(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back everybody. You're listening to the Mind Masked Podcast, with Bob Barron and Scott Patton. I'm Scott. You're a dog? - I'm definitely a dog. - I'm definitely a dog. - I've been seriously going on. - We've been talking about the eagle last few times, and I have to say that I see you. You see me, it certainly looks like we're separate, but it's cool to know that we're not. - No, we're not. We're all connected and we're connected through fields. - Fields of energy, fields of information. - So this is like quantum fields? - Yeah, it's quantum fields. - Because I know one of your area of expertise is a lot of the quantum physics and how that relates to us on a everyday level. So I'm kind of interested to hear about these fields. - Yeah, we, every human being has what's called a quantum resonance field. Or in human being cases, it is a quantum, personal, emotional resonance field. It's a field. (laughs) - I'm sitting here kind of going through each word, kind of, say that one more time. - Quantum, quantum, personal, emotional resonance field. - Okay, so now you have a field? - It's quantum, we're going down the moment. It's personalized and it's yours. - Right. - It's my field, it's not your field. - Exactly, it's your own field. That's why we can have different experiences. - Exactly. - It's an emotional field. So first quantum, personal, emotional in your, all your emotional history is stored in that field. - Okay. - It's your emotional history, not your history. - Right, my emotional history. - Personal, emotional resonance and that's the frequency of that field. - Okay. - So, your field, my field, our fields contain our emotional history. So what that means is that you and I are walking down the street. - Yeah. - A guy walks up, sticks out his tongues. You and I walk inside my side, a guy walks out, sticks out his tongue and says one, two, three PSB. - Right. - Yeah. - So he says to us. Now, we walk away from that experience and we might even talk about that experience. However, with time, if we look at it, we would have had an emotional response to that experience. - Yeah. You might have laughed at the guy. I thought that was funny and I might have been upset and wanted to punch him for sticking out his tongue at me. - Exactly. - So the totally different reactions from two different people. - And those totally different reactions are actually totally different emotional experiences. - Right. - So now, if I laughed, that goes into my field because it's an emotional response. And the next time I see somebody say, no, that's all. It reminds me that guy makes me laugh again. - Actually, I was thinking because you had some experience as a kid with somebody sticking out of the tongue that you thought was hilarious and so it responded because of that. You're just a good man, you're out of the game. That's exactly what I was going to go. So now I'm seeing that in the future. Reminds me of this guy's tongue when you and I walk into the street, which reminds me of something in my history, because my emotional history is held in my field. Now you, on the other hand, wanted to punch the guy in the nose because of the guy's tongue, the next time you're going down the street and you should somebody sticking out of that tongue, even though it's not a you, you can feel the anger and the frustration blow up in you because it reminds you of the guy who stuck his tongue out of us when we walk into the street. But it also reminds you of the bully at school who'll use that to you. That's right. So these are personal emotional resonance fields. Right. And those fields are broadcasting out into the universe and they're broadcasting out our emotional history and attracting to us anything that matches that field. So that's why we have our history. Keep repeating to us over and over and over and over and over again. Just same stuff. Just keeps coming back. That's why there's so much repetition in our lives because we've not looked at what is the emotional or subjective meaning we've given any given experience. I see. And we can change that resonance. So we can change that field so that we no longer have. Of course, this is assuming that the experience is one we don't want to have over and over and over again. Exactly. You may have an experience that you're the love. Yeah. Fantastic. You don't want to change the album. We're the good ones. We're the good ones. We're the good ones. Right. But you want to have the empowerment to change the ones you don't like. If you're constantly seeing that you keep attracting the same kind of partners or the same kind of business partners or the same kind of employees or employers or whatever it is. You want to take some partners in terms of a relationship. Yeah. Or business. It doesn't matter. You know, all of those. Yes. So you want to pay attention to that because that's coming out of your field is determining what you're attracting. Now. So how do we change that? Because as I'm listening to you, I'm thinking of things that have repeated themselves. Like it's interesting because I'm single and I'm meeting lots of women. And I'm actually able to go, "Oh, she's very similar to that gal." Right. And, "Oh, she's very similar to this other woman that I left