The Dov Baron Show

Quantum Wealth Mastery Mystery | Podcast #55

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2009
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Discover one man's view of Heaven and Hell and how that impacts your Wealth Consciousness. Length: 18:35 Get bonus content on Patreon

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>> Welcome back everybody, you're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast in Lightning the Universe. >> One soul at a time. That was Dov Baron. >> And the other voice is Scott Patton. >> Welcome back. Appreciate having you with us on the show, we're really excited, we're counting down to wealth mastery, quantum wealth mastery and it's coming up in a day or two. >> It is, it's coming up very, very fast with a great lineup of amazing speakers who are really going to be helping people to tap into their own wealth consciousness to create their own unique value and really put that out in the world without turning yourself into some kind of a machine that you've got to become somebody else but really being your authentic self and generating a really great cash flow from there whether that's on a full time basis or a part time basis with a little sideline or something just a new direction for your life as your purpose. >> Yeah, because I think you hit on a really important point like when you look at like TV and entertainment, right? The people that seem to be there all the time and making it or the people are just, it's just like them, like they feel authentic, right? >> Yeah, I mean, you know, it's one of the things I think that we innately know and appreciate is when somebody's real. I mean, I know that you, as you're listening to this, have met people and you go, "Oh, we just get a bad vibe from them, just like there's something not real about them." And when you meet someone who is real, that makes all the difference in the world. I mean, you've been listening to these podcasts, it's 65,000 plus people have been listening to these podcasts and it's interesting because a lot of the feedback we get is that it's very real. >> Yeah. >> But it's not, and it's not, it's not rehearsed. It's not rehearsed at all. In fact, we haven't got a freaking clue what we're going to talk about pretty much before we're telling the yeah. >> And, you know, actually, that was something that I took me a couple of years to learn is, because you talk about our unique value or who we are just letting that come out. And it takes a certain amount of trust in ourselves that when we actually are going to open our mouths, we're going to say something worth listening to. >> Well, you know, where does that trust come from? >> Well, if you think about it, I mean, the trust comes from practice and from the practice comes confidence and from the confidence comes trust. >> Yeah. >> So you've got to practice. You've got to put yourself out there. You've got to be willing to do that. And the more you practice, the more you know what it is you're talking about. >> That's right. >> So I'm getting up there. I mean, if you asked me to get up and speak about something that is not my subject, maybe I'd be more uncomfortable, you know, if I'm speaking about economics as a, you know, as an academic subject, I could talk about it from a consciousness, but not from an academic line, right? >> Yeah. >> So that's going to make me nervous. I can probably find material, but it's going to make me uncomfortable. So because I'm not practiced at that, so none of the confidence that is, none of the trust. When you build that trust, amazing things happen. You know, it's one of the things that you don't know as the listeners is that before we came on air, Scott and I were having a great time. We had to tell for more than half an hour, and we didn't record. And we were talking about teamwork and how, you know, people go into business all they think they've got to go into business. I know I did. By the way, I've been in business for in this business for 25 years and actually in business since I was a kid, I just started my own business as a kid. And I was the one men show for years and years and years. I thought I had to do it all myself. And I know that most people who have a job, that's what they think. They think they've either got to do one, two things they've got to do everything themselves. All they've got to run this multinational corporation where they've got 200 employees and they never know how to handle that. So those are the two extremes so they go, I can never do it. I can't run all those people and I can't do everything myself so they quit. Instead of understanding, it takes a team. Yeah. And we all, almost all of us come from a place where we started with a part-time job somewhere where we worked for somebody. And so that colors our whole way of looking and we go, "Wow, I can't work for this company." It's a big, say insurance company and there's like 5,000 people in this building and you look around and go, "Oh, you know, how could I build something this big or how could I run something?" Or they go, "I don't want to have, you know, because 5,000 people, there's always people mattering at each other. I don't want this." Because that's what happened to me, I worked in a place that had 300 people and I was the boss. So PMS every day, every hour, every minute, guys, that was just the guys. And then we had customers, 20,000 customers a week and everything else. So when I left that, it was like nobody around me, please, right? Yeah. And that was a couple of years. And then I thought, "Boy, I'm not getting a lot done." And there's a lot of things that other people could do a lot better than me if I was farming them out. Yeah. Right? So I tend to look at it more like being the conductor. You got to, you know, pick who's in the violin section and who's in the percussion section, the brass section, everything else, and then you just get them all playing in beautiful music together. But that's the thing. I mean, you know, we've got to be able to find the right people who are willing to assist us. And it's not the way you think it is. I mean, for years, I was in business thinking and you may be listening to this and maybe