The Dov Baron Show

How to Be Young No Matter Your Age - Mind Mastery Podcast - Podcast #22

Broadcast on:
04 Nov 2008
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This week learn the secret to the Fountain of Youth. Dõv Baron and Scott Paton discuss Bio-Markers and how old you really are. Plus how to drop years off your "Bio Age" in months! With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 17:32 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Get bonus content on Patreon

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[music] Alright, hello everybody. You're listening to the Mind Mastery podcast. We've been off the air for a little while because all sorts of exciting things have been happening. I'm your co-host Scott Patton and... And I'm Doug Varen. Hey Doug, how are you doing? Excellent. It's good to be back. Awesome. You're looking very healthy and fit today, as usual. Doing all the right things to keep me that way. And all the wrong things to make a balance. Well, that's the key to balancing, right? Well, finally, you know, we talked about in a very early podcast. Understanding that you can never be totally imbalanced. That's not possible. One of the problems is we drive for perfection. Yes. So you can never be always completely imbalanced, but you've got to do things to counterbalance. So, for instance, I do a lot of hours and I... I do... My life is a high stress life, but I do a lot of things to counterbalance that. So that's why I'm healthy. For example, exercising. Yeah. I exercise five days a week on average. That would be about 45 minutes of cardio every day. And I do intense cardio. And then about 45 minutes, 40 to 45 minutes of weights. How long have you been doing the weights? I've been doing the weights for 31 years. 31 years? Which is amazing, because I'm only 32. Well, you only went after you four. So you've been doing the weights for 31 years. And one of the things we were talking before we started recording was biomarkers. Yeah, biomarkers. And we've been talking about the bone density and that sort of stuff. And to share with everybody what the doctor said about your bone density. Well, I had some bone density tests done on a full spectrum blood analysis. And my doctor was kind of shocked because my bio age markers show me in my mid to late 20s. Nice. And as soon as I'm not, I'm now in my 50s, that's pretty great. Yes. And one of the things around this is the understanding of how important it is to do resistance training. Which in simple terms means lifting weights. Right. You know, you can do it with bands and all those kinds of things because it's about resistance against your own muscles. That's all great. But actually using weights makes a big difference. And what we were talking about is. And you're talking about free weights too. Free weights. Weight machines were too. Okay. Machines are good too. All right. But one of the things we were talking about is these bio age markers. And these are markers in your body that tell you how old you are. Now there's a couple of simple tests you can do. You can go online and I believe it's real That's right. And you can go there and you put your battery of questions. And at the end of it, they'll tell you approximately how old you are. And that's based on lifestyle. Right. However, if you have a full battery of tests around bone density and all those kinds of things, you can find out how old you are based on your bio markers. Then you need not a regular adult so you'll need one who's into longevity stuff. Right. But if you go check that, that's fascinating. And what we were discussing before we came on the air. Was how important lifting weights is for people with osteoporosis. As we get older, the bones tend to thin. We were talking about how people can break bones much easier as they get older. Yeah. Without somebody thinking I am into them. Well, and oftentimes, like I've heard of people who were in their 80s and they were just, you know, took a step and they fell over and broke their hip. Yeah. And crumbles. The question then is did they break the hip and for them, that made them fall over or did they actually fall and break the hip. And some people are saying no, the hip broke as they took the step, which is why they fell over. Exactly. And that's not a good thing to have happen when you're in your 80s. No, it's not a good thing that I'm going to any age. Right. And so what we know from the research, from medical research, is this. Is that they took a bunch of 80 year old people who had never lifted weights. And they found that bio age markers and most of them were about their own age, about 80 and their bio age markers. And a bio age marker says how old you are as in cellularly, the health of your body, as opposed to chronologically. Right. What they all want to be as young as we can be, regardless of our chronologically. We want to be vital. We want to be vibrant, you know. So what they did was they got these people, this group of people who are in their 80s and they got in the lift weights for only six months and then they did nothing else. So they didn't supplement them, they didn't change their diet, they didn't do anything else. They just got them to lift weights for six months. Then they checked that bio age markers and showed that they were 12 years younger in a period of six months. That's the fountain of youth. Exactly. You