[music] Welcome back everybody, listen to the Mind Mastery podcast. I'm Scott Patton. I'm Doug Vare. Welcome everybody. [laughter] What? [laughter] Let me say this is what was on the fly. Yeah, and it is. So we're waiting for manifestations today's topic. It is. Okay, thank you so much, yeah. And yeah, I'm very prepared, I have no clue what is your answer. Yeah, no, in fact, deliberately we have not discussed this before because I know first of all that Doug doesn't need any prepping for these calls and it's more fun and it's kind of off the company's like, well, what is he going to ask for you, right? So the equation for manifestation, it's an equation, right? So you've got A plus B plus C equals M manifestation, right? So as I was coming here today, I was thinking about, I'm always thinking about, because I don't know what we're going to talk about, you don't know what we're talking about, so I'm like driving away and I let my subconscious mind or whatever kind of come up with some ideas. Sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it does. Sometimes the ideas come when we're sitting here chatting and as I was parking, it was, it's like a light bulb, I don't know, you know, like a flash of inspiration. I don't know, it just kind of comes and it's like, blah, blah, blah, blah in the ear and I go, oh, oh, hmm, yeah, all right, all right, right? So here's the thing. The equation for manifestation, it's like a laddens lamp, you know, and I rub the lamp and I shine it, the genie comes up, you have your three wishes, Scott, what do you want? I say, I want a cute blonde female, right? You can't do the female band, I know that's right, okay, just to make sure for the wife of mine, I end up with Bruno. Well, yes, exactly, right? So, and then, there she is, right, and then it's like, yeah, but she's not very smart, or she's too smart, or she's emotionally unstable or, or, or, or, darn, you know, like second wish, could you get her out of my life and bring somebody else in, and maybe the wish is, I want $5,000, right, there's a $5,000, but crap, I need six, right, right? Or it could be, I want a nice car, I get the nice car and I wrap her in a pole, so, and I've been doing the equation for manifestation, and listening to it and everything else, and what happens to me is you say something along the lines of think about what you want, and I'm going, pause, I have a problem, I don't know, like, what do I want, exactly, and so that's what I want to talk about, okay, is how do you find out what you want, right, and you know, what you know about EFM Audio Technology, EFM Audio Technology, if you want to find out about it, you can go to efmeaudiotech.com, or you can go to baromestry.com, and you can look into products there, and it's EFM Audio Technology, it's all that, and it's a fantastic program, and it's a process that really is designed to take you 16 minutes a day to manifest what you want. Couldn't be simpler, I mean, you did say 60 or 16. Sorry, it's being too fast, 16 minutes, I was thinking, you just said 16 minutes, it's like 15 or 20 minutes long. 16 minutes, so it takes 16, like 15 plus one. Exactly, you just put the headphones on, go through the process. I mean, who hasn't got 15 minutes? Well, everybody's so busy, you know, that's why we said, let's design this so it's really doable. And what it was originally developed, I was doing this process for the workshop, and somebody said, can we get an audio of that, can we give us a CD, or whatever it is? And so we finally put this process together with brainwave technology and all kinds of neat stuff to make it happen. We put it out, and guess what the common complaint was? Well, I don't know what I want. Yeah, but when you start thinking about it, it's like, well, consumers are going through my mind from a financial perspective, right? It's okay, I have $5,000 in bills. So, okay, well, I'd like to have $5,000. And then I'm thinking, yeah, but do I want it in like one week, or do it should be over a month? It's still over a month, like then I got the rent next week, and I got the car payment, and like, ooh, should maybe it should be 10, well, maybe I should be thinking about it in, I'm like way over analyzing, right? Right. It should be maybe a year. So, maybe I want to have like 100,000, well, maybe I really shouldn't be so greedy, I should have 50,000. So, basically, my ego mind is just grabbed onto this whole thing and stopped, right? Everything, right? Well, you know, I'm sure you've read Napoleon Hill's Thinking Grow Rich, and if you haven't, and you're listening to this, this is a book that's almost 100 years old, and you should definitely read it, and it's a fantastic book. And there's a quote in that book that says, there's a vast difference, and I may be paraphrasing here, so I apologize, but there's a vast difference between wanting something and being able to receive it, right? So even