The Truth Behind Outcomes that will Make You Rethink Your Goals
Discover the Difference Between Goals and Outcomes: An In-Depth Discussion of the Two Mentalities and How They Affect Your Success.
Leaders, are you stuck waiting for a better outcome? Do you strive for ever- changing goals? Your mentality may be the obstacle keeping you from success.
Today, we discuss the differences between outcome mentalities and goal mentalities. One main variance: the gratification!
Dov’s view: “A goal is a marker along the path, understanding that that path, that journey isn’t ending…and each one of those goals is emotionally driven…and then you proceed in the process of joy and celebration as you move closer towards, not when you get there. So with outcomes, we tend to say “I’ll be happy when” … everything is postponed to the future and that’s joy postponement.”
In this episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss the differences between goal and outcome mentality.
James is the founder of Shane Jeremy Media, Branding Talent and Actions of Compassion. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, he is a board member of the of Volken Foundation and has developed numerous programs and coached thousands of marketers world-wide on leadership and marketing.
Paton, an executive producer and co-host for over 35 podcasts, is an internationally renowned speaker and currently teaches courses in strategy, management, relationships and more for students in over 190 countries via Udemy. In addition, he is currently a podcaster with Life Enthusiast.
To find out more about Shane Jeremy James:
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To find out more about Scott Paton:
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I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions.
With gratitude, Dõv Baron
“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders.
P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”
To contact: Dov Baron International, and Authentic Paragon Alliance INC. Contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717”
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[music] Welcome to the Mind Mastery podcast. Unlock the secrets to your mind and get everything you ever want to. Let's join our host, Dove Baron Scott Patton and Shane King. [music] Hello everybody, you're listening to the Mind Mastery podcast. I'm your co-host Scott Patton along with Dove Baron. How are you doing today Dove? Excellent, thank you Scott. Great to be you, happy to be here and happy to get into this again. Awesome. But we've been going through a lot of the topics that came out of first access. And what we've decided to do for the next month or two is keep them a little bit shorter, get right into one topic so that we can cover them in a little bit more depth and give everybody kind of one thing to think about and one thing to kind of work on for the coming week. Because our plan is to put these out every week, right? Yeah, that's a great idea because as we talked about even in the last couple, which we're a little bit more hard hitting and a little more direct in which I actually said to people that I want to give you homework. That's right. And think about this and play it and see what works in your life and maybe write some notes in your journal. And I think that's a good sort of send-off point for what it is we're going to do over the next little while, which is let's get into a specific question, subject, and then give our listeners, you guys who are listening, a place of which to dig in so that you can really see, okay, am I applying this into my life? As we talked about in a previous one, in one of the most recent ones, about the three most dangerous words. That's right. Which are, I know that. And in that, I challenge you to say, well, do I really know it? And if you do, are you really applying it? And so, doing these sections this way, we're going to give you a chance to do that, even if your mind kicks in with, I know that it's to stop and say, well, do I? And let me listen to that because only one subject, do I really, am I really applying it? Like, as much as I need to apply it, to take my life to where I need to go. So I think it's a great difficult point. Yeah. And we want this to be more of a dialogue, too, or an interactive exercise. So as you're coming up with your insights in aha, like oftentimes, David, your events, you will ask people to share what did they learn, what were their aha moments. And of course, it's really hard for you to talk to your iPod or your car radio or your computer and say aha, this is what I got. And for us to actually hear it, right? What do you do? Yeah, what are you going to hear? We're not going to hear it. And we really like to get that feedback. So if you go to, that's, you can leave comments. And if you really want to take action, then leave a comment there about what you got out of the particular podcast episode that you listened to and what you're going to do. And you can even share some of your homework if you want. But one of the things about this, and you've heard me say this a lot of events, is the moment you share it, you know, by getting on there and writing in your comments and sharing it with us, the moment you do that, you begin to integrate it into your own being. That's right. Otherwise, it's just information swimming around in your brain. But when you actually make a comment on it, one of the things that we all know is that as soon as you start talking about it, you take it to a deeper level, you say, "Oh, I never thought about that." And that means this. So give us your feedback. Let's write in your comments where we're very excited to hear them. We always like hearing them. And it allows you to get a deeper understanding of what it is you've learned. Right. Okay. So in the first access, one of the things that I thought that you spoke about that was very, very interesting was the idea of an outcome mentality versus a goal. And I really like you to kind of expand on that, because I'm always setting goals, but I never actually heard of outcome mentality before. So what did you mean by that? Well, of course, since people, the great people like Zig-Ziegler were the great sales trainers of the late '60s and early '70s, and Ogman Dingo and all these great sales guys really helped us to understand this goal mentality of getting, you know, you're never going to get anywhere unless you set goals. And it wasn't new even then, but they're the ones who brought it to the forum and how important it was to set goals. And one of the things we talked about in one of my introductory programs is one of the reasons that people don't succeed, that they fail and struggle in their lives is they don't have any goals. They don't have any goals to go towards, and so they kind of meander through life. And so how important it is to set goals. At the same time, there is another mindset, and this mindset is called the outcome. The outcome mindset. The outcome mentality, and the outcome mentality is quite different. So first of all, let's start with the goal, the goal mentality. It's important to have a goal in anything and everything that you do. And for me, goals are a little bit different, and I don't set them the way other people tend to set them, we tend to say, well my goal is to be here by such and such a date. Here being whatever it is that you want to get to. And what we always say is, certainly you can set that kind of a goal. I want to have a promotion by the end of October in my company. I want to lose ten pounds by the end of the spring. You got good for the summer. All of those things, those are all goals. And what we always say is that goals are great, but goals will fall pretty fast if you don't stop and ask why. But why is more important than even the how or anything. So why do I want that promotion? Why do I want to lose that ten pounds? Why do I want to meet a partner? Why? And why is the emotional driver, which we've talked about in previous podcasts before, the why is so important because it's the emotion that we've got to getting involved. The interesting thing with that is that many people then don't understand that they have a goal but they've made it an outcome. And so what that means is they say, I want to lose ten pounds by the end of the spring or I want to be ten pounds lighter by the end of June in order to go into July and August being slender and fitting into my bikini. Well that's the guys of course, the girls have another goal. So you know, we have that and what we're saying in that is we'll be happy then, right? And immediately we have done that, we've shifted our goal into outcome mentality. And outcome mentality is a way to actually postpone your joy. That's one of the ways to understand the difference. So a goal is a marker along the path, understanding that that path, that journey isn't ending. It is continuing throughout your life until you die. And each one of those goals is emotionally driven. So you've asked the question why. And that you then proceed in the process of joy and celebration as you move closer towards not when you get there. So with outcomes we tend to say, I'll be happy when. I'll be happy when I leave school and get a job, I'll be happy when I get my own place and get away from my parents, I'll be happy when I meet a girl, I'll be happy when we get engaged. So you can't be happy now because it's in the future. Everything is postponed to the future and that's joy postponement. And that is outcome driven. So it's kind of like I enjoy hiking in the woods, right? So my goal when I go hiking in the woods is to get to the top of the mountain. So even though there's a beautiful mountain stream and even though the cedar smells great along the valley, I'm not enjoying any of that because I can't do it until I get to the top of the mountain. And so I end up missing the whole point, really, of the hike, which is to get out of nature and enjoy nature. Well if you think about it, it's two people, let's use that analogy because it's a great analogy. So you have two people side by side who are going to go on a hike to the top of the mountain. Okay? One of them is goal oriented and one of them is outcome oriented. Right. Okay? Healthy goal oriented person and outcome oriented person. The outcome oriented person stands at the bottom of the hike, looks at his friend and says, "I'll see you at the top." And that person will be driven to get to the top and they will certainly celebrate their victory at having gotten to the top because there's no doubt in my mind that they will get there first and they will cheer about how greatly they were to get to the top. And within a few moments of getting there and a few moments of the other person, the goal person arriving, they will be, the outcome person will be saying, "What's the next hike? What's the next..." Where are we going to go next? So that joy doesn't last. The healthy goal oriented person stands at the bottom, stands next to their friend and says, "Okay, I'll see you at the top of it, that's what you want to do." But they go up and they do smell the cedar and when they see the babbling brook go by, they put their hands in the beautiful cold water and they drink some of that cold water and they smell them out in there and they get to a place where there's a vista and they look out the view and see the smell for a better day to enjoy. Exactly. They take it in. They enjoy it. They find a beautiful wild flower along the way. They take it in a little bit more that they stop a little