Listen as Dov and Scott discuss the beginnings of Quantum Wealth Mastery and share more thoughts on wealth in all its forms. With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 20:35 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon
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welcome back everybody you're listening to the mind mastery podcast with your star dog Baron and your co-star Scott Patton how you doing today good mate good welcome today is a double dove day double dove day double dove day or a double dove day it depends on how you do it because this morning I was I guess I don't really know I don't think there's a real actual position for what I did but all just say I directed a TV commercial okay and it was for a doves no doves the birds latest super moisturizing shampoo oh dove like the soap the soap okay yeah the sound of the soap and then it's afternoon it's it's dog dog dog the this is a very personal retraining these people have the same name that's perhaps the bird has an E mine has no E it is the dog pronounced the O that's right and it's like with the D in front of it and that's really thing over there oh and so every six months or so they come up with a new commercial and what they do is absolutely fascinating on how they waste money but but they hopefully none of them are listening but basically there's always no money in you no the whole thing okay but like what the so what happens is the the advertising agency creates commercial right and then they give it to I believe it's a different company right and that's the company I deal with who are in London England okay and what they do is they take the commercial and they make an American version a Canadian version there is a UK version usually first right and they make versions for all the different countries that it's going to go in depending on the culture depending on the culture now what happens then is they have to look at the the script now there are certain words or ways they put together works that they can do in the UK that they can't do in Canada so three lawyers have to look at any change script and example of the detail that's here is like one one sentence in the script could be you know this is better than our competitors who can't say that you can say this is better than some of our competitors right or you know and because we were having a discussion about this particular line right and and the person said well we didn't really want to have some in there but we had to put it in because the lawyers made us right okay so and there's and some of it is like really weird but there are weird words that in England that they use like precious right that if we use it here the same way every like what you know and you don't want anyone think about like what did they say you want to think about well I really want to get the shampoo right right so we get the the English version of the commercial right we get the videos and everything and the English person talking and then we have the background music so then we have a voice artist come in and she not me basically says it the Canadian way with we've got the script she reads the script and everything else the same intonations everything else and then we put it all together turn it into a video we sent it to England who sent it to Toronto where they approve of it and then they tell us yes or no could it be a little bit sort of a long to round no oh my god yeah so this is basically a 30 second commercial takes three to four hours right and that's one of the reasons why right so we we got in we did the commercial and of course it's like the the voice over artist you know you have to be authoritarian you know like in a voice of authority but friendly and then you have to be like light but excited you know and there's all and it's really interesting because as you it's like your name and and the bird right at first I could tell no difference right now as you go and you do these things your ear gets better and better and better and of course the voice over are so the first time I showed up I didn't have a clue what I was doing right there's an engineer there's a voiceover artist through me they look at me what do we do I say I'm got any idea what do you guys think he should do oh okay and they just went and did what they always do right so we've worked together for a year and a half and it worked so great I just show up and and and I but I'm my ears getting better right and I'm able to say you know what you were but she usually knows before I do yes right and so the in Toronto they got it they were listening to it they said we know we want a little bit different here a little bit different there yeah got it and then it and this is this kind of came from Toronto to England back to us yes right and then when we went back to England they said well the people in Toronto actually want to call in this one speaker phone as you're doing which we've always saw was the best way to do it right they can hear it and and give us feedback right away right so we then we did it again with these two people on the line from Toronto which one is better version one two or three you know number one or number two and and it's quite an amazing experience you know I don't know if you know but years ago I did voice over no yeah I did voice over when I lived in Australia there's a little sideline thing it was just it was before I did personal before I was started teaching so it's you know a little bit or 20 out of years ago and and I did it because I can do a lot of different accents and weird voices and all those kinds of things it was fun to do and one of the things about it is it's interesting because you know we we talk a lot about communication and and and resonance and how important those two things are and the tone of your voice is the most powerful communicator yeah much more than the words I mean we know this right yeah yeah the second of our communication is the words we use the