[music] Welcome back everybody, you're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. Attracting genius into your life, one idiot at a time. [laughter] You better write in soon with some better bylines. Dealers, we're desperate. [laughter] The guy laughing at my beautiful byline is Dog Bear and the Mind Master. [laughter] Thank you for the laughter of your time. [laughter] Well, I think it's genius one idiot at a time. [laughter] I'm beautiful. [laughter] I know maybe you can keep it, but it is worth it. [laughter] I channeled it. [laughter] Because it's sad that I didn't know what I was going to say. [laughter] God knows what you are channeling. Oh, that's good. [laughter] And I start patting the Dean of Logonomics and Pidology. Welcome everybody, glad to have you with us. [laughter] And I think it's really important. And this is something, Dog, that I think you do amazing at is having humor and adding humor. And doing stuff that's like, it can be outrageous, right? It doesn't matter because it's just what you feel like doing and being yourself in that moment. And you don't, you know, self-conscious about it and you just do it and, "Hey, I do it. I don't care what, you know, whatever you think is kind of your thing." And it just reminds me of a story of one of these, it was kind of like a Dalai Lama type guy out of Tibet. I don't know, I can't remember who he was, it wasn't the Dalai Lama. And he was, you know, he would be traveling and they would take him to a different place. He would talk and he was supposed to be this high spiritual guy, right? So one place where he was staying, the, I don't know if it was someone who was working with him or the owner, the home or whatever, walked in this room and there he was. And he was on the floor playing with these toys, like a little kid, right? And, you know, and at that point of the story it ended, it would have been like, "Oh, really cool. You know, this high spiritual guy is in touch with, you know, stuff." Right. You know, and just like a child like, not a palish. Yeah. But he, you know, he sort of looked up and he said, you know, please don't tell anybody you saw this, right? Right. Of course, they told everybody because I heard the story, right? Right. And it's kind of interesting, kind of this, there's all, like this persona that he felt like he had. But I think that's part of the challenge. I think that people do carry around personas of what they think they should be, and that is not who they are. And it's one of the things that I enjoy about my own teaching is that I never am pretending. I don't want to pretend to be anything other than what I am, which is a complete idiot. And maybe I have a touch of genius here and there and maybe I'm very spiritual and maybe I'm not. Depending on the moment. And I think that we're all too ready to shove ourselves and other people into boxes and not really accept ourselves as whole. Or all of us. Not really willing to accept all of us. Exactly. And we take ourselves way too freaking serious. I mean, you know, if you think about what it is that I deal with and what it is that I teach and the philosophies that I come from, it's very serious stuff. I talk about quantum physics. Not since the secret, since it's become the new bandwagon to jump on, but for years, for 20 years before that. I talk about the depths of psychology from real child-based psychology, from the stuff that you got impacted with when you're a kid, that can be enormously traumatic. I talk about very deep, spiritual methods. And for me, it's really simple. If you don't put a laugh in there, why would anybody listen? I mean, why would I bother teaching? It has to be freaking boring for both of us. So you've got to be, for me, if you're not having fun, you're not really learning anything. And so, you know, every single one of my workshops is always goofy stuff in there. Because it's one of the things you remember about something. It's one of the things you remember about what it is you learned. It was when it got kind of silly. And I think we get, we just get way too freaking serious. But also, I think it takes some people out of certain states that they want to get into or that they want to stay into. And that opens up them to other experiences. Exactly. I mean, you know, if you think about it, we've all been quote in love with someone who we know is not like good for us. We've always had that experience of, you know, and it may have been a relationship. That was what being in relationship, don't about being in love. So maybe it's a childhood crush, you know, maybe it's an adult crush. But, you know, you're in love with somebody, but you know they're really not that good for you. But a lot of the time, the whole is, this person's just fun. Yeah. Yeah. They're great to be around. Great to be around. They're fun to be around. You know, and it's known as when it's in love, you know, I have different understanding of that than different ways of looking at that than a lot of people. Because that can be a same-sex person in your heterosexual. And what I mean is that somebody just loves being around. Right, right. And there's so much fun to know about it. But you know, this is not something that really should hang around with this. There's a lot of other stuff that's not really good for me. But they are a riot. They're a lot of fun there, you know. And