[music] Welcome back everybody, you're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. [laughter] Actually, don't listen to this podcast, because your ego won't like it. I'm thinking we should have a little catchphrase after we go, like, "The Mind Mastery Podcast, don't leave home without it." Or, "But it absolutely has to get there overnight." [laughter] Or, "I'm loving it." Well, membership has it's pretty good. That's right. That's right. That's what I'm used to saying. I'm used to saying the title and then the kind of catchphrase and then going on, right? You're the only one I do where we don't have that. Okay, we'll have a new catchphrase for you for the next one. Alright. We'll come up with a new catchphrase. So, I'm Scott Patton. He's Dr. Barron. He's Dr. Barron. We're sitting out here in one of the world's most spectacular patties. Pretty gorgeous, huh? Pretty gorgeous. Yeah, there, I mean, there are flowers and plants and flowers and plants all over the place. They're all in full bloom and because I come here every week, 52 weeks a year, I remember what it was like in the winter time. They were all kind of sad. It was a botanical graveyard. A botanical graveyard, yeah, and then, of course, here it is in the summer once again and they're all blooming. It's a magnificent area to record our podcast. You may hear cars going by or- Yeah, because we're outside. We're in nature and we're actually on the edge of a large city and yet still surrounded by all this beautiful nature and it's often, you know, we said you might have cars but we also may hear birds singing and, you know, there's often beautiful butterflies and humming birds here. It's quite stunning. Yeah, it's great. And I think that's, you know, one of the things that people don't think about a lot in my opinion is the space, I know we may be going outside tangent here, but the space with which they live in, the spaces they create. I think that that's a big part for people, they don't realize the impact that their environment has on them. We've talked a lot in the past about resonance and the resonance of the people that you surround yourself with, but there's a resonance to an environment. When you walk into my office area, you know this, there's a calmness about it. Everybody walks into it with a calmness. Yeah. Well, your whole office area, your place here is amazing and you can see that you spent, you know, more than ten minutes thinking about what you are. Exactly. But it is to create that environment, and it's the same thing with this, with this patio area. I mean, I do a lot of my mentoring out here, sitting out underneath the umbrella, looking in the flowers, because it's so peaceful. And I think that you're right. I think people don't pay attention to the, you know, they say I'm really depressed, but don't look around you. What's your environment like? Yeah, probably very depressing. Right. I mean, on one of the very early podcasts when we first started doing this, I talked about how years and years ago, a friend of mine asked me to come into their home and help them with some things. And I went into their home and I said, "I can tell you everything about you by looking through your place." Right. And they said, "What? You mean like looking at my bookshelf?" And I said, "Certainly, that's part of it. But I can tell you by the way you have your kitchen, by the way you have your living room, by the way things are arranged, by the way clutter is, or masses, or else, not because each one of those things is a statement about you, and you won't, we all know this. I mean, you have that size when you go in your desk and it's a big clump of all kinds of crap all over and you feel it, your head's a mess. Yeah. And then you tie it all up and you feel better because we are directly affected by our environment. Is that not a concept in punctuate? It is, it's exactly a concept in punctuate. But it's more, it's, what I'm talking about is it's bigger than just moving the energy around. Of course that's a very important thing. What I'm talking about is actually understanding that every area of our life has a resonance or a fun tree and energy flow that we need to be aware of. And so, you know, as you know in the book in Don't Read This we talk about the six foundations of life and that there are six foundations of life and that each one of those has an impact on your life, you know, so there's a physical, so you have a physical foundation of life and your physical foundation is of course your physical body and how you look after that physical body but it's also your physical environment because each one of those things has an energy. If you haven't mastered that, you haven't even got your ego mind out of the way around your physical environment, that is going to have an impact on you. It's going to have an impact on the way you feel in the morning when you wake up. If you wake up in a place that's dark and dingy or dirty or crowded, that's going to not exactly have you jumping on a bed with excitement. If you live in a place that is bright and clean and it's going to get you moving, so you have to look at those things and it's exactly the same with your body. If your body is feeling way down with weight you don't need, and by the way that doesn't mean you actually overweight because sometimes that weight is an emotional weight. Well, there's many, many times I know when I'm struggling with something or I'm upset about something and then it's resolved, I feel there's weight coming off my shoulders like a lot later. Exactly, and quantum biology is shown is that when we are less stressed, the DNA unwinds. When the DNA unwinds is interesting, it gives off light. We become enlightened. Isn't that interesting, right? It's a biological fact. So when you stress that DNA strength tightens, so you literally become uptight, so your physical foundation is a very important piece of