you're a small entrepreneur yourself, you're just starting entrepreneur and you're thinking, "I can't afford an employee." And I don't know how many years I spent doing that, but I can tell you something that for as many years as I didn't have an employee, it cost me a lot more than it did when I finally got one. Because I was, you know, here's one of the things I'm going to talk about once in a while. Think about how much you earn an hour and don't mean in your job. I'm talking about in your business. So you maybe you have a job and you have a little business on the side. And what is, let's say you're doing some kind of consulting, but what is your consulting fee? Now, let's say you're consulting fee. I'm just making up a number here. Well, let's say your consulting fee is $40, $40 an hour. That's what you judge. You know, let's just say that. And your job pays you $20 an hour, so your consulting fee is great. It's twice your pay. However, you've got a bunch of paperwork and a bunch of other stuff that you've got to get done. And that's part of what you have to do for this sideline business. And you spend, let's say, six hours a week, six hours a week working on your paperwork. Now, six hours a week and $40 an hour is how much? $240. Now, the truth of the matter is, if that paperwork, you could pay somebody $10 an hour to do and spend half the time doing consulting and you still have half as much time again, absolutely free. And you'd have paid for the work to be done, but it's a false economics to think you can't afford. And again, that's a piece of wealth consciousness that so many people don't get. They hold on to money and that's not wealth consciousness. They go, I can't afford it. Can't afford it is not the way of doing it. I'll tell you something. Some of the most successful people in the world that I've met never say I can't afford it. And you answered that as well. Of course, they don't say that because they've got all the money. They never did. They never said I can't afford it. Even when they didn't have the money. Even when they didn't have the money, what they said is, how can I find a way? Yeah. And this is a big shift in your consciousness. How can I find a way? I have done so many things in my life where I did not have the money, but not from looking at it, if I can't afford it, but from looking here from a place of how can I find a way? I'm going to talk a lot about that in quantum wealth because it's a very important thing. You're going to make that shift. You've got to make that shift and find the people who can assist you. Yeah. Yeah, part of it is making the decision that the choice, the decision, do I live in a world that is full of everything I could possibly want, or do I live in a world that has nothing? Right. And it actually reminds, when you're talking, it reminded me of a story of a story of heaven and hell. And you may have heard this one before, I'm not sure, but this guy dies and St. Peter's meets him, and he says, "Okay, you're kind of iffy, we're not sure where to put you. You can go to heaven. You can go to hell. Which one do you want?" The guy says, "It's basically smart because, well, I don't know what heaven's like and I never been there. I don't know what hell's like. I never been there. Show me." It's okay. Which one do you want to go to first? I'll just go to hell first because I assume it's worse, right? So it goes down, down the elevator they go, and they go to hell. It opens up and there's this beautiful room, it's the most fanciest dining banquet hall room you've ever seen, big chandeliers, bright lights, full of all these people, and there's this massive table and every type of food that you could ever want, your favorite butter chicken is there. What's up, chicken is there? How do we say that one again? It's there, all the desserts, everything is just magnificent, and there are all these people around. He goes, "Wow, this is really impressive," and then he looks a little closer and the people are all starving. They have open arms or something, they've got these big casts and they can't bend their elbows so they can't feed themselves, right, and I guess you're not allowed to just take your face in the butter chicken. So they're miserable, right? They're all going around morning and everything else, right, and he goes, "Ah, why would I want to be here? This is awful." Okay, so St. Petersburg, back in the elevator, they go back in the elevator, they go up, past to where the first floor was, and they go to heaven, and they get out, and they walk into this room. It's massive banquet. In fact, it's exactly the same as hell, and there's all this magnificent food, and there's all these people around, and he's going, "Huh," but he's a little smarter this time, remember? Because last time he thought it looked good and he looked a little deeper, it wasn't. And he starts looking closer to the people, and sure enough, their arms have been broken or they've got these big casts on their arms, and they can't feed themselves either. But they're all happy, and he says, "What's going on here?" And he looks a little closer, and someone says, "You know, I really like that butter chicken." And so somebody reaches over and gets a spoon, and they're a fork, and grabs a butter chicken and feeds them, and they're feeding each other, different between heaven and hell. Different between heaven and hell is, "Are you willing to have somebody assist you?" Yeah. That's a great story. Time before is really good, but it's the willingness to, you know, it's one of the key things, and we talk about this in our relationship program, is how many people do you know, or have you met who want to be loved? They want everybody. They want relationships, they want to be loved, right? And that's what they're looking for, right? They want to be loved. But the truth is, that most people are, because of a lack of deserving, are not willing to receive the love when it arrives. And so it's pretty much the same with wealth consciousness. If you're not willing to receive it when it arrives, it can't stick around. Yeah, absolutely. Right? If you think you've got to do it all yourself, and you've got the broken arms can't bend your elbows, you can't