it's, we have to report that. Those are folks. Yeah, because we'll pull through it. We'll pull through it because we take life to freakin' serious. And I do think that you need to be serious about what you're doing and be seriously focused. I think it would not be a goof. But at the same time, if you don't make it fun, then it's work. And to me, there's only two options. It's fun or it's work. So, if I'm working as something and I can both fun in it, it's no longer work. You know, I was talking with somebody recently who was saying about... That's the thing about purpose and when you're on purpose and what do you do? And I was saying, you know, it's fascinating to me that on my average word day, on a short day would be ten hours. A really short day would be ten hours. And a long day might be as long as fifteen or sixteen hours. And somebody had said to years ago, "You're a workaholic." And I said, "That's not true." That's not true. Because if I was going to work in something I had no joy in, and I was just working on it for the money or for the status, yes, I would agree with you. Right? From some kind of accolade. But I forget that I'm at work. I'm having so much fun. I forget that I'm at work. And oh, fourteen hours has gone by. So, that's the difference. And the reason I forget is because I'm having a bloody good time. And I have, you know, when I work privately people, you know, there's not that many people left now that I don't have enough time to work with too many people. But for the people who actually get to do that with me, you know, we deal with some pretty heavy stuff. And, you know, it's not unusual for them to leave here with a handful of tissues, sometimes because they've been crying and blowing snuff bubbles, and sometimes because they've been laughing their ass off at their own silliness, at their own... That's ridiculous sometimes when you think about it. Yeah, and you start looking and, you know, and it's the interesting thing about laughter, and again, this is, we talk about this in attracting force. The interesting thing about laughter is it changes your neurochemistry, your brain chemistry changes. When your brain chemistry changes, your immune system changes, your DNA changes, everything in your system changes. That's a very important thing for us to know. You want to be in better health? What? Actually, it's funny, because most of the time when people think of personal development and going to things like attracting force, and I know a lot of those sort of courses that I've taken have been very deep, serious, somber, you know, lots of tissues type of things. And as you were talking, it reminded me of a course I took just outside of Sedona called the Sedona method. Oh, yeah. And so they explain how this thing works and everything else, and the instructors are as dry as dry can be, right? And I'm thinking, "Okay, you know what, I've done a few of these courses. I'm ready, I'm going to delve into this shit of myself and clean it all up, and I'm just going to be balling, I'm ready for it." And so we start the process, and as I don't know, like, fourteen groups of two are all around me, right? And as we're doing it, you know, the person with me is saying something, and I respond, and say something, I respond, and I hear giggling behind me. And then I hear giggling over there, and then I hear howling laughter on the other side. And everybody is laughing, and the whole, and I'm like, "This isn't right, and I've heard, right?" And I started laughing, and it's just like you say, like, sometimes we get into this stuff, and it's just like, this is really, it's actually funny, you know, but we have this, it can't be funny, it has to be serious, exactly. And the thing is, you can be dealing with very serious stuff in a way that can still be fun, and that's the key to it. And that, as I said, that changes your DNA, it changes your neurochemistry, it changes everything about you at a physiological level, but what's interesting is it also changes your resonance field. It changes the field that you generate, the energetic field, and if you're a regular listener to this program, to my Mastery podcast, you know that we've talked a lot about your resonance field, this field of energy that you're broadcasting out in a very scientific way, and that is actually determining what you attract in a very real sense, and also what you experience, and I would make a decision between those two things, and you attract some things into your life, but you may not experience them. So sometimes we attract things into our life, and we just don't see them. We miss them completely. I was wondering what you meant about that. Right, and then there are other things that we have a full experience of. So there are things that you attract into your life because of where you're at. There are things that you attract into your life because of where you were at. This is part of your history that's showing up, and whatever shows up, you then have a way, you know, you have to learn the strategies and the way to deal with what shows up, and understand what it was. And it's kind of that manifold thing we've talked about in previous programs, whereas when something's showing up, what is it? What's really going on with it? What does it actually mean? Yeah, and that's why I like the name for your upcoming event, "attracting force", because