rest is not the word since the tonality is the physiology's all those things and so when you're doing the commercial like these people were doing commercial simply saying for instance you know our product is the best yeah versus our product is the best versus no product is the best yeah you know the same words yeah but but the intonation is so much different that it creates a different resonance now what's interesting about that because you know for our listeners you're listening here right now is thinking about how you communicate and then thinking about the resonance of what the emotional responses to what it is you say so you know we've been talking a lot about quantum wealth mastery and that that program's coming up September 25th through 28th in Vancouver and we know we'll talk a lot in there about resonance and particularly how the resonance of something changes based on what your beliefs are and the problem is of course that your beliefs are unconscious yeah and so for instance when you say I mean just try this with me right now as you're listening say I believe I deserve money I believe I deserve money now just check yourself and notice how you felt about that mm-hmm I'm laughing on the floor right so yeah you start thinking about how does that feel and then then you say yourself okay if I actually believed it so no no I do believe it no if I actually believed it how would I say that and how would it be different so just so for a second and go just let yourself send to yourself and say okay if I really believe that how would I say would it be different so I believe I really deserve money abundant money and just notice what's different the way you say it because what we say is is always connected emotionally and that emotionally has a resonance to it which determines what we attract on what we repel so that's a that's the reason why some people will have a big problem with affirmations absolutely I deserve money I deserve money I deserve money I deserve money and but the belief behind there is what a clock shit what a clock shit absolutely as I glad that it worked exactly because it's the resonance the resonance of the belief not the words yeah and that's one of the things really really powerful about the equation for manifestation you go through that meditation that you take us through yeah because you really do I find I'm just noticing this I'm just thinking back to when I do it and and I noticed when I was thinking back to it as you were talking that I can tell I'm jumping all over the place that's what directors do but but it just seems to me that you got me to a space in the meditation where there was no question that I could have what it was that I was thinking right so it was there's no space for like just now when we say you know I believe it's a lot of money whatever you know really did see part of me is laying on the floor laughing his head off right but that never ever happens during the equation for an equation because it takes you to that emotional connection and that's the key and you know that's the key in quantum wealth mastery in this program of course we're gonna have the whole team of people and the idea and I want to be clear with everybody the idea of this is I wanted for somebody to be able to walk in there I said this in the last last one of the one before of these podcasts that I want somebody to be able to walk in who has this sense of they'd like to make more money whether they're in business or they'd like to start a business or they're just in a job but they'd like to make more money I wanted them to have a whole step-by-step process of each person who comes in to each one of the team that comes in can help them with another elements of that so they can walk away my part is to help with that resonance of belief and finding that resonance of belief so that you can really step into owning it you know because Napoleon Hill said in in the classic book thinking girl rich wanting something and having the ability to receive it of vastly different things right so yeah I want more money but you know what people don't like me when I get it that's a very you know that's the unconscious message is very different than oh you know I really deserve a whole bunch of dough yeah yeah of course I do yeah I deserve a nice place to live I deserve to to really feel comfortable on the 28th of the month end of the 28th and on the 30th and even on the first Wow yeah to not have anxiety on the last four days of the month wouldn't that be cool right you know it's you know what a lot of people live that I know years ago as where I lived and yeah me too and the other thing too is it doesn't really matter like sometimes when when I'm listening to you I'm thinking yeah yeah this is you know the person's making 500 bucks a month or a thousand dollars a month but you know I know people who make 15 grand a month and they don't know how they're gonna pay their rent you see that's you see that's the other challenge is it's about perception so you know I think if you in a job where you're making 500 bucks a month you perceive people who make two hundred two thousand a month as never having a financial challenge right and you and I both know people who make up very lot of money who are just as brokers that people at the low end of the financial scale in fact to be even more broke it's just that nobody knows no because they they have huge debt with but it on the outside it looks like there's a huge house and that's a car exactly and they have what I call at least lifestyle at least lifestyle so everything is loose so you know it's part of that perception of understanding is you know the people were closest to going bankrupts is not usually the person that 30,000 a year yeah it's more likely to a person who is a 300,000 a year and the reason that they're close to that you know the other side of it is this resonance of abundance do you have it so you can hold the money as you've heard me talk about