You're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast, I'm Nicholas Scott, panel on this stuff. Aaron, hey Dave, how you doing today? Good Scott, good to be here as always, looking forward to it. Awesome. So we had another comment from one of our listeners, Dan, and I know I've had this experience where, you know, it's a beautiful sunny day, I think she's going good. I'm enjoying life, I feel healthy and strong and happy, and then I've got this little voice in my ear that says, "This isn't going to last, something's going to happen to screw it all up, it's going to rain." I'm going to fall and twist my ankle, I don't know, things are just going too good. So I get this voice going in my head that kind of wants to rain on my parade. So first of all, what's going on, secondly, how can I quiet that voice? Right. So you're absolutely right, I mean of course that is a phenomenon for many people, is it kind of lasts, when is the other shoe going to drop, sort of mentality, that something's got to go wrong, this can't stay right. I'm playing tennis and I'm just hitting a ball great, and then I can't hit the ball to save my life. Right. I still, I haven't played a lot of golf, but I have played golf and I actually like the game, although I've not played a lot of it, but the thing I find fascinating about golf is it's probably the most difficult game in the world to be consistent at. And invariably, I've seen people go out there, watch them, go there and hit their front nine badly and hit the back nine terrifically, or the front nine fabulously and screw up every shot in the back nine. And you know, and it's that same thing, that you know, what happened, what happened? And invariably, there's two sizes, there's a psychological side, and then there's the facts. And the fact is, as the Buddha say, nothing is permanent, everything is changing. And it is our, and this is how it leads into the psychological side, it is our ego mind's desperate attempt at keeping everything the same. And it's fear that things will not be the same, the deaths in the way, okay? That's what stops us. So what it says is, this is going great. How can we keep it the same? That's actually, it's not what's going to go wrong. How can we keep it going? How can we keep it going good? Right. Right. That in and of itself could be a great question, as in what am I doing right, so that I can learn a process, and then I can repeat the process. But it's, how come not how we think of it? No, no. It's like, oh my God, what if it changes? And because that's the ego mind's desperate to keep it the same. And it's then that, because then what happens is fear is injected in. Yeah. Once the fear is injected in, then it becomes lost. So now there's a potential for loss. So we get scared that we're not going to be able to keep it anymore, and it flies out of the window. Because now if you think about when you're in the flow, when things are going right, when you're having a wonderful day, when you're hitting an every ball right on the court, what are you? You're in the flow. Yeah. And I'm not thinking about it. You're not thinking. Exactly. So thinking. Exactly. The most dangerous thing in the world is thinking, right? So you're not thinking. You're in the flow of that. Right. When the ego mind gets involved in the thought process, that is now injecting fear into the same situation. And again, my graphic analogy is not always really nice, but they usually make the point, is that you've got this beautiful dessert, right? And you're looking at it and you're going, "Isn't it fantastic?" And you look at all the, you know, you taste it and you can imagine all the wonderful ingredients in it. And then what would happen if you said, "I wonder what's in it. I wonder if there's dirt in it. Let's put dirt in it." Right. Well, you know, now it's not the same, "Oh, well, can we get the dirt out?" No. It's in there now. Right. So it's the same thing. You know, we inject the dirt of fear into a perfectly good situation. Instead of going, "This is working," and it will pass, and I'm going to enjoy it. Yeah, and I'm quite capable of dealing with whatever happens once it passes. Right. And when it passes, something else will arrive. But I am present with it right now. So that's the ego mind stuff. I mean, that's actually, that's what's in here. God is reaching into a box and putting out a book. Actually, this is your book, which I'm going to sign to you later on. Oh, thank you. Don't read this. Your ego won't like it. It's my new book. Wow. And people can actually get that on my blog. It's on dog And it's right there. So as you see, it's a nice meaty one. It is. It's 440 pages. Exactly. I love it. So it's a really good understanding of how that ego mind works, and how it works specifically in relation to manifesting. So everybody, as we've talked about so many times, so many people got on board with the secret and all the rest of that, and they thought they could get that with their thinking. And we've talked so much about it. You can't get that when you think it. If you listen to the first part of this podcast that we've just talked about, you can't get there with your thing. Exactly. So let's just think about this. Exactly. So you can't get there with your thinking. Actually, I put a post up on my blog recently that says, "Are you thinking what you feel or are you feeling what you think?" And it's really understanding that we actually don't really pay attention to where our thought processes are coming from. So this book really takes us into understanding how the ego mind works, how it works in manifestation, how it impacts our manifestation, and how it is that little voice that's in the back of our head. It talks about how it taps into the law of resonance, how we are resonating. It talks about who is the manifester of your life, because a lot of the manifestation that's going on in your life is not quote unquote you, but it's the ego mind just manifesting more and more of the same. It talks about how we look at truth, right? Is this true? You know, many people think things are true because they saw it on the news. Have you ever heard of weapons of mass destruction, anybody? So it goes into so many areas, and it's written in very short chapters. I honestly believe that I write, and all my writing, is always designed to be read in America's