we're always attracting something, nobody really understands the force. Right, and that's what you do a great job of. I'm coming, and it would be the second time I've attended. Yeah. And we always think of attracting what we want. Right. But then we're always wondering why we get something we didn't want. Exactly. And you've got to understand that force that actually determines what it is that you attract. It's kind of like electricity, right? You plug in a light, and you get light, and you're happy about everything else, but then you could be saying, "Well, how come my food's not cooking?" Right. I don't actually know what you're doing, but that's right. And you know that in that program there is a direct experience where people are literally knocked over by that force when they learn how to tap into it. Yeah, absolutely. And that is wild. I mean, that's a wild experience where I, you know, I've seen people with their mouth just dropped open in complete shock, because it trained them in how to get to a place where you can actually feel that force to such a dynamic level that, first of all, you have experiences that are impacting your body and other people's bodies, and you see physical demonstrations of that. And then there's that place, like I said, where it literally knocks people over that is amazing. Yeah. Amazing. That's kind of putting your finger in the wall socket without the electricity zapping you. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it doesn't kill you, but it certainly wakes you up. It wakes you right up, and it really makes you realize, like in the charging force, you know, there's a lot of this fluffy stuff going around about, you know, we're energy and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, that's true. But it's kind of delivered in this fluffy, ungrounded way a lot of the time that puts real thinkers off. It puts people who are skeptical right off. And I always say, send me a skeptic. I love these skeptics because they're actually my best students because I show you that I understand why you're skeptical because I don't like that stuff that you don't like either. But let's just look at the science of this and walk it through. And then let's give you an experience of it. Because you don't need to need the information. That's just one level of it. Yeah. Let me see the theory. That's just one level of it. You need a direct experience of something to see what you're capable of and what will happen when you do that. And that is what makes the changes. That's what makes the shift. And we do that, as you know. Everything I say, you get a demonstration of it. You get to practice it, then you get a demonstration of it. You get a practice of it, demonstration of it. And everything goes through that. And that, for me, is what? I mean, how many people I've heard stand at the end and say, you couldn't have found a more skeptical person? One of the guys, actually, I know you know him, has a fantastic accent. You know, he's a wonderful guy and a wonderful student. And he was here this week and we were talking and he says, and I said, do you remember? Your first time you attended an attractive person, you've been to an attractive person now three times. He's come back, just loves it. But I said, do you remember your first one? He goes, yeah. Do you remember how you were? And he says, yes. And he has a very fantastic accent. I'm not going to do his accent because I don't want to make fun of him. But he's a great, great guy. And he said, he just sat there the entire time going. Rubbish. Rubbish. It's completely against the whole thing. And he goes, and then it got to halfway through the second day and he was like, he realized he couldn't deny it anymore. He couldn't fight against it because it logically made sense. And then he sees it, very feels it, but his own body. Then he has experiences with his own body that are absolutely undeniable for him. There's nowhere to go. There's nothing else to do. This is it. And as a result of that, many things in his life have changed dramatically. I mean, this is one of the things. People are using, quote, the law of attraction, but they want to use that to bring the money. That's the biggest thing people want when it comes to using the law of attraction. And what they understand is it doesn't come to you by the law of attraction. The law of attraction is an observational position. You're just seeing something. But you're actually going to put something in motion in a certain strategy. And as you know, we lay out that in a trademarked system throughout the program. And that system is what actually brings you because it uses quantum physics laws. Not an idea, not a concept that I like and I throw it into evidence. It's like, this is how it works. Not just for you, not just for me, but how it works in nature. That works for whales and dolphins and cats and dogs and trees and cabbages, you know, whatever. Yeah, and I actually brought up nature because I'm a big proponent of looking at what's going on in the woods or the streams. You know, you always see cycles and patterns and things going on. And I think it's ridiculous to think that we don't have cycles and patterns in our own lives. And we can take advantage of them or not. I mean, it's like if you try to plant seeds in January in Canada, you're going to have a problem. Right. You know, so, and