The Dov Baron Show

The Love Equation - Mind Mastery Podcast - Podcast #17

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2008
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This week Dov Baron and Scott Paton discuss the Love Equation. Length: 24:00 Get bonus content on Patreon

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Welcome back, everybody. You're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast with Dove Baron and Scott Patton. Hey, Dove. How are you doing today? Good stuff. Thank you. It's great to be here. Awesome. So we actually missed a week and It's the summertime so we can use that as kind of an excuse, but what's there's been a lot happening Yeah, so some would be a good excuse if it was because we were on the beach relaxing. Yes, but it's been anything but relaxing It's been pretty high gear. Well, you've been doing some filming. We've done filming We've been working on all kinds of projects. We just finished it the filming of our new DVD set called the equation for manifestation that will be out in the early fall 2008 2008 that will be available to everybody five DVD set should be absolutely fantastic Well, I was in the audience and it was an awesome awesome day So I'm really excited to see what the DVDs bring. Yeah, it's good With this of course as you saw, there's going to be actual sections of very powerful content Some very powerful exercises that I say take people through the equation for manifestation So they can manifest exactly what they want and one of the things that came up and we filmed it in that because it comes up is When people have gone through even EFM audio technology, which is the audio program that people can buy right when they go through that They had this sense that we're talking about manifesting something tangibles and then it can hold in their hands And then people said well, I want to manifest more confidence or something right characteristic and intense Yeah, I found that a fascinating part of the day. So it's cool in it. Oh, you can use this from yeah You can use it for an intangible like confidence, right? So on the DVD set will take you through a tangible and an intangible and then we get into some as you know because you were asking some of the questions Into some questions about it around the equation for manifestation But really about consciousness and focusing the mind and allowing you to do that So it takes you a little bit deeper still so it should be a very cool DVD set Yeah, I'm really looking forward to and it's interesting when you talked about the intangible part because you actually worked with an individual from the audience Mm-hmm, and it was amazing seeing the transformation in him as we watched right and then it's stuck because he did things he I think he did talk about confidence, right? It was confidence and he did the few things later on in the day that showed that he had a lot of confidence Well, I'll tell you but what you don't know and is because of course and we people watching the DVD won't know So here's some insight scoops. Yeah, it's the inside scoop. There's the secrets is that this guy wanted more confidence more social confidence And of course, we don't have our own video Afterwards, but there were several people who went for lunch with this guy while they were They're saying are you sure you need more confidence afterwards? He had bagged the confidence and he was chained to everybody and his wife was actually assisting me and just keeping me going And she said to me and he like what happened there because by the end of the day he was bubbling over with confidence, right? So, you know, of course it would have been cool if the camera like a reality will can attract him and sing because he had just way more confidence Right just for that. You know, we talked about it taking 28 days. I think it took 28 minutes Yeah, that's right He was up there and you could tell when he went up that he really was nervous and and he didn't feel that confident I read I noticed him earlier in in the morning when we were waiting to come in and he was just it sort of seemed to be Shine over in the corner and afterwards. It's totally totally different. Yeah, and everybody So a life transforming DVD. Yeah, it's very cool. Yeah, and you've got some very very interesting courses coming up In fact, you've already started the pre I don't know what it's what do you call it for the deep the pre-set? Oh, yeah, the modules the module. We've got we've got a lot of things going on first of all We've been editing several books that I'm working on right now the first of which will be Available but not out officially for for a little while but it'll be available actually as soon as next week What's the title of some people read my ebook called how to get Getting what you want to one you right getting where you want to one you and getting what you want to want you We've changed into a physical book that we've made into pocket size because people just love that right that that ebook because it's simple And so we made it into a pocket size book physical book that you literally can carry around with you because you can carry any book with it No, but you carry this little and it will literally fit in your pocket And you can flip through it while you're waiting for the boss or you're an unemployment wing to go into the doctors or whatever it is And it's just that so that will be available right away. Nice. We got other books We're working on as I said days those should be out towards the end of the fall and as you just said We've got several programs coming up. It's been a busy summer with programs But the program we got coming up is one that's we don't do very often and it's called deep I think it's one of your favorites to it's one of my favorites. It's one of the most exhausting and and It just takes everything I've got but it's one of my favorites because it's my baby It's it's the one that really gets down to the core of what it's all about for us and how that pro It's about going in and you know, it's kind of thinking of