The New Earth, Eckhart Tolle and which Guru is the top guru? The ID the Ego and Spirituality in the New World unfolding before us... With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Length: 10:35 Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If You Enjoyed This, Please Go To "FANS OF THIS SHOW" On The RIGHT And Then Click On "BECOME A FAN". In Addition, PLEASE CLICK On The “SEND TO FRIENDS” At The Bottom Of This PodCast Episode…. COPY THE DATA And SEND THIS, and “My Pod Home Page URL”, To EVERYONE In Your ADDRESS BOOK…. FRIENDS Or ENEMIES! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF NEW EPISODES? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go To “Join my mailing list ” On The RIGHT………. When It Comes Up You Will See On This Page “Add me to dovbaron's mailing list:” ………. And Then type in your name and email address ………. Now Just Click “Save”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Technorati Tags: personal growth, success, The Secret, Dõv Baron, Scott Paton. Get bonus content on Patreon
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[Music] Welcome to the Mind Mastery podcast. Unlock the secrets to your mind and get everything you ever want to. Let's join our host, Delve Baron Scott Patton and change the app. [Music] Welcome back everybody. You're listening to the Mind Mastery podcast with Doug Barron and Scott Patton. Glad to have you back. Hey Delve, how are you doing today? Good Scott. Great to be here. Glad to do this. Good. Well, I see you've got a big frown on your forehead and we've been talking about what a wonderful new Earth this is. It's just unveiled in the last few months thanks to Oprah and Eckert Tall. And just wanted to get your opinion on that. Well, it's kind of interesting because Delve County is a level to this discussion. But the first of it is Eckhart himself, Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart is one of those guys who is an overnight success that took 20 years. Most people have never heard of him until Oprah introduced him to the world. Right. Most people don't know is that Eckhart is from the very town that we are in, the very city that we're in, is from Vancouver. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. He's actually German by birth but he lived here and has lived here for many, many years. And a lot of people don't know about him is that he used to wander around English Bay, which is the ocean side for those of you who don't know. Beautiful area. Beautiful area. And he was homeless and just wandered and was on his path. Yeah, very interesting guy and then he would stop and talk to people and people started to discover this guy like Fermina Wisdom. And a friend of mine many years ago, so we're talking closer to 15 years ago, was part of a meditation group where somebody invited Eckhart to come into their home and lead a meditation. Oh, nice. He came in and led meditations and the people were asking questions. The result of those questions was that those questions were transcribed and then they became the power of now. Okay. And that was the first book. So in truth, Eckhart has never written a book. He has his step transcribed and that's not a disparaging comment. It's just a fact, right? They're all transcribed from his wonderful answers. And I would be the first to say that I love Eckhart's work. I think he's a brilliant and enlightened man who has a lot to offer. And his knowledge is quite vast. And I, as you've heard me say before, traveled the world and studied with different teachers. We're all human. And one thing to remember about all of us. And so you can find the humanity in him and the things that we, you, me, whoever made judge about him. But the fact is, he's a pretty enlightened individual with a lot of really wonderful knowledge. However, he has become the new bandwagon. That everybody is jumping on as they do like to do. So he jumped on the secret, then we jumped on to act. Well, you know, the secret was all about attracting what it is that you want in your life through the law of attraction and Eckhart has made people aware of the ego. Well, again, you know this, that I've been teaching about attraction in the sense of the law of resonance for more than 20 years. And alongside of that, explaining the mind and how the mind works and that we have an ego. But now people are becoming aware of their ego. Wonderful. It's fabulous. The challenge with it has become that as you've heard me say in a previous talk when we talked about ego is I said everything you learn your ego learns. Right. And that's a very important thing to talk about because I understand it. Everything you learn your ego learns. And what that means is that the Eckhart's teachings in themselves are spectacular. Just as if you want to say so, the teachings of a teacher by the name of Jesus as teachings were spectacular. The teachings of a teacher called Buddha. Right. In and of themselves, the teachings were marvelous. Teacher called Mohammed. Marvelous teachings. What's done with those teachings is what becomes the problem. Right. It's not the teaching. It's not the actual philosophy, the message. It's the interpretation of the message and how we're supposed to be because of it. And one of the things that I'm seeing as a result of the, what I call the newest phenomenon or the tole a phenomenon is there is a lot of spiritual ego. And spiritual ego means the ego using spiritual language so that people think that better than everybody else. Right. So, you know, they go, "Well, you know, I read Eckhart's book. And I've realized I don't need to look at deal with anything. I just have to be present." Well, I got news for you. You live in the real world, in the physical world, that's filled with distractions. And the journey is to be as present as you can, understanding those distractions, but also understanding that you are going to get off track. And a lot of people think they're enlightened because they read the power of now. They're almost speaks or the new earth, which are his new books. And as I said, the knowledge in them is wonderful. But we have to be careful with anything. And I'm not just talking about Eckhart's stuff. Even with people who read my books or come to my workshops is these things are not weapons for you to use. And other people waste to elevate yourself above other people. That's nonsense. Yeah. One of my favorite things