A rare interview with Dr. Ervin Laszlo! "The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution"
Dr. Ervin Laszlo is renowned for his revolutionary theories, once viewed as radical. Dr. Laszlo's insights into the interconnectedness of life and the essential role of conscious evolution in our survival have achieved broad recognition and respect within the scientific community.
As a prolific philosopher and author, Dr. Laszlo has penned over 100 books and hundreds of articles, earning him multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominations.
Today, he brings us insights from his latest seminal work, "The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution," which has been endorsed by luminaries including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Greg Braden, and Dr. Bruce Lipton.
This book challenges us to “Evolve or perish”—highlighting our urgent need to elevate our consciousness for planetary survival.
Joining us from Italy today, prepare for a thought-provoking journey through the cosmos and our role within it as we uncover insights that promise to reshape our understanding and spur collective action.
Website https://thelaszloinstitute.com/ https://ervinlaszlobooks.com/ Social Media https://www.linkedin.com/in/ervin-laszlo-235717206/
∙ When a Child Prodigy Wants Something More
∙ What's Beyond the Boundaries of The Familiar
∙ What is The Akashic Field
∙ Tapping Into the Field
∙ Are we living in a Holographic Universe
∙ The Evolution of Consciousness
∙ Standing at a Critical Juncture of Human Existence
∙ The Collateral Damage of Modern Culture
∙ Is There Room for Optimism
∙ Our Humanity is Speaking Out
∙ Going Out On a Limb
∙ Why We Must Stay Curious to Evolve
∙ The Awakening That Comes for The Brink
∙ Chaos to Order
∙ Tapping Into Universal Consciousness
∙ The Greatest Mistake We Can Make Regarding Artificial Intelligence
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"Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"