sometimes I think what you're talking about with the law of attraction is sort of the same thing. It's kind of like, oh, let's just plant seeds in January. It's minus 30 degrees. No worries. They're germinating. We'll put them out. You know, the ground's a little bit hard, but no worries. We'll get an axe and we'll chip it away, stick it in. Right. And we know that these seeds produce tomatoes in six weeks. So come up six weeks and get our tomatoes. And meantime, there's a blizzard and everything else. And you went like, well, I was, you know, I was meditating on the seeds. I was having positive thoughts. I did a whole bunch of affirmations. I actually did, you know, one of those drawings with pretty pictures of tomatoes on. And we just say that's ridiculous. But we do the same thing for all these other areas of our lives. And we just don't see how ridiculous it is. Exactly. And so that's one of the important things is, is when things are not working the way you want them to work, whatever that means, you know, it's also a matter of looking at, yes, you know, what's going on inside of me. But what is my timing? Like you said, my plan in seeds in mid-January, that won't even start to germinate until late May. Yeah. You know, and you're in a cold country, it's just not smart. So, you know, it's one of the things, it's one of my quotes that says, just because your spiritual doesn't, isn't permission to stop thinking. Right. I mean, you still use your coconut, still think. Well, you wouldn't walk across a busy highway where everyone's going 100 miles an hour, you know, just in the middle of the highway. No. But you could do that, maybe you could do that before going in the morning. That's right. Right. She says perfectly safe because I did it yesterday. Yeah, it was 4 in the morning. Right. It's no rush hour. Right. 8.30 in the morning, not a small move. That's right. And we have to be awake enough to notice that timing as well. So, you know, that's part of what we want. If you want to prove us wrong, please don't. Yeah. Please don't bother trying to test that one. Yeah, that's right. Like, don't go running across the highway. Just say, well, they said it couldn't be done, and I didn't say it couldn't be done. We didn't recommend it. We didn't recommend it, right? If you're into a longevity plan, that shouldn't be part of it. Exactly. So actually, if you want to find out about attracting fools, which is an amazing program. It certainly is. And it's essentially going to go on in November of 2009. I have to remember what year was from over there. November 2009, it's an absolutely amazing program that blends the psychological and how your mind works with the quantum so that you can really tap into that. Really understanding the science, but not in a way that's geeky, but in a way that's really a lot of fun. There's some very, very, very cool research that I share with you. And you get demonstrations of how the attracting force affects you, impacts you, impacts your field, and impacts your body and other people's bodies, and what you can do about all that. And how you can actually genuinely attract what it is that you want into your life in a very, very profound way. That program is going to take place on November 6th through 8th in Vancouver, British Columbia. I believe we have people coming in, as always, from different parts of the world. So you'll be joining us at just a great event here in Vancouver. So November 6th through 8th, you want to find out about it? Go to extracting fools.com. If you're not sure about that, go to dovebear.com. You'll find it under programs. And I was just going to say, you'll also do the impossible. You'll definitely do the impossible. And one of the things I'll ask you to do is to come with a mindset of looking at what are your three biggest fears? What are the three things you fear most? And I will teach you and show you and demonstrate to you, and then you will, not I, you will completely remove those three fears. That's guaranteed by the end of the program. So it's pretty spectacular. It's a very, very big moment of excitement, as people just completely displace those fears. And it's interesting, because the only thing that ever stops us from getting anywhere is our fear. So once you remove the fear, what you're capable of just goes through the roof. Sorry, I just had this vision of removing my fear of being hit by a car about 100 miles an hour on the highway. I'm still not going to walk across the highway. But some, some fears you might want to keep for the purpose of staying alive. [laughter] So this is Doug Barron. I want to thank you for listening in. And make sure you tell your friends and share this podcast with your friends. Of course, you can get it through iTunes and you can listen to it on your iPhone. You can download it onto your computer, onto your MP3 player. Take us with you. Take us anywhere you want. And leave us your comments and your feedback. You can do that on dubbarron.com. That's D-O-V-B-A-R-O-N.com. All on free mindmasterypodcast.com. Leave us your comments, leave us your questions, and we will get back to you. We'll even design a program around a bunch of those, if you like. And we'll see you at Attraction Force, too. See y'all later, everybody. Bye-bye. [music] This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit c-suiteradio.com. [MUSIC PLAYING]