it so many times you can only have the amount of wealth you have the resonance that their wealth consciousness to hold if you don't have that wealth consciousness it's going away yeah if you have a small bowl it can only hold so many dollar bill exactly yeah big bowl you can only a few more right and that's the key is that you've got to shift that and that's why we put this team together to really assist people in shifting their wealth consciousness by recognizing their own value and then being able to tap into each of the assets of their own value to create ongoing residual passive income in a way that really works so they can have it they can keep it they can grow it so you mentioned this team a few times yeah who's on the team well you are I'm on the team yeah and how did you need some of these people but it's interesting because you know again it's all resonance isn't it I mean as I said on a previous podcast we were gonna do this and called it off because it didn't quite get the right team who were as committed to the same outcome that we're all committed to on this and it's interesting I mean you and I have known each other for almost two years now two or three years and I actually I mean actually we've known each we've met probably ten years ago oh yeah cuz you you were talking to something someone dragged me to it and I remember it right have you been dragged adult barons seminars and I don't remember if it was someone else's that you were on the stage for right or if it was something that you did or what but I just think they remember meeting you I was probably speaking of a dump that's tapping on a box so street corner somewhere right and it's interesting we connected about two or three years right it's just a day that everybody is drawn in adjust the right time mm-hmm like for instance Stephanie yeah Stephanie Hartman was Stephanie Hartman who's gonna be really helping people again tap back into that thing I'm talking about which is finding a personal value she'll tap into that even further and then help you to connect with the really successful people I mean she helps multi-millionaires build residual income so it's I mean no matter what the economy is going on she's gonna teach people how to do that and I think that's a big point to regardless of what the economy is doing you can create wealth absolutely it can be in a great depression like it was 70 odd years ago and there were a lot of millionaires made then well more millionaires made in that time than in the 10 years before after yeah so and when you look at you've got the boom times and sometimes that's even harder yeah absolutely so Stephanie it's interesting because I was introduced to Stephanie it would now be seven years ago okay and Stephanie and I have talked backwards and followers over those years and we had a lot of tons of friends in common and I know I've been invited to a Christmas spot is when I didn't even know you you were going to a Christmas spot is right so it's really cool and like I said everybody just gets pulled in yeah you know Trevor Trevor Trevor Crook Trevor the tow cracker crook is and crack my toe did you know what the tow cracking means no it's when he boots you in the ass to get you go oh okay stozle crack cuz Trevor's all about kicking your ass and getting you going on what you need to do nice this is good and Trevor actually I met through an online connection we had some friends in common and met online and talk backwards and falls for probably about a year until he came to visit Vancouver and when he came to visit Vancouver we went out for lunch together and hung out a little bit and found out that this guy is a guy who lives what he calls a laptop lifestyle that allows him to travel where as long as he's got his laptop he travels wherever he wants he's lived in Italy in England and Ireland in Australia of course in Canada in in the United States in LA it's been all over the show and the guy just does what he does with this completely free lifestyle but has allowed him to live that way for several years now and of course he's got tons of friends all over the world and my thing I like to love Trevor and I just want to like about everybody that we've got on this scene is nobody's trying to change and saying we've got to be something else right and this is one of the great commitments to this program was that everybody was committed to saying let's take what you are who you are and show you how you can tap into that to create wealth as opposed to have you become somebody else it's a great analogy that I love talking about when when we talk about this particular topic and that is it's like imagine you're 150 watt light bulb right and you're on but there's no light because you've got all this dirt and crime mud built up over the years so the trick isn't to turn you into a 250 watt light bulb the trick is just to kind of clean you up a little bit and let you be in trying as you are exactly and that's that's a great analogy because that's what everyone on that scene is about so Trevor was going to teach people how to how to actually be freelance writers and you know he's the thing he said is that he's taking people who can barely write their own name and turn it into people who are making a six-figure income from freelance writing about what it is they know about and what's interesting about that as part of what I would be doing with them is a lot of people don't know what they know about right they actually don't know that and I'll actually help them to find out what it is they know about so they can really tap into that which of course is part of what Stephanie is going to do too yeah and then Stefan who I met through you yeah who Stefan and I got together and she had it and it was interesting and I think you probably have the same experience that Stefan and I can get into some pretty deep and weird and wacky areas and Stefan and I didn't say the least I didn't say the least but it's too dear room and look at it well we've been in my hole in a couple hours yeah we are at a half hour books and I only had a lot of myself an extra 15 minutes and I had a 15 minute break to grab something quick to you before I had another meeting and so that actually left me a full hour which would allow me to bite to me and I had another point at the hour and an hour and 15 minutes later when oh crap the half and I was just boom I'm just firing up this guy's got great insights he's got great knowledge and again he's not about changing him he's actually about actually what his key is to help you position yourself as the expert so there's no competition don't you love that I love that right it's very very very cool and Terry who I met Terry Hawkins Terry Hawkins I met in New York last year actually essentially almost exactly a year ago and we were in New York at a conference together and we were talking about the fact that we were both speakers and Terry has worked with like massive corporations Terry made I think I believe it was two and a half million dollars in the first two years in the industry as a speaker I mean it's been a big amazing right yeah and was a complete novice I mean she wasn't all star all American athlete she had done all those kinds of things but she'd never done that and she is really all about helping people to be speakers without them becoming something else I mean Terry's so damn good at what she does I flew Terry up here for a week to train me in how to speak with corporations and I've been speaking for 25 years right I mean this is how good this girl is she really knows her stuff and she really helps you to home being you again it's that same thing over and over again so everybody on that team is about tapping into things and tell us a bit about tell everybody about what you're doing because that's the same thing right well very much it's taking what you've got and getting it out on the web right and there's two or three or four different ways that we can that I want to show you how to do it that are easy to do because the biggest what you don't want to do we talked about this before we went on the air was all these programs we want to learn and but really you know we don't have time so you know you have to decide where you want to put your time and effort and if you want to be on the web there's a lot of ways that you can do it and I'm gonna show you them and they're gonna be it you're gonna be able to get up in minutes not in months right and that's that's the key I'll show you two ways you can have your message out either in a text form or a video form or an audio form in seconds and then you just have to keep doing that right but one of the things I said on the video that said quantum wealth mastery dot com and quantum wealth mastery dot com is a video in that video in there I was saying that you had said that this program you're gonna teach people how to get online and have a website in matter of minutes and I said you know even if you're even if you're technically disabled I said that's good for me because I'm definitely technically disabled and so it's gonna really help people that if you can answer an email or you can talk into a cell phone you can do this you can do this isn't that great yeah so you know for me the whole thing was about about quantum wealth was allowing people to have some system that would take them through by the hand and make it work for them so that they would just go okay I just do this and then that happens yet then this happens yet then this happens yet and if you just stack those on top of each other because it's one of the things I've talked about so many times about success is when you look at becoming successful by the web or any other way it seems massive for all of us it seems absolutely not Everest right it's just Mount Everest but you have to how do you climb Mount Everest one step at a time but if you the difference between you know I don't know anything about climbing Mount Everest and if I tried to do it I'm sure it would fail however if I had a bunch of people who really had done it before knew exactly how to do it and I had a team of shoppers who could walk me out there I believe with the right training and following that guidance I could do that yeah well that's how you're gonna claim your Everest of success and that's what everybody on this team is about I just love that because that's what everybody's committed to it's very exciting yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun well that's the other thing it's gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna make sure it's fun yeah that's definitely and I've heard from some of the presenters it's my little wrecking wacky around you no I know that's so unusual so you might get a little a little on the strange side should be fun yeah it'll be great I guess we're out of time for today's podcast okay so if you want to know more about quantum wealth mastery head over to you want to see some or listen to some of the other podcasts we've done over to the mine mastery podcast .com and if you want to hear the latest from the brain of dog Baron let's spill over of my brain you had a really good post the other day what was it about I think I commented on it it was somebody who I commented on somebody else's comment on your blog spirituality the spirituality of money spirituality money and the freedom to choose to have both yeah and how you can choose to actually have both and that's a that's a dog do V B A R O N dog Baron calm yeah that's the blog you can go there and actually on that blog if there's a little tab there you can click on it and you can also listen to these podcasts but if you want to get these podcasts download them the run iTunes maybe that's how you go to hear this and you can also go to free mind mastery podcast .com see you all next time everybody bye bye this podcast is a part of the C suite radio network for more top business podcasts visit c-sweet radio .com