with." And I'm thinking, "Huh." So you start getting an awareness that the only common denominator is you. That's right. See, this is the big key to enlightenment. It's understanding that you are the common denominator of all your experiences. Not then. No. That's right. So you keep getting the same thing, which means you are that source. You are the original source. And the cool thing about the universe is, is it doesn't look like I had anything to do with it. No. Exactly. It just looks like doing me. They came into my life. They approached me. I didn't approach that. Exactly. But, of course, when you talk about resonance and attraction, then I'm putting that out and I'm attracting it. And if, like we talked in our last podcast, 3%, 2%, conscious, 97% unconscious, then what am I doing on the unconscious level is pulling those people forward. Exactly. So we're pulling these people towards us in order for us to be triggered, which is important, by the way, to be triggered into this original source in our history. So when we're triggered, that gives us the emotional impetus to, like, the power to move and change. Because if we're not triggered, we'll probably just say, "Oh well." If you're not triggered, then there's no healing. There's no growth. There's no potential. No change. If you're triggered, there are only two options. Do what you always do, or do something different. That's it. If you do what you always do, you just simply compound whatever the issue is. If, on the other hand, I mean, that's all what "deep" is about, the program "deep." It's understanding that everything that's coming at you is coming from a place in your history. So if you're triggered and you choose to deal with it differently, then you choose to say, "Okay, Bob just did this to me." That caused me a level six response, and really, his act was a level two response. It would have been an appropriate response, but I gave it a level six. I gave it a disproportionate response. If I gave a disproportionate response, that means it's coming out of my history. What does this remind me of is the question. What you're saying is, if I respond to something in an appropriate manner, no problem. But when I respond in an inappropriate manner, then that's how, when I need to look at it and say, "Okay, where is this coming from?" It's coming from my history somewhere, so, "Okay, and then I can go back and look at my history." Yeah, that's the question. What does this remind me of? It reminds me of when I was in grade four, and Susie did something, and I did something, and then she threw her cake at me. It reminds me of my dad. It reminds me of looking at my dad, and my dad coming home from work, grumpy, and speaking to me through the newspaper. I feel ignored by this person, and I was talking to them, and they were not giving me any context, and they just really pissed me off. When I gave them a level six response, when really they were busy, and if I look at it logically, it was, you know, they weren't really ignoring me, they were just busy. But if I asked, "Well, why was I even such a big response there?" What was it, it reminds me of my dad talking to my mom and talking to me through the newspaper when he came home from work? Oh, it's my history. Alright. Once we start seeing this, my history, then he's got to go, "Oh, this is Bob, it's not my dad." And so we start to heal those things. I don't have to treat Bob the way I treated my dad. Exactly. So there's this constant resonance in our field, this energy in our field that's going out, that's attracting to situations and circumstances that will trigger us to look at our history. And once we look at our history, we start to heal it, and we start to heal how we're interacting in the world. This is fascinating. Now what's interesting about that is, what we're talking about here is personal, this keyword here, personal emotional resonance fields. Your personal field is your personal field, but your field and my field are interacting when we come together. Right. Now what's interesting about that is my field is a frequency of resonance, yours has a frequency and a resonance, and in order for us to interact, there has to be a level of matching in those two fields. Right. This would be a connection. Yeah. Otherwise, we just never would have connected. Scott and I would have never mapped. You would have been, "Eh, no, or I would have been too busy or whatever." Just wouldn't have connected. But something in our field had to match for us to be pulled together. Right. Now if you think about that, and you start realizing that everybody in your life is there for a purpose then. Yeah. You'll also realize that situations are there for a purpose. So you're pulled into certain situations. Why did you walk in the bank at that particular time when that was going on? Yeah. I ask myself that question all the time. Right. Because I'll be driving along, and let's say it's two in the morning, and I'm driving along, and I'm coming to a stop sign or a stop light that's flashing green. And all of a sudden it turns red, because at 2.08 AM, some guy was crossing the street there, pushed a little button and turned it red so he could cross. Right. While I was there, why didn't he leave ten minutes later, or I leave ten minutes