The Dov Baron Show

Today: the Truth Behind all Realities in the World!

Broadcast on:
22 Apr 2008
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Today: the Truth Behind all Realities in the World!

How can you Attract the Right Forces for Your Reality. 

The 3 Day Event for Attracting Forces 

The Seven Characteristics of the Unified Field of Quantum Physics 

There is a connection between the fundamentals of all major religions and spiritualities and it can be explained via science. 

Almost all religions speak of a connecting force between people - science characterizes this as a unified field. 

In attracting force, we address these connections and the idea of personal realities. 

Today we discuss the secrets behind everyone’s realities? What keeps your reality together? How is your reality made? How can you broaden your own reality to take in new perspectives? How you can remove yourself from your old belief systems that are keeping you stuck?

In this episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss quantum physics and attracting the life you want. 

James is the founder of Shane Jeremy Media, Branding Talent and Actions of Compassion. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, he is a board member of the of Volken Foundation and has developed numerous programs and coached thousands of marketers world-wide on leadership and marketing.

Paton, an executive producer and co-host for over 35 podcasts, is an internationally renowned speaker and currently teaches courses in strategy, management, relationships and more for students in over 190 countries via Udemy. In addition, he is currently a podcaster with Life Enthusiast. 

To find out more about Shane Jeremy James: 

 To hear more about his books:

To find out more about Scott Paton:

 To hear more about his courses: 

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I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions.

With gratitude, Dõv Baron

“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders.

P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”

