Outcome driven cultures miss so much of the process of life. Discover how to have a process for Wealth or Happiness or Love. Processes sustain the results. With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 29:02 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon
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we're all here to elevate the thoughts and the tears get clear, accept clear all here to elevate the thoughts and the tears get clear, forget clear all here to elevate the thoughts and the tears get clear, accept clear all here to elevate the thoughts and the tears get clear, forget clear all here to elevate the thoughts and the tears don't listen to this podcast do not listen to this podcast your ego mind won't like it if the mind mastery podcast with your co-hosts Scott Patton and Dove Behren, hey Dove how are you doing today? good to be here as always looking forward to this one of course we're going to talk a little bit about of course when I said a little bit it's because we've got such a massive subject here in that it's my new book which is called don't read this your ego won't like it and if you want to know where that is you can find it on www.dovedioli b-a-r-o-n-dovebearin.com that's where you can find the book if you want it if you're interested in it and as I said it's called don't read this your ego won't like it and though so the podcast is don't do this your ego might not like this either and we look at this as a book of the year club discussion because over 430 pages every page has got something that's probably going to make you go uh-huh or wow wow or oh boy or I'm excited or something oh oh my god I'm going to put this book down or I don't like it if your ego sums their speed extends in the corner that's right so we're going to basically I'm reading the book and I brought the book it's right here and you can hear me that's the book it's over pages and I'm gonna take some questions that I that I think of as I'm reading the book every week and we're going to discuss it and what we wanted to discuss today because this is kind of the beginning of this process yeah is discuss processes because as we were talking about what we were going to talk about before we came on the air one of the things that came up was uh if you could be enlightened right this second what would happen and I thought and I said for myself is I probably wouldn't be very happy because I think it would be an incredible jolt to my physical system my mental system my emotional system my spiritual system and everything else and down view and mentioned well you know people want the first three letters you want to know their ABCs and then they want the last three which is x y z or z and then there's everything in between right and so it has taken me probably 40 it was about 40 years into my life when I really got that you know this is a journey that we're on and enjoy the journey you know before it was like I want to go to Australia so I got to Australia right well between Winnipeg Manitoba and Australia Melbourne Australia which is where I went there's a lot of land and you know I like to think that I took time and I enjoyed it but I also missed a lot you know because I flew it so automatically I missed 98 percent of the journey absolutely it is a fascinating thing about our culture that we are so outcome driven and we miss so much of the process and I think that a great example of not understanding the value of process and being driven to an outcome the best example I can think of is somebody winning the lottery there's broke right somebody's broke they win the lottery so they get the outcome yeah i've suddenly got a lot of money yeah plenty of money things are great yeah i'm happy and i'm happy for a brief period of time and then within five years 98 percent of them are more broke than they were before that's a statistical fact yeah right what happened well part of what happened is they do not have a process for wealth they have no process they have a process full of it on 25 or 30 or maybe even a little larger amount of income per year but they don't have a process that generates a million dollars a year or a million dollars every couple years they just don't have that right so when they have that massive outcome they don't know how to sustain it you know i ask question you've been at an event with me where i asked this question and i asked the audience and it's fascinating for me to watch the audience responses and you probably remember the question as i'm saying i can see not look in your face but the question is this if i was i'm going to use you're listening to this if i were to teach you a system that would allow you to make a million dollars over the next two years so here's a process a system that you can use and it will make you a million dollars over the next two years and you can follow this system and at the end of that you get the system you'll have a million bucks now the question is this at the end of that two years what percentage of that million dollars are you willing to give to me remember that question i do right and so you know i said put your hand up and just call it out so people put that on the you know ten percent twenty percent exactly fifty percent but some two percent yeah two percent euro but when you get any i'd work for it and and i go you know that's a really good example of lack thinking a lack mentality now every now and then there's somebody in the audience who already has a truckload of money who already knows wealth or has wealth consciousness and they'll say one hundred