderful message. The other one was the samurai. I've always been fascinated with, I took a little bit of a kickboxing when I was younger. I've always been fascinated in like weapons and stuff like this, but not to hurt or harm anybody. But I always had like quick reflexes and stuff too. And I remember my instructor was telling me when I was doing kickboxing, he's like, you have potential in weapons. So when Denise had read for us and she gave us the rose past life readings and she confirmed it for us because I felt like, you know, we were back then in like-- - Yeah, I was wearing a kimono. Oh yeah, and I've always been fascinated with those things too. Like all that culture and the movies and stuff like that, reading books, anything like that, fascinating to me, so, and there you go. - Yeah, so like kimonos and monks, or monks I can't even speak today, monks. That kind of life I'm intrigued by because it's peaceful, it's quiet and it's serene. And that's what I would love to see the world come to one day is where you're able to just walk outside of your house and not have to worry about, okay, am I being watched? Am I being judged? Am I being this? Am I being, you can just walk out and feel at peace and safe. - Having tattoos, you know, and you feel like-- - You're judged. - You're judged and that kind of sucks because sometimes you do have to just brush that off because everybody's gonna have some kind of judgment, but it's sad that we all have that. - You know, you brought up tattoos, great point, and I remember hearing from somebody one time describing tattoo because this person had a lot of piercings and stuff too. And she goes for me as pain therapy. When she said that, that made complete sense to me because that's exactly what it is. It's not only that I wanted to tell a story of where I come from, it's personal to me. It's art to me and that's how I look at it. And I don't, you know, and my original intent when I was 18 years old is I didn't wanna be anything like my biological father. So I wanted to do everything opposite so he could dislike me even more than he already did. So yeah, I had piercings and tattoos and I just, to me it's personal. I don't particularly care with so much people think, you know, it's when-- - Of you, part of your life. - It's part of who I am. And I'm kind of proud of that, not kind of I am proud of that. And I still, because of the traumas and stuff growing up through elementary school and being teased and bullied and things of that nature and picked on, that plays a part of me too to this day 'cause people don't seem to realize how much psychological abuse and mental abuse affects you more than physical and how long things stay with you, especially depending on how young something has happened, right? So for me, I still to this day I'm very leery being out in public and showing my tattoos and being uncomfortable, but I'm getting better and better with that every day. - Exactly, as you should. But we all have our moments, of course, but we encourage each other to be who we are and who we're meant to be and who we wanna be, really. But yeah, I know that one of the past lives that we've been told is, I know I was told that I was at the time that Christ was being crucified. I was amongst the watchers. I was amongst the people that were there. I don't know, I think I was somewhat a little closer to Christ, I think she said, but that was kind of intriguing. - Same thing with me. I always felt like I was one of his disciples or somebody very close to him. And even though I don't go to church, I consider myself a spiritualist. I'm not any one particular religion because I feel like religion is love and it all depends on what you feel and what you resonate with. So that's where I come from. But I do feel and believe that Christ was here at one point and he is a natural healer as well as a psychic and a medium. And I'm not a scripture reader, a book reader in general. I've read some passages and like I said, when I had a knee injury that talks, I talked a little bit about this in my book. I took the time to read about the Old Testament and stuff 'cause I've always fascinated on Genesis, on how the world was created and that kind of thing, but I always felt like it's been here a lot longer. And I've never really considered God a person. I feel like he's energy, he's vibrations, he's everywhere, he's everything. And so all God wanted to do was love and I do feel and this is my personal belief that when Noah cast it away on the Ark that I believe it was Cain, the bad one, had hitched a ride and brought the evil back to the new world. And that's what we've got going on today. And so I do feel it stems from them then I should say. - 'Cause it's all about relationship. We're a relationship with the Creator. Get to know him and rely on him. - Well, that's one of the things I was brought up not to talk about was religious politics and like abortions and things of that nature 'cause that's all personal people's personal, people's personal, yeah. - Yeah, we're not gonna, if you don't believe what we believe it's okay, that's your beliefs and this is, we're not trying to instill this is what we believe and then we talk about. - And I feel like it's whatever resonates with you as long as it's not doing harm or evil to somebody or something else, then what their lives. - And I do believe all our past lives are meant for us to learn from. And I do believe that every single time that we come back, there are more things that we need to learn and it's all about getting higher. It's like you're going through school basically. You're learning, you're learning. You gotta learn from your lessons, your mistakes. Just lessons period is a lot of lessons that we have to learn from. So I believe that's what past lives are for. - Absolutely. - But that's what we believe, folks. And yeah, today was kind of a freelance, we kind of went everywhere, but it's okay. Yeah, that's what it's all about. - The rawer, the better. - So if any of you would like to get a reading by Jay, feel free to message him on Facebook or you can go on his website. Instagram as well. - Instagram. - I also have a book out in our website, so. - Yeah, so the link will be with the podcast, so in the description. Thanks, folks, and we will see you next week. - Have a great week, everybody, and stay cool. - Awesome. (upbeat music) - And that concludes today's segment on Spirit Talk. I'm Jay. - And I'm Sue. (upbeat music)