know, so much is generated from the bones and the bone marrow. Now the interesting thing about it is this, what we know is that lifting weights to a level of intensity, and I'm sure they won't push it too hard for the intensity 80. But lifting weights to a level of intensity also generates a release of growth hormone in the pituitary gland. Now this is very, very important because this is the youth, this is the youth hormone. Right. Right. And many people go and they have growth hormone injections and those kinds of things for their youth. But if you lift weights to a level of intensity, your increase in growth hormone release is dramatic. So when they found that these bio age markers have come back by 12 years. So from 80s to 68, that's significant. That is. It's fascinating to see. So these are some of the ways you can keep yourself well. Right. And the interesting thing about it lifting weights, as we've talked about, bone density, growth hormone, serotonin release in the brain. I feel better. So you feel better, you're in a better mood. The research on it, um, helping depression. You know, as I said, I've been lifting 31 years now. When I started lifting, the only people who lifted weights were meat heads. Right. That's how they were referred to. Right. You know, just some idiot bodybuilder is dick and doesn't cap. Right. And now what we're of course discovering is it's a phenomenally important way to stay healthy. Right. And in fact, I wrote an article on it called Buddha Muscles. Ha ha. And it explains of how important lifting weights is and the focus of lifting weights is in having you become sensitive. Now think about it. Right. Every, there's a, there's a big metal, muscle and spiritual aspect. Very much as spiritual. So every spiritual teacher, every spiritual philosophy, every martial art, every top sport focuses on one thing. As a common denominator and that's breath. Right. It's breath. Now the way we breathe is the release of chemicals in our brain, the hormonal system or the oxygenation of the blood. Yeah. All of those things. And when you lift weights, not so your big grunting lunatic. Although there's no wrong with that actually because that's fun too. Yeah. But when you lifting weights in a correct manner, it's all about focusing on breath. And what that does, it brings you back to the present. So that's why some of those guys are feeling very intense. They're absolutely focused in that second on lifting that weight. Well, what do you do when you meditate? When you meditate, you breathe and you focused on the moment. That's right. So for me, when people used to say to me years ago, hey, you know you're the spiritual guy, you travel to be with these spiritual teachers and you lift weights. You're a bodybuilder, that's the same counterintuitive. Right. Only country. It was absolutely complimentary. Yeah. I found it to be a meditation. And oftentimes, if you talk to high performing athletes, and you say, well, how did you do whatever you did? They'll say, well, I was just in the zone. Exactly. Totally in the moment. Totally focused and that's a very spiritual place to be. Right. So sport is in truth a spiritual path. If you follow it that way. Right. If you drive it by your ego, then certainly you can do that. But you can use it as a spiritual process. And as I said, you can change the way the body is responding. You can change the bio age markers. You can become incredibly healthy. And what we want to know about people who don't do that, well, we know that they die much sooner. Much sooner, lifting weights has been shown to remove depression, as well as many other things. For instance, we were talking about earlier that the average person will never last longer than seven years after the day they retire. They're dead within seven years. That's amazing. Right. Why are they dead? Well, they're certainly dead. I mean, there's a lot of physiological reasons. Well, let's just go through some of the reasons to help us understand what it takes. Obviously, the diet is not right usually. So, you know, an improvement in your diet is a key to younger. If you have a typical North American diet, you're in trouble. Well, it's one of the things we talked about in my Quantum Life Mastery program is that North America is the most overfed malnutritioned nation on the planet. We consume, in North America, more calories per person than any other culture in the world. And our nutritional level is one of the lowest. So, we're actually malnutritioned. And we think of malnutrition as those kids in Africa with the swollen bellies and the flies all over them. Right. No, malnutrition is the guy who eats the McDonald's twice a day. Well, you see these guys walking around with these huge swollen bellies. Yeah. And they're from Africa, they love flies. Right. But, you know, so we've got to change our diet. We've got to get healthier around what it is we eat. That's certainly part of it. The other thing is we've got to become more present. And present means emotionally present, mentally present, spiritually present, physically present, all of those things. Emotionally present means dealing with our feelings as they come up. As we repress them, that causes a lot of negative hormones within us. So, we get releases of drugs like cortisol in the brain, which is a stress hormone. And it strips the body of all kinds of good stuff that you