I'm your host, Scott Patton, along the dog, Baron. How are you doing today? Great to be here. As always, looking forward to this. Some very exciting things coming up and been going on, and as you know, from you've been listening. We've been going through some pretty neat subjects, and it's great to hear your comments and have your feedback on the podcast, and that just helps us to know what it is that you want us to talk about and where you would like me to dig into for you. Yeah. Well, one of the things that we've been getting a lot of questions and comments on is the topic of change, and I think that's huge because sometimes I think I changed, but I didn't. I thought I changed, but I changed my mind about that, I haven't changed at all. That's right. Yeah, but we were talking last time about fear, and of course, I think it's how do you get through that? How do you change it so you don't live a fearful life? Because that's a step towards mastery, which is the other thing. Exactly, and then you have to ask the question, what is it that people fear? Of course, you can come up with a very long list of things, fear of success, fear of failure, fear of this, fear of that, for the spiders, fear of a million things that people fear, but there are some primary fears, and they're just a basic human fears. One of the fears is that we won't be light, so I'm being not light. Yeah, primary fear that we won't be light, and the secondary primary fear is that we're not good enough, and we tie together. So we're not good enough, I'm not good enough therefore they won't like me, the two fears tie together. Now we can get into classical psychology and say that the base fear, and then some spiritual teachers teach you the same thing, the base fear is the fear of death. So let's now tie those three things together. I'm not good enough, they won't love me, and as a result, I could die. Now if you think about those three things, those go back to when you're the tiniest little child that you don't like me, they're not going to feed me, they're going to throw me out, I'm going to be with the holes and that'll be it. Right. So those three primary fears are running in people's minds at some level, at all times, the challenge is that they disguise themselves, they put on new hats, so they won't like fear of failure, you don't like fear of success, they won't fear of spiders, but in fact it's those three primary fears and that those three primary fears are what's up us from changing. So if we go back to the very basic from classical psychology, which is the fear of death, when it comes down to is the ego mind says you've survived so far the way you are, so don't change because you could die, basic, and not many people might, not many people like you, but there are two, so if you change, you might lose the two, yeah you could gain another three or four hundred who really would like you, but the two don't mind you, you could lose those, so don't do it. Right. Right. Yeah, good logic. Right, and so that's how the unconscious mind, the ego mind is pushing for that all the time. So if we're going to change, we're going to understand that we're actually dealing with those fears. Now, the thing that stops us from changing is because there is some security in what we have. Right. So i.e. those two people are kind of like it and you did eat a meal this week, so there's some level of security in that. Let's say all that the devil you know versus the devil you don't. Exactly. So the thing is that people stay in bad situations whether it's a career say or relationally because they have not been willing to step out, take that risk. Right. And you look at that, that's security. One of the things we want to, in order to overcome this fear of change, one of the things we want to look at is what are we holding on to? Now you've had kids and I have a daughter and a couple of step sons and most of us have known the kid who carries around a little blankie. Yes. Right. You know this kid's got this little blankie that they had right from the crib and you know they still cheer on the corner and drive you around with a manky little thing. Yeah. You know it doesn't smell so you're going to steal off the kid while the kid sleeps so you can wash it. That's right. He doesn't die of some horrible disease. Right. When we carry those around still, most human beings still carry them around. They're different. They're not as obvious. Right. They're invisible because we carry them. They have other hats on. Exactly. They have other hats on. They're carrying around inside of us. So what is the security blankie that we're carrying around is what we've got to look at. What am I holding on to? You see many people think that in order to change they've got to do a lot. Like I've got, you know, I've got to really you know, go do anything. We're not talking about an itty bitty teeny-weeny change. This is like a massive makeover. Let's help people think of it. Right. But it's actually not how it works at all. In fact, in order to get what it is you want in your life, you do have to change and