further up and they look back and they go, "Wow, I've climbed this flower already, isn't this fantastic?" And I still get all that way to go, but this was really great and they get to itself. The other person is impatient waiting for them to arrive because they want to go to the next outcome and this person's like, "Well, I'm going to sit here and celebrate and enjoy." Yeah, nothing like sitting on the top of the mountain in a nice beautiful warm sunny day, having your lunch and a glass of water and just laying back and feeling the mountain underneath you. But that's the distinction. Right. So there's a great analogy, thanks for bringing it up. Of the two people climbing the mountain, one is enjoying the journey. They set goals as markers to know that they're in a progress because if I was hiking and I didn't have the goal of getting to the top of the mountain, I could end up wandering around and... Yeah. Then you end up going down instead of up. That's right. So that goal is where I'm going to. Because the experience on the top of the mountain is something I enjoy. I enjoy that view and that vista. But if I didn't set that and I'm just wandering around the paths at the bottom, that's great, but I'm not really achieving what I wanted to achieve. Right. So we can see here that the way we're talking to my goals is a very different way than tradition has been thought of. And the way that goals are traditionally thought of are actually outcomes. So you're driving towards a grand outcome and then you're allowed to be happy and celebrate. But not for too long because you've got to pick the next goal. Right. And that's actually outcome mentality. Well, we're talking about healthy goal mentality, which is setting a goal as a marker, as a post, if you will, along the path to tell you you're going in the right direction. Notice whether you're going in the right direction, celebrate your progress along the way as you get there. And when you get to wherever it is, thinking back about how much you enjoyed the journey, what it took for you to get there, what obstacles you had to overcome, what learning, you see, this is a very important part of this process, what learning took place with and with outcome orientation and outcome mentality, we don't think about the learning, we're just driven to get to the outcome. And so that's why many people who are outcome oriented fail miserably and never succeed because they never learn in the process. But somebody who's doing a healthy goal process has a goal of getting to that place, but at the same time, as they're traveling along the way so they have many goals to their goal, they stop and they reevaluate, they look back. And one of the things we teach in our business programs is what worked, what didn't work, what needs to change. Yeah. That's the same process, those three questions, if you're goal oriented in a healthy manner. So we're going to this final place, but along the way we've got these mini goals, we stop and we evaluate and say, what worked, what didn't work, what needs to change. Yeah. What worked, what didn't work, what needed to change? Yeah. Three really important questions. Exactly. So I think we need to give everybody a little bit of homework around their goals and their outcome mentalities. Absolutely. And the first thing I would suggest is that I would suggest that you set a future goal, something that you want to get towards, pick a date of when you'd like to achieve it, understanding that that date is not written in stone and understanding that you're open to guidance. What that means is that the universe is infinitely more intelligent than you and so don't get too rigid. Right. Right. So flexible. Have some flexibility. So pick the goal that you want to get to, ask yourself the question why, why do I want to go to this? And if you can come up with something that emotionally charges you, you haven't got a goal that's yours, you've got to go with someone else's. To find a goal that really has you emotionally on fire with getting to it, then set a series of mini goals so those are the market posts that tell you you're going in the right direction, stop and evaluate asking the three questions. What works, what didn't work, what needs to change. And then as a final piece of homework, what I'd actually do is to be retrospective. Go back, go back on your life and look at where you've got to an outcome and felt miserable. So you thought you set a goal where in fact what you've done is you set an outcome, you've got to it and then you were very unhappy when you got to it. And that would be a great way for you to know the distinction between goals and outcomes. Yeah. That's great. Awesome. So if somebody wants to know more about the programs that you offer, where should they go? Go to Baron B-A-R-O-N, that's a single law. So baronmastery-M-A-S-T-E-R-Y dot com, baronmastery dot com and you can find out all about the different programs that we offer in a wide variety of subjects, really covering all the aspects of life, whether that's your mind, your emotions, your finances, your relationships, and your health. Awesome. So as you've gone through this homework and this process, head over to and let us know what happened with you. Let us know what your aha moments are, what, what's saying what your goals are, a goal that you've got and what you plan on why you wanted to do that goal. Yeah, because we really are listening. We're excited to hear you feedback. That's right. We've been listening to the Mindmastery podcast with Scott Packard and Doug Baron and we're forward to getting the feedback from you to your health and to be aware of it. See you next time. Bye. Thank you. This podcast is a part of the C-Suite Radio Network. 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