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[Music] Welcome to the Mind Mastery Podcast. I unlock the secrets to your mind and get everything you ever have. Welcome back everybody. You're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast with Doug Barron, Scott Patton. We'll see you again in a while. In our last podcast, we talked about the secret beyond the law of attraction. Some of my experiences with it and some great information about manifestation and how it happens. That's a one-day seminar that you put on, a real experiential workshop. Everybody does stuff. It's not just a lecture, which I really appreciate it. The next step in the evolution, of course, is the attracting force workshop. You talk a little bit about that at the secret beyond the law of attraction, but I wanted to kind of grill you and see if we can't find out some more of these manifestating secrets and how that happens in the attracting force. Absolutely. Happy to go into that. As you know, as you said, people who attend the secret beyond the law of attraction, it's a one-day event and it's getting that well known that we have people, as you saw, who flew in from Brazil, Croatia, and Australia. It was packed. You kept putting up more and more seats. I'm glad they didn't shut down the room. The hotel we got warmed because we were beyond the capacity of the room. You couldn't get through to go anywhere near the stage. For me, it was a challenge to get even up on the platform. It was great. People are coming in and they're understanding that this is a one-day event that is not just full of fluff. As you said, it's an experiential workshop. You get skills. You get tools. You get to understand. When you take that and you understand that that was a one-day event, an attracting force is a three-day event, and people say, "Well, is it really three days or two and a half days?" It's two and a half days. It's Friday night, Saturday, Sunday. However, Friday night, we start at seven, but we don't finish till 11. That's four hours of really meaty stuff right off the bat before we even get there. We've got to get all the groundwork in from where we're going to go. One of the things that we talk about in that program is we go into, or you haven't talked about it, is what I call dead-sexy research. I love this stuff. What it is is that it's the quantum understanding of how we work and how we interact in the universe. I'll go over the seven characteristics of the unified field. Now people go, "What the heck's that?" When you hear these characteristics laid out by a quantum mechanics expert, one of the leading ones in the world, and then you go, "My goodness, this has been in every spiritual teaching across the planet." We're seeing emerging of spiritual teaching and science. What I was saying on Saturday is that I spent a good part of my life traveling the world, studying with all these different spiritual masters, wanting to understand it got great understanding. Intuitively, soulfully knew it was true, got it, but that logical part of my brain was like, "Yeah, so what? Prove it." When I stumbled into quantum physics 24 years ago, it was the answer to all those things. Finally, now, 2008, people are actually seeing that. It's the new thing. Of course, there are those who have been around a long time doing that. But it's this understanding that it is profoundly the bridge between things. You see, you have Newtonian science, which is the old science, and you have spirituality, which seems to be very different paths in a very different direction, and they didn't seem to ever merge. It was kind of the clockwork universe. Exactly, clockwork, and it was all billiard ball reality. It was all, "A" each thing is separate. But the quantum realm explains how everything is connected, and whether it's Vedantic Hinduism, or whether it's Buddhism, or whether it's the Kabbalah, or whether it's even orthodox Catholicism. As examples, each one of those talks about something that connects us all. A web, if defining different terms, but that's the unified field in quantum physics. That's the quantum hologram in quantum mechanics. It doesn't matter what you call it. But it's interesting that there's all this scientific research that backs everything the great spiritual teachers have taught us. For me, it's amazing. It's incredible, actually, when you think about it. Yeah, it just brings it all together so that we can all pacify that part of us that just wants to be, you know, what's got to prove it. You know, it's interesting. We live in a world that has decided that everything has to be scientific, and that's what we've taken on. And that's fine, and I don't have a challenge with that. But we've taken that to mean that we actually have to be not skeptical, but pessimistic, and there's a distinction. You know, I'll say to people, I love skeptics. Skeptics are my favorites. They're great. I'm one. Yeah. And a skeptic does, you heard me talk about the whole thing about trying something up. A skeptic will try something on, look for the evidence, both in favor and against, and they will look at it from an objective position, and they'll try it on. Right. A pessimist will say it's rubbish, and just wash it out, and say no. So, if you think about that, everything and every part of our reality at some point was ludicrous. Right. I mean, it was a time when it was ludicrous idea, and at this point, it was round. Right. Completely outrageous idea. It was another ludicrous idea, and that was that we are not the center of the universe. Right. Now, those were outrageous ideas at one point in time. Yeah. So, we understand, of course, those are true scientifically, but the same science said, no, that's wrong. So, we get to understand that we cannot ever stay on holding on to a particular mindset that is going to be an expansion of it. And in attracting force, I actually show you that process of how we've expanded, what it means to us, and the potential of where it's going. So, the things that we are doing today, that many people consider to be miraculous, tomorrow will be everyday events. Right. Well, and if you look at television, everybody has a TV, probably. Ooh. Go back 200 years and take your TV and show somebody a TV show, and that would be magic. Well, you can get simpler than that. You can get even simpler than that. No, all you have to do is travel 100 years back in time and take your lighter with you. Yeah. Figure a lighter with you. Yeah. Take a flashlight with you. You know, wow, you know, you're a god. Right. Take a hand-held battery-powered flashlight with you. We're going to go back in time and we're going to go back 100 years. I'm going to use this flashlight in the dark and shine in somebody's eyes. You know, what? You're a demon. You're a god, you know. That's right. And it's something that, you know, we give away as little token gifts. That's right. We take these things for granted because we're used to them. So what if you understood that as the things that you automatically dismiss now, what if they're going to become the things that are everyday? Right. You know, one of the things I say is that if somebody has said to most people, even as little as, let's go back, even as little as 40 years ago, which is not a long time. And somebody said, listen, I've got this machine. If you give me one of your documents, I'll put this, I'll put your document in my machine, and somebody on the other side of the world is going to get that document in two to three minutes. That's a fax. Yeah. Right? Yeah. It would have been, are you nuts? Yeah. There's absolutely no way. Let's say, okay, now let's go back. Let's go back even 30 years. Let's say, I'm going to take your document, and I'm going to put it in my machine. And I'm going to transport it to the other side of the world in a matter of seconds. What are you talking about? I'm going to scan it, and I'm going to email it. Yeah. What are you talking about? Crazy. But we all do these things every single day. That's right. So what is waiting for us in our future that we're now dismissing? When you start thinking from that perspective, which is what we'll do in attracting force, when you start thinking from that perspective about how life works, suddenly you go, okay, what if what I'm dismissing, what if what I'm making impossible about me? Because this is what it all boils down to, right? Right. It's really not impossible. Maybe it's actually very possible. And so you actually will get experiences of doing things in our workshop that are just quote unquote impossible. You can't do them. There's no way. If I start, I won't give the game away. No. But if I was to say, you will be doing this, you go, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. Not going to happen. Not with this body. That's right. I hate to know. Not with this body. It's going to do that. I can't be here to do that and go, it's not going to happen. And then you have that experience and it's like, wow. And all it is, is the process of that workshop is just in that workshop, just simply taking away a couple of those layers for you to see the magnificence underneath you of what you're actually capable of. And this is just the stepping into the genius, the magnificence of what we really own. Right. That's really cool. I like to, I liken it to, we're in this little box and there's a door and we've never opened the door before in our lives and all of a sudden it's open like an inch and you can kind of peek out and you can see this huge mansion that's there that we had no idea that we were living in. There's, you know, there's all kinds of great analogies around that and the bottom line is that we live in the reality we live in, but we think that our reality is reality. And that's the distinction. Our reality is not reality, it's our reality. What I describe it as is each one of us lives in our own personal matrix. And that matrix is what we believe is real. But when you're introduced to step out of that matrix and view the vista of everybody else's matrix, then you suddenly go, whoa, mine's just a tiny little thing. One of my quotes from another one of my programs called Quantum Mind Mastery is this, is that a problem, whatever that problem may be, your problem is but a speck in the universe. However, to you, it may be the universe. That's a good one. And that's a great example of what we do. You know, you come out of a crappy relationship. You're a guy. You come out with a relationship. Oh, women suck. Yeah. You've met them all, have you? Yeah, that's true. You know, all men are assholes. Have you met them all? All three billion of them. Have you met them all? Well, no, but I know. Oh, yeah. You know. Yeah. But that's what is an example of. We make our reality the reality. And nobody has that ability. You can't know the reality. What you can do is broaden your own and keep broadening your own and start taking in bigger and bigger perspectives. And letting in more possibilities. You know, the demonstration you saw at the secret beyond the law of attraction is that we keep ourselves full. We're constantly keeping ourselves full. And what we're full of is our old information. We're not willing to let anything go. Yeah. We claim we want new stuff, but we're not going to let anything go. And that vessel is already full. And you've got to let some go in order to put some in. And what that means is to dump a few old ideas. You know, again, in one of the other programs we talked about, what old belief systems that you're running in, they're holding on to, that are really just not serving you. How they're keeping you stuck. Remove them. And what's what happens? Just remove them. What's what happens? Amazing possibilities open. That's right. In attracting force, we talk about a lot about the quantum. And we'll talk about how is reality made up. What is it that puts it together? What is it that we're all made of? At a scientific level. And is there any difference between me, you and that chair? We're all the same. But you've got to understand how that works and how you are directly playing into that at every possible level. And that's very cool. When you start to understand that everything is simply a frequency, a resonance. You know, we talk a lot about resonance. A resonance is a frequency, a particular note, if you will, in music. And everything is operating out of that frequency, out of that resonance. And that we're all music. And there is a symphony playing that's called Scott. It's Scott Patton. And it's this beautiful symphony that is the manifestation of you. And when the notes are off, then your body suffers, or your mind suffers, or your emotions suffer. And so you have to align the music again. Right. It's in the pianist's. They exactly tune the instrument. But if you put that little symphony inside the universal symphony, it could seem miniscule. But if that little frequency, that little symphony called Scott Patton, is out of sorts, it has an effect on the entire universe. That's just like if you were listening to an orchestra and one of the violins is out of tune, it puts everything just off that thing. And if you've not got really a tune, you'd listen and you go, something not quite right. I don't know what it is, where, of course, somebody who is an expert in music, let's say it's a conductor, knows exactly which violin it is, and knows exactly where it's off. And that's what it's about. So understanding, getting this high level of understanding yourself, where your particular violin is off. You just reminded me of a symphony I went to. And the conductor is conducting it and I'm like, you know, I am nowhere near any sort of musical expert in terms of my musical ear, right? And the conductor stopped and turned to one of the, I don't know what instrument he was playing, a violinist or a trumpet or whatever, and just said, are you conducting or am I? Really? Yeah. And, you know, whatever, I don't know if I didn't hear a response, right, and then he started up again. Obviously, this person was playing their own symphony, not paying attention to the bigger symphony. Right. And the conductor picked it up just, like, immediately, and it just stopped. Like, are you, I just, I mean, 500 people in this hall, right? Made them. And it just stopped. Are you conducting this or am I? So if you think about that, that's a great metaphor. One of the things you've heard me talk about, and again, we just touched on it in the "Secret of the Law of Retraction", one of the things you're going to be talking about there was that you are not your mind. Yes. But your mind is always busy doing whatever it does, but you're the observer of the mind unless you're not observing. So if you're not paying attention, your mind's just running things and you just think it's you. But even in, even in that, we'll show you that sense of stepping away from the mind and observing it, attracting people to get more of that. But if you think about that, so you, when you step away and you understand that you're not the mind, now you're the conductor of the orchestra. Yeah. But when you're not conducting, it's going to play whatever it plays. And so if the trumpets are playing one tune, the violins are playing another piano, they're playing a completely different one. The brass section are playing everyone, you know, every string section, everybody's playing different tunes. Until the conductor comes in and starts to conduct. Now let's say you start to get focused and you start to conduct. Then you say, okay, you stop paying attention. And you can start noticing, yeah, there's a lot of things in my life that are really working. But the relationship section of this symphony sucks. Yeah. Playing really out of tune. Yeah. So I almost have to pay attention to mentoring that section of the orchestra, which is my life. Right. Until it starts to play in harmony. And you see in that, this is when we come back to this responsibility against like, oh, all I got to do is watch. Because the results are constantly showing up. Yeah. You're getting constant feedback. We live in a feedback universe. That's what we are. We have feedback mechanisms. We live in a feedback loop. Pay attention. All the clues are constantly absolutely there. You get that. It's amazing. It's amazing. Absolutely. Of course. Yeah. Of course. When people come up to me and say to me, I can't believe I didn't know this stuff. Like this thing you just taught me in, this makes so much sense. It's so obvious. Why didn't I know it? Am I thick? Right. And I'll say no. You're trained not to know it. And of course we get the other response too, which you heard me talk about on the weekend. But you suddenly come up to me and say, oh, I already knew that, dog. Right. Right. And you know my response to that. Yeah. What is it? Are you living it? Exactly. You're living it. Just because you say you know it. Because the difference is not what you know, but what you do with what you know. That's right. Right. Knowledge is the information. Wisdom is the application of the information. Right. Very few people have wisdom. We live in information age. And we're overloaded with information. And people have got tons of that. And they'll spit out all kinds of stuff. But they've not integrated any of it. And that's why in our programs it's so different. Because as you heard me say, we use the master teaching method. Which is used by masters and apprentices. Which simply means, I will tell you. I will show you. I will watch you while you do it. Then you will do it. Back. That's just like a master and apprentice. Right. So that everything we're doing you get to do it. And everything, okay here's what we're doing. I'm going to do it for you. You'll see how it's done. Now you do it. Now you do it. And that's it's integrating. Constantly integrating. And that is why I believe people will come back. I mean you heard the event on Saturday. But people come back to secret beyond the law of rejection ten times. Yeah. There are students who've been to attracting force, I believe, every single time it's been on. There's one student in particular, maybe there's two, who have been to every single one. And there's somebody else who I banned from coming. Nothing wrong with this person whatsoever. A lovely person. It's not like they were horrible to people. It wasn't that. But I banned them for coming. And the reason I banned them from coming was because I sat them down one day. And I was very excited that they were coming back. And I sat them down and I said, "Tell me how you're using this in your life." And they couldn't. And I said, "You're not allowed to come." And they said, "Well why? I'm getting lots of it." And they said, "I know." But you know what? My purpose, my mission is not to have you pay and attend. I need to get paid, of course. But that's not my intention. My intention is to give you the tools to improve your life. Not to give you more stuff between your ears. That's a really good point. And often think that what I like to be is a master of my life. Right? And if you want to be a master at karate or writing or any skill, you have to do it more than once. Of course. And you have to practice it and practice it and practice it. But oftentimes people will go to one sensei and say, "Okay, show me how to break a board." And they'll go to the, you know, they'll hit a board once. And then they'll say, "Go to the next one. Show me how to do a spin kick or something." And it's just up. Well, no. It's like, yeah, it's nice to learn new things. It kind of gives us that feeling. But we never master anything. And then the poor guys out in the streets get mugged because he doesn't know how to defend himself. And he's been spending years learning martial arts. Exactly. It doesn't work. So I think we really need to take the tools that we have and practice using them properly. So that's what it is. That's why I said no to this person. This person didn't come to two in a row. And I called me and said, "Can I come?" And I said, "Let's find out." We thought it was on the phone for 10 minutes. And I said, "I'd love to have you there." Because now when you stand up and you talk to people about this information, you will be talking about how you have applied it in your life. The difference is made in your life. Because that's what it's about. It's putting it in your life. So, you know, attracting force is about really understanding what's possible. It's giving you this greater experience of what's possible in your life, what you're capable of, and the limits you've got on it. But, you know, understanding that you're way beyond all of that stuff. But at the same time, what are you going to do with this? That's right. How are you going to apply this? How are you going to apply this to your relationships? How are you going to apply this to your career? How are you going to apply this to your finances? How are you going to apply this to your health? How are you going to apply this to your spirituality? You know, whatever that is for you. It's that application. Taking action. Again, keep coming back to it. It's always it. And again, you know, I know for sure that people are looking for a magic bullet. They're looking for some magic wand, and they're going to certainly, you know, they're going to come to attracting force, and their life's going to be perfect. And, you know, I say to people, you go through every one of our programs, we have a whole series of them, you go through every one of our programs, and you will get the highest quality, and honestly, I will step any of our programs up against anyone else is in the world. I would take that challenge on. They are world class. I would agree. Spectacular. But they're not worth a sausage if you don't do something with them. Right. But when you're talking about the magic pill, I flash back to the Matrix. Right. With Morpheus and Neo. You know, here are two pills. They're both magic. One, you'll wake up and nothing. You'll think this was a dream. The other one, you'll wake up. And he thinks, "Oh, great." You know, and he was totally expecting, I think, to wake up and have this utopia or something. And where did he wake up? But, you know, bald and in a, you know, messy mechanical egg with muscles that were atrophied and everything else, right? Yeah, and that's a great point. You see, that's the other thing. You know, we talk about something very, very much deeper now. We're talking about enlightenment and awakening, you know. And we've got this crazy, westernized movie version of enlightenment. God knows what it is, but apparently he's supposed to wear white the entire time. If you're enlightened. And no mud ever gets on. Everything is Scotch God, including your own skin. And the whole idea with this is then the life is perfect. But awakening is constantly stepping into the awakening. It's a constant process. Enlightenment, you know, the Buddhist say enlightenment takes but a moment. But 500 years in process, right? And the other step of that is an enlightenment is gone in a moment. And what I always say is, in every moment, I am only one step away from illusion. And I am only one step away from enlightenment. So in every moment, so that doesn't mean I'm always an enlightened being. It means I'm always consciously aware of wanting to be an enlightened being and have to make those choices. But sometimes I don't, right? And then I have to catch myself and go, oh, I'm any illusion, step back on. And this is the great difference in what we teach is that we understand that enlightenment is an ongoing process. And even when you're there, you're not there. I've traveled the world study with these different masters. And I did all that before I studied psychology. And what I can tell you is, every one of them has some psychological stuff going on that they needed some help with. And they were certainly enlightened within their realm, but they had other areas that they had to work on. And a few of them were constantly doing that. One of my great enlightened masters was never left therapy. He was always in therapy. He went to therapy once a week. At that point, for 30 years, but he was incredibly enlightened. And he was enlightened because he kept putting in action, putting in action, putting in action. But he also understood that there were issues to be cleared, issues to clear. And if those issues were not cleared, they would get in the way of his enlightenment. And so for him, people said, how can you say he's enlightened when he goes to a shrink? And my response was, that's why I know he's enlightened. Because he's not got the illusion that he's enlightened. He reminded me of a story which I believe to be true of a very high level Tibetan monk. And he was doing something and somebody walked in in the room. And I think he was on the floor playing with some toys or something, right? Just like a little kid. And the person walked in and he looked up and got up and he said, let's just keep this between us and walked out, right? So, I mean, people are people are people. Well, we lied to, like I said, I think Tony Robbins said it recently. He said, we're a society that loves to build people up into them now. And we like to do both equally as fast. He said, the real winners are the people who can hang on while they're tearing you down. And that's why I love about Tony. They made Tony the god of personal development. And then everybody took pot shots at him, right? About his marriage, about his business, about whatever it was. And, you know, the guy stayed on top. And whether you like Tony Robbins or not, I admire the integrity of that. Because it's this understanding that we're all human. If you got skin, you got issues. That's right. As long as you got into skin, you got issues. And that's all there is to do with it. And I don't care who you are. I don't care whether you're the Dalai Lama. I've got great stories about the Dalai Lama. But I'll tell you in another program, but just, you know, his humanity. Well, that's the thing. You know, and he'd be the first person to say, I am not enlightened. He says, I am not enlightened. I am a monk. I am simply a monk. And I am always worried about somebody who tells you they're enlightened. Right? Because I'm also worried about those guys who are asking you for checks on a Sunday morning. On the TV. I don't particularly support anything that makes somebody better than me or me better than somebody else. The bottom line is, I'm doing what I'm doing. You're doing what you're doing. I've got something to offer you if it's what you want. And you may have something to offer me if it's what I want. And we both have to assess that. Well, and we're all part of the unified field. So that kind of makes us all sort of one, right? Exactly. So if you're all one, how can you have somebody above? There is no such thing. Right. So, awesome. That seems like a pretty good place to end this podcast. Awesome job as usual, Doug. Thank you. And I guess we'll do another one shortly after we've completed an attracting force. Yes, that'll be exciting. It'll be sparks will be coming out of your speakers, folks, or headsets. Exactly. Great being here. Thank you for having me, Scott. Doug, if somebody wants to know more about the programs that you offer or more about yourself or more information, I know you've got lots of videos and audios for people to listen to. Yep. You can go to, You can also go if you want to know about this particular program I was talking about. You can go to And if you go to baronmaster, you can find it on that, too. There's all kinds of, as Scott said, videos, short videos. There's audios, there's e-books, articles, all kinds of neat stuff that you can find. To find out information about me and what it is that my company does. We are a personal excellence company. We deliver skills and tools to help people live spectacular lives to live who they were born to be. Awesome. If you want to listen to previous podcast episodes, head over to Thank you. See you all next time, everybody. See you all next time, everybody. See you all next time, everybody. This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit .com. (logo chiming)