The Dov Baron Show

Finding Your Life Purpose - Mind Mastery Podcast - Podcast #39

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2009
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SO many of us come to a point in our lives where we find ourselves asking "What's my life's purpose?" The question is would you recognize your life purpose if it was right in front of you? In this episode Dov shares some powerful tips on finding and recognising your life purpose. With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 21:53 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon

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[music] Welcome back everybody, listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. Then we go start passing along with us. There we go. Hey Scott. Good to be here. Good to be here. You have to be a fun one. We've had some comments on our podcasts and on our blogs, and we're going to be with kids old today. Yeah, let's, uh, good to have the panel. Oh, every time you stay in your feedback, it gives us a little bit more direction about where it is you want us to go. I know there's so many of you listening to these, you download them, you have them on your iPod, whatever it is. And I'm sure you have ideas about what it is you'd like to listen to, and then by the time you get back to your computer, you may be forget to write in the comments. So I want to remind you, write in the comment, give us your feedback, and let us know what it is you'd like us to talk about. Because, um, the, the knowledge base is quite vast, and we can go wherever you need us to go. And if we're, it's an area we don't know anything about, we are more than happy to say, haven't got a clue. And that's right. And just in case you think you're alone, over 27,000 people listen to this podcast. Whoo, is that right? Yeah, I didn't even know that. Twenty, seven thousand couple of stadiums. Yeah. Yeah, it was a cold boy last night, it was 16,000. So 27,000 is almost double that, and that was a lot of people. That is, that is. So that's pretty exciting. All right, so one of the questions that we get, and I know I, uh, I struggle with this one myself from time to time, is how do you find your life's purpose? How do you know when you're actually living your life's purpose? It is, it's a good question. Like, what is my life's purpose? It's a great question. And I think that anybody who has ever had any dream of becoming more than their JOB, more than their job, has had that question at some level. Um, for me, I think it's, uh, it's an innate question around, uh, that is a word called soulful question. It's that part of us that it's not just wanting a better job. But why to do something that's meaningful? Because that's all it means. You know, life's purpose is, it means doing something that's of purpose. But we tend to, the challenge is, we tend to think of it as a job. And it's not necessarily a job. No, no, actually, it's interesting because as we were, as you were talking, I was thinking about it. And when I was young, I spent grade two and three in Melbourne, Australia. Right. And I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba. So just imagine, you know, frozen winters all my life and now winter is sitting on a beach. Right. They, they say that the tarmac of the Melbourne International Airport still has the fingernails as they drag me kicking and screaming on to the plane to leave. Right. So when I left in grade three, from then until I graduated university, if you ask me what do you want to do when you grow up, I would, my answer was go back to Australia. Sure. And people got mad at me. Right? Like, you know, but when I graduated high school, my dad said, "Listen, you know, you're in the learning mode. If you don't go to university now, you probably never will." And I think it's important. So I thought, and he said, "He was a good persuader, my dad." And he said, "If you really want to do it, go after you graduate. It's not going to make any difference." Right? Right. And the logic, and plus, you know, at 18, I'm a little immature, too, to go travel in the world. So I made them pay for it because when I graduated university, I went to Australia and I was there about six or eight months. Right. So on the left, I had traveled from the Great Barrier Reef down to Sydney, down to Melbourne, over to Adelaide, through the centre, up to Darwin, over the top, down to Perth. So I basically hit almost all that you could hit in Australia. Very good. And my friends that I had met in Perth said, "You know, you're never going to get this close to Southeast Asia ever in your life." Right. Because it's just, you know, just a hundred mile flight up north, right? Sure, right. So I did that. I answered the next three months in Southeast Asia. And when I went to go home, I was in Bangkok, and my new friends there said, "You know, you're never going to get this close to India and Nepal." Right. And I said, "You're right." So I flew to India and Nepal, I spent a month there. Right. So, you know, and there was no email, you know, there was no credit cards, there was no iPhones, you know, there was no none of that stuff, right? So my dad would get a postcard from me, and I'd say, "Yeah, I'm in southern Thailand on a bus, head in north," and he'd open the paper. And there'd be this little lady-bitty article in the paper about this bus in southern Thailand that got robbed by bandits. Not once, but twice. Right. You studied that at all. Yeah. My dad's friends later would say, "You have no idea." But I was gone 13 months. You have no idea what you put your, what your, put your dad through, right? I didn't even tell him the bad