you may have to change some things, but you only have to change anything a little bit in a time. Just small decisions, small changes all the time. What you have to do, which is actually more important, is first be willing to change. Right. And second of all, be willing to change faster than those people around you. The people who are the most successful, now, you know, this is the end of 2008 when we're recording this and who knows when people are listening to this. However, at this point in time in history, there are some very major corporations who've been around for a hundred years, who are going into receivership, who are being bailed out by the government, who are going into bankruptcy and all those kinds of things. Yeah. And a lot on the horizon that are teetering. And lots are teetering. Now, what we know as we talked about in a previous podcast a while ago, is that there is more millionaires, massive success made in a recession than there is in a boom. Right. Why? The people who succeed, the corporations who succeed, have adaptability. What does that mean? That's a technical term for the, they're willing to change. Right. They're willing to change. They see the change on the horizon, they see what's coming and they don't stick to what is, they've, they've done, they change to what needs to be happening. And the people who are successful as individuals or as companies are the people who change faster than those around them. And what we do as a psychology is we say, oh, it'll be safe, I'm not going to change. Right. You have to be willing to move with the tide and the tide might be your relationship. You're in this lovely marriage, you're married to a wonderful person, it's all going terrifically. You're happy, you're both happy, you think it's great, it's wonderful, and then one day your final comes on and says, I'm not happy. And what a lot of partners will say, well, what's wrong, it's absolutely fine. And we just need to just keep doing what we've been doing. It's been working in a marriage 20 years, but it's no longer working for one of the partners. Right. It's not going to work for both, and trying to get it back to the way it was, which is what we're trying to do when we resist change. Right. We're always going to get it back to the way it was. Well, here's how it works in this universe, there is no devolution, there's only evil elution. Things move forward, they grow. What's out of the box? Can't put them back. I don't know, nothing fits back in that box, nothing. So if the ability to adapt to change faster, now, that's what it takes. It doesn't take you doing a lot, what it takes is letting go. It's no what you've got to get is what you've got to let go of. You've got to make space. You've seen me do that analogy on stage with the two glasses and the glasses both full of water, and one represents one of my students, and the one represents me, and the student says, I want more, and one you've got all this knowledge, and I want some of it. Well, I can't pour it in. You're already full. That's right. You've got to empty it out. And what you've got to do is find out what's no longer working. What is that? The United States is just elected Obama to be president. One day to run, what was his campaign all about? Change. Change. Now, I think that for me as a psychologist, it's fascinating to me that he'd gone in on that, because people are terrified to change. Right. When they're in enormous amounts of pain. And the way the political situation was in the United States, there's a lot of pain. There's a lot of pain. For closures, and bankruptcies, and that means, yeah, the potential terrorism, the situation was the pollution, the earth is being damaged, you know, all these kinds of things. So what's happened is people have had to come out of their numb slumber and go, oh, we're in pain. Yeah. Somebody's offering a change. This isn't working. All of that. Let's try something else. And so if that's, you know, unfortunately for human beings, we tend to only accept change in extremes. And that's why it's actually a real challenge for somebody like Obama. Whether you vote for him or you don't vote for him, whether you vote for him, whether you think this message is great or not, it's actually not relevant. What's relevant is he's inherited this mention that's full of stuff. Yeah. That's full of garbage. So if you think about that as being the country of the United States, there's a lot of garbage in there right now. It's going to be cleared out. And it may be a magnificent country, but there's a lot of cleanup for us. Right? Yeah. That's because the stuff that we don't like is seeping out of the windows and people go, okay, you're willing to go in and clean up. We'll accept the change. Right. And think about it. He ran a campaign telling people, I'm going to put your taxes up. Yeah. Every president who says, I'm going to put your taxes up. Yeah. Every president who's ever gone in is going, you know, I'm going to lower your taxes. Yeah. But he said, I'm going to raise your taxes because he told the truth about we're in