What can you do about the recession? We have been bombarded by information about foreclosures, stock market plunging, bank losses, trillion dollar debts, billion dollar bailouts... Citigroup Inc. is cutting approximately 53000 more jobs in the coming quarters as the banking giant struggles to steady itself after suffering massive losses from deteriorating debt. But do you have to buy into this? What if you don't? What if you don't have to react fearfully? With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 15:32 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon
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I'm your co-host, Scott Patton along with Dove Baron. Hey Dove, how are you doing today? Good Scott, good to be here. Awesome. Well last time we were talking about the importance of looking forward particularly when you wanted to have a long and healthy life. Absolutely. And there's been some things that have been happening in the news lately, particularly the financial news that would cause a lot of people to be looking forward but not necessarily with joy and anticipation or certainly not good anticipation. And of course that's the recession that's coming, the massive drops in the stock markets. And as we record this we don't know who won the presidential election but I think there's probably a lot of anticipation going on in the United States around that as well. Well I'm sure that by the time that people are listening to this we will know who the next U.S. president is and you will know that as you're listening. And I think that there is a lot of hope that whoever becomes the president, whoever is the president as you're listening to this is going to bring about some really positive changes. But that doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of mass media that is fear-based right now around this recession and what does this mean and how this is going to affect people. And we talked about how important it is to look forward to what it is we're doing in order to live a vital and vibrant life. But at the same time there is no doubt that there is a financial hit going on, stock markets are down and all those kinds of things and the problem is that people are beginning to panic they're beginning to stop moving forward and it's very important that you now start moving forward. It's interesting because when these things happen we tend to hunker down, pull back, pull back and in fact we need to do the exact opposite. Now I know that sounds kind of crazy from one but just think about it. How many times have you been told in the last three months alone about the potential dangers of foreclosures and economic situations you've been bombarded with us? But what if all the same, nothing changed financially? What if nothing had changed financially and in the other hand the media have been telling you things are great? What would happen? See I don't know if you remember after 9/11 the American government asked the American people to be good Americans and go out and spend. Even though the economy was down. Do you remember that? The economy was in the economy. They were afraid everything was going to stop. They said no. Get out there and live your life and they told people purchase, bye. Now that's it, that's what makes it work if we not bend the media nonsense, if we instead come out live from a place of abundance everything changes. You see here's what I would ask our listeners, I want you to think of the three areas of your life. Let's think about yourself and your relationships so you and your relationships, your finances and your contribution. Let's just take those three areas for a moment. So you and your relationships, what do you want to achieve, and I'm asking you to think about this right now. What do you want to achieve in the next couple of years? Where do you want to be personally and where do you want to be relationally? Then think about your finances. Where do you want to be financially? I'm not asking you to look at the recession, I'm asking you to think about where do you want to be financially, regardless of what's happening in the world. Absolutely regardless. And thirdly, I would ask you to look at within the next couple of years, what do you want to contribute? What do you want to give? What do you want to put out into the world? What difference do you want to make over the next two years? Now I'm going to challenge you to, you might be listening to this while you're on your bike or you're walking or whatever, but I'm going to challenge you to actually stop, if not now, later to rewind and do it again, but to stop and write down whatever those things are. And then I'm going to ask you to do something else, and I'm going to ask you to make each one of those dreams at least twice as big, and I'm going to ask you to double each one of them. And people say, well that's crazy, Doug, there's a recession. Right. Right? Yeah. And I would say to you, ask yourself this question, why do you want those things? Whatever it is you want, why do you want them? If you want them from an ego drive, then your ego is running this show around the fear anyway, and you're not getting them because your ego is going to get in the way, because your ego driven. But if what you want, you want, because it's something that is a burning desire within you, that there's some part of you that has to have it, you've heard me say before, you didn't get your dreams by mistake. That's right. That your dreams is supposed to have them. I would challenge you to double your dreams, particularly in a time of recession. And people say, well, how am I going to do it? And the answer to that is real simple, how's not your business? Why is your business? That's right. Because if your why is strong enough, if you emotionally driven, I have to do this and here's why. I have to have this in my life and here's why. The more you go to that place, the how will show up. That's right. That's what's going to be driving you. And that's got nothing, it's not going to be impacted any way, shape, or form by a recession. Here's the thing I want you to understand. And this is statistical fact. More millionaires are made in a recession than in a boom. That's right. Let's say about the depression. There were more millionaires made during the depression than at any other time. You know, we've all seen those images of people jumping out of the Wall Street windows or all heard the stories of people jumping out of Wall Street windows during the Great Depression. And in fact, it did happen and it happened twice. I was going to say, I don't think it was as many as most people. It was twice. If you go look it up, there were two people who did it. But of course, the media picked up on it and it became this idea that it was going on all over. Now, you know, the truth is, sure, two people jumped out of the window and we don't know their circumstances and whatever was their reasons. Maybe it was nothing to do with Wall Street, but they had to work on Wall Street, but they just found out that somebody, they loved it past or somebody had cheated on them all. Any number of other reasons. Who knows? Who knows? They didn't leave a nose. Right. Certainly not for us. Yeah. Right. So what we do know though, is that there were very many millionaires made during that time. And the answer to making money is very simple. How do you solve somebody's problem? Yeah. The bigger problem that you can solve, the more money you make. And if you can solve that problem while being an absolute integrity with the drive of your own dream and your own soul and what it is that you want, then people will pay you very nicely. Yeah. Do not get caught in the idea of