get to what's right in front of your face. So that's part of the challenge, is that we have to be willing to let other people assist us. And that's a big shift in wealth consciousness. Yeah, and I think that's a great point, Dove, because oftentimes, I've seen it a lot of times, actually, where opportunities come to people and they turn them away. And I actually, I have a little bit of a story around this, it just happened to me today, this morning. Wow, okay. And I was going to tell you after we got off the air, but I think I'll just share it with everybody instead. Right. One of the things I've been using the equation for manifestation, and I thought I'm just going to do a small thing, which was I wanted to have an extra five grand in the bank. Sure. So I was focusing on the meditation, and I found also my subconscious, I would catch myself as I was going for my walks or whatever, thinking five grand in the bank. Five grand in the bank. Five grand in the bank, right? It wasn't really, you know, what, I wouldn't call it a conscious affirmation, it was kind of happening, right? Yeah. So sorry about three weeks ago. So I had done, and I guess it also, you have to look at where you plant seeds and everything else. I'd written a couple sales letters for this guy in Florida, six months, eight months, a year ago. A couple of them did really good, and then one didn't do well at all. And you could say it was a terrible sales letter, you could say it was a terrible offer, whatever. It didn't really matter. Usually when that happens, they go find another sales letter, right? Or he decides to write it himself or whatever. So I hadn't really heard from him or talked to him since that time, and I wasn't really sure what the, you know, our relationship was like. We had chatted the odd times soon to be fine, but there was certainly more business coming. So I'm thinking, okay, another five grand in the bank. Five grand in the bank. Five grand in the bank. I'm just thinking one, you know, all I want is five, zero, zero, zero, in my bank account. I'm not thinking anything beyond that, right? That's a nice little bonus in the account. That's right. So he sends me a message on Facebook, and he says, Scott, he says, this company that I'm doing some stuff with needs a sales copywriter, they like, and I thought you could write it. Five grand. They go, cool, every month. Now, I can say, you know, I wrote letters for this guy a while ago, and he didn't seem to appreciate it, and I don't want to have anything to do, like, no, wonderful. Thank you. I mean, to me, it's a great compliment. It came right out of the blue, like, as I said, you know, we hadn't, I've been thinking about them a little bit in the last couple months, but we really hadn't crossed or chatted or anything, and it was just like, oh, okay, yeah, so question for manifestation works, investing prosperity works. Exactly. Don't judge how it comes. Yeah, and you know, you've heard me say that so many times, don't judge how it comes, and don't assume you know. Yeah. So it would have been easy to assume, well, this guy doesn't want to bother me, and what can one says? It doesn't have anything. Right. And running all that shit in your head can so easily do, and instead, you know, being so open that here is not five grand, but five grand a month, and that was just a bonus for all the millions of dollars that Scott's got tucked underneath his mattress. That's right. Okay, guys, so you've got lots to think about again from this particular podcast, and again, always want to challenge you to really think about, maybe take some notes, get on a journal, get out of your notebook, and really take some notes. You know, I know that these are pretty casual, and they're not supposed to be sort of work as such, but you know that we do have very best to make sure that you get really high quality information from us on these podcasts, and that's actually why they're so popular. We keep getting notices from Potomatic, which you may know is where these are held, who tell us we're in the top movers and shakers. Yeah. In fact, we're in the top three all times in our category, and in the top, like 100 out of 5,000, I think it is. Easily five. Right. So it's pretty amazing. And I guess that's because you're listening, and we're glad you're listening, and we're glad you're getting this material. We want you to use this because, for us, it's important, it's about raising consciousness, making a difference. If you want to find out more about me, Dog Baron, you can go to, that's You can go to, you can leave comments about these podcasts there. You can find my blog there. You can also find out about workshops and programs there. I have all kinds of sites, and also you can find out about Scott at, and if you need any sales, copy, written or that sort of stuff. If you're interested in podcasting or using iTunes and that sort of stuff, head over to or I've got two books out on it. They're great. I get wonderful feedback from people that use it, and you can have your own show going. Yeah, that would be cool for you. Get your own show. Get your own podcast going, and we've got Quantum Wealth Mastery coming up on the weekend. Yeah, Quantum Wealth Mastery, if you want to find out about that, go to Quantum Wealth, Quantum Wealth, and there, actually, if you'll see, there's a little box there we can fill in your name and your email address, and you can find out about tell us someone else. We've got about that. The program itself is taking place September 25th through 28th in Vancouver, and pretty much a sellout. It's really fantastic. It's going to be awesome with an amazing team. Remember, we said you don't need to do it alone, and all you need to do is find the right team that can assist you in tapping into your unique value set, so that people will really see the value that you have to offer. That's right, and if it's past the weekend when you listen to this, sign up for next year. Yeah, sign up again. It'll be great. Okay, this is Doug Berenson. Thank you, as always. It's been great being here with you, and I look forward to speaking with you at the next podcast. Bye-bye, everybody. 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