library. The washroom. Well, do you read that, right? So, I write in... I'm not putting it on my... I'll have it on my bedside. Bedside, cabinet. Bedside. Right. But I just find that that's where a lot of people do read it. So one of the things that I really drives me mad is, you know, as you know, I love reading. However, I'm reading a book that has a 60-page chapter of my get-through 30 pages. And when I come back to the book, it could be two days later, I'm going, "Oh, what was that about now? I'm starting to start again." So it was one of my goals was to write in very short chapters, because you also feel complete when you do that. Yeah. There's that sense of accomplishment. Yeah. And you're probably starting to do the next one. Well, just the other day I was reading a chapter, and it was late at night, and I thought, "Oh, and so I flipped to see, like, seven more pages to go. Oh, that's too much, obviously, but I was upset that I couldn't finish the chapter, there's that feeling of accomplishment." Exactly. So that's what this has done. And I think the longest chapter in here is like 14 pages, and many of them are only four or five pages. I mean, just in digital nuggets, and interesting this, the book, as you said, is 460 pages. And everybody has read it and said, "I just breathed through. I couldn't believe how I was kind of put off by 460 pages." But they breathe through it, and the reason is because of those short chapters. Yeah. Because the book originally was meant to be three books, and it made it into part one, part two, part three. And at the end of each part, I put a review, and that was so that you could get it. Oh, this is what this is about. So that's why I was designed that way. So this is yours. Well, thank you. You'll be able to take that with you when you go. Awesome. So that is what that niggly voices on the back of the head. Because the ego mind, in fear, wanting to keep things the same, and it keeps us stuck by just doing that over and over again. So one way we could deal with that is just to say, "Thank you very much for sharing." And I'm just wondering, it's one thing to say, "Okay, that's my ego mind, but now, how do I deal with it?" You know, of course, as you know, it's a George R. Cole Quantum Mind Mastery, which is, again, you can find out about it on the websites on, on dog baron dog calm. If you find out about it all over the place, just look up dog baron, quantum mind mastery. We've got lots of stuff around it, lots of articles about it, and it's an entire five day, very intense workshop in dealing with the ego. So we're not going to get a sum that up in 15 minutes, so whatever it is. Rats. But the bottom line of how to deal with the ego mind is simply understanding that its primary motivation is to keep you alive, right, and his prime directive is to be right. So it wants to be right, and it wants to keep you alive. Now, just so everybody understands, it will give up keeping you alive in order to be right. Pay attention to that. Right. I would rather be better than wrong. I would rather strap a bum to me and walk into a place and blow me and a couple hundred people up in order to be right, right, because that's more important. So right is the most important thing of all, and the ego's driver is to keep us alive. So what it says is, if I'm wrong, I could die. So it wants us to be right all the time. And by the way, are you trying to, or is your ego, trying to be right about, oh shit, this can't last? Yeah. When's the other shoe going to drop? Right. Right. How am I going to stuff this one up? So you know, and the interesting thing, and this is, we talk a lot about this in Quantum Mind Mastery, it says about this on other podcasts, here is, ask better questions. And you're asking, how am I going to screw this up? Your mind will find a way, it will give you the answer. Right. You're saying crepes, you always do, you're going to do this, then you're going to do that, and then you do. But if you ask, how many times has somebody done something stupid, and then you go, I knew I was going to do that. Exactly. I knew that was going to happen. Yeah. Well, you run in the show, and if you knew what's going to happen, why didn't you do someone else? Yeah. Oh, blue, blue. I always do. Yeah. Right. So, at least I was right. I knew I was going to do that. There you go, see? Do you think that's it? That's it. Right. And people said, I was right, I knew I was going to do that. See, I was right. I always screw it up. Yeah. And that's the ego mind. So it's understanding that the ego mind wants to keep you alive, and wants to be right. So start embracing the idea of not being right, and at the same time, not being wrong. I thought for a second you were going to say, embrace the idea of being dead. Well, you know, as you know, I studied Buddhism for a long time, and that was an idea that I embraced other Buddhism, actually. Was to embrace the idea that my life can end at any moment. And you know, Frank Herbert, who was a science fiction writer, and very interestingly-- That's him. He did do. That's right. Great book. And very interestingly, if you read science fiction, you'll discover that some of the deepest thinking ever comes out of sci-fi, Star Wars is profound, Doom was profound, the Matrix. You know, these are all profound movies or books that really had a great spiritual message. And Frank Herbert in Doom wrote, "fear is the little death," right? And so in Buddhism, when we talk about embracing the little death, embracing the little death, which is to die to every moment that has passed, to allow it and you to die to that moment, willingness. And again, there's another thing in the book here, where we talk about the perception of who you are, and what is the perception of who you are, is the perception of who you are real, is that it's not real. Probably not. But I can't be here, because who you are is not who you were five seconds ago. Not only that, if you took ten of your friends and asked them, they would all give a different answer. And that's absolutely true. However, in the context of what we're talking about is that you only remain to be the same person by a commitment to be the same person. So you are not the same person five seconds from now if you choose to know a lot of be the same person. So embracing the little death, that who I was and made that