You're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. You forgot what we're doing. No, I forgot our tagline. Oh! Our new tagline. Our new tagline. And lightning the universe. One soul at a time. There you go. It doesn't quite, it doesn't automatically, because we've done so, you see, patterns are, they're a great thing to do stuff on autopilot, not so great when you want to change the autopilot. So for 80 odd podcasts shows, I've been saying the Mind Mastery Podcast, blah blah blah blah, and I've changed it, but when I went to change it, boom, the old one to come up, came up against the wall and the two of them were just like, ah, ah, and of course nothing came out and then you started laughing. So you're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast, changing the universe. One soul at a time, and it just sounds so cheesy. By the way, we challenged you to, to write to us and go in the comments box there, or you can go to and put it in the comments, and tell us what you think should be a good tagline. If you don't like that one, if you like it, tell us that. Maybe it's just me and it just sounds cheesy to me. But you know what, sometimes the cheese makes the dinner. Exactly! Who moved my cheese? Who moved my cheese? So he's dog Baron. And we're here talking about wealth consciousness, because we're getting prepared for the quantum wealth mastery event in Vancouver, and I'm really excited. It's interesting, we were talking about this before we went on the air in terms of knowing what we're doing, right? And of course my presentation is a, is a mashup of, that's a new word I learned just a little while ago, where you take a whole bunch of stuff from other places, stick it all together, and have something new, right? And I, I'm not the type of person that goes and speaks at events every week. So as a result, when I go to speak at events, I have to go through my whole material and update it, because in the world of blogging and podcasting and internet marketing in general, things change so fast, and, and even statistics, like one of the statistics that I was giving five years ago when I first started talking to people about podcasting was that iTunes had a half a billion downloads. Now 500 million downloads through iTunes, to me, is a significant number. I would say. Yeah. And the problem was, is every couple months, I had to change it to a billion, a billion and a half to, so I was actually forced to see the growth that was occurring as it was occurring. And Apple, about three weeks ago, had this big event down in San Francisco, and one of the things that they just sort of casually mentioned was, iTunes has over 8.5 billion downloads. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like, holy smokes, and no wonder they're so much into this stuff, because each download's like minimum 99 cents. Cool. So they're basically made. They're not even including probably the free stuff. Right. No. They're not including the free stuff. They're, they're doing okay. They're doing okay. Yeah. I wouldn't mind, you know, someone else does the work and I get a slice of 9 billion. But, but isn't that, I mean, that's about what we're talking about with quantum wealth, is, is this whole thing about, you know, one of the things I was talking about is, how we've all been plugged into and conditioned and brainwashed into this idea that you sell your time for money. You go to work and you make 6 bucks an hour, 8 bucks an hour, 60 bucks an hour, 600 bucks an hour. It doesn't matter. But it's an hourly rate. And the problem with that is, there's only so many hours in a day, and you can only work so many of those hours, and if you stop working, then that money goes back to zero. Whereas something like iTunes, which is exactly what we're talking about, is a passive residual income. Yeah. That's it. You don't have to do anything. It's done. And then once it's done, people keep paying for it over and over again, and more and more people come. I mean, here you have a company that creates computers, creates iPhones, creates iPods, markets them magnificently, right? So then you could just say, well, what are the people that want to use the iPod or the iPhone want? Oh, music, oh, education, personal development type of information, right? Well what if I could just tap into that stream of traffic going to iTunes and just pull out a little bit of that 8.5 billion downloads? Well, yeah. If you could be listening to these podcasts and you've been enjoying them, maybe you would like to listen to resonating riches, which is a six CD series. You can now get that through iTunes. And that's awesome. Yeah. So you don't have to buy solid disks. You can go to iTunes, search Darwin, search resonating riches, and there it is. You can download it. You can have a six CD set, you can walk with around on your iPod or your iPhone or however you want. Yeah. And that's one of the brilliant things about it. Yeah. It's a totally, it's not a new model, but it's an easy way to implement model that nobody knows about. Yeah. Exactly. Except everyone listening in you. Exactly. But, you know, really about, in order to tap into those things, we've got to change that programming. We've got to change that conditioning. So we've got to get out of this mindset as a set of your money, your life is worth so much per hour. Right. And we've got to shift consciousness away from that, and that's part of wealth consciousness. If we don't make those changes in our wealth consciousness, we just can't keep the money. Yeah. That's right. Well, also we won't even put ourselves in a position where we can get it. Exactly. We get it. Right. So it just, you know, it just seems so, if you're in the old mindset, it seems so ridiculous that you could get money for doing nothing. Yeah. Right. That's got to be wrong. That's got to be evil. That's got to be bad. Yeah. No, that's called passive income. Yeah. It's also providing value. Exactly. And provide value without spending all your time doing it. Well, the thing is that if you can provide that value to someone and they can tap into it, they're happy to pay you for that because it's not about the physical thing of you actually working for the hour, it's about the value that it comes. I mean, for instance, I wrote my book once. Yeah. Right? It