is there's two ways to have the tallest building in town. One is to build it and the other is to knock all the other ones down. Right. Be careful. They were not doing stuff that inadvertently knocks other people down. And that's a great statement because that is unfortunately what a lot of people do. They do, as I said, can play the spiritual ego game. And they, you know, I'm better than you and become spiritual snubbery. You remind me of, and it was about four years ago, I was invited to a meditation. And it was being led by a particular individual who had a certain philosophy or channeled a certain, I don't 100% sure because I was just invited and I wasn't paying much attention. But the, you know, that would be an interesting experience. And it was an interesting experience in a way that I hadn't. Could never have imagined because there was about 15 other people that were invited. And three of those other people channeled higher level beings, quote unquote, right? Like Uma Gaffa and Zongwei and Zungwei and Bafa, you know. And so, and it's interesting how fear works, right? Because this, I believe it was a woman that was leading the meditation, you know, chatted for a little while, everyone was there and we got kind of comfortable and she's looking to start. And before she could start, one of the individuals, a channel of Fufu Lala, stepped up and started saying that this was bad and wrong and evil and we shouldn't be participating. And then another person that channeled, one of the other spirits, jumped up. And another one jumped up. And the next thing you know, we have these three channel sessions going on of these evidently higher level entities arguing amongst themselves whether this thing should go on or not. Exactly. And I was just like, well, I was ready to kind of leave. But it was just such a fascinating thing. Because obviously you can sell tickets, man. That's what it means. But it doesn't even have some spirituality, right? Like wrestling, federation of spirituality. One point of body slam on one of the next one did an arm twist and it was really quite amazing to watch. Because, I mean, I had come there with the idea of I'm here to learn and to have this experience. And what I thought of the experience would be the notation, not watching three entities fight through three videos. But maybe if you think about it, you know, isn't this where we're at? You know, they've got new age people, spiritual people. And I know one of them, but not in that way. I mean, I believe in spirituality. I don't particularly follow a religion as such. Therefore, I'm in the class of easy to put me in the box of spiritual new age. It's not what I am, but it's easy to put me in that box. But if you look around at all this bullshit spiritual ego that's going on is, you know, it still minds better than yours. And so it used to be the Catholics against the Protestants, the Jews against the Muslims, the Muslims against the Jews, you know, I mean, the Muslims against the Hindus. I mean, you know, everybody's been a religion battling against another religion. Right. And now you've got infighting in this new age stuff is because of my guru's better than your guru. Right. You know, it used to be like when we were kids used to say, my dad can beat up your dad. My dad's a fireman. I mean, it's the same shit. We're playing the same ego games. That's right. But now we're using spirituality, and we're using the teachings of Eckhart totally versus the teachings of the secret. We're using the teachings of Dov against the teachings of somebody else. No one's better. Right. Get off the whole spiritual ego game. Get off the whole consciousness snubbery thing. Everybody's on their own path. And check yourself. I'm going to challenge you to really check yourself. All of you, as you listen, and check yourself. Just pay attention, whether you're making yourself better than somebody else. Because you took a certain workshop, or you've done a certain amount of therapy, or because you've read a certain book, or any of those things. I will tell you this is one of my strongest sayings, and that's this. I have traveled the world and studied with different spiritual masters. I've read more books than most small libraries. But what I can tell you for sure is, I'm no better than you. I'm simply a traveler along the path. That's it. And my teachings are not better than anybody else's. They're just the right teachings for you when you find them. And because your residents will pull you to them, and when you're pulled to them, you'll be in the right place at the right time doing my work. But you've also heard me say is, maybe it's time for another teacher. Sometimes you just have to go and find a new teacher. Why? Not because the teachings are bad, but because your ego has gone so strong without teaching, your ego learned everything that's been taught. And now it's using it all against you, and you don't make any progress. So get off the spiritual ego. Yeah. And a really good test is when you're talking with somebody, and they're really, really excited about whatever it was they've learned, and you already know it. And the test then is, do you go, oh, yeah, yeah, I already know that stuff. I heard it before, and deflate them. Or do you just say, wow, like I can really see you're excited about what you've learned, and it's made a big impact on your life. And that's really exciting, and then have a conversation with them about it. Exactly. And oftentimes we just deflate the other person, you know, because it's all about ego. It's about unbeknown. And that's what you heard me talk about even in the programs I say, do you really know it? Yes, right. If you're not living it, you don't know it. So, you know, always watch those words that I know that. Because not only do you shut down your mind, but you end up shutting down the other person. The other person was talking to you. So, check your spiritual ego. And with that, we're going to sign off if you want to know more about my work and about our programs. You can go to That's And you can find out all about our programs and what it is we have to offer. Yeah, and if you want to hear any of our previous podcasts, that's so easy to do. The free They're all live right there. There's great information about that. Yeah, we'll hold that in a few seconds. [Music] This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit (chimes)