The Dov Baron Show

Wealth Fearfulness - Mind Mastery Podcast - Podcast #51

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2009
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We talk about wealth and how you know what you really want. Ever experience "Fear of Success"? We cover that too! With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 20:35 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon

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[music] Welcome back everybody. This is the Mind Mastery Podcast during Doug Barron, the Mind Master himself. And Scott Patton, the Dean of, what was it? Logonomics and Podology. Okay, I gotta get this down, alright, so we're practicing. Sorry. Nothing like repetition. There you go. The Dean of... Logonomics? Logonomics. And... Podology. There you go. Not pod... There's something to pod... Podiatry. Podiatry. Not podiatry. Podiatry is feet. The... Feet doctor. The... Feet doctor. Yeah. So... [clears throat] [laughs] By the way, in case you're listening, that was Scott having a brain father. That's right. That's right. We've been talking a lot about success and wealth lately. Yeah, the wealth consciousness. And I think, well, and we've got the Quantum Wealth Mastery event coming up really soon. Very quick. Yeah, And there's been some teleclasses that you've been using. Yeah. The one with Trevor. Yeah, we had a great tele... Tell us another Trevor Crook. It was last Tuesday. We got one coming up this week. Yeah. Who's Stefan? Who's Stefan? Stefan Rakes. And those are gonna be on the podcast shows. I'm gonna take a copy of them, put them on this. So if you've been listening to us, you're gonna get them probably right after this show. Fair news. Yeah. That's great stuff. So one of the things when it comes to success and wealth that I think about and I think you do as well is... Because a lot of people say, "Oh, I just... I can't. I love to have a 20,000 square foot mansion or this big yacht or a Porsche or something like that." And that they don't. And it's not that they're not capable of doing it. It's not that they don't have the knowledge or the ability or any of those things. But I think sometimes what happens is fear gets in the way. Yes. All of a sudden it's kind of like this big dream. And as long as it's a dream, I'm in my comfort zone. I'm okay. But as soon as it starts becoming reality, they may do something. I know I have definitely done stuff that's advertised. Well, you know, I always say, and that is this, is that when you are about to get exactly what you want, that's the time when your ego mind will freak out the most. Because that's when you are most likely for things to change and the ego doesn't like change. So you get this fear. Now, people say, "Is it a fear of success?" You know, I think that's one label of it. Is it fear of failure? It's another label of it. But we have to rest these deeper questions. Those are good surface questions. We have to have to ask deeper questions. So, you know, when you say to somebody what you want, whether you've heard me say many times, the biggest challenge is most people don't know what they want. Yeah. Their answer is rage. Yeah. Well, they want to be happier. Okay. I'll tickle you. Right? Hang on. Happier. Okay. I want more money. Here's a quality. You've got it. Okay. Well, I don't know. They don't know what they want. Let's talk about that for a second too. Sure. Because I think that's something that I know I have struggled with. Sure. And with the equation for manifestation, it brought the struggle right to the surface. Yeah. Because I'm thinking, "Okay." You know, he's telling me to picture what I want. Ooh. And there's this black blob, right? There's nothing there. Right. And part of me is going, part of it is when you have too many options, you make no choice. Absolutely. So this thing is, okay, this is the process I'm going through at the present time. Right? So the first time, like, there's this big blob, there's nothing there, and it's like, "Well, do I want to mention? Do I want, you know, a million dollars?" And of course, I'm thinking massive, right? And then, and so that was kind of like the disaster, right? So three or four equation for manifestations of meditations later on sitting there thinking, "Just, like, right now, today, this minute, I like a big Mac." Right. And it's not really what I wanted, but I think it's a good analogy, right? Right, sure. You know? And I thought, "It's okay to want the little stuff and then roll it bigger." Yeah. And in fact, you can do it both ways. So what we recommend to people all the time is, most people don't know the one right now, apart from the present moment urges. I want to... It's Mac. This month's rent. Yeah. Well, it's more of a... more than an urge. That feels like a pressure. Right. So there's pressures, there's urges, and then there's real desires, right? Right. So there's a pressure, let's pay the rent. It's the end of the month, or it's the beginning of month, or whatever it is. So, yeah, okay. That's a pressure on me. I feel the anxiety of that. There is the urge, as in, "All right, can you, I really fancy a big Mac?" And so that's another... it's that urge. It's instantaneous. Somebody goes by your character, you have an urge. It's not much different. Right. So, those are fine. But when it comes to what we really want, really, is truly decide to desire. And desire is to be with spirit. Right. That's what the Latin of the word is. So, to desire something. So often people, they can't think much bigger than where they're at. Right. Or oftentimes. Or they can think identically, but they can't think about it, get to it. And so what we always say is, think about, and this is in EFM Audio Technology. If you're adding to go to, and you get a hold of this product, which is called EFM Audio Technology, the equation for manifestation. And even that is a workbook. And what it says is, where do you want to be in ten years? I mean, it's the whole process you go through. Right. Where do you want to be in ten years? Where do you want your life to look like? Where do you want to be living? What kind of place you want to be living in? Do you want to be married? Do you want