would need. Doesn't help at all. So, we've got to lower our stress, breathing, meditation. No one can argue with you that we're in a very stressful environment. It's more stressful than it's ever been. You know, you and I around the same age bracket, and I remember being at school when I was 11, and my science teacher saying, "By the year 2000, we've seen so far away." By the year 2000, we will only work if we want to, and we will have robots do that for us. I remember my son and he would say that too. And we'll take pills for meals. Yeah. Alright, so we're on TV then. Probably, yeah. So, it was... It's interesting that we've gotten all these new devices, quote unquote, to make our life easier. And in fact, we're busier than we've ever been. And busier doing stuff that we don't necessarily feel we have control over. Exactly. I mean, you know, I remember when I was a kid, the average work week was 30 at five hours a week. Yes. So, 35 hour a week work week, and then it got expanded to a 40 hour a week. And it took you 20 minutes to get to and from work. Exactly. At least, you know, or no more than that. No more than. Right. Now, most people, it takes more than an hour to get to and from work. Yeah. So, that's actually two hours. And the average work week now is still officially 40 hours, but most people do not work less than 50. Yeah. Alright, most people are putting those extra hours. You know, whether they're driving towards a promotion or whatever it is, so we've got enormous amounts of stress in our lives. So, that's another big factor. So, we need to breathe. We need to meditate. We need to eat healthy. We need to exercise. Those are all very important. Now, there's another reason that I want to just touch on this and then before we finish off. But another reason why people die, and this is a fascinating piece psychologically. One of the reasons people die within seven years is because they no longer have anything to look forward to. Now, that sounds simple, but that's really important. But what do we look forward to? Now, we used to think that what was killing these people off is their sedentary. You know, they quit their job and then they sat around the house. That's not true. Many of them still die within their seven years who were not sedentary. My father-in-law was dead within five years of retiring. And he was anything but sedentary. He was a busy guy. He was always fixing up the house and cleaning out the gutters and driving the grandkids and doing all those kinds of things. Definitely a busy guy. Well, on the other side of that, my grandparents lived to 102 and 103. Wow. They started. They were on the farm. They homesteaded. They did all that stuff. They had harsh lies and very physical work. When they retired and they moved into the city, they did nothing. Rama would cook, grandpa would sit, and they would talk and everything else. But they loved it when we came. Right. When you're coming back, Scott, and the visitors would come and everything else. They were all, like I'm just thinking about, they were very sedentary, but they were always had this anticipation of our visits. And that's the key. The key is this. And I'm trying to remember the name of the researcher who did the research, and I'm sorry to put my mind right now. But there's a researcher who did some research who went into a retirement home. And took two test groups and asked them the same question. Where will you be in 10 years? And what do you want to achieve 10 years from now? That's the same question. They all answered. And he said group A and group B, group B did nothing with. But group A, he assisted them in laying out a plan of goals, going 10 years, 5 years, 2 years, 1 years, 6 months, 3 months. Wow. And he set up a goal system for them to go through that. When they came back, 5 years later, group A, one person had died. That's a group of the goals. With the goals. Group B, 60% of the people were dead within 5 years. Wow. Isn't that fascinating? That is so amazing. It's so important for us to have something that we're moving towards. And it's interesting because we've got this recession going on right now. I'm going to talk about that in the next podcast. But a lot of people are going to start looking forward. They'll look forward to their negative sense. Right? Only their negative sense. Rather than looking at where they're going to. So tips for today, of course, lift weights. Get some weight. Get some resistance training at least. Breathe, meditate, be aware of your emotions. Get the stress down. Get the stress levels down. Make sure you're taking care of your nutrition. Now interestingly, this is the Mind Mastery podcast. Well, you know what? All those things tie into your mind. Do they affect the mind? They do. And so it's spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. Those things have to come together. Yeah. And a clear mind comes from those. Awesome. It's been a great episode. If someone wants to know more about the Baron Mastery Institute, where could they go? Go to That's And you can find out all about the workshops and programs and books and audios and videos. And all kinds of great things on that. Awesome. All right. You've been listening to the Mind Mastery podcast. Thank you very much for joining us, everybody. And we'll see you next time. Thanks, God. [MUSIC] This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit