The Dov Baron Show

Be a Master - Mind Mastery Podcast - Podcast #24

Broadcast on:
18 Dec 2008
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Discover the secrets of Dov's three day event, Attracting Force and start the journey towards Mastery. With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 21:23 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon

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[music] Hi everybody and listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. I'm your host Scott Patton along with Dove Baron. Hey Dove, how are you doing today? Great stuff, good to be here as always, looking forward to this. Awesome, well one of the things that you just had an amazing attracting force this past weekend. We do, we just do the attracting force, it's such an amazing program, so powerful to watch people transform moment, just over three days, it's so cool to see, you know, and I always say bring me a skeptic, I like skeptics, because I, and the reason is because I love watching the transformation, these are the people of climate, arms are crossed enough, bowels are furrowed and you just watch them transform and it's interesting because we have had a very big skeptic in this audience who happened to do lots of work for you, so I knew you, knew the work and everything else, but I never actually experienced you in action if I can put it that way. Yeah, that's true, I, I, our director of e-commerce had not attended a live event, been to all my material, but not attended a live event, loved my books, been through my audio, loved all that stuff, never been to a live event. So he tends to be, he's trained to be a very critical eye, and so when he looks at things, he looks at them for the critical eye, and he's looking at how they can be improved and what could be better and all that kind of stuff, so. And he's very, I know him as well, he's very much in his head I would say. Yeah, he's, he's, he's been trained to live upstairs, as I call it, to be a head case, I call me what head case is to live in that head, to live in that crazy, just live in that head. So what happened at the end of the event with it? Well, at the, at the least day, he seemed to be quite surprised by how much he had learned, and he particularly loved the science, and because that's one of the things that's really, I think unique about what you do is it's, because a lot of people will go and they'll have some sort of experience and then they'll sort of share that, and that's it. But you go and you say, well look, you know, here's a scientific proof that our scientists, the quantum scientists have done, and this is how it all fits in. So you actually bring kind of a spiritual, emotional side and the scientific side, sticking together and say, this is how the whole thing works, folks. It's the bridge between the, the hot science and the soft spirituality brings it together. And you know, I don't know about you, but in all likelihood, you like me glazed over during science class, you know, most of us did, and no longer because it was the science, but often it was the science teacher who was just so, you know, you know, heading on, you know, this is like monotone. At any time I was awake in science class was when there was a threat of my experiment exploding on me. Yeah, then I gave you perky. So it was, it was never particularly an interesting subject for most people, I know some people loved it. And I have been fascinated by what I call dead sex and research, which is just research that for me is, is sexy in the sense of it, it's, wow, you know, it proves what it is that I have studied in all my studies of spirituality. And as I said, e-commerce guy loves the science of it. It's not really a science of a guy, but love the science of it because it's delivered in a way that makes it make sense. Right. And as one of the guys, one of the students said on Sunday, he said, "I suddenly realize what this program is about." And I said, "Well, I'm glad you're getting it now." And he said, "No, no." He said, "That's not meant as a negative." He said, "It's a positive." And I said, "Well," he said, "You said I realize you've been spending this time actually convincing us scientifically that we are creating our own reality." And he goes, "That's been out there for a long time as a concept. You show us scientifically how we're doing it at every possible level, at the level of your own physical DNA to the level of your inanimate objects that we're interacting with from a mentally emotional and spiritual level and the changing those things." Right. The powerful thing to get, to realize and part of the reason why I think that people don't get what they want in their life and don't manifest what they want in their life is because they walk around with this cloud and the cloud is fear. We're bombarded by fear and that fear makes us foggy so it doesn't allow us to see the evidence that's right before our eyes. Yeah. And so if you don't get rid of the fear, you can't see the things. When you don't get rid of the fear, then you're stuck in being fearful of change and you can't get open. So you get a fear out of the way and suddenly you start to see so much more and that's when everything starts to open up. Well, when you think about it, when someone's, if you're really, really scared, what happens to your vision? It just narrows right down. It's a scientific fact and we talk about this in one of our other programs that we become 27% dumber, 27% dumber in a stressful or fearful situation. And what it is is that there's 27% of the blood flow to the frontal lobes, which is the front part of the brain which we process decision making, is washed away, is pulled away and is put back into the mammalian part of the brain and the reptilian part of the brain. The parts of your brain are really about the survival of taking care of yourself. And the forward thinking body of your brain starts getting starved of blood. That's why people don't do so well in tests on exams. They're stressed out before they go into the exam. Yeah, they're scared of what's going on. They're scared. So the blood flow's not going in the frontal lobes. They can't think. Can't think. Can't think. They do poor. They're in the exam. Walk out of the exam. 15 minutes out of the exam. They remember all the questions and all the answers and they go, "Wow, what happened?" Right. Because the blood flow came back. So this fear we're walking around in stops us from manifesting the reality that we really want to manifest. So having the signs of the understanding of it step by step gives you the mental clarity. Then we do, of course, as you know, we break through each of your fears. We have a process of breaking through fears. We break through each one of those fears. And now you've got the mental clarity. You've got processes, techniques, technologies to manifest what you want. And you go through the fear. And you're out of fear. You're out of fear. And that's why people's lives go, "Yeah." They just take off with a rocket. Right. Pretty cool. That is really neat. It's so invigorating, as I said to you earlier, to what's that transformation in people? To what's people's lights come on as I say. Right. Right. It's just that the lights come on. Their eyes get lit up. And it's one guy who was there this week in his. He's actually back. He came back. He's his third attracting force. In fact, I think he was at the one you were at. I won't give his name, but he speaks with a very heavy accent. Okay. And he came in originally as a very hard skeptic, really hard skeptic. And I said as anyway, you know, it was a point in the program where he says, "Maybe he's still skeptical about this." Then he said, "Yes." They're very hard. I go, "Yes." And then I'm flinging in the air, and he's back for at least the time. Nice. And people ask him, "Well, why are you here three times?" He goes, "Because I keep getting more out of it." Right. Because they just keep getting more out of it. Well, and I think, you know, that's a really good point. Because one of the things that I often say in my life is I want to be a master of my life. Mm-hmm. And you cannot become a master at anything by going once. No. It takes practice and practice and practice. And I mean, the Karate Kid movie was a great example, you know, "Wipe on, wipe off," and all that sort of stuff. And we go over it and over it and over it. And I think that it's really important that we practice, you know, and take one discipline. I mean, I like to use the example of someone who takes one judo lesson and one juditsu lesson and one kung fu lesson and one karate lesson, and then goes and tries to pick a fight with somebody and get smacked over it. Exactly. Not going to work. Right. So we need to practice the things and going back to weekends like attracting force and redoing it, I think, is a great way to practice. Because you don't get it all the first time, and it's so deep, and there's so many levels, you just have to keep practicing. But you know, if you think about it, the society we live in, you've heard me talk about this before, I call this a cocaine mentality. Mm-hmm. There's a cocaine mentality of instant gratification. That's right. Instant high, instant gratification. And the challenge with that is that people have become trained to expect that they're going to do anything once. Yeah. And they're going to be there. Around on people who go back and they label them and call them names, instead of understanding, hold on a second, how many, I did this analogy the weekend, how many times did you fall on your ass before you learned to walk? Yeah. Quite a few. At least a thousand. Yeah. You know? At least a thousand. And by the time you finish, you had two in the back of your neck. I mean, you're in a diaper and it's, you know, you didn't stop, you didn't go, "Oh, you know, I'm getting sick of this." Yeah. And I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm giving it up. That was when I'll be crawling around. Mom's going to carry me for the rest of my life. No way. You know, you've got to get up and keep going. That's right. You've got to practice. And this, that's a very good point you're making, that's good. We have to stop and realize you don't get anything instantaneously and it's any, any meant to get a level of proficiency. Not mastery. Yeah. Proficiency takes practice. Right. And then do it again, do it again, do it again. Yeah. As you know, I, I do a lot of copywriting. Yeah. And the people that taught me copywriting said that to get a mediocre is 1000 hours. Yes. To become, you know, really pretty good, like almost an expert is another 1000 hours. And to be the, you know, one freighter stare of copywriting sort of thing is a third 1000 hours. Plus you have to have the talent. Right. Right. You don't have the, but the talent doesn't matter until the last 1000 hours. Right. And I've looked at that and I go, you know, and you know, you can shorten, for those of you that think, oh my goodness, I mean, I, you know, to be enlightened, I need to do 3000 hours. Well, the good news is you can shorten the learning curve if you have good teachers, good coaches, good mentors to help you along. Right. But you still need to practice to work at it, to go at it, to go at it. You know, I think you remember the last post access, which you were at. Yeah. And somebody had asked me a question and the question was about how long I'd been studying and how many different teachers I've studied under and all those kinds of things. And I had said that it's, I spent more than 20 years studying different teachings with different teachers, different learning methods, all these kinds of things. And somebody asked me the question, was I, was I good with that? Did I, you know, did I feel like I still needed to keep doing it? And I said the other thought learning was important and I still spend now, it was used to be about 20,000 a year and I was spending about $40,000 a year on my education, which is more than the average person spending at a university. Right. I spent about $40,000 a year on my education and people say, well, why? You know, you're already at the peak of what it is that you do because the learning is that important and because I want to keep growing, because actually my brain, as a biological process, works better with new information. Right. If you want to find out about people who've got Alzheimer's, very often it's people who didn't get enough stimulus, they stop learning. Stop learning. Right. So we've got to keep learning and by committing to that continuous learning, what happens is the thing that you learned that you got five years ago at a head level suddenly becomes something you get viscerally, you've got it in your body, you've got it, oh yeah, you know it. That's right. Because I don't know the analogy I've given that so many times is this. I can sit here, you and I can sit here, and we can describe to our listeners the joys of swimming in the ocean and snorkeling with dolphins, with dolphins or a reef. Yeah. And we can describe that with extreme beauty. We can go into all the details of the warmth of the water as you're really watching over your skin. The colors of the fish, the sun coming down on your back as you paddle through the water with the warm water, just pushing against your body as it feels great, feels wonderful and you look down and you see the colors and you can almost touch the fishes that go by your mask and it's magnificent. Guess what? You're never going to get wet. That's right. No matter how well we describe it, you will not get wet. That's the difference. You must experience it. You've got to get wet. You've got to get wet. You've got to dive into anything that you want to do in your life. And as I said, it's what, you know, proficiency takes practice, mastery takes extreme. Go back, do it again, do it again, do it again. So you've got it down to a fine, and as you said, the karate kid was a great example of it. Yeah. And it's so worthwhile doing it. Well you know, it's kind of like you were saying about a copywriter. Very often you don't know it's worthwhile until you're there and that's why you've got to have something within you. Because it, because when you're about mastery in anything, whether it's copywriting or enlightenment or whatever it is, you have got to have an inner drive, you've got to decide in you that it's so important that it is so absolutely important that you're going to get there. Now, we all know who L.J. Simpson is and most of us are not a very good idea about a guy. But as a sportsman, he's a pretty extraordinary story. As a sportsman, he had, you know, those Forrest Gump braces on his legs as a child, he had those. Oh, I didn't know it. Yeah, he had the metal braces on his legs. And I can't remember the name of it because I'm not an American sports guy, but there was a very famous American football player when O.J. was a kid and O.J. got to meet this guy at the gate and asked him a question and spoke to him and the guy inspired him. And the guy said, and he said he wanted to be a football player like this man, and the guy looked down at O.J. and said, "If you really want to be, you can do it." Now, this kid's in leg braces like Forrest Gump, right, and he says, "If you really want to do it, you can do it." Well, you know, whatever O.J. was as a human being, as a sportsman, he was actually at the top of his game. Yeah, he was incredible. He was an absolute star. How is that possible? Yeah. Because it certainly doesn't look like president is going to help him. Right. I mean, a drive. And that's what we've got to have, is to get proficiency is one thing, to get mastery is another. Everybody. Well, everybody. Most people learn to drive. Yeah. Most people practicing now to become reasonably proficient at it. Reasonably. Yeah. They can get to working back usually without an accident. Right. And they've got a license and that's the level of proficiency. But if you want to become a race car driver, a rally car driver, you want to drive on the roads in a way that the average person doesn't drive, you're going to have to take some more lessons. Yes. So what? You've got a license. That's not mastery. No, that's right. Mastery is about real commitment. Even when you don't appear to have it, what it takes is that fire inside of you. It's like we talked about George Harrison. Yeah. Remember that? We talked about George Harrison. Long time ago, George Harrison, playing with the Beatles and his song "While My Guitar Gently Weeks" when that song came out with the Beatles, people were like, wow, that's amazing. George, you're a brilliant guitarist and they interviewed him about it and he said, listen, I was never as good on guitar as Paul or John. He goes, Paul was a genius. John was a natural. He goes, I practiced. He goes, this is in the heavy drug day, and I practiced eight hours a day. He goes, I was out of it most of the time, but I played it until my finger's blood. Right. And he goes, before I did this song, I took lessons for two hours every day with Eric Harrison. He was not as good as those guys, but his commitment to mastery made him one of the best and that's what it takes. So I'm saying to you here, right now, as you're listening, commit to mastery in whatever it is you decide and do not accept that proficiency is good enough that you've got to go beyond proficiency to mastery, if it matters to you, not because somebody else tells you you should, because you've got a fire in your own house to say, yeah, this is what I want. I'm going to do it and I will invest the time, I'll invest the money, I will invest the patience no matter what, no matter what the media is telling me is going on in the world, no matter what my family tells me or my friends tell me or those others tell me, this is my fire. Get the fire on your soul and keep going. Well, I don't think you can continue after that. If you go to, you can hear previous podcast episodes that we've done, but the reason I'd like you to go there is to leave a comment and let us know, you know, what's the fire in your belly, like what is it that you want to master? And we can support you that way and our community can support you that way because you're standing up and saying, hey, here I am, and my commitment is, and this is what I'm going to master. Yeah, and also tell us what you'd like us to discuss with you. Tell us what you'd like to hear us talk about. If you've got a question or a comment, all those things. Yeah, we really like to get your feedback. It's So, So, that's D-O-V-B-A-R-O-N-Doth. Potomastic. Wow, that was tough. So, Doug, where can someone go to find out more about attracting force in some of the other programs? Attracting force, first access in some of my other programs, you can go to baron,, What's the information there? Videos, audios, e-books, and you can find out about all the programs. I look forward to meeting you in person sometime, very soon. Awesome. Thanks for joining us, everybody. See you next time. You've been listening to the Mind Mastering Podcasts. This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. 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