percent i will give you one hundred percent and i say why and they know the answer and the answer is because you've taught me a process for making the million dollars and i can repeat any process once i've got it down yeah that's the understanding of process thinking that's how McDonald's has made money they didn't make money because they make great hamburgers they make money because they have a process that creates hamburgers and business they have a process that is profitable and they sell you that process for making fries and burgers and and the locations and all those kinds of things and you buy that you buy the process not the outcome you know and just to illustrate that point uh there was a McDonald's in Texas and in Texas uh there's a certain way that Texans expect to have their burgers and they expect to have a beer with it oh so this McDonald's owner so Ray Crock went into this McDonald's in Texas it was just evidently there's only just one McDonald's that did it right and there's beer on the menu now there's no beer on the McDonald's menu no you know and he walks in and he said there's beer on your menu and he says yeah and he explained why there was beer and everything else and Ray said well you know in McDonald's we don't sell beer so please take it off and the man said this is my McDonald's thank you very much and i'm not taking the beer off because my customers are expected the next morning when the owner came to McDonald's there was Ray Crock and a a crane with a ball and chain on it mashing down the McDonald's wow and Ray said no McDonald's sells beer right so we're just taking it back thank you very much and in the contract that was like if you don't do exactly what they say the way they say it right there is no room for deviation right and that's why you can go into a McDonald's in anywhere in the states or Canada or around the world and pretty well expect to get almost the same yeah the same food exactly tasting the same way but this but the point is that there's a process yeah and and Ray Crock and McDonald's cooperation know that the process works right and so what happens is people get excited about oh you know this is a great formula but then they want to jump the process and they want to put beer on the menu and so it's not unlike the way people live they want to you know analogy i've given before again as one of the ones you've heard me say is that if you and i go to the mall with a little clipboard and we walk around and we ask a hundred people how many of you would like to be a millionaire by this time next year we can pretty much bet out of a hundred people 98 percent of them 98 people would say yeah i like that yeah and i'm all even probably more yeah okay but we just being a conservative yeah right so then we say what are you willing to do about it and the most people want to say well money about some battery loss yeah right so what do you mean i have to do something exactly right some people would say um i'd be willing to do if i knew what to do i'd be willing to do right so now let's take the same other people who say now you want to make a million dollars by this time next year yes i'm going to give you a formula if you follow the formula you'll make a million dollars by this time next year how many people will say yes again the percentage will be very high yeah we'll say yes i will definitely follow the formula because of this will make me a million dollars a year go back and check at the end of the year how many people continue and follow the formula and you'll find it's probably around 3 percent because people want outcomes not the process yeah and it's the process that gets you there so people have said to me um dog this is a very thick book four hundred and odd pages you know why didn't you write a skinny book blah blah blah and i said well the book is as you know we split into three books three parts yeah par one par two par three with a review of each end of each one to say here's what you've just gone through what you've once they stayed with you and the reason for it was that it would be impossible for me to get to the outcome which i know most people are generated towards if they don't understand the process yeah and i know that people like to read outcomes right they like the hardest thing in the world is not reading the last chapter exactly right but it's interesting because that's like trying to not like being born in the countryside of Japan speaking japanese and then moving to the uk and never reading a newspaper never reading a simple book but instead reading Shakespeare yeah i mean Shakespeare's hard to be with read English that's right yeah if you know English it's hard to read but if you don't know English it's freaking impossible yeah and it's that same thing so moving out of the village in China going out of China or Japan saying i want to understand Shakespeare but never having the process of learning abc never learning simple language for us there's a process yeah and it's the same things with anything we want to success in our life and it's one of the great things for us who your people like you and i who are entrepreneurial like as we tend to not be process people and we need to learn the process what are we thinking about that yeah that's where do i want to jump to the outcome and and because i'm gonna challenge everyone about listeners to say this take a look at where you're failing in your life and this is something a mentor of mine made me do and it was a hard slug in the uh under areas i can tell you it was not comfortable right take a look at