this way. We've got a computer It's got a virus on it. So you put an antivirus and you get rid of that. That's cool, but Deep is like a wreck finding out what's wrong with the programs and fixing the programs at a very basic level in fact fixing the master program that runs the other programs and So there's been three modules available for that the first three modules from the live event actually and People could listen to those and and they went in and there was home assignments. They'd do all home assignments and it's intense It's very intense. I mean, you would it's amazing. You should hear some of the It's so intense in fact. It sets off alarms. Yeah But it's it's interesting because we've been hearing from people who have had Literally live transformation just from the three modules. I was listening yesterday Somebody left me an audio testimonial and they said it's changed everything three modules nice And this is a seven-day intense retreat and these are the first three modules. It's shifting people Dramatically, so that's what's been going on with that. Nice when then the program for deep itself is September 2008 and We usually this will be the second time in eight years. We plan to do it in another two years But of course, it's different than other workshops. It's a as I said, it's a seven-day retreat, but aside from that you go qualify That's right. So you can't just write a check and say, oh, yeah, I'm coming. It's like you can write a check It doesn't mean you're coming. That's right Yeah, it's very it's very interesting how you do it because I don't know very many courses where you have a series of classes beforehand that you you do to prepare for the course Yeah, and then of course having taken some of your other courses in order to come right? Yeah, and then it's it's amazing for me because I I know Even as much as six to seven months ago. Oh, yeah, I've heard you're gonna be doing deep again I really want to come and then people start those modules and you know, no, I'm not gonna be coming They know it because it's too intense for them, right? And about other people who were saying well, I don't know if it's right for me and they've done the modules and go Wow, this really is quote-unquote deep. That's why it's called that And this really gets to the crux of it I am gonna do my best to qualify and you know It's a couple of people who I know were originally not having any not interested who have now done the modules who are going I've got to be there and they're really working hard to make sure they I know a couple of people that have told me the same thing Yeah, so that's really exciting. It is. It's very cool And you've done a few other courses in the last couple weeks - yeah, we've had quantum soul mates We've had quantum mind mastery That was so full that we're now we're actually had to run an over over spilled class Which is gonna take place at the end of August 2008 and that and so the over spilled class is now the size of the original class So you know people find out we're doing another one they're attending that We got people flying in from all over the place to come in for that including the UK nice and quantum soul mates We had already and these are five-day programs. We had a lady from Australia flying and so people come in from those ones too that was packed and that was that was cool because Some of the people well for about 50% of the people had been through quantum mind mastery a month before them So they turn out that had prepped right right right about 40% of the people in the room had been listening to the modules for deep So when they came into quantum soul mates They were they had already dug in and we said this was the deepest quantum soul mates We've ever done people were willing to go deeper look at deeper issues and really find out why have they been Recreating the same craft your relationship Well, why are they getting stuck in relationship with this and what happens and so we had people just on the fire with Clarity about oh now I get why I've done relationships the way I've done them What the heck has been going on and now exactly what to do you know that it get attract the right person because you know I don't care who you I don't care how pretty you are. I'm good looking you know Or I will not be looking you are if you don't clear that stuff You're gonna keep attracting the same kind of people right and they got it And so they've really got clear on how to attract and we put up in process So that are attracting what it is that they want nice dramatic shift Very exciting All right, so Let's talk a little bit more about the quantum soul mates Yeah, and can you just give a quick review of what the love equation is? Yeah, everybody the love equation is that everybody has a way in which they Have equated love to be so we have something called love strategies Which is a way that you specifically specifically need certain things to show up in order for you to feel loved right and those are Certain strategies delivered in a certain way, but a love equation is something else again. So a love equation is based on History and what that means is certain things happen and you've made up that that that is what happens when you fall in love So I'll give you a version of it. Okay from the program. You meet a person You go gaga you fall enough. Okay first part of the equation So you plus a person first part of the equation right fall in love next part of the equation as things go along They do things that hurt you or disappoint you hurt and disappointment that it gets buried or repressed now becomes resentment anger frustration next part of the equation, so we got person Love their disappointment her anger frustration next part of the equation, right? Yeah Numbness because we usually go numb for a while and rather than flying never get fed up with it We go numb right and then end of the relationship So if that's somebody's love equation What they do is they go there's no point in falling love because I'll just end up numb anyway Right so what happens is the brain the