stuff that happened to me, right? So, but, and it was interesting because when I looked at my life, like, my purpose was to go to Australia. When I did it, all of a sudden I had no purpose. Mm-hmm. And I really had no purpose. And when I look at that kind of 25 to 35, 40 year range, it was just kind of like, there's a path, go down it, you know, work at this, here's a job, work here, do this. There really wasn't that same drive. Mm-hmm. When I got a divorce, my ex took the kids. Uh-huh. And I had a new purpose, which was to have my kids live with me again. Right. And that took 10 years. Mm-hmm. And now my youngest was living with me. My oldest had lived with me for the last five or six years, but now has moved to Montreal to, if for his dream, his dream and his purpose in music. And my friends that knew me before the divorce and knew me afterwards and know me now, they look at me now and they say, you know, you did things we couldn't believe that you would do when your kids were with your ex. Mm-hmm. That we never would have done. And in terms of being nice to my ex is what they're really talking about. Right. Okay. Because I put up with stuff that they didn't think anybody should put up with. Right. And they say, we couldn't understand it, couldn't understand it, couldn't understand it. Now we understand it because I wasn't about to go and rip my kids from their mom. Mm-hmm. I wanted it to be the best for all concerned that they'd be with me. And it took kind of 10 years for that to all happen. And now they are. And now I'm thinking, oh, I want to have a new, now I'm a little smarter. I'm thinking, okay, I'm going to find a purpose. But you just, you know, you've nailed it, that's got the, because the fact of the matter is, as I said, we think of purposes of career. And it can be. But it's not necessarily that. And for me, you know, if you think about it from the place of what drives you. Mm-hmm. Right. What is it that's driving you in any given moment? And what you did, you had this drive to Australia. And it's interesting for me that I think as we get older, and you and I not being 26 years old, just a little bit over that, still look 27. Well, thank you. But, you know, when you think about it, I think as we get older, we tend to trust less that drive. And for the simple reason is that we have, quote unquote, responsibilities. You know, well, I'd like to go to India. Well, why don't you go? Well, you know, I'm this much in credit card debt. I've got this much on my mortgage, and my kids are about to enter college. So, you know, I'll have to delay it for 10 years. Well, are you ever going to go? Probably not. So, you know, I think that there's a point, I mean, I know for me, you know, you talked about you, when I was living in Australia, and was working up north and decided, I was meditating every day, and I decided I knew I had this instinct, this drive that I needed to go somewhere else, but I didn't know where that was. Meditating in the desert, and on the edge of the desert, and asking every day, guide me, and then getting time to leave, it's time to go to Canada, okay, and ask that where? Western Canada, okay, and I came to Western Canada. I mean, literally didn't know who, I didn't know anybody here, didn't know where I was going to, why I was going to, and I just said, okay, and I told my travel agent who would be a student of mine, and said, "Book me a ticket to Canada," and he said, "West Coast," and he said, "Where?" and I said, "I don't know, you'll pick the right place." And he said, "Well, there's Edmonton, there's Calgary, and there's Vancouver." And I didn't even know which one, it was on the coast. And I said, "Okay, you just picked the right one." And he said, "Okay." And then he phoned me, and a week later we spoke, and he said, "Well, I've got your tickets." He goes, "But you didn't tell me when you want to return." And I said, "I'm not coming back." And he said, "What are you nuts?" And I said, "No." And he says, "Well, who do you know there?" "No one." And it's following that instinct, right? Now, that's quote-unquote, many people listen as well, that's very irresponsible. But there's two sides to our lives that we do need to be responsible. There's no doubt about that. But you're also, when you talk about being responsible, you're talking about a judgment. Yeah. And who knows what happens when you do those things that someone else may judge to be irresponsible? Well, the other side of that is, is it responsible to ignore those instincts? So you have to look at what is responsibility. So is responsibility to fulfill my obligations? Or is it my responsibility to fulfill my desire, not as in I want a chocolate bar, but as in this driving urge within us? And fulfill your purpose, because that's what it becomes. And for me, what I have, as you know, and as our listeners know, for me, everything's about resonance. It's the way energy connects to energy. And if I trust that, and you're verbally fine, it takes me where I need to go. But I don't always know where that is. Right. And so, when you were driven from grade three out of Australia, you came back to Canada. And when you were driven from there on to go back to Australia, you didn't know that going to Australia meant you were going to Southeast Asia. You didn't know that going to Southeast Asia meant you would be going to India. And you didn't know that that would give you all the things that's given you for that 13 months you were away. Which may have been the foundation upon which your psychological and maybe even your spiritual bedrock is now based. Right. I didn't make it up. No. No. You're out. No, that's really true. Right. So, so why do, you