a recession and cut back. What you need to do is invest forward. Invest in your own consciousness. There are two economies. There's the economy of the world and there is the economy of your consciousness. It cannot control the economy of the world, but you can definitely control the economy of your own consciousness. And if you go into lack, then you will attract less and less of what it is you want and more and more of what it is you don't want. The bottom line is whatever you're focusing on is whatever is what you're going to manifest. That's right. That's what expands. Right. Exactly. As you put your attention on it, it drains your intention and starts to become the manifestation. So it's really important for us to understand that this recession is in fact going on in two levels. It's going on in the world, we're not pretending it isn't, but at the same time, it's also going on inside people and the more we feed into it, a mindset level. The recession of the mind, the recession, think about what does recession mean? It means pull back. Mm-hmm. Right? I was thinking of, there's been a lot of news about foreclosures in the United States. Right? Absolutely. But when you, depending on how you look at the stats, it's a very small percentage of all the homes that are in danger of being foreclosed upon. Of course. And those are of course all people that shouldn't have had homes in the first place. I won't say all of them, but there's a substantial number that got credit that they shouldn't probably have gotten. So, well, I think it's one of the, it's part of the idea around the law of attraction. Many people around the law of attraction made it about getting stuff, right? You know, and we talk about the law of resonance, as you know. Right. And law of attraction, for many people, became about getting more and more stuff. And they thought that they were wealthy because they got stuff. When in fact, there was a credit system that was set up to allow you to get more stuff but never be able to bloody pay off. Right. And then people got into a lot of trouble with that. And we always talked about how important it is to be focused certainly positively in all those kinds of things, but to make sure your feet are firmly planted on the floor at the same time. Right. Right. And that means when you spend, make a spending that is an investment, there is purchases and there is investments. Yes. You and me talk about this at a secret beyond the law of attraction, there's an attracting force. There's price versus value. Yeah. It's something you purchase, value is something where you've got an investment and the investment is going to pay you back. Now, if you purchased a house and you bought it on interest only, you know, I respect the fact that you made your choice and that is your choice and that's okay. But you can't expect not to get into too much trouble if there's a turn in the economy. And what do we know is that economy is not level. Well, and also in a lot of those particular cases, you started off with a 2% interest rate for two years and then it went to like 10. Right. All of a sudden you've got like four times or five times the monthly payment and if you can only barely afford the 2%, you weren't thinking too much. Well, the other side of this is understanding this is that I don't know if you remember Scott, but I certainly remember when houses were selling with an interest rate of 22%. I remember that. Yeah. So a 10% and this is what I'm talking to some of my friends in the investment world right now who are saying this is a great time to buy, this is a fantastic time to buy because people are not buying the property prices are falling and their words are and the interest rate is still only around 10%. Yeah. It's a great deal. Right. Right. Right. Right. But you see that that's a completely different mindset. Yeah. Totally different perspective. Right. Everything is away from lack into abundance, understanding that if you've got plenty of money that's lying around, you probably didn't buy in the boom. Yeah. Or you bought in the boom and you sold before it crashed. Yeah. And then you've now got holding on to that cash, waiting for the market to drop a little bit, getting in, certainly at a higher interest rate, but getting in and you're going to do really, really well because we know markets go up and down. That's right. So the trick is buying low and selling high and who hasn't heard that? Yeah. We've all heard you've got to buy low sell high. That's right. And what do most people do? They buy high and all people get higher. Yeah. That's right. Right. And unfortunately when it drops the panic and they sell it low. Exactly. So not claiming neither of us are claiming to be economic, economics may not be financial advisors. No, not at all. But what we're talking about here is consciousness. Yeah. And the trap of slipping into recessive consciousness, behaving like there's a recession inside your own mind. This is the time to invest in yourself, to invest in your consciousness. Not to panic, but to invest in yourself. You know, you've heard me say this many times and that's this. The only investment you can ever make that no one can ever take away from you, not the government, not the foreclosures, not the dentists and no one can ever take away from you is the investment you make in your own heart, soul and mind. As you invest in the elevation of your own consciousness, nobody can take that away from you and we've got to stay solid with that. Don't get off where you live your life. Exactly. That's where you've got to live from. And as I said, don't be focused on the how, be focused on the why. The stronger that your why is, the way the more things happen. You know, whether it's an allegory, a metaphor or truth, there was a guy called Moses, I've heard of him. Yeah, in my opinion, people knew him as Mo, and Mo was, you know, wandering across this land where a bunch of people fall in him and he came upon this sea and he needed to get across this sea. And if he just stood there going, well, how are we going to do it? You know, even if we can't build any boats, we haven't got a construction scene with all the bridge. Right. You know, if he doesn't focus on the how. He'd have been in trouble. Well, he'd have been in trouble and the bandit so we're coming after him would have definitely had their way. That's right. But he got to focus on the why. And what I'm trying to explain about this is simply miracles happen the more you are focused on your why. Get focused on your why and the miraculous will happen for you. It's got nothing to do with what CNN or the Fox or ABC or any of the other news channels tell you. Yeah. Build a strong why and the miracles will happen, invest in yourself, invest in your consciousness. Now is not the time to pull away, now is the time to invest, stand up, move forward. Like I said, the how is not your business. Awesome. So if someone wanted to maybe learn some more about investing in their consciousness, where could they go, go to baronmastery.com, B-A-R-O-N-M-A-S-T-E-R-Y.com, baronmastery.com. You can find out about workshops, the seminars, books, audios, videos, there's all kinds of good free stuff on this site too. And you can find out about all the great programs, of course, some of those are coming up. There you go. Awesome. Time out of your busy day, Doug, to share all this great stuff with us. You've been listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast, and we'll see you next time. Thank you for listening, and we look forward to hearing you next time, thanks again. Just go. Bye bye. Bye. This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit c-suiteradio.com. [MUSIC]