was no small feat. But that was a lot of hours, a lot of time and energy to do that. But I don't have to write it every single time somebody buys a copy of it. Exactly. Now, nobody thinks that authors are bad for selling a copy of something they did once, thousands of them thousands of times. Yeah. Over years and years. Right. Nobody thinks that that is bad, so that's passive income. How many of you listening own a Beatles album? I'm using Beatles or Elvis because they're older. Right? It's been around for a long, long time. And you pay for those albums or you pay for those tracks that you download from iTunes or wherever. And why? They don't have to write the song and perform the song every single time for you. That's residual income. And it's shifting our consciousness to understand and actually ask ourselves what value can we offer in a residual passive manner? And what that means is that you can do it once and somebody can pay you for it multiple times. Many people can pay for it multiple times. Right. Right. That's huge. So that's part of the shifting consciousness. That's not, you know, I mean obviously you want to learn the skills, the tools, the abilities do that. And of course that's actually a lot of what yourself Scott and many of the other presents the Quantum Wealth are going to show. But what we're talking about here is understanding that you've got to shift the consciousness. And I'm going to be talking about in the past few podcasts about imagine your consciousness as a bowl, as a vessel that you can pull money into. Well, you know, it can only hold so much based on the size of your bowl. So you've got to change the width and the breadth and depth of your consciousness to hold more so that you can actually keep it so you can attract it and you can keep it. And if you don't make those changes, you won't know what you won't know what to do with money when it gets there. And that's why people win the lottery and get rid of it real quick. Yeah. That's right. It's a big part of it that has to do with deserving and knowing what your value is. That's the part of the Quantum Wealth, the mastery I'm really looking forward to is when you talk about how do you find your value. Yeah. Understanding, you know, this one of the things I'm going to be talking a lot about is recognizing what's what I call your unique value set. And that is how you offer value to the world in ways that are particularly unique. I mean, one of the examples I've given in the new book that I'm writing is, you know, you make this great chili and your friends say, well, that's great, but, you know, so many people make chili. It's no big deal. Well, so many people make spaghetti sauce. It doesn't stop. It didn't stop Paul Newman. It was an actor tapping into that market and being able to use that. But so it's what is the unique piece of how you do it, how many chefs are there, how many cookery books are there and it's using cooking because it's one of the things we all have to do at some point. We have to cook something and we all have to eat. Yeah. And you never go into a bookstore that doesn't have a section of cookbooks. Exactly. And, you know, one of the things that I've given in the new book is, for instance, think of, what's your favorite meal that you eat out when you're out? My favorite food to eat when I'm out. Something you really enjoy. Indian food. Indian food. East Indian food, right? So, good curry. Yeah, good curries. Okay. All right. A 10-dory chicken and butter chicken. Okay. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. All right. So, that was for all my Indian friends. Butter chicken. Butter chicken. So have you ever had bad butter chicken? Not bad. But there's some that I think is way better than others. Right. See, just that will stand there. Yes. And some that are, okay. But it's fine. But I have a bad. Okay. So, how is that possible? So, butter chicken. Well, I think that it could be how old the chicken is, could be how when it was cooked, could be what combinations of ingredients they put in there. Exactly. So, just because something has a name, a title or whatever it is, doesn't mean you like it. I personally love personal development. But I read some real crap. I read some very, you know, whatever stuff and I've read some stuff that was absolutely outstanding. And, you know, I bet that that stuff that you didn't like and thought was, eh, that we could probably find two or three people in the world that that just changed their whole world. And that's the point. And the thing about your, the butter chicken that's bland, somebody else says, no, no, this is the best there is. Yeah. So, this is part of understanding unique value is that you have to find a group of people who really appreciate and value what it is that you have that is unique and how you do it. So, how many writers are there? Millions. How many singers are there? Millions. One is we're constantly trying to be like somebody else. We're constantly trying to compare ourselves to somebody else and try to be the next whatever is rather than being the unique who we are. Yeah. And that's a big, big challenge. That's going to be a big theme of the weekend because there's a couple of the other speakers I've talked to and that's a big thing for them. Exactly. Really understanding that. I mean, we're all building on each other. Yeah. So, we first started being out on a stage, I want to put it that way, speaking because I think I first started speaking around one to half too, that doesn't count. Why am I concerned? Because the company didn't give me a check when you didn't know. No, they didn't give me a check and they also didn't give me any coaching. Oh, actually they did. Smack. Yeah, that's not trying to coach you in a depth. But I brought in the speaking coach because not only me but the president of that company needed help. And my biggest concern because I had actually gone on, I'd been out from front of people before, was that I was going to have to redo everything, right? And one of the reasons I had that concern was when I learned to play tennis in high school, my strokes were all wrong. Right. So, after five years of doing the strokes all wrong, I actually went and learned how to do the strokes properly. So, you had to unload. I didn't reload. And