know, some people, why do you go to Australia? Well, because I liked the weather when I was a kid. Well, now when you go, when you spend that time, you look back, you know, a little bit a lot of years later. Yeah. And you go, why did I go to Australia? I went to Australia to go to Southeast Asia. Why did you go to Southeast Asia? To go to India? Why did you go to India? To go to-- Go to Southeast Asia, please. Yeah. Yeah. But in the process of that journey, maybe discover this spiritual or psychological bedrock of my life. But you don't know that at the time. No. And this is what I mean about following your life's purpose is understanding it's not necessarily a career. But it can be. But it's also looking at how the universe is dragging you off and pay attention to what if this is the path? What if it's not what I think is your destiny? Yeah. You know what? Well, rather than thinking about it's pretty ordained. I had an image of Darth Vader talking to Luke Skyward. Right. It's your destiny. Right. Thinking about what is it? The puzzles. I mean, like I said, last night I saw a co-playing concert. Amazing. Those guys are absolutely. I mean, wow. Talking about work out. Those guys are running around. They're so energized. The drama, you know, his arms don't fall off or beyond me. I mean, absolutely totally energized. And I watch bands like that. And this is weird for me because some people may find it strange. It's something else for me when I watch American Idol. Although I don't like all the drama shit that's going on in the show because I don't like the drama's crap in reality shows. But watching those people stand up there and have full vulnerability and give everything they've got is no different than watching co-playing for me because it's somebody who's wanting to be fully willing to be shot down. Yeah. And that to me is when you're on purpose, is when you are willing to stand there and be absolutely shot down and instead they applaud. Yeah. It's like, wow, you know. I mean, Chris Martin cannot dance. Sorry, it's my judgment. But the guy can't dance. He doesn't have dancers rhythm. He's got no rhythm. But he's spastic. He moves in spastic. And he's a great mover. And he moves to the music. He looks how he's been electrically shocked as the beats come in. And it's not classically what you call a dancer. He doesn't matter because he's so on purpose with his music. And what that's about for him, that it's magnetic for us. Right. And if you notice that about great performances, often there are people who sing much better than somebody else. Yeah. And so what? You don't really watch them. There's somebody else who has this magnificent, this is what I'm supposed to do. It doesn't matter if I'm the best. Right. And if I'm doing it. And for me, that's what life's purpose is. Is when you just know you've got to do it, but it's not necessarily a job. Yeah. Whatever it is. I keep going back to when you said, you know, someone going to India and not going because of all these excuses not to go. And I keep thinking, you know, what's the worst thing that would happen if you went? Right. You know, and if you were open to going, you know, what would be some of the benefits that might occur? Mm-hmm. And it could be some things that happen that make everything else that you're worried about at kind of non-issues. Well, you know, that's what you and I talked about on a previous podcast, which was "Intuition." And the amazing thing about "Intuition" is one of the ways you'll know it's working is nothing happens. Mm-hmm. Right. You know, last night we were a friend's book launch. And he had a massive book launch, and people were lined up. He did a speech, and people literally lined up outside the door for his son's book. And we were very, very happy for him. This is his third book. Just done amazingly well. We were very excited for him. He's clearly on purpose for what he does. However, we had a Coldplay concert. And we were also his techies. We did all his sound and everything for him as well. We used all our sound equipment. And so we had to take the last minute to get the sound equipment, dance it up to him down, and then pack it all up so we could go to Coldplay. Right. We're packing it. We get all packed up, and then we get in the car, and we've literally got about a 30 minute drive. And we've got 20 minutes to get to a 30 minute drive. So, you know, we're going to drive a little faster than legally allowed. However, every single light was red. I mean, not most of them. Honestly, every single light. And then we came off this one road, and there was a train. Now, if you're not Canadian, you probably don't know about Canadian trains, but Canadian trains, which was amazing to me when I first got there, travel about four miles an hour, and they're about 14 miles long. Yeah, they're huge. It's just so damn long. You're sitting there and we've got a train. And we're going, "Oh my God." And at one point, my wife looked over them and she goes, "What the heck is this about?" And I said, "You tell me." And she says, "I guess we're supposed to miss something." See, it's that knowing that the way it works is something doesn't happen. Yeah, right? When you follow your life's purpose, that inner drive within you, it's like starting to trust that, because it ties into intuition. It's not just at the tiniest level. It's like when you look across the street, you know, and you're on a street that you don't normally go on, but you might go on with every couple of weeks, and you keep seeing the same person. To me, that's your life purpose that's connecting to your intuition, saying, "Go talk to them." And I've done it, and you go, "You know, I don't