earlier? Right. There was just no way that's a coincidence, in my perspective. Right. Wow. You know, that's the interesting thing about, you know, so now we start tying it in and understanding here. So your intuition, if you want to understand what it is, is the place between you, as in your own sense itself, and your field. So your intuition is telling you what's in your field, and what's coming up in your field. And the interesting thing about your intuition is, the only way you'll know it's good is if you're not aware of it. It's kind of fascinating, really. So give me an example. You're driving down the road, you're going from downtown, and you're driving to a place of suburb that's ten miles out. Yeah. Okay. And you're driving along, and you've built your awareness around your intuition, and you listen to it. You're paying attention. And all of a sudden you get this instinct, instead of going your normal way, turn right here and go that way. Okay. Then you turn right and you go that way, whatever that way is. And then you arrive at your destination, and nothing happens. Right. It's easier to say, well, I guess my intuition was wrong. No, the way you know your intuition was on was nothing happened. Right. Because if you'd have gone the other way, maybe you'd have stuck in traffic, maybe somebody to walk down the street, maybe a dog would have ran out in the street. You know, okay, you won't know. Right. So your intuition was actually guiding you from away from those things. It's the intermediary between you and your field. Right. The interesting thing about it, as I said, is situations also have these fields. So you get pulled into a situation that is also there to help you and guide you and trigger you as well. Mm-hmm. And the information is also held in a field. Now this is a whole other area, but I'm just going to touch on it here. Maybe we'll get to it in a later call. Yeah. But information is held in fields too. I'll give you a great example that relates to a podcast we did a few weeks ago. Okay. You talked about going to a meditation and there were three people when the WWF spiritual wrestling contest. Three people were channeling different spirits and they were arguing. Right. Which was funny to watch. I don't know if I've told you this before, but years ago I was invited to go to a place where some lady was going to be channeling. And of course I've been on the spiritual path for many years and I'm interested. I'm always one of the most curious to watch them. Whether you believe they're actually... Right. And you know, I've really grown up virtually around that whole phenomenon. I'm very familiar with it. I read Edgy Casey in my 20s who was also a channel. Right. It wasn't called the channel in those days. I read Jane Roberts when the book was new. So you know, I mean I was around all that stuff. And of course I was into Lazarus and Jay-Z Knight and all those kinds of things were not new to me. And I remember probably about about 15, 16 years ago that I got invited to go see this lady who was going to be channeling. Okay, I'll go. So we got there and we were standing in this circle of people who were all breathing and meditating and doing that thing. In preparation for this woman going into her state in order to channel. Right. And so we're all doing there and then she starts doing her Funky Chicken thing. You know, everybody has their own little ritual to do and she had her little ritual to go into the channel. And I suddenly looked at the guy who had invited me and I said, "Who's she channeling?" And he said, "Jesus." And I said, "Oh, fair enough." You know, I'm very casual about it. Okay, fair enough. So all of a sudden she finishes her Funky Chicken. She says a couple of words. And then she goes around the circle and she speaks directly with each person, probably ten of us, speaks with each person. And we can't really hear what she's saying to anybody else, but she's whispering in their ear. And she gets to me after she, and I'm probably about seven, three, thin line. So he gets to me. She whispers something to me. And when she's very sorry to me, I take the hands of the person who's next to me on my right and the person in the hands of the left on my left. Join their hands and I walk out. And my friend, who was probably number four, runs after me and says, "What are you doing? What's going on? What's going on?" She says, "Why? Why are you going home?" I said, "There's nothing here for me." And he says, "You can't be like that." And he said, "You don't understand. There's nothing here for me. Why?" She's channeling Jesus. "I've been here for months and the teachings are beautiful." I said, "I'm glad you find that. There's nothing here for me." And he says, "How do you know?" I said, "First of all, if Jesus was real, and I'm not saying that Jesus was or was not real, that's your own decision. But if Jesus was real and if Jesus was a master, first of all, let me ask you, where was Jesus born?" Well, he says, "In Israel, yes, Bethlehem, oh yeah." I said, "Okay, so Middle East, right?" Then he said, "Yeah, okay. What was Jesus' language?" He goes, "I don't know. Maybe Hebrew?" Probably Aramaic, actually. "Okay, so if Jesus was a master born in the Middle East, who spoke Aramaic probably Hebrew too, would Jesus be