your life. You remind me of a time when my sons were around 10 and 7 and around there, and my youngest son has always been, well, probably as heavy as my older son at that time, right? You know, he was stalking you, and you could see he would probably be a really good lying back here at that time. And I came home one day and I said, let's just try this because I just learned this thing where you just stand and you have two people on each side, and they grab you under the armpit and they lift you up, right? And then you say, OK, pretend you're a tree and feel your roots going down into the earth, and then you can't lift that person up, right? So my, of course, my youngest son was, he was still a smaller, right? So I said, OK, Jason, you know, stand between us and then OK, Jason, John, grab, you know, we both grabbed his under his arm and we lifted him up, no problems. And then I said, OK, pretend you're a tree and you got the roots going deep into the earth and everything else. Can you do that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it, I got it. So then we went to lift him up, and the beauty of it was the reaction of my oldest son. His, his was like, oh, I want to try that, because he could tell, like, all of a sudden, it's a huge difference, and it was just all energetic and what we were thinking. And so, you know, your son didn't suddenly gain 45 pounds in a couple of seconds. And we didn't suddenly get weak, no. So it's all about that energy. And so the physical body and even a physical environment is a very important foundation that we need to master, and part of all mastery, all mastery starts with awareness, we must have awareness first. And so, you know, if we have this idea that we're just a body, and that body is a result of simply what we, whether we exercise, that's important, but it's not the whole picture. Yeah. So there's a whole emotional energetic piece to the physical body and even to the physical environment. And that's why one of the other foundations is relational, because that's what is a massive impact on everything about us, on our energy. I mean, everything is relationship. It's one of the big things that people think, you know, "Well, I'm single, so I'm not really in a relationship. I'm sorry, that's a mistake." We're all in relationship, constantly. Yeah. We have a lot of people and a lot of things. Well, as we talked about in a previous podcast just a few weeks ago, we talked about what's your primary relationship. And some people have a primary relationship with their computer or their TV set or their chihuahua, you know, whatever it is, right, their parakeets, you know, their pussy cat. So there's primary relationships in that way, but the secondary relationships, and we're all in notes. So you're in a secondary relationship with everybody you bump into. You're also in a relationship, for instance, with your own body. Yes. And my question to our listeners is, is your relationship with your body an intimate one? Do you even access your own body? Do you emotionally connect to your own body? Are you aware of what's going on in your body? Are you hypervigilant? Because that would create things like a hypochondriap. So you have a little bit of a headache, "Oh my God, I'm going to bring Jim up." You know, you have a bit of gas, "Oh my God, maybe I've got stomach cancer." You know, no, no. Right? So there's hypervigilance, which is the other polarity. Right, right. And then in the other extreme, the other pole is those people who are completely oblivious to their own body. Totally. They don't notice it. Yeah. There's no idea what's going on. I was flicking through the channels in a week on the Discovery Channel. There was a show, and it was these women, and it was called, "I didn't know it was pregnant." You can't. No. And it was women who'd given birth without ever knowing they were pregnant until a moment of their water broke, you know, and then they suddenly realized they were pregnant. You know, and I understand there could be some circumstances that I'm not fully aware of, and I don't mean to be judgmental about it at all, but at the same time, let's pay it, let's notice clues that even if you didn't gain an enormous amount of weight, and some of these ladies did, but there are clues. If you were paying attention to your body, there are biochemical changes going on. But one of the changes that occurs is a chemical that causes all your ligaments to relax more and stretch more, because otherwise the baby can't get out, right? So because of that, your knees are looser and your shoulders are looser, and you're kind of... So if you were paying attention to your body, so there's that awareness again, if you were paying attention to your body, and by that you would be having a relationship with your body, which is a relational foundation, see how these tie together. But if you're ignorant of your own relationship to your body, and so people put stuff in their body, and they go, "Yeah, it doesn't bother me." Well, doesn't it? Well, what is that headache you have all the time? Oh, I'm sure there's got nothing to do with it. They don't see the relation, the cause and effect relation. No. So that's why relationship is a very important piece, because it's not just in the romantic or specific primary relationship, all your relationships, including the ones you have with yourself, are vitally important, and for me, and I said this for you, I think that in many ways, the relationship with the garbage structure. In many ways, the relationships are pretty much the cause of life. I mean, I've said for years, and you know, I speak on quantum physics, metaphysics, and psychology, and the connection between those three things, and I teach a range of subjects that are across the board from corporate executive stuff right through to manifestation, and I go into health and all those kinds of things, and it's a vast area. But ultimately, what I teach is two subjects, and the two subjects are resonance, quantum resonance, what that is, and relationships, and why? Because all of your relationships are dominating your resonance. The relationships determine what is the resonance you're putting out into the universe, and the resonance you're putting out in the universe determines the relationships you attract to you. So those two things are primary cause of everything, and that's why I'm always saying to people deal with your freaking relationships. It's not bullshit and that your relationships are okay, or that you're not in one. Look at them and say, what needs to be improved? The better you improve your relationships, the better you improve your resonance, and the better you improve your resonance, the better relationships you attract to you. And most people are not clear about their relationships, A, as we talked about earlier, they don't know what they want, most people have no clue what they want in a relationship, and when I say that, again, it's not primary relationship, it's all relationship. There are many people, I wrote a piece on Facebook recently, and I said, what if you were not related to the people you're related to? Yeah, would you have anything to do with it? Right, would you have anything to do with it? I've got quite a few people the answer would be, go, course not. Right, I've got lots of metaphysical answers, you know what, we're related to everybody, we're all connected. Yeah, well that's true, okay, but that's not what we're talking about here. What we're talking about here is your relations, the people you are blood related to, right, would you have a relationship with them? And if you wouldn't, I actually don't have a problem with that, but you need to look at why you wouldn't, because maybe it's nothing to do with them. Maybe you've not cleaned up your stuff, and it's easy to point the finger and go, yeah, well they're all just crazy, but maybe the way you do relationships isn't so great. Because what I want everybody to know about the foundation of relationships is this, is every relationship in your life, it doesn't matter who it's with, is a reflection, simply a reflection of the family of origin relationships that are not healed. So there's shit you've got going on with your dad that you never cleared up, with your mom that you never cleared up, with your sister, brother, uncle, aunt, granny, grandpa, whoever it is who were close to you, whatever the stuff that wasn't healed is what's showing up in progressa, your dry cleaner, the person you're having to bear with, you know, all the other relationships are simply a diluted version, the person who worked with drives you crazy is simply a diluted version of issues that were not cleared up. So family of origin is an incredibly important piece because it dominates relationships, and relationships dominate your residence, and your residence determines what you attract. So people will, ooh, lot of rejection, be crap, and your manifestation is a lot better. It's a magical answer, the magical answer, all right, so what's the next one? So we've done physical, relational, and of course now an obvious one that people have to deal with is the financial one, financial foundation. So financial foundation, especially in this economic climate. Yeah, and it's interesting because people automatically think when I talk about the financial one that I'm talking about money, and money is certainly a part of it, but I'm not talking about that specifically, what it actually is, is your consciousness around money, I'm actually writing a new book on it right now, and the key of it is that this, you cannot have more money than your consciousness can hold. As we talked about in our previous podcast a long time ago, that over 97% of people who win the lottery end up more broke than they were before. Why? Because they don't have the consciousness to hold the money. If you were giving somebody, let's say somebody who's built up and has lived with and is constantly heading their life in excess of $10 million a year, they just, you know, that's the kind of business they do. And they win the lottery and they went to $10 million. They'll turn that $10 million into $100 million because they'll have the consciousness. But if you give $10 million to somebody who lives on 20 grand a year or 30 grand a year, they have no clue what to do with that. They're either going to spend it or invest it fully or because they don't have the consciousness. So that's a big piece of the foundation of finances. Yeah, I sometimes think it's even worse than not having a clue what to do with it. It's almost sometimes seems like they want to get rid of it because I'm like, I don't like this. I mean, and we would all say, oh, I'd love to have $10 million. But when you have $10 million, all of a sudden it's, well, you know, all my relatives are asking for money or all this is happening or all that's happening or I got all this attention I didn't want to have. And so it just seems like when you, and outside of looking in and watching their behavior, it's almost like they're trying to get rid of it and I had this experience actually at Las Vegas with a, I was learning roulette and the guy that was teaching me, but afterwards said, you know what, my dad started this company, I'm now the president of the company and if I lost, you know, $100,000 a day in Vegas, I could go for a long, long, long, long time before we ran out of money. Wow. Yeah, right? And so I'm watching this guy and you can tell, you know, after 10 or 15 minutes, like he knows how to win, it roulette, he'll put down 500 bucks and he's got five grand, he'll put down, you know, $1,000, he's got 10 grand, I mean, and he does it, like, wow, like eight times out of 10, he's made money. So at the end of the, he never, by the way, he never pays for anything when he's in Vegas. He stays free at the hotels, they feed him, they drink, you know, booze him up, he pays for nothing. Right? So I'm watching this and of course this is a totally different lifestyle to me because I go blackjack one game lose 10 bucks, I'm gone, right? Yeah. You know, and I will always win. And you're the big gambler compared to me. I found a five cents lot machine put 25 cents in and didn't win, so five, five pulls in and then I'm done. Yeah, that's right. Like we're just not gamblers. You're right. It's interesting, I'm a real, I am a gambler in life but I'm a gambler over the things where I've done a risk assessment and I get to choose. Right. But some random thing on it. No, thank you. No, no. So I'm watching this guy and by the time when he's done, right, he's pretty well drunk and he does three bets for about, I'm not sure how much, but I figured he lost over 10 grand in those three bets. Right. And I'm like, dude, like get out of here, right? Like you're just throwing your money away. And he was like, no, no, no, no, no, and the guy behind the, you know, he was pissed at me, right? Yeah. You know? Because, and then I realized afterwards, he was paying back and he made way more than what he lost, but he was deliberately putting money on stuff that, I mean, I didn't know the game and I could tell he wasn't betting he was giving it back, right? And so sometimes I think what happens with people when they get these, whether it's a promotion beyond what they think they should be, whether it's more money than they think they should have, it's just like, they do stuff that you and I watch him or anyone listening to this watching would say, you know, why did you do that? Right? No, it's because my comfort zone is here and I'm way over there, so I'm going to get rid of all this stuff as fast as I can so I can get back to my comfort zone. Well, as I said, you can't have more money than your consciousness can hold. Yeah. If your consciousness is, and when I say money, again, not just money, you can't have more joy, you can't have more love, you can't have more anything than your consciousness can hold and your consciousness is what you believe you deserve. It's not what you say you deserve, what you believe inherently at a deeper level. And you may not know what that belief is. Oh, absolutely not. Yeah. Right? So, you know, so you can say, well, I'm sure I deserve this, but have you really looked at that? It's a lot of the relation to stuff. You've got to look at the relation, right? So, one way of actually looking at this whole situation is turning it around and saying, wow, I am making $20,000 a year, so that must be my belief as to what I'm worth. I would say to you that to always take a look at your bottom line and say, what if that, and this is, don't do this in absolute because that just shuts the mind out. You're talking about, don't read this, you're either going to like it, so you don't want to shut the ego down. We want to take it off defense. Right? So, so the question becomes, what if I have a belief system that says that's how much I can have? So, if you're making 20, 30, 50 grand a year, but you'd like to make 40, 80, 100, 500, a million, whatever it is you'd like to make, and you look at what are your bottom line is? What is it you make? And then you ask the question. What if there's a belief that creates a glass ceiling, the creates a ceiling, I can't see, but creates a ceiling that stops me from making more than that? What might that belief be? Once you look at that, you start asking that question, you're going to find some really great insights into the level of consciousness you hold for the amount of money you can have in my wealth, the amount of joy, the amount of success in any level. So, I think we're about out of time on this particular one, because we've got three more foundations that we want to go with. So, we're going to talk about them next time, before we go, if someone wanted to get, don't read this, your ego won't like it, where could they go? And that way, if we think you should get the book and then read it and listen to these discussions and then head over to our podcast page or doz blog page and let's have a conversation about it. Yeah. Leave us your comments and your feedback. That'd be really great. If you want to find out more about, don't read this, your ego won't like it, the book. That book, actually, it's only available right now as an advanced reader, and what that means is, it's not on general release, you can't go to your bookstore, you can't even go on Amazon and get it. There's only one place you can get it, and you can get it from going to www.dov.d-o-v-b-a-r-o-n.com. And up there on top, you'll see tabs and it says products. Click on there, and when you scroll down a little bit, you'll see that book there. And you click on that, and you'll have one of the advanced copies, which means you'll be one of the first people in the world to get their hands on it. And I said that if you are listening to this, and it's before the end of August, and you put in your order, I will actually hand sign it to you, please let us know who you want it signed to, and I'll sign it to you. So you'll have a collector's edition of Don't Read This, and that's where you can get it. So www.dov-baron.com/product, or you can just go to www.dov-baron.com and then just look at the tab that it's up. And I will sign it to you. And until next time, work on those first three foundations we've talked about, which were? They were the physical, relationship, and financial. Well done. See? He's paying attention. I pay attention. And I hope you are too. See you back. Can you comment? So we'll look forward to hearing from you. And speaking to you next time, we'll be next. Free My Mastery Podcast. Bye-bye everybody. [Music] This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit c-suiteradio.com. [MUSIC PLAYING]