a mess and we got to change. That's the kind of thing we have to do with ourselves. We have to be willing to look at what's not working. We're all becoming a fear of change. Look at what's not working. Yeah. Move it forward. If you don't clean up this mess, well, it'd be in 10 years because I will assure you that little dust bunny underneath the couch will lift the couch up in 10 years. Right. It will carry your couch out and put it on the front lawn because you've got to clear things up. That's right. And it's not waiting for it to get. We don't have to wait for it to become extreme. We can use it. This is a wonderful thing about us. Well, that's the thing. Little dust bunny now, it's not a big deal, in 10 years it's massive and it's a huge deal. So when do you want to deal with it? Exactly. And we like to play, you know, all of them like to pretend that it doesn't matter. But all, you know, it's kind of interesting. I mean, if you think about it, I don't know about you Scott, but I guess you're my new 20s either. A little bit past the mess. That's the rule. That's the best 20s, we've got kids who are exceeding those. But doesn't it just seem like 10 minutes ago you were in your 20s? Yeah, it was a lot of time long ago. All right. And I think in terms of time, I think it's not going to be long before we're 10 years older than we are today. Exactly. And we've yet, people put things off all the time. Instead of understanding that time is moving and you either do something, you know, a night a friend years ago and at the time he was 54 and I was in my early 30s, so it was last week. Yes. And he was, he already had a doctorate in education. Him and I were talking and he's saying that he was going to go for another PhD and I said in what? And he said in hypnotherapy and I said, oh, that's fascinating. Why? You've already got a PhD, you know, you're in your early 50s, you got a PhD, yeah, you know, your master's, you've got your BA and you've got a PhD and now you're going for another PhD? Why would you do that? And he just looked at me and just calmly said, because I'll be 60 and I said, yeah. And he said, I can be 60 with one PhD or I can be 60 with two PhDs. And the one I'm going to be 60 with two PhDs is something I love. He said, I'm not doing a PhD because I want a PhD. I'm doing a PhD because it's just a way for me to focus on what it is that I love. Again, that fire in the valley we talked about in previous podcast. That's right. He said, I just have a fire in my belly about this and as I have a fire in my belly about it, you know, he's an academic, I like to have a PhD around it. I'm going to be 60 anyway. Yeah. That's a gold-driven one. Yeah. Right? You actually remind me, we talked to a couple of the last podcasts of the previous one about my copywriting and when I was learning copywriting, I had just started a position, coaching position with the Internet Marketing Center. And I didn't have time to take this course that I had enrolled. Every month they would send me a chapter and I had to do all this stuff. And I was about four months behind before I knew it, because I had all this new job, all these new responsibilities, all this stuff, and I had no time. And I thought, you know, I'm going to, this is a two-year course and I'm going to have it all, and I won't have done any of it, and I just want to do it three weeks, and I've no, you know, it's just, and I want to do it. Right? So I thought, the question I asked myself was, well, like, when could I do it? And what could I do? Right? And I thought, well, you know, they have these exercises and maybe I wouldn't be able to do the exercises, but if I read it, at least I would get that amount of knowledge, right? And so I thought, you know, I like to read before I go to bed. So I said, I'm going to read 15 minutes of this course every night before I go to bed. Right. And in a month and a half I was caught up. I still haven't done all the writing parts, but at least I caught up to that part, right? Yeah. And then I would go back and I would reread it and I would start doing the exercises. But I thought, there was, the time is going to go no matter what. Exactly. So I thought, and here's, you know, 300 pages to read, I'm not going to be able to sit down and read it in a day, but, and I would never understand or remember it all if I did. But I thought, you know what, when I'm relaxed and at the end of the day, when I want to read anyway, I could read for 15 minutes. And before you know what, because the time goes anyway, and before I knew it, I was caught up. So, you know, if that's an example of looking at the potential, now we talked about the consequence, the potential of the problem, and what we tend to say is it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. And then it is a big deal. Right? It is. Right. For you. Yeah. So it's really important to challenge yourself because that delaying, that procrastination is hanging on. It's fear. Yeah. It's hanging on to the security of what you've got now. And, and I know you can say, well, it's not that, it's, it's