your area of your life or where is where is something not working where are you not getting the level of success or where are you failing where you want to succeed and you know i could find a few areas at that point in time in my life um and he said what's your process he asked me to say what it was you know but you know in that time many years ago was relationship and he said what's your process rather healthy relationship well some woman looks at me i'm there exactly you know but you know i was a little bit more to it than that you know i was tied up there but i'd gone through well you know we meet we've fallen love um we get along we talk um we have a lot of things in common but i didn't really have any process you know we have a five-day program called quantum soul mates it is a freaking process right that you can walk through the rest of your life and what's cool about it is many processes that add up to a large process so there's a process for apologizing i mean how many times have somebody pissed you off and said sorry oh that feels good yeah that's sorry you know oh well i i guess i'm sorry or i'm sorry but you did well those are all so wonderful i feel so much better now right there's actually a process for delivering i'm sorry a five-step process and it takes about 15 seconds that's all it takes wow but the result is that the person in the end genuinely knows you're sorry 15 seconds for five steps can be easier than that it's three seconds of thought right right even in our high speed society that's pretty good and now can you can you message exit no are there little acronyms and they get shorter than i hear y'know oh gee how does somebody will find it but it's that same thing if you're failing in your life in any area of your life take a look at where you jump to the outcome rather than where you say what is the process because if you have a process you can track a process just like McDonald's do or Starbucks does or any of those one measure it you know because you track it and you measure it and you see if it works otherwise it's random all right and i was just thinking of a you know totally different examples than the relationship one was a dinner you know when somebody has you over for a dinner and you know that they spent four hours in the kitchen and they've set the table and there's flowers and candlelight and there's music playing and they bring out you know a little soup and then they bring out a little salad and then they bring out the the pheasant her salmon or whatever it is and then a small little dessert i see you know you if you've been waiting much more donals and how you're thinking about fancy food pheasant some salmon exactly that is the sign of somebody's missing good food yeah but there's but that's a whole prime if she had she had to go decide what she wanted to cook she didn't serve and then she had to go get it then she had to prepare it and then she had to cook it and then she had bring it up so if she hadn't gone through that whole process she wouldn't have been able to put together of of course here i'm being sexist it's a she that's cooking for me right now i'm a bachelor but uh if she hadn't gone through that whole process of then it it it you wouldn't be able to put anything out there for dinner no and it's the same with anything and this is what i was saying before it's what i'm challenging everybody to do is take a look at anything in your life and by that i mean any kind of result in your life whether it's a result you want or result you don't want and what i'm challenging you to do is let's start with something you don't want something that you didn't want to achieve in your life and it just has shitty outcome and what i'm just challenging you to take down walk it backwards walk it forwards walk it backwards do both ways just like we talked about in the equation for manifestation start ten years from now exactly backwards exactly and that's how you get the plan yeah so if you can do that you know because the thing that makes people successful is they have a process it's not random it's not a random event you know it's not about winning the lottery and not having a process for repeating that like i talked about earlier when i said about that question it's it's asking yourself why is my process forgetting a result because there is always an unconscious process even if you're not aware of it right there's some process there is some process and if you're not aware of it if it's unconscious you're uh it's the ego mind is looking after it right and it's and if it's a process you're not aware of it then you're going to consider it lucky or unlucky that you got your result yeah but there actually is a process so take out a pen this is what i'm challenging you the listeners are doing take out a pen and write down something that was a result you didn't want and write out something that was a result you did want and then start looking at what was my process for getting there how did i get to this and as i said if you want to walk it back well what happened before that you know i got the million dollars well what happened before that well i was doing this well what was you know and really walk it back and if there was other people involved or other people you could maybe can give you input of things you may have forgotten but the truth of the matter is that if people are making a truckload of money and doing very very well i'm not selling you the outcome although that is what they they're selling you the outcome but they're giving you exactly the process absolutely right there also when you the outcome but it's actually no where you're buying well you're actually buying is the process to that outcome yeah because there's nobody that you're going to i guess oh i'm going to sell you the outcome okay well the outcome was fifty thousand dollars a month okay well here's your fifty thousand dollars a month well it's not going to happen right so my outcome is fifty thousand dollars a month and pay me ten thousand dollars a month i'll give you the fifty thousand dollars a month well we wouldn't snap that up right right but that's not what i was always going to give it to you no it's not going to happen right but if you follow abc and d and then you do one two three and four and then you do abc and d again and then you do one two three four five now you've got a formula yeah a process to get to an outcome and and it's interesting that if you follow that process you get the outcome whether your name is mcdonald's or any other kind of a franchise so it's successful it is that understanding the way you do relationships is a process and you are following a process even if you don't understand it and it's really about paying attention to that everything you do has to have a process well and i think you just hit on a really good point because i was thinking of different okay this relationship and didn't work or this relationship it did work or this project that is finished it really worked well or that project that i'm still struggling to get done and i'm thinking that process what process and of course that's the way we are we don't know what the process is until we start asking the question you know what is the process right and then we start watching for the process and we start thinking about it a little bit differently and we start learning because the chances are a lot of our processes are unconscious absolutely yeah just this is the way we work and i love what you said about if you don't know what your process is then you're either unlucky or lucky that's what it was and i was like oh and because it's a random oh this work because i happen to follow the process that worked that time and in the statement of track it and it didn't track it it didn't know it seems lucky yeah and then the same situation happens then and it doesn't work out and although i must have been unlucky that time but because i missed two of the four steps in my process it didn't work out right so you we've got to really take the time to stop and ask what is the process what is the process and you don't have to do it you know it feels like well i'm trying to work on this project stop from it go back to a project that worked and then say what was the process with us and again you'll think that it's external you'll think well that process worked because the person i was working with was fantastic or they gave me a bunch of money or whatever it is no look at the formula what was the formula see maybe they gave you a bunch of money i had a time right but maybe you asked and you've never done that before yeah and so that's part of your process maybe um you're definitely part of my process right when i'm building websites with sales letters for people if i i almost always ask for 50 up front and i pretty well always get it but the times that i don't ask then they don't know to give it to me right and i find i'm very i'm not very motivated to work on that project because i haven't got the commitment from them that i have with other people right right and it's just like because then it's always in my mind well like will they because some people don't pay right you know it's a fact of life people are gonna say yeah do this for me and oh sorry i don't have any money uh you stop right right so that's definitely part of my process is get 50% up front because then i'm motivated i'm also motivated because i know i've got a very good chance of getting the 50% when i'm done exactly so i've got that i want to get to that 50% well you know when i look i mean if you listen to this in your coach and all the many coaches and teachers listen to these podcasts and i've been asked many times why have i been very successful in mentoring and being a coach because i have a qualification process you don't get to come you don't get to walk into me and say i want to work with you here's a check and i'll pay you i don't care i have a process and if you don't go through that process then you don't qualify to work with me i i don't want your money right you have to go through that process of qualification first because that makes sure that i have a high success rate my success rate is out it's beyond anything anybody ever met why because i make you go through the process first to make sure you're really committed to the work right that's it so it's really i mean it's totally biased and understand that i am willing to be totally biased in who i work with exactly it's called being discerning that's right here's my process we're doing it and simply do what i don't want to do that it's only coming last week who who wanted to work with me and said you know i'm happy to pay you um and i'm happy to pay the full rate blah blah blah blah um but i just want to come in randomly when i feel like i need it and i said then you need to see somebody else i hit and they said what why is because it's not part of my process part of my process is you are committed you make a commitment to work on something for a period of time and we will get it cleared yeah but if you don't go through those steps if you're not interested in that that's okay yeah it just i'm not a guy to work with yeah yeah and there will be a little doves book don't read this your ego won't like it is over 400 pages so i love to read i read a lot usually i have two or three books but if you saw my nice stand right it's got seven books on it right now some of them stay there right when i'm finished reading thinking go rich i just start over again right and it's also got probably 400 hundred pages off the computer because i'll see something i'll print it off i'll put it and i put it on my nice stand because that's where i read right i go to bed and i read 15 minutes half an hour sometimes an hour before i go to sleep right and and i i didn't realize this was my process originally right okay but i had a problem once and that i had 800 pages to read and i was getting first it was actually a monthly course and they would just send me a little bit each month right but i was like five months behind right and i thought how and of course i wasn't putting it on my night stand because it's in this free and huge binder right and how am i going to read this because i really wanted to read it but i was just so busy and overwhelmed in my life like i'm the only one in the world that ever has that problem yeah that's not right yeah and uh and i thought well what i could do is right before i put it into the binder is i'll put it on my night stand and i'll read 15 minutes at a night yeah and in a month i was caught up right caught up so with your book don't read this what i do is i put it on my night stand and and i don't it doesn't matter if it takes me 15 minutes to read one page because i'm like really getting into it or if it takes me 15 minutes to read 10 pages or whatever it is right that's what i'm going to do every night and then i that's how that's how i was actually a process for reading yeah and you know one of the things about our society is that we are um as i said we're instant gratification and we want everything fast and it was one of the reasons that i wrote this book the way that i did which is in even though it's 460 pages many people are coming back to me and now saying i can't believe that i you know i whoever that is is reading it was able to read this book from cover to cover and they say you know i read i read the thank you notes i read the the preface i read the intro i read everything and i say oh that's great and then they say yeah i'm really surprised why do you think that was you know because i know you know they give me nice compliments about it but the fact of the matter is that it's written in short paragraphs yeah and in short chapters so um and there's a feeling of accomplishment when you realize why this read two chapters today right and so in 15 minutes you know you can read a couple of chapters yeah you know now there's a lot of chapters in here but each chapter is building on the one previously again there's a process that'll lead you towards the end of the book so that you really have a true grasp of how your ego mind is participating and sometimes not in a not in your best way towards what's manifesting in your life and really understanding how that's taking place and how to master your ego mind to get what it is that you want it's really nice when when the ego is on board yeah and that's what it is not fighting it getting it on board right so if you want to know more about this book which is called don't read this your ego won't like it or about any of my products whether it's the equation for manifestation home study program or efm audio technology or anything that we offer you can go to our main site which is baron masteryinstitute.com or you can go to devdov b a r o n dot com dot baron dot com and there you can find out about the workshops the seminars the products the books all kinds of great things all kinds of great resources there for you and of course the podcasts are also there as well as they are anywhere else and we look forward to your comments and your feedback tell us what it is you want to hear about and we will definitely get to that we love hearing your comments love hearing your feedback that's right and so don't forget we've challenged you look at something you've done successfully and well and are proud of and what was the process that you put yourself through to get there and then look at something this area of your life that's not working and be willing to ask yourself the question if there's a process to failure if there's a process that you've been following to get to the result you don't want particularly if there's something that you have repeatedly been challenged with if you ask the question if there's a process here what might it be what do i actually do even if i'm unconscious of it what do i do repetitively and i'll tell you if you've got a really good friend and a really good friend if someone will tell you the truth ask them for input because they'll tell you listen you always date this kind of person and that's why it doesn't work out yeah and whether you can see it or not they are always that kind of person right so take a look at your processes i want to hear your processes leave us your feedback leave us your comments tell us what you've learned about your life by looking at the process rather than being focused on the outcome see you all next time everybody bye bye get clear accept me all here to elevate the thoughts to get clear forget we're all here to elevate the thoughts we're here get clear we're all here to elevate the thoughts we're here. this podcast is a part of the c-suite radio network for more top business podcasts visit c-suiteradio.com