mind because the mind is always looking to protect us fast forwards and says listen No point in falling love, so this is why we get fearful about falling love because we've got these dummy equations Because what happens is we're basing all the equations on the worst all the potential that is based on the worst possible outcome Now what happens with that is plus you've already projected it into the future you got it So we've projected into future so now because the mind works in polarity it goes the other way So first of all it gets everything into the future based on history So it says well, you know your you dated Susie or you ate your daddy John or you married John or you married Susie And you went from meeting them to falling in love and then they disappointed you let you down And then you ended up in frustration and anger and pain and then you're there fighting and then you went numb and then you broke up That was how it worked right so no point in going there because it's just gonna be the same That's the first equation Okay, the second body equation is the polarity of the equation so the polarity of the equation is Of this one will be different So what it says is there are it's either gonna be exactly the same or it's gonna be polar opposite and the problem with that is That's part of our conditioning the problem with that is I'll give you an example During the program I asked there was a place and there's about halfway through the programs a five-day program So about halfway through the program. I said to people put your hand up if some of the things I've told you You kind of running in your head. I should know that. Why don't I know that right and people put up their hands Like you know more than 50% oh almost everybody put up their hands felt like they should have known a lot of the stuff That they were already being that I was sharing with them And I said now keep your hand up if you're embarrassed that you didn't know it and everybody kept up their hand I said, why would you be embarrassed and people gave their answers and all of us to but I said think of it this way I want you to think of it that you're all from Vancouver, Canada Okay, we're just making that up. It's not true. It was a mixed group, but let's say that And let's say you're all from Vancouver, Canada and that for your first language as well English English Now I pick all of you up and I dump you separately in Tokyo You don't know where the other people are but I dump you in Tokyo Are you embarrassed that you can't speak Japanese? No, of course not and I said well, why? Why wouldn't you be embarrassed? Oh because I speak English and I'm from Vancouver and you're in a Japanese country And there's no reason for you to know it right now. I said now. Let's now Let's have somebody come up to you and say why don't you speak Japanese? Are you gonna are you gonna be embarrassed that you don't be Japanese? Of course not. No, you're just gonna say I'm not from here Yeah, right. It's the same thing in relationships. We have this assumption that we should know But we don't know We don't know and nobody's ever shown us how to have healthy loving relationships But we're embarrassed that we that we don't know and part of the embarrassment is from this The way we're conditioned is that the reason your relationship hasn't worked is because you haven't found the right one yet Right huge mistake. Right. So we say it's of course I had a crappy relationship, but I dated an asshole Yeah, well the last person I was married to was a bitch, you know, and it's not true What it is is that we're going in with no skills And so what we do is we bring out the worst in each other Rather than bringing out the best in each other So the truth is in order to find the one you must become the one so you're gonna work on you, right? And this is what I was explaining to these people so What happens is then? If you're operating out of that that mechanism then you say instead of is my equation We run to the polarity the polarity is what want to meet the right one all this will get canceled right? Which of course never gonna happen it does for a brief period Because you meet them and you fall in love. That's the best. Yeah, you're great And you actually cancel for us until you find yourself in the rest anyway Not change anything if you keep doing the same thing it's putting a different result your nutcase Yeah, you get the same result right so it's about changing that So it's about changing the equation your own equation about looking at where the equation comes from and then changing the equation And that's what a big piece of what we do you want some soul mates That's the create a new equation and actually we teach you is another piece of this, but it's very this is profound when you're an experience right is What we talk about is emotional currency? Now I can't go into this because it takes way long, but but I'll give you an overview It's all my emotional currency and emotional currency is there are things that you want in life So if you want a love for bread, what do you have to do? Hey go to the store and pay for it right so you go to the store you pay for it So first of all you have to find the right store the sales bread you'll put it on the hot Westo, right? So you have to find the right store and then you have to use money in some form whether that's a Visa card or debit card or cash or check Or whatever it is you have some form of payment You know to get what it is you want well we do the same thing emotionally There are things we emotionally want so we want to feel loved we want to feel appreciated want to feel significant We want to feel important You know whatever it is that you need to feel and everybody has their own Set of things that they need to feel and there's a currency So we pay it with an emotional currency and we actually show you what you've been and we don't write anything You write it all right We ask you questions that allow you to elicit that from yourself anything people go. Oh my god This is exactly what I've been doing all my