when people say, I want this and they know what they want, my question is, well, are you willing to receive it? You know, a lot of people I know have a hard time receiving. Right. So, you know, just because you want something, it doesn't mean you're going to get it, because, you know, if I want to give, if you say I want $5,000, and you put that into your manifestation, and I come over to your house to give you five grand, and you go, well, dawg, you know what I mean, I just, you know, you cheated, but no, not really. Yeah, you know, I mean, you know, I don't know that, I don't really deserve that. I mean, well, it just can't take it from you. Right. You know, I wasn't really looking at it coming from you. So you just blocked the blow. Yeah. So it's the ability to receive as much as it is the ability to know what it is you want. And in EFM audio technology, one of the things we did was we designed a whole process to assist people to get to know what they want. And this will help you. It'll help anybody who's looking to use the equation for manifestation. And what we do is, what I ask the simple question is, it's in the manual, I'll walk you through it, but I'll guide you here. And the first question is, but I would ask you, and I'm going to walk you through it, Scott, so you can be a demo for the people listening. Where do you want your life to be in 10 years? I mean, you know, to pick an area of your life, and just tell us an area of your life, where do you want it to be in 10 years? Okay, I financially, well, business, finances, relationship, health, business, big health. Well, I would say good vibrant health. Good vibrant health. So be able to ride my bike 10 miles a day, go for a couple hour walk. Okay, so in order for you to be able to ride your bike 10 years from now, so we have to ride your bike 10 miles a day, how many days a week? Five. For five days a week, 10 years from now, you want to be able to ride your bike five days a week for 10, for alpha? 10 miles. 10 miles, okay. So that's your outcome for 10 years. Okay, so now we've got that in place. So in order for that to take place, let me just have a little ask, what level of fitness would you have to be at in five years from now? I guess be able to ride 15 miles a day. So you have to be able to ride 15 miles a day. Yeah, because I'll assume that on my physical, I'm older, right? Right. 60. So, okay, so you have to be right 15 miles a day in five years from now. Okay, so what would have to happen for you to be able to ride 15 miles a day five years from now, what would have to happen in two years? What level of fitness would you have to be at then? I would, I would say the same. Okay, so you have to be able, you have to be able to ride consistently 15 miles a day five days a week within two years. Yeah, okay. So what level of fitness would you have to be at in one year from now? I would say the same. Same. So you have to be able to ride 15 miles a day five days a week within a year. Yeah. So in order to be able to ride 15 miles a day five days a week with any year from now, what must you be at? What must you be achieving in your life? What must you be doing? What steps have you got to be taking within the next six months? Well, first of all, I have to ride my bike. Secondly, I'd have to make sure that I'm not eating stuff like french fries and potato chips, putting good food in. Right. So your diet would have to be good? Yep. Good diet, exercise, probably in a, like, I mean, rather than just riding the bike all the time, I think probably, you know, working out on some weights or doing yoga or something like that. Okay, so you have to be doing some resistance training with weights or something similar and maybe some stretching in work with yoga or whatever is so flexible work. Okay. Have a good bike. Right, that was the start. That's what I was waiting for. So I don't know. I'm going to have a bike. My big idea is to buy one. No wonder I can't. Right. I see. So the first thing you see what we did with that clarification was we don't eat food. What do you need to manifest? I have to have a bike. You have to have a bike. So we always say, okay, you want to manifest the bike. So now we say, well, what kind of a bike? Because there's God knows how many types of bikes. Yeah, yeah. And then you say, okay, well, I'm on this kind of way. Well, do you want to ride it on trails? Do you want to ride it on the street? Do you want a road bike or do you want a trail bike? You know, because there are different kinds of bikes. Yeah, there's so many differences. So you start looking at that, right? And okay, if you want that, and so then you break down the manifestation. And so it's okay, well, in order to do that, you have to have the bike. So now we're, what do you have to manifest in three months to have that manifestation fully in place for six months? So what would that be? What do you have to manifest in