speaking to me with thy and thou?" And he says, "What do you mean?" I said, "Well, she said to me, 'Thou are my child.'" And I said, "That ain't Jesus." First of all, if it was the channel Jesus, if Jesus was channeling would speak in the same language as whatever you speak. So if you spoke Hindi, if you spoke Hindi, if you spoke Chinese, he would speak to you in Chinese, if you spoke English, he would speak to you in English. He would not speak to you in what's called King James English. And he said, "Well, what's she doing then?" I said, "She's channeling a pocket of information, a field of information." She has tuned her dial and she's tuned into a field of information from the time when the Bible was written in King James English, the time of King James. So it's all thy and thou. And what I know about that, because it's been my studies, is that biblical text is severely additive. There are many books missing. And on top of it, there are 12 to 20,000 mistranslations outside of everything else. So this woman is not teaching me anything. I can't pick up any Gideon's Bible in any hotel room from. There's nothing for me here. And although it's wonderful that she's doing what she's doing, and God bless her for whatever it is she's doing, there's nothing for me. She's simply plugged into a field of information, and she's downloading that, and then sprouting that out. So all information is held in pockets. And that's why the great minds of the world used imagination, Einstein used imagination. He thought that was the only thing right now. That's more important than all that you said. Okay, Einstein, you've got... Well, the Vinci, certainly. The Vinci tapped into all that. I mean, we can go into all kinds of people who were able to do that. But all they were doing was they were channeling into, tuning into fields of information. Musicians have that. Here he talked to some musicians like my son, just loves music, and it's very, very good in jazz. And we were talking about one day, and he says, "Yeah." He says, "It just comes through me. It just flows through. I get into this state, and it's beautiful." Right, and so that you tunes into a pocket of information. And so when you tune into that, it's like tuning your dial on a radio. You get into that. Now, just because you tune into it doesn't mean it's brilliant. That's one of the key things. Well, not all information is correct. Exactly. So you may be tuned into the third right? Exactly. And there are people who are doing that, and that's what I'm saying about this understanding of this lady. Her intention was good. Let's please understand that. But she was tuned into something that really was... The best, incomplete information. The best. And it was possibly damaging. So understanding that you can tune into a pocket of information, a field of information, and you can download that information. It doesn't mean it's right. It doesn't mean it's brilliant. And the other thing about this is one of my quotes is this. Just because you're spiritual doesn't mean you have permission to stop thinking. Right. Discernment is really important. Discernment. As you've heard me talk about, my great spiritual teacher told me, three things you'll need on the spiritual path. Number one, discernment. Number two, more discernment. And number three, even more discernment. Be discerning. That's right. About everything. Think for yourself. Think for yourself and think beyond yourself. Into the quantum fields. Tapping into the quantum fields. Going beyond your own consciousness. Tapping into the quantum fields. This is why meditation is good when I waste the tap into other fields. Understanding that you have a personal, emotional resonance field that's carrying around your frequency, your resonance, attracting to you. Things that will trigger you and bring you back to a place where you have the opportunity to do the same old crap, only worse. Or you have an opportunity to heal. It will pull you into circumstances, situations, do that. Your intuition will guide you through your field as it's an intermediary between your field and you, the soul. And you get to tap into anything you want, but please be discerning about it. Awesome. Well, thanks. That's been just a whole universe of information. I've been caught on a quantum level. That's great. Well, thank you everybody for joining us this week. We'll be back next week with some more Mind Mastery from the Mind Mastery Podcast, which you can listen to previous shows at themindmasterypodcast.com. And, Doug, has somebody wanted to learn more about your programs and your books and DVDs and stuff. Where could they go? You can go to www.barronmastery.com. B-A-R-O-N-M-A-S-T-E-R-Y.com. www.barronmastery.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Look forward to hearing your feedback and your comments. And just write them into us. We're always interested in, as Scott just said, in a previous podcast. If you write in enough questions and you write in enough comments, maybe you will even build the whole podcast around your comments and your questions. See y'all next week. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. [Music] This podcast is a part of the C-suite radio network. For more top business podcasts, visit c-suiteradio.com. [MUSIC PLAYING]