through up is now no longer here. It's gone. So who I choose to be in this moment can be somebody else, and I'm going to make a commitment to that in this moment. However, the commitment will be gone also in five seconds, and I will need to recommit. It's one of the things I say in this book is that we think that we're going to make these big, dramatic changes in our lives, and the fact of the matter is we have to recommit in every second to the path of our own enlightenment, to the path of our own awareness, to the path of our own process, rather than holding on to what we think we are or should be. And that allows us to question our beliefs, allows us to question our reality, and allows us to be detached, which is both Buddhism and Vedantic teaching, but to be detached while still fully engaged, or as a Christian teacher said, to be in the world but not other. So the same teaching is understanding that I'm here, I'm fully present, but I understand that I'm not attached to any of it, because I won't be here in the next second, because the one who was here a second ago is now different, I'm constantly in this process. So that's one of the great ways to deal with the ego, is the ego is trying to keep everything the same, and by understanding that nothing is the same. Everything is a constant change. Every cell of your body is a constant process of change. There's not a cell left in your body that was there seven years ago. Your body completely, totally, absolutely renews every seven years, and that's every cell of your body. Now that's pretty fascinating. It's amazing when you think about it. So yeah, we are so caught in keeping things the same, rather than going, what's the evolution? What's the process? In old cultures, in ancient knowledge, in ancient cultures, they adore and embrace the old and the ancient. There is a wisdom to that, as something gets older, it's wiser, it contains things. We live in a society that this is age, and adore is youth, and new stuff, anything that's new. I remember the announcement of the iPhone, it didn't add the phone, it was just an iPod. The iPod. Thank you. It was the iPod. Then they brought the iPhone that had all the same things, on plus a phone, and people went, oh, okay, I put the iPod to the site, and they just spent 400 bucks or something on it initially. Yeah. And they bought an iPhone. For 500. For 500, and I'm going, wow, these people are brilliant at marketing, but what are they marketing? They're marketing to the Eagles' drive for the next new thing, the next shiny objects. I mean, you know, the Eagles are bloody magpie, the next shiny objects it's going to grab a hold of, rather than staying focused on what it is. It's one of the things, again, we talk about it in this book, where I call it Guru Hoppers. You know, people who are Guru Hoppers, they're the children from the next, this teaches an ex-engineer. And I always say to people, you know, people say to me, does your stuff work? And I say, brilliantly, absolutely brilliantly. And not at all. And they go, what do you mean? It doesn't work for anybody who doesn't look it. But anybody who applies what I teach them, their life changes dramatically for the better. Yeah. But if you're going to go off way through and get, oh, it's a bit tough, and you're going to go off and find a new Guru, well, guess what, you're going to have another love affair with that Guru. You're going to fall in love with whatever it is they're teaching you until it gets a bit challenging. And then you jump off that one and find another one. That's the ego personified. That's what it does. It does it in relationships. Oh, you're so hot. You're so great. You've got to get on my nerves and I don't want to deal with anything. So I'll go find another hot, great person. What is this? Right. Ego running the frickin show. Right. That's all it is. So that's kind of a few clues on how to deal with your ego. That's a few clues on when that voice comes up and says, how am I going to stuff it up? When is the next shoe going to drop? What's going wrong here? Okay. How can I stay happy? All that's just ego. And I hope that today you've really gotten some great clues and some knowledge and insight into how the ego works. Again, if you really want to understand the ego, I highly recommend that you read the book called Don't Read This. Your ego will like it. It's my newest book. It's actually not officially out yet. It won't be out until the fall. But Advent's copies are being made available through, And actually, if you go on there and you order in the next 30 days, I'm going to do something really, probably I'm going to get killed for, but I'm going to do this. I'm just making this up as I go along, but this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to sign every book. If you buy it over the next 30 days at, I will actually sign the book for you. So make sure that you put in there when you order it, who you want the book signed to, and I will sign it to you. Okay? So we should put a date on that then, because someone could be listening to this a year from now. Oh, yeah. Okay. So at the beginning of August 2009, listen to this after that, you know, I don't know, maybe you could slip me an extra tenor when I'll sign it. Yeah, that was a, say, you know, massage Dove's ego, right, and he might still sign it for you. There you go. It's impossible. But definitely, before the beginning of August 2009, you'll get a signed copy. Yeah. So if you go to,, and at the top there's a button that says product. And if you go to products, you'll see the book there. It's a nice, beautiful blue-green, and it's called Don't Read This, your ego won't like it. There's all kinds of other products, too, if you're interested. There is the Equation for Manifestation Home Study Program, E-F-M Audio Technology, and a great little pocket book called How to Get What You Want to One You. So all kinds of good stuff that we love that one. Yeah, it's great because you can carry it around. Yeah, easy stuff. But it's just the idea of what we want wanting us so cool. That's very cool. So thanks for listening, everybody. Thanks for joining us. Leave us some comments at or over at and I look forward to having you next time. And again, thanks for joining us. This podcast is a part of the C-Sweet Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit [MUSIC]