three months? New tires, I actually have a bike, but I need new tires for the bike. Okay, so you have to manifest new tires? Yeah. Is the bike fully equipped with everything you need, as well as the tire? If you have the tires on it? Yeah, probably, I would need some sort of maintenance equipment to maintain it, like oil and, I mean, what you're right, like I like riding on trails through parks and woods, but I mean, it's not like high, it's not like coming down a mountain. That's not like, no, it's, it's trail liking, really. And the trails are relatively easy trails, but it gets really dusty and dirty. Right. So they'd have to have a cleaning. So what do you need to manifest in one month, you know, to get to that place? Cleaning supplies, maintenance supplies. Okay, what do you need to do in the next 24 hours, you know, to manifest that in one month? I guess get another copywriting client so that I have the money to buy that. Well, you couldn't do that, but be, you know, in 24 hours, you don't have to do anything big. It's only in 24 hours. So in 24 hours, the first thing you do is you can go online, you can research where these things are. Oh, yeah. You see, this is the problem. See, actually you're right, because I don't know what I need to know in order to clean my eye. Exactly. So I need to learn that. Right. So the biggest thing that I only find with people was when you say where you want, is they look to this massive picture and they get ahead of themselves instead of looking at, well, what was the thing? But you can't do it in little increment steps from the beginning, you have to go from the end back. So that way, when you start at the top of the spot, that way you want to be and work your way back. And then it becomes, okay, well, this is what I'm going to manifest in the next 28 days. So manifestation becomes really clear. Right. But what happens for most people is they're looking at a broad spectrum, too many things. Like in our last podcast, we were talking about online dating, too many women. Exactly. Or too many men. Right. Too many prospective partners. Yeah. You know, so when we did this even in the, just to talk about, because I don't release a manifestation, when we do this in the singles program, the first thing we, two people I do is build a shopping list for a partner. Yeah. Build a shopping list for a partner. And then you go through that shopping list, and then you sort out what is non-negotiable for you. So this is absolutely totally what I have to have. And people often will say, but if I put that, you know, narrowing all my choices and that go good. That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing. Do you want 100 junk to plow through, you know, to find one good one, but you want five really good ones in which you can pick the best. I know which I prefer, but people get a little panicky, right? So it's like, and it's very specific about what you want. Yeah. And it's hard when you do those non-negotiables to stick to it. Well, yeah, because somebody shows up who pays you a little bit of affection, gives you a compliment and you go, "Oh, okay. I guess I'll bypass all the things that really medicine me." And you can do that for a short time. I can do all that for a short time. Right. But you know what, that will really bite you in the ass a little bit down the road, because you're going to go, "You know, I really did want somebody who wanted to do this." And that, in my experiences, talking specifically about what you're talking about, where there's a non-negotiable that is ignored, what happens to me is this jump into relationship. It's okay for a month or two months, or three months or something, whatever. The non-negotiable keeps banging me in the head. And now the next thing I'm thinking is, how do I get out of this relationship? Right. So you're in, it's like, "Oh shit, how do you get out?" And that's the miserable way to live. Right. It's a horrible way to live. You know, it's the same thing I keep saying to everybody. You know, and it's so obvious that I think it's one of those things that when it's obvious, the ego likes to throw it out. "Oh yeah, I know that." And that's always a damaging thing. And that is be specific. It doesn't matter to me whether you're manifesting a Ferrari or whether you're manifesting a partner. Be specific. Be picky. It's okay. Right. Get specific about what it is you want. And when it comes to manifesting, you know, a thing, like you said, a bike or money or whatever it is, then you look at all your business or your career or whatever it is, start at the end. Okay. Well, this is where I want to manifest in 10 years. All right. In order to manifest in 5, in 10 years, what would I have to manifest in 5? In order to manifest in 5, what would I have to manifest in 2? This. In order to manifest in 2, what would I have to manifest in a year? This. In order to manifest in a year, what