like, just don't have the time. I've got 17 children and eight dogs. You know, I just don't have the time. Three jobs. Right. Three jobs. You're busy. You've never been busy. Yeah. But when something matters enough, you find a way. That's right. And when it becomes painful enough, you will find a way because that pain makes it important right away, right away. Nothing else gets in the way. So the first thing I would say to people is decide, if you really want security, I'll give you security. I'll tell you how to get it. Be secure in the fact that things will change. That's it. Yeah. Because it's a fact. Nothing remains the same and so really mastery on so many levels is your ability to master change. Yeah. The more you are willing to embrace change, the faster you will get to your outcome, whatever it is. Right. Now, whatever it is you want in your life, doesn't matter. Whatever it is. Think about it. Whatever it is you want in your life. You have the power to get it right now and if the affluence of yes, you are actually wrong. I don't mean to make you wrong, but I know you're wrong and the reason I know is because you don't have it yet. You need more power and what I mean by more power is not the power. You don't need more power within you that you have everything you need. What it is is your power stifled by your fear. So get the fear out of the way and you get more power to do what it is that you want to do. Whatever it is you want in your life, you can have it. If you simply take the time to learn how to get it and then apply what it is that you learn in your life and you can only do that by making room for it. Get rid of what you no longer need, what's no longer relevant. If you want to get an experience of this, I'll give you a great metaphor because I'm of the belief of this, that what you do is what you do. So go in your closet and look for all the clothes that have been in that and that have been in that and that you have no warning at least one year. Give them away. Oh, but that's my favorite sweater though. You have a warning in a year, but this is my high school sweater. Who cares? Make room. There is a homeless person that would look very nice in it and would be nice and warm and it will help them. That would be a person that the city would really appreciate it. Make room, we hold instead of making room and it's like that full glass. There's no room to take in what it is you want. Well, you reminded me of quite a bit of my wardrobe that I haven't worn in a long time. So it was a nice Hawaiian shirt. Yeah. Well, you see, every three years I get invited to a Hawaiian themed party and I need God's shirt. Yeah. You know, I haven't forbid that I go out and have to buy a new Hawaiian shirt next month because today I threw that whole bike. And you know what happens, right? You know, because you don't know why we'll keep it because I know it's going to come in handy. Yeah. Right? And then, you know, three years ago, I didn't get invited to a Hawaiian party, but I'm so glad I kept this. What are you talking about? You're wearing a Hawaiian shirt for one night. You've got a value village, a bond for $3. That's right. And you can create a lot more space. It's like, you know, that's not metaphor of us hoarding in our clothing is what we do in our life. We keep holding on to the old stuff. Take a look at what? Take your pen out right now, you know, probably not why you're driving. Hello. You know, just take out a notepad and write down everything you think you might be holding on to the no longer need and start with the physical. You know, so do you really need that lamp you've had in storage for the last two years? Yeah. Because I assure you, if you didn't need it two years ago and you put it in storage, you probably won't need it in two more years, it's probably already gone out of fashion. You won't even like it. Get rid of it. Write down those things. Go to your storage area, clear out of space. It was amazing. It's a wonderful catharsis because it suddenly makes you realize how much of your own stuff you've got to get rid of. That's interesting as a metaphor because I see the reversal of it. I start working with people and then, but how many say no word? And now come and start talking to me and say, you know, with everything we've been doing and everything I've realized about myself, I just felt this urge and I went home and I cleaned out a pile of stuff and I just got rid of all of them. It just felt like the right thing to do because they stopped storing crap in their head. Yeah. So they had to stop storing crap in their cupboards. That's right. So we've all got a junk drawer. I got one too. Yeah. But I keep my head goes through mine regularly. And what's the junk drawer in your head? Embrace change. Change is good. It's, you won't security have the security of knowing that will always be changed and the most successful people on the planet are the people who change the fastest who have adaptability. Those are the corporations that are winning. You're an, you know, you write coffee, you're an incident marketing. Yeah. How