to be single? You know, all the things that go with that. Then, five years. Then, in order to be there in ten years, well, what would have to be in five, you know, to be there in five would have to be in two, and breaking it all the way down. Right. And three months to one month to two weeks to a week to right now. And that helps you to get clear on what it is you want to manifest, which helps you to get clear on what it is, what is it that I want. That's the question. So what is it that I want? That takes a little bit of effort in thinking. Well, and this is part of the challenge, Scott. You and I talked to a lot about this before. We live in a society, as you just mentioned, that we are bombarded with options. And also bombarded with, you should be this, and you should have that. Right. So, bombarded with all these choices that we can take, and all the marketing pressure about how we should have certain things. And the problem is that we never stop to say, "Is that right for me?" Is that actually why I want this? Do I even care? I know. I mean, I'm not past this. I know in my life I've bought things because there were some buzz around buying it, and then gone, "What the hell?" Yeah. Right. I mean, a lot of my friends think I'm insane because I don't own an iPhone. You don't? There you go. Right. Do you have any sort of cell phone? Yes, I do, but I don't turn it on. Right. People say, "Well, why do you have a bloody cell phone?" Because if I'm going somewhere, and I can't remember why I'm going, I can use the phone, or if I break down with someone, I can use the phone, or if my wife is looking for me, then I'll turn it on if I'm going somewhere, and we're going separate things, and she's looking into some message I might need. But really? Yeah. Because my life is busy enough. Yeah. So, you know, we've all bought things that we regretted buying. We've all gone down that road because there was some pressure to do it. Because it was the new fan. Having said that, very rarely do people stop and say, "What do I actually want?" And I think the reason they do that, aside from the reasons we've just talked about being bombarded with choices and media, et cetera, is I honestly believe that people are afraid of asking for what they want, because they would frighten their crap out of themselves. If they got it. If they got it. Well, I worked for a grocery chain for 20 years, and my basic philosophy, because there was hundreds of stores, right? Sure. And you always wanted to move up to the higher profile stores, and people would ask me, my bosses would say, "Well, you know what? What stores like to go to?" And I would always pick the store that I didn't like, because I figured they would never give me what I wanted. In fact, if you looked at the decisions and what the person who was affected wanted and what the decision was, 98% of the time, they were sent where they didn't want to go. Right. So I just figured out to the point. That store right there, but it's in the storm. "Oh, yeah, that's really a nice store. I really like the blah, blah, blah." We're sending you over there to the rich store, where you'll make a bonus. "Oh, really? I'm so disappointed." And thank you. And thank you, yeah, under my breath. But it was weird. So, I mean, exactly what you were saying, it's like, if you wanted it, there was this whole belief I had. If I want something, I have to be telling people I know I want something else, because I'm not going to get it. And I think that's part of the thing. I think that if we actually admit, and this is, I really want you to listen to this, and listening in there, really pay attention, because I really do believe that people run their desires based on the judgments of others. So they say, "I want this because they will approve of what I want." I hear this saying around that once, where who we think other people think we are. Exactly. Not who we are. Exactly. It's very true. That's kind of fuck work. It's way beyond that. It's padded room stuff. We're not who we think we are. We are who other people think we are. So who do we think other people think we are? Exactly. It's not our judgment of what we think other people judge us. Exactly. We haven't even got a clue. And we don't know what they think. I mean, it's one of the things from my mastery we talk about, which is that we're constantly making up what other people think of us. We have no clue. And we try to live up to that. And then we disappoint them and ourselves constantly. So we don't know what we want. We've got to stop and ask the questions. And here's the key point in this. You cannot ask for something or genuinely desire something if you don't know who you are. You can ask for it. That just makes it worse. You can ask for it. And you might even get it. But you'll never get any level of satisfaction from it. Because it's not a genuine request. It's like being a lion, thinking you're a hamster and you're eating grass all the time, wondering why you're not very happy. Exactly. And you're desiring more grass. You too. And you say, "I want more grass." I have more grass. I just don't have enough grass. That's what it is. I must need more grass. Right? Because those around me are for hamsters to eat. I'm assuming it's grass. I know. Who am I? This is really what I want. I mean, at quite some wealth mastery, it's one of the questions I'm going to ask people. Like, what the hell have you been pursuing? And what you really want. You know, all of my programs, I tell people that I believe in personal development. That doesn't mean, and I say, it doesn't mean I believe you should attend my programs. I do believe that. They're great. They're fantastic. But it's not what I'm saying. I believe in personal development. What that means is that I take personal development programs. I know you do too, Scott. Yeah. And we go and we spend, I take programs, the equivalent of $20,000 to $30,000 a year. Probably in the same bracket for you. Yeah, of course. Just to keep that level of my mind clear. And I was at one recently and the speaker was asking, was suggesting to people that what they want. Wrongly suggesting to people. I will just leave that alone for now. Suggesting to people that what they