life people 50-60 years old, you know and as young as 20 But you know they're going that is what I've been doing for years And I've been doing this in order to get that now that that is the bottom line of what you want to feel right? And the result is all the crappy relationships that we've had that just didn't work Mm-hmm and what I say is that that's not just primary relationships with your lover That's relationships you've had with your mom your dad your brothers your sisters your friends right just haven't worked Yeah, it's because you've been using this emotional currency So it fits into all aspects of our life not just the love across the board partner because because love is love it's we have different kinds in that we The appropriate behavior of that love is different right, but what we talk about is if you're using the analogy of bread and money Right is that sure you can pay by visa. You can pay by a direct Debit you can pay by cash you can pay by a check, but what happens if you go on with monopoly money? Do you get the bread no no they throw you out of stores they bugger off right? That's right Well, that's what we've been doing when we start understanding what the emotional currency we've been paying with we think it has value But it doesn't have value. It's seen so initially what happens is it's accepted and then somebody checks the telling us No, this is an awfully money So we've been paying with with a currency that doesn't work And so then we end up getting rejected and disappointed So we teach you how to use the the right currency to get exactly what it is that you want right? It's it's it's it sounds fascinating and profound because it's When you start understanding what you've been your love equation, it's like I've been using this to buy What it is that I want and it doesn't get me. I'll give you one simple example so somebody's currency is Doing things for somebody else constantly and it's called love by production So let me do more. Let me do more. Let me do the more I do than you'll love me And what I'm really looking for is for you to do things for me But I never give you a chance. I just keep doing them through here Right and then I feel all pissed off because I've been doing all this for you and you never do anything for me But I never told you I wanted that I just keep doing things for you and if I've got a language that says Going for a walk is how I show I love you and I'm always going for a walk with this person They but they want me to watch their car and windows or whatever Then the miscommunication, of course, we're not gonna get along. Yeah, and so if you don't know that Yeah, so this is way beyond a love language. This is an actual equation that's built inside of your mind And so it's canceling the equation and finding out what your love what your love language strategy is Right, this can be very different again So it really takes it way beyond anything that's done as far as I know anywhere in the world Relationally because I believe that the bottom line is this people are relational. Yeah human beings are relational We're not long as we are relational people tell themselves the one is but a bottom line is we are all relational We want to have relationships But nobody's trained us in how to do them and if you think and this is one of the big mistakes That you can operate in the world because men are from one planet and women from another All that does is compounds the conditioning. It doesn't make it any better. No, that's that's the problem It's a huge part of the problem. Yeah, so people keep doing the same stuff. Well, you know, well, I get excuse to give up Exactly. No, I can't sorry I can't relate to you because you're from Venus and I'm from Mars. I'm very convenient Yeah, well, you know what? Well, I just need to go to my cave so I don't have to be accountable for my feelings. Come on That's that's nonsense So this is really challenging all our conditioning and really having people dig in It's powerful that that really rocked people's world Profoundly right and and that was just a few weeks ago and now we got another quantum mind mastery coming up. So You're very powerful and some of those people are coming into that too. So it'll be cool. It's gonna be very very cool Yeah, awesome. So Davus somebody wanted to know more about the programs and Get the deep modules and all those sort of good things we've talked about where could they go if you go to baron Mastery calm. That's B a r o n a Sorry, and it's right again. It's B a r o n m That's in mother a S T E R Y Dot-com baron with one ah Mastery calm if you go there and you look into the programs and click on any of those programs And they'll take you through the pages that you need to go to and you can find out all about the different programs And there's actually some videos on there from people who attended the programs cool And there's also some articles and some other information. There's lots of great articles and Free books and audios that are all on there. And also if you go to my blog, which is dog D O V Baron B a r o n dot com dog Baron dot com. Yeah, you'll find lots of cool articles blog postings videos and Even some links to more podcasts that you may have missed great awesome And if you go to mindmastery podcast calm you can hear all of our previous Podcast full of great information and some exercises for you to do as well Yeah, there's some challenges on now, you know that make you think and make you grow and don't forget to leave us your comments We love hearing from you. We love hearing your comments We want to know if this is working for you and if there's something you would like to hear me talk about that's specifically of interest to you Leave us your questions. We will actually create a whole program around whatever it is that you want to know about Alright, so you've been listening to the mindmastery podcast with dog Baron. It's got pat and we'll see you next time everybody Bye This podcast is a part of the C suite radio network for more top business podcasts visit [MUSIC PLAYING]