would I have to manifest in 6 months? This. In order to manifest this in 6 months, what would I have to manifest in 3 months? This. In order to manifest in 3 months, what would I have to manifest in 1 month? This. In order to manifest in 1 month? What would I have to manifest in 2 weeks? Then 1 week? And then what would I have to do today within the next 24 hours to bring that about? And I have an even bigger question, which is what can I do in the next 5 minutes? Right. Towards the thing I want to do in the next 24 hours? Because there's always something you can do. And people sit around waiting. And you ask yourself, what can I do in the next 5 minutes? If anybody who's listening to this who bought the EFM Home Study Program in there, I gave away a meditation. It was a bonus called the Seven Fruits of Excellence. And we've got massive amount of feedback on this about how positive and powerful this is. People love starting the day with it. Because one of the things is you go through this whole process in this meditation that's very powerful. And it's called the Seven Fruits of Excellence. And at the very end, it asks you to take an action within the next 5 minutes of coming out of the meditation to move you towards excellence. And people are saying, the results are amazing because they get going. Because there's always something you can do in the next 5 minutes. And the thing is, if you're taking some action, something's going to happen. Absolutely. Something wonderful is going to happen because you're already stepping out. You know, like we say all the time. Manifestation is not miraculous. It is magical. It is miraculous. But the miraculous is not passive. You have to put your ass in gear. You've got to do something towards it. And that just brings up one of our favorite stories about the guy in the house in the flood. He goes up to the second floor. The guy comes by and can you jump in? No, no. God will look after me, right? The water goes up higher. The helicopter comes by. No, God will look after me. Guy dies, drowns, goes up to heaven and says, "God, why didn't you look after me?" He says, "What? I sent a canoe. I sent a helicopter. What the hell more do you want me to do?" Take action. Take action and I'm going to challenge you. First of all, if you're not sure about what it is you want, take out my piece of paper and do the exercise I gave you. Ten years, five years, two years, one year, six months, three months, one month, two weeks, one week, 24 hours, next five minutes. Walk through that and have five minutes then decide what action you can take in the next five minutes. And it doesn't have to be big. Don't make it big. Make it very small, easy to do. And when you've done it, write it in a success journal. I did it. There's another step towards it. If you follow that process, honestly, if you follow that process, you'd be in the point zero, zero, five percent of people who truly make it full-blown success. Yeah, that's all he does, really what it takes. That's it. So with that and all those challenges, let us know what you're doing. Because really, we're here to support you. So we head over to www.dogbarondov, b-a-r-o-n.com and leave some comments. Yeah, leave comments on the tab where it says podcasts. Go there, leave a comment. We will definitely listen to you and we'll read it. And you can also leave suggestions if you'd like us to talk about a specific subject. We're more than happy to do that. In fact, on the next podcast, we're going to talk about my new book, which is called Don't Read This, Your Ego Will Like It, which is actually not officially out yet. But you can get through www.dogbaron.com. The reason we're going to talk about it is because Scott has had a copy of it in his hot little hands and has been digging into it. So we're going to have some conversations about that. Yeah, it's very, very good. It sounds like Doug in your ear reading it. That's a good thing. It is. All right. And if you want to know more about the courses that Doug puts on, where could they go? You can go again. You can go to www.dogbaron.com, but you can also go to BaronB-A-R-O-N-Mastery-M-A-S-T-E-R-Y. So that's baronmastery.com. And now you can find out about all the workshops, the programs, all the things we've got going on. We've got all kinds of really great stuff for you. And it's just a matter of you going over there and lots and lots of free stuff there, videos and lots of great reading and just lots of stuff to support you in your growth and your connection and your being part of raising consciousness, not only your own, but of all the people that you know when all the workshops you're in. Stay connected to yourself. Stay connected to others. Live with courage. Don't buy the fear and stay well. Talk to you all next time, everybody. Bye-bye. This podcast is a part of the C-Sweet Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit c-sweetradio.com.