wanted was a $37,000 square foot mansion. And a $160,000 watch. And a silver Rolls Royce. A Rolls Royce made out of silver. Well, no, but it's silver colored Rolls Royce. But the thing was that he was very good at what he did. And he got people very hyped on the ideas of having those things. But I know for sure that that was inauthentic for most of the people in that room. It isn't what they want. They don't give a shit about living in a $37,000 square foot mansion. They don't give a shit about wearing an almost $200,000 watch or driving a bloody Rolls Royce. They don't damn well care about those things. But because they're in an environment where they're being told that, and other people are rar-raring the same thing, they get on the bandwagon. Well, there's a big, there's a group psychology thing that happens, right? Oh, of course. But that's not what even what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is to stop and say, what do I want? As opposed to having someone else tell you. Rather than having somebody tell you. Because, you know, according to wealth mastery, we're going to teach you how to become wealthy in first all in consciousness. And then how to take the certain steps to create residual wealth for yourself. But everything we're teaching you is how can you take you, authentic you, and turn you into the best product that you can develop out of you. What do you genuinely have to offer? As opposed to twist and turn and become some bloody pretzel. Because that's what somebody else wants in order to drive a bloody Rolls Royce that you don't care about when you'd much rather drive a Prius. Or even a smart cow or some old clunker, whatever it is. So it's like we don't stop and ask what do we genuinely, authentically want. And so that's going to be your homework, your home assignment from this particular podcast. I want you to stop and write a list, and I'm going to do this with you. I'm going to get you to write a list of everything you want in life. And just spend, put a timer on it, like a little egg timer, ten minutes, no more. Just so you don't get run away, just do ten minutes of it. Write what it is you want, what it is you want, what it is you want. Write it all down, and I really want you to set yourself free. So don't judge it, just write it down. Anything. So if you want a silver Rolls Royce, and you want to mention, and you want a Rolex, and you want a diamond tiara, and you want... a diamond box knickers, whatever it is you want, that's fine. Absolutely great, write it all down. Yeah, but if you want to beat up car and motorbike, because you like riding down mountains. Yeah, put that down too. Put down anything you want, but when you've finished, here's what I want you to do. I want you to ask this question. Why do I want this? Because the bottom line is everything you want. You want because it's an emotional payoff. And when you've asked why I want that, then you can, once you get to that answer, then you can ask yourself another question, which is, is that for me? Or is that for someone else? Like, do you need to impress somebody? And answer, folks, yeah. Well, I'd say a great example of it, because this person was speaking about this watch, you know, how much money it was. And I'll tell you a secret, you know, a secret. We're only sharing this with, like, 40,000 people or whatever it is. So make sure you keep this yourself, okay? Yeah. When I go to places like Thailand, or those kinds of places, or even Europe, I buy those really funky, beautiful, high-end watches. They're very expensive, except they're all copies. And so you see a picture of me with a really fantastic watch on? I'm telling you, it's a copy. It's a buy-in box. Well, no, I mean, now my stretch goes 60 bucks, but it's really high-end. And it looks just like the real thing. And you know what? It tells the frickin' time. And I like the look of it, it's cool. So I like the look, but I'm not willing to pay 20 grand for a frickin' watch. Because I'm rough on them, and I usually end up breaking them. So for me, it's like, okay, I'll pay 50 bucks for a watch. And it looks as good. I don't care. And folks, you're saying to you guys in a room, talking to a recorder with no watches on any wrist. Exactly. And with that, that's your home assignment. We're going to sign off before this podcast gets too long, and I wanted to say thanks for listening in. You know, maybe consider letting your friends know about this podcast, my mastery podcast. It's on iTunes. You can also get it on my blog at And leave us your comments, your feedback. Let us know what you like about this show, what you're getting out of this. And tell us what you're doing with it, and tell lots of other people too. And maybe even some of you, I know we're going to meet in person at Quantum Wealth Mastery. And if you want to know about that, you can go to Yeah, and we promised in the previous podcast that we were going to be calling this "The Mind Mastery Podcast" and then have a little subtitle. And we came up with one, actually. Well, actually, Scott did. And I want to know what you think about it. So, I want you to leave a comment on as to what it is. And it was, what was it? Do you remember? Changing the... I'm lightening the universe one soul at a time. So, enlightening the universe one soul at a time. Now, you might think that that's too fluffy. You might think that that's too spiritual. You might think that that's baloney. You might think that that's wonderful and magical. What we want you to do is go to dogdovbarron, Leave a comment. Tell us what you think of that title, or, and you can do this, we'll run a competition. Tell us your suggestion. What you think this should be called. So, mind mastery, free mind mastery podcast, the mind mastery podcast, and then the byline. And if you've got something better, based on you've been listening to us, tell us what it is. The winner will receive a prize. I'm going to tell you what the prize is later. Awesome. So, we'll see you all next time, everybody, even listening to the mind mastery podcast. This is Scott Patton, and Dog Baron, enlightening the universe, one soul at a time. Ta-da-da-da-da! 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