that's right. And it took me two years. My friends were saying, "Scott, go back to your own old style, at least you could get it back." No. I knew that I had to hit the ball properly, right? And so, I was afraid in the back of my mind that this guy was going to say, "You need to enunciate differently and you need to do this and the way you stand is that." And I was so amazed when he said, "You have a unique personality and you do things that I could never get away with on stage because you'd actually seen me on a stage." And you have this sense of humor that you're the only person in the world that works for, right? Right. Don't change. No. Wow. I said, "We just need to kind of bring that out a little bit more now and be a little clearer in terms of..." And he actually had a theatrical background. So, we need to add a little more theater and make sure the message is clear and the plot of my story, I never thought of what I was doing as a plot before, and all these things. But it's just amazing when he said, "Yeah, no, we just need to bring more of you out, not change you." But that is. That's a unique value piece that if you don't shift that piece of your consciousness, then you're just a drone. You're just like everybody else and you're constantly comparing yourself to everybody else, stopping and instead saying, "You know, what is it about me that is unique that people do appreciate? Because that's the stuff you can tap into." That's right. Years ago, I trained a friend of mine who wanted to be a speaker and I'm talking about a long time ago, about 20 years ago, and he started off, I was working with him privately and then I started him off by having him do my intros. And he'd done, you know, working together for about a year on this and I asked him to write a 15-minute presentation and a 30-minute presentation and I didn't care because it's not my style, if you wrote a word for word, but I just had a sense of it and we worked through the whole thing until he had an hour and he had that down and he did an introduction and those days I had a young lady who was managing my bookings and she was a little more than assertive because she was good, she was good at watching it and she had been watching me train him and so at the end of my presentation, she gets up, which is what she did and she thanked every read for being there and she said, "And next session," which I think was a week later, "John," this was this guy saying, "John will be presenting this for an hour before Doll Speaks," and honestly, you and he had no idea of us doing it and he went great. I mean, I was laughing, but he went great, but he was terrified, absolutely terrified because it was going to be 60 people there, but it was a once-a-week class, so he was absolutely terrified and he came up to me, he was pissed at her, but he came up to me and he said, "I can't do this," and he said, "Why?" He goes, "Week after week, I watch you," and he goes, "I'll never be as good as you," and I said, "You're absolutely right. You'll never be as good as me because I'm the best at being me, but you'll always be as good as you." And he said, "What do you mean?" He said, "You know," and he's one of those guys, so he's very, very, he's very soft-spoken, very spiritually, all his language is very spiritual. He tends to be less energetic than I am, more meditative. He's more meditative. He's calling right now. Yeah, Harry, he's calling, he's been listening, and he's calling him and he's saying, "Where the hell are you?" Right, so he, it's a law in the middle of the show, back on the phone. So one of the things I said to him was, "Even if you got up and you taught exactly what I taught for an hour, that would have value," and he said, "Why?" Because there are people who don't like my style, who I put them off, why they don't get it. And they don't get it because of their hands because of how I deliver it. And I said, "And those people would love what you do." And I said, "And here's the news, if you do what you do for ten years, there'll be people who'll hate what you do, and they'll love it if I do exactly the same thing." So it's not only the materials, the delivery of the material that makes it unique, and so it's not just with speaking, it's with anything, so here's what I want to do. I want to challenge you, our listener, to really listen up, like both of you. So this, you know who you are, right? Both of you. So I know what the two of you are listening. Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Exactly. So what I want to challenge you to do is I want to challenge you, and again, if you're going to be attending Quantum Wealth Mastery, we're really going to get into this in some depth. But for now, what I want you to do is to really consider what might be unique about you. Don't think about us making money, just think about what might be unique about you. What is it that people say about you that makes you different, that makes you unique, and that's what I just want you to focus in on, because ultimately, that will be a selling piece for you, and I realize the word "selling" can freak a lot of people out, but it's what people want to buy from you, because the truth of the matter is, nobody buys anything apart from energy. They buy the energy of that person or that situation or that product in order to create an emotional response within themselves. So you want to find out what's unique about you, and I'm going to challenge you to do that, and I'm going to challenge you to leave comments in the comment box. They always love to hear from you, love to hear your feedback. Tell us what you think of the show, tell us shows you'd like us to cover, we'd be happy to do that. Yeah, any questions? Send them on in. Yeah, send them on in. We're happy to do that. We're going to show around the whole questions, if we get enough of them at a time. Okay, so this is Dove Baron and Scott Patton, and you can leave your comments and stuff at That's D-O-V. B-A-R-O-N, in case you forgot. I was still thinking about the fact that I had wings when you said my name. So, it's Dove D-O-V, Baron Okay, so until next time, this is Dove and Scott signing off. You looked in wings. Thank you. You're an angel. See you next time, everybody. Thanks for joining us. Bye-bye. Yes, visit [chime]