different is incident marketing from two years ago? Oh, completely different. Completely different. You and I know, even as little as a year ago, long coffee. Yeah. Right. Well, more they read them, all they need. You know, we all had dementia. Yeah. Right. Then it was short coffee. Then it was back to long coffee. And then it's putting a video line instead of the company. Right. Then it was just the only ones at the top of the page with a picture of the person. Then it was an audio testimonial with a picture of the person. Now it's a video testimonial. Now it's a video testimonial. You know, it's changed. Yeah. And the internet marketers who were the gurus two years ago, many of them, nobody even knows anymore. That's right. But the ones who are still at the top of the game have constantly adapted and changed. It's an example, example of what's going on in our world. They call it reinventing themselves. Exactly. Yeah. And you've got to be willing to reinvent your belief systems. You've got to be willing to invent the way you do relationships. You've got to be willing to reinvent everything you possibly can. I remember when my space came out and I had about as much interested in that as I did as breaking my own leg. Yeah. Right. So, you know, this does not interest me at all. And along then, you know, because it was kids just doing things, right? And then along came Facebook, which really took over from my space. Yeah. And suddenly it was the big way to network at a business level. Yeah. Right. Every business person I know is on Facebook. Yeah. Right. In fact, we just finished putting our podcast on your Facebook. Exactly. If you're, if you listen, if you go to my Facebook page, I'm right there and the podcast is right there. Yeah. Because it's just another way to let people know about these things. That's right. But, you know, a year and a half ago, I would have gone on Facebook, whatever. Right. You've got to be adaptable. You've got to be flexible. You've got to know that just because it works today doesn't mean it will work tomorrow. And doesn't mean because it worked yesterday is going to work today. If you want real security in your life, become masterful at change. Yeah. I agree. Awesome. Well, thanks. That would be the other guy. It tells you that Scott Penn has been leading expert on podcasts because he podcasts with so many people. He can't remember my plumbing name. Yes. Right. Thanks, though. I was really good and I have to tell you, I'm going to be going home because there are shirts that I have been holding on to that I'm going to let go of. And as you do, you'll let go of all the old ideas. Yeah. You're the clutter of the mind. Well, and I'm thinking of particular shirts that actually do link to clutter and old beliefs. Well, you know, if you really want to take you there, here's a good thought. When you go in the closet, not you, but all of us. When we go in the closet to clear it out, you will notice that you didn't keep the shirt, the sweater, the pants, the skirt, whatever it is. You didn't keep them because you liked them. You keep them because it's a memory associated with that. Absolutely. You do, and even we talk about this in other podcasts, but everything we do has an emotional connection. And we don't realize how powerful emotions are for us, but the emotional connection is there. And what we think is if we get rid of the sweater, we're going to lose the memory. And what you can keep the memory, you don't need the sweater. You keep the sweater for security that you can have the memory. Take out your action, your action guys, your journal, your diary, whatever it is you want to call it, write about the memory, get yourself in touch with that, maybe you'll have a tear, maybe you'll have some laughter, and then give the sweater away for yourself up. That's right. Yeah. Actually, I can really feel the weight of those memories. So yeah, very cool. Well, we give our listeners a lot to think about today. And me too. Good. Well, I like doing these with you. Good. Thank you. Do you know more about your programs or get some of your free books, audios, videos? Where could they go? Besides your Facebook page? Yeah. You can suddenly go to our main site, which is baronmastery.com, B-A-R-O-N-M, as in mother, A-S-T-E-R-Y.com, baronmastery.com, and you'll find out about the workshops, the seminars, the tele-seminas, the audios, the e-books, all kinds of great stuff right there for you. Yeah, it's wonderful. Thanks for joining us, everybody, and if you've listened to any of our previous podcasts, you can go to dogbaron.potomatic.com and leave some comments and some questions. If you've got a topic that you'd like us to talk about in an upcoming podcast, leave a comment there. If you've cleaned out some of your old clothes and you want to share your experiences, leave a comment there, too. We'd love to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing you next time and be well in body, mind, and soul. Bye-bye. Bye. This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit c-suiteradio.com. [SOUND]