know why, but I've seen you a few times." And I just have this instinct come talk to you. And for me, that's been amazing. The people I've met in my life through just doing that process. Just trust in that, because your life's purpose is really about following the inner driver, the intuition that's pulling you there. And it's not about finding the right freaking job, although invariably it runs you in the right job. Right. Well, it's funny when you say, "When you're on your life's purpose, nothing happens." Because one place I was staying in Thailand was a small village. And I stayed there for four days, and then I actually took a raft down the river to my next spot, and about three days after that, ran into somebody who had stayed at that same place after I had stayed there. And the night after I left, three drunken Thai soldiers with submachine guns came into the village and were firing off their guns and causing all sorts of problems. Totally missed it. Right. See, isn't it? You're oblivious. I am oblivious. Yeah. If you trust. And it's like, for me, I always think of it, you know, I guess there's an inner movie maker inside of me, because I see things in this way very often. But for me, it's like, you know, you're watching this movie, and there's this guy called Scott, who stays in this crappy little place in some crappy little village in the middle of Thailand, but there's nothing. Yeah. After three days, he gets on a boat, ran a rafting, travels down the river. And then you see him having a picnic and chatting some people down the river three or four days later, but the subtext of that movie is the same village he was in as the machine guns loony's going through and shooting people. You know? Yeah. It's oblivious. And if you watch that, it's kind of far as gumfish. It is. Right? You know, they're oblivious. Three stooges, movies or whatever, where the guy's walking, he bends over to pick up the coin, and some construction guy turns around with the plank, and then he's about to step into a hole, and some guy puts a piece of sheet of plywood down and he walks across and pulls the sheet away. But, you know, if you think of it, if we watch it in the context of a movie, what we're being told by that is the dominant character, in this case Scott, but could be three stooges or anybody, is lucky. That's what the imagery is telling us. Right. That this person's lucky. However, isn't it interesting that the main character is oblivious to being lucky? Yeah. Do you think about it? Yeah. I wouldn't think I was lucky. You wouldn't think you were lucky. Nothing happened. If I'm lucky, I win the lottery, right? No, no, no. No, if you're following your life's purpose, then you miss out on the obstacles. Right. You don't have to struggle. It's just happened. Oh, okay. The next thing falls in line, but somebody observing in that movie, watching the movie of it, goes, "Wow, look how everything's... Oh, the doors are opening for him." Yeah. Kind of like walking through this maze, not realizing you're in a maze, going in one end, going out the other end. What's the problem? Exactly. So, I believe it was Dan, wasn't it? Daniel? Yeah. Daniel, who got it started on. But it started on that one. And so I really hope that not only Dan, but for many of you who have been looking at your life's purpose, and you'll really consider that it's more than a job, but it's really this inner pull within you. And understanding this, so that you may not know that you're already on purpose. You may not know where it's leading you. The only guidance you will have is to follow it as it comes up. There is no way of knowing how you got where you got. If you're looking at it, if you're going back ten years looking forward, you know where you would guess. Ten years ago, Scott, you would not have guessed that you and I would be here doing this. No. I would have known because any person who will podcast didn't exist. That's right. But aside from that, right, there was no way. I mean, you know, we didn't know each other ten years ago. I had never heard of you, and you probably never heard of me. But there was little things that pulled us along the way that energetic resonance that pulls us that makes this happen. What I'm just saying to our listeners is, you know, really pay attention and listen to that inner drive, that inner instinct that's pulling you along the path because that will pull you to your purpose. And I think probably if you're fighting against your purpose, that's when you're unhappy. You're unhappy and you're struggling. Yeah. If you're fighting against your purpose, you're unhappy and you're struggling. So again, trust that inner drive, follow that, and as always, live with courage. There you go. So if you want to listen to more podcasts that we've done, they're archived at And if you want to know more about Dow's work, his courses and books, you can go to a couple of places. You can go to my blog, which is my name,, If you go there, these podcasts are also stored there, and also lots of writings there and lots of things to think about and lots of good stuff. So you can go to baron-b-a-r-o-n-mastery-m-a-s-t-e-r-y-institute or just, you can go to there,, and that is free videos, plus write-ups and all that kind of information about workshops and stars, and all that kind of breaks and crumpling there, and most of it, actually, is free too. And there you go. Thanks for joining us, everybody, and we'll see you all next time. See you on the next podcast. We'll see you in the next podcast. Join us in the next podcast. We'll see you in the next podcast. Join us in the next podcast. This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit (whooshing)